J BARNWELL BOY RECEIVES AND ACCEPTS APPOINTMENT ESTABLISHED HOME FOR THE MOTHERLESS INFANTS REDUCE COTTON ACREAGE Farmers Meet, Organize and Pledge Themselves to Reduce Cotton Acreage and Fertilizer. Ill spite of the unsettled ather and the short time that meeting: had been adver- © . _ __ ... list'd, aTayge and enthusiastic crowd o f Burn well emi nty’s farmers, including a large num ber of colored farfner^, .assem bled in Barnwell on last Friday to take part‘in the carhpaigii to reduce the cotton acreage ‘and‘the amount of fertilizer for the.eusning year. meeting was called yilg Iliccvrug, . , UCUVW‘J — ~ rtp* tn 4 * The C irchPHrrHttgnr mcnt ^f the Interior. says : L Civ t a - I - A ^ 11 » to Will Be Attached To The American ! ; ’ ' f Embassy At London, j It was with great pleasure that we read in Saturday’s, [State that’ Mr. John Duncan Holmes, eldest son of Mr. and adjustment is the critical time.. , Mrs ' w - L Holmes, of this city, J , lias received and accepted an - - i 'A PREDICTION AND AN ANSWER ■Secretary Wilson, of the De- part meat of Labor, says : “The present. method of re- First One in t.he Carolinas With Skilled Nurses—Prepaired forjQollege. We have just- received a folder from the "Economy Kornev for the motherless child, Kings ('redrrSD.;• setting for t h the purpose of enlarging the homer This institution takes infants BONUS IN PAY FOR OFFICERS AND MEN AND ARMY NURSES ' * • i A - . . - ■ LEE ALLEN EASTERLINC. God in, tliy infinite mercy, God in thy wise goodness, God m-tby- omnipotent ruling. . . 0 Tf \v-p v.n* through it safelv " tt> -. ttllu r“-| mid small children who "are left It we can passtiuougii ii saitiy, nrmnintiiuuit m—-the— eons-nlftr-—*—•—f™-,—, , 1 » r™ j " . _—* apiiuuumeu* -w. uiu - ^ m ‘ . motherless to care for and. pre- ™* ft Iibto lipfore us from eight service of. the L nited States. Mr. idolmes received this a p- we have before us from to ten years of industrial ao tivity equal to any wave of | pointinent through the effort prosperity we have ever , 1 • - - — - “ *• '•/MU I | had. But ify there is'any serious un employment. there will be a pe riod of industrial unrest..which may lead us to a repetition of the French or Russian revolu tion." Secretary La»e. of the . —— i pare them.for college. 'file home was* chartered last fall by the state of South Caro lina as an eleemosynary institu tion. the trustees having pur chased the Piedmont Springs **tT* “ v . ,7”7 \ property, not far southwest of studious from ns boyhood and ] fln ‘ ^ Ioulltain battle grouud , has grown to he a very bright N £, two miles o.Tst of Kings 1 v , of Congressman James F.Byrnes and will be attached to the American Embassy at London. Mr. Holmes has been very laud intelligent young man, He OI’ucx .»• A. Brown, Esq., who made a short talk explaining the object of the meeting aud introduced the speakers * A hand from Columbin fur- ljDhed music ’ for the occasion and it had been advertised that au aeroplane would make an ex hibition flight provided a suita ble landing place could be found. The confmittceou arrangements were very much disappointed -mhi-'i by the officer in « --- -T. “If Congress will appropri ate the relatively small sum graduated from the" Barnwell gj, *”• fngl. school several years ago'and J ' 11 • Opauijlmgaa gtnml mam 10 -• . b asrer. Mr. Spaulding has been u _ . has finished college with honors. His many friends in this city w'hicli I have-named for the predict for him a very successful construction of sTfidier-settle- career in his new field of ments in every State in the endeavor. Union,- 1 can offer jobs almost immediately to 100,000 of bur epoch instead of an incident. returned fighting men, tiro- But Suppose for a week/ home is greatly needed just now’. helping to stem the tnle of in- a trip has been planned. The He says .that he has applications dustrial unrest predirtcc n • cc- t ra j n j s t j ue somewhere around from West Virginia to Georgia, mu.