Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, June 07, 1917, Image 5

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teJust^Dncel Try ‘Dodson’s Liver Tone” When Bilious, Consti- , paled, Headachy—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work. v * • Llven'-up your sluggish iteerLFeel fine and cheerful; make yout -work a >!•,.. pleasurfej: be vigorous and full of, ah** bition. But take no na^y7 .danger ous calomel, because it makes you- •, sick an^you may lose a. day’s work. / 11 -1L • V back, guarantee, that each spoonfu.' will clean your sluggish liver bett than a dose of nasty calomel and thaft it won’t, mate you alcfcn, , ' .Nj *< fc,!'*\' * •'v' \ 9 1 £ -yrr-f v -»*•*. -4~« i- A v -f.- • „£ ‘ * ** ■»“- — »•< JEk~- whith causes nec/osif’gtethe bones. C-aionieli crashes--intor ^our bile like dyn|inntfe, i *btelklng i . ft up;—-ThaTr* whin you feef that a^ful nausea and cramping. I / / Listen to me! If’you 'want to cpjioy the nicest, gentlest Jlver and bowel '•cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's -Liver Tone. -Your druggist or--4ealer ■ells you a 50 cent boHle-of Dodson’s Liver Tone under my personal money * rTDodson's Liver Tone is real liver medtcine._ Ytiu*!! know it r^xt^morn- erfl-lfig-. -bo.cansw .you • wllL wake-.;Up. feol.-. ing fine, Vour liver will fco. waking, k your headache and^dlzzmess gone,- your sftmraeh Will be sweet and your bowels regular. . • • <• Dodson’s Liver'/Tone Tjb -eptfr^ly vegetable, >herefor<^ harmless and cannot salivate, fllve it to your chil dren. v M ill ions nf, people are using Dodsoafs''Liver.-Trino-diisP^ad-ef dan- -geroud calomel now,- -Your- druggist- wTIL tell you that the. sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here.—Adv. / < ,m the shoe that holds its sha $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over9000 shoe dealers. The Beat' Known Shoes in the World. W . L. Douglas name and the retail pnes- is stamped on the bot* -tom nf all seines at’the factory. The value fe guaranteed jod The They cost no more in San They are always ’worth die -wearer protected against retail prices are the same everywhere. Francisco than they do in New York, price paid For them. 'T'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by mole than 40 yean'experience in making fine! shoes., Tire .'smart styles .are the leaders ih the Fashion Centres of America. They are made in a well-equipped factors' at Brockton, Mass., by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision*, of. experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best tiroes for the price that money V can buy. t Ask your shoe (tsnVr (nrW. I- finuglasilioosi If tie ianr not supply you with the kjn<I yiiwwuntj take no other nlake. Write for InterestIrti; to *'■! shoes of the hi£hff-«t Miin<hir,l of quality for'the jirtCe, by rej^iru mail,-posiiig-,. free. . LOOK. FOR W. L. Douglas name Tfptb The retail price stamped^ on the bottom. f ■ ■ fr rw-jwftpair— Ordfriary EtacfchUTT Kafir ‘Superior Abihty cf . Extreme Drought. . ^j.. Tug i-ygiviti.-o: <!. —— 11 ..jfijlulfc Aly. 1J»«j u I r 1.