Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, February 14, 1918, Image 4

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* ' s MJUtW.TU. SSNTINKL, BA&NWILI* S. 0, **« /. I 4 I - f P* P \ f r' f i f . H- ttbe JSamwell Sentinel, Orik <J ui.d Publish* d E-vefy ./Thursday' B? THE NEW SENTINEL PUBLISH! - . IMijCoMPANY ... . ”-AT— 1 ■ ~ Z7p BARS WELL, 9. C. , - C.,. ..4 . & . . ' ' Chas. Carr< i t Simms, - President Jno. K. S.vku:in<i. St*e.-Tre»s. Bud (itm- er»l Manager. r\V, M. JOX'ES. Editor Entered aaseemulj/C’assniail mutter ruary 14,4005,at the Postotthy at Barn well, S. 0.. underthe Act'of Congress of March 3, 1879.. . , Legal advertising at it e rate of v $l (X) per inch first ins< rtion, ai.d fifty cei ts each acl)«rqiieiit insertion. (> ituar im, Tntnit j s of Respect. lieso lutmijH of IL-f'pect. Cards of Tt auks ■■id all othrr not ce< i ot news, nilllccharg d for at the rate , of Hf 1 v cents per inch, or one cei t p* rnorn, e»rh i»s rfion, will, a minimum charge of 25 ipntt. All chan (reft of ad\crtbing add nil com muntea'ions must le addressed. to The Barnwell Sei t nel and liftst he in thia r ftji e n t later than Tuesday mornirg to in gore publication in the current isrue. All coirmiunLaatixm* molt le signed by the writer, not for publication, but as an t of g- oil faith, ai d to pro teat the new-paper. THE SUBMARINE OUTRAGE. . Last w“eek 'Ttye people of the pv~ \yere lVr«>tiglit nearer tbaiyever to a realization of (he meaning ofAvar by the **ikfhgI U)H ' r _^ tvv oftHranspoFtof A merican troops. ‘ (Dice, we looked a-tsueh incidents with the dCtaohed viewpornt oLa. neural far removed 'from war. \yheii we entered' the war our stmthiKmtjr were .si mi la r t# the voluntecd* who said,/‘We know that some of us will die in France, i _ ^. . y • hut all of us believe that it will he the other fellow.” W&knyjy that .some AmericalS troops pnist dow Classified Local Advertisements L LOST rrrrr 7~r~r~Ti r t Angus a. (la./ te d Blaekville, S. C, nnhfu diary 27th, -i r btw 3g* 1 1-2''Firestone non-ski 1 tit,-, m if t on rim. Emdrr retnrtrto B. S. (ToMlferg, 990 Broad St., Augusta, Hi; and pet reward.. , , . ’ ' •' FOR SALE 7;. ffO iwn by the cowardly fsuh- EOIt S A LE—Asparagf-s Seed' ^ale French -Argent le vad-ty p*r poind. Reduced on larger quwif'. W. 11 \Vo< lywEttrn~S, C. 4 ties: 4t 'marine which stabs--in the dark, Foil SALK-o w*’ Hundred flooT-ite. hut- we hoped ( it would be the 1 of Wat sot*. Watermelon .Seed from other fellaVV, The news’ j <dio ee^m-.lona at $1 25 per lb. us what might reasonably he ex- 41^X14. L -Johnson, Martin*, S. C pected. The lessons, are very SlBSCRIPTION KATK9. One year $1.50; S x months 90c fhree mnnths-50a*.-*-—. IN ApVANCB. In remitting checks .or money orders tnake puyahle,4n -~ t ... Tick NkW Sknti.nki, I’cbi.isiiing Cd< Half Your Livin Without Money C We“are an at a danger point. On the use of good commorf sense in our 1918’farm and garden; operations [ de pends pr^sperlt^ or jpur “going broke.” t Even At present nigh prices nd one carrAdant all or nearly all cotton, buy food and'graln at present prices from supply merchant on credit and mike moneyi ' Fpod and grplp is hlgfier in proportion than aro present cotton- prices; / U - , 7'.'7 ' It’s a tfmo above all others to play safe; to produce all,^..possible food, grain and forage supplies on your..nwn acres; to cut down the store bill. A good piece of garden ground, rightly planted, rightly tended and kept planted the. year round, can be made to pay nearly half your living. It will save you more money than you made on the beat three acres of cotton you ever -grew! Hastings’ 1918 Seed Book tells all about the right kind of a money sav ing garden and the vegetables to put tn it. It tells about the farm crops as well and shows you ther.clear road to / ■' Sli'iir. Wo should be proud „f "I* f. A1 ‘ K-1 L h "7 0:1 real »J!« reKUlar'farn, prosperity. If. Pur Milendid „»W 1.1,1 1m -.Ilies 1 - fnr *> 60 Fr«.