***** ■7 " "X" ‘ / BARNWELL 8RHTJLNEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA T j SAME RATTIF IN farmers overlook VALUE OF PEANUTS OflE COMMUNITY , ->?/•> ■* Teamwork Is Worth Much in Teaching Efficiency in Care of / '/ Rearing.Animals. WISCONSIN LIKES GUERNSEY Buyers Attracted to Waukesha County From All Over Country—Many* Breeding Associations in Min nesota and New Hampshire. Constipated Children Gladly Taka^ “California Syrup of Figs’ Prepared by the , United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) COMMUNITY BREEDING For the Liver and Bowels Tell your idru^ist yqy genuine jgnt - ^California Syrup of Figs.” Pull. -directions and dose for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue- coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name “California* and accept no other “Fig Syrup.” Commonplaces. “Anything startling in today’s mall?” *e h» ‘'Cuticur.. E. Biatao," 2 t i t\ "• Community breeding simply f j means that the farmers In a cer- l ? tafn community agree to do two ? ! things: | t First, to breed hut one breed f • • 4 of TTittle, sheep and hogs. — i | Second, they nirr< r *e to use none ? i hut purebred sires, these sires he- i T ing owned ei.ther Individually or ? * collectively. . i ? Everyone Is absolutely free to * * do as he pleases Just snrlong ns i | he ^ticks to one class of stoclf nnd J * uses a purebred sire. Tln*se ? I ideas can best be carried' out if I f the farmers are organized ft) a * l body and get together at stated b periods. ■** ? / Great Difficulty Exists in Procur/* 7\riL DnnA/ p»«w/ i / ing Pure/ Seed. — t ~ Few Years of Proper Selection Will , Give Grower ^Strain nf Seed That Cannot Be Had From.Any. Other Source. 1 Prepared 67 the United States De>art- — niifnt ot Asriculture ) Scarcely: a day passes that inquiries PHYSICALLY FIT AT ANY AGE It isoT ngx of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, -imported direct from the laboratories.in Holland-The^ wmgive “FAKE" ASPIRIN * WAS TALCUM ■A . V // ‘•■V Therefore Insist Upon Gen- ' uine “Bayer Tablets v • 0/ Aspirin”- fpr any DAISY FLY KILLER ATTRACTION D Ktf.LS •* * The shadow yf trouble Is usually than flic trouble itself. ALL FlIES. Neat, elcan .ornamental con venient, cheap La«ta all aeaann. Ua>'a of metal, can’t *| .1 or tipoeer : will not aoi) or injura an/tt-inif. Unarm- tee.) eSccttee. Sold by dealora^ 6 by EM I pr. pa J, 'll .3. There Is no advantage gained by keeping throe or four breeds of beef cattle in the same community, except the saftsfoetton of 'personal—profer- • ni es, hut there are many advantages to he derjv *d from keeping one and the same breed in tin* same Couimu- nitv. riety for general cultivation on south ern farms. Great difficulty exists however, in procuring pure seed. The duly way that the farmers of the Stiuth van he sure of a high-producing strain of pure Spanish is by growing a seed patch from specially selected seed. .. r - ' Thirty-six pounds of. clean Spanish peanuts in the shell will plant an acre, "arid a one-acre seed patch, if properly luimHed, will produce enough seed to plant-about 30 acres the next year. With this fak’t before them, it shcftild he a comparatively^ easy matter for the peanut growers to get on the right basis, so far as .the seed supply is ■Concerned. The seed used for ..plant ing tin* seed acre should* first he carefully selected in the pod, then shelled by hand, and the shelled peas again carelulfy gone over, and all that are “off” color or inferior either in size or s’hape should he discarded.. A few years of proper selection will Tire the farmer a, strain of seed pea*" nuts for his conditions that cannot be had from any other source. By What U “Spring* f>»er’’ •Imply low VUallty, a Jack of Energy 1 by IrrT^nrTfl. • In t6- Me i E S BLESS chill TOS'li’ r.i*ur-» VJtallty rgy by Purifying and Enrirhlnic th« Tou can soon f.oljta Strengthening. DAKOLU 6UUKKS, 160 Os Kalb An., Brooklyn, N. Y. rou can soon f*-sl Ms S- Ung Effect. Trl. lTCTr^ OILLT®KinC I'rohahly the most important reason why the same breed of cattle should be kijit in |>in* Community is that it de velops community Interest.* (’omin'l- nirt hh*etllng i^ certain to he a -ym- pathetic tie binding the people togeth er In tin* accomplishment- of anything t . ' ▲ woman can make pie s-nt of aai she wants to. Ss!J far 50 Ytart ro* H ALAI!A, CHILLS AM) FTVEH. Alina *lss C«a«ralSms0 "scrub” hulls have been s . -sr . > . *7 ' - t , - / l ■N-' k •Sf* .. m.._. >v ... '-jtj , A * —t m GOLD DUST, together with FAIRY SOAP, COTTOLENE and many otheT H”’ 1 4 & household specialties, is niadc by The N. K. P'airbank C)6., a subsidiary of - ^ i. * ■ —- '/.’