The Story of the Wares. Tho moon's palo light is calmly beaming O'er Verdant Mope- and bosky vale, The dancing waters, brightly gleaming, Leap up to kiss our snowy Bail. flJw ltd* h; I ? ? Afar thoy keep a coascless beating Along tho eoho-hnunted shore, Tho same sad tale they koop repeating That they have told sinco days of yore. h I? veart: ?uo an ey murmur of two lovers, drifting Upon the bosom of tho lake, Whilo pencil fcays of moonlight shifting rVitfi silver fVoBt-work trace thoir wako. .*?d .WBO.Cl One whip ers lovo to ears that listen ..With tremblings as of balf-afright , tyhilo through their drooping lashes glisten Her eyes, like dew drops in tho light. Her volvet cheek now glows, now pnlcth, And flutters like a bird her breast; Her snowy hand nil idly trailcth A lily by the wavo caressed. Her lover's arm now close enfolds her, Their lips are wedded in a kiss; Close o'er Iiis swelling heart he holds her, '"All trembling with octatic blis3. Some lurking goblin saw their wooing, His bnleful eyes ablaze with hate, He sought to compass their undoing For envy of their happy state. Ho summoned to tho work unholy Tho slumbering demon of the wind, Ho, creeping from his cavern slowly, Like are assassin Bkulkcd behind. And pouncing on Iiis prey, he heaved them All'jholplcsi? to tho yawning deep i Themndlv-tossing wave received them, And closed above with angry sweep. The goblin soized tho maid and bore her Jn'triumph to hie dark abode : In vain her lovcrjlingercd for her Upon the beach with pebbles stewed. The woods and rocks with his lamenting Were filled from morn to fall of night; Tho waters cold know no relenting. Nor locked they aught of bis sad plight. And still the waves keep ceaseless beating Along the ccho-liauntcd shore, The same sad talo they keep repeating That they have told since days of yore. Items. p^Jf^sh Billings says: 'Tew enjoy a g?oa*reputat>hun, give publicly and steal privately.' An exchange asks: 'Wheredoes tho cotton go ?' We know where a great deal of it goes, but dou't like to tell. . The Western women have in a great degree Etopped praying in public and are making up their summer clothes. Saijd a justice to an obstreperous pris oner, on the dny of his trial. 'We waut nothing but czlcnce, aud but little of that. a A Dubuque man offers to go out pray .ing with, the siok at $3 per day; and adds:?'Or I will drive a team, break ffilte, or run a cider mill.' ? Tl^?Bkors of New York number '.oighfy less than two years ago, and they've got to throw away their single beadstcads or become an extinct seci. ? ^The resolutions of tho Iowa Farmers Convention d? no good. The bests siui ply; twirl their forelegs against their no sea saroastioaHyv When a young lady has to stay nt home from a party on account of a sty on her eye, it is useless to tell her that Providence doeth all things for the best. One of the meanest things a small boy can do is to put tacks in the chairs when he knows that young man is com ing to call on his sister that even 'Of course we couldu't have him roam ingaroupd/bcre and putting 0:1 Cou grcssional airs,' says :t Nevada paper in explaing how: a horse thief came to his end. 'Lord, what a cow !' was the approv ing remark of a teetotal judge of Ver mont after swallowing a poteut punch which had been offered to him as a glass oftojlk.. A gentleman met a half wittcd lad in the ton d. und placing in one of his hands a sixpence and a penny, asked him of which of the too ho would choose Tho lnd replied that 'wouldn't bo grco dy; he'd keep tho littlest. A young woman at Trenton, who was tjloeptng with-her feet hanging out of tho chamber window, was struck by lightning and almost torn to pieces. The other Trenton women have taken their feet in. \ A showman whose notices called for a le^ fat, boys tp 'feed hi? cannibals,' ro ceived a card.from a man saying that ho couldn't spare his boys; but ho had n good 'stall fed mother-in-law' that bo thought would suit. A Pennsylvania boy got so homesick that be walked