The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 21, 1874, Image 3

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h79 SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1874. r YoUog America boys a long local boxt week. No room <?a >!? til . I/J_: 'TO ^AbVERJISlXG AG SEW AM) SOME OTHERS? Wo. ore in conslaut receipt of lcttors and. cArculars from nil parts of the coun try asking us to insert advertisements in ??n ,%^f5y^J?ndi M^e nur Pay ^u ??ooting. irons, gridions, garden aeod, printing preesti, books, bone-less sardines , so many days board at a New York hotel, aud he^o^n^jkW^ what not. To all there "anxious inquirers'1 wo have .-just one word to say; w? wunt none of >Oft yourjbu^ipesBji Yppr lettars aro so many , nuisances which find their way to the waste basket in two .seconds after their Cout'ents are known. We have about an much regular, legitimate advertising business as we care fi r, and we don't intend tp deprcoi.-tte the value of our columns by tho admusion of any matter 9''wSs]B&HM^T?iJrscter nbovo indicatid. So J just save your stamps and your station ery?or we ahall advertise ?omo of you in a way which you would probably find tbe'roveVstJ of satisfactory. li/LEY-lSMS - ''Tsay, Major!" '. "Well, Riloy!" "1 declare, Major, you oughtn't to Atave put r that pioce in the paper, last ?week, about how a woman fastens her" stockings^' a*J01 *?Why, Riloy, that waB clipped from ifce jX&ct ?Cr Cburfer?and every body ,A Afc^jrows^fta* 'it -n ^trnrtly tntvrai paper in all tilings?eiroept its coucicctiou with *he Printing Hing." '"Well, rtbf.y ?nigbt to have been TOslhwme? ^fVlrenrflC'lvcs. anyhow !" And the Ivftlo fellow-goes on sticking t^yce??whnlc tvc can't'help thinking pot. ?. -a -while that there are w.trso people in tfhe'world'than our "devil." v.QT. W, -g/rar-wshv, ? Wc i*ee 'by a recent imnibor of the ;Snmter Wakhina-i that our esteemed :| ^fellow, ?oiahien W. <BL. (xirnrdoau, Rsq., riiHf 'b.een recently visiting his old home dn flint town where he was warmly >;olptUned by the press anil by hid old . tfriends ?n igenarnll. The Witcftman reives fliiru -a first rrtte "local," ami the .'Suintcr Fire Gompany, wliose anniver S*ry .occurreH 'fluring his visit, gave as tthe 3rd regular tonst of the ovening: 3rd. Our Ex Dfesident, W m. II tfiirardoau, ICaq.? Ltkc unothcr William Orange, !ijo -leaves Ifls ?hoiue, to help , ""i .festive occasion. Kortjohn, in bis bow advortiHemeat ?does.J-aft ?eetn to foave -a ju st appreciation " ?ofrbis pesltioh in out community. Ho ! addresses himeclf to l?is "friends, pat Tons and tho publie," when, in fact, the , last word is the only one ho need have tyedj for tbe "public" aro all friends of Kortjohn, and aro all patrons of his excellent and enterprising estab lishment. We have always liked that asixJeVvoung Kortjohn. From a stn<i!l clerkship bf has worked his way up to being the head of one of tho best r. " grocery stores in town. Industry aud application, bard work, good munriera <- nnd> good morals are the -secret of his i^roccesfe Ifyjpu wish tobe fairly and ** ' squarely dealt by, call at Kortjohns. We'll take n Havannah ! Mprotro's is a great plocc of a Satur k\$t$ ?febtsg. Every body js there, 'Raiting; tjtji be shaved up in style to kiss his wifo pr "go out with the girls," nest gay.