The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, June 13, 1874, Image 3

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THE OUANGEBURGr NEWS ?KOKCiE BOLIVER, Financial and Busixesb Manager. Olli vial Paper of the State and of Ornngeburg County. AST" THE ORANGE BURG NEWS HAS . A LARGER CIRCt/L ATI ON THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE CO UN SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1874. Indictment of the Governor Quashed, and Struck from the I>ochct. ?Jud-o Graham issuod his order oti the Slh iost., quashing the indictineut of Governor Moses, aud striking the same from tho docket. The order is a very nblc oue, aud docs much credit to Judgo Graham. Judge Carpeuter in his chargo to the Grand Jury of Edgcfield Couuty last week speaking of tho new license law, and instructing tho jury n-s regards their consideration of applications for license, ?nid that now-a days, as a gener al thing, no real liquor was sold?hero nor anywhere cLe in this country There wttB no brandy, nor whiskey no gin. Everything of tho sort was a concoction of poisons?water, prusic acid, strychnine, &c. And that men wcie very often not drunk, but drugged or poisoned. He therefore, urged upon the jury the importance of being careful sind conscientious in . tho matter, i. e. giitutitig licenses only to persons who they felt sure would not carry the diu nue poison business too Inr. . [ For Tin: "OBAKOEnnuR.a News."] Care of Children's Teeth. Mr. . Editor.?Thougji there arc many wiso, and many foolish and many pretty thiug8 daily thrown to the breeze of the literary world, giving informa tion on every possihlo subject, telling you how to cat aud how to drink, what to do and what not t,o do, giving you the Alpha and Omega of almost every thing that wo cau possibly couccivc of, yet there is ouo subject which has cer tainly been seriously neglected, and as it concerns the children, 1 know I shall ^'ncd^Mr^BBHHHLa> of caution nutyou^iro very particular that your child should appear, both at Iconic and abroad, with its lace and hands as clcam as a lilly; its dress ueat and un soi'.cd; its walk straight and erect, its behavior cxamplnry?all of which is light, yet there arc parcuts, tc be num bered by tho thousands, who never for one moment bestow one thought on the care of their tender child's teeth. Tho very instruments and machinery intruded by a wise Creator to sh'eld us from diseaso aud pain?keep tho body healthy aud strong, preserve tho com plexion aud beauty, and to carry us to mature old age?arc passed by in utter neglect, aud iustcad of performing tho i'uuctious for which they were intended, are permitted to become iustrumehts of paiu, impairing tho health, distorting tho foaturos, beauty and symmetry of tha faco, and often bringing tho poor ehild to an immature gravo. Thiuk of a . How few know anythiug about the care and preservation of children's teeth? and they never take auy paius to learn, but leave all the pains for the little ones to bear and Buffer. Tho fact is too well knowu, wbon children arc cutting their first, or milk teeth, us many tired moth ers, after many weary, sleepless nights, can testify. Hut the period soou passes and tbey "bless their stars" that their child has got through teething. May I say to you, fond mothers, that tho campaign is not yet ended, nor is your child yet through teething, ucithor will it bo uutil it is twclvo or fourteen years old, and that your care about its teeth is not yet to bo dismissed, but redoubled. Ao soon as tbo first teeth urc fully erupted, teach your child to 'clcanso them every night beforo retiring to rest with a soft tooth brush, which will keep lood from depositing itself on and bo twecu tho teeth, v. here it would other wise remain, decomposo, and geuoratc an acid which will prove very destructive to tho teeth. Many children loso their teeth prcmuturoly. This should not b o allowed. It is mpsf^^ortaut that every ono of the temporary tooth should be preserv ed sound in. its place until it has fulfill ed its mi:;;ion, which is to, give the child something to chew with, until tho permanent red is completed, and tho jaw sufficiently expanded to receive them. 'Jhcn, if the process of nature bns {.one on undisturbed, the roots of z.