L O C A T, ._ SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1374. ! B?M Ball U ?11 1,10 rag* at present and lome of onr boys arc hard to beat at thia popular gam*. - mm'fr ?? Gaorgo Boliver wants to see ull the 'VCpuoty; Orders and Jury Tickets by the 25th. Dc you intend, to pay thaw all, Georg? %fiA ? \ i ?????-? ?n - Gapt T A Jeffords will please accept oar thanks for tho most .charming boquct We hare seen fur many u Ionjj; day. Capt J has the b^st flower garden in drangeburg, by all odds. #-;, h ?? .?I'oitBisster \\ illian.H runs his office no?; a days just n ) ublio ofliee ought tu be run. II? has the best place in Town for such an ofliee und Muds an able atsiltaut in our young friend J. Sheldon Dull. To get good Soda Water uul line ?*gar? go to Dr. Dukes Store Air. Oberrod Beeves will tuke pleasure in aecou.niodatiug you with a fine planta tion or any other one of the choice .brands of Cigars at the most reason-bio prices. ?" Mr. Ifey ward's night sohoul supplies a ?want which has long been keenly felt in this community. Two great requisites for successful teaching uro possesj-id by Mr. Heyward in an unusual degree, lie knows what the scholar wishes to hnin?nnd he knows how to impart his knowledge. Our young wen who have but a superficial education will do well to avail themselves of tho opportunity for improvement now offered. Tho Swultrp Angels arrived at last. A Bat? Ball Club is orginizod in Orangehurg and is styled, The Swamp Angels of Omngoburg. The following angels Were elected to govern the Club : 2*)-esidcnU J G Vosk. Vice- President. T ft Hot it. *"' - Srcre''try.. ?3 ISki.ton O lIk-t it.an-is, p . - Treasurer* ' V^ tJ ^. k ?? ?? ? ffi/nrectftjr*. i 3 at R W J'oucs. 3* E MentzeU ?'3d W V Brunson, 4th J W Gun. litst Trmrsflay Trial Justice BroWh Wig, acting as coroner, ftield an inquest If ^"Hp.a.n the body, of a young colored mau who had "been ran over by the down ?train of the night before, the wheels ^passing 'oycr and breaking the ibone of iths right leg, a little above the ankle, ?causing a profuse hemmorha;re front "Whioh the poor fellow died three or four Utonrs aft-er tho iajary. The deceased *aid he wan from Camden, and that his annie was {Andrew Brio-bane, but his antecedents uro unknown. It is con jectured that he had fallen upon the (rack wh?cendeavoring to obtajp a free tide. Tiho jury lound a verdict in uo ... .??rdanee with the facts. Dra Legare and M Salloy were in at Innce ghortTy after the accident and "'rendered every aid in their power. Dr. Frederick S. Fersncr, one of the p'\ r^13kst and most generally estetmed of f ' our citizens, died last Saturday after a ? 1?B5 and painful -illness. The burial ? "i^rvifefl on theMondny following wore jaore than usually s-tletnu and impres Mvc, The R*v. Mr. Campbell delivered . an able and feeling address iu the Methodist Church, aftor which a l irgo ( body of Masons from the Orangeburg *jpd 8t, Matthews Ledges formed in pro cession, and bore the rumaius to the ?i."f?pisc?pal Churchyard, where they were u committed to their last resting place With all the imposing ceremonies of Masonry?Worshipful Master IZlar reading the sublime service in a man a#i ?A t ? ... r s t' ? " , / acr whieh touched deeply the hearts of she assembled friends and brotlierho d Tho anmorous relatives of the deoeased ittMx*tr-imt wamsest sympathy in thoir gr*ai affliction. Eminent Men of Science havoedi* sovered that electricity and magno tkta are) devoloped tu the system from the iron vt th* blood*. This accounts for Abe debility, low spirits, and lack of ocorgy ? person feels when this vital clement becomes reduced. The Peru ' f ho 8yrup, a protoxide of iron, supplies th ? blood with its iron clement, and is tlto only form in which it is possible Tor it to enter the circulation. State New? A joint stock company is