~r T T, J* r ~ * /a,# r*. / .1. • / ESTABLISHED 1852 7 . / • uU^2 f f ~r VOL, LXVII/ / BARNWELL, S. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 NO. 20. INCOME TAX RETURNS TO BE MADE BY MARCH Collector' Has Blanks for $5,000 and Lees Income-Other Blanks Now Received. I). C. Heyward, collector of internal revenue, stated that those income tax returns known as 1<)40-A\s, upon which were to he made returns of net, in- <* place in the field income tax deputy collectors who would this year, as was done last year/, assist parties in making tbe+r returns as mu&ii as poss ible but until the new law had been signed by the president he did not think that work would he actively begun by tke«e deputies in taking income tax *.returs. It is hoped 1»v the department* Mr. I ley ward'•tatrd. that~ili Vtrw of tlie fact that such a- short time thi* would Ik* given lor tin turn of return’*, the time e\pir- REPRIEVE IS CRANTED SOUTH CAIOUNA NECRO '/■/ Aaron Walker 6i Greenville County Still Alive after Two Death Sen tences. Governor Cooper lias granted a reprieve to Aaron Walker, of Greenville County, who was con victed somd time ago and sen tenced to pay the death penalty . Walter was to have been electrocuted Friday but owning to the fact that there were some repairs necessary K> the elec tric chair this death senteuce could not * be earned out. Walker was reprieved one month ago for thirty days on account of. the.illness of the executioner. This is ratherpm unusal occuience that two death sentences..,.-should be im posed on the same man and him still alive. SMILES—ROLLING STONES. ALSO JAILS. (By DuBoisc.) L . ' j Favor only your friend and you’ll make no new friends. Smiles draw interest; frowns year keep one in debt, codec-, Miiimiwmimmimmmniwwiii'imimWMinimmniiiii. | TRIES TO SHOOT WILSON. ! * ♦ ■ fi Andrew J. Rogosky, age 33, of Worcester, Mass., was arrested in the Copley Plaza Hotel shortly after two o’clock Tuesday when he attempted to reach President Wilson’s suite. Police and secret service men found a 32 caliber revolver and a black jack v on Rogosky. He was taken to the Boston police headquarters charged with carrying dangerous weapons.- OLAR SICNS FOR LECTURE FROM HON. CHAMP CLARK. Gifted Orator Speaks Here Monday Night, March 10. ~~ Ola’*, SvO.7 February 24—. The Olar folks are beginning to realize that life is just what you make it, and although residents ‘of a mere 1 country village, yet there is always unlimited opportunites for im- INFLUENZA BAH IS v LIFTED rfcGM BARNWELU Barnwell Graded School Opens Feb-*. , ruary Twenty-fifty. Gn^ Sunday afternoon the quarantine was lifted from BarnwelFand the graded school permitted to open again Tues day. For some Dine the influenza _ epidemic has been raging ^.iu 3 provernen"ts advancement. tlm aw4 ^ t]u ‘ r but ^ , .. , . i n f 1 .rt .. .. , I . . , a. 1 ! ROBBER MAKES GOOD HAUL FROM TREASURER COMMITTEE APP0INTE0 BY COVERNOR COOPER To Organize And Secure Pledges From Southern farmers. h 1*), that to do MO upon "receiving mg on tax pavers upon Teceivm g tht*j iiiank> would make mu: their, own return* ami mail them lu ;• tl»e office of the collector for reason that it will be i-mpoSMi- j ble for deputy collectors in the | cloving days to assist every one | who might demand such a.