The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 11, 1874, Image 5

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*mz* ? ??? ??????- 1 ?? ? *?-? LOCAL. SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1874. Judge Glover's charming residence is being muoh improred bj tho erection of ? new fenee on the Russell Street line. ^- We would call the attention of the Court will convene on the third Monday in May, October and January instead uf first &MMWil*on<FnSf?JO JJJ llr J P Hurley ( caught in 030 of his gill nets in the ri^erf?V Iue$10j| night last a rock Gsh weighing 14 lbs, und on Thursday uight on a set line a blue; "cat fiah >reighiug 311 lbs. Good j tefH*r\q 111 Iff i fj II. Our friend Dick novor forgets the* poor printers when he renews bis adver . tisement, and from this fact jusily dc nerves the public patro-age. Ho is not | only liberal to the printers and their iuk hut to all his custou.ers, and we never have heard of a prudent, and Jih^Vaf^/rchant like Mr. 0. D. Kurt john * falling. Every 0110 knows where his place of business is, as everybody Oft) iifrwe*iithiitn 11 if Pinni iff to Dick . nnr'-'i'T?" ? I I'm? ' hmii Lant Sunday tuorning tho up train from Charleston, while at a rapid rata of apeed, rdti -into a colored man who was asleep on the .track a little the oth?r ? aide of JRowcs Pump. f-ie was struck BOO 11 I 8 70 ? ? ' ' . ?0 L^;Jr*3b%h* ??n catchor and tlirown perhaps twenty feet to oue side. The train mopped and sovera'l pnssengers got out expecting to pick up a corpse. IIit* the' ?eoppe'e ?quietly picked up himself before 'thoy reached him, and went his way re joicing at the damage he had i.itlictdd <U.poa the ccw catcher. cC?^^'?J^^ barber still survives at his ?old stan .l, whore ho continues to-shave ibis customers as carefully as if each 'particular hair-that stands on ond were <?f ptiro gold -and, if too hastily pulled, mtight -oudungsr the life of tho owner. ?LH us nut qu:te forget g-<nd old Mr 3tr?wn. Oliver VVeudell Holmes flay* what - oven N? ure hv< her j?*tv .AikI, oh-ri.?liin,-; ihn ?te?c, forgvla '/)<? lorn Hnd oheer'the Old. Put, iritmil llrown, "wn'le wniwry ' 3ri|ds a piece on e irth ' w : k!mI1 h .? uv : i Ikindlier thaiianit.ura herseif. 'jju;.ijjv./iuaxxa. u s. of [W.d>7 ,?gl?'iu?t tie following, ?officers ?were iiutt?llrd iu jpuld'c by ?thej ?Orangebu'rg Dtvit? -n, Ho. .24 ?'S. -of tT.: ? J.G.$icKewn.W^JP.. ! Hin'knn'u Allcrgotli, W. ?.. : L. II. Wannanijkor, 11. S. JM'iss Lucy-. Danner, A..R. S. khnfotaV'J?- S. q& nliss 0. L NoufTot, T. F..S. Dibble, Ohap, ?Jmncs A. Hamilton, 0, ..- 'T L Wannamnker, A C, MiF.s Fannie Cannon, I S, 'T O S s)ibble, O S, Hgr-T A EtTiott. P W P, p tl)e , fifth ? instant some of. young friends formed a new base ball club. i .following is , a list of the officers members. May the old clubvsoon wcri to hold their own with - . J^ce Presidont, J C McKown, ? ?Secratary, T O S Dibble, r > Treasurer, Win L Izlar.' to. RcTSynt* $ v.u. embers?Rrueo Reed, n L jia $t? Bun, Wilson, bright Baxter. .. . . ? ? ? ? * > following(are tho.Sheriff's sales i-Monday : jji?.3 (acres nioro or lensy qfi .Sunny ?! flide,~prbperty^ of B. D. Clark da ceasod. bought by Mrs. L. S. Hall und Mrs M. Cbsrk for 8170. 1 ^Lot known as Clark's Brick yord. bought by George Bolivor, for $20. 1 Saw Mill on High Hill Creek, and riho timber on G80 acres of land adjacent ^--Ihoroto; property of P. A. Buyck, flaonght by Tiiomas M.. C. Kaigler lor l Trae^irM. m*%. M one otheSrl irseff of ,448,jjcrca, property of Jacob | JDa?