The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 23, 1875, Image 5

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LOCAL. J\ PKLtlBlt MEVEUS, Assistant Editor. SATURDAY, JAN. 28,J?75."J, Two weeks trotn to day n$ article will appear in this paper which will be to the point, aud show tho "machinery" of certain matters. Tho Democrats ma y think that come of their leading men ?are high toned, und nil that, but thore -are certain facts which will be brought to their notice on that day, which may ?induce oven a Bourbon to bolievc that nil that shines is not gold. Judge Heed is one of the bust Judges wo ?over hud. Ilo is strict and yot merciful. Thorn ec.lacksou has rebuilt at their *oh\ stand and have a good stock on hand. *W. Perry Murphy Esq., wns in attendance upon the Court during the past wook. He is a rising young lawyer, and is determined to make hi* mark. The Grand Jury made a presentment. Mr. Uoliver commoncod tc read it, but not being familiar with tho hand writing, oould not get along ronl well-, , ,v.,^ , , B PA U n 1 h H Mr Jehu Baxter is a splendid carpon ter and is now n useful man to those who want to Duild again. He does Work good and in a hurry. W K Crook has opened a good stock oF clothing, dry goods, huts, &c, besides his well assorted stock of groceries. See his advertisement in "another column. ?J he ^(tjy^rlradjrj of #rr^ml < Mr* KirkBot^oTT WliHe tSnViJ fo^?rSf' pnt that they lost their infant daughter ?on Wednesday morning last. Ilo has ?our heartfelt sympathy. Dick is spreading himself, ho has a full 6tock of everything and will drive "sr-fjmM-HhiQg trade if losv prices will hi any inducements' ^e^huycrs. Co to K ort job n. Wbcn yru want drugs, toilet articles ?candies, paints, oils', cutlery A*c., call at Dr A C Dukes drug store and your or tiers will be tilled with dispatch aud at the very lowest prices. Mr. McQueen SsHey, at Suin'fl old Mahles, has on hand a fine stock of hor hcs nud mules whichjh as every -j^rfe knows, can be purchased from Me. till right both in quality aud price A word to the wise, Sic. Dr A M Snider's card in another col Umn deserves the attention of the public The Dr's rcputntion as a Dentist is wide ly known throughout our cointy and wc gunrrnntce to till who visit hi n will go ? way Well pleased both with the work' and price. ~"V On Thursday last we had tho pleas uro of dining at Duke's hotel. Tho ta ble was sumptuously spread, and the clever host, Mr. Dukes, Baw to it him ?elf that his boaidem were taken care of. Those who want good accotnmoda tel. On the 23rd of December 1872, Mr Richard Way one of our most rcspectn ble citizens left this world. Ho was a man universally respected, and tho vn fancy mnde by his death will not soon bo forgotten. We extend our kindest -sympathies to his'family' and trust that they will meet him in tho bright hcr-ml ' ' i ' < ft/ <A A ' tor. Mr Way was in the sixty third year of his nge. We nre pained to learn of the recent nfllicatiou of Ecv. A. Jl. Hartley, tho be loved pn?ler of Antioch Itaplist Church, in the death of his estimable wife, on Tue? day, Jnnuary 12th. Mrs. Aman-la *tfnrl ley, possessed all those . estimable obstatmn\irt?o^^tmil/niatr44ieV' character truly lovely to ull who knew hor. 8ho will bo sorely missed in tho family circle, and [bj the congregation of Antioch to whom slio had endeared herself ns tho pastor's wifo. Sho Jcavcs a babe but one dsy o(dy^6ur^hcn/ffSlt fympntn'cs'hVc with' tho bereaved, who will tind comfort in the death of tho