THE OMNGEBUR?KB^ ;r "*thad. c. Andrews, Editor., > T _fif>*r. ^ GKOltCJE BOIilVEK^, \ Financial ini> Business sJMana'oku.a Ofllcinl Paper of the State and ? of Orniigelmrg County. -.-ft*.', ? V1: t. ;*}J. '/[:-'/ A '//.f A 173? ORANGER URO NEWS HAS A LARGER CIRCULATION THAN AN? O THER PARER IN THE CO UN mmmm U / The Union-IIerald'is ono of tho best cdi ;?Vli\i PfirV^V^1" iV^ 1^""p t0 Iho Ilcrry New* man has been to Colum bin ami has gorib back home. Ho is'7B?ll ?? JP'Hvir' " : ?????? ? . fond of fruit. , in tigoona ^nol * : , . Son ^yi|j,'^'8v'mcsFnp;'c to tlie General Assembly pleases everybody. Just, what OBa hr>o?j r ? ' (? ? ? v wc kpfew it would do. Mr. Chamberlain t'tcv ?1l< JOlfj. ? i" ' tins a reputation loo high to do anything wrong, .ntroh t'.'g an < a ?4 legislature dadoing business- up-in cliAyH& Ffnrilt 'Moses is but. 'He says that lecturingon religion don't pay hini. He's a gqoil bo'y,' but Iiis cheek is ba I. ' ?? si \\ .in 3 The Nester of 'the ' Bai" of?< Charleston, 09ifj/S(lgc Dimtin, died" In'tlnit City on Saturday lost. He was eighty two year* ofapo. His *'lifci;l?a? b'v,en a spotless one. It is amusing to sec how haul the Demo nd iudlicf ynj trs are trying lo caj turo Cov. <*^'Cl!<5ii;bcHoin. ? They praise him- aud wc ir^]^%oiU.7';rut Ttnnicl will, never come to judgment in"hiS party. .<-. cillur ury up or quit your infernal :H9itv)ia t)tu vital nut nit it ti-.j.- ?? hypocracy. ?''??" '? Um imi nt Ituii l?n< .editor in . J\"cw i .Jcrseyibrings. delin *? fffHltnt1' EObfcCidbci-s- lo his counter i? lively order by publishing obitdarye notices of1 ^jco^tp^dicts., ^hp Tcp/ort j Of their deaths by ' ajusp^lng^they were only '|dead.bents." Tho rcadeis of the Nf.vfsMwill plc-anc jakc notice, , oud , sec Mr. Bolivor at once. lie fiiij .U' a: .lr ? . ? ? -: " ? 111 1 ? - ? fern mi -?? ( -:> 9nust:bioi'C>'fdrnard'ah upieard' to better *' ihinns} {fn pi'rfornung' m^y part of' thii-'work the highest favor I ask, next to the Divine favor '| lo ichtch f now invoke, is that no inoi\ will urge ?f^bf?U0 do art act irtfoniitteid with the principles baitjftgf pUdge's vjio'n te-Kitt? the people htive entrus ted us ivith our present powrs.? Gov. Cham ixrotlitq ':! ntn ooi a ~ul'i?:ie-?iti^''HTCi<.>\ IjIj ??. .ifrdT\5?'^VA?S"Mc.?,!!d 5!Vi3i! '**hS w?0"11' "ments of his. cxccllc"ney| 'yesterday shows " TlmtPhc prcipos'cs to iiaHd'squareiy ; by his fbiAmnte^^Olaiigtlrury, Tity*^ ,? phiAfTk?; 3fi'w?vwilli isurcly.^now .ifocl. better. YjdtdwaHSoJuarc honest papor under its ;pros entmnn??omcnt, andi we .trust that when n; ?\ty%^li?/b''?>'rt!^{ Stt-'d C^am."erlain lc,j'jpro8ucq.fasta{idrsuiuar.e|y by his friends," .. the,office. ... j, ... This is what the I'h,anix said lnst Salur f.Wtft t- \>opt r.ri '-r. 'i ?"? ftllMliitj it/i i!jil?a)f? l Lnq^O'iii lisii liidii if/! : ?v ; f r ",TMrt y*!"0 Southern State where (he na ' five people fxt any fifing nave the most earnest '?' desire t?^ecurc as many flew kftfzaia as jtotsible by importation." feoq 'ftnd*this ds what., the Hhasniz" sdid last*! ??;? tt?ndtfy': \Zi ?,??>.??> .. ^X'^''Tj^c^o^'^ork'papb'rff recommend' their :v. idlelworkJ^fch to ftgo tl Wes't," and foiiio of cur Southern papers ari . inviting them to. conic southj.j, The Western papers dcclino to ' takVlhcm oh any tcrhis, because that mnr ,s'??kci'lff croTvdcd \vilh tho samo troiible*otno ?ugctVetoniersY. God hnoies u^'do not leant them *iU.m\th6 South?'