Years After. To night a child with earnest eyes Climbed up upon my knee; And looking in her fuco I saw What no one clso could boo. I saw an orchard pnth, o'erhung With blossoms pink and Bwcct, And dew, like diamond drops upon The clover at our feet. I snw a maiden, sunny haired, AYith lips of saucy grace, And just such eyes as looked in mine From out tho child's pure face. I heard tho cricket chirp.and call Its mate among tho grass, And saw the moonlight OAcr all, And heard the breezes pass. A voico awoke mo from tho spoil? A voico I used to know, Yet not the sumo sweet voice of old? So tender and so low.] I lifted up my dreamful eyes Half thinking I should seo The same sweet face, whose girlish graoo Wns very dear to me. I saw?oh, not the faco I knew So long and long ago, Tut, looking through it, I could seo The face 1 used to know ! The years had wrought their changes there, And in her heart I knew, "Were changes greater, for she vowed To love mo, and be true. Ah. well ! The world is false at best. Is cold and full of chance, And hearts that promise much to day, To morrow may estrange. This womnn with her wordly face, Y?'ns nothing now to me. lint looking in its snowy grace, I thought what used to be! ^ i mtm ii I i in .-??-?B??i ? Item Si Do not waste your time. Had debts?Owing grudges. To secure a'rcsult, lock it up. The family jar is frequently a jug. The gate of fast ago.?investigate. Fruitful in axe idents. A chopping sea. A fact is worth a thousand state ments. Selfmademen arc apt to worship their maker. ? ' A sensible opinion. One that coin cides with our own. Preferred creditors arc those who do not dun their debtors. Tho most steadfast followers of one's fortunes are bis creditors. The wise mau commands his tongue, but. the fool's tongue commands him. Gin slings havp "slowed" more than the slings of old. Quiet minds, like smooth water, rc fleets olcarly. Evesiou from truth is affiliation^ with falsehood. Tho greatest bet that was ever made ? tho Alphabet. A man of honor respects his word as he docs his bond. Tbc cheapest of lawyers?keeping one's own councii. The reputation of being fond of cock tails is not a feather in any man's cap Questionable?when a man marries a poetess, docB ho take her for better or lor verso? It is apparent that a great many chil dren get on the wrong track because the switch has been misplaced. The gentleman who was givon to understand has becu returned to the donor. Tbc Chinese train otters to catch fish. They otter be expert at the busi ness. Whcti people learn to read, advertise ments become indispensable to a lively business. A prayerful andfidgctty deacon was always referred to by his wife as 'a -tired i'ul ori-kneesy man!' llichcs obtained by fraud arc du? out of one's Offn heart, and destroy the mind. ' ' Siutpkins says the talk about billing and cooing duriDg tho ? honey moou is nil bosh?except tho billing. Why is a horse the most curious fcod cr in the world??llecauso ho oats best when he bns not a bit in his mouth. " that which is so brittlo that if you speak you arc sure to break it ?? Silence. "Why arc cashmcro ?hawls liko deaf people ? ]3ccuu60 you can't make tbcm hero. ? When you hear a man say, Life is but a dream, tread on his oorns and v/ako him up. Lift* is real. 'The honey rnoo? is nil well enough, bo id a prudent hollo, 'but whut I want (to seo beyond that is tho protniso of a lh'u harvest moon/ An eld Farmer suid of his pastor, who was exceedingly mild in his preach inpc He's a good man, but ho always rakos with the teeth up. J. Hammond Fordham. TRIAL JUSTICE, ORANOEBURQ, S. C. All business intrusted to his enre will bo promptly attended to. pet 3 1R71 tf DK. T. BERWICK LEGARE, DENTIST. Graduate Baltimore College of | Dental Surgery. OFFICE OVER STORE J. A. HAMILTON, july 4 1871 tf DENTISTRY. D. F. ?IUCKEIVFUSS, DeutiHt, Of CHARLESTON, can be found nt bis OFFICE ubovo Captain BRIGO M ANN'S STORE, on Rus sell