The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, July 25, 1874, Image 3

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LOCAL, fJ. MEYERS, Assistant Editor. SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1874. TO REPUBLICANS? When ttio Ku Klux, around with brand aud bludgeon,, hunted the Re publicaus of the up country by night, through swamps and unto death?when our local authorities stood powerless in tho presence of organized murder aud ?rson, und the Fcniociatie party ua? ?appealed to, to put a stop to such crimes, thoy mocked nt our c .latnitioa and re f'u.?ed U3 any relief. It was in those dark, days that we appealed to the Na tion fur help, which was granted, and it was in this the winter of our discontcut that we swore to stand by the llepubli can parly and honesty. Now nu eleu tion is near at ban-', and it becomes us to look about ourselves. Republicans, have you forgotten the opposition o' Democrats to you? Their buruing-i, their murderings aud their blaokcr crimes ? "It is often fiippautly said that al! these ciimes aud horr. rs arc p issed, and it is absurd to attempt to a political party on the memory of them Perhaps so. Rut would it not be insane to trust a political party that could so readily forget thorn ? It is not magnaui nious, it is indeed hardly manly, to per secutc men fur sins of which they have really ?repented. Rut that is not re.pcn tance, it is liypocvasy, which profoi-sci to repent of sins and does not forsake them, but embraces worse ones. Such is the anomalous repentance displayed by the Democratic party. Tt never ccasrs to denuunee the Republican party fur what it has dune or is Irying lo do, but it straightway thunders with fiercer denunciations of what has not done and is determined sha'l not be dune. The moment Democrats forgot to decry Republican policies thoybogin to belie Republican motive!". For twenty years they doomed it: sufficiently npprn briotis lo call Republicans "Radical*;" now they claim lo bo radicals themselves and denounse Republicansns raseils. If that part y feels it to be unkind to remind it of its paFt career, how must it feel to'he ro.nindcd^,ti>r i'8 present atti tndc? Onco ils members profossed dis tinct principles; all thfit coul Ibe objec ted to them was that thoy professed the worst principles extant. Rut bid as they were, thoy were more becumin^ than this utter abjuration of all prtnei pies. You may not like to employ, biu you do not wholly despise, the zcahd who consistently asserts that sarsaparil la will euro every disease and so urges it upon every patient; but wh-> can re spect tho charlutati who petsiste itly cries to the sjck."givc me your moneyaml you may take what rcmelifS vou please?" And now wc are about to clict. n?w members to the Legislature. We earnestly entreat tho p irty in this County to send the best aud ablest Re publicans we have. But wo entreat. you not to send wire pullers and men who have no other object iu view but the emoluments of office. Thero is no use in electing Democrats, or effete Re publicaus. Give us the pure stuT, if you do mean to rotract tho past. This is the only way to t^o forward. It is sometimes said tho mission of the Republican party is accomplished, If by that no more is moant than th it the party has discharged every trust heretofore committed to it, we admit it. It has been thought when one was found faithful over a fow things th it was a good reason for trusting htm with rnt)ro things. Ct:n you do better than be instructed by such tin oxample ? Especially ?dnce you must employ either the party which you say has fulfilled every trust, or employ that only other party which has betrayed every trust. The occasion for political effort has noteuded. Other labors lie before you lighter perhaps, but not light. Ydu.have to see that what is done fdiall undine. Republicanism offers you the best security against re trogression. Then we say, on with the good work, und never stop until the mission of the Republican party shall hare been fully achieved. The Orangcburg News