AORI, , , 7865 - [NUMBER 10 15 Y'J. E. BJUITTON . '1lIE TitI-W EERi 'NlIWS is pablished on TIuesday, Thursoay Waut Shturdaye at 1.0(1 *per oupy. Ounysa-eannswe Will be fnseruta' at * IO'a square, ten line. or less constitutlngr a square, 6 . lM. ru'L.- Stevease BE68 tEAVRTOINFOEWT 112 LA151ft, that she is prepired to reli&it atd re-shape I0 o P-:S.KI , s Any work ofthis kind, eptruste4 to her, will be executed to satisfactlop and at ita aonablo cliqrges. Ordere left at the Winn boro /Intet will be proiitptly 6ttended to. tate-ofouth. catoitwse EXECUTtVE DEPART rENT. COL.UMBIA, March 27. 1865. TiJl invasion of (lie State lie rendered It proper that lthe Legislet ive Doarth im"nt of the Governtnent of t1ie Ftate should be convened; that such meansura may be *uttopted as the welfare (of the 8tAe,may re. p:Itire. And $or *that piarpose tlie menmbers i the 86ne and tho I OuSe of I repentp tI#Cs Af the'tiateonf &utb CatIolmia ter here. by invited to mAemble U. - I'eenflle. on 'I'UESDAY, the 26th dt by of April, 1865, at 32 o'clock m. By tho(overnor: . A. 0. MAGRATII. Official : W. 8. Eraa o'rT, ilvato Sea'y. april 6'645-0 Oib"' All papers la th iate w1n .copy tntl Ithe' tInie for the eeting of the Legi-. iature. -sin o--h C. & S. C. Uiauallroad. 8 -the immediate reconstr-uoston orthis road Is highly : aportant, all materials .of iron, ties and stri agers are needed, and their reltoval is forl ddden by anX das.. april 6'06 WM . JOIIN8TON. Pres't. - . "Gems" 5:. ErOildssu, IS' the .tlie ofa collett6n *4 admilrable stories, mnoipl:-' feunded bn fAdfa an.0 whicht briginally n peard In ~ihe Souiheran Jigubyterial and 8 nsttde.ate- lqplit, over the signaituro of - I C K.'" Tihe rap4 -sale of this' work, coyer ,00 copies hlaTing been -mld,-) speas well M' the favor Wth which it ihas beeh redelved by tho Houthlean gmblio: There 'if notZ.0hg deota viap eestatned in kthp autInor*" objeol be ing ; je inculcali in oif.true 140ty Asongat the rir'iug generai bon, Copies catt be I 'rouredattlisl office. P: de $2. M. j?* gIJ4 , R, F. 41 L.B. 4:P)1G .miabsiulantsDparasuemat - OPFICE A .-A, C. 8.. 0. 8 A; WIXsso to, S. C., Mtlareh 81, 1866. A LL, pertons: having'- demanida againat' 14ka ofRoe .inl please prement a s.ate. -nma. of their c. ams f9eLwitb, .for settle ar 1'65-3- dl A. A. O.8. 'Valna IWe Sook 1ouU4d.' SCOTT'S C 6MMENTARY, vo''2., T. Kipgs.P ,ioverbs, how beea left, at this - eie for tpg, amner, .wlo equ geUt by,oaU. ng nd t ;g fr tisa verseppept.1 Milk .8 .-4,w- - - Weisnedwavadls-3, 6 -1 RINDS I >*?i bif*Oursday, Friday and Maturd: :g. Tw-*ad'hafm1fS below *Winebro.' \teial giten--In exchaogb for oft abd tallo; at old frioes. * Mh 2V'66.-tw "I WoWOODWA1D. CaxP NeAa RmocamoWSe .