The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 14, 1874, Image 7

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LOCAL. ?SAJCUJIDAY, FEB. 14, 1874. eORnasi'OiVDJSNTs? "There's Boauty Everywhere." j There's precious little in the vorses under that- name sent to us from the" Fork. Try again, friend. You have done excellently on other occasions und'wo aro always glad to hear fiom you. t)auJ?t .5^ ^. -'' Sentiment, however, is uot the f:?-to of ?,*Wv j !.. Li.i Vi: ~ r . *** ? PLANK, BY A LL MEANS I Several months ago a friend promised to give us an ,estimate 61 the probable cost ,of planking Husscll Street from Mcroney's corner to the depot. Our friend must have forgotten his promise, but Orangebuigirs are beginning to be . lievc that a plunk road h'jtweeu the ^oiots named is a necessity. Here we ore, a growing, prosperous town, one of the most prosperous aud growing in tho State, and yet. our principal thoroughfare is generally in a condition which would disgrace a rcspcctablo swamp aficr a spring ,; fresh." Wo arc ashamed, actually, to have a stranger pusg through that part of tho town. The only won der is that cranes and flamingoes and >Cther long legged birds don't go to houso-kecping on tho banks of lluisell "Greek." "Wo shall have snipe shooting there next year if our city grandfathers don't stir themselves. Now a little energy, a little pluck, a Qittle perseverance aud a little indepen (douce on tho part of tho Town Council would remedy all this. The Mayor ;and Aldermen wore elected to do the town's business?'why don't they do it? Of ?courpo such a plank n-oad ;would <cost something and pro ibnbly a good deal, and of course the <dl& fogies would grumble. Hultrf them grumb'U?they always do. Beside, it .)]|lcascs them and it don't hurt inybody. Ll*et them grumble, we say?but don't mind them. Mr. Max Wagner, formerly of Li wie Ville has recmtly romnvod sto Fort Motto, of which plaoo he Ir-UjuHbein .appointed Postmaster ?much to the re ?liof of that ' Settlement" which has 'been for several mouths without postal iuezouimcdationa" Messrs \\'t *'K. Crook, Jb'ttmk Brigg ?mann, C. D. Kortjoh?, W. E. Mc tJuidhuul ?nd-J.M. Brnnemt: Committee ? of Ananpcuients of the Young America iKire Company, dueire us *o state that ?co'ored* tissue paper, in ??13-quantity, - \ '.and already .paid for by'the Company, anay 'be ifouud at the store of Kirk., luihiiK-on ?by those charming anil ex zellent ladies who may ^oi-rn it agree jsoh) ??l6 .assist >iu .the floral decoration of 'itbe Young America Eire Engine, on the ?occasion of the Company's 20th Anni wcrsary, .tho 24th day ol February ??ataffC So mote it he. Ladies, go to work , and God blase you 1 itA police justice iu Chicago wass into what astonished when a vagi ant tried be lb re hint Counted out 358,0?U in green backs. (-Lord I what a blessing such a prisoner evould be to a South Carolina Trial Jus you want a nice Briar root pipe (genuine) g* to Dr. A. C. Duk<<8 who a ',' has just received a flue lot, and with his . tnany othct articles is offering them "~!l?w down. ?*Cnp$, h.,H. W. Briggmann has just i n full supply of choice groceries ipd other goods. Our citizens nre well icquaioted with our jolly Captain and go . thtro without coming y well , pleased with their bargains, ? Storps , of clerks are always ready to rve customers in.the most polito and ocomimodating manner. nv/-a !K His : JfBW SIGN? A? we> deok over the way we ob?ervo neatly'pafntcd on the side of their store the name of Messrs Moscley, Crook & Copes, which is a deoided improvement on tho outside, but whou you enter the door yea will bo surprised to notice what a full and completo stock they have recently added to the inside. In faet those gentleman have one of the best asserted stocks of groceries ever offered in our market. They have the heat stock of seed Irish potatoes in the market, which they are di*prising of very k'flsi, Mr. E. G. Tobio has just completed on tho front of Messrs Mosely, Crook & Copes' 8toro a novr sign whioh is a credit to the above young man, and speaks for