boing form ed to build a new hotel in Greenville. Last woek over 2 200 fowls were re ceived iu Greenville from Hay wood county, N. 0. \Vc have been informed that the last cold snap has not injured the fruit, much. Peace rcijzna again in York: Tho Marion Star Itt about to send postal cards to itsBubscribers. Huf ted Tl.ero nre about thirty one candidate for the three positions of policeman iu Wiunsboro. Mr. J. S Dough a', of Fairfleld, ban planted two hundred acres iu eorn this year. It i? proposed to con%truet a cotton mill iu Charleston, to run ab ml 1 >,0d!) .spindles. A million dollars will back the enterprise. He/ckiah I'owel, of Beaufort, fell o!F a timber wagon, which, running over him, crushed both thighs in a shock! i? ma nner. The Rise in the [Iivbus.? T e Congaree had risen very higl? on Friday nnd had Hooded the low glands, but ou Saturday it had commenced to fall. Major Richard A. Springe dWid nt his residences in York Cou-ity. s:x miles from Uock Hill, on Monday umruiug la-t The South Carolina Ri.lr?il C? n pauy have made arratig sweats with c m ueetiug roils to neu I tl&r->ti;h freights ' to Mauou, Milledg?villj an I ill itatimt on the Mncou a ml Augusta Road. The Wulterboro, News oftht. 9th iastant, gays: 'The past fjw weck?thave been particularly favorable to the plan ters iu our county. Crops are being gene rally put iu the ground. Corn is com ing up well and is now out of the dan ger of frosts. On the rice plantations tho crops a.o equally forward; a nuns bcr of the planters h ive several hundred j acres already up. The fir.it erop premi ses to be a large one, it having entirely escaped frost, which have b on so des tructive the last year.' The heaviest asd most dcitructire storm known for years, pas.-.ed over the lower part of Abbeville County la?t Thursday In the noighb .rhu ?d of ?I) rirs .Mine the >tonn w*-> very sjver?, iid a ?Tent iluit of d'UOHgo ?ra? dan \. ('a lett 0-*rltiy m ikes i gr-iph'c rc i >rt ?ol the tra.k of. the tornado. 'Jjlowhe?< ?cr?ip was badly ilamag'Vd; a?d h.????-.?. fences and tr> s> were deumSi.-hed by the force of the wind. Senrl's bridge, o"er Lil le ll.rer, was washed away. Joe Tom kin's house was bl >w.j 1 d-iw,u. W in. D avis' house was b-urned and the forest for several mi'es was completely destroy* The Wilmington Journal of Satarday says: 'The heavy rains in the interior on Wednesday night aud Thursday morning have already ewellod up to mighty proportions ...the muddy waters of the Cspe Fear. At Fayetteville the river began to rise at three o'clock on i Thursday afteruoon. and fifteen hoars ' afterwards, at six o'clock yesterday morn ing, it had risen 45 feet. At the la?t accounts it was still .rising. The Augusta Chronicle and Sentino ?of Saturday says: 'Repent heavy rains in the up country along the Savannah River caused that stroam to rise rani il ly during the past two d iys. .Thursday it was just over tho lower wharf, while yesterday it had submerged a eousid* alle portion of the upper wharf, against which drift wood was gradually acomn lating. ? At twelve o'clock the river measured thirty tfour feet three inches at the bridgo, and at four P. M. thirty five f<-et one inch. It was still rising, though slowly, ^at the last uamed hour.' $?.0? Earned from seven o'clock in the evening till bed time ! Largo pro fits when the entire time is given. An opportunity for either sox. Thirty cants and stamp will secure valuable sample and outfit by return mail. Mu. Thomas IUkeii, Wichita Kansas. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 20lh, 1870. 