two dollars per annum. ?. GOD .A-ISTD OX R CO TT 2STT R Y. always ui advax^wo VOUITME 8. SATURDAY MORNING,-JANUARY 9,1875. NUMBER41^ The Now Laid Egg. Bq gofttlo, U the new-laid egg, For eggs aro brittle thing*; Thqy cannot fly until they're hatohed, And have a pair of wings, If once you break the tepdet shell, The wrong you can't redroBB; The yolk and white Will *H run ?at, And make a dreadful mess. i ?Tis but a little while at best. That hens havo power lo lay, To-morrow's ojg may addled be That were quito fre?h te-day. Oh ! then let the touoh be light That takes them from the keg, There is no hand whose cunning skil I Can mend a kreken ogg. Ah, touch it with a Under touch, ?Egr till.tfhe egg is boiled Who knows but that, unwittingly, It may be .smashed and spoiled 1 ?(The.?ummer breezo that 'gainst i: blows Oi'ght to be still and bus hod, For eggs, like a youthful purity, Arc awful when they are smashed i Useful HintsfoHtio Home Circle To clean a brown porcelain kettle, boil pnelcd potatoo-s in it. The p?ree lain will bo rendered nearly as white a-i, when new. Cousumptives, aad others in fc iblc health,,wo learn have boon greatly beno v filed by drinking half a tu nbl in'ul of warm blond twiisi a day. At this las uccouuts a du/.cii persons were duly vi?iti:ig the slaughter. Itoutj u-ur 1>> i tun for the purp.?.n s ated. Quo pers i t assorts it: h ?s gained to t* in tell wueVi. Another lb n^lt ? to a ii > ? "-luu-t e.uuoutij^tive, My* ,ho ii u o'v .. fit, k?.-k;' .tn.l jf l^y^yjbji'ly^ n W*fi u-ily ?>? ???r >.x years, is :;;?rtw;,i? boy uhu h?-r Un)5t ^niiyujiie hopoj A ho* (di.isvl h..dd uv, r varnished luriiiiurj *Tiil tnkr out white spots. If your ItuiMaiu rougd, rah them iW tlrlitic Mit, mil it wiil tua'vii thyni smooth. a>h?.4 J c.ini.n tn silt undo ?ii?L'pact with witor will stop thoofackj of a s!nvp.saiij pr?V--nt tin s.m.k-; from . QsWipiiig. A gallon of .\ oll, wo don't live together; wo think, as wo can't agree, we'd bot ler not.' ? 'Onn'tngreo! Then why don't you fight it out as pa, and ma do ?' 'Vengeance is.miuo,' laughingly ro torted the visitor, after pa and ma ox , changed looks of holy horror, followed by the inevitable roar. Native Protests Agaist IjUilroads I iu China. Two very curious articles have been published by a Shanghai native uews paper, the Hwci-Fao, -protesting against the construotiou of railways in the Chinese empire. The HioeC-Pao is of opinion that the exiatonce of railwa ys I is Europe is too recent to admit of a judgment being formed as to their prac tical utility, and, moreover, that there is not sufficient business in China to ! reuder them profitable. The Chinese journal goes on to say that -'tea aud silk arc the principe! objects of com merce, and these have hitherto been lorwarded to the treaty pofts by river .steamboats. A substitution of railways for steamboats would not effjotaay *iv iug in point, ut time,' and could not, thoiofbre, even from the point of view taken by the foreigners themselves, be of uny service to China. Admitting that' a little time was gained, the Chinese would not bebonoSto l, for tin goods would u it be exported more rapid ' ly. Thus the railways would only lead to an accumulation in the ports of vast quantities of goods which, as they could nut be shipped off all at once, would fall considerably in price." 1 * The i/tcei-J'uu also says : ''The ueci dei t.s i'U railway lines are very immer h ous, caused by collision*, by the c igines ' or tenders taking lire, by the trains run niiig off the lines, or by ill i bridges uiving w iy und t he tr im-'being pre v I eipitated into lliJ rivers b Luv. Ii I othei eascjflh? carriages are injured b' i he tticat sp> ? - a, ri. d along, and too ti'ucidd'tt.s >\r-. numerous that it is often impossible to ascertain tite exact uuuib'ir ufdead and Wounded. All the foreign journals are lull ol details concerning thn.-o ucci? dentis. I>ut, ^'nutting that most of these casualties tire p?evontablo, and that the (ruins follow tho..- regular course, they travel quicker than to thoroughbred horse, und the people walking on the lines would have no time to get out of their way. From this cause alona the number of fatal accidents would be enormous. In all countries whore railways oxi.-t they arc considered a very dangerous mode ol locomot ion, and, beyond those who have very urgent business to transact, no one tbiuka of using thein." This latter statement cannyt as yet be accepted iu its entirety; but, unfortunately, no have every reason to know that, so ffcr as England is concerned, traveling by rail way is ?