The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 04, 1874, Image 3

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LOCAL ._ SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1874. We had alight frost yesterday morn ing. Kgg picking is raging iu our midst among the old nod youog onos. Thanks to our-friend and neighbor Mr. G. W. Wilson for a pleasant attan tion in the waV. of salad. When all the false reports arc through we shall hare something to say about the Countv Treasurer's matter. The County Commissioners would do we'l to give an eye to the bridge over the Edist-Q'ar this place. Shud arc running up the bid is to, nud tbo fishermen nre catching a grunt many iu bow-nuts. Mr. M. Rich has just coinpletu-1 a substantial side walk iu front of his store which adds much to appear ance. - L ill III v? Mill I , Yesterday was a busy day with mer chants and our streets were filled with farmers wagons which wore wall loa led with eotton. I. C. WhitHiore has opened a barber shop near... Doyle's store. Customers will be well treated and Iaiac will shave them to a hairs breadth. Go and see him. Mr. W. T. Lightfoot baa added to the looks of his . building by putting up a neat balcony'-'in front. Tho iron mark was executed in our Town by Mr. 'Thomas Pay, and is a neat and weil made piece of mechniism . .(Qne ef-the be.-ft stores \n town, kept iby one-oftho best men in towu, where ?you-cui buy Bom'u of the best goods in itowu, at the lowest .prices in town, as ? every body '.in 'town knows, is 0- D )Kortj-?hu. Try him. VTtieny& Street's ri.ri an"l ;;rist mill vje'kn-iiu a.?d p<troni.od thoroughout ethe Stst-?. - /Tbc ?bovf? g'irfl-tt.-ti flea-urve tho "Jr.ghei?; eutmnnid ttion !*.?? thojr mi-rgy ui> li-t.Hg trp UN tc'terpriia so much need -*? iH ?-ur County. 'The Oraugeburg Div.ixioti No. 2i fp-nainf Temperance will instill their ?ofKeers; m?Mt M-ni'lay t-veiling iu public 'j^iis werthy Suciety i* in a prosperous 'Condition and its numbers aro i lOreasiitg tr pidly. The public ie -jspeeiaJly invited prcsiHt, on the o *casion. Dr. A. C. Dukes has just put up a mew soda fountain which adds consider* ;blc to the looks of -his w'eli arranged ettore. , The soda water ia fine and the (public will be materially relieved during (the hot daye of eurumor by stepping into Dr. D'a. and refreshing themselves with a glass of cooling soda. We would refer our readers to the notice *f Messrs Hamburg & Slater iu r * another column. These gent lemon will have here next Thursday a fine drove of young Horses and Mules which will be offered to the public low down. The above firm is so well known iu our County that it is needloss for us to attempt to say anything'in their behalf. ? ? ^ _ J. H. Matthews has just opened an * - V ... MA. No 1." harbor shop in B'-ttison's Building, in the rear of Kirk Robinsons Store. There is this peculiarity about Matthews, that after he has shaved you (/rrbich he doos ia capital style) wheu yon dome to pay hiinyo j will think he has not shaved you?for you will have hadtw'ioeyour monoy's worth and will go ?i ; ?-..' t ij ? i away ? better and a betta.-look:og man. "Potts" is raising a board for no other earthly purpose than to huvo Matthews off.. , Tho marriet. women kiss their hus bands twice as often since Matthews has ,como. Whet hi it this is really going to .help Matthew's business remains to bo seen. . Statistics.