Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, June 07, 1917, Image 3

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Supplement to THE BARNWELL SEHTiHeL, Higawcll,-S. 0:, Jnne 5,. 1917 ? Clemsoris Finances —Th" public has a rignt to the fullest information In-fegard to tht* fiscal’affal&yof a State Inst it it mm It aotrl'l tiirt be-possible to rt’.akc. a fuller or more detailed oes .Clcmeym College-. _ v report than d e-ueu.i I 'sumrtiary c ;„fr< *,a/.[.tH -and expcsndl- pott o f 150 jin’ges li**.- *..w.h'fr.dividuja.1 bill s shown edvu-ation^i .tion is of interest tyr.s, tho fn+Tr j?;i r.g*. brief summary ' >1 be of Intf iisL. • Sin* <• the Hippoi t. j, an i iinpotHiTTr" .t*> for th* Mas.t list .»&’> • tby <mr«« 15a Fa rice -hrmi rtyf f rirvtnr d -t Income Privilege 'FertiUzyr Tax... Morrill. A: Nelson Fuud «4 Jut- ifst .oij Larisdript lnt* rest <>n PJernpr.n B* q • Tuition from Cadet*....,. State Ixmn Suit s, Interests,. Kept*, ij< $2v.i,6tr<)y.8 8 .211*511.4 4 Total awtilahtc r*»s*> ;r • <•* The above total r.t-pn s» n f wh.ji v, as available for -the use Vg<v its lo. n .,b\ Ho'puiunt an*! itsl'ubli-e The South Carolina Experiment Station i-eThs-yes om the United States Dyiartment of Tkgr,culture ting agricultural researclu out none of this mono' ed hv the College. Likewise the funds from' the nit'h-Ijfver Act chn he used only for d,emoh»tration' Ion work, under Fed <rak-sn per vision. \t MtTHODtST CHURCH iBAPrisrcHuacH CANNING PRECAUTIONS THF STUDENT body uit for canning should he ripe hut • Do not use overripo specimens. Tho money paid In by ’stnjfients for. hoard,, laundry, heat, ;ht, and u aTTr, Ak dion-L nttr-nti*.n and incidentals, is held is, and' is not in trust by thL_X Vegetables for 'canning, should be yoiTTig and tender. ■" ■' '' — jf'l'uiJ'and vegetables* are- better for canning if gathered in the early morn ing and kept in a cool place until ready for Use.- . . . Kycry .'S eftr- t Rer number-ofapplication;. to enter tTe-msotv rTdTege^exc^Ts the capacity of the* irlstitution, • •Du-rl-y in August tt is neceesitty fo. bpgiii a waiting 1 liet,” a| all available rooms in the barracks Rave b.oen taken,. This session the enrollment (.not considering' the 1 2Penrttlod* in the summer school) was Sp 1. T * / The following data on 843 atlnUuUs ewolkal in tnyjlrgg flits session wilt be of Interest: *' , "* y\' ' / (1) Average age, 11 years, 6 months. / ' - . (2) Average height, 5 feet. 9 inches. , '.*.</ \3£'■ Types—blondes 391, brunettes 455, or WT? per cent. . . (4) .Living in country and small tuviis ftm.i of 71 per cent, ;* Yv A-54^. living in cities and towns over 2,JdfO popduj.'itiun, 246 or 29 per cent. (6) ''-Horn in the country, 553 ,of »*.5-.4 pfr ti nt. " (7) - " Averaging 14 years on*the farm, CIO or. 72 per. cent. 48) tons of parents' who are now, <>r have been, farmers, 7 ft 6 or '<>".5 used fur < ’ollege e Cleanliness i,s‘ one of the important secrets to success in canning. .Bjv.a'h";. jSoljUUdy—Clean frnevery~opcratii'n and kcc> all the surroundings the same. Carefully ^sterilize With boiling water every;utensil before it is used. Also the jars, rubbers, and cans; »• . i In buying glass jars, secure the best.' Dne of the niost satlsfacfory types of jars is the "Lightning Patent*’ with a glass top held in ^dace by a simple wire Springy.., „■ ,*|^ .. ■- Use the best grailo of tin c^ns even though they cost a little more than the cheaper, grades. , With glass jars always use' new rub bers. , u. ses lowing is a condensed summary of expenditures fix pc natures For operating expenses of College (Sfilaries -ot tgftcher.s. laborers, insurance, <’oal, shop and laboratory maerlfils, etc > t.. For iijijildings, permanent lmpaovements and additions to shop and laboratory equipment. For, public, work (fertiliser inspection and , analysis. (Veterinary inspection, scholar ships, branch stations, etc., etc.)......... Fruits and ' vegytjnhk^ must be thoroughly .cleaned before beuig put in iirs oj* cans.*' < 'Do.not attempt to ctijn decayed or dirty fruits oi vegetables. - 5,309 85,720.15 Total Write the Horticultural Division, Cleinson College, S. 'C.» for circular No. 27, ”11 oine' Canning Qf Fruits amt Vegetable’s," also "Home Gardening" bulletin. - Balance purl-lad forward July.l, 1916 per cant 24 5 students now'in College have had - - '121 graduated. ^ \ The distribution of'students bi' couYses r . Agricultural courses. . . ..' In all other cou/sos 3S8 brothers to attend, of whom ft as follows: 4 7 3 or 56.1 ’i>er cent. G70 or* 43.9 per cent. Total Unpaid balance on loan carried forward $ 40,888.56- ygi-lv Tin: >|lUTAHy sVaFI B\sF.HALL GA.MK OV lUGCiS’ FIKLn : A. Building, Agricultural Building,-Textile Building, Administration Building and Barracks Xo. 1 In the Background BE A FARMER HOG CHOLI7HA , PEN I BE OF i oj rOCiiolars Free Tuition send out yearly over 35,000 letters and over 435,000 other pieces of rrvtil matter,, most of which gives agricu- tural information. In addition to the parent station, the college maintains Two’, oyanch experiments sta tions—Qhe nea* Summerville and' the Other at Florence. One mow? is to be situated in the sand Rift sections of the State, Just as soon as funds will permit, will com plete a system representlhnnBT the principal soil types of the State; .7 LEM SON COLLEGE PATRIOT Every Farmer Should Know HovvTo Injecj Cholcra*S<H*um.- Write to Dr*. R. O. Feeley, Clemsorf* College, S. C., and request a free bul r letin on hog cholera symptoms, and Tost yoursfclT. When your hogs show these symptoms phone or 1 wire your county demonstration “agent at onc£ for aid, unless you have already had his services, fn which case you .ought to know how to proceed Without, hi* help. 1-t is impossible for hini to see every man’s hogs. stT It w ill^ fcte neces sary for you* to learn to treab them yourself after one demonstratiorivTx ^Prevention is worth more tharv cufc" old adage .which applies espQGially to this Inalady. ' ork.s for Welfare In Mftqy With, the packing house assured for the Htate—this : fall alt farmers should Recruit .at'once in the army of meat producers which will pujt South Caro lina on a self supporting basis, as well as bclp .feed the millions of peo ple who are now dependent -on the United States for food .supplies. This is the itimo for the farmer to exert v » - himself more than ever tq grow plenty of food stuffs Ion the farm The possibilities of « gbod whan't ^n*l- out crop are * very poyr„ and this makes it ajll the more pecessary to' prepare to kr^ow- -more feed stuffs ftnd to grow mora mcvit i ban ever before. n fnrmnr nniri At Picture a country estate of 1:500 .acres,—with stately