^le# ??WfcwM^cre^slk-"1 . by L. W. Dantr.'-er for $90. .e^Jjiyft*^*0^*^ acres, property of David Bull, bought by Mrs. E. M.Bull $1,000. j * v 1 Tract of 125 acres, property] of Jacob F. Witt, bought by J. R. Watts, for $53. Charity Lodge No. 7, Orangcburg "Knights of Pythias, fouuded ! ou naught but the greatest and sincerest motives to cl luv in to tho sufferings of a Brother, succor the unfortunate, zeal ously watch nt the beelaidc of tho sick, sooth the dying pillow, perform tho last sad rites at the grave of a Brother, -offering' cousoWiun to the afflicted, and caring for tho Widow and Orphan HuviuK these principles iu view, they ] will endeavor tc exemplify them by j practical testa ; aud if, by tho grace of Cod/''i'HhalrsVcoe8fcf^ny"Jcaril,y out this object, they will feel that their mission h i? not bceu iu vain." Mr. N. I Tutkbe'tu being the only member of the Order in thia Town has succeeded in establishing the above named Lodge, nt a meeting held on Tuesday tho;31st of March 1874. Mr. Turckheitn was-called to''take tho chair, called ths meeting to order, and stated that th* object of the meeting wus to organize und elect officers, ' that its business and operations was of a secre character having for its ultimate objeet Friendship, Benevolence and Charity. The election then took place which resulted us follows : Chancellor Commander, W Ji ?EtlAUDEAf, Vice Chancellor, Ni TUCK.I1 El M, Prelate, J M Dann Kit, Master of Exchequer, !tf*M T lleo c aw ?vi?i Robert Copes, Matter of Fioancc, W K OitooK, Master of Record and. S.als, T B Horn. Master at Arms, J S Alberootti, Jmner Guard, Gi:;> BoLl.VKtt, Out or Guird, 7j M Womnc ???BS>?>~ ? Oit.\..-vUKni;nu, Jr C. April', 8th I.V74 "Bv a resolution of tho L?de ?eudcti.t Young Amcrioa' Fire -Kn'ifiiio t,'ouipauy held il is evening, it among other things Lw?w. nn a a | iff' $$tjWM- Th'tit^a vote or thanks -be tendered the Ladies of Orau^ebueg for Uheir kiiiduiiss; tit (ta^gcing us definite inir Eugiuo favour last" Ahni veVsar-y. K. M KNTatKf^ JV. Mc.MiCIIAKI,, <C. i)-. kirn: John, pommiltce. "?? ? ? Saasas" .'i Removed.? His Excellency the Gbv cruor yesterday removed J J. Mitchell and P.. AI. General as Trial Justiceo of dJrangeburg county.? Cnion Herald. AEM'OlNr.ED.?Iiis Excellency the Governor yesterday made the foil >wiug appointments: T. C. Andrews, Esq., of Ornnfjeburg, to be notary public, and ' Judge Glover, County Treasury of Or isngeburg couuty, vice J. L. Humbert, rem ?vc?j for cause?- Cnion-Herald. "Their Nanie & Legion," may bo applied to those who die annually of Consumption, although sqience has ef late years sensibly diminished their number. It is gratifying to know that the general use of Dr. VfUVtrh Balsam of WjUd, Cherry is largely instrumental I ,in= nittaiaipg this end; . $2.50 Earned I from seven o'olock in the evening; till bed time ! Large pro \ fits vw'hcn ,the entire time in given. An opportunity for either eox. Thirty cents and stamp will secure valuable sample ! and outiii by-return mail. Mr: Thomas Baker,-Wichita Kansai. Cei.wMbaA, fi.{5., Doc 20tt, 1870. To Iht Editor Oranycburg New* : Sin?Ihawd tflvG honor to inform you that at a 'maetmg of tho- Board of Officers, cre ated by nn Act entitled "An A<rtU? Regulate the Publication of nill (Legal and Public . Notices,1' tbe following.resolution was adop ted i ? Hc*?lvtd, That the "?lt A N O E B? RC N K W S" in hereby designated as the OFFI CIAL, PAPER for Jbe Publication of all -Legal Notices and Official Advertisements of the County (ftlBcers in the County of Oraoge burg. Respectfully, he. F. L. CARDOZO, ?Sec. of State and Chairman Board. Pei? W. R; JONES'. Horses and Mules. "We wiU rlee^vjiat eur STABLUS, in irear <ef Messrs. 