- Fpr be it known that in thin %^MA 'Burgof purs, Sunday is the only y on wh|cl) husbands indulge in tha " of domestic osculation, or on C yftuogij^males doyoto them to the jnnooont pastime of peram atiog with thoso qf tho other sex. Brown's, we say, is tl>o groat place wboro our Burgers ore dono up nicely and neatfop the simplo pleasures of t/he Sabbath. From all which it has pltarly appeared tb,at Brown is of tho barbers peraqasion. Brown, is a barber 7?no more, aud no less. But/ he is a barber with q heart and with a soul. Af^d Browu'a heart and Brown's soul aro both with Brown in his business. Jn fact, iiraivn is a harbor from the ex treme t*\p of bis big toeway back to his hec\ f^hich. is. sotuettiing of a dUta.n.oo, if orio happens to bp a little tired) and th'cnce to a point half way distant from tho point or plaoo of bogiuuing, aud thence- iu a straight lino to the remotest cud of tho longest, upright hair on his blessed old head. Indeed, Brown's coat of-arms is surmounted with the proud and o mphot io motto Nisi tonsar, nihil! which, Brown has kindly informed us, means, in plain English, "If I don't shave you well, there's nothing to pay." Nay. s i wrapt up iu his business, aud so lost to every thing else is our good friend Browu, that we are strongly in?lined to believe that if tho angol Gabriol wero to coiuo for him in person, with a nies sago which would furcvermoro relieve the old gentleman from the sublunary exigencies of com bread aud bacou, aud offering him iu exchange thurofor uu limited quantities of pu~e milk and red clovcr honey, Brown, if engaged just then upon a customer, would, regardless oflhe opportunity to improve his rations, quietly * suggest to tho stranger to "take a seat, sab !?your turu uextsah!" But in spite of all his virtuos?it may even be, on account of them?the rumor [goes that Brown has been "kicked,"?yea, and by a Charleston girl at that! Aud wo regret to nay we have 'Brown's assurauce that "thcro's somcthiug in it." "To such base uses we ^ may come at last," Horatio Brown. Tho a ivertisctnent of Messrs Straus & Strcot in this issue speaks for itself, and inforines the public where obey cm buy the best llicc, Meal and Crist at tho lowcBt prices. Also wood roady for the fire. All you have to do is to leavo your orders and tho length, to secure immediate delivery of it at your resi denco. Ills Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr. \V. L. Ehncy a Notary Public. TITE REFUJil.IC? Wc arc in rcce:pt of th<i February number of ??this valuable monthly, pub lished ut Washington, IV C, a* 82 per annum, and which should be subscribed for and read by every citizen. No family should bo The sub jects treated in 'this number arc" The Opinions of ti e Country I'-rcss j Tho Mission of True ^tatesmaiiship; and the piopcr xdutioa of the 'economic problem of Cheap Transportation ; Tho Annexation of'CaradaCapital, Labor aud Wages ; The W ork of Congress ; The Finances ; The Work of tho Trea Bury Department; The Question ol Spcoie Payment, and the Po.vtai Tele graph. All these questions arc ably handled from a non partisan stand pointy aud iu an attractive and instructive manner. It is made clear to tho reader that the writers for The Republic aro thoroughly informed, aud that their leading pur pose is to promote the prosperity of our peoplo and insure tho perpetuity of our institutions. The appendix contains the able speeches of Senators Chandler and I/Ognn, and Representatives H. S Bundy. on the "Tho Finnnces," nnd K. H. Cain on ?Civil Rights." We say again that every citizen who takes an interest in public affairs should possess and read this magazine, aud that no family should be without it. ?