>-~A meng the causes of death last year in Massachusetts, wo find that one man between sixty and seventy was killed by. tho bito ef a horse. Consumption carried off 2,544 males and 3,012 females, of all ages from under (ivo to over eighty. Delirium tremens was the death of forty-two males and three females. Of deaths by drowning, > thore "?oro ono hundred nud ebjbty.tdiree ma\, and thirty-three females. Sixteen tunics nnd two females were victims ?of homicide. Nino persons wore struck by lightning. OF tunics seven, and of females Qvo, died "suddonly," whatever that may be. Eighty seven men and thirty women committed suicide. Ky accident or negligence Bevcn hundred and thirty two persons lost their livos. ?t?te N?us Anderson has street lamps?Naptha. Wiunsboro' has a market, town clock, fire engiiio and streot lamps. In Anderson county tho delinquent tax list foots up 93,824.80. Mr S B Calcutt has taken charge of the Palmetto Hotel, in Spartunburg. In Aikeu thur* is a brauch of tho Augustu Schutze? Gesellschaft. The Mansion House, in Greenville, was robbed by burglars uu Friday kit. The colored folks of Aikeu h are had a tournament. The Abber?le Medium had "pi*' on April the first. The Greenville races will come off the 10th of May. The Enttrpris* and Mountaineer, of Greenville, is about to be enlarged. The wet weather has retarded the planting of ooru iu mtny of the upper counties of the State An election for iutendant nnd war dens of Lancaster will be held the se cond Mouday in April. Thirteen sheep, belonging to Mr. James Timms, i>ear< Wiunsboro, wcro kille 1 by dogs week. All of the German ininiigr&uta em ployed by Mr \i I? WiUiaiumu, of' Dar lington county, have Ic It him. There have been a number of attempts at robbery iu Barn well during the past two weeks. Laet Sunday evening tho barn of G . W- Cromer, of Abbeville, was burned it contained 2,000 bundles of fodder. Mr. Bisstdl, a Methodist preachc r, was robbod of his .tobucco on the high way at Oalhoun'ti Mills, Abbeville county, ou Jast Tuesday. Chester rejoices in the possession of a lint class marble yard, where home made tombstones cau be bad ut short notice. The Columbia Union msntvmi a tumor to the effect that Parker'*" H'-*ll/' in tit at city, will suiui be couverto I iiUu a .cotton fnoturj.. 'J In- colored Methodists of Abbeville county are railing fun is id open t lie collige at Cukcabury known as J'imu-la Institute. 'I he work on thv> new o-ittuu f ict >ry of Green vi Me is in projire**, twenty , boxtrs, containing utaeiiiuery, hiving arrived. Mr. Simon Brown, of Blackville, alnpp-d bahnt of cotton. This is probably the largest shipment ever utade Irom this place by one pcrsun at a itce. The work of grading on the Chester and Deaoir Narrow Guuge Railroad has been commenced, and the stockholders are called on to pay up |their iustal mcnts. Some of the German im migrants who lately settled at Lowndesville, Abbeville county have struck for higher wages, and, failing to obtain an advance, have left for parts unknown. The temperance cause is prospering iu Darlington. There ure a white and a colored temperance society, the former numbering Btxty m tubers and the must inveterate topers aro joining. The citizens of Anderson county will hold a public meeting on the 0th-of April for the purpose of instituting measures to aid in the scheme of immi gration, suggested by the taxpayers convention. Mr Jacob A Cnldwell, of Fairfield, has entered suit aguiust tho towu coun cil of WiuDsboro' for fivo thousand dol laiH dumages in consequenco ef a pp mined ankle from falling into an open cistern. A pelican of largo size was killed near Capt O A Wylio'smill on Fisbiug Creek, Chester county, on Saturday last. It measured seven foot eight inches from tip to tip of wings, and four feet b]x in eh cd from point of bill to end of tail. On last Sunday night, the 22d, the store of Kutteree & Daniel, at Hock Hill, was entered by nighthawks and goods stored there by Mr. Bacr stolen. On the same nignt Mrs lloid'a residence was entered and several articles of jew elry taken. Saturday night lust a number of colored persons attempted to rob a train of cot ton on the Charlotte, Columbia and 'Augusta Railroad, and actually succeed ed in throwing off four bales while the train was in motion. But they were detected uud arrested, and the cotton recovered. 