7V the Editor Orangeburg Ntwti Sin?I hsvo tho honor to inform yon that at a meeting of the Board of Ofhoers, cre ated by an Act entitled "An Aot to itcgulato tbo Publication of nil Legal and Publio Notices," the fcllowing resolution was adop ted i Reitlvtd, That (he "O R A N GEB U.ltQ N KWH" is hereby designated as Hie OFFI CIAL -PAPER for the Publication of all Legal Notices nnd Officisl Advertisements of the County Officers in (ho County ef Orange burg. Respectfully, Sic. *\ L. CARD07.O, Sec. of State and Chairman Hoard. Per W. R. JONES, g-arir.. l. j?j._baa r-i?Mit to *intruntee the above., llr will be foirn 1 :it bii Old Stund ever irrwdy ro sei*ve Si is eiisiMnrrs ax the shortest notice. npl 11 SO Horses and Mules. Wc will receive at our STABILES, in rear of Messrs. Vase & Izlar's, from St. Lous, on nci" Thursday, a DROVE of fine HOUSES -and MULES, which w will offer to the pnlriic ?fti prices that watt -suit ?h? present hard tiuiea. BAMllEItO & SLATER. Rpl 4*4 Notice of Dismissal Estate of.J, MALACUI SII?LER No'tice is hereby -given -that ou the f\fth day of May, 1874, I wi\l file my "fintl ac count as Administrator of said Estate, and will petition the Probate Court for a final discharge JESSE UTES ET, Adm'r. Est. J. M. Uhultr. apl 4 4 South Carolina Railroad Company. General Ticket Aaettl's Office. S. It. PIOKENS, General Ticket Agent. Ciiari.kbton, S. C.,,March 23, 1874. Excursion Tickets to Charleston will he sold from date for one first class fare to Merchants shd Tradeis, and will be good to return until May 10, 1874, (Signed.) S. S, SOLOMONS, Supt S. C. It. R. A NE1V LAW FIRM. HUMBERT & FORDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OFFICE COURT HOUSE. 01!ASGF.ltVUG, S C mnr 14 tf FOR S ALE A GOOD PLANTATION in Middle Town ship. Hio acres Finuly SE t'Tl.ED. House nnd Outbuildings nil arw. All under Good Fence Plenty of Fruit Trees. Price $2000? half cash. A It AUG A IN. Also IKOeores in HamoiowuHhip. Saw Mill House, Gin and Grist.Mill. Never Fniling Stream. Good for 300 bushels toll Corn and 0 to 8 bales toll Cot too per year. $800? half cash. Also ery day. We als,) keep a toll supply of FRESH GROUND ' meal X.NJD gikist Oa hand, BOLTED and UNBOLTED, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. lilCli: elotj Il FOIX STOCK With CHEAP GRADES of flCRSE ?U't COW FOOD, oak: a.tstd r\r?s e wood SAWED any LF.NCTH desired, nnd deli??>d to any part of (beTown for the SMALL SEM of $3.20 per Cord. Send along your Orders. We tire el ways ready to fill them without DELAY. STRAUS & STREET. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVKN THAT ONE month from dnlc 1 will File my Final Account with the Hon. Aug. It. Knowlton. Judge of Probate for Orangchurg Count v. and aHk for Lettern of Dismissal an Admin istrators of the Estate of Elizabeth Fogle . D. J. ZEIG LEU, D. P. FOGLE. Admiritralors. March Jfilh, 1874 ? Ira Notice of Dismissal. N'OTK'K IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT one month from date 1 will ftlo my final account with the Honorable Aug. B. Knowl ton, Judge of Probat e for Orangeburg Conn - ty as Guardian of Calvin Dempsey, Mary Dempsey, (now Duke.?,) Aabury Dempsey slid Daniel Dempsey, and ?ak for Letten of Diaro iasal. JACOB SMOAKE, Guardian. February 14th.1874. 4 Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT J. Wallace Cannons ALSO LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACVO, CA NN KD GOODS, CANDIES, FRUITS, Ac. AH of the above goods are offered a0 PRICES to suit the present tight times, jan 31 1K74 At Private Sale. mHE PLANTATION forming a part ol L the Rotate of the Late CoJ. Jieiu. and known aathe DAIIBY PLACE, The iracl eonsiste of sbout BOO nor^s. on* half well Timbered, the retnniudcr Hieb. Bed, Loam Soil. adapted to Crops of all kinds. Tliesi are the FincM Lands in tho District, and were valued at per acfe in IStUS. \S'onl< bc sold for one-halt iha" , rioe now. One fotyth cash, the teuniii sr in three instal meuts bearing interest from eIt l t.S und NKDICIXES, to which Articles, for R.ELI ABILITY and CORRECTNESS, the Publlo's aitemioa is directed. All are respectfully invited to call at tho Drug Stooo of DR. Ol.IVER.1S. NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, ? >U A SR Kilt.' IUI COI STT, Orangoburg. S. C, Xo*. 