VTHEN TRI WEE L NE -OL -. WINNSBORO,KS. C., TUESDAY MORNING, ARCH 28) 1865. rNU BE1 THE TRI-WEEKbY NEWS: IlY J. E. BRITTON. TSRM5 I THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS is publiihed ,oi Tuesday. Thursdaay aud Saturday at 1.00 per copy. No subscription rceivcd. A DVIRTiNIMENTS Wilt be inserted at $5.00 a square, toen lims or less cotstituting a square, To EDITORS AND PaIr:ns..-Severai kood friends, in and out of the army, have tendered a cordial approval at ' promile of support, to a suggestion fo) a news paper sheet or slp,, to be issued from camp, and as nearly as possibio from IHead(quarters or from the headquarters of anydivision or brigade. In the decay or suspension of the Journals published before the war and. from other considerations, it is believed that a camp organ, edited with proper de:retion anld reserve, And with the full est independence, and containing official orders and notices given by authority, and general- news and imiscellanty, wotlIl be acceptable alik' to our uiterrified :awl mivincililo soldiers and their true fienas at home. 81lucl AI issue could aid uitchi in im prov' ing thie tone of the armay, and by o'pelimg up coomiunication het.weeni the army % and the conitry, do inach towards bu ilding tip at home a spirit like that of the armny. . Is the proposql approved dr is such an. issue lesirable? Editors and printers in service and Others iliterestel in the resouree and mhillences of Jofurnalism-draded only by punty-politicia anitd ilcolinpetent o'r ii O1\iexte Getierals-will oblige malny iiqnirers by coi.nidering the mIla!tr, and reporting through OhO Wm111bo1-o New (r any other organ. - Confederato papers in this State and. Nol th Carolina will oblige tho cause nf Juiialism,- by reprinting this notico anld in each case soliciting reports. ' A NiAounoni.Y A (c.--it fu lteV iSae ofthe Rah-igh. 'onfederate, we fitd tie following. If true, it was nobly don-e, and Ihe nSie of the hero ought. to be known :r A widow woian residing ini. Ith comnty of Robesoin, 1 fe% nights ago teceive'd nider h'er oof a ConfdeiatAe soldier, anld 'odged him for the night. ('in tlie Pame aighit asFet oftlieves coticeived tlhvdesigi Srob tle old lly's dweling: and piro-ik .leded to put I heir de-sign into excenition. ter house was broken open aind entered, lit instead of ph der tlhey foil the i-earted Cotf-derite, who put two of ,li to death, inortally wotndeA a third, 'id left Oe fort ih to escape With a slight oMd. On exaliination inl the mormnig .e threds robbers turned ont to be three f her neighbor.e. YAx-- LOVE FRN ME.X-r i.:o. ')nuring the passage of SherimAn thr.ngh ;outi.Carolina, a 11at ladeni vitdh about bre* huudred negrees was swaped, in t.teipting - to cross the Sahida river. Ny two of the unfort,\uyis eyeapeOd,y d no effort whatever was limale by d1e (Ankees to save their colored brethrenl. Gen. Jeff. C. )avis repeated in Caro matIa his Georgia tactics. At the crossing >f Broad river he loft behind him several indred' st ar\;iiig and Itepless r egro vomen and children,. who haid beenl I educed fromt their ltappy hoiiies and ind masters. It -wais Io part of Wj" >olicv to Lie encumbered with ouch worth less stuff. The sound, athlete men, how evrhe eared for A corre tmdent of the New~ .,York 1/c raid, wri ib fronm Charleaton sayA: "Gov. Aiken. Dr. 0. Mackey Are meni whose UiT1os gtents have ,begn k nown in Charleston sjf tht war b~egnn. They opposed'.jecession io p I had the pleasuro of mnpit -Dr. Mackey' this morning, and conwit wit h~hinm on -varioni topics. All his ol friends. will ' gla ' learn that he is ha exc'ellent heath, anitaa strong in his love for the old fltg and~ the U nion as over.". The conflagration-of olumlpia involv ed 1,400 hiouses and 879 acres *I'early