.,'.< ... nv ti odt r;Th}!re:nco several:jnen in th c country who ?jj'.dhiok. "tho-'womert dou't iknow enough to if iflrotOraiul.ono Df thbni turuad up at tho. olec ? . I'ioii in Michigan, tho other day, in thd fol - lowing manner; toovJlr,; - "In l ,. ^ 0'4i.oitA)vcr,y dirtjr^ doba.scd and ignorant look ? ;ii>;; nmn eaiiie in tu vnlc Said one of tho ^3 ln^^ff.ojroun^ him a ballot, Ml wish eyou, w'duld. Obligo us by voting 'this ticket." Jd8Hi\>t;i,ati'kind 'of ei ticket is that ?" said he. ?^Iry.^'?afd'theVady//^ou'oaVsVo' your y^?JlieV'"ni"ll?t 1 can'^iijoadj'i. ho .answered. jfllrf^tr^{.'''Hehi;* sal^l ltfio 'lady, ttfrsUkllbt m'ika mt toa''^W "willing, tb " -..left he .women \0t .1 Mi ivcll uti t he num." "Is that it ?" ho replied; "then I flcu't want it tba women don't kno\> enough to vote !" A Spider In lue W to mm-Si. yY short time since a young lady,' a resi dent qf Btookvillo, V a., ( experienced a creeping sensation in her nose after she had ? retired In the- night, and all efforts to reinovo the annoyanco woro without the desired effect, the difficulty remaining for several days, merely changing to a location further up in the nostrial. At length it seemed to pass down into the throat, caus ing a choking sensation. .ln\\w Lately after its disappearance the victim experienced /htiut.t)i>aili3in'tlio ?touiaoh,c Thankful." nr 'uttii b?ffv.M ? ? ! Puch are the words rudely carved upon a Stone ihn wild mount region among the Scottish lake.-;. After winding along a steep riigged rond, you come suddenly upon a heather-covered dingle, like ndrnc oasis in t he desert, and there, near a clear, bubbling spring, stand- the stone. I well remember! that the little party of tourist of which I mafic one Were vti'y thankful for that most refreshing rest upon the Bweel, purple heath after nn unusually long walk. A walk f why, it uns n veritable pilgrimage we llnd rtchicVtd that Tay. No vehicle could Lcl.ii id in the of the country where our destination lay, so we obtr inc l two lake ho: limn, who also nted as guides, to row us up Loch Long, rind*upon landing at (bo head of the iakc they carried the small qiu.p'ily of light baggage, that was to serve us during our sojourn among the lake? and in.our.tnir.s. tho.hcayicr portion having been . forwarded froh) Glasgow to Edinburgh. It was very herd to leave that plcasi hi n sting place, but a few more miles sti 1 lay between Us and the small hotel at In versnnid, which we were anxious to reach before darkness closed eround us for though a bed upon tho hei.thcr, with tho starry heavens for a canopy, n ay be a poetical sort of in-rangt menf, yet the more prosaic one of n.?tlrcss, covcrlei, sheets and pillows is, rossiuly, he od to the require ments .lot', i -'tired unluvt's sweet rc.-toi er." ?'i'herfl^Uoo;'l.tood Donald nni Duncan, ns we ?had'it?riicd our guides, waiting foi us, and enjoying, in prospective, the warm Rreaijlc of the inn kitchen, their supper, and the "drap or barley breo:" so we must e'en rise, reluctantly'though it be, an 1 travel on ward. 