«* ns ninny kafir. A. Dimni- of tho department of, »ir 1 y j"7Fii5 fho fol jou;i11g— If t- forunpiion, t jrk'ej\ Trnin a government report. is an .* > k<*i , lli*tit-—tr**:ttmfnt of the subject: . . . Dwarf livgari is a sorglnuj-i-thsit wits lntroducod into the United States from TTir 199 "to Maike -Seed, Crop tinder CpndiYioos of. the l iiiiifonids'. upright s, " ' ' t. ’. ’ syial -is -a tnil,• latm-r than, hiai-khufl itir so,*.,i imi intorui, iliilto iiotwooii it and l’Atofita sood in si/.,- and a iso in hardln-ss. ■ . “ • ■ ; /I>unrf-li, gari nndor, ordinary rondi- l ’ . • ». gJ ' t Ion’s ‘grows tout lifirm. of I in t’-. -foot and nuftuivs in T*tt to. ion davs. a. —' •. • • y . • * litllo oariior tlniir ft-, lluf ‘ rt '. lr .' •t^lt!lSt>iii'!' dr- •light fl^ Wolt- a.cyrtvo j n t-~ tor aiRl pi'iuluoi^ an oquab yiold of grain. It- short! grovv ing-si-ason allows i SroaT i#- 1/ // T'V ...rwi WRIGLEYSj SPEARMINT ‘PERFECT GUM* r , •.r ui “Li Sudan ffcgftm of-Afrtoii-fJn 11108. t Is native in tho sahio part Of Sudan asxfVtorita and is known tjlioro by. tlio • nntivKs ns “iiog.-vi-i.” —A -d-w arf stniin-^dt to bo gi ou n \\ oil non h In lln x. JwMs obthliiod by soiootion at tlfo’ CliSI- 'liifnfho (Tr^as) fiohl stqtjon and this tioj.i- winK.givou tlio name of “Dwarf Hogan" rn order to distinguish It from Dwarf ‘fUaok-HuWed .khtlr, 'vlitoh it rosoinblos. vehy olosoly.. . The leaves are nvnmToous and large, like lIillso ..of.. Uaiir.. —Tlio' stem i> tlrb-'d^ but i? more j.iiVoy anil fliatr tlib e>joja of ka.tiiv and it -boajes a l’laiiis. and in tbo soutborn part of tills rogbm it produces two or Ops of. grain in one^.soasou. \\\ lion late rains art abundant. x . * ■, It is adapted to Texas and Now Mexico. ^ <>klab<ipih. Kansas anil Nebraska,, and -b'Jjtu Ini-ado. MoP SO, sw ool OIV ■ of that Tl+o f«»d<toy yT,Tdi v TV'if rlqtmf tn-fnitt • Fa.< kliji'ill- lialir., but’ is. better tlian milo Best m the World $3,00 $2.50 & $2.00 Presilient.U \\. I,. Douglas C?o. # lM5 Spark st., Hrnrktmv REDUCE ANTHRAX10SS 1 Habitude. . I O- \ I a •;;!!?” , " rep tied—Mr.’ < iTug-'I-fi-.'- “Y-if know ■ flow-' ‘a ^a.iior's %• a • legs,slay by him for a while -a.fior in bijs. gone nsboro. ' It's ,:ho s.-.nio with some' of us “atiXon.u..>biiists. 1 always ip-op slink 1 'lng for a while-after INe boen.otitw it I» iSiv mo tor let," ‘ * ■ ... •— • LV Malaria cn Dectirte. ^ Mahtriu is vin.Uob loss widely valent in the^Ejdted St:lto’> now formvrly. ' " Vote. > 1 j. U ionhiy.’C.' Not Serious. • \ . ■ : -——x— L o,l to be pretty so 1 \ o •;A on." ""What w . "We 1;, - t-dr • iseribe, ' l An-old totonlo Is tlie d<n't,a- >say ?" !1 1 tiiouv'lit I was. sick onoris'h rj jjo •’r hf'.niia, bift itD lie. pfe- , fishing trip." Resp^isifci'.e for -Death of .La^ge - ."NambersUf Live Stock. v ' VELVET BEAMS FOR'FSEDING Discifee Affects Chief, i > io,or-sa.\s‘that a w,uiian s' an organ w itlmut s b>p'. ' * and .