\ ion, prov ( lomes and in order not to and that his greatest need is more — * l%nt*A AU»|| conducting a private' home of this kind at Patterson Springs, N C. He claims the distinction of being the first man in the Car- lolinas to start a home for the motherless child. We all agree with him in saying that such a Jod, dear, dear God of us all, | why. J di4---ymr-taiar'" Leo ^ JuLea away? Is it strange that we ask our stives this question as scald ing tears course our cheeks and as grievous sobs send us wavering to*our, knees asking for peace from the storm of sorrow? As we grope—blindly in this vale of tears the truth, the great truth of Heaven, seems a blurred and blohed vision. The heavy Order Received by Camp Headquar ters Allow* $60 Bonus—for ©is- jKrrr—r '- .■ ' * . .. - —V *’ “ r *"‘ == charged Mentratf^Nurses •An 'order for $60 additional pay to be given alL.oflkors-r-^**''' listed men of both army and * . 1 v • ‘I • ^ - -—■— navy, and nurses to be. given under certain conditions has been received-and is as follows: “Iu order that section 1406 of the revenue act of 1918, ap proved-February 24, 1919, may be placed into immediate elfect you are informed as follows : “1. That all persons serving in the military or ^avaf forcea our reasoning is choked. The racking winds out of the vally of the shadow swirl about us until our minds reel with an awful dizziness. ' The terrible [storm is so awful that perhaps we for a moment forget to call for help. The waters of this sea of sorrow* are so dark and turbulent that we look about us in agonizing helplessness. The mist of death settles down and j of the l nited States during the M. -i - - , charge of the aero squadron in Columbia that it would be im practicable . to furnish the flyer for the day. Prominent speak-" ers from various points in the Suite were invited and urged to attend and address th^ meeting, lull none could he had on ac count of other engagements. Mr. A. J. Salimas,of Augusta, Ga., a prominent cotton factor, made a splendid business ad-, • dress in which he outlined the attitude of the* cotton factors towards the movement and as- —awed the audieuct .that, the cot ton factors would not advance any money to farmers who would not sign the pledge to re duce the cotton acreage as well as fertilizer. J. Julien Bush, Esq., was next introduced and in a spicy and pithy address urged the far mers to stand together ami de feat the cotton bears of Wall street. Judge (’has..Carroll Simms urged the people to guard against a bumper cotton crop this year. Mr. Simms brought to!he atten tion of the audience the fact that it would be useless to reduce the cotton aeTeage and then use the same or a greater amount of fer tilizer this year in comparison with last year,As this would de feat the olyect of-the movement, namely, to produce less cotton ICllU > »» II3«M» , Mft v » ^ , . aa r .1 „ eigni a. m., anu m uiuci uui iv , - 0 inltiratinr n. v *uf 'uniut^ lfl1 ^ * ,1#> "" ,g ™ni. They have.tliftTrnirtiplofa trv ; sail brings into cultivation rowed from a neighbor. Great tne Ugh‘I'lailt, but only sixcot- 1,500,Otto acres of at proseu. caution ami care la used in get- g— w , , skea M# , 0 tmproducuya laud thus help- tm* that clock lix*d jxact £ w ou ' r read ^ thst alrcadv mg to make up the deficiency right so it will be absolutely elevcn bauks , oget)ler with a iu cultivated land as compared sure to go off./ . i number of good .Isusines- men with the rate of growth of our to bed; to toss for two are cooperating ij this cam- population. There can ** no so ]j ( j hours, wondering - just paign. It will he appreciated surer insurance for t ie nation how things will be on that trip, by the trustees and friends of than , to put its men upon t ie After a w hile though sleep the home if some of our readers 84,1 * comes, a sort of light, fitful wil1 ftsslst