-"%ro-10; 865. PP~FICP RB and,' Soldiere of- the Seventh Regin et of Somuth '94tolit*0aGval,'. tuo 'wabsent witlfout'leveawe lled uSpost amee wlita.delay to &619emmn Mvay' ling1' t'po testsii aufferink' 'odel engage' .the vaty upon tie C y .ls5 O'Warde' a the same exeurneA-ti by' ni*eglue'it flos their podtp iin the **iel4n our. strength a adJpostpoO . *ietory and peace . :oldimys nfdhtfrp - retura or be pub lEdhed as - Pdeseltate, is' "dserterm. (" ran4punished iis du t, 'Che dec Ig-ruction oftyelte ds is e, TIrave me a twill make thetvyddef 0j~ orOon hoi; sidbsek, and trjoltk th'el duty In tli .oM'ray. -It *1ll be n apsolier; t~hat he lii doin duty 16' .cdnadr t~dc' en on bo peti'm k i amt order keom the Ot andersid*-ief - without ' .ie dtder it Is- ua!t~ oerise.- '. It'is e a n outg - "V rmbt.gImlg WIth e' & iibfr t' edissott ,wll not elnta . ghe, 41p . fkset i'sfi RAS B r. 11tiTr ?RaVAnT, 1865. dai*NaAL Osuna' No. 8. frf 91 di'gene1ae/rfthe obrdy . he. 'tI14 1geatly 1itpaired-by' nen leaving hibol proper ,ommands to joih, others, 1n.which they fiddserviop mote agree able - 1- 1 . .1 1 This Pr tiod' almost as Inturious'iu its conseqt9e ea as the ctlime of disertion, b' the Ailttlesof War, eiposes 'the offendet to a sirpilar punishnient,'and subjects, theoffir. cer receiving him to dispisase from the army. Jt in thireforio 4eolared that the prdilsioni ,6f General'Otders.No.2; of this date, from mamy headquarteres aplply to such !toun nW hare-left thtir proper commands-and joined others tithout being regularly transferred, They will e the. .fdon prowwsd in tjui., order upon couipij g. wit h its oondi lions, ot pder the oonsequotieces %thahed to negleotink it. - The names of suoh. abseatees WIIk be forthwith repotted Ao QhesE headquorters by thp oierg with wioqthoy are surving, and Immediate ineasatea teken to return thlbm to their proper 6onlmnds ' 'As soon do piotioable an itspetlIon will be -made, and hhatiges. '*III be beeferred: against tbqse who neglect tp enforce, this order. .uch 28'66- - l. z. L!,R her1. f4 gsee AW'tmhIes 1 Athfc. Sae 11th' EJ anur,"1865. GENEBtAL OnDEus, l N6 2... .N tdlering upon, the onmptign abiott to' open, -lihe General-in -Ohier fenis natur. ed thatthe solierS. who-have so long .od so nobly, borne, the hardqhips anli aangeradf: tao war,.reqpire no .exhortatlon t respond to the 'oalls of honor and duty. 'With iho liberty -transmitltid by their fore fathers they haVe inherited the spirit toede (end it( - The ohoioe betlben Vtar and abje4t sub mission Is before thetn To such a proposal brave men:w4il arms ia t ielr handsanen bqve but one apawer. Thiy cannut borier naishlopd for Peace, ner the rigit ofIelf.g4ertieht for lifo ow property. ut justice to them requires a iterner ad nonition to those who have bq0adoned their comrades in the hoUr of peril. A mne~t opporiunity is oeefe4 them to iripe out the disgrace and escape the punishment of their crimes. . By aut ority of the Presldent of te Cobt federate .te, ;a paedon -I, OPnpoquasd t stuchideserters atid metn 1gjproperiy pdhent, as shall the copinpuds. to which' hey -beting withitu tis6soItpat jlejible tithd, dot Vxceeding 'twintydaye' front the gubiloation ottehis ee atthe adquar. lrs.of the deprneat, in, jtiph, theyinay Those who maly be rvented Vy inter.r ruprion of ofaminicAtldta,' my-Ieport, within- the thin specifled"to the nea~fet n Volling Offloor or other o$loe. on duty, to be forwsnt*d