Street. References?Diih. j. P. Pathick, B. A. Mtck knkvss, A. P., M. D., and Messrs. Pelskb, Ronar.ns & Co. june 0 1871 tf DENTAL NOTICE. Tbe UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announcing to bis many friends und patrons that be has PERMANENTLY LOCATED at ORANGEI3URG C. II. Where ho will devote bis ENTIRE TIME from every Monday until Friday noon, to tho * PRACTICE OF DENISTltY in all its Departments. Perfect SATISFACTION ^guaranteed in all Operations etitrusted to bis care. Charges MODERATE, lie will be found at Dr. Fersncr's Old Stand. Very respectfully, I A. M. SNIDER, D. S. may 0 ly A NEW LAW FIRM. gUMBERT & FORDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T Ja A W . OFFICE COURT HOUSE, Oll AX GEB UHG, S G mar 14 tf F. d. GREGORY HAS OPANED a SHOP at Rigg's Ohl Rriek Store for tbe purpose of Repairing Watches ami ('locks. His work is guaranteed to give satisfaction or no pay required. He will be glad to serve bis old customers and the public generally. Prices moderate, may 2 3m 1JS71 AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T L A W , ORAXGEBFRG, S. C. july 8 tf Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! TAYLOR & JOHNSON, COLUMBIA., S. C. Are prepared to furnish FIRST CLASS BRICK in any qunntity at tho LOWEST MARKET RATES. Orders se'icitcd. Jookimi Taylor. 11 ex by n. Johnson may 23 tf J. FELDER METERS, TRIAL JUSTICE. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. mar 29?tf _A. C-ATtD. Dr. J. G. Wannamaker & Co., Respectfully call the public's attention to their FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, on Russell Street, next door to McMastcr's Brick Building, where can be found a well selected slock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SOAPS and Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind and generous patronage is earn estly solicited. Dr. J. G. WANNAMAKER & CO. Dr. A. 0. DUKES Das just received a fail supply of FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, &c. Also a lot of fine CIGARS and TOBACCO all of which will be sold cheap lor cash. sept ? 1871 1 NOTICE. DR. OLIVEROS, THE DRUGGIST, Huh a FRESH SUPPLY of TURNIP and CABRAGE SEEDS fojr Fall planting. All Seeds warranted. NOTICE. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Of Ornngeburg. M03ES M. BROWN, the Barber, pledges hinnelf to keep up with tho times in ull tbe late Improvements, ns bis business is suffi cient to guarantee tho abovo. He will be found at his Old Stund ever ready to servo his customers nt the shortest notice. apl 11 30 Valuable Plantation for For ealc the PLANTATION oclow Rowe's Pump, on tho Rivor Road, known as tho HILL PLACE, containing fivo hundred and thirty-six acres. On tho place thero in a good DWELLING HOUSE, with necessary Outbuildings. Terms made easy. Apply to tbo undersigned on tho place or by letter addressed to Rowe's Pump, S. C. oct :i?tf -LAR ONE THOUSAND* SOLDIERS may be stationed here to guard the lives of Hip "truly loil," but that will not permit me from selling all kinds of GROCERIES and LIQUORS at figures to suit the miser that would sell his soul for two dollars. BLUE COATS MAY come among ns, but I'll guarantee as soon us they make one purchase at my CHEAl' STORE on the East Corner of Meroney's Lot, IN ORANGEBU11G VILLAGE That they will ground their arms. I have such articles as Flour, Sugar, Codec, L ard, Rutter, Raeon, Hams, Mackerel, Cheese, Rice, &c., of the finest kinds. And as to my LIQUORS?why their llavor alone would entice the veriest old hard-shell to try a "drap." My Sogiirs are such as President Grant orders whenever his mind becomes disturbed over Southern outrages. They bring quiet all the time. In a word, I have A STOCK of Groeeries, Liquors, Sugars and Tobaccos that have astonished the natives. Let one and all give me a call, at my NRW STORE on Meroney's Lot. where that indefatigable gen tleman himself, and Johnny (his big boy) will be found at all times ready to give GOOD BARGAINS. And as for mo, why?well, the boys know how it is themselves. a. W. BAXTER, sept 17?Gin FRONT M KRONE Y'S HOTEL. MY ENTIRE STOCK o? 0 AT IT*!1 s, All of wide are at PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN LAST YEAH Call and cxcmino. A Ko. 1 Stock of Groceries, Crockery Tin ware, Candies, Segars, &c, for Sale LOW at the Cheap Cash Groce ry House of J. & ALBER60T?, CORNER RUSSELL-STREET' AND RAILROAD AVENUE. The Best Powder, shot and Caps kept for SPORTS M ISN. We arc now DOING BUSINESS exclusively f?r A S WE OFFER. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CO C N T R Y- M E UCH AN T S. IIOlTSEKlSKPEXtS A\I> VAltMlCItS are requested to examine our NEW STOCK OF GROCERY AND CROCKERY. GOODS DELIVERED. YOSE & IZLA&. F. H. RETURNING MY THANKS TO MY PATRONS FOR THEIR LIBERAL PAT ronnge in the past, I assure them that I will spare no efforts to please thent in the STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats. Sroceriet, Liquors WUSTES, &C. All ?f which I offer as LOW ns any other house?SATISFACTION GUAR A NTEED Please call and sutisfv yourselves. No trouble to show goods. Major R. F. PO?, M. R. SISTRUNK, W. D RISER and W. W. WOLFE oro with me, and will be pleased to see their friend:. RSSSKL STREET. B53BSI J.? " J. WALLACE CANNON, BEST. OHEAPEST Groceries, Liquors, Segars, ToKcco WASTED IMMEDIATELY All tho WOOL, WAX, HIDES, HOUGH KICK, CORN, PEAS, EGGS, HAGS, &o., &c. To be had, for which the HIGHEST CASH PRICES will bo paid nt the GRANGE STORE, Opposite where Whittcniorc'a Soap Factory used to be. aug 22 c 1874 BUSINESS I. BUSINESS! WE WOULD INFORM OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE SO LIB ERA LEV patronized us lor the past two yours that our new jM ill IS COMPLETED and READY for WORK. Wo will pound Rico on Toll, guaranteeing satisfaction to all who may favor us with tlieirpatronage. We nro prepared to TURN OUT a neat job of TURNING cither in Wood or Iron. We also can bore out WHEELS and PULLEYS to order saving lime, troublo, and expeai? of sending to Charleston 6r Columbia. Wo have jusj put up a NEW LATHE for tho ahtrt purpose. We can supply NEW and SECOND-HAND STEAM ENGINES and all other M AC II IIJ ERV at tbe very lowest prices, and at short notice. CLEAN RICE at our Mill always Below Charleston Market Price. MEAL, GRIST, COW and DORSE FOOD at tho most reasonable Prices. o a k: and pine wood SAWED any LENGTH desired, und delivered to any part of the Town for tbe SMALL SUJ.I of $3.30 per Cord. Send along your Orders. We arc always ready to fill theta without DELAY. STRAITS & STREET. 0. H. CORNELSON Is now RECEIVING oac of the LARGEST and DEST SELECTED STOCKS of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS 8b SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, Crockery, Glass, Wood and Willow WARE. Also a NICE SELECTION uf | READY MADE CLOTHING, Which, having been bought with an to the HARD TIMES will be SOLD LOW DOTTH for CASH. FULL VALUE for the MONEY guaranteed, and an early inspection rcapeatfnlly solicited; No charge for showing good>;. Respectfully yours, GEO. II. CORNELSON. LOOK! LOOK! Do you want the REST GOSHM BUTTEE You ever SAW ? Do you waut the REST Lard, Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Pickled or Fresh Oysters, Sttpar Cured Hams, Potted Ham, Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Chewing or Stnokiug Tobacco, Segars, BOOTS OR SHOES GO TO BOYDS' At the Sign of tho GOLD ROOT. \ AUGUTU S FISCHER, Agt. HAS JUST RECEIVED AT THE ENTEEPEISE GE02EEY STOEE A full supply of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, aud is offering them VERY LOW lor the Cash. AT THE ENTERPRISE SALOON Will be found a full Stock of CHOICE LIQUORS of tho best fcrand?, att a large supply of tho REST BITTERS that am tuado. SEGARS and TODACCO of tho best grades. All in nocd of tho>4?bo goodsJwill bo dealt with right by calling oh AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agt.