-:-'-~-$r~- ' >tbe formor will bavo been absorbed or taken up as food by the latter, aud they can ho easily removed without the aid of any instrument, thus remaining to tho very last, to koep the space open- blear for the permanent sett to como iu proper line. Nino tenths of parcuts havo tho idea that the first teeth ought to bo ro . moved, in order to ninke room for the second; and when they discover that the teeth arc becoming loose, o?' they pull far the dentist, to have it extracted, but, if he is a roau of experience or honor, (tho latter ho should possess a good degree of,) he will tsay, "No, na ture is performiug a far superior opera tion than I caa perform; lot nature's arts alone, But wo often find the root absorption goiug ou improperly, aud the second tooth is seen coming through the gums, either inside or outside the pro per line, while tho first still remains in its place. In all such cases a good den tist should bo consuked, who will kuow exactly what to do. All irregularities iu the teeth should bo corrected while tho child is quite young, and before the law becomes hard and unyielding. I i The, best time for leg lating the toeth is between the ages often aud eighteen years. Timely inspection of the tooth will olteu save tho little oues much suf firing. Barents should examine them weekly ' and should they feel incompetent to rely solely on their own judgment, let them consult some practical dcutist. Toothache is the offspring b.:gol!cn by cnicloseness, ignorance aud neglect, and ho. is a troublesome little devil. Thousands of dollars are annually ex per.ded for extracting filling and iuscr ting artificial teeth on plato, which might have been avoided if right care had been bestowed up >n them i;? early life. Fathers, buy your children brushes. Mothers, teach your children to use the tooth brush every night alter ciinnni* -in,! ?illot?? tli Ant t *\ ?t-?f nnt It ! n ir copper, unu .nai no*iiiu0 more for the night, after brushing tho teeth, for decay commences oaly nt night, when the tongue is still and the saliva ceases to flow, and when once the habit of cleansing the teeth wjII is formed, it is formed, for life, and will be a constant source of comfort and happiness. The following taWo illustrated au up per docidcrous, or temporary set of tcot Iv Thoy aro twenty iu number, ten in> each juw, and are known* by the following Hy uidp"L~ in the ""order"I given: ? Two central incisors erupt between 5th aud 8th months; two lateral incisors between 7th and 10th months, two ca? nines or eye teeth between the 12th and 16th months; four molars bc.weou th e 1-ith and 39th month | The lower teeth arc known by the same ramcs, and appear in tho same order, preceding tho upper by a few weeks. Children have four large mo lars, or jaw teeth, that, if they lose, will never bo replaced. They erupt between the fifth and sixth year, and should by all possible means, receive cloio attcn lion. The following table illustrates an up per permanent set of teeth. They ara thirty-two iu number, sixteen in each jaw, and are known by the following names, and erupt usually iu tho order given: Two central incisors erupt between Gth aud 7th year; two lateral incisors, between the 7th and 9th year; two ct nines or eye-teeth, between the 1 Ith and 12th year, two first bicuspils. between 9th and 10th year; two first or six year molars between 5th and Gth year: two second molars, botwoen 12th and lith year; two third molars, or wisdom, between 17 and 25th year. The lower teeth are known by the same name aud appear in about the same order. Bespectfully, | A. M. SNIDEll.D. S. Oraugeburg, S. C, Juno 1874. The author requests the New? it' Courier to copy. The Itcsult. There will hardly como again in the history of this Stato a pnriod in which so many political mistakes have boon mudo ns in the years that have gone since the war was over. It is uino years niuco Appomattox. In those nine years wo have reached a doplorablo conolusi m . There can be no doubt of tho fii et that the State, to use a homely expression, is in u bad row of stumps. It is a fluid lull of nut grass, joint grass, crab grass , and every other kind of vegetable aud animal obstruction to a good political crop uext fall. It will nood tho deepest kiud of ploughing and tho most careful kind of cultivation. How the laud has become so Bour and unprofitable, it mny bo tho business of tho Grangers to in quire. It may bo bocauso we hare por :-it-ted iu planting in OUT public offices cnbboges without any head, us shado trees uudor which, "fro iusist...that the