in H‘ i8 R rea t work. imiiTnii ucTfu.ya slumber chug full of dreams ^ e . to commend this ATTENTION VETERANS. ✓ about trains coming ahead of and all similar institutions to The annual reunion of (’amjV time, being on the street bare- ° Ur I >eo I* e * , Ge<». W. Morrall. will be held f 00 ted, etc. While'it is yet dark, very WlUM**€AYS^||[| dark, wakefulness Comes with Miss Daisy Wilson and Mr. present war who have since April *», 1917, resigned or been discharged under honorable con ditions (or, in the case of re servists been placed on inactive duty) or who at any time here after (but not later than the termination of the curreut en listment or term of service) in the case of the enlisted per sonnel and female nurses or ••• ^ wvftftftft^ft * v I 11 (ft IV 11U1 VA storm, 0_thc storm, #rash- within one year after the termi- in|> |,ITpP rtpr f pB a our earv|^at4mi-rrf the present war in ut Meyers Mill on Friday the 4th day of April at 11 o’clock. The Hon. Edgar A. Brown will be with us and deliver the oration for the occasion. At the same time and place the united sons of veterans of Camp B. B. Kirkland will meet with us. The public is cordially in vited to supplement the attend ance with their presence ac companied by the usual number of baskets filled with good things to eat. ^ • • All veterans of the county are earnestly urged to be with us as the camp is getting old and will uai l\, n (inv AU mvuw v ....... „ a jerk and there is a wonder-1 H- Favc, l>oth of Allendale, 1 were married in Barnwell ing then if it is not cloudy, or else the shade 8 must be drawn ; rue9da '\ Jud f J ° ha K - Snel - . -. . . o.a a hng performed the ceremony. mighty close. Surely it must T ,* ip * m , nv friclldl wish f „ be Seven o’clock at least. You ease out of bed, turn on the light easy and find that it is just ten minutes to three. Then lie to yourself and say, “Gee; I’m glad, I’ve got several more Their many friends wish for them many years of-happiness ip this union. The TENNANT—RAY. friends of Mr. Otto soon l»e a thing of the past, so [good a full attendance will be appre ciated. The musical features will be as meritorious as heretofore. J. A. Meyei, Adjutant iMMMnr" 1 1 * « s-yt 1 9 1 rn £1UU, l vtf gut scvrnai muic hours of good sleep coming to <»>y.. formerely of Barnwell t m bow of Rockton, S. C., will be * ’ , • ., surprised to learn of his mar- Yes. dearie. those other ri t0 Miss Carrje T ,,,n.„,., hour- Mi sleep would stand in uf Wi„ ns i, 0 ro, W. Wedncs- stead but sleep comes day evening Feb. 26tli. from then till daylight in mere Mr. Ray is a son of Mr. and cat naps and five-thirty finds a Mrs. John R. Ray and lias * • i v and w*e are deaf to everything. Our feeble hearts perhaps lipve weakened, perchance it is that the soul of us has gone wander ing into the caves of bleakness and despair on the rocky shores of chaos! Lost! lo9t! all seems lost. A long long time ago the humble Nazarcne came to hi9 disciples who were ’awearied with battling agaiust the waves of the storming sea and He, yes, He, the good Christ of us all, stretched out his beautiful hands and said “Peace be still.” Ah, behold. Christ is not dead ! Did he not arise on the third day? We cannot doubt that he still lives and knows our sorrow. Jesup is surely in Heaven and he told u& that He had gone to prepare a place for U9. Ah, what a wonderful place He has prepared. He ha9 fixed up those mansions in the sky for His children and there our dear ^ • I friend and loved I^ee Allen is to day and lie can touch the pierced hands of his good Masterwhile he looks straight into the face of' our Great Father and smiles a i the cases of oHicers, may resign or be discharged under hon orable conditions (or if tjie case reservists, be placed on inactive duty) shall be paid in addition to all other amounts due them in pursuance of law*, >60 each. This amount shall not be paid (1) to any