_E TRIm WEK LI WINE"'i,.?7 VOL L.] WINNSBQRO, 8. C., THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 27, 1865. [NUMBER 18. TUk TRI-WFE.LY NLWS: BY J.-. IDRIT/TJON. Til TRI. V EEKltY NEWS i-a polblii ,a x Tucesday, Thu,*Juay and SatLurdhay at s1*00 pert iopy. ADVMRTIftEMtNT., Will be insete - a! $5 N0 a 1isaro, ren l n e ar less conltitutiiw a -qeore. The Ke y toss. . A MAsONIq MONTI.T MAOAStNE. W AS oommenced on the FI RST OF JAN. UARY, 4865, 16 publication of a Monthly Magasine under'the above title, de. voted to the interest of the Ancient and henorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. I beliere that every good Mason will agree with me in the opinion that such a publica tion w#i1 be beneficial in enlightening our less informed brethren, and in dispensing many a calm, kind word of cheerfulness to the heartsand homes of thousands of wot. thy brothers, their widows 'and orphans. It will be my earnest purpose to bear wihat ever humble. ability 1 tay possess to make It a relialyie custodien of sound Nlasonke Law aud Tenets, ever adhering elosely to the Ancient Lpndniarr of the Crafi in all their pristine striigth and dytntnetrical beauty. Termblifg, lost I err, in clothing myself for so responsible an office, I shl engage upon the Kay SToNN such skilild editoRial talent as shall keep the lights well trinied and brightly burning, with the'sincert hope -that as our work goes' toth each. month, frota the quarries of our labor it may pass an Improved inspection and-be acceptable to -4he head and-to the neart of every good Master at whose home or hands it may be received. Maoene, - Ledges, Chapters,.. Councils and Jincmptnents will please evnd in their sub aoriptions at once. Address WM. B SMITH, Proprietor,, -Raleigh, N. C. Now Neady. T 31E January bumibet of Tus KRaYroNX, the only Masotile Magasi'e in the South. The OI-and Lodge of North Caro lina, at Raleigh, Dec. 7th, 1864, was pleas ed to pass the following resolution: Whereas, Brother WM. B. Smith. of this 0ity, has commenced the publication of a Menthly Periodical' devoted to th interesst' ;f the Masonic - F pternityv, entitled , THI Karstosarands m ;a M.otk4dAski kind ia very muqh needed by the Oraft through out the Confederate States., therefore, Rsoleed, That this Grand Lodge recom mend said work to the Subordinate Lodges and the Craft generally. feb,18'65 - Souetter- Literary 1Ietssoasgeo'. r NHIS long abtablished and well known . I. joernaleo Literature - having been re .,tently purchased by the subseribere,wilt, in ftstire, be eonducted exeluelvely under their cont-ol. In all its departanents, both b4si. nss and editorial, Ihe Messenger will be un der the -mansgement of an entirely new re gime; %nd. the Proprietors are sanguine 6f success in the future whiAh the Niasinehas disevrei'rbalised, if their friend and the public, sball yield them a support worthy of too Itolportant an enterprise, lookingtn the ad vaneemen of the highestliserory interest of the Oonfedemey. Argument or .appeal in behalf of the Im portane of an elevated litorature to our oosqat;sgho.absence of which had hitherto mad us a by-wotd of reproaches among the olden nasdons, 4nd even now militates igainst our interests abr d', eed not be addressed to those whom s oroclaV Is dlesigned to r~Adhi -; Bat to the attainment - of this .great end aomethlipg meore is necesary tban mere ver bial expreuteioni ofnympatby and encourage: motit. 