Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, December 25, 1919, Image 3

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Marvelous Story of Woman’s Change front Weakness . / to Strength by Taking . Druggist’s Advice : •« y Peru, Ind/—“I suffered, from a dts-. placement with backache and dragging down pains so I badly that at times ^ I.could not be on my feet and it did not seem as though II could stand it I tried different p medicines without any benefit and several doctors told me nothing but an operation would do me any good. My drug gist told me of Lydia E. Pink- » ////// ham’s Vegetable V ft!I .Compound. Ttook \A\\V \ ^ with the result Y 1 \\ \ «Jj| that I am now well * . ' l and strong. I get up in the morning at four o’clock, do my housework, then go to a factory and work all day, come home and get supper and feel good. I don’t know how many of my friends I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me.”—Mrs.. Anna Meteriano 36 West 10th St., Peru, Ind. Women who suffer from any such ail ments should not fail to try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E- Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. CHEST CLOGGED UP WITH HEAVY COLD? Canada Would Like 8,000 Square Mites of Maine W ASHINGTON.—Senator Johnson of California read into the Congressional Record in the closing days of the Just session an article by Sir Andrew McPhnil of McGill university. Montreal, and said by way of introduction: “It is an articGT~bya distinguished Ca nadian. in which he show's the pur poses t6 which the League of Nations ought to be put wti&n subsequently it ° “ may be In operation, and he delineates the boundaries, as he believes they ought to bc t between Canada and the United States,-and Shows that under the League of Nations, under article 19* that boundary should be fixud whereby about 8.000 square miles of the state of Maine should he added to 'Canada.” Sir .Andrew elaborates or\ the proposition that a free nation must have reasonable access to the sea by-* communications that are reasonably''secure. His conclusion Ifv: “All access to the sea, even by the St. Lawrence, is under direct control of the United States, on account of t»he projection of the state of-Maine to within 30 miles of the St. Lawrence* This one outpost dominates the life of Canada, w’hich exists only by the will of its neighbor.” So he argues in favor of* the United States giving Canada that part of Maine lying north of the Canadian Pacific railway between Megantic in Quebec and McAdam in New Brunswick. After discussing ways and means, he concludes: ’ " * “It may he urged that this barrier against future development - exists merely in our minds and sentiments: but nationality itself is an affair of sentiment, which none appreciate better than the people.of the United States. This proposal for an act of generosity on their part w ill, it is believed, appeal- to .their just and generous nature and will be entirely in harmony with -that spirit of idealism which Impelled .them to coirte. to the relief and rescue of the distressed nations of thd world which were striving to be free and to* remain in fredoin. Here is u master chancfe of putting the League of Nations to the test.” Take ’Pape's Diapepsin" and eat favorite .foods without fear Tour meals hit back. Your stomach is sour, acid, gassy and you feel bloat ed after eating or you have heavy I lumps of indigestion pain or headache, but never mind. Here is Instant re- Uef. - Don't stay upset L Eat a tablet of Pape’s Diapepsin tablets and immedi ately the indigestion, gases, acidity and all stomach distress caused by acidity ends. Pape’s Diapepsin tablets are the surest, quickest stomach relievers In the world., They cost very little at drug stores.—Adv. 9oo Drops) aitth 111 *4 f if Uhl \ For Infanti and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bounceless Golf Ball Stops A golf hall driven, no matter how forcibly, against a loose canvas cur tain, goes “dead” and falls, harmlessly instead of shetng ateny. possibly to do damage. In a new* device for golf practice and instruction, wich ^ cur tain, about 40 filches high and 30 Inches-wide, is mounted on a folding frame that leans slightly toward the player, and lias canvas side wings fur ther to confine the ball, says Popular Mechanics Magazine in an illustrated article. A strip ,»f. paper, fed from a roll at the t<*p. hangs down the cen ter of-the curtain, and serves as a tar get to be perforated by an accurately driven, ball. ALCOHOL-3 PER GEl _ AVe^etablc Preparation Aj | similatin^ the Food by Ketftd** ^ I ttogtheStomacto and Bowels or Infants Ohldrln - ! Thereby Promoting Digestion k Cheerfulness andReslContaas neither Opium,Morphine nor MineraFNoTXARCO 110 Pump*i*S*i il 0 "i* ec_r;v r- " 3 3 tMero* iscac CUnMSq* A helpful Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhoe* and Feverishness and Loss of Sleep resulting thcrcfrom^nln^^ facsimile Si4natnr« of GhrffS&Z The Centaur G ompanx. MTVV YORK Thirty Years Don’t give it a chance ta ‘set in”—use Dr. King’s New Discovery T HAT dangerous stage where a cold or Cough or ruse of grippe might get the better of you may be nearer than you think. * Prompt action with Dr. King's New Discovery will avert a long siege. . For fifty years it has loosened con gested chests, dissipated tight-packed phlegm, broken vicious colds and coughs. Give -it to tiie youngsters— take it yourself. There will be uo disa greeable after-effects. 