-' ?? ? - ? MOM-??? ? Iron in tho Blood.?When the blood is well supplied with its iron ele ment, wc feol vigorous and full of ani mation. Ijt is an insufficiency of this vital element that makes ua feel weak. and low spirited; in such eases, tho Peruvian Syrup (n protoxide of Iron) can supply this deficiency, aud its use will invigorate us wonderfully. -f n CoMTjiniA, B. C, Dec. 20th, 1870. To the Editor Oranythury 2Vete? : Sin?I havo tho honor to inform you that at a meeting pf tho Board of Officer*, cro ated by an Act entitled "An Act to Regulate the Publication of all Legal and Public Notices," tho following resolution was adop ted ? Resolved, That the "ORANGEBURG N K W S " IB hereby designated ns the OFFI CIAL PAPER for the Publication of nil Legal Notiere nnd OfDolal Advertisements of tho County Officers in the County of Orange burg. Respectfully, &o. F. L. CARDOZO, Seo. of State and Chairman Hoard. Por W. R, JONES, A tiiiiiiiigtrntor't* Notice.?All ''Jl%_ porsons having any demands against tlu) hat ate of Jacob Carroll, lato of Fort Motto, deceased, will pro.-.cut the samo for payment ?o W. J. DoTrovjlle, Esrp. Atterncy ai Lnw, in Grangeburgt or to the Subscriber, And thone Indebted will make pavment to MARY A. OARkOLL, Administratrix, jan 17 Wi 4 COMMERGIAIi. MARKET BEPORT?. Orrioa or Tun Cranoroubo Nrwb, Feburary, 20th 1874. COTTON?8iiV-- during tho week 220 bales. We quote: Ordin ary, to Good Ordinary,... 7(a) 12 Low Middling.l?? Middling. ....13}& Itouon Hick.$1.25 per oushcl Cons.S 8? per busbol. Cow Pkas. 7f> per bushel. Pin nenn. per bushel. Estate of John V. Ruir. Notice is hereby g?v en to all concerned, that on the 10th day uf March, A. I)., 1874, 1 will lilo my fluni uccount in the otlicc of the Judge of Probate of Oraiigeburg County, and will apply for my final discharge as Adioiulst rnti'x of said Estate. MAIIY M. KAI?, Aduii'x Est., John V. lluir. fob 7th 1874 4t SOUTH CAROLINA. ORANGEUUR0 county. in tiik common flkas, Stettens, Werner & Backer, ts Paid Menisci. t.'opv Summons for Relief (Complaint not ser veil) To the Defendant Paul Mentzel: ~V"ou arc hereby summoned and required to X answer the complaint in thisaction, which is tiled in the otlice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a Copy of your answer on the subscri bers, at their Otlice ut Orangwburg Court house SSo. Ca. within twenty days after the service of this summons on you exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintitl's will apply to the Court for the Re lief dei?anded-in the Complaint. Dated at Orangeburg February t*>?h, 1871. W. J. DkTREVILLE, 111 aintitl"h Attorney. To Paul Mentzel, defendant above named : Take notice That the summons and Com plaint, herein, were tiled in the bfllco of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Or angchurg County, at Orangeburg .South Car olina on the 171 h day of January, 1874. W. J. DsTREVILL ??, I'laintilVs Attorney. Feb. 0th, 1814. 7?0t. If yon wnnt WORK DONE in Mouse and Carriage Paint ing go to J. A. WILMIMS. Experience 24 year*. Resi ilence on Market street. jnn i7 la ?OOD GARDENS to be land by buying your Garden Meeds and Onion SoIm from E. EZEKIEE?, wbo gels all Iiis Scotls from tlie Celebrated firm of 1>. dretli A Son. JV. IS.?Members of Granges will be supplied at Grange price*. jnn 10 4t SOUTH C.tROI.INA. OKANtJEUUltti COt" NTY. All persons having-ehrims against the Estate of the late Ann Uv>riys ?