The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, March 30, 1865, Image 1

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VOL 1] *.WINNS13ORO, S. O~TUSA MkT~ A~rTo~iA THE TRIWEEKLY NEWS: BY, J. #. BRITTON. , TH&.TAl-W KEIUJY,NWSis publinhed -on Tuesday Tbursday and Aaturday at i.00' . por copy. subder ption reoeivcd. Abvua'r1saN Elf W l be ere a 600 a square, ten lines 'or less coet4=tleg a square. 4DD2ES8 OF OONGhASs TO TRE PEOP1LE OF T'H COllFSDERATE Flow-cit&ens : The -result of the "Peace Commissioners" is known to the country. The hopesof those who have hitherto believed thaf an honorable ter inination might be put to the war by negotiation have bedn rudely disappoint. ed. The enemy, after drawing us into a conference,'abruptly terminated it by insisting upon terms .which they we I know we could never accept. Our' ab solute surrender and submission to the will of conquerer are the only condi tions vouchsafed by our arrogant foe. We Vre told that if we will lay down .Qur arms, and place .our lives, liberty, property and domestie institution., at the feet of President I4incoln, that he will be merciful to ne I Upon his cle. niey we tmust rely to save us' from ilniversal cnfliscation and extermina tion I Yes! these, are the conditions upon which the people of the sovereibn States coinposing tbis-Cbnfederacy may be allowed to do-what? To-return into "tie Union" for which they solemn ly and deliberatily withdrew themselves bdcausp their interest and their heonor required it, and their repugnance ,to whicll four years of remorseless and cruel war have served but to intensify Thanks be to Qod, who ooptrols and wverrulos the counsels of-men, the haugh ty insolence of our enemies, which they hoped would intimidate and break tii' apirit of our poople, .is producing the very contrary effect I From every part of the punitry there comes up in res ponse a ,shout of mingled indignation ;and defliance A nobleeahusidsm re-animatos our gallant army who have been battling so long for freedom and .iudopendonee I Let us all be united now. Let there be no parties-or faction among us. Let ui rise to the height of the great occa sion. Let us all be ,willing to spend and be spent in the cause of our country. Let us - coxtrihute freely, all that we Jiave, if need be, to carry on the war until eur froal triumph is re-,ured. Let iss take fratiernal couns '. dogether and cahmly consiaer opr condition and pros. pects. -Such a survey, we b'olievo, must tend to re-nssure and encourngo even the least sanguine. We have, it is true, recendy. met. with .serious disasters. Our fortitude is being'severely tried. Are have suffered, -iueh, and must be prepared to suffer more in the Oafuse' for which we are struggling ? Is the cause worth the sacrifice ? To answer correct ly we must constantly keep in mind the end for which we are contnding. What is our object in this war? The 'establishment of onr independence, through which Alo * are to be secured tile sovereignty of the States, and -the right of self-government. WhAt is the .alternative.?' Our subjugation as a poo, plo ? Is it posible to ever estimate-the horrors of 'this terrible alternative ? Can the imagination ever color the pic ture which would be presented in the event of our failure ? If we fall. not I political dogredalion, but aocial hu-' * 'i nnut be-ouirwrotehedlot. We woul only be polithi vessels, but serfs. A em I that has shofrn 's self destituto- e ordinaryemsiblll es of human tm whose worst pa. ..uions ake embi .' ed against us,. wvould assume khe -control- 'of car politica' and~ ' os. In vain would a proutb is~ hed ' ople loolc eu fbr th~ nie 'h ~onquer iroeele frons# hlaveOl)ee taught- to priri so 4 as.En*~eatest bulwarks of Constlto ti *i borty, 4dad whicht" frt the ieriod o our bIatorgwe-have ab d would be anmlthilate& nf.