The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, July 04, 1874, Image 3

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LOO A. Hi ._ SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1874. Wo cKpoct, on or about tho first of Juno, and on through tho dog days, to publish a series of articles Iroua the poo ?of our old correspondent "Deo in 'tho Fork," on the versatility, whatever that is, of our uativoyouug Governor. Those who aro not subscribers and desire to reap a rich harvest of information, bad better subscribe at one. "Wc hayc been having too much rain here for the past week. The l?iilikcutu hole through some of the bridge's in the Fork last week. Wo noticed yesterday morning that jiork was on the rise on Russell Street. Dublie installiceut of officers of the Teniperuiico Society Monday night. Dolitics are boiling over. Ice iu de mand. U S Commissioner C S Hull is pre paring a list of U S jurors. See first page for interesting read ing. Mr C V\ CuldwcU Says he is no can didate for office, but his friends insist on bis going to tho Legislature Wc are much obliged to our friend John R. Coburn for his good wishes Will be net gives us a 1< ttor weekly 1 There arc two Rase Hall Clubs iu Lewisvillc, one Colored and one White. Any challenge from that quarter? Mr. F. P. Heard is running a stun ning paper in Cunideu. Success to him. Farmers in Providence Township arc burnt up. "Earthly immortality is n very pre carious thing."?News it* Courier. Not as much so, though, as the hon esty of the Broad Street whipper-in. We wonder where so many men get the name of Major and Colonel from. There must have been a war iu this country in times past. Who knows. Mr R Fj Clark, at Lewisvillc, has finisbcd his hundsomc new store. Mr Mustard now occupies the place hereto fore used by tbe former. it..-it 'lho patrons of Mr Mcllichnmp's school are lpouestcd to meet in the school room Monday afternoon at five o'clock. From tbe ^independent tone of the Wilmingtou \Tbip-nal ono would infer that turpcutiiio;; had gone up. Tar healers happy* ^ It is thoughVthat Shaffer, the editor of the Waltcrboro Weirs, will be elected to the Semite, lie will be in tlic right place. The J'hcnnix can't be getting mujh pap these days to judge from the way in which it goes for the Republican party, lias Selby no clpinis for Woodruff and Jones to approve ?' The 'Phoenix was threatened with hy dVophobij^ ou seoihg tho Oraugeburg NKWS of last Saturday. We are pleased to ?nnouace, howovcr, that S. is still -?livlp with his greys. 1 sic ptct-ent Treasurer has not yet iiundfc bis settlement with Comptroller (Ocrscral H?ge. He was to make it by ifhcuirst but^iled. Walter melons nud peaches wore iu rtbvfn'Lhst week. Nineteen men were iSent^t'rt' tho hospital. It will pay ?not to be too greedy. The Town Ccui cilwili levy a special ?tnx foipty^a?^Am^tteot gossipers. They ? canT live on wind, aud therefore clturi ity ?ust help them. Powell Coolrt, XEsq., was iu 'Ormigcburg on Mquday^Lust. Says ho isJVcndly for u/c camp*oign. Has laid a supply of quinine and Hostellers' fitters. Powell's iu dead earnctt. Tilton and Bcccbcr aro having a ti lfc. Let them fight it out. A ffoma n'a at tho bottom of it. Don't some of our readers want a big puff? Send us along some peaches or a water melon then. Our "devil" will not mail your papers regularly if you forget. Mr. Wallaco Cannon will announce something which will bo to the benefit of his customers in our next'issue. He's a goed boy aud getting rich fast. A Lawyer's name would have Buffered fearfully at the last term of tho Court if the Judge hadn't caught somebody's CYC. Lot Republicans remember Branch villc aud one tenth of a mill for oduea tional purposes Roads and bridges down there aic all right, but education must bo smothered. COMET FIRE Co.? Wc have received au invitation tobe present at tho celebration of th< above named company to day at Sunny side. '1 he Milometer of tho political weight and standing ol each political aspirau t in this couuty is kept by tho Clerk of the Court, lie can be seen from 1) to 1 10 A. M. each day. Parties interested | will take notice. The total value of ;.ll taxable proper ty in Amclia Township is ?401,880, and in Bruuchvillu ?300,000. The former place levied a tax of two mills, while the latter has ouly ouc-teuih of a mill Only S30. Good-by John. Our friend Sparuiok gets up otto of tho bent inland papers in tho St'lto lie hud to light his battle in Aikctl single handed, but his SUOC3S3 shows that