iOI? ? ,f#-?.ti? j ? ' t, M - : **ti^?? If GOD Akl?ro OUR CO THE OR?NGEBURG NEWS PUBLISHED AT Every Saturday Morning. BY THE 4BANGEittJBG NEWS CO&PANT ?:o>-? 2 TR?MS'bF SUBSCRIPTION. 'Ose Copy f?r one year. $2.00 *.? " ? Six Month*. 1.00 A-ny '??Ve'endlng "TEN DOLLAR8, for a ?Clnb efNew Subscribers, will, receive an 8 IT RA COPY for ONE YEAR, frco of charge. Any one sending FIVE DOLLARS, ?r a Club of New Subscribers, will receive ?an EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTIIS, free o *arg e. ?:o:? RATHS OF ADVERTISING. I Square 1st Insertion. SI.50 " 2d ". 1.00 A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or ??no inch of Advertising space. Administrator's Notices, .$5 00 'Notices.of Dismissal of Guardians, Ad ministrators, Executors, &c.$0 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon the inest liberal terms. ?:o:? MARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, >net exceeding one Square, inserted without ' charge. ?:o:? Terms Cash in Advance, "tea W. PERRY MURPHY, ATSW51RN1ET ?.T LAW, RRAarcirvitT/E, s. c. Will practice in the Courts of Orange ?burp, Culleton and Burnwoll. fob 7 -1m Drs. D. W..BaTton Mhos. Legare. i'-avinj: united- ?heinselTe?? in thciprnosice I *?i MEDU'INE under the tiiiine-of. ISAKTON.& LEU A RE. OflVis iheir pn>'(*ss:.>, serviee* to the it*,; ? and" surKiu'iVling' (iiintiy. Ii.wi t ifro-.i 8-ln 0.' A. M. and 7 to i hltfht. ? iuc Miik-t Street tw ) doors bclo.v .1. . Hnti.iiiuir? Si ore. Jvc-M 1ST". DR. C. $L TATiEK, LKWlSVUiLE, S.?C, (ST. MATTHEWS P. OL,) 187:1 tf Sf ysn3 have no Lund, go Ruy ^aT"mitfVTk%-^fau.^'fnt -on EASY TERMS at he LAND OFFICE^T-?_ A\JG. B, KNOWLTON. tf If you litrtc Move sLand than .n PAY TAXES on, Register it for al the LAND -OFFICE of ATO. B. KNOWLTON. If you luwe I^cas Land lliau you want, BUY MORE at the .. LA.ND OFFICE of AUG.. B. KNOWLTON. X^ISTID AGENT IliiiUadcrsigncd has opened an OFFICE -for ihe SALE of LAND, Arsons having REAL ESTATE to dis pose of will do well to register the biuuc for sale. ' ARGE FARMS subdivided and sold in 01/LARGE or SMALL parcels. 00D FARMS for sale at from $2 to $? ignore, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, ?Orangebux'g C. IL, S. C. Bftv 16 f FELDER MEYERS, TRI AX JV MjfiTlCK, OFFJCE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will'give prompt attention to nil business ^entrusted to him.. mar 20?tf |Br6wjiing & Browning, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ^rXKQJBBIJRG 10. II,, So. 'Ja. M.u,'colm I.. Bnpwtniio. A. F. Bkownino. nov 4 |GUSTTJSB.M0WLT0N pQRpJY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, fflfiS tf fnmh jpsTtoE, ?\) iidencp in Forlt or Ed into, . Lh BUSINESS ENTRUSTED v ill be amptly and carefully attended to, uly 513 A Lightning Rod Man's Mistake. Up in Walhalla, tlie other day, a lightning-rod ronn drove up in front of a hnndsome cdiOee standing in the midst of ticcs and'shrubs, and spoke Mr. Sum liters, who wag siting on the s'eps in front. Ho accosted Summer, as the own er of the rcsidcuce, and said) ?I sec you have no lightning rods on this house.' 'No,'said Summers. f 'Are you going to put any on?' l *Wcll, I hadn't thought of it,' repPod Summers. 'You ought to. A tall building like this is very much exposed. I'd like to rim you up on ? of tuy rods} twisted s eel glass fcudcrs, ntcklo plated tips, every thing complete. Muy I put up one to show you? I'll do the job cheap.' 'Certainly you may if you want to. I havn't the slightest objection,' said Sum in era. During the next half hour the mm hud his ladders up and his assistance at work, and at the cud of that time the job was done. He culled S uuimers out iuto the yard to admire it. He.said to Su miners. ?Now that is well enough, but if it was my house, I'd have another rod Oil the other side. There is nothing like being protected throughly.' 'Thnt's true, said Summers, 'it would be bettor-' ?I'll put up nnotlior?shall I ?' a>;ke J, the man. 'Why of course, if.youthink it's host, said Summers. Accordingly the man went 'to work again and soon had the rod in its pine t, ''That's a fiist r ted, liberal, not afraid to put a. dollar down for a <;ood thing. 