peoplev aliall- rest and bo happy. In looking back, wo nr.vcompelled to seo" | some tilings that wo would not sec. Wo nro compel led to t>co that the opposition,, had everything in their hauds, and, like Othello, though not quito hd high ly# colored,. JUhrew a pearl away richoojU, than all' its tribo." The Government at Washington did not insist at oncq upon tho full fruition of its complotfTj victory. It re e?'abli-?h?d civil govern ment almost boforc tho smoke haitl cleared, and placed its administration in the hands of tho old rcr/inic. It did not' give the frcedman the vote, and thd" Legislature of 18G3 was as muoh liko^ tho Legislature of 1833 as if thoro had been no conflict. Thcro wero two olo mcuts which that Legislature ought to1 have conciliated as a matter at least oU policy?tho Congress aud the frcoduieti. If it had yielded to the dotnauds which it must havo known would be ciiforcott,] a different state of things might hive"' ensued, but how much better or worjjc^ wc are not prepared to say. That Lcgi#-' laturc insulted Congross, aud alienated', the country by tho indignant rcjectif?s. of the constitutional amendment, ltj likewise outraged and alarmed tho frcaiW mau by the BUinmary enactment of thef Mack Code. Congress became worthJ and,' in tho plenitude of iti powor, ilijKtf missed the Legislature and re-establish ed a military rule. The Federar*] authorities determined to have a Legis lature that would at lea it accept tlw situation and incorporate in tho S'.:it?*j Constitution the results of the surrender. In answer to the vote against the fuujr tcenth amendment, Congress ?lissolvctT^I the civil establishment. In reply to tilc Black Code, it L'ave the IVeednien unqualified suffrage. The opposition laughed both to scorn. There was so?rff*| thing of heroism, it is true, iu refusing, under any circumstances, to consent ti'j tho dislranchiscuieiit of their comrades iu firms; hut there was any amount, of | folly in ridiculing the credit and vitality of the new order of things. What had conic was inevitable, and they knew its. | but instead of making the best of it, they persisted iu making ihe very worst of it. The pearl "richer than all its ?tribe" was iu their hands, an l they threw it away in high disdaiti. Thrf stranger came, picked it up ana polisho^j it on obc side consider ibly. He cairn and in coutempt of Scripture, toe the in in and evcr^lunjr alii tu-?' in uis way. "What else could you cc poet him t:> do under the circumstances? It was one extreme against the other? the extreme of political fully ami mad ness against the extreme of political inexperience, running recklessly into ruin and corruption. The one had sacrificed a ;-ddon opportunity*, the other has sacrificed a goldau uublic reputation. Both sides are now satisfied that neither extreme will do, aud that some plaiik will have to be saved from the general wreck upon which we ran all stand, with sonic tried Republican at our head, whose nomination will be a security for the integrity ol tho party in the State and the honest and econo mical ndmiu'e-t ration of its public a'lairs ? Union-Herald'. Tho Charleston News and Courier of yesterday has the following item: "OUTtlAG K ami llOItltEKY.?.1. W. ilow'ell, of llranclivilre, cunc to this city about a week ago, aud, not being familiar with city life, was soon in the meshes uf plausible sharpcis. They induced hi in to take more drinks than ho could stand up under, and than car ried him to a lot iu Liuguard street, where they laid him down and pullod off his clothes, which, with his money, ihcy stole. Howcll was found in a half nude condition and lukcu to the Guard house. Kvcr sitico the affair was com mitted thu detectives have been trying to find out who perpetrated tho robbery. Yesterday they arrested James Cor coran, Win. Bcriigiin and Hubert Drew, upou whom strong suspicion rests. They will bo turuud over to a trial justice to day, when their caso will be examined into." The Mexicans mid Indians are muk itig serious trouble on the Rio Grande. Several murders have been eommitted, many ranches robbed, and largo numbers of oattlo driven across the river into Mexico. It is feared that tho worst is J yet to conio. A II onolulu paper says, in regard to our financial panic: fjQ ka oioi ioua a kc ku ana a hoopku he leo hooholo Amorieanul o ap aku iu na ono kanaka, oia hoi na hoalc me nil liuwaii e kamailio imna o ua liulawa