The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 13, 1875, Image 4

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JL OOAL. J. FELDER MEYERS, Assistant Edi tor. SATURDAY, FEB.- 3,3, 18T&. 13 rotigkton Street is fujl of holes. ? <?-?.? ? It commenced to rain on Wednesday night. Wnllnce Cannon hos a street lamp. Three cheers for Wallace ! Our formers nie preparing (heir grounds for planting. Umbrellas were indcspcosablo tn Thursday last. THIRD CIRCUIT? ($It>j. A. ' J,' Shaw was elected Judge of tho Third Circuit on yesterday. ' : : .i -L ? I Mr. W. T. Light foot has purchased tho residence of Mr. Geo. S. Shirer for $3,000 cash. Mr. L. is a thorough going man. We learn that Kohn and Brother design erecting a brick building on th c ground where their former dry goods Emporium stood. Mr. L. Ram?dalo does a good busi" nes8, and soils groc erica cheap. Csll on him opposite M ullcr's old stand. Mr. L. can crack a joke that would make a oynie smile. Mr. W. E. Williams is up again, and now gives the Post Office his personal attention. Wo are truly glad to see him thus recovered, and trust that he muy long live in tho work of distribut ing our mails. Wc.lenro that Br. ? Wannamaker de signs erecting a fine brick building on R?ssel Street in which he will open a first class drug store. The Doctor has a splendid reputation as a druggist, and we wish him success. Conductor P. Dufiie of the South Caroling, Rail road, is one of the clcvor ^- ??jit^ iv..."^^i^a^?.-p..,, $in^J.eycd.' i Ho is ever, courteous and polite iu his httonti on to travelers. He will please accept tho thanks of our publisher for recent kindnesses. - ?? - Our Caunty Treasurer requests us to etate again,that the 21st will, positively , l-e the last day on which 1 is otfico will be open for tho collection of taxes. After that time the penalty will be at tached and e^eoutions ^issued . Pay up all ye who"desire to save mouey. Mr. Frantz Briggmann carries on his business in a business way. His gro eery is complete, and his charges moderate. Frank hasn't got but one (?) iron in the firo and devote s his time steadily to his store. Messrs Reuuekcr and Vince are active and courteous assistants. Tho American Newspaper Adver tising Agency of Geo. P. Rowell & Co., JN'<w York, is the only establishment of tho kind iu the Uuitcd States which keeps itself persistently before the people hy advertising in newspapers. for wo have it from a reliable source that advertising orders issued by them for their customers have execedod three thouoand dollars a day sinco the com mencement of the year, and this is not a very good year for advvrtising either. PIKENIX GROCERY 110USE? Wallace Cannon is now pre pared to satisfy tho wants of his cusf?oiors. His large now Btore on Kussel Street stands out in bold relief of what tho fire did for him and evidences the fact that pluck and perseveronco can ovoroome sccu iugly insurmountable obstacles. Can - non's store is uow next iu size to Cor nelson's, and we predict for him a busi ness both largo? ojidj jjwfitablV Y^Ii^ stock is complete, his prices 1 ow, and his desiro to uccouiiuodato his frieuds, boundless. Mr. Sain (Bill wo mean) is as smiling as a full blown flower and dispenses favors right and loft ut the Phootifi' 1 store/ fa?oC^?rlid; Hall vows that no ono shall ovor leave him dissatisfied. Upon tho wholo of it, Cannon]* prospects ;afo bjrigh;t,lai wtl K bo seen by his advertisement in another column. Wallace is a BitS'gTc man, but rumor has it that ho has a kind heart, apd is very fon d ?f oTiildrTbT : _r niii , iiif' -'^ -? The matfy friends Mr. John English will find him at tho popular establish nient of F. DeMars. Some whiskey drummer who signed himself "Rambler" from Charleston paid a visit to "tho city of Lexington" not long since, ond not bciug treated with that respect which he thought was duo to one of his station, got mad, rushed into print, in the columns of the Phoenix, abused tho "city of Lexing ton," called it a "deserted villago," &c, &c. The young Lexingtonians have got their blood up about the mutter, and one of them in 'tho Dispatch extends an invitation to "Rambler" to visit the "city of Lexington" ag-tin, so that he may receivo several mcduls, which arc in waiting for him, in the shape of impressions in leather, rang ing from number sixes to tens. Another belligerent wants '-Rambler" when ho comes, to mako his advent "into our city," wo hope ho may arrive" by day, that our boys might meet him, and with their usual civility, show him the egg battery,and other little simple Lexington innovations. If "Rambler" has any sense about him, ho will avoid Lexington. At all events, we should dislike to have him go there yet awhile. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meiting of Orangehurg Division No. 24 S. of T. held on the evening of tho 8th inst., the following Preamble and RcsoIuHktds-werendoptcd^ "" .TUT . IVbereut, in the -Providence of Him who doeth "what secmcth to Him good," our Sister THEODOC1A S. WHITEHEAD has been taken from our midst; and, Whereat, it becomes us while sorrowing over our loss to bow in submission to His will: therefore be it Jietolved, That in the death of Sister T. S. WHIT EUE AD, this Division has been deprived of a true and faithful member. Jietolved, That we tender to the family of our deccafed ^BSBtthB"ur heartfelt" | sympathies t h WBBmwBMt*0m^--S~?lion, and commend them to Dim who is "the Resurrection and the Life." liexolvcd, That a blank page in our minute book be inscribed to her memory, aud that we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Jietolved, That a copy of these Resolutions he sent to the family, und be published in the "Temperance Advocate," "Unmgcuurg Titiitt" and ??Orangcburg News." February 8th 1875. T. O. S. DIBBLE, It. S. Extract from minutes. NOTICE. AH MARSHALS now on duly are hereby notified thai on the 15th oi the present month they will be relieved from duty; and that, on the above mentioned day, Council hold a meeting for the purpose of electing two (2) MARSHALS. Applicants for the positions will hand in their names before the lfuh and for further imformation they can apply to the Mayor. By order of Council. KIRK ROBNSION, Clerk. feb 8 1875 2t The Sfale of South Caroliua, ORANGEBURG COUNTY, By AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Esquire, Probate Judge. WHERE A S, Charles R. Jones hath made suit to me, to grant to him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Joseph McNamara, lute of said County deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of tho said Joseph McNamara deceased, that \they;be and appear, beforojne, i? tne Court of1Pro^htiu^6_ho,held at OrAugoburg C. H., on February 17th- day nfcxt, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the foro noon, to show cause, if any they have why the said Administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 30th day of January Anno Domini 1875 [l. n.] AUG. B. KNOWLTON, Judge Probate, 0. C. , feb G 1875 2t Notice of Dismissal. One moth from date I shall file with tho Probate Judge of Orangehurg County, my Tflnali