'flint day is now in the far-off, past; the nine placid lake, the 'mountains, swept over alternately by cloud and sunshine, the road, varied by hill and dell, by moor an I mead ow, along which we at hist pladdetl so wea rily?nil these arc almost forgotten; but that old gray, moss grown stone and its in scription w ill ever be remoaibcrcd- How .often hnve I ropeated it to myself, w hen tired and worn out with bodily or niontel labor! And somebody when lifo is ended, nnd the hands arc folded, and the eyes arc closing, amid the murmurs of the hist proiy or once more will be breathed those words, "Host, and be thankful." smziuoLS'Virii ijOUGE, No. as, a,% *v. n.-. A Special .Communication (Of this Lodge will bo held at .Masonic. Hall on 'IJUESDAY AFTERNOON, i?tii inst., at o'clock. Members will take notice and govern th.m selves according. By order of tho Vi.: Mi'. FEE DE HICK S. DIBBLE, ,ti , , Secretary. ,;dcol2: .. 187* 11 PREMIUMS. Offered by the Orangeburg Agricultural and Mechanical Association on Field Crops Will bo awardc d on Saturday the Hlth of Deeimber! Competitors will take notice nnd hand in their reports at once. The Judges nro requested to meet me at 11 o'clock, on the day adovc designated at Yosc & Itlars stoic. P.S. FELDE?, Scperintcndunt. dec. 12 It ? School Notice. J will open a School on the Ith ?f Janu ary next, for 0IHL8 und V0UNO LADIKS, and BOYS under 1- years of ago in the followjng branches of study : English Grammar; Geography, Arithme tic1 (Davlcs), f'ompo?'.Mon, RhetO'de, Logic, Intellectual nnd Natural Philosophy, Uis* tory, Primary and, together with alLpriuiary studios. 0 Algebra, and OoquKitry will bo taught ns .soon as I am ablo to employ an assist ant. Terms i?-', and $o, pe.* month. .Apply to me at my Residence on New 3 doors South of tho Lutheran Church. " i G. A. HOUOH dec 12 1871 -It FOIt SALE. I oficr for snlo the Rosidonoo-of Gco. f[. Shircr Esq., on Rail Road Avenue, with g|5 ncros attached, all within town limits. Also, one Building Lot in the town uf Orangoburg. JAS II. FOWLES. dco 12' 1874 It. C O jN I !I?! ! COME OJfB, ( OJIE Alii,, And boo if you cannot bo SUITED' in your CIIMSTMAS I??ltCn?SES, at tub Drug store op Dr. E. J. OLIVEROS'} where he has just received a large stock) of TOYS, CANDIES, FIRE CltACKERsI POCKET CUTLERY, TOIL- ) FT ARTICLES, I AND PRESENTS SUITED TO YOUNG AND OLD, At the ORAXOKIlURf] DRUG STORE dec I: 187 I ik TAX N?TIGE OFFICE OF COUN1 V TREASURER} I RANnnnrno Cov.vty S. C., December I Ith 1874 The following taxes have boon levied "i1 on Iho property of this County, via : For Salaries of Eccutivo and Judicial officers of the Stntc, the Clerks nnd cnhtiii" ent expenses ofthc Executive und Judicial Department of the Government, I j mills. For .'??mi] ort and maintenance of Hie Penal, Charitable and IMiloit iomil Instil;i tidns of the State, exclusive of Common Schools, 1 J mill i. For the Sup)..]! and maiutinaiicc of Public Schools, - mills. For the expenses of the General Assem bly, I mi'd. For public Piloting. }. mill. For payment of interest on t'12 Public Debt, (as* ndjusled by Act of December 22nd 1S7:!) due and payable on the first of Janu ary and July 1870, 2 mills. For deficiency or unpaid Appropriations, 1 4-5. Total for Slate Tax. ft 10,-89. For expenses of Orangeburg County, 2 mills. For j nymcnl < f ; hei Indebtedness, 1 null. For building Court llousi?, 1.1 mills. For Con.11.(ii .