Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, June 12, 1919, Image 4

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rnwell SetUintl, 4^&rn\ve4b S On\h. -CiiV-i ' Tare. K JltfKK PI PF BOND! AND Rf ttr-t-f Wi l nil sc J Privilege (tur of tlie hejtiui -**, the times is 11**-* • nifi uface ami thought* giv moral ami uplifting ngen the larger newspapers. lXs Moines Register a- quesiiou. “Why is it \i iiicnibcfsliip ot *he c churches, whicli in the i composed of a higheL Care ci* TheStale’ CoIumtia.S.C : of iho propaganda in its favor, * , vi ry few people Pelieve 111at ii * ; will help present conditions. An ^ j uulortunate elementi» that next 1 he , year is the r presidential fjam- t ,,l! * j paign. The two great parties the j care for nothing quite so much nirv lu get into jiower and secure in i> the political oflices. Nothing wijl help us to face the present Hup problems so much as UT fully hts, realize the conditions that coil- f the front us. ; It now seem-'that the lu»ve good old days are very tar from c^niiut in on»- it- ytate -ughtyaml H lie of woman sitllia 4me l»B' k ** m«* i».> *.r f • A vhur: u* > nn |mt* OMEY TO LOAN BRAND DIAMOND J im-al' For Better Aii : i i r> nuilj t 'tir-.M itt «r: LOANS MADE PROMPTLY A/p>y lo- Holman & Boulware Lawyers Phone 3S^* SOU M CAROLINA f N\\^>1 Kodak Results A«k T..r Ur. ffc u« f*t UII-CHFR TFR ft A DIAMOND l'AANp FILM in Rro Colo utrtal.ic Min, Mmatd vitk BtunO) RibHcm. 1*1.1 muii.NBar •# 7 .-r y/ Drtfilil u4 Mk for (lll.raCB.TfB 4 V DIA U O R It Hit A *U l»ILLa.\p r jre«r-> rr?ircle4 ril B-*t Pifcst. A!V* RrlNble. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ,ffi£ EVERYWHERE lgH£ l.ct the Alkf\N tiIPTSHtHVArfcAfr.*: do your^od.ak finishing. Mjilyourot *8V ders Tt)I).\V Summons to Atsent Defendants THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA BARNW ELI Woman’s Suffrage Victory On hist Wednesday in tlieVI la the Court oi Common i'ina^ k llup r Mi-p T. Hrilffti Register >. isenate, woman s suit rage by amendment to Uie Federri con-nrurrmr won its victory after a ITgirmf-ronr years. Tiie ?im- plo words which, declare that “theriglit of citizens of. the 1 i:i- M- y»*r. Carrie 13 Wj| ijius, side arc churches ha only once a.month is mado of tlie oil mornings bv the : of these churches' time be better iw-t tome church bavin Automobiles can * 1 ' only for family r» pleasure trips, hut ; the lust pennon" lied witiim a to vote-shall not be denied by the knifed ■my Htrrte on Hcrotmt i* not as harmless to snug, convenidnt !e bungalow; OCTTiy abi idg ■St at us- n‘:iiiiduft‘ Prvmt. 1 /xtbt*lh .1 Kryji prem distance on- one tie y had granted govenhmnt. T to Tiv upon tiii m—- ~ •—e-a^- juistiee was that "\\ •• -vy>> *-> got back to the good old t rtT<-s hi - fore the wqr a- sot u as/]t.yssible. YYe . thought that 4>re ; c- . oil'd resume their norma! h‘\> i for what we bon gilt 'and vtay uj* to their ahuormal leyci to:; what we -sold. \\'i‘ thought that, we would soon secure abundant labor at before the war-wagos. Somebody has thrown a nion- koy wrench into the machinery of tilings. - We have f.or months rqad of HO wit • tiUil EhTTbetl) .1. V. v and Wipiam K.d- ;o il l’ch Uv Li .