^Cxhe'e, ni- V •I 0M00 t One of'E^est Feed ard 'Fertilizer Cr-ops ^Southern Farmer Can Grow, . " Says an Expert. - , 1 V . . - - - ; I'ln-ctor Ih K. I-.txi.d of..the Missis- 4 Nipf.i *-N|•, ri 11 r« ti_t' -i! ion imij i-xiensbin tTi'p: rtniont or. tin 1 Mis'-i.ssijjpi , Made by| machinery^ filtered — safe-guarded in every process: 1 ‘ ^ ; r ' Factories*, inspected by pure food experts and highly praised: Contented employes, of whom perfection is the pride: • K- • ; Such- U WRIGUY’S ~ the larged selling gum in the World. t i i ^ .^ti'iixy liats.. can '*~xv 1T11 ^dam-pemvl ’ eoriiiileal. Sheep. But None of D mats Are Exempt— * trbn Is Favoredr'^JiHi^- _ ' *■ - ' ; . ’ 'w l,W. onsMy-—(‘loanoti —*Fkofxir.-A 1 w i i—&PUV-4 krt- nn-nt nf Airri, ultuvr Losses frijin aiitbrax, or cbnrbon. xt-^-whiflr at tho-piu'sont tUrn- -Is rospoivsi- Mo for ‘rho death’of ’I^pfr iuiwtiucs .iif- liMUfs-tuTl. jtirlo.w. moi^t binds of a more « «fr loss muoLy , bartu tor, may lie. 11.1in.i- *- ini zed .by the proper use of jirotoouvo^ vaccine - and tlio proper'disposal of tlio oar«'•.)» -w-s., .nf infected nniVnnls., TIds atVoots eliit'tly oa11 io.‘and Vluvp, |»iit Imile of the doinestie aiuuuds il exo.mju. and o\ on\ man -M soiuoi itnes a victim. Some eontnr,ies.;igd it is known to have en.ju.srd The ^tlrtif^TTTnrg than i'»(Mmip persons -in S‘jn!b'4'.U,,,liuJ> l Ue. Nii.,c ijia't -time the dis«*as<» lias a.pp;i|** “priTty 1 tTi'o. n‘; t o _i .'trns' TtmTornr but if . Is stitl tlio catt-sw- of considerable loss to + .< 11 i eg 1 - . “< >rn ,Ti ips says r of Hie our -Ownioi's oa-q grow boa ns. '< ’ruslied wlwt !,oans best food ai>r fertilizer is velvet vet beiins ip the hull, and eorn Lit "equal proportions TOTke.-a luilhui ed-rat ion for’linirs, eut- tle dr horses. ;yuf the vines are Worth as nnicli as 81 , an aero for fertilizer. Helps appetiteand digestion. Keeps leeth ^lean — breath sweet. The Flavor Lasts BUILDING GIANT FLY TRAPS : Ih This Car Is Worthy >nce •'ou can buv a Saxon car secure,jin thefcriowl- Xedge that you dre getting full v^tlue in tried" and proven motor car mechanism. " Saxon cars are' built to : win the confidence of - ~ their owner — and they do. But first they’ must win the confidence of the'ir builders— • any- feature, or any patst- of unproved worth. So no'Saxon principle of construction has ever been changed until a better principle has fully proved its greater value. And so ho Saxon car .has ever embodied features of doubtful worth. DI'llT'ITirih I'e." ^ ' TtiTF;i v:■ "y ''!’ iTft"k i. ilV'ViitTbif‘ dirt'vtion"' for • tin*.4i<hniiiistration of tlio wu-ridf :iro ffiVtli. .SThrik-'’tfvvnopk uro x\:i>ni' , d. to obinin tlio soi um iimi. ynooiiTo 1 biiiii roliiiblo m;inufm'!nrors —^ 4.0U!y./:T'tui t.df to- 'iwlmhii.'.tor Jho tivat- TiiTnt niiiovN tTw N-irM.---hrts.airt':.;i<iyTrp- r poarod’ in, tlio-\iviiTity. ttr tlio jm^turcs' _ ,ln whi< lrtlio TTniumts an* to'lto turned -out aro’ know n to in'* infected. Caro Jons h (.ndling of the vnooiiio may result ” ‘ [ln“sproadin rrrr diNOiiso.