WBhin the first year of the war flic _ i txl'ortt -nnivi'isli v. ().' T/T r> pr**;id(-d .ftVttt* 2,300, three of.The smaller Wirth'r "cVu .universities’ W: 'I’. < Vs’over jjKNi* and tip- Inns of lUmrt <> 'I'. (Vs over L’,.iUO. ft was f o und. in-vms>a -ry roiflliiTSslT7mTefvV n~u7"i miver- ]rwty griiriimthnfcmq *-!+*• >'*«.>>aP 'W* - fly nH pupils of .<.*■• hi* f • it I,] i • ■ schnniK'upplh-d bir v-.mmis. MowS.ils st>o^a,s lbov r.-iictu ii Hit' |ige li-Yi-H+eut »iniIbrlnl £t*r ji^iior ^ :i s found jfitnoiib' tU.i>, > •tung [*. luiXl i'on/- to" thi>'Vf , 1,oi.ii(‘> v "‘T ' vtgh coUii-lVi/-vvt( »■ ydqv .tip "h'rt rfc.-ui'. u\Ja 1 hiu.n;« v.M^CioTti'g men'tya-ilvTjgErcr Least Difficulty Found Was Ob — -tajninu Men iniErrriy Dayr^ - of the War. System Is . FiUcJly Estabti&hcc Early DJtmtfrmv^and the' Day E itie ifctfeiri^w£~ f .ra in France Is TeVimnny t the Thorouyhnf.si of-"- Then i .X eju ,7-r'rS, W&& oflive of 11 iv• }_• • j li fg it trie!/ '.n / Training •oV. fh<- BrUailt w hull i 11 ri'n \ that at v. ’ S’’ ,• eatTy Lti ,ihr 1m'>1 1 .all -tthder .jtlipm- arid expe-rv* «*•<■•! «f:ttit?' >s proved •s-itr war..olliCti sf* i’Ccnj-dipg to •( ho . n-ciUtitiumda- t Jm- hviuisvi *t •'t Iii 'addition to lias jilil^iiiiciL-U. 'TO Staff of -V| 11 .• t ^ .j, ,| ,, I I; with troops'..,., g.* bacteriologists. . iiur^K fii 11 i ■ ib ‘j.’ *1/ * »r. j s ..X\«;ij:!\ :i>J I l^nllk'i.XS wr.l'n■' »k v -ti-io a- noiti bt*K«*s*t' .»ty. 1 anil .vfct^.'lyi 1 i 1<'I fJnSnsejy,*sJi • 'I'l'or^iaiM l.l'Urrtrrt’.'r 1 increase tlioirl 'ipT ’ f ,V r! < ■ 1 i < •. f frrHteurv Tin* I raining' • inrcdl pra’-vtical |rn! - po'a*s-,_fiiost of 111.* infanTrw su1.;iltori,is r.f tin* now ar- iiiiiosjiiul,to tThlp t ft.•niseiv»'S (Hiring.the lirst five rnixfftlisNjf the war ns best they could i;i tin* iiithrvals of training their iijetr. If the olliebry were—mu; truited.^thEaTndi+'+fiHHtisisititnM iillirers pf .the new armies were In the -uuiki. even less truiitted. This jiresented tnarked contrast to flic really j««>o< Meant of th^* old seU.uijtl^ytrh his iftvd hinnor Jmd severitj'v putting : 'sipiad nf recruits thnntMli theit paces the tyjie of KipliijM's I*ri,vajte Mulvnncy There was some compensation for this in.wow-r ; the fact that the heevstftTy o Th.fritr the rionet’ftTftlff^TMoijiw 1 otIn r ers’ jo) 1 Maj. \VIjlijim Ha relay . I’arsT.n I'rAt.ice. 2- Walter . Sid.lal! of Wasjiln license'. (’otistnu'^in*; cement bar exiles about, to embark :if Safi Francis cifMifieer officers that will-gn to a tirst-dnss wireless operator's •MyerVa. 