'Von? k Itlar's, from St. Lous, on <next TOutredaj, < a DROVE of fine HORSED And MULES, whioh we will offer i*o-?he public at prices <tJsat will suit .tha present hard times. BAMBERG & SLATER, apd 4 * 4 j fttate New? - i rj ??(??trti f7iel 'iZdjutTt. X A. 0C5 j A Grange ih about to start in I lorry OOUUtT. r!K Yd UtITJC* HA The up counties are busily engaged in ?P'W^^rlM gttifY')^ Kaster Sunday ?res observed with unuFually eloquent sermons and magni ficent ccrctnotnicB in all the churches in i<3baT|cstoii.i? '-r fit "y ?.1 '$*?{> Mr. W. G. Trott, who, for a quarter of a century, kept a drug store in Char leston, died in Bremen, Germany on the 4th: .? ... r . ? J. E. Biringe and Bob Johnson es caped froth Georgetown jail on Monday week. The Laurons farmers nre planting moro corn and will plant icss cotton than usual. * TheVill'ge of Lancaster supports two goats which it could easily do with out. Tho Rot. Dr. Wilson, of Columbia delivered the Murch lecture before the Cheraw Lyceum. Subject: 'True suc cess in Life.' The Mills Houso, at Charleston, i South Caroliua, which co.->t over S200, 000 in gold, was sold at amtlfn Tor 827 j 000. Fisher and Swinny. two colored men . fought at Bcuncttsvillo on Saturday we??k. b'winuy, with an axo, wounded Fisher in (ho shoulder. Tho bnrn and stables of Mr. Ilo^in Motes, residing, in the noighborh ml of Cross Hill. Lauren* County, wero en tircly destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, 25lh ultimo. Capt. W. G. Mcllwain, of Lanoaster, fuund a ben's nest on his premises last wcok, with one hundred and forty eggs in it. This is no 'snake story,' but is vouched for as a fact. Mr. J. J. Hiigin, a prominent citizen of Clarendon County, died ou Saturday evoclc. Clause, a third paralytic stroke* Mr* 11. B. D*!via,of Georgetown, died on the 22d ultidtio. A &pe occurred on Sunday night on Sullivan's Island, which resulted iu the complete destruction of the fine and well furnished residence of Mr. Moses G dd smith. It-was with great difficulty that the handsome reside nee of Dr. 1'atriek was -saved from a similar fate. i A cotton factory is .to be established , at High Shoal*, Ander.lOU'Ci-unty., S. C. Kilty thousand h ve been sub mcr bod, and a -tnudb larger'Subscription is expected. A meets;,)* of .the r.toek h ld< vn wi I take place at High Sdiuah ou the 2">th IltllibT'l J). lhiniltTare. tttf iFair field I nuuly, was urre-iled und carried on Thursday to..Tei|ue?see ou a rnqusition from -Gov. 11 rowii,^'on the charge of stealing, lbmlwurc ie a vsry bright tuu'aito. He left Fairficld with vShci iiiau, and was uut ihoaul of until his return about two weeks ago. COMMERCIAL. MARKET REPORTS. OFFJCK or tbk Oil ast, i: n u HO NlWI, April, 10th 1874. I'COTTON?Safles during the week 85 bales. "Wo quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,... 7(7$ 12 Low Middling..'. 1 -i(T^ Middling.Ml? ROUOH Hier..$1.55 per oushel Cons....?.$1.10 per bushel. Cow PtiAfl. 85 per bushel. I' i .N' nr.KM. 1.50 per bushel. Notice of JL/ismissal Estate of J.'mALACUI SIIULER. Notice is hereby gi?tn ithat on the fifth dA-y of May, 1874, I will file my final ac count us Administrator of said Estate, and will petition the l'ronatc Court for a final disoharge. JE8SK UTES 15Y, Adm'r.