« Send (or it today to HI G. Oi l . plenum na\ > anil its allu s each If ycu VVlIU a purt , brt , (1 Cl)Ck . HASTINGS. CO., Atlanta, Ga.—Advt. .which 1 avc sulcty lrtiarued - the , • ••• TILE SLACKER. ALt Avas tlio humorist Ward who said that Ik- was wi lin<f for 11 of his wife's relations to ho into Th?f‘^Car.' It was a freiiuci'fh'^tiitcmcnt in tlio earlier days of jliAw^ir when F>ngland j was training aerAwmiy* that she| was willing toVigliFToAlio last Frem lunan amF with tnA^tst Canadian. The lirst statenu was humorous, and the latter was untrue. A full ami ruii blooded American cannot be a slacker, lie may he so narrow and unin formed that he doesn’t know what lie ought to he. Yet there may he sorpe who were loudly vocal last summer for the’enactl ment by Congress of the law to conscript an army rather ijhan to 1 depend on volunteers, A lro are now strangely silent about being put into Class 1, Division A. They believe that nn army ought to he-raised, luit some of them do believe in exemption for themselves or their friends. Shall we call these inen\slackers? The war has not yet reached safety gn armies which have already land-, fid there. Accidents will hap- 1 pen, and this is largely an acci dent. We may ■ expect many thousands more to be safely- transported. The main lesson is that a nation that will war with submarines as Germany has done can bo expected to com mit almost any crime, Any criminal may make the same plea of “negessifty” that Ger many has made. Krave-men a re not afraid to die. Hut there is such a.depth that the civilized world recoils with horror from the German hands that use the submarine Tit' this wav. AVe must pay tlm price in life and treasure to rid the world of 'such standards <>f character. Hut ve will gladly pay the price to t make it safe. \ U ±: a 7~- A / ./ • 7 1 An Irishman who wRSNcettinglhP w^ht of it/in a fight wasa^ked d ?i»v i “enough?” He rep icd : ‘ If I. had strcngtli !bft t » say thAtyl wouMn’i be 'lcked.■ 7 • ; That’s the pf* per spirit. Never give up. A quitter never gets Rny >• • : , * 7 t ■- - wliete I.LJb.ardgock et ikes joUf brace up and go just as bravely a# * .-j’," /! —v .. .i'j. . ■ M • you can*. However, a.liltle sivings account at/fhi hank li'as carried many a man through a tight place. Better begin now, before fiard t . " V . ' . / . : * - . . — 1 > luck strikes, and open a little savings account with us, We wilPgi arg '* y it carefully fmryTTn.. .<• ' . • A'V rv-rr- • •' ■ . ' Bank of Western Carolina ..BARNWELL, S. C. 7 I e ... Till’ MEXLXC IT IS SI TUA LtUX. FAddcmTXv^of ahotner will sweep ■over the one disease or time to tifm* cotlntrv. Hut the bringing together lasWallof thousands of men fee m the ruraJ —S3- -j districts into tin* army camps has been responsible for the : present outbreak of meningitis in the State.. IVoplo—fn -the country do not have the same opportunity to contract conta gious uisea^es-as those m towns and cities. On the other hand from tlie-towns come many who have had this disease and are known as “carriers” of it. The (*rt 1, s^p me. I or S»t'<lt*r«. B»rnw»lL S. (-. ‘ • _ •-r;s.«r. * , • / - • . * STRAYED orSTOLEN LOSt'oR STRAYED—Ab-iut two weeks egj.on * s^iidy f dure 1 how ni Irbhuk dots All over hi-r, about eight in inths i Id, weichi gJ20U)!*. Ei tier will no tify J 8 Blaoiir'Bari,well, 8. C , and ri ceive rep ard. The! Constipation Evil There is no ailment to which tho body is subject that ia so far reaching in its injurioua effects as constipation. It means a congestion pf the Dowels and usually causes sick headache, tains hrthe- back, sour stomach, sal- oiV complexion, offensive breath or os a of appetite. When yoi^ Buffer dromany of these ills, take a few doses of Granger Liver Regulator. Yoa will be surprised how quickly it restores vour normal health. Granger Liver Regulator contains no calomel and produces none of its distressing effects. It has, however, all the cor rective value of calomel, and may be ■ freAly given to children aa well as to adults. Granger Liver Regulator is also free from alcohol. A d<>x of it lasts long, and a few doses relieve or dinary cases of biliousness. Granger Liver Regulator ia Bold by druggists everywhere at 25c a box.