iabo??nt as guardian of Freeman W. Rilcy ond ask for dismissal from suoh guardianship. ON AN B. RILEY. Orangehurg, February i), 1875 It The State of South Carolina; OltANGEBURG COUNTY By AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Escj., Judge of Probato in said County. '/WHEREAJ^-DexcaarJfc Scott hath made i3uR to jlio tft grant*to$$r fetters of Admin 'ist rat ion of tho Estate andeffects of Linsoy M. Burkott, late oi said County, deceased. These arc thereforo to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear bo fore mo at a Court of Probato for the said County, to bo holden at my Otlioo io Orungb burg, S. C, on the loth day of February 1875i{aylLc/clpck (A- M|,Uo,Bhow cause if any, why the said Administration should not bo grunted. Given under my hand and seal this 20th day of January Anno Domini 1875. [L.S.J AUG. B. KNOWLTON, j i j^n,^a--2t Judge of Probate. County Commissioner's Office, ORANGEKUUG- S. 0., Sept. 5tli 1875 Pursuant to Sco. 27 of an Act "Defining tlio Jurisdiction and duties of COU NTY COMMISSIONERS," approved September 20th, 1808. und all Acts Amendatory thereto, the CLAIMS against tbo County of Orangeburg, A'UDITHD by the Rc.rd of County Com missioners, showing the Expenditures, and for what pur p0S09, from M? /. 1st 1873 to Not. 1st 1874, uro heroby published : Names. Jns Van Tnsscl. Contingent fund Alexander Brown. " E T It Smoak. " John Robinson. " C 11 Green. "Witness fuud James P MayB. Trial Justice fund ?? . Court fund C ltceves. Trial Justico fund A F Browning. W TI Rccdish. E Sim me and nnother. Carolina Thomas.J. Road and bridge KB Johnson. Trial Justice l'ctor Brown. Lewis Moss. M I Browning. Court fund Abrain Martin. I'oor fund T Kohn & Bro. fund D Louis & Samuel Dibble. Jacob Erblich. A Fisehoi. John II Livingston. Road and bridge fund Martin Livingston. " Daniel Livingston. L A Zeigler. J P M Foures.... James Carson.... Joseph It Sharp. Gen W Baxter.... Jameii It Watt;.. Thos J Cridcr..., It It Duncan. Ruf us Felder. James P Mays.T.. Court fund C B Glover. " T Kohn i Bro. A fisher. Jacob Frhlich. E 1 Cain. Amnunt Claimed 1000 00 238 40 344 ?.10 174 80 8 00 fio 00 7 00 52 00 19 .r>0 17 00 fi 60 27 50 99 r>o 30 00 01 f,o 7."> 50 8<l 50 73 75 29 00 300 00 53 40 25 00 10 00 2ii2 50 40 00 7 00 19 00 48 00 21 75 50 82 44 52 340 00 31 00 15 00 25 00 200 00 GO 00 21 50 15 00 ?>5 00 50 00 47 00 25 00 50 00 40 00 21 00 158 25 30 00 18 50 8 60 1 00 11 "JO 03 30 1>0 -2o 100 fund (ieo Bolivcr. E .Mentzel. Contingent Ornngcburg News. J J \V Joiner. Trial justice fund Tom Smith. C II Green. J J Cannon.. J J Mitchell. J Felder Mcy< Lewis Moss... Govan Myers. Peter Brown. Solomon St ok II P Cooko Avion lit Allowed 1000 00 238 40 344 00 174 80 8 00 65 00 7 00 52 00 10 00 17 0? 6 00 20 00 92 00 22 00 53 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 300 00 47 00 18 00 10 00 2C2 50 40 00 7 00 19 00 4 b 00 21 75 66 82 44 52 310 00 84 00 15 00 25 00 200 00 60 00 21 50 15 00 05 00 50 00 47 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 21 00 158 25 30 00 18 50 8 00 10 198 50 4 00 530 00 32 40 18 00 0 00 17 25 15 25 8 00 5 00 5 00 05 00 52 05 4 00 28 70 6 00 22 00 30 00 53 00 29 00 43 00 24 25 ?i i 74 20 50 29 75 53 50 20 00 75 00 34 00 8 00 37 50 6 00 37 00 1 1 121 1 11 03 150 100 198 4 00 530 00 12 00 '.? 