-Est. J. 14. tihuler. ap! 4 4 South Carolina Railroad Company. General Ticket Agent's Office. 8. B. BICKENS, Genera! Ticket Agent. ClIAajUKSTpN, S. C, March 23, 1874. Excursion Tickets .to -Cdiarlewlon will he sold from date for oik firat .class faro to Merchants and Tradct?, and will he good to return until May 10, 1874. (Signed.) 8. S. SOLOMONS, 8npt S. C. R. n. A NEW LiW FIRM. HUMBERT & F0RDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. OFFICE COURT UOU8E, ?OHA A'6 Eli L'K G, S C r . mar Q* it. A GOOD PLANTATION in Middle Town ship, 400 acres Finely SETTLED. Houso and Outbuildings all new. All under Good Fence Plenty of Fruit Trees. Price $2000?half cash. A BARGAIN. Also-180acres in snmolownshi,p. Saw Mill House, Gin and Grist-Mill. Never Failing Stream. Good (or 800 bush els toll Corn and ti to 8 bales toll Cotton per year. $800? half icash. Also tiOO acres in .Charleston County, $8 per Aore. Also 800 aeres in this county. Fine land, well watered, $2 per acre. Apply to A. B. ENOW ETON, Lund Agent, Orangeburg C. H., S. O. jsar 14 ti MONEY EARNED! The HEAVY DECLINE in ALL GOODS in MY LINE enabled me to make very FAV ORABLY PURCHASES during the pant week, and 1 now invite the Public to not only a COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS but to a STOCK thnt MUST BE SOLD within the next THIRTY DAYS. To accomplish a SPEEDY SALE I have thrown the entire stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEGARS On tins Market CHEAP for CASH. It will certainlg be to YOUR INTEREST to cull and EXAMINE before buying else where rGoods shown free of charge. jj?-Special attention hi culled to a PURK PEACH BRANDY. ?** c. 13. isonTJOHisr. B-.-...- _ ? - _ ,- . . .. -. ? I . ..J||. ...-? ? . . ... 1.1 II 1874 SPRING TRADE 1874 o THEODORE ZOOT & BUO. . ARE NOW OPENING T1LEJU NEW SPRING STOCK And can confidently aHHert that they ARE the GREATEST BARGAINS Ever *>cf?ro EXHIBITED in ORANGEBURG, whim are the results ?t UNUSUALLY FAVORABLE PURCHASES inconsequence of tbe Present and Past PKESSURE upon Trada. DBESS GOODS, PRINTS. PERCALES. WHITE GOtlDS, 31 tiUSIE KEEPING "GOODS,- * EMRkoiDERJES, NOTIONS. &fe., Ac! Of Ibe FINEST a-nu RICHEST Materials and the latest Novelties in STYLES and DE SIGNS of this Season's Wear. Anelegnnt Stock of LadyV NBCE WEAR, TIES, COLLARETTES, SCARFS., RUCUES and RELTS in mos<l Select i?ud Recnming ?le?.ij;iii>. We .have added to uur already IMMENSE Stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES CtncpAr^^theCAU'EST STYLES of LA DIES' G A H' E11-3, ? E N T S * SHOES cne" BQOTS; ?Uw Stack of Gents' Clothing, Hats aid Famishing Goads Is SUPERIOR to any cv.-r oflVrcd by u~. We-earnestly call your atteiitiiui lo tln> uAnve facts an I soMe't a VISIT "f Inspection We biirng aibU; to .otler ifa.r uiurc VALUABLE INDUCEMENTS thin e vor V-fore prevented, aud such aficannoi facHco<elatui the Patronage -nt all who stud}1 F.'"t>SJO.VV iu cctivciiou with thelFJNiEaX QUALITY. THEODORE XOSN & BROTHER. K KW STORE. THE CROWD AND IT WILL TAKE YOU TO BOYD'S SHOE STORE Where everybody is eager for a chance to examine tie LARGEST STOCK of ROOTS and SHOES ever ofTercd in Orangebnrg. Stock justin from Uostou. PRICES that will SURPRISE. AND BESIDES Toucan find a COMPLETE STOCK of GROCERIES Of the very BEST GRADES, to which especial attention is respectfully iniitoiL HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid for all kinds of I'RODCOE. mar Jl ??Hi' >Jt 1S74 segaeyggg NOTICE ITO . HOUSEKEEPERS PARMEES! Welia-re on hand a COMPLETE STOCK af G R O C E RIES And a/re .ottering NPU?IAIi IXDllTMlvVTS to purchasers. ?6000 lbs BACON of a\l kinds. 