buildings placed at elevated points to...forqi a great irreg-, ular circle of half a mile in \ diameter. Inclose in’* 4his circle a beautiful grove of native oaks, threaded- by smooth drive-walks. Turn to the north and for a back ground outline against the sky jit, a distance of 20. miles, range aft^r range of moun tains, fho hoiife of the High lands, • of-C Caesar’s - -^4ea<fc- Wbitesidcs an<D»'other lofty peak* of the Blue Ridge; 'l^htltk of these? mountains as In summthYclothed with ver- (iVjrp;"-" stan'jbng "’.out - -4'dack against 'tK>; RbcizdH, lin'd tn winder _ ofto'n; white with snow*. Tarke fo^ the Southern ^boundary a riveT\of Indian lineage and follow^ in ^;it$ swccjiing .crookedness^* the >*wift and • turbulent, Seneck alcdttwists this Way and tnXt to niaHt^Uie. confines of tiic Jjjftate. . Afnk this setting ayd liroad -e^pitmw^s of' r)ver liottoin lands gfehr*^ .corn, steep hillsides ^in'To ..- f with level ,g»4iss>- .•terra• c's and- ".cool • • j.asLi'ics w-itR. winding b.rn^k<t a'* •! gim • ful shade.' tr.eeg and you have, a picture^ of Cleinsetn College not cbhfn'd to suit^fhe can- yas/O/ an -arliyt. hnt a^'wenT' egery i>y nearly a thou- - ytrupg Houth Car/)lin'- *w1rn y : cT(, amid these - :s:rrrbnnditU's, an” ed a'afon*" ti*at will prepare' th.ejn for, s#*lf-respecting, ^■ *'-t- I n g *u t i zehsbip. '' - A Juirgc I l F'*nt. The college'tract 'contains ■ovcp--—atTosl" air"tn7'‘ property thore , ar.»' 23-prir:- cipab public- buildings, 70 dwylluigs -and 64 minor' buildings'. Tho College has- in its etrrp'loy 116 teachers and off.cersl Its invoMofrecf ; property is_ $ 1 .>2 7.72s :5 ’fT The ,St|iic Boa id of Charities and Corrections is charged vvffhjnvcstigatin^ the tnrancjal standing of all applicants for lionr-y;t<iu*. scholarships aitd ^*ee tuition, and reporting their findings totho Board'of Trhstoes of the College. This Board passes-finiukv upon the matter, accepting as_correct the information gatfoed h'y the State Board. Appeal from "the decision of the TrustecsTnay be made to tile State Board of HOME CANNING - ’ Kvery farmer should have a small canning outfit for usek in preserving fruit :and vegetables for wrinter. An abundance of -canned pno- dupts of! this sort afltW-eten- fort and health to tho family, ah*l often thery Is eqough surplus to gi^T®. a nlco little income. - Jt* is seldom tAat canned' fpulrs ant vegetables quality fall to corn- u. I'oCul i nee. Witha a ■ v 'rdcn one does not ci* f-tl’the need of ,\t ;■•; Cdes.-Tjut ^hera •■ it many of the ten- a- thaC will not grow season and must bo < d iH cans. Thi ( nk also miming of fruits that i'."!Iq canned’X Even w here quo has neglecte*V4o have a good orchur*! there, are in jtRpst locah»b.*s atv abundance * «'^M >hee bb^rrTestgyi >;1 u e -be me*, huolileberries. - gtnpcs aid, THE. DAIRY BUI LOIN©—. THer. DAI «Y BA R IS cherries case cHfruc-iveg«tables- have- not yet been planted tq ftfr- nivh v .a yurplus to can, it Is a good t'Bic now to make up tho dtuicichey. .Tomatoes, viiap Leans. lima beans, svv> i t potatoes, 'nnd other tt ^xmctTivriryqv P'trTmmg- • d rf-or canning •duringt^e Iat*iv4«!iimt’r- • Any otj^ -in- tsefested in canning^ should write the Horticultural Di vision of Cleinson College "^or Circular \o‘. 27, * Home Cans' ning of Frtuts and Vegeta- PERCH EWC>N ^TAUi » - * * , . *V)' - — V •