righteous, by lifting thoir As a Mutter ofjustioo to tlio man, ntul not because he is tho business manager o f this paper wo desire to congratulate Mr. Gco.Rolivcr upon hin record as an oRioer. ScarMiliig^xostuif^ion^^ij^^ bj^? made. Geo.Tloliver is\ll rjthtS OuJblsfr s that he will continue iu the future as1 h? : has in the past and then we'll have an honest He publican party in our County F DcMars has added to his complete stock of liquors and segars, a well assor ted stock of groccrie* and othor useful articles to houscko ipers Frank is boind. to keep up with tho times und will do his very best to please all that calls on hsm- His sample room is in rear of tho grocery store. ' The .?itCeulicfu ftu?ic is iiifcjt? I e adv&ii^n^tll oT Mm J* Vote in ter column. * iW mis? ad l&l fcdry goods, boots, shoes aud notions to his usual supply of No 1. groceries und all who have patronize 1 tho above- gentle man can vouch for the fact that no better barguiu^ e in b ; h i I an /wh tro i u town than at his popular stow. We Gnd it hard to keep up with our progressive post master, lie is now moving the post office to Mr Hzckicls? Orangeburg Times. .^W.Ojliud our friend behind a heap of j things. The Times should be tired ol I the words "progressive" and '"patent." Mr Ezekiel, We suppose, will do his duty j faithfuily as deputy post muster. And why go against him, does ho not bolong j to "Uranker Sam's" Hand 1 Thursday uight last the llov. J'. F.j Kistler lectured in the basement of the | Presbyterian church on the subject ol temperance. The attendance was large nud.Mr. Kistler made sombstrotig points against the use of whiskey in any shapo aud was eloquent from the beginning to | the endof his lecture. The Rev.Mr Camp j bell followed hina, and iu kind but deei Bive language, advised those, who drank to stop it. A mouth hen jo another lecture is promised the public. YVns born 15th ~7H was a native of Florida, was engaged in the practice of medieino for eight years in Southwestern Georgia , and served m \ Surgeon in the Into Confederate army I with great jiccoptability to the medical : bureau of the Confederacy. After the war he moved from Oeorgia to Oraug ? .burg,f one of whose fair daughters he j ,1 A jt ?' e i r'taarriod; He wo(ptl|b confidence and esteem of the whole county both as a high toned gentleman aud a druggist. The end event of his death happened ou the 11th instant, from injuries sus taincd by his falling oil' the rool of his new residence, on whieh h : h id to adiust a stove pipe. lie leaves a .widow wit Ii three children. His dottr is deeply in minted by the entire com niunity of Oritugeburg. .4 UO [IS Tl TS FISCHE A*? Is just the sort of a man that &U towns ought to have iu them. N"t satisfied with his splendid gtocery and saloon, he has gone to work and put up, right next d-ior, an >th ?? arraus: tie it , r>T-V \lf*5 It V* j lu whioKjhe.lovers 'ol" goo 1 things to catcan get exactly what they want Fresh oysters, fresh vegetable.* of all kinds, apples, orange-*, nuts an 1 till kinds of cheese. If one gets hiigry an 1 wants a, meal he cm got it there If one wants to see a olovjr in in, I it a e i II be made upon Lewis Fischer, the "little bubber" of tho popul ir A-igmru? Fischer. To sum up, if one wants any others to deal wit'.i othor thin Fischer, proprietor, !)