~iat es~* held a9otq~e provb b~ thv.'&wpotlo ~~ at Wa4tn' Thhey i C - by the refinement of malice in our euemiiel did not, induce them to elovate the negro slave above his former matter Not only would the property and estatet of vanquished "rebels" be confiscaitcd but they would be divided and distribn ted among oue African bondsmen. Bul why pursue the hideous picture further i Southern manhood revolts at the bare idea of the spectacle presented. Car you think of it unmoved? Can proper. ty-can life itself-be so dear to you as to allow you to weigh them for one me. ment against degradation- so abject against misery so profound? We d< not and cannot believe it. If the proud memories and traditions of our first great revolution do not nerve you tc eternal resistance to such a consuimma tion-nor the example of our forefathers, who wrestled for the Independence they bequeathed us during seven long years of suffering greater than we have endur ed-let not the precious blood that has been already shed by our bravest and best in the present styuggle - cry out to us frou our yet reeking soil in vain I Fruitlessly indeed have these sqns and brothers-martyrs of Liberty--bled and died, if we falter now in the path'which they have illummod'before us I In the revolutionot '76 our armies and our people suffered far mor&. thau we have done. Our cities then were al. most all in 'the hands of the British, and we were entirely cut off from all supplies from abroad, while our facilities for pro. ducing them were infinie)y .less than they now are. Greenb tells us that the battle of EutawI was won by men who had scarcely shoes to their feet or shirts to taioir backs. They protected their shoulders from b-eing galled by the bands of their cross belts) by bunches of mo~s or turfs of grass. A detachinent march. ing to Greene's assistance, passed through a region so swept by both armies that they were comp olle(d to subsist on green peaches as their only diot. There was scarcely any salt for fifteen month', and when obtained it had to. be used spar. ingly, mixed with hickory ashes. We need but allude to the terrible winter which Washington. passed .at Valley Forge with an army unpaid, half-starved and half.nakod. and shoeless, to convince us that much as out own bravo soldiers enduring, their fathers, for a like cause, endured far more. Wash ington did not then despair. Lee does not now despair ofithe final triumph of a righteous cabse. Why should we be doubtful-nuch less desponnent.'of iun ultimate success? The extent of our territory-the, food producing capacity of o'ur soil-.the amount aid charactet of our population are elements of strength which, carefully husbanded 'and wisely employed, are amply suffipiemt to 6hure our fin4 tri. umph. The passage of hostile arrnies through our country, thogli productive of cruel suffering to our people nd great pecuniary loss, gives the enomy no per. manent advantage or foothold. To subjugate a country, its civil gov. ernuent must be supprbssed by a con tinuing military: forge, or supplanted by another, to which the inhabitants -yield a voluntary or enforced obedience. The passage of hostile armies through our territoy iannot produc ' t4i resplt. Permanetisgaris6ns woild lpve to be stationed at a sufftefent numb6r of points to stran e all civil govenment hbfpre it could epretended, even by tl United States Goveruinnt tself, that its anthor. ity ,was extended over these States. Itw mally garrisonis would it require? Ildw oah' 'hundred 'tho'usand' soldiers wolmld suttice to shpres 'thecibril-gov. errnemtt'sf'all the Stifis ofrthis''donfed. eracy, and to' establish over them, even in name anid form, the- autho-ty* 6f the Utiiled States?