1 here's souiv phasunviii rte:>lj^?asfti^ you . I_ 'J.k you so intuit i'hat I'd pttl a ?double rn?^ rods on that house, one mi the north isii'i" and one on the south, almost for noth in.' 'It should make things safe, 1 sup po-e.1 said Sum nur?. ?Certainly it would. I'd better do it, hadn't I ? hoy?' 'J.ust as you think proper,' sui.l Sa ? ninrn. So the men ran up two more rodi*, and then came down and said to Sum mors: "*Tberc?that's done. Now Jot's settle up.'' ?^VW'---_.. 'Whj the job iu finished, nnd now TTT" take my money ?You-dou't-expect me D -about 6ve -ruinates .dr. Giles comes in 'to supper. 41 is wife ;is down in the cellar. ,,.--***?-? ..?vi & .wit. gftig ??:,,v,-rV^ '1 n just a minute.' '.Iti.-I .? inM!UN?..! "lOverythin^ is done in jirs't "nli iiitito. AinYhua*ni-iglht I sup " pose I will hiive to come in trn I >r c' sup per for myself, alter working h ird all day If you I ie 1 as hard i-s I do t> make horn- pleasant, we would get a hing n groat deal butter than we do You uro iiJjiyiiys behind with everything, and then you ?ruu.b.e bceau-e you have tiO much to do. Well, supper is ready at last, is it? It is about time, 1 think.' They sit dowu to the table. 'Oh, Lord, we thank thee for this and all other b'ossiugs, feel us with ~T^~\jre%4--ulLljiJ^ save us in heaven A tum. Is this the best talTie^^MTtrr-yV^ have got? It is. Why don't you buy another? Ain't got any money? What did you do with the money you got for those eggs '{' 'Bought a hat for Katie.' 'Bought a hat for Katie, and me needing I dju't know how many farm implements. I never knew such ex travagauco in my life. It would please me exceedingly if you would consult ma about such things utter this. 1 guess I'll go to bed. 1 can't have any peace up. Wife, before you come to bed, just patch that rent in my coat; and oh ! I wore u hole in my socks to day. You must either mcud it or get me out a cleuu pair. There is a chicken in the barrel by tho hen-house ; I want that lor uiy breakfast.- Come, children, como and kiss papa. Good-night and don't forget to say your prayers.'? Weitem Rural. Pulpit Anecdotes. Dr. Guthrie, the celebrated Scotch minister, has left behind him a pleasant autobiography. It wns written in tho decline of his life, and yet bus the fresh ncss of superabundant animal spirits. He tells two eapital stories which illustrate ecclesiastical lifo in Scut land, aud the quiet humor of Scotchmen. One is of Dr. Erskine, u great preacher iu his day, 'Dr. Ei ski mi was remarkable for bis simplicity of manner and gentle temper. 11c returned so often from the pulpit minus his pockot liandkerohief, aud could tell so little how or where it was lost, that Mrs. Erskino at last bogan to suspect that the handkerchiefs wore stolon us he ascended tho stairs, by some of the old wives who lined it. So both to bulk aud detect tho culprit, she sowed a corner ofu handkerchief to one of the pockets of his coat-tails. Half way up tho stairs the good doctor felt a tug, whorcupou he turned round to tho old woman who wai tho guilty hand , to say with great calmness and simplicity, 'No the day, honest -woman, no the day Mrs. Krskine has sewed it in.' Another -is of Dr. Outline's ox par icnce in examining a witness in a churol* trial, who did not wish to tell all lie knew. The caso was that of a minister, charged with drunkenness J -'Besides other proofs of drunkenness* having drawn this out of witness, thatj tho minister, on one occasion, ns he] lolled over the side of the pulpit? in fact, unable to stand upright?said' that he loved his people so much thutl he would carry them all to heaven on! his back, 1 asked him, 'Now Jolin, whorij you heard him say so. what impression! did so strange a speech make oil you ?\\ Cithers, to the same question, as uffl willing witnesses as John, had alre idyl said that tlinugh they would not say he] was drunk at the time, tliej certaiulyj thought so. 'Hut ?lohn showed hiuHelf equal to] the occasion. 