—•—~ J —;— * Tho I'ltusc ’ of nntKrsix is :f nxinuto gi-rm whioh multiplios rapijBy in-the it hr, ispooialty In tho M,y>dr ttml pro- Hn,• ok^pyils,u 1,01 s ^.ubsttiY^os w luoli or.' (iinarily y^mpjo dentil. The symptoms of the dlseii«y. fit cortii+u ro- hltiok-" The tuenP-imni the honns in the hulls -Jij. wirt'tli id>o\it olio-half, as niucli tts high-grade nftton- seed meal, '.testing abotlt -l 1 L , per cnit of fat .tltid IT to 1.8^ jM-Pcent profi-in. . . p . The yields of. this crop are otmr- -inousJ TTvirn rfftor s* v*jfi- storms ly.sno pounds of-beans in tlio lull! were hnr- vesti'd per acre, at the McNeil branch station, apd ft has horn ho ti'oulih' to, make'as mm h as .".ono pounds to the acre. The harvesting is not expensive as a goiftiE liand c.-Hi pick f-roi^i obO to nt>0 yotlli(ls a day in^il ilui. WsHat ‘rnth <tf paV-is a hunt Id eeiifs a litl-udred. plan: AiPERMANENT PAS-TURT Schoolboys Make Oevice"Which Will Catch Half a Million Disease -s; ■ Spreaders in Season. Fly traps tllSt will ..catch iVKt.oOo, qr . r >0 quacks of-flies in a setison will be -btiiit this sjiriuip by-some qf U»e hoys in tim < irtim^ r avenue nmtiual train- Ing center. Irving l*. Lorentz, fire In- strm t’or, i^ making :t model, and will soon have koine of the J>oys construct* In- the device, tis a side line, uccord- -t-iig to tin* Milwa’.uk’w .Journal. A square framework M hnuie of intr- row strips of wood, and/Nvitliln" the MTiTjiie Is plnceil .nCony^Of wire net ting., In the niodel or Mr. LorentzDfn .•nlimirv irhiss lar is used. In M,:tee of ' " , Sotdfe ra Ctad -in -SteeL v - (Jetting its Inspiration from tlw utdde service already ..performed by tUri steel helmet. La Nature of 'Paris. ^ests that the soldier'f entire V>dF should he cased In armor. It (iropoai^ says Bopiilar Science Monthly, t*" - *" the sides of thtHujaU. neck anil upper part of the chest he cqvered uith « gorget, a k’liwl of - cpllor. Tirnl the iota* with a kind of-skirt, like the p:Vt -of -a hahergettn, bpth In chalM mail. A cuirass, or breastplate, of mov- abte-pJates of .steql "would prqtect th* i-hest and hackjimd lilnged steel elbow pieces and knee pieces would cover tho joints.- Arfaee mask fm.d,goggles,would eonVhMte~~the suit. Tld? ftnrior iwwMLZ luyilght enough to afford perfect fre*- ddi-tr of nothin. Important Part of Rotation System— Rough Hillsides May'Be Us.e'd— Plant Bermuda Grass. instead of controlling tin 1 'thw wooj lt'-w—frnnU'.-- A-dmrmnn pi*<?l or f 3 " similar refuse is placed its a halt at "the bottom^ of. tin* trap. Wftuh Hie trap is crowded with lli^is, they cab be killeri liy dljqiing the'dllled trap inT<>* hyrffiiig water. // “Th<> Idea lBTrixcelb'nt," Mr. Lorentz said. “Thud^onstruetina Is ’simple, so that sWrl^th' or eighth grade hoys sliouhr easily he 'able to make it. At XLutr.r5pya11ain.-lLl past are w ill he n very intpurt^iit par; of the rqfatkiu plan t.his -^yeai 1 . A k past un Ho* ded \yh*in Mm grji/.ing- not ready-aud when the ^rfumals need * • - ■ s ^ • -. ! 1 green totd and cxyl-isc. If ydq liMicn’t a _ penriitpffit'd*!^!life it vv lie advisable to shirt one tit the ri^rfies't? possitiie tinjq. ’’K\tii :i roiiglptiplside •fi’isiy be dfSed iW tfife( i"mf4»se.. For agidnst the tly.'‘ Such a trup’\ysouid:kilf speli locations Jb rnrirdn/fs a most\ex- . off the flies iu^ore they ‘even got lnt'o StartyfmBhmjmla ptis^/ the hordes." ) . the"'same time It is inexpensive, the odist ol ! matrfials probably not exceed- lng 50 (gents. If .all the centers encour* aged the making of thes-e tenips. It would, TTrm-e^n-niost effective.