- In adogh hideal pioint of vie, therefte, it th. -' be ased that the ee~qiwt of thee (Isufederate Sthtes'is iniprabticable. in offical dcle's tMt ,b - occiurrbd in Notti C Sn end,,from afl 'we hfl I>i 't Shernian maf t '%t&no 'his ch 1k66 .hi rdes's dityt$tit ins~at or m r n Uta tweeii Raleigh and Fayettaille . Guei ral Johiston's defea6 of the enomy last Sniday, the- 19th instant, occurred at Bentonsville, npa teNeu river. . By theso facts, )vO Aro,iuorth thath '"a"~ b-o hoe"' Pishingw t...,rda RaWleih ill two columns --ope niovidlg (lug liortj from Fayettevill thoIotharitlirtlivedt from Newbern, Qezneral i trdeo fought the former, Gonetal. Joh tont tl( lat tur.--Rihm~ondl Dapatch K. Tho IHous'e of Representativos hiw passed a bill reported by thb Comm'jtep on Orgnanco and rdnarnco Storej 1 establish an Arsenal atm Eoudr in Deep River. Valle teSteo or th Carolina." i hft 1 VaInabie 1ok i und SCOTT'S COUkME TARY, vol. a.v '1' ii Kiags--Proverb, las bo'i0iett thid office for the owner, who can 0 t 'ic- by call ing and paying for this advertisement* mch 80' 0100 I4"wur4l. STRAYED from tboplantatien of .ls L. Elliott, Esq., tWo.cows. Qne, a, ley middy white, or ligh toat co*, dty at'rc. sent-the other a large daik red helfer-perd haps calved by this time, horns spread ott. The cows have benU-40a :since the Ylinkee, raid, and have perbsipswstray .Ino. some adjoining, psturo. . py one 1ding. one of the cows *111 r cel $60 re ard ot tipon delivery of both 6ow1 will rec iv 5100 by application 'to '4ns. JAB. H 1110N, -./ inch 80'65-tw Winns o096, -8.C. / Woodwaadu Mit G RINDS Corn, o Tursda Frid*y pqd Saturday. Two and a ha miles hel w. Winnsboro. Meal given In ;chang for; oil and tallow at 61d-prices. mch 28'65-tw. T. IV. W )DWARD. To the Pabile . HiE subscre w pay a eral rewav4 . for the recovery of his b ks, namely, two day books and two ledgers- Theyvero taken by some persons from ,t b lot where the furaItar.was, also one dr er belong; ing to a buirn'u. S. VOOLFK. rnch 28'06--2pd H'dq'-r't Iteg!tc'8. C V t Iry CAxru Na' 'Ru ob March 10, 186.. OFFICERS and Coldiors of the Seventh Regiment of Sent It Carolina Canvalry. who are now absent. withatit lonvq are called upon to return without delay to their com Mand. . * Many brave men lingor to prOcO&thdir suffiring. homes, or tb Ogage the enemy upon their own soi-cewards. makge the same excuse-but by. ronisinirtgabent from, their posts in the aimy thoy wveakeu ouk strength and Postpond the hotir of victory tind perice. Soldiers rust prondptly retnin or be published as "desertorse," ai-rested as "desertem" and punished as "deserters."u The destructiou of railroads is no excuse. Brave men will mako their journey on foot. or on horseback, and rejoin their posts of duty in the Army. It will be no exonse' to a-soldier, that he is doing,' duty -iri another. command; this can only,bo permittei. by, 4a order from the Com doru,-in.ilef wiUhoutid oider It isa s ary pe- . It is badiWly urge41 'u on mbh to hi with them good horses; being dismounted will not obtain for them now furloughs, but' transfers to infantry. . C. IIASKELL. Col. 7th teg't. S. C. Cavalry. mch 25,65-4 IV he's the Owner - LADY'S HAT has been left at this office for identification.. The owner will please come forward prove property., pay charges,.and get the hat. moh 28', B~de'rs' Armnaes of. time 4eS~ llTH FatunValY;-1866, GaNIER OD },DUR Noh8, in j ,.. heavseben greatly .0 dempairdb en Lhe Artioligg op,WaYdpxposess the offender to. a similar puntshmnent,,and sugejotdits og o'er. receiving hin to dierassal .reqn the. arshy; 16 !