00 4 00 3 00 6 00 40 00 20 00 4 00 16 00 6 00 22 00 30 00 58 00 32 00 21 00 3t 00 24 00 28 75 25 00 10 00 50 00 14 50 5 00 25 00 5 00 11 37 90 (to [Continued next Week."] IF YOU WANT Dry Goods, Groceries, Tobacco, Shoes, &c, HEAR IN* MIND that it may be greatly to YOUR INTEREST to exam tie the St ock of SISTRUNK & RISER, Before Durchasing elsewhere. Thoy are to be found in the NEW STORE in rear of Messrs. BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE, and will be glad at all times to see their friends and tho Public generally. 9, leb C 1870 "d gags NEW ARRIVALS! I beg leuvcto informs the CITIZENS of this County that I have on hand and will constantly koeop a FULL SUPPLY of HEAVY GROCERIES, LIQUORS. WINES, TOBACCOS 4 SEGA RS Besides I haye FITTED UP the Small Holding, ono door above my Store, for tho purpose of Supplying this market with EVERY DELICACY Oat iTHE EASON, I i Suoh as Fish, Oysters, Cheese, Fruit, Canned Goods, fee. Come up ye lovers of GOODS THINGS aud see what a vkriety of the above articlos 1 keep. AUGrllTTJS FISCHER, Grocer. New Grooc?b AT THE OLD BILLIARD ROOM. - .. :.i.1i0t T have FITTED up the above PLACE and now HAVE on HAND a well assorted STOCK of FRESH GROCERIES Both HEAVY and LIGHT, which in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PIUCK, cannot bo SUR PASSED in town. ' lt? 9r" 1 MY SAMPLE ROOM In the Rear, h*B been REFITTED and contains EVERYTHING in that lino, usually'twill in a FIRST CLASS SALOON. Cull and look around before purchasing elsewhere. F. BEMAES. ?|TJ Mr JOHN KNGLTSU is connected with inc and will bo glacTto see all friends and the Public gonGiaily. Jt-jOT? jar. 23 (52-0-25 St?flS Office of i {IIA ?I i ???Uar i JJi !) 7 ' > . i) OT GEORGE H. C0RNELS0N. I AM HAPPY TO DE ARLE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS aal tho pu fiftii* genoral, that I I HAVE H?SXJJVCED BUSINESS? again, however, on a smaller scale, and can bo found at tho FURNITURE STORE, bioit of the Engine House, until I am able to move into tho naw aad commodious store W? la course of erection. lift nvo AT MY OLD STAND '" which I hope to have completed in a months tims. Having but; small accommodations at present I am unable to keep a lnrge stosk, but what is lacking in stock I w?l make up in low prices, nnd therefore invite nil to give in ! a evil an I got oh eap goods. > 1 I As soon HB I can get my store and store-house up again I will bo ready for all bosinjjM as heretofore, only on a MUCH LARGER SCALE. THANKING my FRIENDS and the PUBLIC for PAST FAVORS and for tho EN COURAGEMENT received during the late diaastor. I remaiu, respectfully yours, GEORGE II. CORNELSO^. 7* THE ATTENTION ' j*? ti At .i Of the TRAD:-', to our ASSORT BE STOCK of general merchandise consisting of dry gooes, canned fruits. f ' BOOTS. oysters, SHOES, sardines, HATS, peaches, ? &C, vS:C. tomatoes. . , . GROCERIES CHOICE - bacon, Dry Salt. coffee. * '' ??' u strips, Smoaked. sugars, i >IC hams, buggeg. teas, ,, ? pickled beef, tin ware, i **7,n~ pearl grist, smoking tobacco, bolted grist, chewing tobacco, meal. liqu0r5, " ''? wines, ale and segars, Of all Kinds. .. 0 agent for ? HAZL1TT & CO.'S bitters. ? ,.;t C. D. KORTJOHN ? . R u Has on hand a FULL and COMPLETE STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES LIQUORS, SEGARS. TOBACCOS, and a full stock of CANNED GOODS, FRUIT, NUTS, &o. And have also added to tho aoovo stock C.athing, Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats OW PRI ES W. K. CROOK . A "'Jo All of which is offered at VERY LOW PRI ES ? T?l J ? IIB IS OFFERING to his CUSTOMERS nnd tho PUBLIC generally RARE INDUCEMENTS! / / My STOCK of GOODS is COMPLETE in all the Different Department?, and PRICES so LOW that all will purohas and go a*ay FULLY SATISFIED that they RECEIVED BARGAINS. 9 AT SAME OLD STAND jan 16 187& ?