100 bids FLOUR of all Grades. CAN N EF> 000OS of every Description. ?" SYRUPS und MOLASSES, POTATOES, SUGARS of all Gradns, Ar.d in fact EVERYTHING usually Ion in I in a FIRST-GLASS tdROC.ERY. Give us a call. We a?*c confident MONEY can be SAVED by buying from YOSE&IZLAR BQT GOODS DELIVERED. J. 8. ALBERGOTTI, CORNER RUSSELL-STEET AND RAIL ROAD AVENUE, HaB in Store a LAUUE and WELL SELECTED Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES Which are offered at PRICES which cannot FAIL to PLEASE those calling on hin ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED and delivered FREE of CHARGE. Just rccoivod'a FRESH LOT of dried reef At G CENTS per pound. PREPARED HAM, P1Q HAMS, BACON, BUTTER, FLOUR, SUGARS, 6EOARS, &?* Al*o 300 lbs Choice Candies W hich is the BEST and CHEAPEST in this Market, HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for country iPRQJDTTCE. FAIR WARNING TO ALL I We would have &onsnniera of PICE to know that onr MILL is about perfection that we CAN and do GUARANTEE (o SELL CLEAM RICE Below the Charleston Market Price At our MILL. Person!1 doHirinp; it we will furnish them RICE weekly at their doors in any quantity, or at the MILL e\cry day. We hImo keep u full supply of FRESH GROUND MEAL -AiSTD GRIST On hand, BOLTED and UNBOLTED, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. rich; flour for stock Will; CHEAP GRADES of Ilf'RSE and COW FOOD. oa k A.IST 13 PINE wood SAWED any LENGTH desired, and detived to any part of the Town for the SMALL 8USI of per Cord. Send along vour Orders. We are always ready to All them without DELAY. STRAUSjfc_STREET. ORANG-EBURG ACADEMY FOB ?OYS ANDGJ?L8 At the Now Fair Building. TERMS PER MONTH. Primary Depart meat ? - $1.50 Itilertnoiliat'j .... $2.00 Bngltah.$8.00 English witIi classic? - $4.00 JAMES S. HEY WARD, Principal. dec 27 1H73 tf Notice of Dismissal. NrOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ONE month from ilatc I will File my Final Account with the I.I? ? n. Ang. It. Knowlton, Judge 6f Prohatc far Orungobtirg (hrnuty, ami ask 4'or Letter!* of Dismissal an Admin istrators of ilie Estate of Elix-ihetli Foglu. 1>. J. /KM'LEU, D. P. F<M3LE. Aduugtrntors. March Kuh, 1874.?Im Notice of Dismissal. TOT ICE IS II ER ERY GIVEN TH AT one month from date 1 will filo my final account with the 11 one ruhte Aug. B. Knowl ton, .linlge of Probate for Ornngebiirg Coun ty as Guardian ut Calvin Deutpscy, Mary Dempscy, (now I)nk.*.-?.) Asbury Dorapscy an?! Duniel Deinpsey, nud ask for Letters of Dismissal. ' JACOn SM0AKE, Guardian. February 14th, 1S74. 4 GOOD ?AKOK.VH to be lead by buying your CJardeu .Seed** and Oiiios? Set* from E, EZKKIFX, who tveb* all his Seeds from the Celebrated firm of I>. JLan d ret It &V Sou. X. 11.?Members of Grange* will be supplied at Grange prieos. jail 10 1t Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT J. Wallace Cannon s ALSO LflQlJOttS, tilGAltft, TOBACCO, an? CANNES) GOODS, C AND IKS, FRUITS, &c. All of the ahoTC goods are offered at PRICES to suit the present light titajsa. jan 81 3 874 At Private Sale. rnn.E PLANTATION forming a part of JL tho Estate of the Into Col. Keitt, mid knewn as the DARBY PiLACE. Tho tract consists of about 600 acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Hieb, Bed, Loam Soil, adapted .to Crops