C., June 5, 191' 15M Acres of Land Enrollment 975 ronment ■ < *o»oW’otinty af thy foolishly are red-ueed to-a j and: Examinations I The College «»)Pnr,i:f i.shinn Sniiftnv Si "WWPTh'HbMV ' AH rdeted January. lltlC who conduct/divide services'.and Mo pastor; i cadets irt bprrar-ks. ■ There is W flour IluuI A. with twrnrsalartr* ' . V.C. A. untlding was coin No .student will l>o admitted who years old at th/ time of entrance. An honorable discharge from the lege attendedI/is i equiroiL. Hazing i.s fbrbidi' of: the State as we I is the laws' of the/Cotlege. v-v.; 'r&t': &&*<**' mtil they cohie* to College iu the fall ...:n i a . ‘ • i. - Credit will lie given for a passed at the county seat ftie ottur Colleges in South t'arolina i a Co IK Details aro given ogue. O.WIMSTR.-VilON lit lLl.UN! COURSES OF-STUDY Chonsun' College offers thirteen four-Year courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of .Science (B. S./, and seven short courses dur- irigtyhc regular session and the ses sion FGUR YEAR DEGREE COURSES Agronomy Botanv* .%/ ■ Chemistry %! _■ . • Animal lhdust.yy. Entomology Veterinary Science Horticulture Soils Agriculture The One-Year Course in Agriculture Begins October 10th and ends June 7th:• Tt i^designed to give the simple scientific principles upon which good ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Summer Short Courses in farming rests, Open to young men 18 years old and over who have Mechanical-Electrical Engineering worked three or /more years on the farm. Civil Engineering / , There are 51/scholarships open to students taking this Textile Engineering - ~ , course. Examinations for the award of Scholarships held Architectural Engineering - by each County Superintendent of Education on July 13th. / SHORT COURSES (Regular Session) Send for full information. _ ^ One-year course in Agriculture / _ XT ' Two-year course in Textiles X On account of iviir conditions and/the scarcity^ of farm labor, the ustialsUirlmer courses Tor farmers will not be given in 1917. These courses will be resumed as'soon as normtel conditions warrant. . ’ \v / COST The cost for any of the thirteen Agricultural 12.86. ' This as are listed I 11 * 1 ' 1 **** 1 be crowdaJ-outr-- CHEMICAL LABORATORIES TEXTILE Di: I’ jkHTMKNT Training atnotic ever „l)cfni 5 . , .Woe both e that all .young me : 0( ial service, oiwit-?: ire net always t fm. cst service. An ..puw/hftte- nly is abgf heirs yarn -needed .dll.the. '“'Virii-rrf^rnjripo'rti utilization: as '\v«u as t the.) engineering pi, bum: army.?- < * ^ At a conference of i/q 11 iden.t«- in A’a.shlHgidr'i, A May 5 tty, f the fntnvvTtf" ■; "a re adopted as a* 11 principles. These fWlui in accord with evpres’sior Secretary of War hi'h'de. to th< i’orence: -• in selves of the oppor etl hr our ■College?' sC 1 to do -in ocdei •r lKion. ' -Juniors and IP Seniors niay pursu^-iin advanced course if they so eLe^ti^Those %% choosing the advanced course are *4 required to take additional mill- tary instruction. First and second year students- will be furnished by gradate from the advanced cours< to enlist .with thft Reserve’ Officers Corps or to take further part oi place in the military service of tjhi United States. The opportunity is furnished,—however, by which foi ; -a small amount of additional work> S ~ ant» student who ls-phySically fh~ -and otherwise- approved, can' yet- Qn what amounts to a State "scholai h e ship during his last two years 1, College. * n ( . will be given, a '/Write for further details regard the War. De- ing thiS opportun 1 ty.———, ■ . ---^/ the govesfimem'wTTh pne comp .Courses etns best. At present their agriculture, engineering and rnopey allowa^nce hy (PHESEUX E THIS PAGE FOR REFERENCE—NO K NOTICE WILL APPEAR.)