1st, 177?, To ail it A ?in it may CaufrTH; Pursuant te Title \ chap. 1.1, Revised Statutes 8. C. Keetion 08 requtros ; ?kc o8. If any person, oompan- or eof pnratioQ shall somruenue any buiiiiioiw In any County of this State after tho first dsy ol September in aay year, the eapti.il or properly omployod in which shall not lu.ve been previously Ii.*tod for taxation in said Count v, and shall not r. it hin thirty days thereafter make such report te the An litol of said Couaty as is requij cd in the fifty sixth Section ot this Aet, he or they shall forfeit and pay the gum of one hundred dol lars, which shall be collected by civil action in the name of the County Commissioners, and pair* into the County Treasury for tho exclusive beuefit of tka County, And pro cess in such ease may issue out of the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which suoh business was commenced, directed to the proper officer, and b: served in any County of this State. JAS. Via" TASSEL, nov 8?tf Co, Auditor. GOOD UARDEXS to be Mad by buy ins your Garden Seeeie Onion Sets front. K. EZKit I EL., who Rein all his Needs from tn? Celebrated lirm or I>. Lao* dreib ?V Son. ]*. 11.?Members of Granges will be supplied at Grange prices. inn 10 4t If yon want WORK DOlf B in House and Carriage Paint* ill IX ko lo J. A. WILLIAMS. Experience 2 1 years. Beel* donee on Murkct Street. ? j.tn 17 18/4 It SOUTH CAROLINA. OKANCiEBUUO COUNTJ. is Tint com mo* rr.Kis, Steffens, Werner & Ducker, ? M Paul Menisci. < opv Summon* for Kvlief (.Conplaiat net served| To the Defendant Paul MentxelT are hereby summoned and repaired ta 1 answer the complaint in tLia action, whisk is Hied in the office of the Clerk of tho Coart of Common Picas for the said County, and ta servo a Copy of Vohr answer on the aubseri bers, at their Office at Oraugaburg Csmrt lio;:*r So, Ca. within twenty days aftar tho service of this summon* on you exclusive e>f tliu day of service, and if you fail to anawer complaint within the time afareaaid, tho I plainL'4." a|iplv 10 ,ne Court for the Se> lie! t!em??|iJ in the Complaint. I'.ii^aijH ?B^grhurg February 6th. 1874. W. .!. DaTRRViLLE, rhrniifreBjhhbsi my ? To Paul Mcnttel, defendant above named : Take notice That the summons and Coaa plaint, luerein, v eiv filed in the otiiee of the Clerk of tho ? durt of Common Pioas for Or angehiirg Comity, at Orangebnrg .South Car olina ('Ii u? 17. ii day of January, 1874. Vt. J. DsTREvILL*!, Plaintiff's Attorney. Feb. Ulli, 1511. " {1?6t Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent. Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand Ills,"simply by Ton trig up, In rigoratlng and Vitalizing the System. The en riehed and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid seero tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, jLiver Com* plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dior* r'nooa, Boils, ?STervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ae com pa ii led by debility or a lota state of the system. JBeing freo from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not 'fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neu? life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron $on* stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sic fay, suffering erea* turcs, to strong, healthy* and Jiappy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably h<}&? it ate to give it a trial, Sec that each bottle ha? PgRU? VIAIM SYRUP blown in tho glass, I?timpmots Froo, SETH W. FOWLE d SONS, Proprietor*, IVo. HO linrrlHoik Av., ii oh ton > Bold mv Puiggisth i;i:n knati>r. LA IN .13 .AG ENT The Undersigned has op