The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 14, 1874, Image 8

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The unWers^rb?MdTri^ to buy the vote or tho honest man. "When is money damp? When it be eomes djuc,ip dj^e-rpgrpiogsand moist in tho eveuing. ?Krown, what did ypuoloarby that speculation ?' 'I olcared my pockots,' When did Moses sicop five in a bod When ho slopfc with his four fathers (fprefath?iD ) Thistle tea and a poultice of thistle leaves arc said to be good for uournl ij^^en are now eligible to any offio e ofsohool control or niauagomout in A young lady in Chicago has oxpon ded 87,008 in poodloa?and still sho is uot happy. ;.<?> ?} ^ t The Wisconsin State Grango is iuves tigatiog its ox Secretary Yallegcd littlo jobs in stationery,. There are fewer lawsuits among farm era now than over boforo which shows that there is more iutolligeuoo. Tho Athenians would put a boy to death for, killing a bird. bocausc.tho net indicated a cruel disposition. An Indiana man has married and buried throe Bisters, aud is now pros peeling for another family to-entomb ' Young ladies are never behind tho fashions, but tho fashions are now very much behind tho young ladies: Ladies who are Grangers should not go out iuto fashionable society without u cotton blossom in their hair. Tho ?. S. IIoubo of Representatives passed tho bill appropriating . 811,000 for the establishment of lifo saving at a ti?p?. ? ??Qp. it strong when you advertise Business is.,like, architoaturo?its best supporters are in columns, and o.ipitals arc among its greatest ornamentations. "Killed by a visitation ofI?rovideuco through the medium of a horse," was the coroner's verdict in tho case of a Georgia rann, who'was kicked 10death. The great need of the town of Yellow River, Ark., is "about forty women"? not, let it be understood, women of about forty. A Bostou man was cursing an editor the other day wheu ho foil dead. Sever al similar cases have beon lately repor ted. Men should bo careful in speaking of anything saored. >" irgiuia lady has recovered a thou sand dollars from a railroad oompmy lor c irryiug h?r two miles beyond where she wanted to get out. This is not ex nctly.fare. is estimated that during tho im pending famine in India the Govern men't will bo colled upoi: to supply half I a pound of grain per day, for oighr ] mpnths, to 25,000,000 people. The Jersey City defalcation illustrate the risk of entrusting important offices to very young mob. While tho city is it of itB thousands the pbsconding treas urcr isn't out of his twenties. Japanese silks will be more fashionn blc next summer than they 'have over been wo hear. Some of the new "pat terna airo exceedingly pretty, and lor ?vopipg drcBBCB will 'make, .up lovely.' 41.Rye tonic" is what they call it is moral, Massachusetts. It would shook, the saints there to call it plain whiskey. Tho Pharisees, wouldn't touoh it aud the officers'of the law wouldn't seize it. juhiu3 Henry Browne says that "to quarrel With a woman over night is to iuvite the ' devil to breakfast with you next mornjug." The moral of which is, or ought to he : Never, quarrel with a woman f ? i*u.. Tho-boys of New Bebford call the City M?rahul blcsaoti, ,aa he has kindly designated about half of the hill strocts of that city, asthoao upon whioh tho lads may coast without interference ol ii ,. ? ?? ft ? ' ? ? tho police A frcb'ch physician has discovered thiifr the peculiar odor bf Russian loath' | cr has a very beneficial offoot upori weak lungs, and. ho advises coniBumptivo por Bon's to ropos?'