agsseqn pa practicable, d.pon, pesenting ,a esr gOate. frott go g~iper i or-ing conipliamoe wh hii , atonI,' *ill rdteivo 'the pardoa' hWeb erd. ; Ti12 'who'hitte d64etted 1t6e'4rvime of the edemy. or -Wo' have des'rted after ha-. ,ing bleenns 4tdosedsfar lbs SMe oftentee .nd si whp qhall deseh or. absqntit I m SOTO *1wit *60authorifter thle pubicai .tih'odothle'orr,'ar4biebudoeftom iitiene tt, Nor doet fh 'dter pt pardonextend o' oW6e'i tEtro than dsaertiok Asd Absenou without poViniissip. . '.y the smnme .tuthomy, til, Is elso alsfrq that, no g4eqra1Inuefs ytllagais. gb a .0, and th9se Vio.re4e tok ,Qpt tepa don now offe , or If Oa'l iqr*We do. soft or''bieki thonSie6 '$ittbiit' ideveo ehall sufde addh 'Obushm~ ke btah14burt. tesyAiMpose, 'add no appiGtAon; for alme 4 1 o ptrjlsd .h 0 l eo oate qlhiirse les In hd .bt e - 4 ill MS "o - .*Outresoures awisly and igoreas qs. ployed ,ate ynplq, and unktavo ry s win t ei u n t eop hops aI w~ ao niielaoe, csanot The ndata irs of the e iemyktw hatve bu Itts~al~1Y~ rt mi heiip Jp~o S44i940Gt sdwerdity,i fs6tide$ .euferleg hnd dout~ge. -se 4esght, with tise rp ,that 4 - ays e.,49eoMo a o 4*.~ Ef aNe,~o G iledil, flon. JstADi'v s~f~i~ r ~n kqon. A. i.' fi-ina*~Pt~et~ .YP. 85WA KIaur;tof ,~4~~ti '0. A. Talatuetl, ef 8' O/t Z J, GPBISUOVr.s1ase, 5 - M.A g* daat . Re~i~ U'$ h i W a.' I rf44 9 8. n ceaed oldifers. SOUTH OA OLI A M0 E&E. CoLDauiat, Janu y 16, 1885. U ' EB-a ppointneat by. ip Legislature to p e thl Recd, I earnestly th il y f1 i dof oif do solieretoas i eat, dethefitaamo &., while there is an opoilnity'to seourel aobtae tif rlaatos. . H ital registers and repott-ofoegualies fro ti aramy are de It I informnaion irjulred; it must b ' 4. 'Ao bi t tbbegiining of the wir,'add ihtende all, bo have been killed in-blttle or died of wound -received in batd, or from, disase of aocident.; If you.bovebeen so fortunate as not o los. )end or relative, yet rynember that it iq hobi to r'eboue'om oblivion the name of but one friendless youth who had gone frnh your itelghborhood to ite in our cause. Qidi-1, N4@ne in fgll 2. From what DA.trigb. ;Rpk. 4. Compafty. 6. egi4mint an grrn of servtop. 6 Died, year, ipohth, y. 7. staife of doath, at plmarS r'as w1 J pIdne , agN p' i ded, &a.) Circularsa'na.blank$ to be .filled will be sent to suohas.deslro tP.4m. N'fee or.expense is;ilaourrC4by # ope for b ing the record An6, .Tie 8ote is ndeaa in to'f$i 'ace o a'~tlo it:,seetiring nb, and re dordtnk'br' potAerity, Qie names of ill her 9ons ho'hae folein. In this -war. . In 1862, the Convention unanimnously resolved that this should be done, 'tasa taken.of respeot .to thor memneries, and a legy of inestima ,bo'vlue 1otht'i frioeds;" theresolution wis sent-foth; by their 'order, to be read to OUT' rigitnehs, battallo .and comiannies everywhere. Mny brave saldier may have lit4 14 soliltde or rushe upon tle foe, wi'th the thought in his heart that his patne woqld he honorably proerved at ho. f At18'66--48 YWM! J. UIVRS. it- . F a 4 i ol4Is4 SVO6U~ i . ,T C 'EDERACY. I ./Qoaa4Tspuf8;rxaR P ! 