*sit* hi ice at that time. No corporation income tax ■ returns nor individual income, tax returns fora larger net Forces Way Through Brick Vault And Gets Twenty Thousand. It was reported here- Monday that_robbers had forced au en trance into the brick vault of the Richland county treasurer's office in Coluqfeh' 1 and got away with twenty thousand dol lars. The authorities are under the impression that the robbery was committed by someone that was familiar with the premises. Owing to the fact that Saturday was a legal holiday the hanks were closed and, the cash liaxl Da-up. b». sun.np arut .wall,riuix UlldaSk.. All. * nv, ‘iA where-' o j (1 POVERTY. entrance was gained by li)t*ans | *• iorte t . n. i . ^'aue*. It. I>ar and tin* rob- The committee appointed hv Governor Cooper at uicconveri vemion hi Gofqmbia on the 13th mstrttT organize the State met at the capi.tol mu Monday the 17th iiif>i. anil appointed com* miitees in each County to organ ize ami secure pledges hum the farmers to reduce cotton acreage one third* fertilizer one halt^aud to hold their cotton for 3.7 e» nts. The committee appoint.*! for Barnwell countv are M»‘s*rs. I*. The citizens of Olar are a pro gressive, wide awake* and in telligent set, always on the alert, ready at any moment to accept au opportunity. Nodoubt many have wondered why Mr, Clark is coming to Olar. Tina question is easily answered. Olar bus within her borders, men who are interested in Olar, men whose whole soul and body are wrapped up in the future Olar of tomorrow. It is because of this self pride that mulcts it imssible for Olar To *ay to South Carolina, lexpectio bring to your burdens a man of national repute. This is a day when thing* seems to lie tinder control again. The trustees of Barnwell school has asked, that the parents cooperate with them by keep ing the children at home when they are sick or feeling bad, not send thejn to school when there is any: flu in the home. This as well as other schools in the county have been* closed most of the time and it is to the advantage of the children that the parents cooperate with the trustees and keep the school open the this session. remaining months of* Well known kickers: Dyspeptics. Mules. * Fords. Borah won’t dipe at * the White House. Good, the dining will be sans a bore-er. A polling stone gathers no income tIU.. $5,000 have yet "*>*>. neither does a tattling been received at the collector's tongue gather any truth. . :!icf. I'he new law change* t'nr’ 1 ■ ; . time' oT'"jilymenf." unaer tne| To ginger-up these piping old law all payment of income days of dryness is easier than to taxes were due June 1.7 unless ijfker-up. a corporation was running on \ its fiscal year. 1 his year thej “Ventureroundances andknu- law re.|uireatl.at one-fourth of ckledown „ one . of ~ t fc bi(f tlm amount of ttt«» tapMd on wortls Riah Mas wriles of must or before March 15 and the ... I,.lance in three equal install- have had ,ts or “ Jin ,n the MA S: luenta on .lune 15, September BI.K halls ot Russia. 1.7 anu December 15,191 it.—The ♦State. ! The best known authority on motor cars is the fellow’ think- A SAD DEATH. ing a kP ut trying to make a bor- Our community was saddened . row to make the first payment when Mrs. Aunifi. Cook, age-.s3, on passed away at her home near] of :in non crow r wa* evi h utl) familiar ith the game as he had several li*h* Jn<» pul* with lus>ks oil the end- in older to iiah tin* tqoucy from the vault in case ho could* not force an cutrance large enough to admit liis biaiy. County and citv officials wdio are ul work on tin* case have evidence which they say will result in an early arrest. Later information from Co lumbia states that the janitor employed at the court house hu» to the iobi*i v aud thatjover twelve thousand dollars of the stoleu money has beeu recovered.. Ii< »tm. icu, ui . of Wil- ot Black* t!ie a second hand ene. D 8neinnf^-e»-^Vwhyr-l*>b. 7th, [ The price ^oaring of necessi- fort after an allne-s of nearly two ties brings about a soreness of years. finances. The funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. M. - Kneece, and the body was laid to rest iu the family cemetery near her old home in the presence of