BARNWELL SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA WRY WOMEN DREAD OLD AGE Girls' Make beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try 111 By REV. W. W. KETCHUM Director of Practical Work Courae, Moodr Bible inatitute, Chicago >OK, MOTHER! v 13 TONGUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tun lotion, and complex ion whitener, at very, very small cost./ Your grocer h;^ the lemons and an>^drug store or -toilet enynreir Will- supply throo'Tiunres of drcbliFd* white for a few corny. Massage "this sweetly fragrfint lotion 'into the face, rtt*ek, arms and hands and see how freckles, sunburn and tan disappear and how clear, soft-and widte the skin bedoiugs, Yes! It is harmless.—Adv. ''CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS 1 CAN'T HARM TENDER STOM- " ACH, LD/ER, BOWELS. I lv and vou will find that the system will always he in perfect working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your ^huscles made strong and your face have once more the loojt of youth and/health.. New life, fresh strength and health will eonVe as you coatinue this treatment. When your first vigor has beei>_restored continue i for awhile taking a capsule or two each 1 day. They will ke<-p you in c<»nditioti and ’prevent a.return of yotir troubles. Tliere i« onlv i ne guaranteed . brand of Haarlem Oil Capsules, 001,0 MEDAL. There are many fakes om the market. He sure you get the Original GOLD MEDAL Imported. Ilaarlein Oil ('apsules. They are the only reliable. V sale by all first-clasa druggi-ts!—Adv. DETAILS ALMOST TOO MEAGER Getting His Own 1 Back. A emdc lit ,n clump lodging I louse placed a triek on a grumbling hoarder, by ,.st mug’ liii'u with a piece of leather instead of steak. i . — “You have evidently .(Tianged . your butcher," said t lip 'hoarder, looking up at the landlady,'after sawing a minute or two on the leather. e “Same butcher as' usual,” said she; feigning imibeetiee «»,* the trick of the cook, of winch she had been quietly informed “why ?" i "Oh, nothing uuieh," said the man. \ sfill.trying to make an impression on the leather; "only this prrrr r 'of meat' js .the tenderest Pve itad here for ^ome ~ Example cf the'Over-Simpl^ Story a3 It Is Sometimes Tolqi in Public Prints. _ - Another»vNorth Carolina Case. .1. \V. Glover, sho* rr.ukerf IIS N. Main St., Salislmry. S’ C . says: . "'I triive suffered at tine s from ispells of backache/ The pain was so se-f-cre at tIrffes I muliln’t pet o.ut of bed without help Finally n friend advised me to pet Iloan's ■Kidney "Fills and at few doseft of Doan’sistiVpped theYha* kache and since then when .I h/ve had any trouhlela few- of Doan's have al ways made me well again. I can’t gay too mil' h In "praise of Doan's and. hope otheFs Will try tb^m.” (Statement given January Dn May 11. lf'lfi, Mr Glover said: "Doan’s KidnVy Pill? rid me. of kidney trouble and 1 .consider A sfu y s , deceitful above all tilings,\ ."hopeless!y wicked. Now the Bible does not set out to prive that God Is. It assumes that every Intelligent man will believe this, and so ifs pages open with the sublime and stupendous statement: “In the be ginning God.” The Bible, hnVever, does tell us that “the heavens declare the glopy of God,” and that "the Invisi ble things of him from the creation of the world are. ( leatdy-ween."' So while the Bible .does not try to prove that J God is. It dbes.tldl us that God, whose existence It assumes, may he known. It tells us that nature Is one of the books which God has given us, iti w hb li he tolls us about himself. Jt fells us that another book in which God is revealed Is the. Bible itself, the written word oflGod, and that a third one Is the living or’Incarnate AYord,, the I.ofd* Jesus C’hnst, of whom it is said: “No man hath seen God tit any time; the qnly begotten Son, which is in the bosom of tin Father, he.hath declared him;” 1 that is, "fed him forllw” ns I lector Scofield says, “into full revelation." No man, then, need be. In Ignorance of God with three books making him I.nmvn, and,with such a threefold rev-, elation of God, how can anyone deny that Gpd is. or'he ignorant^of him? Tl. The One Who Plays the Fool, lie is the person .whir fails to. take x God into .account; that is,The acts us if there God. Saul /lid this when lie sought David's life. / He left God ""out of his reckoning in Ins determliiH- tion to slay David, anti dhe’iiighf when The'was Encamped. sm^iaimled Jvv his soldiers-and bodyguard, David sii*alth- lly^inade his way through the guard with one of Ids trusty followers, and removed the bolster from-under Saul's head, and the cruse of water jmirthjp spear that were hy his "side. without awakening hi'tp or any of.the soldiers. Withdrawing in safety to the hillside, ..David shouted hack to tire captain of Raul's urijiyt "Atiner! Abner!" and wlieh this sleepy captain, with... Saul 'ami the encamped suldierw, awakened, they saw David oh the hillside, stretching forth his trophies tlgit they might see that he could have' Taken Saul’s life if he had chosen. Then it was that Saul, realizing that he had left God out of his reckoning in Ids nP tom fit to slay David, exclaimed: "I have played the fool.”