*w required to present them, aaJ a<l persons indebted to said fiutate are required<o wake pay ment-, to 0O11N P. BERRY, <Jualifiod Executor declo 187? . lui NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, ORASoanund Countt, Ornngeburg, S. C, Nov. 1st, 1778. To all whom it may Concern : Pursuant to Title 3, chap. 1^ Revised Statutes S. C% Section 58 requires : Sur 08. If any person, com pan" or cor poration shall commence any business in any County of this State after the first day ot September in any year, the cuptial or property employed in which shall not been previously listed for taxation in said County, and shall not within thirty days thereafter make Buch report to the Auditor of said " County as is required in the fifty sixth Scot ion of this Act, he or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dol hll-S, which shall be collected by civil action in the name of the County Commissioners, and paid into the County Treasury for the exclusive benefit of the Ccunty, And pro cess in such case may issue out of the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which such business was commenoed, directed to tho proper officer, mid be served in any County of this State. JAS. Van TASSEL, nov 8?tf Co. Auditor. s CO -3 0 ? Shoe Store Z* 2 & JUST OPENED next door to CornolBon's with a stock of Boots and Shoes, Selected from tho Manufacturers expressly to suit HARD TIMES, both as regards QUALITIES and PRICES. To be satisfied that such is the oase, tho citizens of Oraugeburg and vicinity nro re spectfully invited to call and examine my Stock, av I hopo to be able to show, not only that there is something "New under the Sun," but also semcthing to benoflt the un derstanding, Call and seo. T. B. BOYD. nov 8 12m Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT ONE month from date 1 will File my Pinal Account, with the Hon. Aug. B. Knowlton, Judge of Probate for Orange! ..- g County, and ask for Letters of Dismissal na Guar dian of the Estate of Viola V. RUey. ON AN B. Ill LEY, Guardian. January 11th, 1873,w<t We would have {consumers of BICE io know that our MILL is about perfection, sad that we CAN and do GUARANTEE to SELL CLEAN RICE Below the Charleston Market Price At our MILL. . . Persons desiring it we will furnish them RICE weekly at their doors in any quantity, or at the MILL every day. We also keep u full supply of FRESH GROUND M^A^L AND GKRX8T On hand, BOLTED aud UNBOLTED, on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. IlIGE F-TjOTJ? frort STOCK With CHEAP GRADES of HfRSE and COW FOOD. * OAK AjNHD [PITSTTS WOOD SAWED any LENGTH dcnlrep\ and delived to any part of the Town for the SMALL SUM' of $tt.2.r> per Cord. Send alGng your Orders We are always ready te fill them without DELAY. *****;t'3;: STOAUS & STREET. Call the ATTENTION of MY FRIENDS, PATRON8 and the PUBLIC to a fine AS SORTMENT of WINES AND LIQUORS, At all PRICES and all GRADES, from ^Common Raetifiid" f to "Old Pure Rye" and Corn WHISKEYS, which I have just received, mid notwithstanding the ADVANCES I will still continue to .sell at FORMER PRICES. Alio a FRESH SUPPLY of COFFEE, STJCtAHS, TEAS, FLOUH, .ndothor GROCERIES includinK SEED POTATOES and ONIONS whieb I; offor at a SMALL per centnge. Call before buying, you can SAVE Money. C. 13. KOBTJQHN.' F. H. W. HAS J?ST RECEIVED A FULL SUPPLY OF GOODS! I - - .