the wvhofb Wpqinlation is now~ drkwinug rationsf wihich onhy wofiftl~u.are patid - (i anw) '~~pro~visions for n ~ y usa~ned a~ saying i~k 2-that ont could not, and should he fed. The action of this negro speaks well for his patriotism, and should imake many. a white man who is hoarding 6His provis: ions, and, when appealed to for aid to the soldiers, swears that lio has nothing to givo to keep then from starving, blusli for shamo at his unpatriotic conduct. Found!, IN front of (the Daily News office, a SEW ING MACIIINE, which the. owner can have by proving property'and paying for this advertisement. Enquiro of mnoh 28'65-8 - R. WRITE. Woodward's Mill G RINDS Corn on Thursday, Friday and Saet'rday. Two and a half iile? below Winnsboro. Meal given in exchange for oil and tallow at old prices. mcli 8'05-w T. W. WOODWAlRD. ,j To thie Public. - r H E subscriber will pay a liberal reward for the recovery of his books, namely, two day books and two ledgers. They were taken by some persons from the lot where the furnituro was, also one drawer belong. ing t4) a bureau. 5, WOOLF"E. tol 28'65-'pa 11'dq'clrs 7thk Efeig't S. C. Univuilry. CAM NSAan lttonsitoN, MilItc 10; 1865. O FFICIRH and Soldiers of- the Hevotht Regiment of South Carolina Cavalry. who are now absent without, leave are cilled upot to return without delay to their'com mand. MAany bravo met linger to protect their sufferimg homes, or to engage the enemy upon their own soil--oowards make tie same excuse-hut by renmitntog absent fromt .their posts in the army thety weaken otr strength and postpoue the hour of victory and peaco. 8oldiers smtv promptly return or be published as "deserters," arrested as '-deportersP atd punislhed as "deserters." The destructiot; of railroads is no exetise. Brave mten will tmako their journey on foot. or on horseback, and rejoin their posts of ditty in the Artmy. It will be no excuso to a soldier, that he is doing , duty in anotlher corniiand: this can only be permitted by an order front te Colnander-in-Chief without his order it is a military crimin. It is especially urged upon tnit to bring with t1emu good horses; Iein dismounted will not obtain for thet k iew turloughs. but transfers to infantry. A. C. l(ASKELL. Col. .t7h Rlteg't. S. C. Cavalry. meh 25,'65-4 - V lao's i m me ner ?, LADYi'S liAT has been left. at this ' office for dentification. The. ownbr will please coio. forward, provo proprty. pay Charges, ansd get tho hat. mnch WLa3, ldq'ss Arusiaes of. - 11e C. S., liT11 FEURiAnY, 18(5. OEXNMA[, ORnaRs ( N o. U. j r - ll disciplinoantlefficieticy of (te army . havo been greatly impaired by m1ien leaving toir proper comiands I-) join others, lu which they find service more agree able. This practiceo almost, as injitriotus in Its consequences its thl crime of desert iti, by tihe Articles of War, exposes tle offender to a similar punishsmttnt, ul sibjects the offi. cer recoiving bir.i to dismissal fromti the army. It Is therefore declared ihat the provisios ofG6neral O'ders No. 2, of tbis 'date, fron army h.eadquarters. apply to suct mien is have leff. t1sir proper cotsstsnunads and joined others witliout. being regttlarly trusferred. They will receive t he pardon promised in (lit order upon complyitg wit h its condi tions, or sntfer tle conisequences attached to neglecting it. The names of such absentees Vvill be forthwith reported lo these headruarters by the ollicers with whoni they are serving, and immtediate measires taken to return then to their proper coimmaitds. As soon as practicable an inspection will lbe jundo,. and oltargos will be prefetrred against those 'who neglect to enforce this order. * mnch 28'15-Gl R. E. LEE, General. Confederc to States 4A overasen LOCATED A TicttatoNi), VA. Thes Execute : Hron. JIr.r It'ii, of iss., President. Hots. A. If. 8-rrvras, of Ga., Vice-President. J, P. BENJ.Att1, of ha.. ,%ere/ry, of /Ine.. d. A. Tar.snor.xt, of 8.0C.. Sec's, of 7N-easury'. . . lRnxuxtxunaxo, of Ky., Seo'y, of Iyur, I., MALLSYro, of Fla., Sec'y of the Nav;y. Guo. Davis, of N.' C., Aftorntey General. Jo~t *RoaAA, of Texas, Postmaseter Gen. H~ead. of Bureaus : 1Jufuts bodes, Comissioner of' Patofats. G. IA. I ' op; Sup't of Public Priniting. G*en..Sam,, pear, A dj'. and Ispector Gen. John tfi' Chief of lureau of Con. Brg-enrA 1rtoQ, Qartratr S. P.