. And sb dv.’os every, one w ho does not take God into account. The man or the woman who schemes, or phi ns .and lives ns if there were no God in the world is as ldg a fool ns the, person lenity?" ho who says in his heart': “Tliorfe is no God." Both are fools beeojfsc they deny the existence of GmD/one hy his words professes Ids {Udreism, while the other lives his, / IJi. The Rich Fool. TTe is the min' whose ambition In life Is to accumulate w.ealth. Christ portrays him in the parable lie announced a bonne- - of tlie irurtr who, having a great liar- and a bumper baby. vest pulled down Ids barns and built greater.a nil when they were filled said to himself, “Soul, thou hast much broods | laid up for. many years;'take thint ease; eat. drijik and-be merry.” But Got) said unto him, “Thou fool, fids night thy soul shall be required of thee; then whus^ shall these things he which fliou JlaSt provide]’?" Ho\yv many folks tlier.e are in the worTJT ynth whom tjie supreme thing lA life" is the -retting of material tilings, tludi* one ambition to’ - accumulate .wealth? They strain a^d scheme and i work and'worry to get gain, forgetting • that a day is coming when their souls -/shall bp required of them, and then. lf\tliey have suei-ccded,- ^ike the rich in:>n Jn tin- partible, it will be* perti nent to xgsk them, “Whose shall, those thipgs liM^vk^fid if thoy die. having / laid up treasures for thetnsolVes, anil are not rich-tm^xDl God, they'have 'gone into the othelSWerhl One night in NcV wealthy man Jay dvng. n-tpterial thing the iiea.i but one thing lie felt h tlhTt was prayer. Se gardener, a godly-soul. • to pray for Win, and w! hook at the tongue, mother! , If cot ted, or your child is* listless, crosg, orish, breath bad, restless, doesn't e«( tWAtrtliy.-full of cold or Tins sore tlii'iat M»r any other children's a 11- im;ifl, give a teaspoonful of .“Cali- foriiu Syrup of Figs,” then don't worry,, because It is perfectly hai'in- less, and in a few hours all this con stipation poison, sour bile and fer menting waste v.;*i gently move out of the hewVls, and you have n well, play ful child again. A thorough "inside Ability Recognized. Nimh had-tlie whole oeeiin to 1dm DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS Buffalo, N. Chemiats self.- -He didn’t have to be much of a navigator:'' -- "Maybe. But you vvjll admit lie, a womiler as’aii animal I mi pel)." 60c a Box At All Store*. FosCer-Milbum d The Strong Withstand the Hrit of Summer Bette"? 'than the Old people teeble ard yonnjter pe<'ple Wti->areweak mil lie stri-rKt.hena-il and enabled u> f u ill-ouch the denrf*«1rj; heat of MirtiarerbT~frr*- n^tiHOVN’S TASTKI.KSS chill TONIC. It pnrltl.-* and enriches the hlnod and bnlids up, 1 he wh ..<• srs- lem. You ran m>ud feel iu> Slrentcihemuu, tpvigor- ailng Hffect. 60c. clean •dug (.-Ctiraes all that Is neces No Sentiment About ft. “I presume you are keeping bis old l«*ve letti is lip- ■Jeitltrqenra. reasops?" "No. For business reasons. I mny want to -ne him tor breach of j>rom- Ne." T+ie Summer Solstice, June 21 is tin* day of the year when the sun Is directly over tin* equator, and for several days abuuijthat time there is no observable . difference in his position, or his hours of rising and setting, it is tin* longest dhy of tin* year. ' r v par.ff. It should he the first treatment giveirTiTniiy sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of f'igs."~ [ w’hieh luTs full (!!r»‘vHons for babies, children of ail ages ami for grown-ups plainly printed on th~ bottle. Look carefully and sic that/lt Is made bv the “Cali- fornia I-Ti^Syrup Company.”—Adv. This N almost iis meager of d<*ta the letter of. G«*firgc Beezt*r to mother: "The weather-Is q'ulte r father died yesterday; hHm> report it. .ho tlic trail f<.r al! ’V- r .aets. Tile I’ sTory con fort hV io rule, blit It conf- ton closil^. -Rowing that :i good t may oiisilv be overdone.