4—Former Kusslan ITALIAN WAR MISSION TO UNITED STATES mun i. rivlilaAs had rA'ei’ ti'ansfot¥ned in- less Ilian ciahTToontHs into an aruiy tvliich ! had inore prae’tleaK't rafnim; t’«>r war j. Miami; had everl.ee.i'Kpos>ib1e, to>rfvy to M'oops in KiimIhuiI liefnKi* Tbj>re vv/s. l+i• added, a f»*el(nV i*-f 4'njdmvtna^ iyfrttl ranks, due [lately to tin* ohoyfirzinM poyver of a j short-li|itided st/vtrXbut ebieily .to.the keenness (if alt ranksxni nifike- themselves lit for thy front. Thy 5 •jxperTemvsj^flere record/il* uiv diiMlriy i suMMestivo of our uwu >*y|Wieucos and • they indio'M|o(is. we’ sh;i|T TiTive to fi.ljow in /freatind arinlyjr tCo meet our ri-Mlt!av/*'\juiret,ietits.,• •rent, accuracy, for musketry ml there \yjis no dppoff.unity ’V in t.ln* ssohiier dr persoii.il Is own title and the know!- FAVORITISM IN DRAFT dv'.x-Av ive/Service Att Is Specific and ws No Latitude to Registra- V, tietn Officials. wlnfn- the fijjljcimipletnptit of muiis had mars .tats l.ct n calrCtl to the XiUiK til: exists in sotrn* parts of titwH’ that some nleiiihers of tm 1 .conn "' r *^ rein strati on boards iTiav In: hs»*n ijTrtst ; • a T'.. \\y >. <*r sntm romid"for mii i t i'Miiu.1 allow without ter Hr resist rati'mi.iir.T’n the later iiiUJt- TfT Tit eXt'mpfKMl frptTT 'iervf.ee. Ill taet'-the law is se!fwxecutiiig. Kvefy man within tlw‘ ime limits fixed by tliij Sf-livtive-Mdivi'iS* net ui'm;t rrptfrrnr, :ipd I fte [iolialt V of fife law for evasion iif reListfiiffou will fall. no,t only on Hm rnttti who fails t.o. .aimii-arj hut on iuiy\taefuber of a Tefrisfrafiiut 'board who Tally. Iie.sliowti to !w-«^i collusion with 111*- person Wlh* aftetnpts. to Os- Mw/ ( '| hci-' lyctijji aliirr keopiiiMptI rehclt j>< ved th,!* e'x'ijKQcnt b'vvetify' un/ppi'tM TipUTrejl tile < j. ianaiis Ik: Fri7tleh «en4X!Uitie’ll Xawiee. uses’’. .Uoofis slm’wn in jfrie x fiieturc. fiV)»- tlds pnrpi>fa‘. T.JS’uu.spii^KFs'-nftdrf XTtfoU-tojf.lfir*”’TuiTf'e>iis’.’ ’u'hieh {rrU^firUcTlcnify*irtvfstbh* at a MiO'af-jli( I'm tltc.r than this, the remstrpfion rboiittlls U.4icr-—wiff met a-s.. e\einpti,m hoanls-s’vtiiH ill k’crtuiu speefUc oa-M>r ytiuiTM man who ba's^retf- istered^sliall claim -to be eiiiplinCed in a Afedhral, state or local olhce. .uiid t hereby doep; eome. w itliuT Hie exetnp- Hiitwliuisc.e’f the stivtn’re.’ full rase dike*: .this - the facljri^n'sv be entered 7 otlieially and ntfhtted. ‘ , Thedtiw provides tlm pcMafty 'uf tTEr prisomiient with no afteriiaHvtr^f »i iim>* fotminy-ollieinl or atiy ceMisfi-retl tiHtit w ho .shall nnike a Ta,Jsv returtV or cfuiiiTve nldnicb a prrfctice. The safe- .::V: vJidliiard (•», Mc.-Vdok, soli jo^jthe sec retly In* treasury* The uniform of tfii'bp^ew York' ^’tiVtM-bMilitiji. lie Js elasseift as a thiYil-cfass idectriefivu thn»T attached to tlio^n'eronaiHlrnl divfsfon of the mititiaTft Ihiy SJiorc, ("litn^ut:*- as they 'were popularly vailed). Some of thesd (Jid importalit siirvfCtF^rnfTxUii'rs w erf~of iff Me value' tmt bvln^pdnvtrndHte and laJikiMM the capacity i»fmjjkTn^tAunM*lvi.'s so. Tlie infantry drill;h5kl JieeTr^beiiaf aitd the (lotthlc cofnparty subst HtlT(%T7ib tin* old sinple Com)i:ipv x p ...