1'Th friends of Aonfthern literature asu.st foste'r ibe effer a f r ii lary men to ieu5e fotu soa a worib positida i, tie ivwrld of ett'er,4. We desi i the Meddhpor-to be ait mter priep qtSup0rt of- li casses of .wr c ';11shall a6m ch0iefy to 0)enre for 0* os' ighest tio4 at the sagte e su +0ari es r lotibyte to. t T h d giv our at tent on to .atied sofb~it Qohtril)1tions fl'om Soutbern writers in Nil the depaimrtmnt CIto Litorsture. Poetry, Roance. '.leview. Critib .s~ jstshort, every ,subjqutcewhose proi-i heu suflicient to entitle it, to notice, will baJ share of attetit .We q licit the assistainco of our frieds in Confeileracy in the enlar ept o {{ s 1918 ist, which. mas 'bincreasedrto en us ,to ineet the h nay~ui e shall be sub re1,he reset ti4e priopsieo will be $1 for twelve tuonth v siz nonthp, If the order is t.eIted t March'i, 1968.' After thiatltetlklatt tion will be $12, for iwblve motti~.i tliu4 eubdI4 ~ thoe t'ffiS t~L OrdIEa z sc b eoaphnled with th' eseh. -Mr. George. 0.Wedderborn, foymerly of diler g..ow ,o(.tIlis oil , wIl o trol theji ite e of8 t seigs n ther g t theiro staLe Record of Nanaes, of De ceaied soldiers. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE COLUMBIA, January 16, 1865. U ER appointment by the Legislatur to prepare this Record, I earnestI, appeal to the families or friends of - our de ceased soldiers to sendtme at once their nanaei &6 . while there is an opportunity to secur accurato information. Hospitil registeri and reports of casualties from the army ar deficient in the information required; it must bo-obtained at home. The Record is ill dato back to Ihe beginniu of the war, and incinde all who have beet killed in battle or died of wounds receive( in battle, or from disease or accident. I you have been so fortunate as not to 1o0 friend or relative, yet, remember that it i noblo to rescue from oblivion the name o but one friendless youth who had gone fron your neighlborhood to die in our cause. Give-1. Natne in full 2. From whai istrict. 8. Rank. 4. Company. 6. Regiment and arm of service. 6. Died, year, month day. 7. Cause of death. and rtiarks (ai where hu died, age, previously wou'ided, &c. Circulars nnd blanks to be filled will bi sent to Such a-4 desire them. No fee orexpeni ig incurred by any One forhavingthercont mude. The-State is endeavoring-to-fulfill sacred obligation in securjing now, and re cording for posterity, the 'names of all bei sons who have fallen In this wair In 1602, the Convent ion tmanitnously resolved thai t his should he done. "as a token ofrespoi to tI heir memories, and a legacy of inest ima ile value totheir friends;" and theresolutior wam rent forth, by their 'order,,to be read it our regiments, battalio nd companie everywhere. Manf a brave soldier Mfa; havs died in nolitude or rushed upon the too with the thought In his heart that his nani: would be honorably preserved at home. feb 18'66-d8 WM J. RIVFgRs. To tie P'leuds of. alsso oidler THRROUG ROUT THE .CONFEDERAOY. QuAaraRNAsTaa GaN's DuPARTMNsT, Railroad -Bureau, Richmond, Feb. 20,'64. T PHE friends and. tlati~es of soldiers ir . the Army, of Northern Virginia are hero by notified that an arrangeuen' has this da; been effected with the Southern Exprea Company, to carry all packages of fnnid and wehritng apparel to Richmond, Va. To secure the advant'ages thus obtained through the Express Company, the followinp instructions must he observed: Packages must not contain more than oni hundred pontids; be well secured, and plainl; marked, and sent at the expese'of the ship. p'er teieslr of the'8oldfirs' lIellet Assoe6'c tions,.I'hich are located as follows: In North Carolina, at.. Raleigh; In South Carolina at Columbia; in Georgia, at Aogudti; in Alabama, at Montgomery, br to any other point at which one of these Associations hais an offile. ' ' The Agents of those Asa9clations.willthetre take chargo of tiesip, asd ship 4aily, by Southern Express dompany, to the prope, A gint' of the respeotive States at Richroond w ho *ill see thets distribtitedto the prope. individual owners. 