\KE hekeid KK^riUED T iiignts. i'Tie i ivil'\\ ar unsi i tied only the-one ipiV.vMou, dha a state -did not lia ve the right t< >eccue trdm-t^+e—1-iiiuii. Tin South ii>r nearl\ ! -^-ttr-t , e:itury luu been the- bulwark- of proTec tion of state rights. Tile \Vr» has been the hotbed for ’ever 1 Socialist doctrine foisted ujioi us in a. .quarter century-, ft popalatioiT is maitily uu-Ameri can, its comnmnitiev are but bit. of Kurojn: in hrnguage, manners LA80R-X i alwver ll.e , iiim-mlul Cpnipl^iui in tl: s iictien, o. i_w iiisiga t* hereby.siyvcd upon you-, au-i’t'i -r'Tve a .copy of your answer'to -;d'l Oompldint on the >_ibseri|H*r ar hi> I ottioe in tin- town of Barnwell, S. C, ^[whliin twenty days afn-r theWonrirr . I her,of, exclusive of tlie day of -ueh t«er- vu-e ; ami if vo.u fail t) answer the Com - piafta witliiii the fmu-' v Hfurr'*a; 1 the plaiotiiT? Ti this action will ap, ly to tlu . Court far ili«4 relief depianded in tlfy >n iplaint: ^ - Pat <1 tlu -day of I)ecembTruJ9ls .) AS. H. PiViVIH,- 7 - ^ i -Jhai:,lifT>s’ Aporney. ( c ’ t Q'JICKEILT not -ui. ».'ii n s\ si i inn tn- tha i MONEY Many‘iffm'W i-ai-l fl heiiiy i • riTai'ltu- plans, with -»p< .sin-iVgiftHB. And >«•*. tlu- pi. r v .if vnl i: *v i'i-t-ricnV-,4 «>f atOiMeivs.^it ■ • ~vir ,r cir.itest. pnssil li- ,< i . v ' stud) liy tin' I ->1 inc iv.iste, aial LtBhovTstit \ >.t .n fim-, . our v :<\1 ii'ius,. V u j . I In "iir cumj.'- '-ii' to pi-r.'i t •; uy^.- s y i «. Ini) it from*tin* mill. in.iiu.fV.; tire prni-t'ss, frian the tr<,- to I'm liny direct fTi-BI' till 1 HOir'- ot hnttsoslirft laiilt Kim 1:1111 tu-- aTolded. As tlu- h"t > s ;i4ai nut.of Rimntttwi ri itieii'.n. Russia. • Wo wouldn't have be lieved-the truth of the reports except .in the mouths of ,such true witnesses its have reported thenar* In conquered Geraaitny blood shed by brothers agaitist each other,has lilfed the ftreets of their cities as water after a summer shower. Kvery Kuro- pean mbnarch knowstlmt his throne is -baking bejieath hiin : . Italy s stand orf the ‘DlTui.'d. iues- $952 less 10 per cent PRICE worked- itHL Uerumny .iiii.if th^v lived there instead of here. Having no 'polit ica 1 convietipnk they have never known politi cal .loyalty,. They have been the most loyal supporters from time to time of every political ^platform oil’ered to the -.people. ih cc ss.ify 'ir.tor . t • ii-'-J. «' ,-in.- f* < -v .' A'V. si*»*--11■iii>.ii^, . and an attractive trm tU.itid arid et'mv'ivt<-»'i To tlu- Pt'feiidatit^.CU'aPiaifd irryniff. I a adore Bryant. E-sie May Bryai.t, and Com.mo4i>re Ifryanl : YOU'.WILL PLEASE TAKE No- TICF-*’” Tlwrt the.Summon- in IhU ac tion, of wnich the foregoinc i- a eoj j to-.-ifthor with tin* Complaint was HLmI in t! • - of #ue Cli-rk f • - U :ri •lien “-11. x 12-ft * is. vv-*ll I |TeK of Nortlt- ( .1 Ting a nd wHInf. u ir-uih, IV-ira rtiii.-'i. Art iri. 's .oid har.'w ire t' t t- <»{';. st •! '' ft W n I T EL T O-n A Y from internal explosions. Ilia w«mid li.TVe _jmant amrrehv France ii setting over a j><AY<te