14J$PAUX *Tr, .alxtd Purgap, lkohentio,Feb. 20,'64. HE f'ign<)s n r)ativeb of soldi'r in ,t 0 Army ofNorthernVir inia are rea hy fietlthat an arrabgent t hat this day beent'esflted with'thel Southern Exptess O9m oany,,to carry all .packages of fool& and wearing apparel toJMohpon, Va. To Neouo the, advantages thus obtained throjihthe ixpress Compay, the tollo4ing I u erlictions, tput, be obeeved: 1 gaogs -tir not oobtlin'.oro lhan-one 'huacded pounds; bewell secured, and plainly qtwked anid astt, at the expense of the, ship. per. to 1itherof.the Poldiers' Relief Assooia ti s,whioh.aro loo.ated'as follows: north C'aroihia, at; l(oalh'; In Sonth Carolla atUolumbia;'In Georgia, atAugusta': in -Albamta, btfontgoutery, or. to any.other 4eint: at of thebe Asooiaions have . 1sooiion''will9ere ke -k Uthe" 'and ship' daily, by 86ni " prisu '00pany, to the ropor Agens vf ths reapoUlive States at Ricko d who williao them disributed to, the prqper le9lvidgal ,pers_ ~ pe.'e the wighqs 3t6the 4oldlersaod tp give tlie a ner'alt and 'speedy esMoMminlea tioti'Withlioene; th Boithern Express(om pany has agreed to give this freight prt; *ec over everything else I and, in prder that 89 batple.mosy ooour ;o the suodess qf sc I" l atz.qter .,, the several iwli~q, oo0 i ai Ofee hereby requested wo'6ttdi the B i as i ompaay Apich faelli'ties et-will eaa' bii it to akke this urrangement a, oomulete suoe . , M2t !Soeithqgn,JAspt'es Compiao. ad ie respp lsibillLy of the Trans ra ton i 411 k*s be Itelief A -= . onete 4eta i ahdfaile1r4 'n(4 411 : .ed as trave ing messengers. , If: the lielie( Associas~oawil establish agenolsein.the rear of other ap. 1ee, tbvyit.y oy 4e seas prtvilege'hero. Sy eotjte4,.o we army Of Nort x. g V. W.A 1176, 4 rdted, Lt.'Co1 .nd Qdeterdr, AR.IAmtou,.Qtartertaastev Oea'l. Oyraos SqQwuuan SzvessCq ,' Augn0ia. igiaFeb. 20,14, Th outher prss Cothpany hereb; not , ' e frieui udidivstives of. soldieh in th Arthy of nlien- Virgitlda dd elei wtseret4ab iheyt ar'prepared to carry on gffpntenats as zace4 In .tba fth9 GWldp't, ddAotn he's.gw5 -.: dieV 4hFs~tb ku fl~oritewn o a & pebd phc4/lh .~ jor eof iha sf toyer TheUnaeel we~ 1 p apape e~ po. th o gcy4qa.i 60 te* ru" 3j.. a/ - - J,B. PEATH1RBY & CO., RAXEIqN.C. Sdea'exKotsrcl's '2%b mue. Couservativ. pla -vi.-T he an pregiacy,.of %he iivil over the miltary law. A quiet siib'Mliuidn' tbia la*k, Iwhether god r' bad. while theY einaik upon byr No regne uAo,tio'n, oi ubuission, blt per pvbtal-ihdepedbnthe. ' , : !4M nolgen freoj, WOO henmmon enemy; but time y Vad repeated Aiegotiatione for PSAox by the proper authoites. No separate Ska 'teation thrqigh a Con. vention; no counter revolilion; no com bined tesistatide Lb the Go*trnmenct Opposition to 4espotjm % overy form, and thie preservaton' of, Ropublican institu tions i all th6l- piriSy. - - We haaye 4etegained, toiaae the 6'onser vativap perplenept paper, for the mainten ace or our principles, render a .vlAwrotta support tto :4o "tae of Southera independence., Tho.utd 'nistration of Qov. V1dne will fiti in th4 o servatiio a steady, houest