'Jhe rcsidonce of Mr. Felix Lake, Jr., on Turkey Creok, Edgefield eounty, was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday night last. Insured for 82,000. On the nanio night, at Kirkaey'B Cross Roads, tho steam gin of Ttapp A Co. was also destroyed by Are, and with it ten bales of cotton, tho property of a neighbor. The Winnsboro' Nem is responsible for the statcmeut that there is a man in oue of tho western counties of tho State who has for the past fifty-two years con sumed twenty-five cigars a day, making a grand total of 383,2f>0, costing the magnificent smr of $[9,102.50 at an average price of five cento each. A riotous demonstration occurred in .Cberar on the 21st ult., caused by the thrashing of a colored girl by Mr. Fin layseu, for using abusive language to bis daughter. A mob of colored persona coiloctcd in frout of Finlaysen'a store und commence 1 an iu liscritnin Uoshooting, which resulted in the wuunding of sev eral persons. Tho aflair is undergoing investigation. - SB? - TjCKIllBLE G a lh on MOUNT VVaSII ton.?On Monday night at m d i ght tho Rignal station on tho top of Mount Washington ropo.ted a northwest gile blowing at the fearful r*to of ouo hun dred and forty miles an hour?as shown by the anemometer?und a temperature of eighteen degrees below zero. This is the highest force over attained by the chid iu New England, so far n? we kuow. A gale of sixty or seventy miles uu hour will often blow dowo tre?.3. In tho hurricanes of the tropics a force of oue hundred, or even ouo hundred aud ten miles an hour is ipt uncommon. No human being could stand before such a gale. Tho people in the chained dowu hut contrived to examine tin uuomnUK'ter without emerging . else they would be swept off boldly and hurled down Tuckeruutn's ravino. The roar ol such a mountain gale is toirilie beyond words. $2.50 ICarned from seven o'clock in the evening till bed tiin>.'! Large pro fits when the entire time is given. Au opportunity for either ser. Thirty ocnts and stamp will secure valuable satnpl: and outfit by return mail. Mrc Thomas llAKK.n, Wichita Kansas. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 20th, 1870. T* the Editor Orangeburg Xtur* : Sin?I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting of \nt Hoard uf Officers, cre ated by an Act entiled "An Aot to Regulate the Publication ef nil Legal and Public 7N?/J.iccs," th* following rciolulion was adop ted : /.V.-o/r,rf, 1 hat tl.e ?- O RANOEBURG N L W S " is hereby designated n? tli? tit'Ft (d.M. for the Publication oral! J.fpul > tticcs and ?( i(!ici-al Advertisements o: theCeunry tlflVcevsia I he County el Orange bill Respect'fully, te. F. *L. CARIKV/O. Sec. of State and Chairman Uo.n-d. Per W. R. JONES. COMMERCIAL. MAR It KT REPORTS. Or rice or tub OttANonsunr? Nawe, April, :lrd 1374. COTTON?Sales during the week 182 bales. We quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary.... 8^ 12 Low Middling. 14(# Middling.14J(m Rot-ou Rick.Sl.ofi per oushel Coax.$1.10 per bushel. Cow Peas... 8f> per bushel. Pinukrs. 