^11. iYn.ijjr^s4 I InillMes ti:pj Iff^rr,^ i;ITmore not:d>Uj'hy tin* iniepdfiction jnid uitnosi excJhsTvc ARADE IN WASHINGT Huportauf p:ir|.s o 11 Knniiy hunts w* i lv dvticicnt.'’ Tin v i ( v'/»v . .4. . j .suwilusf iutti been -added to the mix*- tufe. Tin* prKborttons, of -one part of ! cement, two of^nid,. and Three v ■, •> "V*;, ». ♦ > ~ '^Tie ^TiTtpdudtvto tin*. ’ KOvernhnW’: y* . S( by’h appeal. for voiuutcTdp scrvi'cc-dias heel [•hones and . S) ,, ttVid McaeiSti. in its distri in a.riuinucr htltion'Tjfwtt it is nssurwTipit in virtu generations] ally)all fhg'dtstrlcts thi-ri* he of tiei.ils w Imsi quite, sipt to crunif'h* jind will not stand iMUe.li usairo. It should-fie used only itiTMoors - ami other i^acejs, where it 4 s to.he covered with :Y protecting >urface ofTToards or floorings of some sortT^^ ■ —.. ’ ' tin* duties of- tin* oflice.are performed in strict accordance with the lei/pilt#- meats of tin* liiw. • *_ So. far -mi. tlie othet*.. Tea sop -, for ex- ■ aw coiicvrrn'd, Then engaged in pur- imiy wyrk is moryuvah (-ilrptidn.s- iinUi'r the Ijtw -T^oTTiptTbmrb ^uits hi wide -unh1e”'ii"t home tlnirVTndheT-servlcC. the att+hority will He with a h«My:d of high er .hiriwllctloii, Those who- feTM^tlmt disfTlmlfiations' will be made thy grmftids of personal frleodship or on "thef grounds, may be assured that ev- ery preeautlim wlU P? taK»m to make It-certain that Ute registration will be conducted, wlth'exact,Justice and that the democracy of the law will dwell id its spirit w In its letfer. J ^ <*' . f-mtir ciimKInn. (tu\ t’nL-.n—h)iv«. re- The now Aid< rtcro jted ipross building In Washington dedicated the m'ftineiiji.i• Ivt>-. 1 liaii- lbaT nif tIn* af- trih-s Orgahiy.i-iT later TIP' tin* second period, but both armies “were character- l/.ed by tin- spirit which puts life lntoji tlie InstructloifTh inilitaiAy^iUfrfrs. TIm* pructlcnl training in si 1 uill -waw find taught tin l’ritish soldi-i r Tlie : ines- tltihd'je \ aim*.-ol . iivver ktiovviijg w*l>t*n L he is Hi-titell,, tin• ’ Itusshuas saymg tl 1»H the Knglish, ne\rr win mm-v 1 halt tine. \ ietorv in a v.ar j l»ul that is-Hie las’! 'l’his* l a f|d* :r vM-oliT'. fi-';-i l-ip-n t ill fi-i'llll-: Which has alwa) v hei-n vharacleristic of tin- I’.ritish arm'w Imv«i been pre- • * si-r \' *4 in tin- arinn-s n.i’vy in ihr lield. Men at First Responded. Quickty. 1 ^ 1 - This I'e-im.