-s an i e 1 . day thereafter (Sundays exoeptedj u;it;1 1 1 ? fifteenth day of January l^T?, vv'.icn - 1 1 or cent penalty will b 3 al:c'i : I to all Delin quent i. JOHN Ii. LIVINGSTON, County Treasurer, dec 12 1ST I 2t I. a a 1; rii'i qHIUSTHAS! e|i!MS!*AS!l > SANTA r.T.ATt*v 11.1.*?* A.large and tine Assortment of ? Toys ixml ChrJsdKas I5re?c2jSa for CUiltiren. Besides a constant supply of IlHl'GS AM) MEitfCIXES Can nlw ays be loun I at A. 1*. I>1'K KS' S ore. dee I! 187 I TAKE NOTICE. Thai I will roiil at the residence of the late Jno. R. Willions, decensetl, on tie 11*4?I day of December 1874, t<> the liighru bid der, all the Lea! Estate of which I? died seiv.ed and possessed, for the year I87">. Possession Id be given l*t January 1875." Lent to be secured I y firsl Lien on Ceop. R. BENSON t UtRAN". A dmiiiistritor dec 12 1874 2t Notice of Dismissal. 1 hereby give notice that 611 the fourt'Cnth day of January I87? I will file my final act mint ns guardian of .lehn C. Dciglas with the Judge ot Probate of said Cuinty and ask for a discharge from said guarlaiti sh in. V. ILL! AM AVIXGHt. dec 12 1874 :t soiJTi-i cahoTjINA ORANGERURG COUNTY. In 1111: Common Fi bar. Watson A. ?>' Cain nnd 1 Complain for others, A dm'is, Plaintiffs | iiijunctin. [ Leave to 1111 r Vabnt'uic Pillhnn and | shnll asset and others, Defendants. I debts niu for relief. Ry in order made in this ense Iii' >'?il Murion | Complain! Leo Oliver, by II. W. Kcinierly, their Guardian", ad lilum', | und Adorn Sinoke, creditor, und I not Served the oilier creditors of line.'- I tale. Defendants. j To Ihr Deft lulnnlx? ' ? SALUTE M. OLIVER. RACHEL E. SPICl NEIt, F. T. E. OLIVER; Vou mo hereby summoned and required to answer tho Com plain I In this action, which is bled in the Office of the Clerk of the Court for said County aud Ui serve a copy of your answer to the :>mplaint on iho Subscriber at his office i.i town of Oranguburg, opponilo Court House Squaro, within twenty days after the service here ? .!'. exclusive of ihr day of Bitch service; an 1 if you fail to answer the complaint wiihin the time a for: .-aid. t he plaintiff in Ibis notion will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded in iho complaint Dated Des. II, is? I. W. .1. DnTREVILLE, dec 12- 01 Plaintiffis Attorney. kst?tk ?At7k7 Ry i rd.i v of tho Probate Court I will soil at pi lie i ii iy lo l lie highest bidder at the Es ote Place i ile lain Lewis II. /.inmier inan decease I in Ornngft Township on Tues day Iho l' h day of Dccrmbcr'187-1, the rcirnning personal property nf ihr said Fstitte. i (insisting of Hovses, Mules, Caltlo. I'< ps, I'm n. I i.ddi r and n*he?" produce with IMamation Machinery, Farm Implements kit T> rriis Car!unity a < ;: will b-< the only publio School f'?r the ivhi:e Scholars in the Town of Orangeburg." THAU. ?'. ANDREW.:. V. I). BO\V MA'S; Tau-tecs. Novcmhtr i si 1 .-?7 L nov 21 1871 , ? St I herihy j?