1.60 per bushel. I^OU SALES A GOOD PLANTATION in Middle Town ship, 400 acres Finely SETTLED. Ileus* and Outbuildings all new. All under (Joou Fence Plcuty of Fruit Trees. Priuk. $2000?hnlf cash. A UAH GAIN. Also 180 acres, in sumo township. Saw Mill llouso. Gin and Grist-.Mill. Never Failing Stream. Gooil (or 1100 bushels toll Corn and '3 to 8 bales toll Cotton per year. $K00? halt cash. Also 000 acres in Charlscten County, $3 per acre. Also 300 acres in this county. Pino land, well watered, $2 por ucre. Applv to A. B. KN0WLTON, Land Vgcnt, Orangeburg C. II., S. C. mar 14 tf Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VK.N THAT ONE month from date I will File sny Final Account with the U on. Aug. II. Knowltoti, Judgo of Probate for Orangeburg County, and ask for Laders of Dismissal as Admin istrators of the Estate- of Klizaboth Pnglo. D. J. ZF.IGLER, D. P. FOOLS, Adtnistrntors. March 15th, 1874.?lrn A NEW LAW FIRM. HUMBERT & F0RDHAM, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. OFFICE COURT HOUSE, OKA A" G MB UK G, S C mar 14 tf Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ono month from date 1 will fito my final account with the Honorable Aug. R. Knowl ton, Judge of Probate for Orangeburg Coun ty as Guardian of Calvin Dompsey, Mary Dempsey, (now Dukes,) Asbury' Dompsey nnd Daniel Dempsey, and ask for Letters ef Dismissal. JACOB SMOAKE, Guardian. I'ebi-uury 11th, 1871. 4 ? THEODORE KOHIT & BEO. AHE NOW OPENING TU FIR NEW SPRING STOCK And can confidently assert that they ARK the GREATEST BARGAINS Ever bcforo EXHIBITED hi ORANGEBURQ, which nrc the results of UNUSUALLY FAVORABLE PURCHASES in ouusequence of the Present und Past PRESSURE upon Trndu. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS. PERU VI.KS. WH ITH GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, ' KM BROIDEKIKS, NOTIONS. &c, kc. Of tho FINEST end RICHEST Materials and the latent Novelties in STVLRS and DE SIGNS of thi? Seusou's Wear. An elegant Steck of Lady's NECK WEAR, TIES, COLLARETTES, SCARFS, RUCHES and BELTS iu moat Select ai.d Rccoining designs. We hare addeii tu our already IMMENSE Stock of ;? BOOTS AND SHOES Comprising the LATEST STYLUS of LADIES' GAITERS, Li K.NT.S' SHOES and BOOTS. On. Stock of Gents' Clothing, Hats and Famishing Goods Is SUPERIOR to any ever Offered by uu. We earnestly call yoiir attention to the above facts an 1 solicit a VISIT of Inspection We being able to otl'er far more VALUABLE INDUCEMENTS than ever before presented, and such us cannot fail to claim the Patronage ot all who study ECONOMY in connection with the FINEST QUALITY. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. N\E"W STORK. THE CROWD AND IT WILL TAKU1 YOU TO BOYDAS SHOE STORE Where oTerybody is Cjcev for a chance to cxamino the LARGEST STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered*i??;i-unge!iurjr. Stock just in fnun RosOou. PRICES that will SURPRISE. AND BESIDES Toucan fiad n COM'.'LKI'B RTOOa of G R O C E R I E S Of the verv BF.ST GRADES, to which fwii! .tttetitiwt i? retpeet fullv iarited. H101! F.ST MARKET PRICES paid tor alt kind* of PRO DUCK, mar 21 1ST I ITO HOUSEKEEPERS A_?s D FARMEES! Wo ha'e on hand u COMPLETE STOCK of G RO CERIES And are efforing SPEC'I AIj I.\DUCEHE\TS to purc'aasors. 6000 lbs BACON of nM kinds. 100 bbls FLOUR of all Grade?. CANNED GOODS of everv Description. ~- SYRUPS and Mt) LASS KS, POTATORS. SUGARS of ?11 Grade?, And in fact EVERYTHING usually found iu a FIRST-GLASS GROCERY. Give us a call. We a?-e confident MONEY can be S.YVKD by buying from Y0SE & IZLAR ?a)-GOODS DELIVERED. _.'.J - l !,LAJjil. _? H L.