dtralght-foisdrd shppottee and de fender, qs will also thp National adminlutra tion, when Its acion is noa ,in 4onfliot with our pyinoI les. .I.he-Cnseraive, phall be.a loaoing, rella bl paper, and will be conducted with vigor, but. with a proper regard to trnth; and right, and the courtesy due to others. - It will not oncourage or opuutenance personat or, polt ;cal rangling and discord. It seeks to n"It' ,1t upon thjO great and 'al-absorbing int brits of 'the Co'ffederhay'. Itahall be-a th6rotigh nes-spaper, and will 'give the latest telegraphio and other. news most le siraole to,tbe publio. Tle prooeed ings of 'the Legislaturq whe'n in session, im. portant aetbn of Congress,'%hd general in. telligence wil be served up daily for our readers. 'I QUlj~ThTi8:. ,For,the Daily, one moDtl,. $5 00 Por the ball?, three Inonths, 15 00 Pot- the'D il 'bixr ont's, ' 5 00 For the Weekly, six months, 16 00 No subsoiptions to either Daily or Weekly ,recolvqd fora longer tiame thgsn pix months. feb 18'65, hae.o i V.stago. ON LETTRs. Single letters not exceeding a half opce in weight, to any part of the Confellerate S?tates, sall be10 eepts. An additional rate for each additional half ounee'oV less. Drop letters 2 cents each. In. the foreaoing cases, the postage to be peepaid by,-itanips ah -ata'nged''envelopes. Ad.dr*tised letterst2 cers each. oi NP~VsPAP5na. Sent to re'gular and bona'ide subscribers from the ofice of publication, and.,nst ex-. ceeding unces in weight. Weekly papers, '10 cet'is'.pei'quarter. Fcmi-weekly'abdr, 10 cents per quarter. Tri-Weekly paper; 20 cobts per quarter. * Jgur timen 4 week 50 cen per quarter. Ive tinis a week 60 ceqts per quarter. ix titbes a week, 00 .caits per. quhrter. IMaly paper 7.0 cents per qtierler. ON PERIODICALS. Pet.iodida1s published oftede- than semi .moutbly shall be oha'ged ma iewspaere. PeVriioatq' plblisied monthl), ot ex oeddUti 2k "oucn a in V1gb't 2 e ts per Iquaret;' ajdfol every addlin 1 o'ne.or Sesto'iilhly, doub . Ne tadditional. Di-ruo'nthly -or "Quar.erl~y, 2-ents an onlune. - d6 TRANSIENT PIttTUTi XATTRE. " jrfy other newspaper, Vaeuphist.,petiod. j JaI#_ magasize% ,eoh oireulr not. SeAled, handbill a engraling, not exceedIng. 8 pvitobei'od Ight, 2"dents for hkty distance, aaent addjtional for qh.4dditionalopnee ,r less be'otd thO Gr tree ounces. i ' If'eadeste j e irEi6id by 'ttah or 7t1m Pd deI0l e,. - %esAhga q5131)kATK4N lT jIEL FIBEIDE, *-M O usesTA, -04 ., AiE U1E ILLI A . - 07. ohidm onatied' under th* old pop., j,~ ular , q of, tbpe r'PBt Proietidhef the Veruby: h&ting Spu ie .the' 8pugass Fsps anb 1,ei;aod fieding po~iestble to molte tau upeainty f ras rtion for ut,#xD Jaarb it' 'ife 'Ga., 'h th ae:h.atpg lb. be utipplIed-ftam the 'uills ag~lgh .N. C., heye remeted the Pi his F U4b 4 to Italeigh an '0om.. Rit -Ldt'awy (Touai., hei4ang Tre. 4h~ re ,i~~t t klie Spu e V aIJa AW nast, and wi lbe so j6ifl ahdutM th'st'eof tadhry Sp ett al Iieruuegitn q o ,,$~eI as r4elie the -pber. to the ,4l1 slaut ofnsub ee ed to a toi-pa Amt sare ,4tslkt on te emeg. - tit~et, a te 'anll i be ler et saver'Sr ozb f stembe 18 5 e' gb 0. Reyltt of -thed ~rne 'As6elition. FROM THE WEST. MAcON,, Ap'il 7.