a large .concourse of sorrowing relatives and sympathetic friends. For s’xty years she has lieen , a consistent member of Seven —.Lines Baptist church, Anil due-; *\ing her sojounr'^herfr* she ^endeared herself fo old and alikey No. one" knew All these red flashes we are seeing are not Bolshevik signals. O no! just the new spring hats, that’s all. Hello, jonquils and violets, how’s Miss Spring?. jrnia} her but to dove her; no ^ one spoke of her but in praise. She is • survived bv six children, five sons aud one daughter and three brothers Sachet bags had some ‘'big and a host of 6ther * relatives days this winter but the Spring- and friends tp mourn her death, jjng flowed should put ’em on “Dear folded hands so ‘worn the bum. ' \ . with care, | r — So quiet on their pidseless Now, jTpw r , Blackville, breast, Winter things we are^tired of: Wondering if it’s going to snow. Putting in the coal. Cutting off the water and • , - . Sopping cold gravy. . . needn’t wail ' * Sill any burden need you ,ere y ! ^ our little callaboose can’t be a If heaven is a place.of rest‘d A grand daughter, Sina. Mr. and Mrs. Garber and family, of Willis ton, spent Sundav with relatives iu the citjr. you BUBBLES FROM BOILING SPRINGS. Farm work in this-neighbor hood is-pretty well to time, and mo$rof the land has been broken. No doubt a large cotton crop will l>e put in. Mr. Freil H. Gantt,of Greens boro, N. C.. is spending *-ome weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Gantt. '1 n I, ———— —— 1 ■■■ “ c, Mrs, A. P. Hay and family are spending some time in Beau- DEATN OF REV. W. C. BRITTON. . t .. , IP B«r W. G. Britton died at out of the ordinarv are hapi>en- i,: M » ,, u . v- n I, 1 , . his home in Barnwell Sunday mg. i < s. Hon. Champ C ark I J ’l inorntiig. l*eb. 23rd, after an mii* I tit-. •**. *F %+ * i iv* ! iIInrH.s of only a few tlayn. Ilia Hidden deiith' wa* a shock to i s coming t*» UiM, mill noitoKfl iiovernor .will lM»‘hen iiImi. \\ ith tlieM* ehs|ii«*ut AtaK^iiien.-Clai k, S|**aker of the National II"U*<* of I h * presen- TTTT+ ratYTK Mr. Walter S. 11 nv—better known" as “Chancellor’,!—-and brrete were here for several days last week. • Mr. T. C. Du Bose and family have moved to Baldoc. \ V . Mr. Crouch, superintendent of education, gave a moving pic^ ture show recently at the school house which was much enjoyed. Quite a crowd turned out. News inmost as scarce as lieu teeth, so will say “olive oil.” Whistling Rufus. CHURCH NOTICE There will he preaching Sun* day at 11a; tn. at the Methodist church by Rev. Stokes, presid ing elder ; after which the first quarterly Conference for' this year will be held. So isorry! The return of discharged soldiers is evident in this community by tht* gradual in crease of marriage licenses.’ Boyd t'yii*, and II h. t of Uaruwuli* il. J. Li Elko; .A. M. Kennedy, lUtou J 9 1 ar villi-. • The committer nut at court house Friday, trie 21>t, aiAlorgani/eil by electing Mr. J. A. Porter chairman ‘ and J. O. Patterson, Esq., secretary, T. S. Cave ami Jua. H. Lai»carti*r. linance coininuu*. Owing to the fact that Mr. K. Boyd toll* is in France and Mr. John Farrell could not s^rve, Messrs. C. II. , Mjulus and ii. (J. Buy Wmott, trt Blackville, were added ti* this committee and they proceeded to appoint committees in each townsliip throughout the county which are as follows Barn well TovrBfbip—W. L. Cave, Johnson Black, Ji*., B. B. Easterling, E. I). Peacock, U.Y. Carroll, Bain Owens, R. L Us- aery, B. A. JIair aud Torn Gar rison. Blackville Township— H. G. Boy Is ton, E. C. Matthews. Jas. J. Ray, H. J. Hair, H. F. Odom and Paul Allen. Great Cypress Township—J. •W. Halker, J. F. Creech, E. F. Sease, B. M. Jenkins, Frank ^Jenkins, K eitdriCk DiaffiuuH, Ben Norris, J. C. Fields’and Gordon Boynton. ' _ Bennett Springs Township— C. ^ Ellis, Jr., J. B. Kirkland, Idis Brabham, J. J. Cochran, B. Owens, I). P. Key and W. A. Meyer. Georges C.ieek Township — Johnson Lane, W. H. Black, F. D. Rowell, A. I). Hutto, J. H. WtWrcrrrWrtev and O. H. Morris. Red Oak Townsliip—S.