-l'1_I-.BagBBBBgSSggg J. 8. ALBERGOTTI, CORNER ItUS S K L L - ST E E T AND RAIL ROAD 'AVENUE;, Has in Store a LARGE and WELL SELECTED Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES Which are offered at PRICKS which cannot KAIL to PLEASE thone oaliing on him ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED and delivered FREE of CHARGE. Just recoived;4a FRKSI1 LOT of DRIISD BEISE1 At 6 CENTS per pound. PREPARED HAM, PIG HAMS, BACON, BUTTER, FLOUR, SUGARS, 8 EG A RS, &c Also 300 lbs Choice Candies Which is tho BEST and CHEAPEST in this Market. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE. "Fl WAIM T?Tffil We would have {consumers of RICE lo know tlml our MILL is about perfection, ?/?.{ tbat we CAN and do U UAEANTEE to SELL CLEAN RICE Bolow the Charleston Market Price At our MILL. Persons desiring it we will furniHli tbeni RICE weekly at I Loir doom in any quantity, or nt the MILL every duy. We als> keep a full supply pi FRESH GROUND MEAL AiNaD GXilST On band, BOLTED aud UNBOLTED, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. ISfe RICE itlotjh iron STOCK With CHEAP GRADES of IK'RSE and COW FOOD. oak AND iPlisFTS >VOOD SAWED any LENGTH desired, and deli red to any part of the Town for tbe SMALL SUM <>f 43.28 per Cord. Scud along your Orders. Wo ure always ready to fill them without;';^' DELAY. STRAUS & STREET. _ . f^kmm liKAD! KEAI>!! ORANGEBURQ ACADEMY FOR BOYS A XI) Of RLS Will open at th? new FAIrTIIUILDlNO on THURSDAY the lirat day of, Januar/ next. TRRM3 PER MONTH. Primary Dcpartfiicut - - $1 GO Intermediate - - S;2.00 " English.$8.00 English arith classics *- - - Si.OU Mu.'iio Extra. JAMES S. HEY WARD, Principal. i Mivs K. FOG ARTIE, Music Tcaehcr. dec -7 1S7U tf <i<)<ll> GAltl>U\S la be hail by buying your Garden Seett* ami Onion .SeC* from E. EZEHIF.L, who nets all liiH Seotls from the Celebrated firm of ir. Lau? drelb ?.V Son. X. IS.?Members of Grimmes will be fliinplietl at Graust' prieeN. jan 10 It Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT j?"!?^lace Gannons ? *-* AI.S? TJQUOUS, (HOARS, TOBACtX)' AND CA NN Kl) fe?ODS, CANDLES, fruits, &c. AH of t'.ie above goo Is are offered at PRICKS ?<> -wit ibu present light limn*, :;i IST t At Private Sale. mUK PLANTATION forming a part <>: 1. the Kslule of tho late Col. Keitt. and as the DARBY PLACE. The tract conaiHa of aliout tiuu acres, one balf well Timbered, the remainder Rich, Red, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. These arc the Finest Lands in the District, and were valued at SjO per acre in lb?k?. Would be sold for one-halt tha' ,-rico now. One fourth cash, the retnaii cr in three instal uient? bearing interest front date and se cured by mortgage of tho rfaaie. This is a splendid chance far aneryae de siring te secure Rich Lands, tine Watur Pow er, excellent Cattle Range and a Kefiacd Neighborhood. Apply to Urs. L. M. KEITT, Or J ? KEITT, Esq. j an f what PLEASES TitE^ LADIES A WHEELER k WILSON SEWING MA CHINE. They can bo had by calling at Mrs. Olden do;ifs Milltrory Eatablisbraeiit. J. T. SIMMONS, Canvassing Agent, ""** jutie 23?3in Oraugchurg, S. C SOUTH CAltOI,INA. ORANCiKIJURCJ CQUNTY. IN THE IOMMON PLKAS, StefTens, W erncr .*v Duckur, V3 Paul Mcnlze'. Copy Summons for Relict" (Complaint no! served) To tho Defendant Paul Mendel: Von are hereby sum molted and ret] hi red to m answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of tha Court of Common Picas for the said County, and to serve a Copy of your answer on tho subscri bers, at their Uftiee at Orangeburg Court house So. Ca. within twenty days alter the I service of this surnroons on you exclusive of the day of service, and it yon fail to answer the.complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintills will apply to the Court for the Re lie'fdemanded in the Complaint. Dated al Orangeburg 