&s t-herefo deland~ thkt thepqvlo ofGenea erstd No.-2,-of this' dte'rfymnd a qy arters, -sppyto 'sneha on as bavo loft t,lrpropekoubiaus'ndjigt otherg wit o 1bl~ re r reds, that order upon o(f1 Fd tifi 'dit.1 tions, or safer theb .onsequen..e attached to lwetingi e ae fglc het qn nestre tke d Ildqlev Arntes ot %No C. States, 11th faDnUAnY, 1805. JICNF.AT, Oou1s)a No 2, .1 upfr ton chaimalig, aout to Iea,4lhe g~enerallin 'Chjst feels -assur sqlI~bogne 'qho.lygve, Io long ,tand 01 bo . Ino t to hordshi e ang Ilangers8 of thelAll Aft#10'& 6'/d ihor l'ibh o respoidd to the calls of honor and duty, e . With the liberty transmited by ther fre fathers thoy havo Iiherited the spirit to' d fend -it. The choice between, war anda1ject sub tiision is befer'e (hem. " To'mueh a proposal brvo'in'enwIth arms In their hanls can bayo but one anuswer. They O&nnot' barter pinhood for pence, nor the right of self-goverdment I for Ifb or pa~rty. But Justice to thom, requires a. sterner ad monition to those who have abaniloned their cougr4ae in the hour of-poril. ! 4, A last Opportunity is offered them. to wipo 60u the disgrace and oscapO tle Punishliment of tWeir qriues I . By -nut hority of t1) 'Preoseilnt ( 'e 1on fedotvgtte ffikt~,- it' A6 '.ami ounceil to' suc'dsrerrs-'ando iset pr absent as shal roturn to the epnumads to whioh they ' belong. within f9 hortest possible tinme, not,, p0PjinX wet *a it tile ubica~ rftil dd at (1h loqq qru bf-the departniet in -which -theyi ay ho- who n ay be prevcifed by inter ruptiow .'of- communicagWndI may rAioif h'm Spie specified .to-the 4t.relt, Ma f Tcr or .ffor offlcer on (,uty, to be forwarded as sooh as pedtidb6, ind tijon preseoptsg a, qqrtifipato from suh qIflicer Sshowibg compliance with his reqdr'evroit will-reive' tfie pardbn h&r6y o 'Ad. ' Those who have desertedio the soiYI6e of the ouoey, r wko haveqdeseptoaq ifter hav-. nin 1on-ond 0pardoned falite saf o oftence, mnd those who shall deser4 otf ab nt thoth sdIves without authqrity. afler.s4o publica... tion of this ordtN are excluded from its beno fitsa ieor. does the 'tffer -of parddn extend to other offences thal dqsertipp amd absenor withouf permisop. o hly-the sa'rno atitlvority, 'It Isalso deefated Ibatno generalapnesty will uguiln be grnt. cd, and thos e ahp ref# tqe d~yl.46 Miedor *ieo shh aocoptn &i der art ar, obent - themselves- withotitelr tive' shall suffer such punishment as the Courts may isp6se, and no applicatIon ior elemen-. . 'kI4SP9y-T;resolutIon fromthe fate wAhihour enemies intend for us,.let emery man devoto all ,his energies to the common defence. uy resources wisely and vigorously om ployed,tro aMiple, and at brAve Army, sus tained by adetermined. and uniited people, suicess, wit,i God's assistance, cannot be doubtful. I The advantages of the enemy will 'hive but littlo value. If. we do gOt peralit thomito inM~iaouj r resolution. Lot, us, then, op. POse- constanoy to adversiti, fortitude to maijf'ring and, courage to dgnger,wIth tit firm a'asurante that lie who gave free'dom. to our fathers will-bless the efforts of their Fi preservit.- . I 1n1h12. 15-- . E. LEE, denoral. R tIPe of Postag. ON IkETTNRs. Shigle'lettori not excoeding a half'6nineo inWvight,, to.anyl ,parl-'of the- Confederte States, sall be 19 cents. 