'Well,' he replied, 'Maisler (juthrio, I'll just tcll you wliat I thought. Iheroj was a great fat wife, you see, sit ting \1 (he aeat before nie, and thinks I, myl lad, if you set off tu (he kingdom oij heaven with that wife ou your back, my pcrtie, you'll not be back lor the rest o' us iu n hurry ' A. Short Suriuoii. How to Break Down a Ciiuuccf] /. To discourage your j*a*t6r : 1. Absent your-elf from one scrVit every Sabbath, cr miss ut least one irl thrso; if he is not very strong, once itn, four ttines may answer. ,2. Neglect the prayer meetings. 3. Criticise your minister freely?A ipviH.'i:"i;fe ifSrnrn^?',n,u ia'u"f pinn;l| fuily?pray for him liule i>r nan i . ?I. II he pii-po a* to hold extra meet ing. let. I iui cuudu t ihem without your eo-opcratiou. n Uivc youcsolf no c>ui?cru whather hi> train y ;s pa id or not. G Never call on hi ?> socially, or a'tow him tu think that his e tin!'n't, or ilihtui' his family, is a matter of any import*, nco in your eyes. //. To discourage r/our ffll i l*e~d Take nc part in tho labors ol the Sunday school. G Publish it on all occasions, that you have no confidence in 111e coiicerii ? predict that it must full?go down?bl >w up?and can never succeed. By observing these directions faithful ly you may have the satisfaction, it th?. church is not usually vigorous, of wit Hessing the fnlflllmeut of your prcdic lions. A Beautiful Tiikk?The camphor tree perfumes the air, and its leaven yield the finest honey. It often roaches a hundred leet in height, with a girth of fifty fuct. ?The precious gum is found sometimes in layers as large as a man's arm, but more frequently in small frag meats, extracted with sharp-pointed in struinent.s. The wood is excellent for hou.-o, ship timber andZfurniture, and, excepting the teak and culauibuco is the only wood never attacked by the myriads of voracious insects iu the Kast Indies . The common kinds of camphor uro procured by distillation. Rootod sorrow?An aching tjuth; iiuc. u. d dun must come tu an 'old mill' and mc a lot i no it; veilers. und deu h ty de chuJgc $>IU und coats. So dal you 'schquarc it' at dj bo'ice office, liiiu n.ei ! \nl a dam schwindle! und es gibt i'ineii gros en uuterchiud /.wisehor einen Deutschen und einen Yankee. 'l itt' Niv.ded Comforter. We c;:nnol take a single step in out' gloomy path without rinding sonic trace of him, the Comforter we need ! Kor he is an a Mi i et cd man, the most afflicted o| all the human race, a man of sorrow. If he wi-hes to sympathize, he has only to recall the past. We cannot light upon an affliction through which he has "TuJt jTTTTu Vt'lVQ ugj which affects "Mir bodies to that whielt withers" our souls. O, ye, who lie upon bods of sickness, tortured with cruel pain, he knows the nature of tbe physical stillering which rests lot your inuer life through the delicate cords couuecting soul and body ! O, yn who eat the bread of charity and are distressed by the cares of penury, he knows what poverty is ! (), ye who have been overwhelmed with reproach, calumny, insult and I mockery, he knows what ignominy is ; he knows it as you can never know it ! (), ye who bend and shudder over the opeu tomb, he knows what sorrow is, and hid but tears Sell into the tomb where bis frieiid was laid! O, ye who mourn not only for a fiictid, but also for friendship, ye from whom life and not death has taken a heart on which you leaned ; ye who have bejn forsaken ; ye who have seen your brother's hand raised ugaitist you, he knows what, abandonment and betrayal are; he knows these things as you can never know them, he who was saoiificcd by a people whom lie had loaded with His benefits, forsaken by His disciples, denied by one apostle and sold by another; I defy you to point out a BuUcritig which lie ban not kuowu uud traversed before you. ? I'msu-isc. -??-... Is taking a buck the first stage of consumption'! The population of France decreased 1 per cent, last year .Many valuable horses havo died of lung lever in Lowistou, Me. Ol IHiS births in Hartford itiono year, 702 Were of Irish pareutage. The liquor dealors t all the women's movement a sugar coated pill. A hog has been trained lor hunting purposes by an English gentleman. ns Iowa""atld Nc?raska. Thiy uro les.-f than New Yuik, Peuiisylvansji anl Ohio. A Kixy to a LVrsou's Numo. I>V the SIC ?Oillpunyiuz table '?(' let lers, tIi?.* it:m time.