1'ebruarv 6?h. 1S71. W. .1. Dj.TKEVlLLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To Paul Ment/cl, defendant above namod : Take notice 'Mint, the summons and Com plaint, herein, were filed in the ollice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Or angeburg County, at Orangeburg .S'outh Car olina on tho 17t"h day of JaUunry, 1871. w. j. dktrevill ?:, ? Plaintiff's Attorney. Feb. 6th, 1814. f7 _*1t " NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, Ojl> kg kbu no Cocntt, ' ? ' V Orangcburg, S. C, Not. 1st, 177?. To (ill whom it may Concern : Pursuant to Tttlo 3, ohap. 13, Revised Statutes S. C. Section 58 requires: Six- f>8. If nny person, cotupan- or cof*^" povuljon shall commence uny business in any Co?nly^of this;-Statu-after tiro firet'dayy ol September in any year, the captial or property employe ! in which shall not'.' . been previously listed for taxation in said >: County, and shall not within thirty day*p, thcreufter make such report to the Auditor K, of said County aa is required iu the fifty h*i>:th Section of this Act, Ire or they shtll^ forfeit and jiny the sum of one hundred dol lars, which shall be collected by civil action in the name of the County Comraieaioner*. .ij and paid into the County Treasury for the'. exclusive b'-oefit of the Cennty, And pro-i cess in nuoh case may issue out of the Court - of Common I'leaa of the County in which , such business was commenced, directed tol the proper ofliccrj and be servod in any County of this State. JAS. Van TASSEL, i tiov 8?tf Co. Auditor. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, 1 The i*ernvithi Syrup, a Protect ed Solution- of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have tfir character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated trith the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Ay rut. Iron in the blood, and cures (4dthousand ills,"simply by Toning up,Invigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood 2>er mcates every part of the body, repairing damages and tvastet searching out morbid sesre tions, and leaving nothing foi* disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy ins curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Xervotis Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Xioss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaint?, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are jesrmanent, in fit sing strength, vigor, and new life into aUjyarts of the system, and building u}> an Iron Con stitution. Thousands Tiare been cfiangetl by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and in vallds cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that eacJi bottle has PERl^a/"^ VIAN SYRUP blown in the glajj. JPamplxlets Pi'oo, SETH W. FOWLE & SONS J^pr|eiors, IVO. SO Harrison Xpy., JBoatOll. Sold by DnuocisTb osittBAUt, ocl 18 S lv For" Sale. The HOUSE erfo LOT on Russell Slrcm. .n Orangebitrg, formerly owned by V. Pit than. For partiiiuiar8 inq?iro at. the Dr-tg S'ore of ; ft. j. OLIYEROS. i _ JUST blPEjNTED ? AT Dr. CliverW Drug Stora SLKDLfcss RAISINS, C11I.ON, j CURRANTS nnd FAM-v CANDIES. Also n large collection ?r j.r TOYS. Alxo n superior lot of COLOONS liuJ TOIL LBT ARTICLES. Also a fine, lot of SEOARS. Also n tine lot of CUTLERY. AUo a Lsrge and well Selected Stook "of mtUUS anil MKDICI.VES, to iwhich Artioles, for RELIABILITY and CORRECTNESS, the Publio's titiomion is directed. All are respectfully invited to call at tbe Drug Stune of DR. OLIVEROS. If von want WORK DO^E in and Carriage Paint *?(? ?o to J. A. WILLlinS, Kxpcrleneo 21 years. R**:< donee on ftavHcf street. ,inn 17 187-t -Id