him success iu the future as r. jign painter.. Straus k Street's mill is still running with a full head of steam, and they are propurcd to fill nil orders for rice, meal, grist and wood at the shortest notico. Mr. McQueen Snlley has left his old stand at Messrs Vosc & Izlor's, and will be found hereafter at the popular Sta bles of Mr. Win. M. Sain, lie will have a fiuo drove of Horses and Mules about the middle of next week to offer to hia old frierds aud the public gener ally. Mo. is hard to beut iu selling stock und we can safely recouimcuu him to buyers as a fair aud just dealer in horses and mules. Donations received in Hebron Town ship nt Hebron Church for the benefit of tho Carolina Orphan's Home by M:s. J. T. C. Kcuneriy local Agent. Miss Julia A Cursou. 50 " Eliza .J Carsou. 5U " Isabella Livingston .SI 00 " Isadoua M Kcuucrly. 25 " Lizzie Stephensoii. 25 " Elizabeth Livingston. 25 " Keboccu Hughes. 25 " M Cornelia Cou. 15 " Irene Hughes:. 10 Master George Livingston. 25 " Jerome Kcimcrly. 25 M L Hughes. 10 Miss Z galley Pou. 25 " Laura Livingston. 25 Mrs Aun Mannerly.SI 0U Mr. J C Kennedy,. 1 00 Dr. T J Ton,. 1 00 Mrs. Hr. T J Pau. 1 00 " J T C Kennedy. 1 00 " 1) N Carson. 50 ?? W II Carson. 30 Mr. H A Carson. 25 ; 11 W Jefcoat. 50 j " C A J of coat. 50 " J T fj Kenncily. 50 If you want a good, cheap segar, go down tu Mr. Frank Briggmitnu's. Tiwni' Suffer rather th-.-.n take usuaeous inodioiuo ; -and this is n t io be wondered at, as the remedy is often wor.-e than the disease. Sufferers from coughs, colds, inlluenza, Here throat, or tendency to Consu.npti >n, will Had in Dr. Wistur's Mulsum o/' W ild Cherry a remedy as agreeable to the palate a ^ effectual iu reuiuviug d>ic tae. Clarissa Hinds, colored, died la.-st week iu Suinptor County, Alaba na, and 127 of her'children, grind children and great gtaikl-childfen utteuded the fune ral. The Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad have placed small racks at the end ol each car, in which bibles and testaments are kept by way of light reading for the passengers. The weight of the new fractional silver coin is metrical, that of the half dollars being jutt twelve and ono half grammes, the quarter dolliri six an t one-quarter grammes, aud the dt.uc (wo and one half grammes. A lady d'siriog to purchase a pair nl* bouts, objected to the thickness of the soles "Is that the only objection ?" inquired the salesman. ? he lady ."aid it was. "Then I can assure you, mad nine." said he, "that the objection will soou wear away." Colonel Johu W. Jenkjns, of Virgi nia, who has just boen nominated by the President to be secretary of the Terri tory of Colorado, ib and old and ardent Rcpubliotn. His name headed the doctoral ticket for Grant in 1872, and ho ^performed effectual service in stump ing tho Stato. ITo is a good lawyer, aud u genial and popular gentleman. ?i ? ? ?'Got anything for a siok man to read?" inquired a pug-nosed boy at a ?ews stand the other day. "Yes, any thing *you want?Bibles, poems, re ligious books, Christian Herald, and so forth," replied the clerk, ?'Bibles!" echoed tho boy ; "do you think dad's a angel ! Gimme a lively dime novel? otic with an Ingun sculping a soldier !" ?Detroit Free. Press. Columbia, B. C, Doc. 'JOth, 1870. To the Editor Orangeburg Neica : 8m?I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting of the Board of Oflioers, cre ated by an Act entitled ''An Act to Regulate the Publication of all Legal and Public Notices," the following resolution was adop ted 2 Iletolved, That tho "ORANOKBURQ N EWS" is hereby designated as tho OFFI CIAL PAPER for tho Publication of all Legal Notiuea and Official Advertisements of the County Oflioen in the County of Orange burg. Respectfully, Ac. F. L. OARDOZO, S.-o. of State and Chairman ?ourd. Per W. R. JONES. COMMERCIAL. MAHXKT reports. Office of tiib Oranokburo News, Feburary, 14tli 1874. COTTON?Sales during the week 490 ha'.c*. Wo quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,... 1% 12 Low Middling. Middling.13$(a> Rotrou Rice.$1.25 per .jasiiel CORN.*..