'To meet the wishes of tle soldierp', and to Live them A certain and speedy cointno. tioui with home, tle Southta E$press (Iom pany has agreed to. give this ftelgit pfore esce over everythingelse ; tndin order. that no obstaele may occut to the suoeess of so laudable antenterprse 1t4e seversl gaifrpa companies ore hereby dested to renderthe -x press Oompany su chif,111ties as will na ble it, to make this arranement A colleta success. As the Southern Express .gempany as smies all respopsility of the Transpoita. tlon of these pao5qgee, jhe Relief Associa tiops are requested to withdraw their agents who have herelofi're' acted da trateinu amesbengers If theRelief Adsociation Irill establish ageneiesin-the -reatiOf other artw leo, they may enjoy the esae pravileges bye by secured to e arsyofk Norahetn Vir. ginla, F. W. SIM$, Approved, Lt. Col.anwd Qurta'tr. A. 11.- LAWOx, Quartermaiter G04'L Ovrrie.Souiusafth ExRnases Co, AugSwa,Ga.,jels, 20, 184. . The southernEgoresu Company hereb; notify the friends 'a n relat eI of soldiert in the Artpy of ;othetU VirginiA and'else 'where, that they hre prepared to sarry ou arrangarneIts as announced $a tlie. bovi -ard. ad that they-wil do all i the powe to fulfil its raquirements. .AMER SnUTER.: Gen'ltipp't and Aciing Pree t. febI18'6 JUST PUJlLlIHED, A youth qf ~rilliaa4 ta'let, who wass rinef ly. thauthtor of "Georgi -o~ss A.BOUT Iwo hundred and og~~ae c tate--well printek *rist t 4 3 biOvers. Written is Judge Lougatreet'sW iad tmost katsoron 'style. Nos $6, whtoh'We *ilsend a copy j postfaldtst "rt. of the Mlonfeee The listal dl s , yl ders sbnliehdh4~ . Rate* 6f' Postage. ON LTTRr . Single letters not exceeding a half ounce in weight, to any part of t e Confederate States, shall be 10 cents. An additional rate for ooh additional half ounce or less. Drop letters 2 cents each.,, In tite rovegoing oases, the postage to be prepaid by, stamps on stamped envelopes. Advertised lettdrs 2 cents each. os XxwsrAt1n4. Sent to regular and bona ;ide subscribers futu the office of publicatiob, and not, :ex ceeding 3 ounoces,in weight., - Weekly papers, 10 cents Wr quarter. Semi.Weekly paper, 10 ce s per quarter. Tri-Weekly paper, 20 c sna per quarter. Four times a week 50 cents per quarter. Five tines a week f,0 cents- pir quarter. S ix times a week, 60 cents per quarter. Doily paper 70 cents per quartor. ON PERtol)IOALs. Periodicals published' oft4er than semi monthly shall be charged as newspapers. Periodicals published monthly, not ex oceding 2j - ounces in weight. 2j cents per quarter ; and for every additional ounco or fraction of an ounce, 21 cents additional. Semi-monthly, double t1a 1 aTount. Ri-Bmonthly' or Quartorik, 2 cents hn ounce. ON TRANSINNT PRINTEDI NATTER. Every other newspaper. p phet, period ical, magasine, each - circuir not sealed, liandbill and engraving, n exceeding 8 ounteN in weight, 2 cents fo any distance, 2'cents additional for each additional ounce or less beyond the.firat thretiounces. In all oases, the postage tobe prepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes, Seostlserna Field asadt Fl vcrslde! - onAMD JITKR4ntY CO INATION T1HF, SOUTIHRN FiEL AE L i. FIRESIDE, Or A UoLSTA, oA., tND THB9 ILLUSTRATED M9RCURY, I .Vr RALK1oHI, N. C., 1 Combined'aed continued und r the old pop ular tille of. tI SOUTIHRN VIlLD AND FIRESIDE'. '"IHE Proprietors' of the Iercury having ipurchased the Soutiasw FIELD AND Finsetus, and-finding it imp ssible to make arrangements which would i sure a regular supply of paper, upon accoup,of the r.reg- .1 ularity and uncertainty of transportation