** very dangerous, mode of lo comotion." The statute ol Stonewall Jackson, executed by the Into Mr. Folcy, the well known English sculptor, for the cityol Charleston, S. C, is now nearly completed at the Manor foundry, at Chelsea, near London. Tho general is represented as stauding with a drawn broad sword in his right hand. The hand rests on tho swqrd hilt, and the point of tho weapon is placed upon a piece of rock at tho side Of tho figure lie wears a horseman's short tunic , girt by n broad belt, and buttoned close on tho chest, and looso trowscrs, with rid ing boots. The dofeot of tho work is in the faco, which lacks vivneity, and oven poctio euggestivonoss. An Arkansas paper describes tho neutral condition of a political aspirant by saying that "ho roosts iu Washington on tho gable end of tho ragged odgo of despair. Tho great labor question of tho day is how to avoid labor. TAX N?TIGE. officio ok COUNTY TREASURER, Okanoeburq County. OuAKOUUUKU.S.Cj December 11,1S74 In accordance with "an ncl ofthe Gcnenil Assembly, to raise Supplies fur the fiscal year, commencing November the 1st, 1874, Notice is hereby given, thai my office will be opened for the reception of Taxe* on :in*??>. 13 -New Uop< V 0 miils on a dollar. s'ehcdf vw,xi:.-.u id rWH-rs'^i)I . i mill on a lh, 1874. Lewi vi He, Tuesday and \Vcdiiosdtly De ceniher 29th and 30th 1874. Fort Motte, Thursday December 31 si I 7 ! llranchville, Saturday January 2nd, 1875 J.llamp Fehlers, Friday January S, 1875, And on all other days at Orangeburg Court 1 louse. J. II. LIVINGSTON, Comity Troumrer. School Notice. I v>ill open a School on tho 4th of Janu ary next, for GIRLS and YOUNG LADIES, M and HOYS under 12 yours of age in the following branches of study : English Grammar; Geography, Arithme tic (Darios), Composition, Rhetoric, Logic, Intellectual and Natural Philosophy, His tory, Primary and Uunivorsal, together with all primary studies. Algebra and Gooiiicrtry will ho taught as soon as I am able to employ an assist mt. Terms $2,^11(1 $3, per month. Apply to me at my Uosidoncc on New Street ? doors South of the Lutheran Church. ti. A. HOUGH doc 12 1S74 -It Hordes and Mules AT Bamberg & Slater's Stables IN REAR OF V?SE & 1ZLAR'8,1 Whoro yru will constantly Und a complete stock of the finest HORSES and MULLS that can ho procured from tho best markets in the United States. V e take plcnsuye in showing our slock as \vc know they cannot bo suspnssed in the South. Our prices range from $?0 to}$226. Orders received and tilled at slioi t notice, dec 19 1874 ;Gm / yiANGEBURO COUNTY In tu>: Court ov Probate. By iiiJGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Esq., .1 ?Ige of Probate in said County. WIfdREAf*, S. E. Scnnlon linth made suit to moi} grant to him Lcttersof, Adminisirn Lion g '.< the will annexed, of tile Estate and i i? i l; J i William E. Pcrryclear, laic of said i !oUu(.yi(tcccAscd. This, ore therefore to oRe and admonish all arijy singular the kindred and Creditors (if lIic -j.ii?-t Judge of Probate. tore ti Count; bur if, 187-1, any, not i' of I L. lee The rtli day State of South. Carolina CUJJNTY OF ORANGEBUB/i, (Court ok Common P'.kas John I. Moorer, Plaintiff*, I Against Mary I*. Oliver, Adminis trat Lx, Pre I k Oliver, Rache/ E. Spighor, Law reii'Wl1.. Marshall and ?ri" S. Hai Mf.rsl.vH. hi wil-> Juby C. O'iTer, SallieyVd. Oliver, Annie NellH Oliver is and .1 uiin Tiiom M avion Le? OifVer, Dcfnndants. Summons. For Relief. Complaint not Served. 'A. (hi Vr/etiilanla ? I'll Eli REICK K. OLIVER, RACHEL E. SPINNER :in I ?P agt. I tual^riek IC. c; ^TrT Itaohel B. ighor, I hw i ence It. M?r oad Harriot his wife, .luby x.. Oliver, Sailic it. Oliver ' end Annie Collis Oliver, Julia Thomas Olivi r end Marion I.ce Oliver, l?y ,1. VV. Kenneily, | tttcir Guardian, d'J iiium. lino Adiun Smoke, creditor, an 1 tlie other creditors of [ntcs ( tnte, Defendants. for Relief. Complaint not Served To she Defendants? SAfljIilE M . OLIVEH, KACHEL E. SPIG J NE It, F. T. K. OLIVER : Von live hereby summoned and required tl" the day of such scrvies; and if you fail to nuswer the complaint within the (into aforesaid, the plaint ill' in this action will apply '?> the Court for the relief demanded in the complniiit ? Dated Dec. 11, 1ST-?. \V. .1. DkTDEVILLB, dec 12?lit Plain tiffis Attorney. FOR SALE fine two story STORE and LOT on Church Ptreet, lately occupied by the Citizens Savings Dank an 1 Mr. Kirk I'.obinson, fronting Court Mouse Square. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN 1). ST DO MAN Esq., or to IZLAIt k DIDDLE. Or.ingeburg S. C. od. Ii? 1874 3w. Notice of Dismissal. I hereby give notice that on the fourteenth day of January 1^75 I will file my final account as guardian of John O. Douglas with the Judge of Probate ol said County and ask for a dischargo from said guardain sbip. WILLIAM A VINGER. dec 12 1ST! 3t NOTICE. Notice i.^ hereby given, nil persons in debt cd to the said Dotiert Jcnncy, deceased, will make pnymeutj !o the undersigned, and all who hohl claims against s.-ii