ho was too much of a match for his nppou cuts. There arc some men running for i fiice that we will not support. All the liquid silver aud gidd in their shield of Achilles, could not win for thorn the support of this paper. When the time conns, they will kno.v. uNulF sod;" FOR TER HO USE STE. 1K? Wo have been informed that Mr. C II. Green has made arrangements to supply our citizens with choice beef at least throe times a week. Green is a good butcher, and drosses his moat with tasto. .iMMB . * ? -ll'P' A Democrat tho other day said he could not get over passing a certain Radical. ^V a learn that tho former owes for his shanty, his clothes, aud h is not paid his grocery bill for seventeen mouths, while the latter is sound in every respect. Anybody doad l I low many good fellows in this Couuty iuvoited in the Academy of Music I'interpiis'j and lost their mmoy? Beware then of the (Langes, a simi lar thing. How will you get your three and five dollars back ? It will "bust" up in a year with somebody rieh. Good for Joseph. Mr. G. Willie Baxter and Mr. Paul Gibson, having formed a copirtner ship, arc doing things up in stylo in the beef lino. Our citizous have now au opportunity of buying every moruing a nice picco of fresh and sound bcof. No sick cows aro killed bv them. They oiler nothing stale. Mr. C. D. Kortjohn is doing a lively business. Keeping ou hand all tho timo the best of groceries, the purost of li quors, ho has won for himself tho pat ronage of the people. Dick is deserving of everything ho om got, because there is uo more industrious and honest mm in this County than ho is. The chairman of the County (Jommsi sioners says ou the outside ol this paper", "Wo intend to remain hero until our term of oflico expires." If langu igo means anything, and our chairman .hasu't got hydrocoplialus, the Board contemplates moving shortly. On tho bunks of.the Lualaba und Kamolohdo rivers, near tho great Nile, would be a gou l place. No gorillas thorj. Chief Justice Moses flourished a pitcher over the head of Associate Jus tico Wilard last Saturday. Wilard doesn't know tho law good, and tho old Chief thought of knocking somo iuto his head with a thrco pound pitch er. A large picotiug will be held on Sat urday uight next at St.Stephen's church. Friends in that section mean to beat the enemy. Speeches arc expected from Senator Andrews, Mr Unliver, Mr V 1) Bowman, School Commissioner Mc Kinlay, Mr J Felder Moyers, Mr W N Mount aud Mr J II Liviugstou. ER It A T'l Vi lli the article on emigration on first page there are several errors which the reader will plese correct as ho reads? "inclcvaut" ought to read irrelevant and "under a Southern Sou, is galling and imitating," road, under a Southern sun is galling and irritating. We have every reason to bcliavo that at the next meeting of our Town Conn - cil the ordinance to prevent hogs from running at large in our streets will be ratified. Wo have borne this nuisance and insult to deconcy as lung as it can he borne, and wc would advise owners of this kind of stock to take time by the ' lire lock" and shoot out or sell out. Our town ami vicinity has been visit ed with frequent heavy rains. The crops, in consequence, are looking lino. In fact, the prospect for fine crops on au average, in this county, are at least one-third brighter this year than last. '1 here has been planted less cotton and more small grain, v. hich is a cheering answer to the "whinnying'' of half fed plow animals. ST 111 CK ?Y LWHTXIXU? A house at' the Brickyard of dpt. Edwards iu this place, was sttui'c by lightning on Tuesday afternoon last . Two colored men standing ill tho door were knocked down, one of whom was stunned for a few moments. "The im mediate attention of Capt. F.dwards soon rallied thorn, and they weut'their way rejoicing that matters wore uo worse. I'RRSOXAI.? Judgo Thompson II. Cook?, of the Highlit Judicial Circuit paid us a short visit during 'the last week, and was the I gue-t of Judge Andrews The Judge was looking remarkably well, and upsets, in another column, the news paper idea that he concurred with Judgo Green, in that advertisements, of an official nature, paid for with privato funds, could bo publishod it. a ny news paper. The school meeting at lira nchvillo levied a tax for school purp >sos of one tenth of a mill wh ich will bring thirty dollars '1 his \? a practical qicutus put upon schools. \\ here were tho leading Ra \ publicans of that place on that day? ! Did they conspire together and rcsolvs to shut the schools up ? Wo pause for an answer \.hile poor Branchvillc is to go without a school for twelve months. 