ha; na hoohlra ta mea. " There docf uot occur to us, at prcsont, any objection to be offered to those views. When asked by n friend at tho Fifth Avenue how sho liked her new name, ehe was ablo to pucker up her pretty mouth enough to say that 'I tis Sartoris factory,' und her friends feel a calm eon fidence that after that she cannot be sea sick.?Julian Anjmtian Silbyan. A fair und buxom widow, iu Port land, Me., who hau buried three hus bands, recently went with a gentleman , who had paid marked attention in the days of his atidolesccncc, to inspect the graves of her dear departed. After contemplating tho'tn some minutes iu mournful silence ; She murmured to her companion, "Ah! doe, you might have bceu in that row, if you had ouly had a little more courage." A few days ago a hungry party sat down at the well-spread supper of a sound steamer, upon which one id'the dishes contained a trout oT moderate size. A serious looking (dividual drew this dr?h toward him, saying, npologcti cally, "This is fast day with me." His next neighbor, an Irish gentleman, im mediately inserted his lork into the ti.-h and transferred it to bis own plate, re marking, "Sir, do you suppose nobody has a sowl to be saved but yourself?" A singular natural curiousity is found at Sadawaga Pond in Whitinghatu, Vt., consisting of one hundred and fifty acres of land floating on the surface of the water, covered with cranberries, and even sustaining trees fifteen feet high. When the water is raised or lowered at the dam of the pond, the island raises and falls with it, and fish are caught by boring a hole in the crust and ?ahing down -as through the ice in winter. A himilar island once existed in a small lake near llangor, Maine, and there are many tuch in Southern Florida. NOTICE OFFICE CO I'NTY COMMISSIONERS, OitA.Mir.u rno Coi'Kty, June 8lh, 1ST4. Notice is hereby {riven that the County Commissioners will LET OUT to the LO\Y EST BIDDER, nt the New Rridge near Branchvillc, on the first clay of.Inly next nt 12 o'clock M., llio Contract for Building two Small Bridges, situated iu tno forks of tho Ed ist os near the said New Rridgo I Contractors to jzive bond with security for performance of contract. If'. Hy m*it'??- rtf n?-.-.--'l ('"??Mity t V|i' ?m i MQIOO ers. CEO. BOLIVERi Clerk of Board, junc 11 ot XOTICi: TO TBACll?ltS AXI> OTHERS. OFFICE <<>., SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. OitANOKUUitu Co., June Slh 1874. All persons having claims ngninsl the Courty of Orangchurg issued through this Office nre hereby requested to havo them rcgislorcd in accordance with an net of the General Assembly, before they will be paid. The timo for registration is limited to July t>th 1871. K. K. MoKlNLAY, Co., School Commissioner, juno la 1871 ".t Delinquent Taxes. All persons who have not paid their Town Taxes and Licenses, arc hereby notified that tho Penalty has been attached, and unless settleU by (lie 20th, executions for the same will be issued against nil Delin quents.! By order of Council. KIRK ROBINSON, J( lerk of Council. junc !:'. 1^71 2t NOTICE. [OFFICE COUTY AUDITOR, OttANnimrm; County, S. C, Juno 10th, 1871. Notice is hereby givon that from on and after WEDNESDAY, the FIRST DAY of JULY 1*7-1 to Thursday the twentieth day of August, this Office will bo OPEN to re ceive i ho 1! KT URNS of Real and Personal Property of this County, 'fax Payors aro requested to have a Correct List of tho different Classes ol bands, as follows : Number of sores of Planting Land. Number of acres of Meadow and Pasture. Number of aces of Wood Land. And number of Rnildiugs. Each tract of land must be returned separate in tho Township where it lies, and at the fame timo they will make their re turn of Personal Properly, Moneys and Credits. Taxpayers aro urgently requested to be prompt in making their returns, as tho Law requires me to add a penally of f?0 per cent, io the Rral und Personal Property ?f delin quents which in every instanoe will be done JAMES VAN TASSEL. County Auditor, junc 13 1874 tf Lost. Lost nt St. Georges' Station S. C, R. R., or St. Georges Church a HAIR BRACELET with a MINIATURE in tho OOLD LOCKET. The finder of which will be suitably reward ed if left at thi:< office. ihsy MO 1871 tf NOTICE. OFFICE CO. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, OuAMar.Dritd Co., S. 0. Orungeburg, June 8th, 1874. 