-nfril feeling v temi-s jo TFffikt-TTttteei'V tilid m>*t| -,'»111 ■ htipp.V -fillIT ily, | >r> ai'l > if t I'm msel v i lolls to make tln-ir n the liiat-Uh-a-iFfl+yv - IT -e idffvttTi - s a:'af'-pfrtt Private Murdo. !. Mtirriursoii tak-v-.' -+ltt- -sri+TlTn" iif the' aViafloti liel Shecp-ln-ad May, I., i IU- is,c,*ri:iinl.wV tin- i-mbntbmen.t of “young'‘Ainerica" l with id-- big; bn unli'orni,,st>Uliii'l v jointly -mix : in lent, a. glory, to I hi* t hr solitary ..eye Main titles O),, rt -esil 11 \yitr-«-n. |j >1 n t -pyj rti > ViTTiTTeTiT t-,-‘ -loyalty iuid kimna siT of Sv+t rrTtrmi all tatvet elplim Is a broadminded and toh-rant ni'ethoif edgi* of its^idjosvnen^sies. -'ThTs sciircitv upon tin* -orotig vt-n-o- ef dt4- fa 'ciiTtMtitt hnd commimft.v of interest. ,-T-t which insists, on smartness tuid on,duty and dlseipliue atm -high courage and courtesy, hut. not on hate TJn* men whiten..,,j into tint aruiy as recruits were tli<“ kind whfMxvero Pendv- t(• respond to the ‘ Mrirish uh*t hoi 1 s pf- tralnfng a' volmrteer arn^yT Tin* lyast dittieiilty found w as- Ju ohjaining the *nu*n in the early d;iy*cof the war. Ke- emits came fasten uiati they could MtCc. taken care of and s it) fpl tej I With | in • I a * r equipn.ienr polite FoiumiO- triiops’’ were housed in hired liuiJduigs and. otlys.n; temporary (piarters, imt within a year/ huts to hold 1111 v 1 - qi!.-1 rte 1;s of ;it 1 ui 1JiOU-. “TiTen,'"Vvirfi\w',yter and Tiglit laid on,’had been built-, liesblc.-. various (ttiorniou depots'fof .sto.rf huts S(-(Utivd tv of The couutrv ; om land in tin 5 m id-1 ’ since thi 1 driw.u . of of -ritlos ifi t lie' JLi;aUu«g. - - In the artillery itN'as ipiite as had in October, 15*14, tin-artillery of one di- vlshffi the- tlrat new otrnrvTuTd iiiiTv Ffj T'v'im,gliders altogether* Instead of flsTfull eomnlcnient of bl; another had only a few of'tho"ob>TiIeto lo poundv-rs; in Anarch. PTl.T, some divisi>i oh .to j J uj gpuntry arrived quietly and i*‘now busy in Umshingtou. TleWo nn*,n«!>ers in the 'iition ure, loft to right . - Alvjsi* Mragadini of-tliv tr^u.sport^itioTj «t(*i«irtmentT <»«-n**r:il (iuglielnetti, tailitary ji^fiqdie; Ktirico Arlotfa, minister of maritime and railway trans^ortutiornYif 1t:il> ;md head of the cotimiissiyn «- < (Vimnijujk*r VannuU'IM. representing the^Tiax-y^h Pardo of the department „i industry ami coturiiem*. aud. (.aetatio Pii'tnkof ttve agriguJttirtil department. • *' — . YOUNG M’ADOO IN THE NAVY arrived for tin-*—rit‘st new army dlv| sions, the vipiiptnent of dial sight stele. f(>F—hid I reels TayTiug. w^t still delicient ITje ms4m4-l m*w-wns-nt'-t+mt' dTiTT ? ’ •in very “mmlr the same state, except tli;tt-iii their case tin howitzer lliigad These"! Iiad upr lMss+-dvli\ered. --T’1re third ntix\ pnTrg up in every part ; fdnrtltt ljew iimiics wT-re'still worsoMitV. gr- at baremoor- • moutlis tjo- gunnyes in sTom* di !11* 1 s, uninhabited \isiiitts_ had to b am whiit tliyy ,c(Wlt| h.story, -had. I*h«'u ,,f »j Jr roads, railwav- even sei-urg one. en\ i I'cil -w ith Pnmi'U < -^nbi.