'Ai' Addttfonal rate o e'ah -additioval halftounoelou liee. :' .' i Drop letirs 2 cents each. In the'fordohig oas'b, th' post e to be prep idby aaps,on stame legs. Advqrt'isd 9tters 2 cemrls each. ; I Nrws Pilki., St tto rekular' and bboa fide subsexiberg froeajb ofigo of publication, and no ez-, ceedi g 8 oglnoes'in weigli*. Weekly pidpre, 10eents per (uartetV. 'cmiWeqe ly paper, JQ coets per qwurter, Tri-Weekly paper, 20 cents per quarter. 'Four timesi a weel60 'eents peauster. 'ivtims. week.60 cents. per- qoarter. Six times a week, 60 qentq per qqarter. 3tllypaef.'70 centh poi qkarter. :IVdioalf publiqeid oftqueor tian seni mont? sljall be.charge4'i newspapers. "Pei ialktibfiledmonthly, not ox coeding 2& ognces 'in weight4' 24oelute-per quar'ter ; and for ovryuaddlitional 6unce or Air 'Nery! ohot 6Neupep4, a'hlt dei leI-nagasine,;aeaoh cIrculari not~ desed,' p$- eigreviug5-Ee foecldig - 6 eats Itb en4ge.' 4 J < ? Reports of the Press Association. MOVEMENTS Ok' THI ENRIY-A RAID oN OERENvILLE, ALA. ,.-RAhHoAD cOO.LI. 8ION AND ROnBEJi OF O oUviERN. CITIZENS, &U. : ' - ' , ' , . 11 AO1T0o1IY. Mrtrah 28.-A ,ede ral column, of 'il'on1 1,500 to l,'80 strong struck tho Alabama &."Vloridu Railroad seventy miles below here,. yes terday morning and burned a train.; The passenger train, which left hero on Thursday evening ollided' wih tho, wreck and was captured. Conductor Winn, and. soino pissngers, %ero woundea. 4 Tho passengers were robbed, ,nd'thd rolling stock destroyed. The enemy left, stating their destina ion to be Grpeiwillo. . Goy. Wa4s call oil out the citizOs to proparo fgr--tho defeheo of the city. Thio comiandant of tho post ordered an okganhatign of all belonging to tlo arp)y p repQl. tho 4ovoient onl the railrqa0. Tho.steanor A"lly and- Dieic ollided on the rivet,' f6ur thiled above-the city, n8.t'ltiglit. Tile D'o. *aq sui. The seegergIh crp woro saved. .Fivo hunkdrCe4 balQs of oottou, that'was on board, was lost;. juddan flt8I'Aoer.]~. AMeTQOSuiir, 1Afarcl *8.-Tho enc ny. that wa# . on the railroad below, moved down 4lje road after the capture, and dest'uction of the trains below Gr6envilfo. -Thelt force is 2,500, prin. cipally-inflaitry. The railroa is littlo injured so fisr, a* ascortained. .-Forces are rapidly accunmilating for defenbe, aacrthe'alartti 1ibsidirig"' The repo th4 captlire of Glanton's conlrpand, bletwoe Pollard and Pousa cola, is unfounded, FRoM' I ' D EUROPE. NiItiuono 9 pch 9 --Noiw York aprt o'Ui i i e. 1cen' roecived, Y~otn which~ th fllong summary is g t,Atdi ntlr to1)ix roati'vo Wthoenem ,.says that by'strong ajd sul rault the rebels captured ForL an'deis, but after senbus contests the frt.ere ro'capturl, 'iithi 1600. rebel lrisonore, two ba Iq fgs and all tho (nns which we nninjure4 Alate ftelegraj claintstheicapture of 2700.; qi4 says, Ordnt,estimats,:the -bol-killed-and wouided at 3,000. The' Un-ionlqs is less than:8P0. - , dispatch from Sqhongld dated the 11Ar, rbpdr'ts that he occiidGoldsloro thAt eoning, -ith but a slight oppbsi tiort. - ' .h6rman's left-was engaged with the anemny uiar Benfdusville o. Sundaj. Iis rigbf the l1th corgg, was 4ear t. O11V6 on gunday night. Schofiel eports the da ture,iat Gad( . horo, of seven carm- 'and Says that Terry has captured two6'ldcorhetves and two cars, which, heds nowmushmig. ' Robert Cobb Koniedy,. conviAtod of ~orthern news has boentedein~dV 'ilton :on is return to Washii. og i~iuld~tterenewa,.of the pec pr ha is nort lieba any mu enirogg of mdan The~ris kt om theo*N' h Ljudes and.he sam'number athDex. Williany~ inland and the UJnded Steas e ~ogethet amnic~ile. - ~ ~ 1