* Refuse all substitutes as there is no other medi cine just like Granger Liver Regulator. CHEAPEST FERTILIZER I germs of this disease infect them,. - that stage whero we must take | and are transmitted to those who never had meningitis. The same France^and GcrmaBylnay^have 4 to do so\ hut we need only to teko young men who are least encumbered. The fault that was charged against the volunteer Byetem was that it would take men who should stay at home with dependents. Some men ought npt x to go who would vol unteer. SomfiTnen who are seek ing exemption are missing the opportunity of a lifetime. The drafted man who gees to- camp does get ho nit sick at lirst. He gets slowly accustomed to ^vew adjustments and knows that per haps he may not return. Hut he gets something bigger into his , system, than, jhe man... at- home ever dn anud of. lie In comes a pat riot‘7, We have seen lough pity the man leftjit hoine. Then * is -sojuvtiimg Mi jt re me in the army spirit that tin* so called slacker would give a fortune to know. The army nspi-it- i tl America cannot he called mili tarism. It is far removed from it, but it does see some dliin' it is willing to die for. tTic slacker cannoF see ^anything • BANKSTON BROS. ^ Roberta <»a*. Jan. 21 UU7, Old Kentucky Mfg. Co , Baductih, Ky. - , Gentlemen’:-' ^ A Mr. Will Wachter of this con ty. bad solo-* hrgs that ivrrr tb wn with' cholera and I ad given up all hope of saving them at d would*tint gpei.d o*te penny on them I gave him one 15 lb. pail of your B. A. Thomas’ Hog Pi wder and W liRS j ii-t c-»me m mi 1 pul ine fnr it and n-lvi<es that every one of his s ck hoyy rfotavelhaud Liiat iie hh'd k lled th m.a.*4 now has th-m in his smoke houseMfd tliht they were as lit.e as at y lie had kilted this year. • . , f .. i • i . > | 1 want lo add that he said his li-igs is true of typhoid earners hi the wrr , a „ u ,„ ,i ek th „ he transmission of some ca8rs\of priz „ tMjr hl .,„ m5 0(len hi , „ i(e typhoid f t t*\ Cl. Meningitis is a poured the powder down their throats, germ developed -disease. .l»iease find che’k in full of my ac count. ai d with kindest regards we beg t » remain. . - * \ •Yours v-ry t uly. • BANKSTON BROS. R. Hr W alker, Dealer. A i v . Appleton. S. C. A Comparison of the cost of plant food in Commercial Fertilizers and Manures Basic Price Per Unit T^cid ... .: T J. $.1.2/) Ammonia,. $7.0T) Potash. Commercial' Eeitilizer $M) 4^ Manure From Ciunp Jackson -Analysis— ' • Acid, 0.4.7 at. $ 1,2. r > ATninonia, 0.418 at .fT.up Potash. O.ftvat .fO.OH $■ .50 $4.70 $;L4s $8.SO germ finds lodgment in the nose and throat and jn thence carried, to the brain. Practically every- apiny camp in the State has had its patients and in some instances the disease has spread, to the cities. The most of these camps have bee if quarantined f.oi* shorter or longer periods^ In so.i e cases the (juar- antine has Wen extended to jh-o cities, -dn Columbia, for ,iii- stancvf^scliools and churches are clo-ed, all Social fu net ions and lodge meetings are for the time being cancelled”. Tlio* same con dition lia-e prevailed Ln Sjartan- tlie brother in* I Hack on a fm^hurg, and will p rubahly. prevail ill ‘other <;iT es. however no. cause for needless alarm. The voungmien who are in Campsjire uniler the moo watchful care of trained specialists. They are treated with s*crtim on the lirst clear in- diefHiou • of. the .disease. The G^t of 'results are apt to follo\v this early treatment. Sporadic that he would die for. You 1 cases have developed here and* o CITATION. / - ) TIk STATE T)E SOUTH OAROI.TNA, ' County of Barn well.. By John K. Soelli-iv. Eyqui’e, Probate • Judge. ‘W'iiereas \V H. P>orgess Imth made sii t t i in- t • grant /nto I im Le teis - I Ad., miristrat O tdf/tli ■ e-iMftm-l tff ctM'f A B B trMe?