person who though appointed or inducted into the military or naval forces on or prior Vo November 11, 1918, had not reported for duty at bis station or prior to such date or (2) to any person who has al ready received one month’s pay under m the provisions of section 9 of the act eutitled 4 An act to authorize the presi dent to increase temporally the military establishment of the United States* approved May ■ Continued on ptf e five. WARNING TO FARMERS. My fellow* farmers, I have been making a study of the future year and its conditions. The first aud most important question is tvhat are the farmers far and near going to do with (lie great er portion of their cotton crop that they now hive on hand, and produce less cotton. J. A. Mover, a.iintent. . At this- point the midienco- JTStalf Halford, Coiitina ider "getting up so eafly hy gTy - ; ..—i hm.se "Well, dog-gone it, 1 reck. * 1 1 i* was driven to the court house on account of the rain, and a ter reassembling was addressed by J. 0. I’atterson, Jr., Esq., Dr. A. B. Rattersoiu Col. Harry D. Calhoun, and Mayor J. A. For- ter, of Barnwell; Dr. W. C. Smith, of Williston, and Mr. D. W. Brown, of Meyers Mill. These gentlemen made excellent addresses urging the fanners to stand together, pull together and to sign and stand by their pledges—“die by them.” as Mr. Porter saiiL'i- - ‘ A complete organization was perfected and committees ap pointed to canvass the county for signatures' to the pledges. ■ 1 THE NEGLECTED ALARM CLOCK. By DuBois. The regular time for getting up of mornings is, say half past seven. That is the time .to get up but it happens, nearly every morning that the day is fifteen miruites older than that before the cold, cold' floor smacks the bottom of the feet aggravating whang. with an Then the hurrying begins; with everything out of place. It will always be a mystery how one’s wearing* apparel will w ander xor sigimuuca iw ^ about the room during sleeping The determination stampec on boU rs and hide behind doors the countenance °‘ e \ ei J and get hqng up on the wrong mer^preseut as well as Hie sin- * cerity of those who spoke 111 be- . - , . halfjof the movement gives evi-"" After making a desperate dence that the farmers are de- search, enough clothes are 1-lDllVt/ v< ■ m «> term in ed as never before to as sert their rights and maintain them, and by so doing^take into their own hands and out of the bands of Wall street gnfnblers the fixing of the prfrt of cotton; smile of ease and jov. • . I.ee Allen smiling! tyhuknew are tllt ' v « 0 "'8. to s "l J Pl«“t a big nnI hut to know aud love'that ? r °f bay ''aoou, ■ - - lard, Hour and syrup, jurat to Bovish l “ ru » ,,UU1 uim S .>* ,U P. jusi !!! Pb*ase t|*e Wall street band in mg, reckon a fellow’ Wants plenty of time so he won’t have to rush so ” al lutjin ami htv-uuivj “ j SWCCt Slttile of llis. — .v.. fellow rumbling about making many friends who wish for him f ru ukties* and; honesty were Th^rWneenlation and m V p a fire and excusing himself foxamf-prosiierons-Tvedded those dear eyes of his amT with dculer hfa w « touIuo iffl-gn—PSfTv~hv' savineTI *' genuine - Christian goodness lie a|ld Uj[kc wbat he ^ t forbis hound , friends to him witll. cottoll? October cotton is quo- hoops of s ee . . ted below its price of production, As we contemplate the truth and if t)le f armors don’t come of l eaven, and God, and Jesus togetller aud 9tick toge ther, the surely fi.e gentle zephyrs from cottQn belt ^ in the Golden-Throne of the A - ban truptCy aud the farmers and mighty will drift across our fe- iabori , e wi „ be on 8tar .. vered brows aud cool the hot vatio „ all over the belt. It is a pain of gne . question for the farmers to de- Even as we have need of a nnA tha ftn i tT ^ for them . . . fp . * | iu nv/viuv iv io tv orc&uize and need of a comforter. The >ook ma t e the order strong enough to is full of promises of comfor to