$ 8? per bushel. Cow Peas. 75 per bushel. Pi.nuers. 1.10 per bushel. Est tile of John V. Ralr. Notice is hereby giv en to nil concerned, that on the 10th day of March, A. I)., 1874, 1 will file my final uecount in the office of the Judge of Probate of Orangeburg County, and will apply for 'my fiual discharge as Adfuihislrati'x of said Kstato. MARY M. 11 AI It, Admi'x Est., John V. Hair, feb 7th 1874 4t SOUT H G A HO L INA. ORANQEBURQ COUNTY. IN THE ' (immun ri.kas, Stefieus, Werner & Duckor, vs Paul Mcnlzel. Copy Summons for Relief ^Complaint not server!) To the Defendant Paid Mcnlzel: "1^7" on are hereby summoned and require* to M. answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Picas for the aahl County, and to serve a Copy of your answer on tho subscri bers, at their Office at Orangeburg Court house So, On. within twenty dayr. aflur the service of this summons on you exclusive of the day of service, and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the Re lief demanded in .the Complaint. Dated ut Orangeburg February fith, 1874. W. J. DkTREVILLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To Paul Menlzel, defendant above named : Take notice That tho summons and Cora plaint, herein, weru filed in the office of the fjicrk of the Court of Common Picas for Or augeburg County, at Orangeburg South Car olina on lae 17th day of January, 1874. W. J. DbTREYILIj , Plaintiff's Attomev. Fab., 1814. 7??t If 3011 annt WORK IDOXE iti Blouse and Carriage Paint ing ro to J. A. WILLI UIS. Experience 24 yearn. Re?i dence on Market Nireet. j'un 17 1871 13 |_ -_ GOOD GARDKXS to be liad I?y Ini.ying your (aarden Seeds UMtl Onion Sets front E. EZEKIEIj, who gel? all Iiis Seeds from Ilie Cclel)rale?l firm of 1>. drelli ?A Son. ? "IV. 15.?Member* of {.rangon will l>c supplied at Csraiige price*. jau 10 4t SOaJTH CAROLINA. \i K A > LiIi It U11 < i CDU NT Y. All persons having claims ngains* the Estate of ilia late Ann Hurry, areVequired to present I horn, and all persons indebted to said Estate uro required to make pay ment, to JOHN P. BERRY, Qnulified Execr*t>r dec 1.1 1873 lui NOTICE. 0"FFTC*E OF COb'N'TY AUDITOR, 'OtiAVoancao Cocntt, OrangeWrg, S. C, Nev. 1st, 1778. To all whom it may Concern: Pursuant to Title ft, chap. 13, Retised Statutes S 0. Section 68 rcquiros : Skc 08. If any person, com pun- or cor poration shall commence any business in any County of this State alter the first day ol September in any year, the capital or property employed in which shall not lu.vo been previously listed for taxation in said County, and shall not mithin thirty days thereafter make such report to th? Auditor of said County an is required in thenfty aivth Section of this Act, he or thsy shall forfeit and pay tho sum of one hundred dol lars, which shall he collected by civil action in the uanio of the County Commissioners, and paid into the County Treasury for the exclusive benefit of the County, Amt pro cess in such case may issue out of the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which such business was conuncnoed, directed tu the proper officer, and be served in any County of this State. JAS. Vax TASSEL, nov 8?If Co. Auditor. o -4?> m. CD O Shoe Store 13 O CD CQ crf O *-* C/2 cd JUST OPENED next door to Coinelson's with a stock of a Boots and Shoos, Selected from the Manufacturers expressly to suit It Alt D TIMES, both as regards QUALITIES and PRICES. To be sutisficd that such in the ease, the citizens of Oratigeburg and vicinity urc ro spectfully invited to call and ex^iinino my Stock, ns I hope to ho able to dhow, not only that there is something "New under the Sun," but also semrtbing to benefit tho un derstanding. Call and soo. T. B. BOYD. nov 8 12m Notice of Dismissal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ONE month from date 1 will Filo my Final Aocount with the Hon. Aug. B. Knowlton, Judgo of Probate for Orangeburg Couuly, and ask for Letters of Dismissal bb Guar? dian or the Estute of Viola V. Rilsy. ON AN B. RILEY, Guardian. Japuary 11th, 1873.?It NEW 0 0 ODS! And KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full Una of " DRY GOODS Of all kinds. He offers for sale everything iu tho shape of GENERAL MERCHANDISE CHEAP. Such as COFFEE, SUGAR, LARD, BACON, BUTTER, HAMS, CHEESE, CANNED FRUIT and HAM SAUSAGE. Also on band a fine lot of NEW NORTHERN HAY, and several dOOD VARIETIES of FERTILIZERS, which can bo bought LOW DOWN for the F. H. W. BRIG GM ANN. T? THE PUBLIC! You can SAVE from TWENTY to T ENTY FINE per CENT by buy wit; GROCER ITSB. AT KORTJOHN'S, But don't forget to make IMMEDIATE PAYMENT to him for PAST IN DEBT! DKICSS, as he will sell exclusively for CASH in tho future. 1 huukiup uy friends end the public foi ^ast favors aud solicita conti iiiancc of the same under the CASH SYSTEM. C. 13. KORTJOHN. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON IIAND A FULL SUPPLY OF LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS, BED ilUST PROOF OATS, BRED POTATOES, PLOWS, R A K KM, S LINUS, TRACKS, PLOW LINES, Of the PUBLIC to our FULL an 1 WELL SF.LKCTED STOCK of As ?ve ijrsire to mnW.' tft'lt'tv S.\ LES at Small Profit. We would also the attention ONION SETTS. II OES, FORKS. SP A OES, If 1M EN. ES RID I. ES. GENERAL *L K RCHAjn u Which wo offer at LOW PRICES btrictly for CASH. Give us a ?call ami sec for yourselves MOSELEY, CROOK & COPES, jan 31 (OPPOSITE Til E CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK.) June 28 Ij READ! READ! READ! AND TAKE NOTICE THAT CHOICE GOODS AT LOW PRICES! CAN BE PURCHASED AT THEODORE KOKK & BEO.S' Wc would inform our Friends, Patron? and tho Public, that notwithstanding our EX TENSIVE SALES for the past Season, OUR STOCK Is still in SPLENDID CONDITION?all the Various Departments are COMPLETE with FR FSH GOOB8 Newly receive.!. We extend a Cordial Invitation to all to EXAMINE our* CHOICE ASSORTMENT Boforo purchasing as wo always have a GREAT MANY GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICES, Needed by evorybody. Preparatory to Laying in our SPUING SUPPLIES, we will dispose of a great many * CHOICE GOODS At COST and BELOW COST. Remember theso FACTS and whan in Town be sure to oall -at THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. I NEW STORE. u ">. .1 r/nt-f) Modi ?n'l ut AND J9J| liaaj? i??w ai??>d?Ia{ .-.'.ui tit t6\ HATS ? 09 AT ? .'; :ti;o <l Yj :?' - irret W4 im st ojr'flT , A t?9*? ' ??< Do /J?O Cost To all Whom it May Concern All PERSONS INDEBTED to me in any manner, will make prompt payment by the 1st March next. After that time all claims will bo placed in the bands of ft Lawyer for Collection. jan 8?td T. C. ANDREWS. Fresh Groceries JUST IN AT J. Wallace Cannon s AL80 LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCX), CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, FJUJITS, be. All of the above goods aro offered at PRICES to unit the present tight times, jan 31 * 1874 At Private Sale. THE PLANTATION forming a part of the Estate of the lato C?l. Keitt, and known as the DARBY PLACE. The tract consists of uhout (iOO acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Rich, Bed, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. Those are the Finest bunds in the District, and were valued at $2U per ucrc in I860. Would be. sold for one-halt tba' ,iricc now. One fourth cash, the rctnair cr in three instal ments beuring iutcrest from date and se cured by mortgage of tho same. This is a splcnd'.d chance for nneryHO de siring to secure Rich Lands, fine Walor Pow er, excellent Cattle Range and a Refined Neighborhood. Apply to Mrs. L. M. KEITT, Or J U KEITT, Esq. jan <t Administrator** Xotic-o.?