pledges for its help in the struggle. - ????1> ? ?. rmm i -?? Copying to aoy desired sizo by Echard. Straus & Street's new building is uearlyJU completed. These gentlemen are useful oituens to our Barg and thould he encowageJ. What soils for tho best old Holland giu that is sold by two-thirds of liquor dealers in 'this county is mado from French spirits, wator, oil of juniper, syrup, white wino ^vinegar, bluestone, New Eugland~rum, peach pips, with some imported gin for flavor. The surest poison in the world. Fine Cog nac brandy that sells for $12 a gallon, that overybody loves so much is made of French cologne spirits, burnt sugar, oil of cognac, vinegar, bluestone, Jamoca rum, honey syrup, port wine, French colongue and alum. No wonder so many die from drinking fine brandy. Aman would think it awful to swallow a small piece of bluestone, but don't mind gulp in'j, it down daily iu his flno cognac brandy. Wcaroiufor getting up a distilicry in Orangoburg whero nothing but pure old corn or peach brandy will be distilsd. And then we shall want the wagers sworn not to use saltpetre lino salt, fusel oil, blu*Stou? Every drink a man takes now a-days is an ad ditional naii iu his coffin. Some per sous compromise on ale. Well, that iu uine cases out oi ten is made or, diluted with, oil *f vitrol. strichuifte and aqua fortis. Lager beer contains a little malt, plenty of wator, a >mo inferior hops, rosin, tar, salaratu-f, soda with four differ ent chemicals to make it keep after browing. Success to tho Temperance Society of Orangoburg. Its war is against poison. OrdtrH takcu lor outdoor views, rcsi donees, by Echard The Columbia Union the paper tha t championed (lov Moacs' si la in the indictment ea^o, now comes out agaiust him in this wise : '?We believe Outer nor Moses can bo defeated without the least trouble, for his strength, in our judgement, lies wholly with a few political wire pullers in oauh county, who, to secure their own personal cud*, will join hau Is with any man, it mat ters not who he might be; but these men are by uo means go powerful as many believe them to be ? tht?y aro powerful so long an they arc feared, and no 1 Niger. Lot tho honest voters once understand how they are heilig made use of to further tho iutcr c?ts of d low designing mot, an I they will drop them in a mouiint." Wc will soon have ushered upon us the sickliest season of the year, and it should be the first duty of our Hoard of Health t i inspect nil the premises iu our town So far Ornngeburg has been healthy, but a neglect by the powers that be to watch after her sanitary condition may bring on fever, and many other ail ments. There is always something filthy somewhere where flies and mus are as plentiful and annoying as they are now. ? ????. - - <?? - ? Echard's photograph canopy is in town. ???. - ? <?? ? Tho Charleston Nem <fc Ooitriir there \a no doubt will support Moos There is another Domooratio paper in Charleston now, and tho News may be shorn of some of its strength* We all remembor that one of the proprietors of the latter journil haJ our U'n'>rolla under his arm whoa ho said t> Or. Hicks, "We don't caro a damn for principles, its the money we want." Tho Sun (for such is the new organ) may com* in for a dollar or two now. Why not 'I Augustus Fischer is tho coolest man in Orangoburg and keeps tho coolest drinks that mortal men ever tasted. Fischer swears that for every man that ii poisoned by drinking his liquors, he will s??er ten years bauishmont fro n his county. Under those circumstan ce, we those who aro athirat to give him a call. Ho has all sorts of groceries also. Go yo therefore, to Fischers aud liv o. Judgo Mackey at a Fourth of July oration, in Chester, said there are 100 candidates for Governor, any one of whom would steal the Lord's suppor. Judgo Mackey is among tho number of aspirants for Govornor and in our opiu ion would steal with one baud tho min isters shoes while with tho other he was flle'iiug the Lord's supper. "Wo aro in receipt of a full account of a meoting held at P. W. Smith's