-Weapirn, Using His Fe«t. “Whom in the world did you taka .*■—4 •• ■ _ dancing lessons fhom?” . ' ^Professor Clide. | And I must MJ Up didn’t e«utq’ihtin like you Of Up stetqdllg Oil his fjyet.” “No. becailse yotl Were paying hl» for the use 'of liis feet and you're Mt fmytflg me," ’ . ,x " Too Deep for Paw. ^ I.lttT>« V»'ilb-e— Say, jiaw, why l» a. nmafcTTr'Fommrt. mlt. d- hn enterttUri- ment? ' ~ A.. .I’iiw--My son, I'cannot ¥-11 a ike;X. do not know. . jl’,' ceib-nf gras ture.lids,' s< trrg-'-frrr-Ktrici; 5 ou w ill htivmqfrnz- . , : v y . % Saxon cars hsjye simply been in*a state of transition, passing thro phase after - phase of gradual improvement without a break in pro duction. They are refined from time to tim6, not radically changed. / ‘ V They are in |he'fullest of the phrase, products of evolution. They fire developed rather than built. ?•: Merit that the kind of-a oar j el confident la right be-T, _ , WM ,. money fof it? If it•($,- then you,.want a Saxon. Saxoti Motor Car Corporation Michigan Thersii Still some good territory open for Saxon Dealers. For information you should apply 19 nger Garage Compi .N cs-peCts. .flmso (•f*'TT' 7 T;^uyv( r :ind h'g. The-, differences,.which will en iihic sto<jc" e\vtiers tb dis) inguish it j HEALTHY from, them ure. desc ribed In deinil in the id ready UK'Mtiormd. .In ifvtite cases 'S s ^L s< yjV < - ^ ymeut is setikna.elTccliiL“. F*ESII*attSF'WHOl£SOHE* DELICIOUS poimds ; r .. mixed wheat- feed. 0.0 jM.iundat:: cornniea 1;' K5 pounds; oats, .1.2 pounds; rye bran, U.6 , pounds. however, mrdieliiid -trenf- i'tir- this n ^ son ttiC'.ljest nu'thods Of. cqnibat’iiig^rlu rMiseimri- iTne Au vnccinnt'e "iflh jriiiinals- "-■JiTidy - f(4 he' exY"^''^! to- fWliifW'f1 A'TV s and by <men ImrylngSsr^eniaiing/'of Infected careasscs. to rndketsa^tairi that the Infection fs?ru>tjrifowed'fO esfahJish Its'eO'Mu piTjstur Under eertuifi n nidi terns and in cer : tain fOrms^me germs (datin'<liseasq are rcmarlteJmv rwsndTHtt-t<»5bc:it. e*»Jd and droturfit. Ttiev-writ-retffrri11 ’ter, a -tWg F in- i\Ttif?t Ifte-imd-'byygta.blc.' cf -in- acting any nnitmds -turned put on it. Ordiijarily the disease 's tak Oil Into, tin* body thrmigh-1 he .liiouth with f«»».‘d. tt- mny, liweVer; he i)hst»rhed tlteqigh i\ woiind or evi*jrv arTinsigjiifieaiit. scratch. It is in this way thaL brinin'ri heifigs Usually jH'Come inflated, and tiie namt* 4, woolsorter’s diseasa 1 " is fierive<J.fittn tho'fact- that men engaged in ^irl'mg .wool are ptirticulariy U;Vl>je. to eontrin t the disease through hUVcHorr of Or other sqijllL^lUffllteAUL Mlons their hand*? cyfrfg carcasses a lisefur preeau-’ tfrtn l^-driteover- them w ith quickhnie. Where the hhdtetenr**Vlntrned instemL -of buried, great <‘ateiit*uikl be taken to . zsec.LlxiiL, the* opeqitiqnteteHALqoughJy, ’ ’ *■’ tiff Let.Up in Market for Sturdy Ani ijnals—Farmer Finds Htmself_ir> ‘ ’-Enviable'Ppsitjon.L; t ? ‘ V* X, (TTy J: -C, MxJJ I’kLR.) ■~A ' prominent farmer--of Kaiisns recently that for .sV'-veral years hej>n . . raising