?? Hitler, that good fellow, John English an I tint, amiable Lewis Fi-tchor, he must find them outside of Orange burg. CO Uli T? The fulUrwhTg u.qn m?i-o triod : TfleQlfttt'-iff. ftffasf G. [nabuet, inisrio. meaner?Not Guilty. The stato vs. Kolloy Summers, assault and battery with intent to kill?Not Guilty. Tho state vs. Dllsoy Kennody, alias DilHcy Forrest, misdouicuuucr?Not Guilty. The note.ftjf. ^folnl * Robinson, carnal knowledge of woman child?Not Guilty. Tho stato vs. Petor Rood, Larceny of ^niu severed,/rom the frcohold? Guilty. Tho ?tute vs. Wesley Jeakins, Petit L arceny?Guilty. Tho state \b. Wesley Washington, Privily stealing from the person?Not Guilty. Tho state Vd. Vundy Gol-iou, nt'iltctd us killing of a Cow?Guilty. It The stato vs. Govan llccd, murlcr? Guilty Tho Btatc vs. ltnndiill .Murray, Dannil Murray and Thos. Smith?Verdict, Ranla! 1 Murray nn I Thn*. Smith Guilty- D.uiuel Murray?Not Guilty. Tho .state vs. Owen .Member, Grand Larceuy?Guilty of Petit Larceny. The state vs. A reu e Lemon, Assault and ? Battery und assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill?Guilty of assault and Natt cry. The state vs. Jerry Logan. Burglary and ? Larceny?tSuilty of Petit La re.-nr." The stale vs. Kmauuel Johnson, Arson ? ,Not Guilty. W. J. DeTrevillo for the defendant. The state vs. John L, Humbert, wilfully neglecting as County Treasurer to turn over monies to the State Treasurer?(Juilly. The slate vs. Chfts. Pinkney, Arson ? Guilty. The stato vs. VT, M. Auld, Murder? Guilty. Tin? hi ghost prize in a ("hiticso lotto ry is twenty nine cents and tho man who draws it has his name in the paper and is lo >ked upon as a heap of a fel low. rxTKUMKnrA'VB i:x i niyA tiox?on AXaiiliUG ACAOKJtr? Monday 2-ith Crammer English, Latin, Creek. Tuesday 2filh Spelling an 1 R-.siding. Wednesday 27th Geography. Thursday 2-Ou. spelling and Writing. Friday 2'nh Mathematics an 1 Spclliti;. Examination will co narm j 5 ai II a in. and closj at l p. m. sh*rp. O.' liuir/ e< sr ? ciscs of tho scho d will b j s is;)on le I during those ho irs only, thrill; I i a virtual s i< p nstou of the soho.d fr?>;n the roeent tlisas Irous fire and imo.i.suil rain?, therj will be only tho ordinary daily reeit ui ins :n other branches. I will move my school an 1 roud.iaci to Dr. Elliott's residenoo #ti itosiell Strict nn the first d iy of March. JA Ml* S s. IIKYWAHD. Prineipi 1. OFFIOK 1)1 ?T>r>!Tt '1 1! I'.Am UI-.U, M < ) IJAXlil'lU'lK" < "OUN'TV. OitA.vtiKiit'Mi,S.t ., Ilvecmber 1.1, 187-1 Iu accordance with "an art id"the t ieiieral A?-cuddy, to raise Supplies fur the fiscal year, commencing November the ist, LS" I. Notice is'lliereby givi'it, that my ollicc will he opened for the reception of Taxes on and after Monthly the2lM day of December 1874, until the lolh day of Jamutry, I87*>, after which time a penalty of 2" per < will he added to all unpaid Taxes of that date. Taxes will b# received in the following kind of funds. G?hl and Silver coin, L'uited .Stu'ts Currency, National Hank Notes, and bills receivable of th< Stale, coupons matur ing of IhumIs issued under Act to retlueu the valttmc of tho public debt, and provide for the payment of the same, and certificates of indebtedness as arc authorized by the acts of i the t'eucral Assembly. The rateperecnimn will boas lbl)ov;s.* For general Stale purposes, 102-*) mills on a ?biliar. Kor l.'otl"ty purpose*, !l mills on a dollar. Fur special (or Court House), II mill-on a dollar. I "or poll tax per capita one dollar. Local school tax, district No. 1 ? Vance*, 0 mill- on a dollar. Local school tax, district No. 2?Pojdar, 1 mills on a dollar. Local school tax, district Xo.o-Pine t Jrove P>" mills on a dollar. Local School tax, district No. I?Amelia, 2 mil Is on a dollar. Local school tax,district No. 5-Providence 0 mills on a dollar Local Bchonl lax, district No. 0?Goodbys 4 mills on a dollar lineal school tax, district No. 7?Lyons. 