'fax payers arc making their returns to County Auditor Van Tassel, as re quested by his notice. It will save time aud trouble for every one to come up at ouco. The manner that some p;;o pie have of staying off until the las; moment wont do any longor. The Auditor must make out his books, aud sluggards had better rub their joints with kerosene and make for Van Tas sel. HAIL STORM? A very destructive hail storm passed over a .section of our couuty, in tho neigh borhood ol'our town Saturdiy l ist. Tho fine crop on the plantations ol Mjsir.s. Sam'l Fairoy, J J Fairoyand W Sandel were literally beaten into* the grouu I . Crops promising thousands of dollars in a few minutes were compbtely de stroyed. Wo tender to these gentlemen our sympathy, all a p^or editor has to offer. The peoplo of this School District mot at the school house on Saturday last, and levied a tax of one and one half mill for school purposes, and one half of one mill for back indebtedness. The statement of Senator Andrews, one of the Trustees for this District, was clear and satisfactory. The Senator promised that as long as he had any thing to do with the school fund, he would see thai a fair expeuditure should he made. for oranger uro? We understand that Doctor Webster will Boon commence the publication of u paper at the Clafliu 1'uivorsity, for the purpose of advertising the advantages which Orangeburg, as a desirable and healthy location, can boast of. Wo wish the Dr success and advise our citizens to-assist him. One hundred Northern visitors here every winter will leave with us not less than fifty or seventy Pvo thousand dollars We ask a careful perusal of the article on Emigration from M. L. B., in this issue, lie knows exactly what he is talking about. Your Hoard of Directors may meet and pass resolution after resolution, and oiler what you may think to bi gr-'ttt induce incuts to the poor Emigrant, to wend his way thither, but until you tender him th i social status that he enjoys at home, and meets with in the groat West, your efforts will fail to a large ext'.-tit. When we can see ourselves as others see us, 'twill Irom many u blunder free us. Dr. T. Berwick Legare has r.turned from Tennessee, lie is 0:10 of the best tlcutist in the State, and we cougretu Lite our County upon his return here. Teeth have decayed since he left. May he sonti fill up all "the cavities in tin' County. Those who desire his servio 1 will lo him a favor by calling upon him assootta as possible us he has professional ap pointments at other places in the State The Dr. can bo found at his former office over the Store of Capt J. A. Ham ilton. ta.y i/xiox of oraxgj: raii*v- J sj//r? Was organized by the election of the following officers : Pirs?fent ? W. M Hut son Esq. \ivc~l*rc*itlcnt-?Rev. 1 S K Lcgare. X relary?T l> Boyd Es \. Treasurer?J C I'ike. /?.'.<?. Committee?lion .1 W Mos cloy. F H W Briggntunu Esq., James S Hey ward Esq. Application for membership must be made * to executive Committee. The price jof admission tu membership is fifty cents. The Examination at Mr. Melli chump's School, came off on Friday the 25th instant. The Parents of the Children aud a low visitors were pre sent on the occasion. The Examina tion showed clearly that the motto adopted by Teacher and Children was : ?'No step back-ward." It was found here to be a harder in ittor to discrimi nate than at the Exercises th.; evening previous. We have heard but on 3 opin ? ion in speaking of Mr. Mcllichnmp's SchooL?and that it is so eon 1 to none in the State. At its resumption (tir>t Monday in September next), we venture the assertion that it will bo/A: school of our thriving town. Those persons wno are not in the habit of stargazing are possibly not aware of the fact that a new comet, has put in an appearance. It 5b situated in tho northern heavens, just beneath the polar star, and near the Great Dipper or seven stars, and is said by tho knowing ones to be just visible to the naked eye. With the assistance of a spy glass, it can. be seen as a nebulous mass with a bright point a little to ope side. It is now visible nearly all night, but will soon bo so only in the curly hours of tho evening. Astronomers say it will bo brighter in August, but that its tail v. ill be clearly \i.ible in a short time. LAWYERS NOT TAXABLE? Tho Circuit Court of Russell County, Alabama, decided hist week [that tho Slate law requiring a