-Advices frW Montgomer. t'o the 6th, say that official reports say that there is no enemy this side of the Alabnam river. The telegraph is working to Benton. Commodore Montgtnery ias arrived. Ho left -Demopolis oni Monday night. Jackson's cavalry division whipped and forced to retreat, .the enemy's 'cavalry colutun, 3,000 strqog, which were ad 'vancing via Tuscaloosa. The figfit oc. cured 'tweqity-six niles from Solma. The eney's main body was moving to-. wards Demopolis. Forrest is. reported advancii$ against, and fighbing the one my around Sedma. Therd is nothing definite from Mobile. FROM CUARILESTON, TiHE NORTH, EU ROPE, 6C. - AusUTA,- April 7.-Tie Charleston .Courier states that 8;Q0.0bales of cotton has been discovered in 'portions of the city. The Government has a dray line on the streetshauUng. King street ex hibits an immense moving- throng from morning till night. The merchants and trados are doing a good 'business-which promises well for the future prospeiity of ,he city. There is a remarkable change-in five weeks, since the Union forces entered. A. torpedo 'exploded under the bow of the United States steamer ibb, in the usual sailing chan nel. - Thq vessel was in twenty-five feet, low water. A naval order has been is sued for vessels to avoid the track. No injury was done. I ! I I . Red-path and others have issued a mernorial to the loyal people -of South furgiish means to erect h monument over the Yankee ,soldiers who was buried on the race course by the rebels I 11111 The Cotirier gives a long account of the meeting held on the 28th. - It pass ed resolutions of thanks -to Geh. Hatch and Admiral Dahlgreen, for their kind ness in giving assistance in suppressing the fire, when the Union. troops entered the city.. Vhe largest number of the signers of the address were negroes and conternptible fellows who never had character i position. A few pronii nent citizens. took part in the proceed -ings. J. P. M. Stitson. opened the Charleston Hotel with grcnd demonstra tions and a banquet display and grand expedition of'the, celbbration. Northern characters arrived on the lst of April. They are visiting South ern citie# (4) and will remain for the0 grand demonstration of the .13th-t.he raising of the IAg over Sutvter,. and o'ther imposing ceremonies.. Weles, the Secretary of the Nqvy, is expected. On the 24g rard prepAration.s were made to salute and receive him and other distin gdshed petrsors. ''he paper claims victories in North Qarpli'nk , at. K tiien,' Averys'bofd and Bsv6?,111. It locates Schbbeld's anid a aame at dldsgoro, 60,000 'rtigln papers efMarch 27th state i 5j900 al#ry 19( Matport-on the agd ege'ad sh on Alabama, wit'a fiew ofaroyisg dhe raioads, isra. in'-Alabara'aMhIsI1Pii, frd it co qperatod with sover~ddt expedi the the l'hey n~ Jefh$' (le'th dAthy corps at Khoxv'igh'lt/fbn tlousand.,men' under.Stonemana, left Knoz4Itif the bo Trst rd, wit~ ?000 ~The'L ' owassg tt rgle in flamingth o