but. t.hat this voar his mares mules, . were bred to draft; stallions, owing to the ealkej'or heavy horses. Still, there i^ no let-Tip in the - market- for -.mules. This leqvos fire farmer in' an 4-hviable FARMERS ARE WORKING HARDER AndArsiiig their feetjmore than ever before. For all these workeiV-the .frequent use of Allen’S'Foot-Eiise.rne ^ollieptio powder tu be shaken ifitb the shoes and sprinkled in the fooPkath, Increases, their effielency and in sures needed physical cohLfort. It takes the [.Friction from the hboe, freshens the feet, ^ and prevents tired, aching and blistered feet. - Wqnien-te'er^wAcre Are constant ,^sers of eastern -Allen!® Foot—Ease. Don’(.get foot tere, get Ife^hjid Alien’s Foot-Ease. fkdd JJy dealers every- her.e,di3o.—Adv. j \ N" THE BEST MACARONI nr xt on Ann /oamni < • competition for iitTiig prices. r A 4 * 4 0 ■» t' 1 4 t t i T0 4 4 ’ 4 4 W€IGHT OF QM^-QUART -. ’ ’ '--te——l~4- ., / • Iiairym^n rispecially w ill lie in- ferekted iik knowing tin- weight of the several’ feeds hy quarts, inasmuch as yin cojupoiHiding ,d‘airy , rations tin* teitete artj ex pressed in pouridsv - ~~ -^wteTn'seed mejal, l.. r > fw»1if Equal to ILt-^r , lIustinnH (ut oflice tely^fihom*)— ; HcI- lo! Is this you, Henrietta? Wlte (at home teTephone)4-*It Is, “You know that mattef \ye \yer»* talk:_ IngaliQ.ut flits niuming- 4lP break fusty - “i <io. ,T ’ ■ . * ' ' ; ' ' ^‘Well, there’s n lot to he wild on that bHct, T find.’’. . .., ll/come on home and let me suy bhicken K+Ujsrs. - 4 j Mistress- 1 vylint to kill a couple of J chlckena.for.dlfaner. ' - -'T\. [ t .(’haff’er—Y(*s, nmirK^iAiii-cap-shall * i I do it-with? * ‘ * i - • HADE FtOH THE HIGHEST GfiADE DUIUM ’ COOKS Ijj 12 HUOfTB. COOK BOOK FM linseed' tneal, old pounds; gluten meal.,1.7 J j “ Medicine la occaak)natty necessary to' pro«-ess.- 1.1 J*; help the system recover its norniai func- \ tlona. That is especially true in Spring. 1 ^ • * WrlsrhiTii Indian Vegetable r c «i Pills . are an non*, kuimi mg mm -u|o»iv^r -carcass has lain should be thorou an^xleeply burned tever so that the heat wllf*penet-rate to a depth suffiden to kilLtee-germa. that.may have' tato the soil with ffWd#fro»The .I j: te . h i- • - te - ’ Wii'tifftittM tlons. Wrjgh^s Indian -J—glltfvn feed. 1.2 * pounds wheat r . ideal medic ine: They c ombine tonic and ' t.nip.-. «Nir»r«w pouwls: w h.-at - »l 1 *" 0 ** P r 9t. f H»- AJ«, ^ ;■ kM.nt«s«. ';<»•»-. C..S \ j A „" n u h «pelf».lrm whei*. falls Wheat- ■ tnidilliiiHui L fine. • 1.1 V ' J To make a russ aj>out any new experl- fflent that Is' tried on him. - - What a lot Of perfect children there are who don’t bring home perfect re port cards from achooll 4.:''- ’ 3 * mu TOHMXm LANB r~ ’Kill fal$e good grain. Splendid ’trite- rootn reuetdence, with oTitbuildtapk Within one antTq^mlf miles of poaC town by i Improved roM^Priceflriate per acre. Wall & Co,, Boydtow, Va. r , KODAKS & SHI dao do hlgbeet class of eVand Catalogue npai S. Csletki Optical Ca., KODAKS, _ All roll aims developed 10el PHi dell. Prompt'attention tomaUH 1 K. C. BKBNAU, PH J PABMEKS AND SHIPPEBS W. 1^‘cg cnARLOTTt, icoT -t-'.T u,