Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, June 07, 1917, Image 6

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M| A BUGLE CALL TO ARMS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE BY THOMAS MUSIC BY VICTOR HERBERT WILL POSITIVELY BE AT Reserved Seat Sale Opens Admission, 25 and 50 Cents LOCAL returned Does itcutjNjur energy, disturb your stomach or bring you near prostration? The well matv Isn’t afraid of heat.. But it is trying on the weakened body. BUILD UP YOUR STRENGTH j Get your digestion in order, remove »11 irritation, dispel all stagnation. Put yourself "in 3bap« to enjoy the summer with a? good tonic. ^ Items Picked from Town and County. here but now teaching in the city schools at Tampa, Fla. is visiting friends here this week t Miss Annie Lou Woodward' has re* turned home from a successful year at lystill Miss Woodward is teaching in the graded school there. PERUNA INVIGORATES Is Your Money Supporting the Government? / It restores the perfection of diftpstion and removes; {heinflam ed, conditions (catarrh) that mak«~y4u weak. It freshens the blood, steadies the nerves, and supplies just what you need to enter the hot season with confidence, j. I’eruna is a r«wl tonic, with especial efficacy in catarrhal con ditions. ' V ' ? Liquid or tablet fprm—whichever is most convenient—will safeguard your health. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio J. Grew has purchased a I’aigi At this critical period in our history our manufacturers are offering their mills, and our young men are offering tfleir services to the United States St. George Saturday. Mr returned Sunday with his have been visiting friends a fiic-re. * , Mr and‘Mrs W. 1, J,ohns of -Baldoek were dmec Monday. Mi-s .lessie .Tnirier spent Sunday with fr ends at WoodfordS- i Mat Bronson is in Charleston this week attending Court. -v I ierce (i. >anders of Allendale spent Sunday with'friends here. Mrs R. Boyd Cole spent the week-end with friends at Allendale. Messrs Soloman Brown. .1. (». 1'ate DallistJfeighton, Bringloe Moody, Car ter Price, J. Albert Snelling. J: M Brodie and Lewis Harley left Wednes day morning for Colombia to stain examination for the navy. . * * Government, 1 Hfl f I Would you like to do your share and help by putting your money where it will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the Government hag established to stand back of o^r commerce, industry and agriculture ? Miss Thelma Bailey left for Lireen- * * ». - - i wood today. Miss Bailey taught .here during the past school term, and we Vou can do this by opening an account with us» as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system where it will alrtays be ready for you when wanted. regret that she shall .not he with us .j. i* again next year, she has accepted a plaee in the Greenwood schools. Miss Morteith Smoak. of Orangeburg i- \isiting Mies Eva Blanton. .Mrs Alice Burch of Augusta, is here the guest of. Mrs K. Aj. Deasou. - ... ^ Marion S. Lynch of Columbia, spent the week-end here with friends. A * Miss Louise i’orter is at home for the holidays from Converse College. Ernest Bevis of Columbia, ipent the week-end in Barnwell with friends. Miss Virginia Warren spent a few days this week with Mrs W. J. Lemon. Miss Alma Connor ha6 returned home from Winthrop for the holidays. a \ i _ — • . ' . , Miss Margurite Patterson left this week for a visit to friends at Sewanee. Lemon Brothers, agents for Overland cars in Barnwell county have reesnty sold the following: .1, *M. Killtngs- He behevo* you as well as y will at least offer your dollar ft*nng his life. worth Light Four; W. f). Still. Light Four; G. A. Sanders, Big Four; T. C. Sanders, Big Four: J.T. Wilson, Big Four. Your Government amis your money ter bow Titt!«-. Yqu’v* got to "do yoi leading your money on the -atest -it the world—the I nitetl Stales. Buy Loan Bond. Miss Kae E. Gill left Monday after noon for her home in Statesville, N, C. Miss Gill taught in the high school dur ing the past session and leaves quite a number of warm friends, who regret to learn that she will not teach in the Barnwell Iflgh School next year! FIRST NATIONAL BANK FAIRFAX, S. C. Bank of Western Carolina BARNWELL, S. C. head Office. AIKEN, S C Mr and Mrs J. A. Meyers, Mr and Mrs W. 'T. Hankinson and Mrs E, T. K-ountree of Meyers Mill motored over to Chattanooga, Tenn; While there they went out to see the Barnwdll boys at the Officers Training Camp. They report ayjrartd trip without accident or breakdown^ Thejh-also reported the Barnwell'buys very much unproved in physique and working with a will. ^VAVWVSVWVWWVVW^ First Annual Baldock - ® - . ------ ...... 9 Mias Virginia Garrison s|>ent the weed-end with friends and relatives at Kline. N Master Leon Brown of Blaekville ii here on a visit belli? grandfather MrJ Ci hen. ■ \ KB 3 OLintless ' ; Y ■5S14? ~ ^ Hulls have 1 - been fed by ' wif'^iyr l OTli nC»' farmers, dairy- i a T men an ^ stoc ^‘ _ ~T men through- h out the South for the P ast 'd** v ' year. Reports from these feeders indicate that these lintless hulls when properly fed, are a great improvement over the old style Miss Thelma MazUrfeky and“Lillie Richardson have freturned home from Winthrop. —• N ?s Olive Calhoun has returned A very beautifuLjfiul interesting home' wedding oiceured in-Barnwell last Thursday, May 31, when Miss Emiiee Blanton was united in marriage to Mr John Monroe Terry, tl^e cere mony being performed by Key W. I,. Hayes.