-ifoore 8 on-G .bral.n i. W. Johns, At 1 X eym~vo.- . TEIIEGRAP~IO Reports 'of the Press Association. FROM TIlM I I-ETElintURG FRONT--OFFI CIAL DtSPATCI. ' RicIImOmD March 26.--Tlhe- follow. ing oflicial dispatch was received at the War Department lag, night, dated. Itadqu their o 'gial position, is being imprac icable to bring off the captured guns, oi 1ng to the nature of tlhe ground. They were disabled and left. Our loss, as re orted, is not heavy. Amog the wouni ed is Brigadier General Terry, having flesh wound, and Brigadier General Phil. cock, in arm. All of the troops agag ed, including twio brigades under Brig. Gen. Itansom, behaved most hmin one. ly. The conduct of the siarp-sl ooter. of Gordon's corps, who lead 'the isat, deserves the highest, comamenadatial. This aftevnoon thoro vas skir jbing on the right below Piekett's line wit! varied succesSes. At dark the -Wmly held a considerable portion of t 1 linme ihrthest. in advance of our mllain - orks. ItcuIMoxi), Myrehi 25..--An order fron tle Adjutant General relaiv e to the recruiting of negro troops m tht Con. federacy says:. An officer vill be ssign ed or appointed in each State, c arged, with the enrollent and dispos~i on of all recruits. N\o slave will be a('epted as a reeruit unless with the owne con sent by a written instruim;t.tcoferring, as'far as he sees proper, the.rigiits of a free man. The appointment of illieers to- companies, to be formed of r(erlits, will be Iade by the President. Officers employed in recruiting are enrjoinetd to a, provident .and considerato humatne atten tiona to whattever concerns the health, comfort anld disciplinao of tle troops, and to a uniform oh rvanc of' kindnaes and forbearance in their treatient of then. Especially are they to protect thei frota i.njustice ad oppression. A. RAn) To NORTH CARoINA. 1Hm Mo-N), March '27.-Tho Brirstol. correpondent of the Richmond Whig says that Stoeuin was at Mos;y Creek on the 18th with four thousand cavalry. Ilis. destination is 'Supposed to he Sahis bury, North Carolina. Persons direct from Knoxville report the arrival there, from Chattanooga, -within the last fewv dayvA, of a largo nuam ber' of troops. North Carolina dndi Liynchbutrg, (Va.,) seemued to be 'the theme of cotiversatioat between the offi cers and mxen. X:GnoEs ox. A nlAFT-MorEMEatNT '0oF TROOl'S. A UocsT., i\arch 23.-On the 20th of Mareb a number of naegroca built a raft on B~rier Creek, about one hunadred miles ,belowv this city, andi float6d out. tand attemtpted to navigate tho Savan 'nah river, down,, to, roach tho Yankees tij8gevanDah. Theo craft struick a to Vedo, W'hich. blow Athe .aaft t&r pitop. Ne one ofthe parbyaae been~ hea'd ofsnd.41fare ilqst. . Thedikes reportod iui Gr e~.h 1 Iss*n Ial demonstration against Tupolo. They wero iet at Chamers' by a part of For. rest command, and retreated in haste to ward Memphis. There is demonstrations against Mobile by a flank movement from. Pensacola. Milton is still threatened. Thomas' forco is in northern Alabama and Mississippi, moving with uncertain ty, and with no indfeation.s of their in. teltions. - It is Supposed they will con tinu., to threaten Selma, as soon as op portunity offers and the weather per its. . I NTEI:RESNO N F.,M 'r H E -.f AvOUOSTA, Marich 25.