for the FIsLD AMD' Fin1sita gtt Augusta, Ga., .1 the samo having to be sup lied from the 'I milld at 'Raleigh, Ns .,' Iav removed the PitLD AND Piasisr to Ral Igh and coM- a bined these two sterling Lit ary Journals. Tb. MaarnrIxe thareforaaargdio the J SoUTngsN FIELD AND FIREntu, and will be so published until the state' of the country WI 'jaotif' a divergement, when .bothpa per, will be resumed fnd coptinued as here. tofore. -Subscribers to both journals wilt reociv# t paper to the full tine of sub soriptin *It oht deliy or Interripilon."' Tlieentrelalhierialatd contribute oin oopb )of both pa ts, are regaired upon the emerg Ing journal. . It Is annoupeed, without-fear I of congraiotlon, that the ertensive and 1 .aplendIg stay of combined talont4'oir em- 1 ployed I witing for the F116 An Fau- I MIDR surpasses in gennine merit, ability. ce. & lebrity and 'numerical strength, any combi natIotoren'gagement ever before attained b in tie history of Periodical Litersture o' t Europe or Ajuierioa.1 'TERMStI One subsoribar, six mnonths, $20 0M' aK~eenbaoribers, ' : :::200 00 * Addres. W P. SMITH A CO. feb '5 Raleigh, N. C, PWospets a s4Ie omatservative. * P.UnLJeffe so 5L 4Nt wxltLr D *' X U.* NEA f IBY& CO., ItALEIGH, N. C. t Ia tttPL~s: - TMeruv Oonevatiuve platform --The su- i premacny.o the olvil over the n Iir laar., d A quiet subliidoa to all lags. whether t good..or bid. whi a they remain npon our' statute books. c s NO rebsnsteltttlon, of subiioni butlper- * Anbke front to.,the common enemy ,but tome'y aind epeSated negotiations a PeACs by the proper authorites, - a 'No sepr Ste Btee action through h Con. v ,optiotri..no' cuAteri revolution ;. no corm bMned resistance to the Government. Oppootibo tu despottsm in every. feort1 0 and t preration of kepublisp istitu We ev0 4atutmned i make the Vohwer vartse ahie a pihpetr,'fot the' seeinten.. and.-ofeoVepraieesi .sa te renderc a. vigoosesuport t qause q'Soutiern indepenj . Ti ,litratiop of Go0 honep t,' 1tfoi~ard'suiportete end de.n e fbtan V&sg lethNtolal admnistrk- : .jlen, wie eIoas lanet in e0a414*th at b6 whhia proper regard go~uth Iui:ktr 5 (BA~ Iq~4J,%.9 o ~P-p tw nobt J eAOmg$ a~tenpdoe sront7 pdilit.- si leal lu . gip4Joord. It seeks to- a sagberarsad' ali~sabsor'biag o otgtf stEA a~wW n is sIa h d po shiabte etCngess, d gin.a rlgegos $1U, ag ve4p aI ot ou c 5 ) Uoatederate Statesoeverm esaet lIon. J Arr DAVtS, of Miss., President. Ion. A. If. Stkvtxs, of ba., Vice-President. Th Cabfnel: r. P. BZ.ZJAtIN, of, La., SWecary State. 3. A. 'RN UOLM, Uf S. C.. 8tc ! of 'eaeury. I. C. linuorafuu, of Ky., seC'y of War. I. lt. anLoaY, of Vl,, Se'y of the Navy. lion. GEo. DAvas, of N. C., Attorney General. ron It. ReAUAN, 6f Texas, Postmaster 61M. Heads of Bureaus : - Rulis R. Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents. . E. W. Nelson, Sup't of Public Printing. len. 84ar Cooper, Adj't and Inspector Gen. ohn 8. Preston, Chief of Bureau of Con scription. 3rig-Oen. A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster0en. . P. Moore, Surgeon-General. 3. W. Johns, Medical Purveyor. 'A he Sounaerm Cossfederacy. A DAILY JOURNAL. FOR TilE ARMY AND 'TIlE PEOPLE. D EVOTED to the interest of the Soldiers of the Army of Tegnessee and the eo ple of the Confederate 8tates, being a lAtlonal Newspaper of news, Political, Mill ary, and bliscellaneous, Foreign and Do nestlo. prepared by ready writers and cor. espondents, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, The Editorial Department 9f the Southern ,onfederaoy inoludes a combinat ion -of po itical, literary and industrial talent, este natized in the several depatrimenis of en arged journaliem,'whose chief duty it will we