- G. M. 1 Soatth* Post Intelligencer, x* is that.the other fellow worth sharing. At the Boarding-House ,-Hashleiglr, my egg i- It; One bntlto^of L^r. reory.'e "Dead Sh<(t” will have you money, time, anxieiy and health. One dost.- «jilflcit-nt, without : astor Oit in uddlCuh. Adi-. I positively cannot eat A iau-.ln Imc tvt-woyt h»«*ks at -a —wofH i's ^int am) -ho< but tmy- no atfien nn to flic rest of her wearing’ up S*M t*r 50 Tevt. FOB ilAI.AP.IA CEB15 APB FITSl All*-* Fla* Octrtl Strfigkfziv; Toitc. At Ail txn* Have vnii'tried the oilier end? Smootlt rMns Gu«—-wat(T ltrouk is deep.-- Shakes'] test it Cuticura St^ps Itchlpg. The Soap to cleanse and T^ntment to soothe and hloal most forms of Itching, burning skin and scalp affections. Ideal for toilet use. For free samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X. Boston.” Sold by drugglstsTind by mail. Soap 2fi, Ointment Dfi and 1*0.—Adv. i Y NFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hydly realize that 1 of all the children born in civilized countries, twentyf-two per cent., /* oi nearly one-quarter, die before thev reach one year; thirtv^seven ^per cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I ■ f We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save mnnytpf these previous lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Diops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium br morphine. They are,-in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation ,and lead to congestion*, aickness, death. There can be no danger in the-use of Cas- toi ia if it bears the signature of'Chas. H. Fletcher yy %j~ as it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind.^cO^ //^“T Genuine Castoria always tx-nrs the signature of * All's Fair in —i— Plane NoWsv [uiblislit'd by tin* on--- listed. men of tin* fiviajion service it; France, says: "An ollteer and a fore meals—and you will enjoy the re sults and feel btftter in even’ way. These art* a few reason^ Why you -An Over-rtpe Tomato add othprovcr-rlp<“ voift-uthlps or fruits open carso very serious Howol Trouij o In h"t weattie.' ("hei-lr It as uulcklr as (Mjsslble. (.>•■; a bottle of LRkVK S BAB YiBoW KI, >t I.IlIt’lNK, a safe and Mir** rimedv for srrtnm' r li arrhoeas. It is Just us effective lur \ Probably Peddler Tough Luck:" i In* lung no«t»*r i-< tin air pump which isf 11^t (1 to start tin* brentbirtg profess; in newly born babies. Tf your rye* smart or feel scalded man Ky< I’a earn* a il< d i.p n yoinx t Is Just -the th-lnK to nlltv. th< m. Ad Mixed. Di(| Smit li got t longs to spoipf yturr mixed? collentlv go o igS'tlSJ of These Two Women uffulcy.K V.— M I am the mother of four children, and for nearly three ye^rs I sttli'ered from a ftlnale trouble with jiaiiis in my hick, and side, an<^ a general weakness. I had pro- \ fessional attendant^) most of tha^ time but did not seem to ^ get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. I’inkliam’s Vegetable Compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marked improvement. I continued its use and,am \ now ^ ree f roj n. pain and. able to do all my house- —\. work.”— Mrs. Ik B. ZieIlinsila. 202 Weiss Street. JtO Ma!o,fr.Y.i. - Portland, I^d.—-‘fl had a displacement and suffered I so badly from ii attimis I could not be cn my feet at all. I was all down and so weak I couid not r \ do my housework, was nervous and could not lie ^ down at night. I took treatments from a physician a - \ but they did' not help me. My Aunt recommended M \ Lvdia E. 1‘inkham’s Vegetable ‘Compound. 1 tried J / \ it and now I am strong and well agairt and do 4 1 my own work and I give Lydia E. ldnkham’s r' Vienna Sausage A Refreshing Change 'HE tenderness of the meat, the delicacy of the seasoning are noticeable, the mo ment you taste Libby’s Vienna Sausage. flu* gare* n fie, -fervor Mrs. Joskpuini prayer, the dying tmllitmaire “Joay, w wlwgrfffr nn 1 ." "KTTr I sing?”- asked the gardener. J man who wos rich in houses an end bofids nrjd mortgages c “King. John. tj(ie song, T’qine hY7(T fiobt 1W wp- U "oa mr4ryU’k and «w»re.* " anti the g; sang tjiis hlc^ed song of in\it::Tt*ni to the mllllynnire who 'knew thr jt with (tod his money did not cotint and that If fte wtn to l>e xaved It niu'it fie a.- r >oof and ne=dy sinner. For it is tpade from morsels oTcKoice meats, seasoned with the greatest‘caifb—to bring out all the rich, savory flavor. . fi Serve Libby’s Vienna S.ausage today. Not Fa ?ry Sick Woman Should Try only is it^^'refreshing'change, but a hearty and inexpensive meat. * t ' i «*uer Libby, MfNttll A Libby, Chicago LYDIA E.P1NKHAM HtDICIHt C& LYNN.MASS.