-t ?<*< And KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND n full line of DllY GOODS t)f ?11 kin>lH. He offers for sale everything in the shape of GENERAL MERCHANDISE CHEAP. Such as COFFliU, S.yC AU, LA It 1), BAfON, BLTTEIt, HAMS, CHEESE, CANNED FRUIT and 11AM SAUSAGE. Alr?mi hand a fine lot of xew xoutiikrx hay, and several GOOD VARIETIES -of 1'ehtii.izeics, which cmi be bought LOW DOWN for the MONEY. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY OF LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS, red rust proof oats, As we desire ? to make QUICK SALES at Small Profit. Wc would nUo the attention SEED POTATOES, PLOWS, BAKES, SXIMCtS, TRACES, PJLOW LINES, Of the PUULIC to our FULL and WELL SELECTED STOCK of onion setts. hoes, forks, spades, ham en, hridLes. GENERAL Mli)ROIrIAlSrr>lSJi: Which we ofTcr at LOW PRICES strictly for CASH. Give us a oall aud sac for yoursclvos. MOSELEY, CROOK & COPES, jan .11 (opposite the citizens' savings bank.) june 28 ljr SELLING jj^ AND jpj S HATS ? ? H X0X Cost, J. W. PATRICK & CO. HEAD! REA?! _ j ... ?d baa f",**,;,? 1 AND TAKE NOTICE THAT. I ? *? i *?*T tt-ji i r 1*1 [0 .tuon LOW PRIG! d J ito jd.1 ,U7rf ?^<Ifou^9 ?in /ins fl-dt?l.?tf?' .vi, i'i?. ' *>d tu? owot?j ?tKji? aiT, CAN BE PURCHASED. iAOJ u? hat f>?w odi 'rui'tet I l We vfould inform our Friends, Patrons and the,Public*/ thai iiotwltbstaodla?: ?? fcjt TEN8IVE SALES for the past dcason, . t p ' v-M"-* IV 'fan 11 i ?."?: ''). V OUR STOCK ,iti n5(Jj fmyJee I Is still in SPLBNDID CONDITION*?nil the Various Departments er? COMrL?*% ??tfc FRESH GOORS Ncwjy rcoeivod. ? >u hoi ?.r.xv.rTt7^T?mr We extend a Cordial Invitation to aU to EXAMINE our* ,-. ! hn? IdjhiaooW ?v.T CHOICE ASS'O?T?tiS?lf Before purchasing as we always have a GREAT MANY GOODS -; ?.?iffcodmS '' , AT VERY LOW Needed by everybody. ? ?.?t-.i.-.vitVjAiT Preparatory to Laying in our SPRING SUPPLIES, we will dispose of ft gfWii MV Mini 1 sis ' ? dim i'laJ WT T CHOICE At COST and BELOW COST. Remember these FACTS and when in Town be sure to oall at THEODORE KOHN & ../ o<S.V rit}.: 0 jjirilmwi ififlSit ,maf?*f*i*b Hull V? .!.)??> Ota'.d -udlsvaU srft -v-?rnx'> '?im n?>h'?a sdi f sn*?4ar'iTOT. To all Whom it May Concern All PERSONS INDEBTED to me Id any manner, will make prompt payment by the let March neu. After that time all claims will be placed in the hands of a Lawyer for Collection. jan 3?td T. C. ANDREWS. Fresh Groceries J?8TIN AT ? ji, '. .' I;! I,! Mi ? tut ).???)" J. Wallace Cannon s ALSO LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOB ACCO, and CA NN KD GOODS, CANDIES, FRUITS, &c. " All of the above goods are offered at PRICES to suit the present tight times, jan 31 1874 At Private Sale. mnE PLANTATION forming a part of J_ the Estate of tho late Col. Koitt, and known aa the DARBT PLACE. The tract consists of about 60U acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Rich, Bed, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. These are the Finest Lands in the District, and were valued at $'20 per acre in I860. Would be sold for one-half tha* t>rice now. One fourth cash, the remair er in three instal ments bearing interest from date and se cured by mortgage of tho same. This is a splendid chance for aneryne de siring to secure Rich Lands, fine Wator Pow er, excellent Cuttle Range and a Refined Neighborhood. Apply to Mrs. L. M. KEITT, Or J U KEITT, Esq. jan ft READ! READ!! ORANGEBURG ACADEMY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS .. I i Will open at the new FAIR BUILDING on THURSDAY the first day of January next. TERMS PER MONTH. Primary Department - - 3-1.50 Intermediate .... $'2.00 English . - ? - - - $8.00 English with classics ... $4.00 Mnsie Extra. JAMES S. HEYWARD, Principal. Miss E. FOG ARTIE, Music Teacher, dec 27 187? tf, NlOTTCE^ OFFICE CO. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER OiuKornriuj Jakhakt 27th 1874, Notice is hereby given, that for the nfxt sixty days, 1 will be at my office for the transaction of business, on Saturdays only, between the hours of 0 A-Jit., aid 8 P. M. Being for the present on an official visit to the Free Common Schools of tho County, j ?FRANK R. McKINLAY, County School Commissioner, jan 81st 1874 3t Administrators Sale* By virtue of an order from tho Hon. tho Probate Judge of the County of Orangcburg, I will Bell at Fort Motte ein tho loth day of February next, and from day to day there after until the property is disposed of, all the Stock in trade of Jacob Cr.rroll late of said County, Merchant at Fort Motte?Terms MART ANN CARROLL, Adm's. The house and lot on KoAStoU in Ornngeburgj formerly ow?^fla^Wf than. For particulars inquire at ' Store of ^ ^ ? *? OLkl .?AM lo-TirixftaL JXJST OIPISN1 . ; AT : .' Dp. Oliverotf D . SEEDLESS RAISINf CITRON, Ctif , and . *,! c| Wlfw FANCY CANDIES. , Also a large collection of of TOYS. Also a superior lot of CQLO?NS attd'fiHfr' LET ARTICLES. Also a fine lot of SE0AR9. ' Also a fine lot of CUTLERY. Also a Lsrgo and well Selected Stock of DRUGS and 3?EIW ' (o which^Articles, 'for CORRECTNESS, the-FiibU?*8 0 directed.;w ...,d d'i?9 ?W?dD'<l All are respectfully Invited *? ?kB fjt 1 Drug Stone of ? ?*d>R>Timji W DR. OLl what PLEm^ fl&i^ ui?7 ;i;dw oh v?H o^a ibid "WW*? .ll^inoX. oft> rTHEELERA WII^qN,p^^?J CHINE*''?'f* tpV?jl. vrvob ol.Trxi dorT^S^ ? j. t. ?i?a*ipa june 28?^3m'' The State of Soutli .hv.n *o Jntinat* Ja-..trfSrtS * COUNTY OF ORANQEBfJES Court ?F ???iioitf tj^.^ .?^sjhinif* aid W.m,,C. Bee, J Di.Je*Te?4|1V' n>tfeJ E. V. Jefvey and l. n. a Chisotm, merchants, trad- 1 ing under the Firm name of Wra. C. Bee &Co ? Plaintiffs | I j ?!:1WiVt(.>|i?/| njor tti C. F. Gehrajs, Defendant. J lig-fc,*^)! To the Defendant C. ^, GMn84JfoA^ Yon arc hereby summe to answ?r the complain which is filed in the office Common Pleas, .^r^ifl^ serve a oopy of your ana wer oomplal?t on the subscriber at in Orangeburg, South . 0 twenty days after the serii aive of the day of Btteh servi fail to answer the complaint,within 4hs ( Tlaitttitf .ia tfcla nit? 25 aforesaid, the Plaint itf in this aetlon trill apply to tho Court for the relief dwntandof in the complaint. Jahuary 24th 1874. A ? IIUTSON, & lIUtfON, piaintiir? S?mmwk GEORGE POUYKR; : M 7> Clerk of C. C. P.' , ja..3l 1874 *q% .?--~-?i?i-W- ? ' ? ?-m The State of South CaroHfia. IN, , ;Tflft , CpMffirjOlrfi PlIJIIHlH, By AUGUSTUS1 B. ! K^Ot^Sa^H) ? Judge of Probate in said C*u*'t>. W It E!h^Ab,0lrep?' 8n?i*r mit to mb to grant to her r ministration of the .Estate; Catherine Shulcr, late of eai ocased. ? These are there,foftj&^fN} Ifffe all and singular the kindred and of the said deceased, to 1t#t|h^l[ Com^y, t o brfc^^tW5^^? burg ?.^C.%o?tlm^2lBtdiy.of F< any. why1 th?ld *A&^ and in tha 07th)3? An?erAc** Udo?