2 mills on a dollar. Local school tax. district No.S-Cow Ca-tle 1 mill on a dollar Local school tax, district No. 9? Middle, 1 \ mills on a dollar. Local school lax, district No. 10? Orange, 2 mills on a dollar. Local school tax, district No. ! 1 t'aw t'aw '.! mills on a dollai. Local sc hool tax, district No. 12-llraneh ville, 0 mills on a dollar Local school tax,district No. L">- New Hope 0 mills on a dollar. Local school tax,district No. 14-Klizabrth 1 mill on a dollar. Local school tax, district No. )?">?Kdisto, 1" mi Iis on n dollar. Local school tax, district No. lf??Union, [\ mil's on a dollar. Local school tax, distiict No. 17?Zion, 1 " mills on a dollar, Local school tax, district No. IS?Willow, '2 mills on a dollar. Local school tax, district No IV I,ih"Hv, *. mill on a dollar. Local school tax, district No. 20-< ioodl.. 1 mill on a dollar. Local seh*oltax, district No. 21?Hebron ! mill on a tlollnr. Local school tax, district No. 22?llocky Orovc, 1 mill on a dollar. Tax payers must call for the Tax on each piece of property in the Township where it lies. 1 will collect Taxe? as follows. At R. S. Uleatou's Store, Friday December 25, 1874, KnottsMill Hull Swamp, Saturday Dcccni her 2(ith, 1874. LewUvi He, Tue day and Wednesday De cember 2!)tli and 30:li 1874. Kort Motte, Thursday December Hist 187 I Hranehville, Saturday January 2nd, 1S7", J. Hanip Folders, Friday January 8, IN7?. And im all other days at OhtngebiirgCuurt House. J. II. LIVINGSTON, County Trcisurer. Sheriff's Sales. OKANG KU1.JRU (JOUNTJT. In thk (Joout of Piiohatk. John Gardner, IMA. \ Petition ii*nu-t V for Martha Gnrdiier n al Defts. J Partition Hy Tirtue of an order of the Judge of Proh n? 1 will sell at Oi*aiigeburg Court House on Monday the first day of February for parti I ion alnoiig ihr put ion Inter* e. ted therein. All that Plantation or Tract of band situate aud being hi the County aud Slate aforesaid, on the waters of Dean Swamp, remaining one hundred and tifly three acres more or le-s, aud boon led formcly by lands of John M. Felder, B. Corbrtt, Joseph ('. Fanning ami - llolhnington. Being thu lands of which Elijah Gnrditer ami Marther Oarduer his wife and seized and posscsetl. The said binds will be sold iu three par cels. Flats to be seen at SheritTs ollioc. Terms?Kiiougb eiisli to pay costs and ex penses, balance on a ere Iii of one and two years, secured by bond of purchaser and mofigugc of premises, and io pay tor re cording, papers and taxes Sheriff's Office, \ B. I. Cain, Oraiigcburg C. II., S. C, \ S. t?. C Jan. 1 Ith, l?7 >. j jan Hi i.l Ihe State of South Carolina UiiA.NiiKitiMiii County, IN COMMON I'LKAS. Ueiibeu Toinliusou, IMaiutitf, | ng.iin-1 Thaddens <'. Andrews, Hai-- | riet M. Audi cits, Frank II. I* Greene an 1 Lydia Williams, j Defend i in-. | Hy virtue of n Judgment of Foreclosure herein. I will .