00c. and $1.20 a bottle. At your druggist's. Give it a .trial. Bowels Become Normal —liver livens up, bile flows freely— headache, biliousness, tongue-fur, stomach-sourness, disappear when Dr. King's New Life Pills get in their natural, comfortable action.. Purgatives, never pleasantly correc tive, sometimes hamt-Jorming, should not be taken to rack the system vio lently. Nature’s way is the way of Dr. King's New Life Pills—gently but firmly functioning the bowels, elimi nating the intestine-clogging waste, and promoting the most gratifying results. Cleanse the system - with them and know the boon of regular bowels. 25c at all druggists. Measured in Time. ^ “The League <>f Nations is the ques tion of the hour.” “More than that. It has already bes-n tlie question of a year or so.” “Direct and Indirect Costs” of the Great War T HE first comprehensive report on the “direct and Indirect costs of the war” ' has Just been made by the Carnegie Endowment for International Pj*ure. After taking each of the countries separately, those on bo tty sides, and then summarizing the total direct and the total Indirect costs, the report gives 1 QOflfr WORK / * A the < ^ rect eost as $186.000,000,1100, and FOR HOTMli -/miSva states that the indirect costa “have ^ ^ amounted to almost as much more.” The'Capitalized value of soldier human life, which is given among the “Indirect” costs, is placed at $.'13,551,- 276,280. The property losses are divided as follows: On laud. $29,900,000,000; to shipping and .cargo, $0,800,000,000. I/oss of production is an Indirect «*ost of the war which has meant to the nations $45,000,000,000. War relief added $1,OIK MM10,000. The loss to neutrals through the indirect cost to them Is placed at $1,750,- 000.000. The tutu! Indirect costs to all nations, those engaged in the war and the neutrals. Is $151,012,542.5(10. ... t • In addition to the $33.551.<M)O.000 given jis the economic worth of those who lost their lives or were injured In actuul warfare, an equal amount Is allowed for civilian losses. The number of known dead Is placed at 9.998,771, and the presumed dead at 2,991,800. To the losses from deuth and wounds there are added “those resulting from disease, pestilence, privation, hardship, physical exhaustion and similur causes.” HOW Exact Copy of Wrapper. RHEUMATISM BEGINS The excruciating agonies of rheuma tism are usually the result of failure of the kidneys to expel poisons from the system. If the irritation of these uric *c*id crystals is allowed to continue, in curable bladder or kjdney disease may result. Attend to it at once. Don’t resort to temporary relief. The sick kidneys must be restored to health br the use of some sterling remedy which will prevent a return of the disease. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cnpsotea immediately. They have brought baek the joys of life to count less thousands of sufferers from rheu matism, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, gall atones, gravel and other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied organa. . They will attack the poisons at once, clear out the kidneys and urinary tract and the toothing healing oils and herha will restore the inflamed tissues and organs to normal health. AH others are imitations. Ask for GOLD MEDAL and be sure the name GOLD MEDAL is on the box. Three sizes, st all good druggists. -Adv. Polk Miller’s 1S Liver Pills The Good Old Kind that ways do the work, me formula for 50 yesrs. Unequalled for Biliousness, Sick Headache. Constipation and Malaria. At all druggists. Manufac tured by Polk Miller Drug Co* Inc* Richmond, Va. •OLD roi SO TEAM For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER Strength*rung Tenie. MLS IT ALL Wrong Move. Mother— Why don’t you whin he trios to kiss you? Duughter—I tried that -end stopped. KODAKS & SUPPLIES W« also do highest (Ism of Snlafelog. Bt<i'es and Catalogue upon rvquaaS. S. Calaski Optical C*., lirWcd, Va. If tout ares smart or fool scalded. Ro man Eye Balaam applied upon golnc to bod la Juat tha thing to rallava them. Adv. . "Cold In the Head” is an acute attack of -Na^al (,'aiarrh. Par sons who are subject to frequent "colds in the head" will find that tin- use oi HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blopd And render t+n-m liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All Druggists 75c\ Testimonials free. Jluu.uo for sag case "f catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Old-time religion anil old-lime morals ^ steered many human ships into har bors of safety and contentment. TO TONE UP THE SYSTEM King, N- C.:—“I wish to say that I find Dr. Pieroe’s Golden Medical Discovery and Favorite Prescrip tion the best tonics on the market. “My wife says she would have been * dead had she not tak en Favorite Pre scription. One bot tle always puts her straight when she gets weak and run down. I took a bottle of ‘Golden Medical Discovery* *and tjlie result was ... a gain of one and one- half pounds in !,tone up the system, bet ter I think than cod-liver oiL”—J. WAL TER TUTTLE, Route 2. WOMEN WITH BACKACHE ' Chattanooga, Tenn.:—“Dr. Pierce’s re medies were a great help to me. I had become all rundown in heiJth due to my having inward weakness. I was nervous and weak and could not eat or sleep. I suf fered with backaches and dreadful pains in mv head. I was miserable when I !