seventy eight mi los with out eating in order to sit down onoo more at tho family hearthstone. He was receive^.wkb such warmth by his male parent, that) it v/ruj several days be fore he coula ift down anywhere. A rustic qouplo newly married, march cd into a drug store and callod for soda water, Tho obliging olerk inquired what-syrup they would bavo in it, when tho swain deliberately loaning over tho counter, replied: 'Stranger, money is no object to me; pnt sugar in it. A minister dpproaiohed amisohiovous urchin about 12 years old, and laying bis hand upon' hij shoulder, thus ad dressed him. -My son, I boliovo tho cLviihas got hold of you.' I believo he has, too,' was the significant reply of thetXKOfHn? iit.7 11 1'U. > dr. t. berwick legare, DENTIST. Graduate Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. OFFICE OVER STORE J. A. HAMILTON. July 4 1874 tf DENTISTRY. B. F. M?CKEXFiiss, Dentist, Of CHARLESTON, can bo found nt his OFFICE nbovo Captain BRIGG MANN'S STORE, on Rus sell Street. References?Dub. j. P. Pathick, B. A. Mcckknfuss, A. P. Peusrr, M. D., and Messrs. Pklkbr, Rodckus & Co. junoO 1874 tf DENTAL NOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure In announcing to bis many friends and patrons that he has PERMANENTLY LOCATED at ORANGEBURG C. H. Where he will devote bis ENTIRE TIME from every Monday until Friday noon, to the PRACTICE OF DENISTRY iu nil its Departments. Perfect SATISFACTION "guaranteed in all Operations entrusted to his care. Charges MODERATE. He will be found at Dr. Fersner's Obi Stund. Very respectfully, | A. M. SNIDER, D. S. may 0 ly A NEW Ii AW FIRM. HUMBERT & FORDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. OFFICE COURT HOUSE, OltANGEJiVJlG, S C: mar 14 tf _F. Gr. GREGORY" HAS OP AN ED a SHOP at Rigg's Old Brick Store for the purpose of Repairing Watches and Clocks. His work is guaranteed to give satisfaction or no pay required. He will be glad to serve his old customers and the public generally. Prices moderate, may 2 3m 1874 FOR SALE A GOOD PLANTATION in Middle Town ship. 400 acres. Finely SETTLED. House and Outbuildings all new. All under Good Fence. Plenty of Fruit Trees. Price $2000?half cash. A BARGAIN. Also 180 acres in same township; Saw Mill House, Gin and Grist-Mill. Never Failing Stream. Good for 5100 bushels toll Corn and (5 to 8 bales toll Cotton per year. $H0U? half cash. Also 000 acres in Charleston County, $U per acre. Also ;1()0 acres in this county. Pine land, well watered, $2 per acre. Apply to A. B. KNOW ETON, Land Agent, Ornngeburg C. II., S. C. mar 14 tf AUGUSTUS B. KN0WLT0N ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR at law, OUANGERVRG, S. C. July 8 tf Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! taylor & johnson, COI^TJjVIjSI A, S. C. Are prepared to furnish FIRST CLASS BRICK in any quantity at tho LOWEST MARKET RATES. Orders solicited. Joseph Taylor. Hkniiy d. Johnson may 23 tf J. FELDER MEYERS, TRI Ali JUSTICE. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will givo prompt attention to nil business entrusted to him. mar 29?tf A CARD. Dr. J. G. Wannamaker & Co., Respectfully call tho public's attention to their FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, on Russell Street, next door to McMaster's Brick Building, where can be found a well selected stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SOAPS nnd Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind and generous patronage is earn estly solicited. Dr. j. G. WANNAMAKER & CO. Dr. A. 0. DUKES Has just received a full supply of FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, &c. Also a lot of fine CIGARS and TOBACCO all of which will bo sold cheap for cash. sept 6 1874 1 If you want WORK DONE In IIouhc und Carriage Faint iiog go to J. A. WILLIAMS. Experience ?4 year*. RcmI dence on Market Street. jan 17 1874 13 NOTICE. DR. 0LIVER0S, THE DRUGGIST, Has a FRESH SUPPLY of TURNIP and CABBAGE SEEDS for Fall planting. All Seeds warranted. Read This! We are