* The bridal party stood under a beautiful bell of pink and white roses. The parlor and hall were adarn- *“d With these lovely Mowers and smilax and under the . shaded eleetric lights and pink shaded candles presented a scene which reminded one of fairyland, The only attendants were Miss Eva Blanton, sister of the bride, as maid of honor and Mr William Terry, the Punbarton ."ale&day wag the quietest yet this year. There were few people and less Stock for sale. Mr A. A Lemon is in Charleston this week as juror to the Federal Coi^rtbow in session there.. Misses Pauline Richardson and Nonic Bes: are attending the Wintluop Col lege com hi ee'e nijentk \ Misses Flossie Pitterson and Virginia Mo-eley will attend a dance at Colum bia, Friday evening. Little Mi’Ss Vivian Joiner of North is > gue:-i of her sister Miss Je«sie Joiner; •t Mr* Woodward's. - • * t, .• * ‘. ,, >1 iss Sallie Pate has returned home from Swansea where she has been By actual use, these feeders havi found the following advantages of using * _ _ Beardens Orchestra of Augusta Will Furnish the Music MUSIC FROM to A.M. TO 7 P.M, HULLS _ LiNTLcak L v * Ever ; y pound of the Buckeye Hulls coiitains'much more food value because the lint on the old style Hulls Has no food value. THe price per pound oflreal roughage in the form of Buckeiye Hulls is very much less, than in the form of the old style hulls: Buckeye Hulls do not clog or flux the digestive tract. Other foods mixed with them are readily assimilated. - i They are free of trash and dust. . '** They are sacked and easy to handle. They take half as mych space in the barn.‘ If“yo,u have not tri$d Buckeye Hulls, please remember that thousands of feeders are using them 'And will use no other roughage. If you *Tiave not given Buckeye Hufjs a fair trial, let the expierience of these successful feeders guide yoii in using them as they should be used. Mr. Olwty Yarbmr, Booncyille, Ark., has fed a carload of Buckeye Hulls to cowi and calves to get them ready for fke range. He had been feed- — ing hay and he finds that they did much.better on'Buck- eye Hulls as roughage. A? has another car of Bvfkeye < Hulls bought. v \ Ta Mturt (h« bast rasulfs and ta dev^op the eniiltfa adar, wet the huHa thoroughly twelve hour* before feeding. 'It is Hi; ta da this by- vattiaf then dawn ai|ht and narninf f*r fhc next feediny. 1f at any tiasa this canoat ba dana, wet dawn at le«A thirty minutes. If ysu prsfsr ta faad tka huffs dry, usa anly half asjauck by bulk as sfatd atyla hulls. * Book of Mixed Feeds Free Giyes the right formula for every combination of feeds used In the South. Tells h$w much to feed for maintenance; for milk, for fat tening; for work. Describes Buckeye Hi\lls and gives directions for using them properly., Send for your the nearest mill. Dept. * ' The Bqckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dept. K Atlanta Birmingham Cfasmaatd Little Mack MmmokH Comp bf-i ng the out in*, linriiy and et>jpy tlu*.+iay. If y t on don't (t.anc.e ,et)]ov tho b'wf-ot imisio. BarLucued raejjtisold on the ^roiymU. • • . --'A.L. - f . , . v F-- . Tile Committee on Arrange flumps lta\e~"j»lanned for y4to*ge crowd. ~~ ^ y; —U—-— groom’s brother who acted as best man. The bridal parTr^came inttv4be parlqr to the strains of MetJ sohn’swedding niai^ch, beautifully renderisl by Mias Mon tee Smoak of Orange hurg .^.N.Lss during -Bmoak pLayed "To a Wiid U'jte beaching for the past year the ceremony Grand ffajl m Allendale the same night. Make your ;et the date.J Tell The many friends of Mr A. T. Beard will learn with pleasure that he is up again after a short illness. |>T;ms fiow to he thertv^ Do not forgi vour friends to meet vou there. The eity authorities have for the past fete days had men clearing up Main Street, prior to paving same. There was-a dance at the old graded lehool building Tuesday night under the auspices "of the Red Cros£ Society. The many^riends of Mr LeRoj Mo- lair will learn with regret that he ip quite ill- They hope tor him a speedy ie6oyery. Mis# Clifford Barratt. Home Demon- IlnUion agent to? Barnwell county, Refreshments Committer ~ Cj. L. JORDAN, J, E. REED. Floor Cominittee; HARRY-IORDAN R/O. SANDERS. ceived. After congratulation^ of the assembled friends. Mr and Mrs Ferry left on the Southern train and at the conicrlusion of their wedding journey will be at home at l.umberton, N. C., where Mr Terry is in If you can’t be drafted in the army Some people are buying Liberty Bonds in flu* names of their .children in order that the,principal and -interest may he well as mt>n m[_AJTiiwinr nesL -w ethr- o| yur republic, cation or gome other need for fundsT business. . Cor dial and many are the good wishes that attend these young people. •pent the week-end with her ; nn nta Mm Terry <1(1^ ojfta^t at Greenwood. • Mr and Mrs 8. W. Blanton X i.mnfliJ f I 'c'caaan^ffj • 1 ~ ii t- ’• ElljBii riDfiBBBll