>egan taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and also Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery and from a physical wreck these medicines restored me to health and strength. I could eat and sleep well and was in better health than 1 had been for a time previously.”—MR3 A* D. California Is Last Word in Superdreadnaughts T HE superdroadnaught California, launched the other day at Mare Island navy yard., represents the last word in battleships. She Is expected to cost more than $15,000,000 and will carry 12 14-inch guns. Besides being electrically driven, the new warship will be electrically operated from her guns ty her potatopeeling machine. In commission the California will have a crew of 1.022 men nnrh*5S otfi-* cers, full complement. She has a length over all of 024 feet, a breadth of 90 feet and a depth of 47.2 feet. Her displacement at her mean draught of 30.5 feet would be 32.000 tons. She has an estimated speed of 21 knots j ami a normal fuel capacity of 1,!KX) tons. 'It is estimated that she is fully | 30 per cent better protected than any other vessel In the United States navy i not excluding the New Mexico. Her great turbines are of 28.000 horsepower. The guns will be fired by electricity.. Her ventilation,- steering, supplying of power to the drive shaft, laundering, printing. Ice cream freezing, cake making and dishwashing all 1 will be electrically operated. Although this has brought her total cost to something in excess of $15^- 000,000. a saving In fuel is expected quickly to offset this cost. Her hull alone cost $7.800,000. ^ In armament the California will rank high. Besides her 12 14-inch guns she will carry four submerged torpedo tubes, 25 two-inch rapid-fire guns, four six pounders, two one pounders, four-inch antiaircraft guns, one three-inch luuding gun and two 30-caliber machine guns. Liked to Go and Come. Little Mary, on being asked If she Iked to go to school, said: “Oh. yes. I .ike to go and <vome hack. Stn.vlng there between times Is what I don’t Jke.” Man may be as deceitful as woman in some things, but he never tries to transform a yawn Into a smile. The wise woman rules her husband - by permitting him to think he’s “lt.“ Kvrrgr'a llnifft. Amoor Rim Prlvvt. t vr* IM.I1 4(1 E»*r,r«*n NarorlH Coavtt. S. C. W«nl(4, l* turj tow*, to at oollln, articlo, btc proflu aaourod. Urrttortra p in, foot. Writ* Immediately for particular* I. J Weatherall. *11 W IMth St ..Now York. GREAT roRTt NKM IN Oil, LEASES—If you havo (It buy N. Louisiana OU La ana a. Mammoth puahera Oroat escItamcnL Writ* Kallabla La a* I as Syndicate, Kuaton. La. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 51-191*. ROYSTI 105 Whitesiue St. BRONCHITIS - Alton Park, Tenn.?—“Dr. Pieroe’t medi- fltDeu have been used a great deal in my family with the very beat of results. I h&d a gin that had chronic bronchitis and I Some Bull’s-Eyes and Stray Shots by the Young Idea T HE schoolboy of the nation means well and will probably grow up to be a useful citizen—in some line of activity where accuracy is not absolutely essential. In the meantime he is, as Artemus A’ard would sny. a “most amuzin’ little cuss.” For example, here are ex- HY fAVORffE was HEMRY VIII. HE HAD 6 wives aw killed *£« ALL- cerpts from the- examination of classes In general history: “Romulus obtained the first citi zens of Rome by operating a lunatic asylum.” “Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption from the Vatican.” "There were no Christians among the early Gauls, they were mostly lawyers.” In mythology we have the following: “The Gorgons were three sisters that looked like women, only more hor rible." The class in English history “My favorite character in English ‘Edward "Henry r« son William was drowned In the White Ship and never smiled again.” ?*The Black Death was terrible'for the laltorers, because they were forced to do all the work left by the 'thousands that died.” We'USrlve various bits of biography: “Benjamin Franklin jwodu^ed electricity by nibbing cats backward.” ‘’Andrew Jackson was called Old Hickory because When he was a boy he was a little tough." “George Wash ington married Mary Curtis and In due time became the father of bis country.” Definitions of this and tb*t: .“A deacon is the lowest kind Christian/ "The Pharisees were people who liked to show off their goodness *y praying in synocyms.” "An ibex la where you look In the back part of tUF book when you want to find anything that is prlntad in the front part of the book.” "A man who looks oa the bright side of things is called aa optimist, bat a ’A hyphenated American Is ana that talksjn. tarnishes some interesting material: history was Henry VIII. He had six wives and killed them all.” Ill would have been king of France If his mother had been a man. ri»pv ■S' mm, \ T O FARMERS who know the value of fish and want it in their Fertilizer, we announce that we have laid in an ample supply^ of fish scrap to meet all demands. If you want the genuine, original Fish Scrap Fertilize^, insist on ROYSTERS FERTILIZER trade marn REGISTERED 1 The Fertilizer That Made Fish Scrap Famous J F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C Charlotte, N. C * Washington, H. £» Columbia, S. C Spartanburg, 8LC Atlanta, Ga. Macon, G*. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Ilrilimiei Mil Toledo. Ohio.