W, 'tl 1-1; it~i t' T' VOL I: I " c*,TUEMDAY'VR 74 X-: #-_WR: IVY J.- R. B ITO . THE T1'ti-W!EKLY NifWS Is publistl(d in Tuesday, Thursday. and Ma tuday at $1,00 yjqr oopV- y. V, Wille Cinsertet at'&.0 M sqare, ten lints or less coAnstituting a squarr. DEGS LEAVRTO Bi l PADIES, .that she is prepar4 to rep .irnndre-shape Any work qtthis kilkd, endaust91 a4, her, will be in tsaliefaction, and at - Jionable cbarges. Qrdeis lift at the- I no, horo Hoit will be ptmtly attefided to a pill W05-i.-w4' M t e eit CiWOldea. EXHECUTN ,Y DFPA*TENT. COLUS.Dilk aich 2'. 1866. T lilt ffnvttasion 'of' h 81tate hO reodi4od it. proper that' tile Legislative DepetH. vtwnt of the Govorument of thq State .shob11l. be cotened, that ach, neaa4res -may be adnpted as the welfare nf tile qi may, r RIT, SP 18'86''. a A .M AT~ THIS: OPFIClj IWOOLIMt OR COT tQn Itngs, for )which zarket. pr1Ioe 11 lbe plaid. L V at ae Nilex' ncqtster IteviVe. PjtO8P P rj 'Q. F Tfll.E dOUO ACN I NT LES"'REtGISTER, 'themot~u N ~JouiiaI ever liued in Aqieric*, baaq be~qu.revived in* thme publication of The Countryman.* This'Journal Ii a fAd-sliie df .118 0 niginl the number avA. Awl its p.;jej, 4 typography, andahxeatfs Wl 0 1 gave value 0~b Ia I ~ l~b 13,td~Ah, p 4a pZ~u IIl~a~ ThelCountr mai'h i othil 1 cuhi part menX of:eeg skr ttlhrsk~q qA9t9~ 9l of. yankpetr~ .ual nd w le - Afrgtelf afeti69 1%hAIk misoelia. eus weekiek -but&I,the, shaeiaimibeingp PUSg1. With and jpvcitp~r to itse1 a 'A l "JeteVove)ttaf tire ith it, li at