to presernt the public a daily mirror of mopulur thought, action and event, after its awn fashion and from a purely, independent >oint of view. The News Dopartment of the Southern ;onfederacy will embr4oe a careful compila ion from all the Southern papers, and from ate Northern and Foreign sheeta-arrange nients having been effected for. the reception f these. * A large - andecapable circle of correspon ang frpin every section or interest, will "ttribute no little to the prompt collection f transpiring events. Especialjr will Ut be ur oate.to note Lie affairs of the army in ur front, upon which hangs (be destiny and a a great part the entire Sottth, A.very Krge Ohare of At'bention will be aid toinatters of a local interest, for which urpose: a, competent Local Editor, with an flicient staff of reporters, have been employ d. All communications should be addressed e.the. :DITdRS A D PROPRIETORS. 10, 18'60 outhern Confederacy. tile Reporter's Directory. dAanD ON PHONOGRAPHY. AO bjez publ!shed, a book with the .abcv title, prepared by the subscriber rho has had nearly twenty y'ears practice a Pholographic writing. having been atone me employM as n official reporter -In the . , nate, and who has been &or the last 6veeteen months, and is now reporter of lie Atlqnta .latelligencer. The Dioilonary will coitain indications, Y meins of a simple pomenclature, for wri., I in'g with 'Photo p hic letters, about 20,000 rord of'thW Egsh 'langiage, or'nihety ine one;hundreths of those in common use -tihogempinin Wot.being easily written f4 these are learned. ,'the intruction ofthelDietiodar', elm It istruction will be givenf fi beginners f- the tudy of PhonogrAphy, -with litho raphed llustratioas, prepared by one of Is bqt artists in .the Confederacy. The "t 9f. the publiation is to toake a STAN L M1 for Confederate Reporters, ad to ren e'r Itp.ssible for the much coveted and bean ffl Art of Reporting to :be learned even itifott the aid of a teacher. As the work will be expensive, new type I ay.in been procured expressly for It, only sma edition will be issned. Those who eitre copleA art reqOektid to, sed 'to the utboi their orders sit once, (to be recorded,) :cbmpanied with the price for the same, hteb,wiltbe h6ew dollars per copy. The o4 inpaper, aper, *nd suitable or use, a 411 b sen t Wall subscribirs by in with at additional expense. - A. , MARSHALL, -tfbeI-66 -Gtreta,Ga. KflX08#8I an~d holdlere'df the Seve~nth e R eghtiset of South rOewlina Cavalryg hrare aoabsentew~hontleeav qAre celled pen 1o return withoetIAtlay .,aq thefr om ' 'ieov to 'iae enbW'soidy. stf t w'4dz wsoIt".boy e 'make, the. mp~et ebutby emaing abseaA frot q i~po Ab te ers ~tbsy weakei cur be ublb 10 ' "- d i t6dtbd eW!deseters.' Tae destruohi otrailrpade -no excnse. rave men wil ake i'seir ,suruey en foot. otbaorsebe,as a rt'ia their pe~4 of tb *i~~ ~ ps* tor na ( ho n.R 2 0? TM OETNSS, ABSOCIATION, No telegraphic news was received up to the hour of going to pres. AT T1il1. OFOcE, WOOLEN O4 COT ton Ragi, for which mArket Price ifill be paid. [%p1 18'05 Niles' Itegister Revived. PROSPECTUS OF TIE COUNTRYMAN! N ILES' REGISTER, the most useful jouroal over issued in America, has been royived in the publication of The Countryman. This journal is a fac-similo of its original'in the number and esize of Its pages, Its typography, and all the features which gave value to the standard publica tions issued by Mr. Niles. Besides she features of Niles' Register, The Countryman has others which should render.it. till snore attrae.jye, to it: a de partment of elegant literature, rejecting the style or Yankee literiry journals, and mod eling itself after the best F4ttglish miscella. neous weeklies, but