The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, June 27, 1874, Image 5

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_ ?- - - - - Charity. IN 1niqu1tt." ?'llEJOICKU'^rr 13 ot RUTH A HG V i.K. Why should w? o'er delight to hear About another's wrong? How swiftly diro temptation's tido Hath borne their souls along .' They may have struggled long and hard E'er ovil evorcame, And thaj began to tread apaoo The downward road to sham*. h3 ? ? They may have been forsaksn quite By all who should sustain, And then discouraged, sick, nt honrt, They found their effort3 vain; And what if willingly they fell, Nor cared themselves to 6iivc, What if they runhed in madness on Nor heaven's help did cravo ? TVc also have too often sinnod And grieved the heart of God, And rccklcFBly, with stubborn souls, Dark path of guilt have trod, "^h, mo.!"?if God skouldjjjlook on us, As we have looked on them, If Ae should be as Btern to judge As ready to condemn, Wo ne'er might hope to reach that land Whore Satan hath no power To send a soul down quick to death In some unguarded hour; Nor think to join that bacsscd band Of saint1*-so pure and bright Who, in our dear Redeemer's blood, Dave made their raiment white. A IMscoinfitcd Lover. A correspondent of the Augusta (Gcq,) Constitutionalist, writing from Barnjwell,to that paper, gives the follow ing little incident,: Tho young ladies and gents of Barn well, indulge to a considerable exteutin moonlight promenading. On one occasion last week, it was my good fortune to have a pieec of "calico" swung to my arm, wbilo just in advance of me was a youth noted for his admiration of the beauty with whom ho was walking, as also lor His bssbfulness. We bsd net "cue far however before we overheard the follow ing dialogue, which is too good to allow to go by: Youth?Dora, love, how often will you force me to confession before giving me a decisive answer. Damsel?George, I will answer ycu to night, if you wish, and torture you no longer. Youth?(frantically pressing her hand to bis lips)?Now, angel, now. Tell me; will you, oh ! will you to mine ? Tbecouplc stopped ; and the beautiful though cruel maiden after laying her head on ber lover's shoulder, and raising her eyes, "twinkling like two diamonds in the skies/' replied, with a Voice as low and sweet as the Summer zephyrs : George, father says the season is so sickly, that I musn't take anything green! ItClllH. A German Jew was eating a pork chop in a thunder storm. On hearing an unusually loud clap, he laid down bis knife, and ferk and observed* "Veil, did any poty efer hear such a fuss about a little bieoo 0? bork ?" A Nevada lady recently took unfair advantage of hor husband's unusual in diligence in a bath to elope with another man, and tho bereaved one expresses his conviction that she had been await ing the opportunity for months. A Danburian, who was in New York Saturday, eamo up with tho wild state ment that he had soon a hotel clerk with side whiskers. That is more of a lie than one man should undertake to tell. Hair growing on tho cheek of a hotel olerk ! Scat! Without faith men would have no more history than a flock of sheep. There are thirteen granges in Chester county, "John, I wish it was ns much a cub torn to Boll wives as it is to sell horses. '"WhyHO.Pctor?" ;"I'd cheat somebody shockingly before night." Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT J. Wallace Cannon's ALSO ? LIQUOUS, CIGA11S, TOBACCO, CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, FRUITS, Sec. All of .tho above goods arc offered at PRICE*? to suit the present tight times, jen 31 1671 DR. K J. OLIVEROS DRUGGIST, Again desires to return his ORATEFUL THANKS to tlio public for the maguaniuKua und liberal SUPPORT given him. *By as siduous efforts and faithful performances of the RESPONSIBLE DUTIES dovolving upon him as dispenser of MEDICINES, ho hopes over to maintain ihoir confidence und patron ttgO. F. 0. GREGORY IIASOPANED a SHOP at Rigg's Old Brick Store for tho purpose of Repairing Watches and Clocks. His work is guarantcod to givo satisfaction or no pay requirod. He will bo glad to serve his old customers and tho publicjgencrally. Pricos moderate, may 2 8m 1871 .A. CARD. Dr. J. G. Waimaniaker & Co., Respectfully call tho public's attention to their first class drug stork, on Russell Street, next door to McMaatcr'a Brick Building, where can be found a well selected stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SOAPS and Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind and generous patronage is cora cstly solicited. Dr. J. G. WANNAMAKER & CO. Road Notice. Notice is hereby given that in thrco months from date, the Board of County Commissioners will J appoint Special Com missioners to Lay Out and Open a Public Road, leading from Rowe's Pump to Howe's Bridge, known as tho Swamp Road, running through the lands of M Robinson, Dempscy, W C Rccyos and William Asn, unless in the meantime caime be Bhown to the contrary. By order of the Board. GEO. BOLIVER, Clerk County Commisfionors. County Commissioner's Office, May 4th, 187J.?'J :hu. Ii* you hare More Lund than you can PAY TAXES on, Register it for sale at the LAND OFFICE of AUG. B. KNOWLTON. A NEW LAW FIRSI. HUMBERT & FORDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T Ii A W . OFFICE COURT HOUSE, ORANGES VRG, S C mnr 14 tf LAND AGENT The Undersigned has opened an OFFICE for the SALE of LAND. Persons having REAL ESTATE to dis pose of will do well to register the same for sale. LARGE FARMS subdivided and sold iu cither LARGE or SMALL parcels. GOOD FARMS for sale at from $2 to $.*> per acre, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Orangeburg C. II., S. C. nov 13 f If you want WORK DO\E In House and Carriage Paint ing go (o J. A. WILLIAMS. Experience 84 years. Keai dence on Market Street. jun 17 1>374 13 jFOjR SALE A GOOD PLANTATION in Middle Town ship, 100 acres. Finely SETTLED. House and Outbuildings all ricw. All under Good Fence. Plenty of Fruit Trees. Price $2000?half cash. A BARGAIN. Also 180 acres in same township. Saw Mill Houbc, Gin and Crist- Mill. Never Failing Stream. Good for 300 bushels toll Corn and 6 to 8 bales toll Cotton per year. $800? half cash. Also 600 acres in Charlostcn County, $3 per acre. Also 300 acres in this county. Pine land, well watered, $2 per acre. Apply to A. B. KNOWLTON, Land Agent, Oraugeburg C. IL, S. C. mar 14 tf J. FELDER MEYERS, TRIAL JUSTICE. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. mar 29?tf AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON attorney and counsellor AT LAW, ORANGEBURG, S. C. july 8 tf Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! TAYLOR & JOHNSON, COLUMBIA, S. O. Arc prepared to furnish FIR8T CLASH PRICK in any quantity at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Ordora solicited. Joseph Taylor. liiKnv p. Johnson may 23 If GOOD GARDENS to be had by buying your Garden Seed* and Onion Sets from . E. EX EH I EL, who gets all his Seeds front the Celebrated firm of 1). Lan dreth A Son. Nv B^?Members of Granges will be supplied at Orange prices* jan 10 4t We w Prints JUST IN have received a LARGE ASSORTMENT of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Besides a LARGE and VARIED STOCK of other DESIRABLE ARTICLES Too numerous to montion. All of tho above will be sold at TRICES to buU these prossi ng timed. Call and examine. No trouble to exhibit goods. THOMAS CARTMILL GEO. H. GORNELSON la now RECEIVING oao of the LARGEST and BEST SELECTED STOCKS of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, Crockery, Glass, Wood and Willow WAR E. Also a NICE SELECTION of READY MADE CLOTHING, Which, having been bought with an cyclo the HARD TIMES will be SOLD LOW DOWN for CASH. FELL VALUE for the MONEY guaranteed, and an early inspection respectfully solicited. No charge for showing goods. Respectfully yours, GEO. H. CORN ELSON. NOTICE! The Copartnership of J. W. PATRICK &. I ,,.?