-ell at Puhliu outcry, at Ol/aiigcburg Conn Mouse, on the First Monday m February. IS7"?, for cash. 1. All p.I.eel or Track of Land situaic in Oruiigchurg County on Bull's Branch, waters ot' Four Hides Swamp, con taining ?!oo acre more or less, it being a pail of a tract of RH| acre* laid out by Da'id Murphy, ;hi February, ItiJIO, anil h uh ?neb shape, m-irka and forms, as a remrvey plat will inure fully show : Bound ed on Hie Bast by lauds of D. \\. Felder and Jo.m Qrutitling, oh the South by lauds of D; \V. leider ami kV. O. ?'ollier. und on I lie Noi.'h ami West by binds of W. O.iknrin and iVi O. Colli?r, hidtigl he same lau I cuuveyu 1 to 'f. C. Andrews by deed dated Ulli Janu ary, |870, executed i"y I.. II. Collier. ^2._^ls_?. AU 'J'"' pl-in'attoii or tract of lai .it g 200 it eres, more or le.H, "m,l.';t?u \'y lau s of dipt. J. s. Bowman, Mrs. Snllie Bowman, Estate of Itinulf, an I Homestead tract Estate of Rehcoca Shuler, deceased, II.? owned be L. II. SllllllCr. Said tract or plantation sold as part of tho Real Estate of Rebecca Sliuler, decei.ii I. ail convayed ii'y T; C. An Irewa. as Judge of I'rebate, to Mrs. II. M. Andrews, hy deed dated 7 November, IH<0. Purchaser t>> pay for pipers au I record ing. ALSO Tho Sluli* ol' South Carolina, OUANlj KISiritU COUNTY, In Common Pli':as. Mrs. II. M. An Irows Assignee ) iif W in. M. Sain. | vs j Foreclosure .1. I!. Stephens ami C. ti. | Stephens. I By virtue of the judgment of foreclosure tiled in this ease, I will sell at Oraugeblirg Court House on the Salcsday in January next, all thai Iriul or parcel of land situate in tin- county ot Orangebiirg, containing UI7 acres more or lean, and humide I oil thu North by lauds of Dr. R. II. Knolls, S null by I he Edistn River, Hast hy estate lands of J. S. Jennings and of Sarah a id Mary Graves, and Weal hy lands ot Dr. B. II. knolls and-Fieklin. Terms cash. Pitrehaser.s to pay for pa pers ami recording. a I.SO Joseph a. Keller. Plaintiff, J Hgaittsl T. K, Saspoiius, Defendant. J By virtue of foreclosure herein, I will sell at public outcry, ai Orangebiirg Court House, on the first Monday in February. lo7">, for cash : All that plantation or tract of land i laiiiing '-"-'o acres more or less, situate on Whirlwind Branch, waters of North Edisjta River, bouiide I on the Northwest hy W. S. Dudley, South by L. VVisseiiliiinl, Southeast by J. Riley, Northeast by S. Reach, Mrs. .1 ohlison and ot hers. Also all that lot or parcel of land situate in the loan of Orangebiirg, on Market Strei t, forty-t wo feet an I eight inches front ami running bank two liuintr*d and seventy oue fed to the lauds formerly owned by James Barley, doeeasel, mid boan led on the North by lauds of Independent Elliott Hook .* Ladder Company. South by J. 8. Bowman, lias; hy Market Street. Viirchasui- to pay for papsrs an I record ing. January !>ili, 187"?. E. I. CAIN, jan IB?til S^ <>. C. School Notice. I will open n School on the Ith of Janu ary next, ror 01 RLS and YOUNG bADIBS, and HOYS under I - years of age in the following branches of atti ly : English ('rauiiiinr: Heography, Arithme tic (Davio::), Composition, Rhetoric, Logic, intellectual and Natural Philosophy, His* lory, Primae- and Uilliivcrsal, together with nil prii.ui " studies. Algebra and Gcomorlry will bolaiight as soon as l am able to ci'.ploy n tss'al int. Terms $2, and $51, per month. Apply to me nt my Residence on New Street " doom " of tho Lutheran Church. 0. A. HOUGH dec r_ 1ST 1 4? NEW ARRIVALS! I bog leave to informs tho CITIZENS of this County that I havo on haul and will constantly keoop a FULL SUPPLY <>f HEAVY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINES, TOBACCOS & SUGARS, Resides I ha'o FITTED UP the Smnll Raiding, one door above my Store, for the purpose of Supplying this market with EVE It V DELICACY OP THE SEASON,. Such as Fish, Oysters, Cheese, Fruit, Canned Goods, ?fco. Come up ye lovers of GOODS THINGS and see what a variety of tho above articles I AUGUTUS