?pon pillows oovbred with that material. The causes that led to tho baokprupt cy of Edwin Booth arc obvious. A groat mistake was made in building his cost ly theatro on costly grouuds, and in bo planning it that it received no rovcuuo worth mentioning from rents. fl ho company raiced for tho coDqueBt of Cuba, at' Augusta, Ga., was very strongly "officered. It consistod of thir teen generals, seven colonel, four cap tain \ nineteen paymasters, twenty seven quarCermiflterBand one private. V" ?ijjon't you think, 'now, th<3Bo puly pawtics ono meets aro pawtios op never know? F" She? "Not more dweawy than other pawtiea, where the only ones ono knows aro no ones." A dapghtor of Cirua W. Field, of At Untie telegraph notoriety, was married Jaat'WeeK, and the affair was tho topio of contoraation among the high flyers, for wccUb. Tho bridal presents wer? ?jatim^d^^l^we^ vaf yiaatiiW tawnier" ? KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT w , Tho only known romedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, And n positive remedy for gout, gravel, strictures, dia-, Betes, dyspepsia "nervous/' t j *%rarCTrr* drops y, . Non retention or Incontinence of Urlno, Ir ritation, Inflnmation or Ulcorntion of tbo BLADDER & KIDNEYS, SPERMATORRHOEA, Lencorrlioea or Whites, Diseasos of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in ^o Bladdor, Colculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, f n Hn u n II if H ^ '] f Yl 9. fSf B KEARNEY'S; EXTRACT BUCHUJ Permanently Cures all Disease of tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, J^f&a Existihg in.Men, women and Childron, , berNO matter what THE AGE! .Prof. Steele says : "One bottlo of Kearn ey's Fluid Extract Buohu is worth more than all,other Bucbus combined." Price. One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bot ties for Five Dollars. ' ? ' Depot IOI Dunne St.,. Ji*. Y. A Physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. JlggfScnd .stamp for Pamphlet, free" TO THE Nervous & Debilitated . _,. OF BOTH SEXES. Ao Chnrgc for Athicc and Conndtation. Da. J. B. Dvott, graduate of Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, author of several valuable, works, can bo consulted on all disease* of the Sexual or Urinary Or gans, (which ho lms mado an especial study) .cither in.male or female, no matter from what cause originating or of how long stand ing. A practice of iiO years enables him to treat diseases with' success. Cures guaran teed. Charges reasonable. Tho?>c at a /distance can forward letter describing sym tdms av?d enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Soud Vor' the GUIDE TO HEALTH. Price 10c. J, B. DYOTT. M. D.. . . , Physician and Surgeon, 101 Dunne St., New York. jan 17 187U^$SSiS?w 62 CiiAtiD:sTOjt, S. 0. December 14; 1972. kN AND AFTER .SUNDAY DECEMBER 14, the Passenger Tinin on tho South Carolina Railroad will riio as follows. rOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.9.30 A. it Arrive at Columbia..'..6.20 Y. M.' FOB augusta. Leave Charleston...0.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.!?.-0 Xr M\ t J . FOB rUABLKSTOK. Leave Colnmhia.9.00 P. M. Arrivo at Ghnrloston.4.46 P. M. Leave Augusta.0.00 A. M. Ar.uvc at Charleston.A...4.45 A. M. COLUMBIA NIUItT kjtrpRSS ?flOSDAVB ^XCKTT ' t ?9$tBmt TB?. I ' . Leave Charleston..7.30 P. M." Arrive at Columbia.6.30 A. M. Lco' ? Columbia......7.30 P. M.. Arrivo at;Chariesto^n.4 45 A. M. AUourrA' tfioivf sxrBcss-suNDAis ExcarTRp Lcavo Charleston...8.80 P. M. Arrive at Angusla....,..7.35 A. M. Leave Augusta.,.....,..6.15 P. M Arrifo" at Charleston.5.50 A- M. hlmmkrvills TBAIN. Leave Sumnicrvilhi at.7.25 A. M. I Arrive at Charleston at......8.40 A. M. 1 Leave Charleston at.8.85 P. MV Arrivo at Summervillc at.4.60 P. M. CAMDEN OBAKCU. | Leave Cft?Tdeh........7.20 A. M. Arrivo at Columbia-...'......11.55 A. M. Leave Columbia:.2.10 P. M. Arrivo at Cauidcn. 