-Ail persons having any demands against the Estate of Jacob Carroll, late of Fort Motto, deceased, will preseut the sun) f??r payment to \\. J. DcTrcvillt, Esq., Attorney at Law, in Orangehurg, or to the Subscriber. And those Indebted will make payment to MARY A. CARROLL, Administratrix, jau 17 1A74 4 COP A ItTXERS HIP. The Undersigned Laving this day associ ated with them Mr. ROBERT COPES, the business wili hereafter be conducted under the firm name of MOSELEY, CROOK A COPES. J. W. MOSELEY, W. K. CROOK. January 14th, 1874. All persons Indebted to the old firm of MOSELEY & CROOK, will mike immediate payment and all debts dun by said firm wil 1 be paid by the firm of MOSELEY, CROOK & COPES. W. J. MOSELEY, W. K. CROOK, ROBERT COPES. January 1 lib, 1874. Special attention is called to our full variety or LAN D RET IIS (HUDEN SEEDS, jan 17 1874 8t IS i: AIM BEAD!! ORANGEBURG ACADEMY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Will opon at the new FAIR BUILDING oo THURSDAY the Orit day of January next. TERMS PER MONTH. Primary Department - - SI.50 Intermediate .... $2.00 Bngtish.$?.00 English with classics ... $4.00 Musio Extra. JAMES S. HEY WARD, Principal. Miss E. FOG ARTIE, Musio Teachor. . dec 27 1878 tf NOTICE. OFFICE CO. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER OxAKOKnino Jamuart 27th 1874. ? Notice is hereby given, that for the next sixty days, I will be at my office for the transaction of business, on Saturdays only, between tho hours of 0 A. M., aid 3 P. M. Being for the present oh fcn official visit to the Free Common Schools or the County. ;frank r. mckinlay, County School Commissioner, jsn 81st 1874 3t Administrators Sale. By virtue of an order from the Hon. the Frobate Judge of th? County of Orangeburg, i will sell at Fort Motte on the 10th day ef February next, and from day today there-' nfivr until the property is disposed of, all tba. Steak, in trade of Jacob Carroll )ate of said Coun'y, Merchant a< Fort Motto?Terms Cash. MARY ANN CARROLL, Adin'x. January, 24, 1^74. jan 24 1374 3t The HjStfflfr - plfeain itiwra. in Orangeburg, formerly O^iW^Tf."fleV than. For par Store of ticalarp|noj^gjj^jig^ . . i u> son en 0a,,tooT JUST, o^BT^ik> AT \~ ?, ?' ' ii-.u--.inT. y: y-W nr.A ?%/R9 Dr. Oliveros' Drig Statt SEEDLESS 11 AIS INS, CITRON, !./l;*^.is*VMmm*l FANCY CAr^>l?^{l91*^1, Abo a large collection of.of jTOXft. Also a superior lot of COIA>CIOTCa^TWa* LET ABTlCLE&r !s > off! t-ito^I Also a fine lot of SEOARfl-p^ ?* fl; Also a fine lot of CUTlJWVn 3ai ?' Also a Large and well Selected 8*fj*s? iff DKCOS apd to which Articles, .fta*t_^ CORRECTNESS, the Public's directed. . Mf?fft^ jrtil'J a All are ^.pectftO^ i^y^;** Drug 8toi Bit what pleases' vmM&m A; *W odw WHEELER & uo aojLoU (fc-Ir-ox The j can he had byoaJUfW JtaTafe darlTa Millererj EstablSh?^^ The ?tateo county of ?aiL. Cotjut op CoMV^^j^f^^ Wm. C. Bee. Jertyfci E. V. Jervey and it'. N. 1 Cbisolm, merchants, trad?: | ing under the Firm ,.. name of Wm. C. Bee & Co , PlaitttiB>u; -M eAs^ C. paOehJal8, PefeWafcgf3 To thtDffirJanCC. >, ?E8'&J$S.V* You are hereby sntamotttfcfr i to answer Utt^fjMgi'?^ Jfc whieh is filed i?Hl*>P?l M Common Plea*, tot th? serve?W jtf.iWJ complaint on the snl in OrangabttTg, iC twenty days after; I sire of the day of ? fail to answer the ?t aforesaid, the Plaint... apply to the Court fori in tho complaint'. . riaintiW-wea GEORGE BOLIVER,. >u sjpul fcrfiH Clerk of ?. C 'F. , , jan 31 . dqi ill 3JI7a*?u??O.rt The State of Soutli ??^lt Ollangeb?jr? COOSW. I.n rnk Court qw By AUQWtWI^ ? Judge of ProbjtV io;ta&<il**&> WIIKREA.*>i Irene E, ^ suit to me to grant .to her j thtntstration of in*! Catherine 8hulor,7l?tAarf*fd* Theso are thcref?Vii'fbreite all and singular the kindred t of the said deeeascd, to bo fore me[at a't'otirt W^PAl County* to be holden'at.tBj burg, S. C, on 1H74, at 11 o'clock"'?? any, why the said AdministraUot. ?1 not be granted. * * - / . Giten uauer my hand and Utfc 9?U ?f Court, this Slat day ofif*aVa#?4aV. and in the 07th year ot Mm pendencei '>?> [L.S.] AUGUSTUS B. jan 31? 2t 4 Jt ? ? .!. ^ .-^jnQ-.L DR. Pa The underslgaed. Agent, ! Countv beg* leave . to call COTTON1 pU?I would advi'isj ?^e^>WH?! TON: P*B8? ^Vn^aWL^ For CHEAPNESS, MMtttfMMfe ?"A POWER,it bas.noe<m?J?- ? < Anj \jni&*9'<r*<* operandi" of ttM ftOMfp at the Store of J. ^J^W^yja; Street Ora^gobnrf model can be seen', W ?dd>?i STOKES Oen'l Ageat ?fl?^Pl K rt' -.,vt JA'i-i :uid l*??H<3?#i*?1aTa*?1 people, o more money momenta, or all th% t?rWK. eist. Particulars free. X Of BTl*i6l&_, eept 1* -1? ntttl?