store on the 18tli June, from Mr. W. B. Logan, and regret that want of spaco in our columns crowds it out. Our friends will oblfgo us very much by making their r.ccountscf meetings short, as wo have not tho room to publish length}* articles upon any subject. Ecbard remains only ten days. Mr. riarpin Riggs has a twenty aero field of corn just below Mr. W. It. Jones that will average thirty bushels of corn to the aero. It is better oared than any w* ever saw in this County. Mr. Riggs is a successful planter, aud believes iu manuring highly. It pays. For a Binall sum the grass and weeds in the Court Ilouso Square could be cut down. What do the county gentle men who compose tho B jard of County Oomtnis.icuers wont with them to hide it from their friends! no, of oour.s! tut. There for what ? Henry Sparniek rJsrj., editor of the Aikcn Tribune aud C*D. Hay tic, Sena tor of Aikcn County have joined tho tax unions of that couuty. We have no such Republicans here. Will either of them <jo to congress. Didn't the Burbons have a nice old time over the remains of the Bank of the Stttc? Oh, 3-c vily fellows you ! What is it that you will not do ? Borrow money, steal money, aud swear you never got it! Phew ! One largo picture set in SxlO frame for 82 by lvchard. W. 11 Jones of Georgetown is goin^ for Bowley with his gloves oIF. That's right. If such men could be run out of the country, we would bo hotter off, and especially would Georgetown Coun ty be be.ucfittcd. The second game of the series be tween the Kdistocs and the Indepen dents1 was played ou last Tuesday, re sulting in the defeat of the latter; Both clubs played splendi ily. 2 Yictotia pictures for SI, by Echard. Senator Andrews, th e Editor of this p iper, has been Confined to his room at his residence in this flace for ten days past. He is suffering from a hugt? boil nhiob prevents locomotion. Mr. Fzekiel's new store is progres sing rapidly under tho practical oyi of Mr. Luther Ransdale. When finished it will be a handsomo an 1 roomy estab lishment. Thoso who bavo returns to make to tho County Auditor should do so at once Beware nf that penalt y ! Once added you will have to pay a lawyor ton dol ars to get 3*oii off. The Nr'ws Ofliee returns thanks to Cel. A. D. Frederick for a very fine Water- roellon We had a tremnn lous rain an 1 wind storm on Tuesday last. Our streets were overflown with water. We are exceedingly gratified t> leirn that Mr. Wallace Cannon is con vales cent. 4 carte, tie visile pictures for 81 by Echard. Dr. A. C. Dukes Ins just rojeived a fresh lot of fine candies. Tho beaut iful oak trees at oak villa are dead. ' Cursing is tho order of the d ij nv.v in politics. COMMERCIAL. MARKET BEPOHTS. Office of tub Oranorruro: News, Ju1y24th, 1871. COTTON?Sales during the week j') bales. We quote : Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,... llftl'jj how Middling. 1:!J(#* Middling.. .>.1 I.'/, | Houun Rick.$1.60 per ousbol Corn.$1.15 per bushel. Cow Pcas.00 to 1.10 per bushel I'-m-iiks. 1.16 per bush d. Mr. Isaac W. Hayuo roplios to the lottdr of Mr. James J>. Campbell, but, as Sir Charier? Coldslrcam was accus to med to remark. 'There is nothing in ii I' . He evidently feels that lit is rid ing tho wrong horse, probably a "liai son's choice," and doe3 not feel comfor table in the saddle?in fact Mr. Camp bell saddled too many charges upon him to permit him to feel comfortable, and the tonor of the reply shows quite clearly that the "galled jado" winces. We must confess to a measure of dis appointment in reading this later effu sion, for wc had made up our mind that something spicy was coming, an 1 had pictured to ourselves a calm ^looking on while the glorious Democratic trio, in imitation of the two Kilkenny eats, were tearing themselves to pieces Evidently the strong blad of Mr. Camp bell has quite taken the courage away from his adversaries, and "if this is so ?then, perhaps?yes, perhaps, hinc Ufa tuvhrymnc." We will not despair, however, for there is yet another to be hoard from, wlion, perhaps, our ;bright