carry out all the p f edgea the y sftrxeken a.pd T»e 18 -sign and annoint committees to Ex-Supervisor, Eoncile H. God s book given to us. * K [ Dyclies, now *of somewhere in ^ e think of precious, AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. There will be serviced in the While all this dressing and Barnwell\ Baptist Cliuich Sun- shaving and shoe-shining and day morning at eleven-thirty, grip-packing-is going on the by Dr. \V*. M. Jones who will poor, neglected little alarm begin his work here as pastor, clock sits there patiently tick- Jones has expressed his locking toward the hour when a^^h^communHy^m’ * K ^“ 48 we . ,,4V0 , ,leea “ 4 cide, and the only way it is to wake the hero. . ‘ e ba ”‘r"seM this ^77° eVe " f ? "* “ i w d <=cide it is lo org Breakfast on the “trip-morn- " , l ’ ,0 0e P rescnt « tlus "eed of a comforter. The hook .... s is just a fake, that’s kservice. ftftftftV* X * * V vV/ftUftUMTIVVW V look after the cotton belt and re- vuvw, » -• ww...v•••"•' — i r . . 5 1 port ftiij farmer that doesn t Bamberg County, spent- Tues- g° 0( l little Lee Allen as one tak-1— —.— j , - . . . , i • one tak- com piy with what is requested d&y of last week in the city ing part in the glorious celebra- hirn. There are lots of far- much to the delight of his many Hon at the feet of God in com- friends. _ his many tiou at the feet of tlod m com- , ners that , istened „ , fc Of course, no rellection pany with countless millions of made iu Barnwell last Friday that are laughing at what was though it is found to hide the skin In s)f>ots and, when, a head-long dive is made to ttnrwash btfsrn it Oc curs that six mornings out of the week the towel is not in the proper pfac? or the soap ( has gone visiting. Many other Mr. Uadore Brown, of Black-!happenings and mis-happen- m _ • • “ * •’ ▼ille, was a business visitor the County seat sale?day ings of major and minor im portance make the arising an'atteud..’ ipg” is just a taxe, tnau s all. Hot coffee seems cold and taste less, the perfectly cooked eggs are hardly tasted, the toast is just barely nibbled. Just as well not eat anything at all. The train will be on after a f little while, so one had just as was intended on the hospitality I other redeemed souls, w'ell be walking along, so kiss of the town but he ^brought bis UV "’ H ’em all good-bye and start am- rations in the form, of a barbe- bling out the door to be startled cue ^ P^g* by the forgotten dingle, dangle, Mr. A. B. Hair, one of Black- dell of the little alarn\ clock ville’s most progressive citizen, beip had the - misfortune to lose his These trips are funny things, residence morning of 9:30 a. m. The origin of the fire i9 unknown but i9 supi>osed to have been caused from a defective flue, Mr. Hlir’s loss was about twelve thousand dollars with only about two thousand dollars insurance* Peace, peace, wouderful peace ait , J ^ U S ,11U K ai wuat is our dear one’s poHioUj and sai( ^’ ? 1K , lt on .^ wa ^ —1, ii ic hn-mAi.lv °6t^vho they are is to ofGanize o . impossi-1 an( j ^ke the necessary steps to ble to dry all op tears we^ will | ttnd out w ho they are. Everv 1 .i-- - :1 1 * f ariner should cut his cotton crop • « -A « You bet! There- will be a Box Party at the Friendship school Thurs day night, Mart’ll 6tb» 71 The public i? co.Jially invited to through the silvery haze of our tears see Lee Allen loosed from Tlmr^/y ' -•'' -niel fetters aud behold if last wert shout l, ' m * n l' 'V* l,eckol “", i: han ; !,i ‘beyond * the river where the surges cease $0 roll.” One Who Knew Him. _ to lwlf and plant more corn, j»eas, potatoes and peanuts and raise more -hogs aud help to starve out Wall street and tiie packing houses. When the far mer 9 get that crowd of “bullie®’* where they can handle them Mr. W- Y. Miller, of Ellen- they can. hoist a big farmer's ton, was a visitor at the county Hag. . seat Tuesday. ‘ JfAim Oversow.