FISCHER, Grocer. low is the TIME! Notwithstanding the ftltKAT FIIIK and the I/ISSBS mot with, I hire onbinl ami will constantly keep a FULL SU1TLY of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, And the I JEST CHEWING TORACCO and FIVE CENT SEGAR in the town, besides other fine Bran Is, with many oMur u^jful artiolos . Mease call an 1 BN \MINH for yourselves. L. RANSDALB, Rroughton Street. jan 10 1870 I? Ij I ,hi tit l!f OC^FT TI17 W. m?oElEY IS OFFERING to his CUSTOMERS and tho PUBLIC generally HARE INDUCEMENTS! My STOCK of ti();)i?S is COM PL KT It in all tho Different Department Ah I PRICES so LOW It .IVKU I? * "? AT SAME OLD STAND jan hi lS7"i ST0N0 PH0SP0ATECOMPANY OF C ? IIA RI/ETON S. O. THK VBUY BKST FK IIT I LI/.BUS for COTiOX, CORN WHEAT. TURK other Crops, prepared utuler tho Special Supervision of the Company's CktSkls JULIAN UA V BN KL. SOLUBIiB OUANO, Cash $51), Time (Nov. 1st), $05. ACID PHOSPHATE, Cash Time (Nov. 1st), $:J*. We otler a very Liberal Discount on the above ltatcs for Cash Sales, prepaid. Address K. C. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, Key Box WILHAMS, BLACK & WILLIAMS, Agents, No. 3 South Atlantie Wharf. E. EZEKIEL, SOLE AGENT at ORAIfGKBURG, 8o. C*. The State of South Carolina COUNTY OK ORANGtiBlJllO, COUUT OK COMMON t'LKAS. Mary R. Oliver, Adiiiinistratrix ~| Frederick K. Oliver. Rachel E. i btpiguer, I.n\v.rence It. Mnr shall and Harriet Iiis wife. Jiihy for Relief. ('. Oliver. Knllio M. Oliver mill Annie Nellie Oliver, luliii Thomas Oliver and Marlon Complaint Oliver, by II. W. Koillicrly, their (iuariliaii, oil ///m.ii. ii ml Adam Smoke, ? red it or, un 1 not Served tlie oilier creditor* of llitOJ I 7'n ihr Defendunlt? j SALLIE M. OLIVER, KACHEL E. SPIO NEN, F. T. K. OLIVER: Yen are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In this action, which is filed in the Olftee of the Clerk of I ihe Court for said County and to -i .?. a copy of your nuswer to the said complaint j en the subscriber at his olfice in town of j Orangeburg, opposite Court House Square, t within twenty days after the service hero I of. exclusive of the day of such servies: ami ^ von fail to answer the complaint within the tit*! e aforesaid, the plaint iff in this action will apply to Iho Court for Ilia relief demanded in the complaint of Thomas Oliver, Plaintiff, against Summons t?te, Defendants. Dated Dec. 11, 1871. W. J. Dr.TREVILLE. dec 12?fit The State of South Carolina COUNTY OP ORA.NGEBUR/>, Court op Common Pleas John L. Moorer, Plaintiff, J Against Mary B. Oliver, Adminis tratrix, Fred'k Oliver, Hnolicl I". Spigncr, Law rence K. Marshall and . Harriet 8. Mtrsluill, his \ wife, Juby C OMver, Snllio M. Oliver, Annie Nellie Oliver, Julia Thom as Oliver ami Marion Leo Oliver, Pcfaudants. 7' llie Defendants? Summons. For Rcliof. Complaint not Scrvad. FREDERICK K. OLIVER, RACHEL E. SPIONKR and BALLIG M. OLIVSR: You nro herchy rmimmned and required * :,>?''<)? tho complaint in this notion which i.s tiled in iho olhcc ot tho Clerk of Common Pleas, for tho said County and to ?ort? a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the sub&oribors at shcir office, Russell Street, Orangcbnrg, South Carolina, within twenty days nftcr the service hereof, exclu sive of .the day of such service; and If you fail to nnsner the within complaint withiu the lime aforesaid, the plaintiff in this ac tion ill spply to the Court for tho relief domamied in the complaint, put od Uco. 1ft, 1874. 1ZLAU DIBBLE. if Plaintiff's Attorneys,