dream will be realized. For how can a man re?ist crying out under such a blow as?"Mr. Miles is a man of cducutod culture; of parts far above tho average ot educa tctl men, an able lawyer iu the higher ranks of tho profession accustomed to refined and elevating assooiatious;" \'how nice !) "and yet with all these helps and inducements towards true nubility of character, so fixed has been the original smallucss of his soul that his aspiration have not risen high enough to discard the ignoble ambition to bo a subordi mite in the service of maudlin mcdioiri ty nieancss and malignity"' (How bad !) ?vh?t'lest?n Chronicle. NOTICE ES IIKHKKY UIX en that thirty days alter dale I will lilc my final accounts as Administrator of the Estate of Sylvester Dcuipsoy, deceased, and ask for niy discharge as such Adminis trator. JACOB S MO A K, July 11th, 1874. Adm'r. Sheriff's Sales. lly virtue of Sundry Executions to mo di rected; 1 will sell lotbe highes', bidder, nt Ornngcburg C. II., on (lie Ft MST MON DAY in August next, FOR CASH, al the Right, Title and Interest of the Defend ants in the following Property, viz: All tbe stock ot* Furniture, consisting of Rcdsfehds^Chairs, Tables, Wnsbstauds, kc. Levied on as the properly of Girardeau k t'ik.. at- the suit of (Jco. 1>. Stacy ,v Sou and others. Sheriffs OHiee, ) E. I. Cain, Orangeburg C. II., S. C, > S. 0. C. Julv l?ih, 187 I. j July lb* 31 Vf.OTICE.~All. Pomonn llav TN ing demands against the Esiato of An drew.J. Hydrick, deceased, anil all persons Indebted io the said deceased, will pr?sent the same properly attested, and make pay nie!?! to my Attorneys, Messrs. l/.lar & I)il> ble at Orangeburg, S. (.'., on or before the eighth day of August A. 1). 1874. L. LAURETTA V. HYDUICK, Administratrix with Will Anuoxcd. july 11 187 I -It Executor's Sale of Real Es ate. lly leave of tho Court of Probate we will sell through the agency of the Sheriff who will execute the title, for cash, nt Orange burg Court House, on the 3d August next, two hundred a-:rcs of land, purchased by I us under Judgement of Foreclosure on a Debt due to Testator, situated on waters of Santee River in tho County of Orangebitrg, and bounded by other lands of the Kstatc ?f J. A. Parier. Purchaser to pay for Sheriff's title. W. R. PA REEK, J. 15. SINOLETAIIY. Executors of the Will of july 11?:!t J. A. Purler. NOTICE. "OFFICE COUTY AUDITOR, OitAN'ncnt'na County, S. c., June 10th, 1874. Notice i? hereby given that from on and after WEDNESDAY, the FIRST DAY of JULY 1S7I to Thursday tho twentieth day of.August, this Office will bo OPEN lo re ceive the RETURNS sf Real and Personal Properly of this County. Tax Payers are requested to have a Correct List of tho different Classes ot Lands, as follows: Number ?f acres of Planting Land. ?Number of acre:; of Meadow and Pasture. Number of aces tf Wood Land. And number of Buildings. Each tract of land must be returned separate in the Township where it lies, and at tiic saiae time they will make Ibeir re turn of Personal Property, Moneys and Credits. Taxpayers arc urgently requested to bo prompt in making their returns, as the Law requires me to add a penalty of 60 per cent, to the Real nnd Personal Properly of delin quents which in every instance will be done JAM KS VAN TASSEL. County Auditor, june 13 1874 U MOSELEY & COPES Has just received a FULL SUPPLY and VA RIlJTY of TURNIP SEED from the C olebrated Seed House of David Landretb ' July 1 1 1374 4i TARE DUE NOTICE THA.T THEODORE KOH?T & BRO. Are now CLOSING OUT their en tire Stock of SUMMER WEAK to make room for the immense Fall Stock Which their Mr. HENRY KOHH is Purchasing in the Northern Markets. GO TO YOSE & IZLA? And "buy your GrRO OERIES, and thus save yourself the trouble of pricing elsewhere. VST GOODS DELIVERED. MONEY SAVED MONEY EARNED! The HEAVY DECLINE in ALL GOODS in MY LINE enabled me to make very FAV ORABLE PURCHASES ilming the past week, and I now invite the Public to not only a. COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS but to n STOCK that MUST DE SOLD within the