|vr notice lo all interested and crnceined that Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson, widow of Reuben .lohtiron, intends lbhave her Hontestend set blf in the Personal Pro | erty of her luted.usband. in said County, I thiHv one dnys from tlie date Iicr?of. AUG. II KNOW ETON. Probate Judge, '). (*. I tiled Orar.gebnrg C. IL, Nov. *JS, 187.1. ' \m., /MjapEeiiT. j At ii y !i NamarnV. I have opened a liiv? cd ii ss Grccciy Store, und will keen, steadily on hand FLOUR. S CO A It. COFFEE; LARD". HA CON. SMOLDERS', Sf?ESj IIA M.S. &e., :.n I < vcrytliiag cb?b kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. In the Ri'ar of my Store I l ave a neatly appointed EAR, where 1 guarantee the best ' ? ' * " LIQUORS, ALES. WINKS. ? &'c;-, in the Town will he served to my Custom ers, i bespeak tlie Patronage of my riiaoy Friends. M. 4L.IlRKC.lir. liov JS 1S71 tf W. K. CR' Wtiihl respectfully call particular atten tion to his INCREASED STOCK of 1IACON, FLOUR. SCHAR. COFFEE. LARD, H A MS. I UI IT, SiC. FANCY GROCERIES Ton numori us to mention. ! IQUl lltS unsiirpas'sc I. SKOARS, none nop ndor; A no assortment of Pll'ES, Smoaking and Cliewihg TORApCO. Valuable Plantation for s a r;i:. For a'e (lie PLANTATION below Roue's Pump, OH the Liver Road, known as the HILL PLACE, containing live hundred 'ami thirty-six neies. (in Iho pluco there is a good DWEl/LING Hot SE, with necessary oui buildings. Terms made easy. A| ply lo the undersigned on the place or b\ letter addressed to Kobe's Pump. S. C. net 3?tf ? L. J. 17. L:\lt n?tige. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN' Of Orniiftebttrgl MOSES M. DROWN, Hie Harber, pledges himself to keep up with the limbs in all tlio late Improvements, hs hii business' in ftnlli cieul to guarantee the above. He will ho found at his Old Stand ever ready to reive his customers at Hie shortest notrco. a pi 11 ;;o 1. \ j] b FOjR, :?>(????' ?ij .J.I i 1)1 11 'If 'id! Ill |u tu:;Mv :o *??? ?"pa-T ? .:';'.-!?.v in': i?< '1 ! ItiZlli; V-.f .!???:??((;'. - ?:;!)*!?? "li'J'y? ?? ? [?:i>9 -: loqob ( riH,Mj?<0 v.;t v.; btiit .tSih^il ?;::> _> :y My i hsaasf' f w (io ? >? :b i>6 ffjpAmi I - ? i: ? ;- iheesj !.. f)ui.?i> bottJciU " " ?' :* ^' blJv ' ' "; 9 !' '?''''.*? *??> xl .nft-Htoicm^^., ; , ; , f, :,. v,.;t ailvni^ ??v'11''',!1'|rj! r.-i? ;i..b nti [Unr '''' .-^TY'i J!'^' '' Unoi.vj .-I.I.' .'J i. * 14? :?ii ? -i ,'llj id - ? i f~1 ..<.- iii) lit'.vLi -i (U ?j i ?..?': , j i V i? ;>?1-V?I ll' *? J r/r.'il; .-3?; b ?n*?4*i ?vi;I mi-j 1 ? ' I ! ''H.'K TO THE EZTE^IYE STOCK ? Ii.! :ii ..,], b^nwM.- , 1.1->/.- ' h'Jiiii owl otf? ' ; i ? - o fttiitl j.iirui ? fillip/:i>i?0 ,\ u.A wbiif ! ? ; * dM ! ', iviitl ^-^.-jqr-.i..'.i :????. ."Hi v> *i" :s - n? >? "j u t i dtuwiu ? j d%;d c ?"?,OW ?jfjlf?o *dT .)>?!:* i J ? i ?-*????? 1 djJI/Ol'ill , .j,.d ..viilld b.ivd.U Vil':b t?_H?-.'. ?yi; i<> ^l/?*?^ v'intTj jiK'drt l.-nn , ?a?l ..-r-n guiin ,d-ii, ' dni! Oiitji ??> Ji.'^i'i 'j-j'i f>7.9 ^.;nr >H>w! j} ,t 1U J|{;jtt, }:v.d :>Y|?! -si.// V^fx? 9;|"1.' iKiui t?'n I . "ti-j/ Vit ? i?bd'n ,;.i:,!d fitnl-jirj c :-???.?>- p.! i, .it. i!'>?uuw" * .hi'. jJii /f ? U ',.> Jr.btHI 'liil tl ! ' 1<| OF OIJl^ . ' I Asullilt. -Ml i ' i i f . ?!ida iiu i1 ii'.fdi [? i i - 4 j- . it MilW M,U , -. > , f. ? rJfjiW j11 I .ittbr^TM "?!' womio'j ??) ifiuobiYu:To albiit^i n bad j* ? . ii;q j. odJ- ???vi ?fiido^^Lti. ii.ciov ill ^iiiiiill bu?. *.?'? |ii . ii.-.-. i i{j 'K Utiiiu^r. j (CiiVTr^jlu i. ii ^ai^Kquty^n:? J ,f|jlu ?Mi iml ?j.dJ bluVt? ?II .jib Country Merchants will find onr Stock of DRY^ GOODS, adapted ta their trade. We wS??|i^M(|?J?uft^ bers prices of.;.; MZlilR*' York. ^jMffi^ ?PjfXCOS? ' '" ' 1 rtojyubdi: .'jd|"lo npiifriTrt