'I'lie attention of School Trusteas, and tho Resident Voters of tho Several Districts of this County are hereby dirootcd to the fol lowing extracts frem Chapter 3'J Sections 18, 14 and 15 of the General Statutes of the Statu : ??Sbc. 13. An annual meeting of each School District shall be held on the lust Saturday of Juuo of each year at 12 o'clock M. .Notice of tho time and place boing given he the Cloik of the Board of Trustees by j osting written or printed notices Jin three public places of the District at least Lao dnys before the meeting. Special meet - tags way be called by the Hoard of Trustees or by a majority of the legal voters of tho District; but notice of such Special Meet ing, staling the purpose lor which it has been called, alialt bu posted in at least three public places within the District tin 'flays previous to the time of such meeting. And no business shall be acted upon at any Special .Meeting not specitied in said no tice."' ?^Skc. 14. Ehe following persons shall be entitled to vote at any District Meeting, viz: All persons possessing the qualifica tions of electors ns defined by the Constitu tion of this State, aud who shall be resi dent 8 of i he District, ut tho time of ottering to vote at .such meeting. 8kc. 15. The inhabitants qualified to vote at a District Meeting lawlully assembled ?lull liavc power to by tax in addition lo the amount apportioned by the State to their use, mich further sums of money ns they may deem proper for the support of Public Schools, scud sum not to he more than three dollars for every child iu the District between the age of ? und IU, such sums ot money lobe need ns shall be agreed u pou at the meeting The Clerk of the Hoard of Trustoes of each .School District in accordance with the provisions of Section 13 are hereby required to issue no*ices of said meeting. F. It. Me KIN LAY, Co. School t'ominissiuncr. june 13 3t The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF OIIANGKBURG. In the Ccuht of I'iiobatj!. I5y AUGUSTUS 11. KNOWLTON, Esq., Judgo of Probate in said County. Uli KHK AS, Ephraim II. Craves hath made suit to me, to grunt him Letters of of Administration of the Estate and effects i of Lueinda K. iieiiong, iaie of said County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ?11 and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and ap pear, before me. ut a Court of Probate for the said County to be holden at Orangcbiirg, on I he ?_".tih day of June 1S74, at 11 o'clock A. M., to show cause if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and tho Seal of Court, thin 8th day of June, Anno Domini 1874. [L.S.] AUG. It. KNOW ETON, 1'robate Judge, O. C. june 13 2t Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL concerned that on the Sixth Day of July. 1874, I will tile my final account as Administratrix ol the Estate of the late LAWRENCE D. CLAK, deceased, iu the Probate Court of Orangeburg County, and will petition for my final discharge Orangebitrg, 8. C. Jnne 3, 1874. ROSA V CLARK, Administratrix, Est. L. D. Clark. June C 1874 It ]^ENTISTRY. It. 1 . RIUCKJB^FIISS, 5>cntis(, Of CHARLESTON, can be found at his OFFICE above Captain BRIUG M ANN'S STOKE, on Rus sell Street. References?Dns. J. P. Patuick, It. A. Mi ckkm t:ss, A. P. Pki.zkr, M. D., and Messrs. Pklxbb, Rouobrs k Co. june ? 1874 tf Take Notice. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, O u a NU in V no C i > U S t V. I, Hannull Marcus, wife of Michael Mar cus, of the Count" and State aforesaid, shall henceforth carry on business as ? free trader, at "Jamisons,' in the said County. HANNAH MARCUS, june 0 1874 lit NOTICE. Thompson II. Cooke, Ex'r., ~1 and I Complaint Jane M, Zeigte**, Kx'x. | of the Will of tor Daniel Zciglcr, vs I Injunction and N. E. IV; Sistrunk, Adm r. I aud others. j Relief. Ry virturo of an order mado herein, the Creditors of the late Daoiel Zeigler, arc hereby required to present and prove their several dcinauds before the undersigned at Orangeburg 0. II., on or before the loth July next, or the same will be dobarrcd payment. C. B. GLOVER, Raforea. Orangeburg, C. II., June Oth, 1874.?8t . A.d in i nistrators Sale. Ry virtue of nn order of the Probate Court, I will sell atOrangoburg C. H. on Thursday tnc Eleventh day of Juno A. D., LK74, nil the perishable property of Dr. Fur nr. mere Fkhhxkr decased, consisting Household and Kitchen furnnture, Dental Tools, Dental Chairs, Buggy and Harness ke. ko. Terms, Cash. May 25th 1874. JOS