- -111 1 u ti i ,y, _ P'.iyy cr.t_sUk-, ti<-,iF»u proVhh-d s-himmy wuyi'dpff gutis nf-[ Scldicrs’ Quarter's and Food. Within a year the pi ohlom of quar tering rile Tfi-iop.T i ri— J11 ( conti-rs h:uI Tk ijj. 1 h.ii-f drfli11ingV 2 1 ruw+t-n’t 'i’ire pri'vtrnis" W'vlV " jUp'lt/erf fof" \\ Lien some strnh available unvomfortaldV the cause of bad discipline/and sToveip ] rS s Jy training. ’ I W-Minatoly-a- sati-factory ttVised tain article.s ’of- foo/l;mm-cia!ly^ment, j wen* so exv(*ss*ve that,..gT - c:U/w;fsfe lV‘ ; ! sHiltod, also ow ing i iiicFMjttS^tlie. ligrii inicy of the soldiers ijyfuvib-rrTYfr cook then . SVl^ tinder", ,TTir . w liiflra ’rt imprq- u ‘ ^ ;i ‘ ‘ ;Siu/fTarI\ horscs^TiTTmcss and wagons Wgre hardly ever eoiiqtlet i-for. itiiw- baitetw of the / ti.r'^K ttvre, atjtllics 11)1 1111 Tb' lug wuiy., ;iiyi-Pii.ipi'i,i\ «• 111(■ 111 t .^Hvwu estuhlishTfii-nt ol' r scli*»Tds. in"ijisprTtcti.tm in ry. a-m] -bhemdru* -11 tfhm t nmm-i i- mtinding jot!jeers to lay *dress bn tli s' variety In) the <•(»(»IvMiTgt>f*T! iTV ' *t C(•* iKdiTgW>f tin ’ f< •<->(!. oh cleanliness and on eCiPiioiny. , 1 ('lothing lire recruits was {mother alitliculty T-xiwum-nced at the beginning, irtantd-arts .if tl)e*;cguipTmut such g ti tui* 4a d-. (i net it of old plipns.' bhe erection of ih-w phmts^m^L tur\* was a slow; and laborious process, j n . s .. „f indiVeci"laying,''- w hielij pYpr|t;e«1 \Vhen the w;ar,.started, ITiglaml seemed to have,been as badly off in matters of supplies rfs we.. They had | in artillery .officers and nvhieonriul*?- sioned (>flic(‘!"s- facilities-of rapid ohsece less than vatidn j»mL '(Wpulnl.ionc tiguin tlic^Or *it«ii»l 800,000 rides, only half of tiiem 'the': operation of: . -m * -latest pniuu-n: The wcekly -out-put -qt' j' was.n closed hook-to all' lliexdd schi)ol rifles In the. United King(him was un‘!(;r i gunners; the use of tch-phones alul Sawdust in Concrete. be driven info .concrete iT been Tldded t(T the mix’- inrtion's, of 4».m* part of 2,(KK), which Could he inervftscti^soir what by nlglit sliifts, bnt which at tiuj Lest -wn's.. lnlinitvmuui- v^iaprirt.-d.* with -,i r'ili,C the needs of the now nriiiy. 1'nfortaTo set-tr^gmilcers nately tin- rifle, tlmugli imeded in lafger jCoiirst^N»w XV’tloT^hdr,‘jitul qnantitles‘thau nny-f other w^-ntmri for we.re^XMuaMviind ,t!u an army,, requires 'longer U«*eMha*£jtH any other before its manufacture with new plants can be started, owing lafj ly to.the number of gauges .yf*-Msm*init ■“'IQftjnHScy"reqntred” fit:;. con-1 -sions. Thvre werp-nt soquently the recruits had to wait , the^ war 22 l*rng. By January. 19KT, the first new rrmy from the junior corps were given regu hid "about 4(X) service rifles per tmt* j lnr cqjBfnissions at once mid large numr tallon, and the s«*cond about 100, aadyjj It was not until March; 191. r «, That thea armies were beginning -to Be Hi “ provide even amount of drill and musketry practice It was necessary i to^hand around the