now DOING BUSINESS exclusively for CASH. WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTRY*;MERCHANTS. HOUSEKEEPERS AND FARMERS aro requested to examine our V STOCK OF GROCERY AND CROCKERY. &&" GOODS DELIVERED. TOSE & IZLAR. F. I W. BRIGGHANN N RETURNING MY THANKS TO MY PATRONS FOR THEIR LIBERAL PAT Ironngc in the paEt, 1 assure them thnt I will spare no efforts to please them in the urc. MY STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats. Groceriet, Liquors. WINES, <&C. All ftf which I offer as LOW ns any oilier house?SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Please call and satisfy yonrsolvos. No trouble to show goods. Major B. F. POU, M. B. S 1ST RUNIC, W. D. RISER and W. W. WOLFE are with me, ami will be ploasod to see their fricnii. ? KSSSEL STREET. J. WALlAcE CANNON, BEST. OHE APE ST Groceries, Liquors, Segars, To"b.;ccD Wo K, Crook HAVING OPENED A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, Rcsp ectftilly calls the attention of tho HOUSEKEEPERS and PUBLIC genendly to his WELL SELECTED STOCK of CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, BUTTER, LARD, BACON, HAMS, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SYRUP. LIQUORS, &C. septo 1874 Iv WANTED IMMEDIATELY! All the WOOL, WAX, HIDES, hOUGH RICE, CORN, PEAS, EtJGS, RAGS, &c, &c. To be had, for which the HIGHEST CASH PRICES will bo paid at the GRANGE STORE, Opposite where Whittemoro'a Sotp Factory used to bo. aug22 e 1874 BUSINESS Ii BUSINESS! WE WOULD INFORM OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS W?O HAVB 80 LIB ERALLY patronized ua for the pnat two yearn that our NEW j\t I Hi Ij IS COMPLETED and READY for WORK. Wo will pound Rice on Toll, guaranteeing Hat infliction to all who may favor us with their patronage. We are prepared to TURN OUT a neat job of TURNING either in Wood or Iron. We also can boro out WHEELS and PULLEYS to order saving time, trouble, and capons* of aending to Charleston or Columbia. We have just put up a NEW LATHE for tho ?be?? purpose. ?? ???*? - We can supply NEW and SECOND-HAND STEAM ENGINES and all other MACHIN ERY at tho very lowest prices, and ut short uoticc. CLEAN RICE at our Mill always Below Charleston Market Price, MEAL, GRIST, COW and HORSE FOOD at the most reasonable Prices. OAK AND JPITSTE WOOD SAWED any LENGTH desired, and delivered to any part of the Town for tho SMALL SUM of $:5.:50 per Cord. Send along your Orders. We are always ready to fill them without DELAY STRAUS & STREET. C. D. KORTJOHN IIAS A FULL SUPPLY OF Groceries, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. O. D. KO.RTJOHN. 6E0. H. CORNELSON Is now RECEIVING one of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCKS of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, SOOTS & SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, gy Crockery, Glass, Wood and Willow WARE. AFT Also a NICE -ELECTION of | READY MADE CLOTHING, Which, having been bought with an eve to the HARD TIMES will be SOLD LOW DOWK for CASH. FULL VALUE for the MONEY guaranteed, and an early inspection reipeetrwrly .??olicitcd. Nocharge for showing goods. Respectfully yours, GEO. H. CORNELSON. LOOK! LOOK! Do you want tho BEST GOSHEU BUTTER You ever SAW ? Do you want tho BEST Lard, Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Pickled or Fresh Oysters, Supar Cured Hants, Potted Ham, Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Chewing or Smoking Tobacco, Sogars, BOOTS OR SHOES GO TO BOYDS' At the Sign of the gold boot. AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agt HAS JUST RECEIVED AT THE ENTERPRISE GROCERY STORE A full supply of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, and ie efietiog tbMt VERY LOW lor the Cash. AT THE ENTERPRISE SALOOBT Will be found n full Stook of CHOICE LIQUORS of the beak brand*, s?4 a large supply of tho BEST BITTERS that am made. SEGA11S and TOBACCO of tho beat grades. All in need of the ab?**' goods will hi dealt with right by calliug oa AUGUSTUS FISCHER^ Aft.