at thd same time being stamped with an independent, southern tone, original with and peculiar to itelf. I An altogether novel feature with it, is that it is published in the country on the editor's plantation, nine miles frotm any town or vil Iage, and-devotes much attention to agricul. Iure. rural sports, andi everything that in terests the-coutry gentlentan. The Coupitrymann is a handsome quarto, of sixteerjiges, published weekly on the edI tor's plantation, : near Batonton, Gs., to which all communications .should be ad tirossed, Our terms are $5 for three months, or$.0 per aunum. Sod all remittances by express. J. A. TURNER. feb 18'65 iatonton, Ga. A New Paper Ia ichmoan nd. ' - PROSPECTUS. HE undersigned propose te publish a Daily Paper, under the title of "The alichmond Herald," on or about the 1th >f January aIt. I4will be enItely Independent in polities, bu'l w'Ill nevertheless accord to the Adinn *stration a just support in all measures which, in the opinion of its conductors, may be deemed promotive of the -gedd of the cause in which we are engaged. A proper criticibm of such aet@ as will be eemed adverse to this'object, will be, of iourse, consistaut with the Independent ,haracter under which the paper is to be naugurated. In the matter of General News it will be ound to keep pace- with the leading jour ials o! the day, while it will have added.to t, in the matter of financial' intelligence a 'eature such as, we venture to say, no pa >er in the Confederacy can bost of. Edi orials from the pn of one of the ablest inanolal writers in this or any other ceoun ry will be presented in each number. For reasons not now proper to be men - ioped, we forbear to give the names of hose who shall compose the regular edito lal staff; but we flatter ourselves that rhen they shall appear, they will be found o constitute such an array of talent as can .ot be exdolled on this continent. The well known character of the indlvi lual whose name Appears below, as a sie iographio reporter, frinishes, we presume, guarantee that, in all that relates to im rortant political speeches rind debates. whether in legislative assemblies or out of hem, th i ".Ierald" will present advanta. es certainly rot to be excelled by any pa. ier in' the Confedernoy. - The farming interests will be faithfully indicated, and care taken to disseminate he earliest intelligehoe *hich a proper re ard fo the welfere of that great qlerent f national wealth and powei shall demand. In the snatter" of correct commercial in. elligence, equal zeal shall lp manifested, ur object being to assign to each of these eartments an editor'of known experience .nd ability. Arrangements are on foot by which to ecure the earligt foreigp news, and the aper will ocuntain sush editorial talent as till fully eluohaltle the bearing of foreign iplomos upon Sothern interests. 'In shbit, "'The Riehmond He ritld" will e foud to combtine avery feature of inter *t arhih the requirements of the present ris ddrnand. The eniterprise is respectfully commend dstio the. favor and patronage of the eiti esof the Southern Cotifederaey. ' a . P. KRAN & CO., feb 18'66 " . Siehtond,, Va, GOeges" orECidi'em [8 the tidle osf a cllection of admnirable Lltojes, rpoetl founded op facts, sad. hleo otilginAlfy -ppeared in the Botdhen 'reterui -and Cwa-ate Bapfiety,,over se signature of " CTcessa.' The rapid. sale of thsis work, (eve. 180 Ipieb hlgving been sold,) speaks well for the m~nr with which it has been recesved by the outhern publ e. There is notihfug mecta ian contaihWd'n itt, the authtm"tdjeptbe Ig taueninuctiton of Irua piety sIpongst, (ipeodn be prisditi g6 Pricer a ppitio;at %& kid4 BR ORE~teeerea. 4 thi es (5