*V<l5 d; These are -The efore.: to citejuid ad- m uisb lyl ail t suilu ar the atiusred and jcreditlirsjdte^ stiid .a. B. iiiuges'<. tle- ceiis -it; t thej be and apj e »r i el >re me in the C tort f. Probate, to be held a ,B trn*e I mi Monday” the. 25th of Eeb next, alt -r jiiib'ication the e<>f, at e ev-n o’e’bck in the t irenoon. to show cause, if any t'Yey have, why the *tti 1 AtTminii- tratk n sin u d-«oLbe~^ranted. (itven under rny Hand tins 13th day of Eebru ry, Anno Domini 1918 John K. Snellitig. JiD'ge of Probate. .Publi-iied t»n the 14ti dnv of F-bru- a'y. 1918. in the Barnwell Sentinel. Analysis*— 8-3-0 cost per ron .$37.00 8-3-3 cost per toii_ . .... $ 10-2-0 cosjpper ton ... ,$30.00_ '"L ■ / \ A * 1 V ^ * * * ; - Actual Worth of Manure Based on Commercial Fertilizer $8 80 „ Our Price Less Than Half That ■ * Fuithermore the decaying organic matter in the Manure is con stantly adding available plant, food to the soil. is. valuable both from a hunms*standpoint/as, well as a laird builder. - Manure-will show results for,three years, and its cost .divided through this period will show a much iower cost per unit of plant food than any other feitilizer on tire' market. - _ * " ‘ * We are.daily making shipments s r .of this product into.all sections of the country, and it is being received with* , » entire ratisfactionrti’n aecnfmt of its ex- ’T * oidlent quality ami yomlitiou on arrival i\ at destination. - ► ; \ . * >*' > v • *1 , . We will he glad to lPake'—rn* lit arrangements with ,respon>ible parties- or will accept wood in exchange for manure. Wood to he delivered during The'summm-'*months, -r —•— Light now’ is the time to use manure. Wi iff* us today if you are in terested in prompt ■'delivery. We al ready have kiumeYmis orders hooked for |tVoniptr >41ifnnen-t-.-hut w r ill u-e ou r U-t efforts to make delivery in accordance w.itli y.Our-4tTj?triim6BS. , -We- *fpma-ii?re op car lot * -*■ w' re<. Gars-average 3.3 tons, uuv a ear in conjunction with your neighbor , -and thy freight. r -. . -*• " ' ' N ' . tv” X ■^r - I couldn't pay him to enter the army. The average man in the army couldn’t he paid to get out of it and become a slacker. No man can read “Over the Top,” 4 7\ Student in Arms," “Carry On/’or similar personal narratives without fishing that he too could stand by those men and be a mail like them. These men whom wnj call slackers ha*ve- in them the” same .possibilities., but they don’t know; it. Fnfor- tuiiately many of,them will not realize their mistake until it is too late»—Tho.e without good claims for exemption willl al ways fpeL hard toward their ad visers who urged them to seek this in aus of escape.' . • there in the ^tate, but nothing to cause the health' officers. It w r ^uld Tunvever he tlu'.par.t of wisilom t-o remember that centres where the disease is apt to occur are not*, best placelr to mingle* in crowds. 5\ lieu we were hhys there was a time wdieii the height of our ambition \vas. to own a country store i-iT order thpt we might possess that row* of eandy jars w ith their priceless ^contents of re d and yellow” striped, sw’eet- ness. Hut nmy w;e know that one of the charing of boyhood is the”ability to' throw** your whole sdul into your desires. H'. R. Erwin. , Civil Engineer and Surveyor ALLENDALE, S *0. • ^ I 7 c /p Money on Long Terms. BROWN & BUS|i Lawyers ‘ ^ BARNWELL, S. C. M. A. Wiklej- Thos. H". Peeples PEEPLES & WILDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW Shipment made from either point OAM P JACKSON, CAM P WADSM ORTH, * • 7 • * ; l * Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. „ Practice in all the coik-Mi. Abstracting ami preparing paper*of all kind. Oltic-s formally occupied by J. A, Wiiliii,. E.-q. Laipcaater'a biiildiug. BARNWELL S. C. Vf V- .