-T;.o Yank-es burned, destroy Al and evacuated )al ton soveral days ago. About 1000 of Wolords cavalry moved eighteen miles above on a town of observation. WolTord ii sutpposed to have 6000 in his entiro command. (en. Taylor hx:s issued an order for the future to field And linle Officers. All coMnniands in the. departmentt are held personally respousible for all danages committed by their solhlicl upon private and public property. Two traisports came up the Bg Black river, nine miles from Canton, Miss., and removed the ottoun placed on the bank for Government- pirposes, our troops being ordered not to interfere with the movemenllt. A Yankeo force of 17000 is III thl vi einfly of (Gum nstown and TuIp-lo, MNis. Tihey are beginiing activo movements. A sirong Yanike. lorce, w\'ithi a large vwagon train, is moving on Co1l m, Mis., from I Iuntsville. Gen. Lyo.' bri, gRe is watching the enIy a. Oimtown. Gen. Forrests' quarters are at. West Point, Miss. Ire is wathing the move ments of Armstrongs brigade, and ope. rating to .cheek the enemv's advance from Salville. A. eonsider1b1!e force of the enmmoiy is reported between Liberty vnd Clinton. Gen. inger is opposing. iis preparn. tions -for the defence of Mobile are very coiplete. Ie hias pIrovisionis for sIX months siege, complete. .Gen. Taylor has done everything for a successful defence. Tho. Yankees Vllo ioved out to Conlsltes, filfi cen Imiles from Pensacob, are water bound. The late term of the grand jury at M-,idison County, O(n., presented C.- C. Dorrough and ciavalry command as a Ilillsancev. Tho Savanmh fdeputb. an of tIe 17th says thm last Iight the Lelegraphie cable of the Yank(;qe was cut at St Augustine Creek by negroes. There is mich en ergy being- displayed- to recover the The British subjects of Charleston had the followving order issued to t hem: iriJtish (onsulate Charleston, S. C., U. S., Feb. 20.-Uriish sutmbjects, resi dents of this placo and vicinity, will reg ister at this consulate the:ir nmem, resi deaco and Ocenpations, at their earliest convenienoe. Trhose who havo already received certificates of neutrality must bring them .for inspetion. A.ll others mumst be prepared to exhibit papers, not only ra to their natiomnality b)ut also nonu trality. (Signed)- - 1[. PrINC~e wY W.grx u~n, Tr n -Acting Consul., In Charleston thero is a very activo trade, anid large stock sales. Ex-Oov. 'Aiken is claimed 'by the C'ourier to latvo been a consistent Union man, and utterly Qpposed to thes Con federacy, and never used nmeasures against the Yumnkeo Qovrmnmont. Lo gree Yatesm, the foriner Prsident~ of the Vin'aueComnitted, llas beeitdisims od'from thm o siin as qbief os fire de. parthi.Len .aa er, of the tizr~r office, has been orb ~lypd ey toY m aO e, pi'itus.[. J 4 uo fr a th the Savannah rive, on tle 7l. She iIs been raised and towed to a place in tle dry dock at Savannahl. 'Phe Ranger, a new Confederat imn. of-war, has been crnising on I .ocoan. Two Yaiflheo vesse's-or'war lave b-t despatchel to Watch tne New England ' coast. Negro balls muler Ihe auspices of the military authorities with furnished gwud - are adIvertised nightly-they -..ro - nouinced first by negro troops-%we stp pose tis is i Charlestont-1d. Ncwf. I Some prisone.trs were exchanged on Feb. 22. 1'ditorial notices and ,full extrmets of Gov. Brown's message are given. Passengers to the southwest from the North, go vi'r Charlotte to Washiigton, Ga.. thenee byv. rail, ob.. A large unher of our paroled prison. er. passed Washington, Ga., during the past veOk,.to await an exchange. INT.iEsTixl FRuOM THE NOnTH. Ricilmo1), March 27.