of all kinds. These .aro the FincHt I.amis in the District, nnd were vuluotl at $20jper acre in 18G6. Would he sold for ?one-half tha* ,tt*ioe now. One ?fourth cash, the remnir or in three instal mcutrt bearing interest from dato and se cured by mortgago of tho same. This is a splendid chance for nnorync de siring to secure Itioli Lands, tino Water Pow er, excellent Cattle Range nnd a Refiacd Neighborhood. Apply to Mrs. L. M. KEITT, Or J Q EEITT. gag. jan ft For Sale. The HOUSE und LOT on Russell Street, in Orangclnirg, formerly owned by V. Pit. limn. Kor particulars inquire at the Drag Store of E. J. OLIVEROS. just oijEisrEr> AT Dr. Oliveros' Drug Store SEEDLESS RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS and FANCY CANDIES. Also n large collection of of TOYS. Also a superior lot of COLOGNS and TOIL LET ARTICLES. Alyoaline let of SEGA RS. AisofHiii? im onTuTtrftitY:- *? ?< Also a Lsrgc and well Sclectod Stock of DRCC2S and MEDICINES, 10 which Ariiclos, for RELIABILITY and CORRECTNESS, the Public's attention is ? directed. All tire respectfully invited to call at the Drug Store of DR. OLIVEROS. If you Muni WORK DOME in IIoiihc aud Carriage Paiat* Ihg fi*> 10 J. A. WI 1*1.1 A MS. Experience Si years. Reai?. ? uu T?rkei fitrcet, jan 17 1874 It SOUTH CAROLINA. OliANCEBUUC COUNTY, IX THE COMMON M.KAtJ, Stettens, Werner & Ducker, Paul Maatzcl. Copy Summons for Belief (Complaint not served) To the Defendant Paul Mendel: Vuu are hereby summoned and required to 1 answer the complaint jn this action, which is tiled in the oliice of,the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a Cyny of SWT auswar on lhe a*ibaeri beris, at their Office at Orangoburg Court house So. Ca. within twenty days after the service of ibis summons on you exclusivo mt the day of service, and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, tho plniutUr* will apply to the Court for the Re? lief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Orangcburg February 6tb, 1874. W. J. DsTREVILLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To Paul Ment/cl. defendant above named : Take notion That the summons and Cona plaint, herein, wer? filed in the office of the t'lerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Orr an?;ebiirg County, at Orangeburg .South Car* oliua on the 17ih day of Jauuary, 1874. N.j. DeTR EVILLY, Plaintiff's Attorney. Feb. ?>th, 181J.' |7?Gt NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, Oraxusduro Couxtt, Orangeburg, S. C, Nov. 1st, 17Tt. TV .all whom il mat/ Concerns Pursuant to Title 8, obap. 13, Revised Statutes S. C. Section 58 requires; 8kc ?S. If Any person, compajx" ox cor? porntton shall commence any b*aiufl*fha any County of this State after tho ftjrst day ot September in any yoar, the oaptial ar properly employed in which shall .not hure been previously liste?! feu* taxation in said County, and shall not within thirty days thereafter make such report to the Auditor of said County an is required in the fcfty slxth Section of this Act, he or they shall forfeit and pay the sum oi'onc hundred dol lar;:, which aball be collected by civil action in the name of the Cuunty Commissioners, and paid iuto the County Treasury for the exclusivo .benefit of the County, And pro cess in such case may issue out of the Court of Common Pleas of tho County in which such business was cpmmenoed, directed to the proper officer, and be served in any County .of this Slate. JAS. Van TA8SEL, nov 8?tf Co. Auditor,