6.55 P. M. . Duy and Night Trains connect at Augusts,, with Macon nod. August a Rail'Road, Rail Road and Georgia Rail Road. This is the quickest and most direct route, aud as comfortable and obonp as any other route to Iiouisvillo, Cineinnati, Obirago, St. Louis, and all atkor .points Wost and Northwest: Columbia Night .Train connects with i Groenviljc and Columbia Railroad, and Day and Night Trains connect with Charlotte Road. Through Tickets on ?alc, via this route to all points North. Camden Train connects ?t Klngvillo daily (except Sundays) with :Day Passenger Train, and rune ' trough to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, Vice-president. 8. B. Pickbns, General Ticket.-Agent. j NEW -PATENT.'7 DR. PATRICK'S COTTON PRESS The undersigned Agent for Orangeburg County bega leave ^to call the attention of COTTON PLANTERS to the' same, and would advise every one in nooil^f a COT TON PRESS to'purohaso a patent at once. For CHEAPNESS, SIMPLICITY, and POWER, it hns no equal. Any ono desirous of seeing the "roodus ?pe'randi" of said Prows, oan doaoby calling at tbo Storo of J. Yf . Patrick k Co., Ttussol Stroit Orangeburg C. H,,' S. C, whero a model oun bo seen, or addross Chpt. Jeff' 'STOKJJ? Oen'l Agent Midway g. C. J, W. PATRICK, Agt. Orangeburg County S. C. july;20 18V3 HAS JUST RECEIVED AiFULL SUPPLY OF And KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a .full lino of t<k I EH GOODS Of all-kinds."-~ne offers for sale everything iu the shape of GENERAL MERCHANDISE CHEAr. Suoh aa COFFEE, SUGAR, LARD, BACON, BUTTER, HAMS, CHEESE, CANNED FRUIT and HAM SAUSAGE. Also on. hand a fino lot of NEW NORTHERN Iff AY, and several GOOD VARIETIES of FERTILIZERS, which can be bought LOW DOWN for the MONEY. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN. HATS 2 o a53L8 * WfM ;? wf: .. o o W J. W. PATRICK & CO. AT COST! 1 ??ff ?iwfi e& MY ENTIRE STOCK OF I. ?rix? -fcot, '? p}* Kraft ? HO HUMBUG. W (4 K AI VOSE & IZLAR o a a o m o M a W FISCHEB, Agt. UAS JUST RECEIVED AT THE EFTEBPPJSE GE0:EHf STOHE . A fuH^'pply of FRESH FAMILY ^.UOCElUE&^arid is offering them VERY^OW tor'the Cash. . i ' A THE ENTERPRISE Will bo found a full Stock of CHOICE LIQUORS of the best brands, and a largo supply of the BEST BITTE US that am .undo. 8EGARS and TOBACCO of tho best grades. All in need of tho above goods VU1 be dealt with right by oalling on AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agt. A Valuable Invention* AN ENTIRELY- JJ?W Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. WIT1I THE sew Patent But ion Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COM DINED STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. Complete in nil its pnrts. uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self Threading, direct, upright Positive Motion, Now Tension. Self Feed and Cloth Guidcr. Operates by Wheel and on a Tnhlc. Light Running, Smooth und noiseless like till good high priced machines. Has patent chock (o prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from tho spool. Makes the Elnstic Leek Stitch (finest and strongect Btitch known;! firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do till kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses nil descriptions of thread The best mechanical talent in America and Europe, has been devoted to improving anil simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dis pensing with all complicated surroundings generally found in other machines. Special terms and extra inducements to male ami female agents, store keepers, &C, who will establish aguncies through the country and keep our now machines on ex hibition and sale. County rights given to smart ngents free. Agent's complete outtits furnished without any extra charge Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, &.C., sent free Address. BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO., No. 1329 Broadway, New York. fob 8 ]y TTTE CHEAT REMEDY FoR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by A timely resort to t]iis stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c.' Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of. the complaint. pnErAnen nv BETH W. FOWLE & SOUS, Boston, Mess., And sold by Druggists and Dealers gewurally oct18 ly MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! For Sieht la Priceless!! BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. TRADE If you value your Eyesight use those Per fect Lenses, Ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles, Molted together, and derive tholr name "Diamond" on account of their Hard ness and Brilliancy. Tbey will last many years without change and are warranted superior to all others in use. Manufactured by tho Spencer Optica Manufacturing Co., New York. CAUTION.?None Conning unless stamp ed will? our trade mark. For Salo by .Responsible Agents through out the Uuiou. E. .T. OLIVEROS, jan 20?ly Orangeburg, 8. C Bricks! Bricks! BKTCTCB!! i rpilE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Jj Informs tho public that he 5b now pre pared to furnish BRICKS in any quantity. All orders will moot in ompt attention. j. C. EDWARDS. I juno 5 1878 tf d?? to $20 PER DAT! Agents ipt) WANTED I AH classes of working peoplo, of either box, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address OJ STINSON & CO., sept I* -le Part'-~* M?iUc. -i I,-,, I,, ii, -"'www.?nii - pe /u/cr vt? . -.?BS ?rrew **** fcad<j<jw? i[?w m itltaa *tO Nice Lot of NEW STYLES EA^t PRINTS and other GOOBJ?"V Just Received at u?? 1*$ '*;*a*J r? rnJorik ii*ftfuta.-.tji j j ?t'??f>ft W a .H ui :a?ri:?>?l'. LsUttt? U?3 VllMl 'iuv -s-rawwjww?.-??' THOMAS CARTMILL'S. _re*mr?J an ill . vbrf ai -* iidi A A HAPPY HEW YEABfeT In wishing tho publica HAPPY NEW YEAR, we thank trrttoifor'?b/** LIBERAL PATRONAGE bestowod oi na, and hope to merit a oontiouatfee off * the same, assuring them that we aro determined to keep, aa in the paat.a,.. . '? JaVjote viT . FIRST CLASS STORE. With the ushering out of the Old Year, wo have closed out our STOCK, and with our New Year's Greeting, greet our patrons with an entirely New r.nd .rr, well Solected a Stock of GTOCERIES, LIQUORS, &e. ... * ? . ' 5 -. HevtTjj .r.ataevlQ* As can bo found anywhnfe. .' , Give us a call at W.T. Mullor's Old Stand, and examine our " Slov* mST*1 Price, all of which will defy cotiipctitio't. 1 ^ J-bvS. ^ffr^i FEANTZ BKTGGAI^ISriSr & CO. . N. B.?HIGHEST CASH PRICES given for .?11 Country ProdeM.** <H n t, ! h;ti b-.b*-rf ?'?notteij! it ;w ire; thxa.a-.*- hp* ? '*.tH i:b ,?iti .*? ? ***.t? k^bb - HI- - Ir?i. a iej? at I.* -TV*- -J* ? ; taSBi ?Vi ??? t oa ?ftrAl A full assortment of FALL eb4 WINTER GOODS, of every des^^! tion, at prices to suit the tir?es. * now on hand. A full stock of choice Groceri?i , "t ? v'!.:- thk t M ?i boS Iii?? cwadl S?P? 2'. 18T3 35 ;? ilj r, '?? ??? ri?**ifl ?fir mot<^ ?????t.b? ! I ? -;d ?. .bt?H X , g , & i 'I ? ' ? ? ? -:iil iflSt\flj ?3B*3?rar i " ? . , 1 ? , , i j ,i j. i. j?,, , t., :?_ (radj aaai^ w-i e>St> GEO : *"! ? *w .vft;;-,.,... .A A .8 iefi I? Is receiving now, constantly a tions to his Stock of DRY GO Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, Groekeryi^3 Wood and Willow Ware, et&HUw' offers the same at prices to s?it 1? times. BAGGING and TIES alw$|r on hand. I also continue to^hvft COTTON, RICE and all COUTOKf [ Produce at the HIGHEST Market PRICE. Please call in and see jfoi" .5 I ? . I ,|f .?WH ?dl trtMsr.^yr rj| ?Uuliat? e?t ?:* .81"/! -I V '11 'J t U , Y WM r.A X'-iT A no a etiw .aol'i^iJ -sat hV.'UHlV *mat.A ,43>dcdVC xoH ' J ei Jatjfei aW .?.?ull *dt ni a?iia>^eid DUKES.^^OTEI^rr,^^ ??.?i,. russell-stbeeTa aOTPB^$^tJS.