_,,.., , mwutauiA? tiirai CO., have this day been dissolved by mntn- ? The AUCTION and COMMISSION BUSI al consent . AH indebted to the firm will | NLbS will be carried on by the undersigned make prompt paynicul to J. W. Patrick. J. W. PATRICK, LKLAND HAGOOD. at the Old Stand. J. W. PATRICK. I ILL* MAKE A SPECIALITY OF BACON, FLOUR, HAMS & SUGAR, THIS SEASON. Also on hand a full STOCK of FANCY GROCERIES. Just received a fresh lot of CHOICE CANDIES, FANCY CRACKERS, LEMON SUGAR, LEMON SYRUP, CANNED STRAWBERRIES, PEACHES, &c. J. 8. ALBERGOTTI, CORNER RUSSELL-STEET AND RAIL ROAD AVENUE. MONEY SAVED MONEY EARNED! Thr HEAVY DECLINE in ALL GOODS in MY LINE enabled tot to make very FAV ORABLE PURCHASES during the past week, and I now invite the Public to not only a COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS but to a STOCK that MUST BE SOLD within the next THIRTY "DAYS. To accomplish a SPEEDY SALE I have thrown the entire stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEGARS On tho Markot CHEAP for CASH. It will ecrtninlg be to YO?R INTEREST to call and EtfAt?vN?"before buyrhg clsc whoro. Goods shown freo of charge. t@r Bpeoial attention is called to a PURE PEACH BRANDY. C. D. KORTJOHN. F. H. 1 HAS RECEIVED A FULL STOCK OP SPRING GOODS Which Jic is offering nt J,,^,, ^?priceH. FAIR WARNING TO AIL ! We would have &onsuraors of RICE to know that our MILL is ebon! porf ttV i'%, that we CAN and do GUARANTEE to SELL CLEAN RICE ^ Below the Charleston Market Price HD At our MILL. -JA JE' Pontons dcBiring it we will furnish them RICE weekly at their doors in any quantity, or nt the MILL every day. We also keep a full supply of FRESH GROUND meal and grist On hand, BOLTED aud UNBOLTED, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. rice flour for stock With CHEAP GRADE8 of HORSE and COW FOOD. oak: and rine wood SAWED any LENGTH desired, and dclivcd to any part of the Town for tho SMALL SUM of $3.2"? per Cord. Send along your Orders. We aro always ready to fill them without DELAY. STRAUS & STREET. LOOK! Do you want the BEST GOSHEU BUTTER a You ever SAW ? Do you want the BEST Lard, Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Pickled ot IjVesh Oysters, Sugar Cured Hams, Dotted Ham; Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Chewing or Smoking Tobacco, Segars, . ^1 ?OA/Vflf* ATI GO TO BOYD8' At tho Sign of tho GOLD BOOT. W I ??I I ? B SI : > ? fcq. 5 tri * ft) S H S> q a. 0 3 t> "' S ^ CO Q 1 M co a td H r 02 b> ? hi o P O Q O > i?< H (XI H 0 H % 0 H W > c ? D >-rJ 173 ~> B- CO H O H 3 cj IP g 03 N w Q 0 ? o 5 o 2*. ~ a o * o p "*? 3. E". B S g. E o 3 -?> f c c s g w CO H 53 ?3 CO es a 3 ta AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agfc HAS JUST RECEIVED AT THE ENTERPRISE GROOERT STORE A full supply of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, and is offering thorn VERY LOW tor the Cash. THE ENTERPRISE SALOON . a .?^^r**s*^sW Will be found a full Stock of CHOICE LIQUORS or the best brands, and a largo supply of the BEST BITTERS that am uiado. SEGA US and TOBACCO of the best grades. All in neod of the abj9*? goods will bo dealt with right by calling on AUGUSTUS FISCHEH, Agt. ? ?. .mkmmmmimmkwmmmp* DUKES' HOTEL ft?SSELL-STREET, ORANGEBURG, 8. C. ? The Subscriber takes great pleasnro in announcing to his FRIENDS and tho COM MUNITY that he has 01'EN ED a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, at the Large Residence rocont ly occupied by Mr. llano Wannamaker. Comfortable Accommodations, a Bounteous Table aud Courteus Attention aro Gusranteed. jsn l*-3? j. w.H. DCKES.