license from altor ncy? is unconstitutioual on the ground that the profession being a franchise, as decided by the United States Supreme Court, in tho Garland test-oath case j which is granted through the State Judiciary, its exercise cannot be sub jected to Legislative or municipal re- ! strict ion, which might become prohibi tory. Mow many lawyers in this place have paid such lax? The Town Council had better call an extra meeting and recon sider their action in the matter. How about it Pink V We only say Rink because the N of late affected a j tremendous Qimiliu ity with our good and popular Mayor. Only this au 1 nothing more, may it please your Honor. Wc notice that Senator T. C. Andrews has taken charge of the Orangoburg Xi:\vs, and is to be assisted by Mr. J. Felder Meyers. It is a lively and read able paper, and we trust that they will never let its shadow grow less. ? L xuiy ton Dispatch. HASE BALL ISM? To day tho contest between tho "Caro linos" of tho city of Charleston, and the "Oranges" of this town comes off. There is a deep interest felt in tho result. Our boys are not easily daunted but this battling with old veterans, by raw "mclish," is enough to make thorn stand j steady by 1 .reis^nobly won. Tho "Caro iinas," hence, will find the capture of their foe no easy conquest. There is a bet determination, wo can soo it in the face of every ono of our base ballists, to send these "cbampious of the Palmetto State" back to tboir sea girt city on the fly. We say, do your best, boys. If yott get whipped there will be no dishonor, Tor the "Caroliuas" have made older l"ballist.s" bite tho earth, aud you have to aid you, the smiles aud good-wishes of all the ladies. God bloss 'em ! We see that tho Orangeburg Nuws lias gone into the editorial m wngoanat I of lion. T. C. Andrews, assisted by J. I Folder Meyers Esq. This is a good pair I to draw to, and the first issuo has the j ring of the true metal. It propojej to i assist reform in the party and by the I patty. Good euough !?WaUcrboro' I A* 'ws. TOSE & IZLAR And "buy your GROCERIES, and thus save yourself the trouble of pricing elsewhere. Z- .7 ? GOODS DELIVERED. 5 o. y Ii AS AN ENDLESS STOCK OF NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and GROCE Which ho is offering jit CHARLESTON COST PRICE NO HUMBUG! THEODORE KOHH & BRO. Are now offering a SPLENDID ASSORT- I MENT of ? n all DEPARTMENTS, including goods of FOREIGN und DOMESTIC manufacture, comprising every novelty and specialty of Ihu LATEST IXTRODLViTOX. GREAT REDUCTIONS have boon made from last months' prices, and particular at tention is called t?* a few items quoted below, being a FAIR SAMPLE of the general at tractiveness of our exposition. JUST RECEIVED 350 PIECES CHOICE CALICOS -WHICH IVB SELL AT . 10 cts. per Yard, All WARRANTED PAST and CHOICE COLORS. R It OWN and RLE ACHED SHIRTING ore now sold cheaper than before or since llio w ar. Do not purchase any SL IT or DRESS MATERIALS until you have cxaminod our Superb nssorlmont of DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS. BLACK GRENADINES, WHITE GOODS, kc. RIRRONS! RIBBONS!! RIBBONS!!! At marvellously Low Prices. Most beautiful SASHES in real [toman, broken and Scotch Plaid. GROS GRAINS in all shades. LADY'S SUITS in Latest Styles and in Splendid Variety, will bo offered at roajjy Alt ^ Ctive prices. A fine assortment of CASSIMERS TWEEDS, LINEN'S, JEANS and COTTON AD LS Our ROOT and SHOE Department com prise the best gocds made for Ladies, Gents and Children. Our usual Stock of Gents Summer CLOTH ING, HATS and Furnishing Goods is very attractive and greatly reduced iu prico. Selling strictly for ??VSH, and our facili ties for buying being unequalled, wo assert that we are the Cheapest House in this Town, the TROOF of this is open to all who favor us with a call, and &u inspec I lion of our good*. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. NOTICE. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Of Ornugclnirg. MOSES M. DROWN, tho Durber, pledpc? himself to keep up with tho times in all iuc Into Improvements, as Iiis business is suffi. cicnt to guarantee the above. He will bo round at Iiis Old Stand ever ready to serve bit customers it the shortest notice. api 11 oO Take Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OtlANQEDUna COONTT. 1, Hannah Marcus, wife of Miebncl Mar i'ii.', of the Count" and Stato aforesaid, shall hcncefortli carry on business as a free trader, at "Jamisons,' in the said County. IIA NX AH MARCUS.St June 6 1874