-. E. Moore, G. L. Hill, Ot. C. Baxley, J. D. Garrison, J. P. Harley, C. D.CreightoiirfJdhn C. Fdwke, Charlie, Diamond and O. H. Owens; Rosemary Township—A. 1. McLemore, C. B. Porter, J. W. Folk, T. J; Grubbs, R. E. Wood ward, Willie Hair and Samuel W. Trotti. Richland Township—L. W; Hill, S. H. Greene, J. M. Kil- lingsworth, A. E. Corley, J. M. Rountree, B. F. Anderson, J. M. Burekhalteraud L. F.1>ales. Williston Tovynship—L. M. i>i nou tn i a rot tua, certainly idh*r to tin -el** and ~Ttifngiirrr State a rare treat. Whih* iu Glut these n uowued gentleman will l>e eun-rtaiixMl by Dr. and Mr*. L. A. llnrtxng in their b«*iintifirl home on Society Heights. We exited to honor both speakers by Having prominent mill 'influential character* an introducers. Gov. Cooper, will be iui^xiuced on this occasion by lion. C. W. Garris, a well knowi| SoulU Carnlinaan, ltav-» ing served for many years in the House of Representatives, where he was the author of much constructive legislation. Then lastly, remember, our Governor will present the noted speaker, Mr. Clark. For informal ion concerning this numl>er, write Supt. Olar •Softool, who lias management in charge.. ouvermir Ok»r will if mi- the entire community. Rev. Britton mine to Bam- Wi lt from England «t» lHMft »nd made his home here until his death. He was married twice. g.$i a it |-| J4> mg. a Ml*, Sanders of this County, who preceded him to the grave u few mouths ago. ills last uuioii was blessed by two chilliren. Rev. Britton was a colporteur for the Baptist Association for a number 'of years and was a meinbei of th« Kmghurof Pythias. Tne funeral services were held at the Baptist church Mon day morning conducted by Dr. W. M Jones, of Willieton, aud Rev. K. C, Watson, of BUfciville, and his f>ody was interred in the Baptist cemetery. He is survived by a daughter. Miss Hallic Britton and a son, Mr. George Britton, who has the sympathy of many friends iu their sad bereavement. Messrs. B. .J. McKerlev ahd L. P. Biuino, of Elko, were Among the , visitors who helped ! b. Gyeeug, IL R to dispell the usual blueness off ,] e< ’ ^°" nsto, b TV. E. Monday • dl rotiiro, ty. C. SraitR, Jr., Q. A. K. nnedy, Ed Bleeh end P. The many friends of I Mi**!S. Us*ery. -V-* Pauline Richardson will, lhe following committee was be pleased to learn Tiiat she is appointed to arrange a program rapidly recovering from her re cent illness of pneumonia. for Friday, the 2Kili, the great /ally day, the day appointed by The township board of equal ization will -meet on the first Tuesday (4tl»I in March to can vass returns for 19i‘J. R.\W. Riley, County Auditor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanders, of Kline, wed* visitors at the county seat Monday. _ Mrs. John Sanders, of Olar. attended the funeral services of the'Rev. W. G. Britten here Monday. Mr. N. A. Patterson, of Dunbarton, was in town Mon day. Governor R. A. Cooper for a general sign-up day: S. B. Mosely, L. P. Wilson, Charlie Brown, Jv J. Bush, A. A. Lemon and Fl. I). (Jalhoun. The very mention of the above committee insures a grand success and an enthusiastic gathering in Barn well on Friclav, the 28th inst. i Every tanner in Barnwell coun ty, white and black, is urged to come to this meeting. We ral lied to the, flag, stood by the government aii County C'nairman of the Y. W. C. A. Drive, - - ^ ; ■ Miss Uorrie Hair, one of Williston s fair daughters,_j* he gue^t of Mi*s Ethel Hair week. V