El? II FER8NF.R, Qualified Administrator. may 30 1874 3t Bricks! Bricks! BRICKS!!! THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that ho is now pro pared to furnish RRICKS in any quantity. All orders will meet promptattention. J. C. EDWARDS, juuo 5 1873 tf Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! TAYLOR & JOHNSON, COLUMBIA, S. O. Arc propnrcd to furnish FIR8T CLASS BRICK in any quantity at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Order? solicited. Joseph Tavi.oii. IIknry b. Johnson iniy 23 tf ESTATE NOTICE. All persons having claims against the Estate of Lewis II. /.immorman. deceased, will present the same pro| erly attested, and thosu indebted will make payment to TIIOS. E. RlCKENBAOKBdl, April 11th 1874. may 10 J874 lm i_-? ? Jf c- ??; i ? =?'/ rv.I A OAED. Dr. J. Gr. Wannamaker &Co., Respectfully call the public's attention to their FIRST CLASS DRUG- STORK, on Russell Street, noxt door to McMnstor's Rrick Building, where can bo found a well' selected stock of MEDICINES, TAINTS, O 1LS, SOAPS nnd Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind nnd generous patronage is earstr: estly solicited. Dr. J. G. M'ANNAMAKER & CO. DENTAL NOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED takes pleasure in announcing to his ninny friends and patrons that he has PERMANENTLY LOCATED jit OR AN GEB?RG C. II. Where he will devote his ENTIRE TIME from every Monday until Friday noon, to the " ? 0 ' ?.?>???-* <*?4.v PRACTICE OF PENISTRY i <% li. ? . i Art i in nil its Departments. Perfect SATISFACTION ^guaranteed in all Operations entrusted to his care. Charges MODERATE. He will be found at Dr. Pursuer's Old Stand. v. Very respectfully, ? A. M. SNIDER, D. S. ?may 0 ? .?-y.-.s \- vi-.'^At if1** _? lload Notice. Notice is hereby giycu that in thrco months from date, the . Board of County Commissioners will "appoint- Special Com missioners to Lay Out and Open a Public Road, leading from Howe's Pump to Howe's Bridge, known ns the Swamp Road, running through the lands of M Robinson, Dcmpscy, W C Reeves and William Ash, unless in tho meantime cause be shown to the contrary. By order of the Board. GEO. BOLIYF.R, Clerk Conhty Comnaisfioners. County Commissioner's Office, May 4th, 1874.?0 3m. ?. , ~ < ? a, ? ? .. li -r. < A 3VE?V LAW Flft.?V? HUMBERT & FORDHAM; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T E A W . OFFICE COURT IIOlJSl?, OllAXGL'BVKC, S C mar 14 tf PROCLAMATION^ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Executive Department. { ).f Wiikreas, by a joint resolution, of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, entitled "A joint resolution tore quire Edwin I. Cain, Sheriff of Orangcburg county, to give a new official bond within ten days nftcr the passage of the aaino, oth er r. isi: the said office to be declared vacated, ami it shall be the duty of the Governor to order an election to fill said vacancy." Ap proved December ?iOlh, 1873. Arid-where as, official information has 6seen rocotved at this department from tho 'Chair man of t)i9 Board of County Commissioners for the said county of Orangeburg, that the said County Commissioners have not re ceived any new bind as siie riff of said county since tho passage of the said joint resolution. Now, therefore, you, and each of you, nro hereby-required, with strict regard to tho provisions" of tho constitution and laws of the State touching your duty in .such caso, to causo an election to bo held in tho said county on the FIRS^T TUESDAY following the FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER NEXT, to fill said vacan Cy_ ttscooA iMktsri&M?,? All bar rooms and drinking r;iloons shall bo closed on tho said day ot election, and anv person who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on said day of election shall bo deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con viotion thereof, shull bo fined a sum. of n~eV less than One Hundred DotlslrsV 'or tse^'Itn prlsoned for a period of nOi less than 'on* month nor more than sis months.? ($d* tt.e. In testimony w.berepi, I.,have horeuato. e my hand and caused tho areat seal of thr Stato to be affixed ntCelaa bin, this 21s! day of March, A. D- 1874,ana Tn HTt^cty eighlyear of Amerlean%fnde^#fhie1iWl4 *** By the GoTeTnor. 1^? ?4!i Waul ?d? ? A [i.. s.] 4 RANKLJH dwMOaiS^r. ? U. E. HxYM.,.Scqret%ry <y ATTORNEY AND COUN?R? AT L A Wj| OIiANOEBVIt?lr U. <? july 8 tf