** \ THE AMERICAN COTTON OIL COMPANY l; MILL* OF THCAMERICAN COTTON OIL COMPANY .G«. Greenville . S C. Montgomery, AU. Memphi*. . . Tenn. Fort'Smith, Ark. Hrnderton ..N.C. At.anta • • • Gt. C!ark»da!c. M ss. T^renton • Tenn. Pine Bluff . A^k . . N.C. Macon. . . . Ga. Jackson . . Mil*. Gretna La. Bunkie . . . .La. Wilmington, N.C. Huntsville .Ala. Meridian. . Miss. N. Little Rock. ^rk. Monroe ...La. Cafambia . V S.C. Mobile . •. Ala.-Jackson ..Tenn. England .... Ark. Shreveport .La. x The founders of The American Cotton Oil Company origi nated Cotton Seed Oil. The Company, took Cotton See^J, for merly a waste product, and made Cotton *Sced Oil, Cake and Meal, Hulls and Linters. This opened up for the South a new source of wealth, which today brings annually to the South ever five hundred millions of dollars. shipped out of the county during the past three years, and purebreds have — -taken -^-thelr places, eliminating the v”seruh” entirely. Many smalL herds have been started as a result of this movement. - Buyers are attracted to this county without advertising, ‘ and they tm- tmahlo to meet the demands for good Breeding and stuck cattle. — More Associations Needed. "Are there not more communities L* every state which would, he richer for having a community breefferjfl asso- ciation?”_ ask ..Abe--a 1 ists^j True there are,many purebred sires used, but the need of more Inspiration In stilled info the beef-cattle business is apparent, inch inspiration as is gotten from organization and co-operation, from getting together shoulder- to shoulder, and from rubbing of elbows; The United Stateff^eparfment of.ng- rleulture--«r extension department “of your state college of agriculture will be glad to hear of any such organ.zn- j tlons already p’rfeeted or to assist in the organization of others. Is there gootory: j “A Congressman had pn*pnred what he rnreri>h , rT T Tl—was ati • |>•'n'ti tiiaklnqr tiddress and «ii< on tenter hooks to oh liver it. lie appeared to be taore Interested In Ids s|„., t;h than he was in his hill.. Mis WTl. Imivwer, was a good r one, and Speaker ^’aniion was trying to help it along. There were —V <^uly a few moments left in which to do -bus ness aud the mail with *the. speech finally got 1'nele Joe riled, s "’If the gentleman will just wait a few moments till 1 pass Ids hill.' said the speaker, ‘he can then make his speech.' ” > w Fox on Lead of Hay. A teqmster in I’ehn^LrivH+clti raTry ing a load of hay not long ago noticed a number of foy hunters and dogs and waited to see if anything happen- *ed. Whyn flic Imnters came up they here and show It to asked if he~had >a*en a. fox. _He^_siUj|- mer’ cried the <>. 1)., getting excited, fid had not. * Down carnet the man frthn the Some miles further oh tin* team- crow’s nest and pointed out a light. ster stopped to talk and got uff the “You • fool, that’s pur own mast- load of hny.v As lie was chatting he light.”—Judge. ; saw a fox leap from the'■ wagon a-tpl 4 : j trot off. The fox laid evailed tiu* dogs Too Much So. ’ | hjT leaping on the Toad of lmy and "I’ve got.one here. I’ve dramatized ! burrowed into it before tin* dogs catne K spring cleaning.” up. at his last Stopping place.' <► C I * 1 ♦ Why Complain of Poor Coffee Or The High Price of Coffee when yop can have a superior beverage of rich flavor and health value by drinking the original n c K t- nTrg For- yoyr early laying puiletA jacjtt fall don’t, take any uhaue(*s. Always remember "that the future to a large extent Is the direct outcome or yes terday ami today. One often hears the term “good luck” or '"bad loek^-ttr connection with hatchings, mvbmod- Ings, when tis a matter of fact, luck, good or had. would he more properly ; te*i* cd or had management. .If' i*ne Is “ujjluoky" enough to forget’ tc tai The lamp or o^»se.the door against ! <-il* or rats, one may be unlurkj • enotitrfi to mr-t with losses. Unf »rtu- i Tv. luck does play a jxigt orco in 1 'illtJtx hoth for g<*nl or lnul. Careful, II P0STUM Dlioits w-.rk te fit real facto/ 1 * K'> *9 tuuak every vase., bow to-dim I note Uie “acrub" alre. J mr. y "" mi'r a- ■ It’s an American drink whose *1* _ f high quality never varies. __ Its price doesn’t change and it’s economical Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c Everywhere at Grocers.