-The New York Trdiue (i' the 25th March says that. the fourth army corps, under Gen. St4niley, 1s reported on its way to Knox ville, to join in thie western Virginia enimpaign. I is. strengtit is estimated at fron 15 to 18,000. A. cavalry force of 6000, tinder Stone. man. has left Knoxville and is moving oni Yesterni Virginia. Fille-en thousind cavalry mounted as infittry left Easpport, Miss., a few days ago i a gigantic raid, with Mobile as he Ilt iumate and abjective point-. A Washin-ton telegram says that a donhle-leaded artille, by Forney, is imi hlit! C/ronic tRi mornin ng, onpea and the proprietyV of pardonling even the rehel leaders, inl in order to seenre and att.roct ,atentionl, it is contnectel with tle 1'reiltit's visit to the front. A report. prevailed in Memphis oi Friday that Mobile lihd been evacuated. (obli is still excited, closing at 15.1. Ildq'rs Armics of the C. Sutaten 1 t1 FUtiunUan, 18013. GIN F..\L On 9r2,a8, No 2. IN et'iim uoh #e campaign about to opeir, the tieneral-in Chief feels assur ed that the soldiers who hav' so long- and so nobly boric tho hardships and dange-s of the war, requirio noe xhortation to respond to the calls of honor- and du1ity. Wit i hie liberty tranmit tled by their fore fat hers they have inlherited the spirit to de tnt it. The choice bet-een war and abjeck sub mission is beforo them. To stuch a proposal brave men with arms in ilheir hands can have but one answer. They cannot harter n'mnhood fur peace, nor the ri-ghlt of self-government for life oir property. Itut jist-ice to tlem requires a snenr ad monition to those who have abandonet their comrades in tihe hour of peril. A las, opportunity is offered then to wipe out tihe disgrace and escape the punishment of thrir crimes. - By authority of the President of the Con federate States, a pardon is aninounedI to stuch doscrters anti inen improperly absent, 3- shall re thru to i1he coaniaisd. to which they belong wiithin the shorteSt possible tilm, not exceeding twenty days froin the iublict tion of this o-Ar at tie hiadquar ters of-the department in which they may be. Thoso who may bo prevented by ircer - ruption of coml muinicat ions. I 1miiy report within the fimoe specified to the nearest En rolling f1ict-er or other officer on duty, to be forlwarded s soon as p-acticable, and upou presenting a certifncio . frem such otlice showing complianco with his requirement, will receive the pardon'hereby offercd. Those who hav'o deserted to the service of the enemy, or tv o have deserted after'hn - lng been once pardohed for the sanme otfeiice, .and those whlo shall desert, or absent thenm. selves without authaority after the -publica tion of t.his ordea, are excluded froin its bene. tits. Nor- tdoes tho offer of pardon exteind to other offences than desertioni and abjsence . withaout permissIon. lBy the same authority, it is also declared~ that no 8'eneralatmnesty will again be ginant edl, and thoso who refuse to accept thme par.. donaow offered, or who shalt bereafter de sort or absent 'theinselves withrout leave,. shall suiffer such puiihmnt. as the Ceurts .nmay impose, and no application for elemeh cy ttill be entertained. Taking new r-esoltitiona from thae ftie which our enemies intend for us, lot every man devote all his eniergies to the comamon defence. Our resourcesdisely 'and 'ligorously em-. .-ployed, aire ample,Mend. a brave army, sus :ttined by a detortnIned. and inited people, sulicess, with God's assistaaoe,' e annot be .doubtfel. The advantages of~thq.enemy will have bpit ltd1e value, If we do not perpmit thopn to* Amphhir otf. resoentilon, -Let its, then, op-. p~,coinstancy to, adversIfy, fortitude to ffeitg and( *ottrat t#\ dafitrev, with the Irm ssuance that. di who gave freedoma to outm fathers sifl-bless 41e effdris of their Awhihren t6 irserve -t ....- - melh 23'0 6.t I. ~. LEE~General.