next THIRTY DAYS. To accomplish a SPEEDY SALE 1 have thrown the entire stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEGARS On the Mnrkct CHEAP for CASH. It will ccrtninlg be to YOUR INTEREST to call and EXAMINE before buying else where Goods shown free of charge. Special attention is called to a PURE PEACH BRANDY. C. 3D .KORTJOHN. PBOCLAMA TION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Executive Department, j Whereas, by a joint "resolution of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, entitled "A joint resolution to re quire Edwin I. Cain, Sheriff of Orang*eburg county, to give a new official bond within ten days after tho passage of the same, oth erwise tho said oflice to be declared vacated, and it shall be the duty of the Governor to order an election to till said vacancy." Ap proved December 20th, 187:1. Ami where as, official information has booen received at this department from the Chair man of tho Hoard of County Commissioner* for the said county of Orangoburg, that the said County Conaiuissionors have not re ceived any new official band as she riff of said county since the passage of the paid joint resolution. Now, therefore, you, mid each ofcyou, are hereby required, with strict regard to tho provisions of tho I constit ution and laws of the State touching your duly in such case, to cause an election to be held ia tho said county on the. FIRST TUESDAY following tho FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER NEXT, to fill said vacan cy . All bar rooms and drinking saloons shall be closed on the said day of oleetiou, aud anv person who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on said da}' of election shall bo deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con viction thereof, shall be fined a sum of not less than One Hundred Dollars, or be im prisoned for a period of not less than one month nor more than six mouths. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto c my hand and caused tho arcnl seal of the State to be affixed atColumbinj this 21st day of March, A. D- 1871, and in tho ninety eight year of American Independence. By the Governor. fju s.] FRANKLIN J* MOSES, Jr. II. E. IIaykr, Secretary of State. J. FELDER MEYERS, TRI Ali JE STIC F. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted te bim. mar 20?tf Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT J. Wallace Cannons ALSO LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AJCD CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, FRUITS, &c. All of the above goods are offered at PRICES to suit the present tight times, jan 81 1H7-? DENTAL N?TICE. The UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announcing to bis many friends and patrons that he has PERMANENTLY LOCATED at ORANGEBURG C. H. Where be will devote his ENTIRB TIME from every Monday until Friday noon, to the PRACTICE OF DENISTRY in all its Departments. Perfect SATISFACTION ^guaranteed in all Operations entrusted to his car*. Charges MODERATE. Ha will be found Ml Dr. Fersner'a Old Stand. Very respectfully, f A. ?i. SNIDER, D. 8. may 9 ly ' NOTICE. Thompson II. Cooke, Ex'r.,"l and Complaint Jane M, Zcigle*, Ex'x. of the Will of for Daniel Zeigler, va Injunction and N. E. W. Sistrunk, Adm'r. aud others. J Relief. lly virturo of an order made herein, the Creditors of tho lato Daniel Zeigler, are hereby required to present and provo their several demands before tho undersigned at Orangeburg C. II., qp or before tho j 15th July next, or the same will be debarred payment. C. B. GLOVER, Referee. Ornngcburg, C. IL, June ?th, 1874.-?8t ltoad Notice. Notice is hereby given that in three months from this date, the Board of County Commissioners will appoint Special Com. missioners to Lay Out and Open a Publie Road, leading from Howe's Pump Westward to the Orangeburg nnd Charleston Road, near tho plantation of John 8. Bowman, unless in tho meantime cause be shown to the contrary. By order of the Board.??? GEO. BOLIVER, C. C. CanVrs. j County Commissioners Office, May t4tb, 74.-9 3m.