The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 24, 1874, Image 9

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Der Drummer. Wh? puts oup at dor peet hotel, Und dakes bisoystors on dor?choll, Und mit der fraulcins outg a sohwcll T \ Der drummer. Who ras it gomes indo mine sohtorc, Dr.OTf a down his pundles on der vloor, Und nefer sohtops to shut der doorT Der drummer. Who dakcs tncpy der handt und say: "Huns Pfeiffer, how you tbs to-day?" Und goer, for pcesnis right avay. Dor drummer. (.:? . Who shpreads his samples in a trioo, Und dolls me "look, und see how nice!" Uud Bays I gets "dor bottom prico?" Dor drummer. ^V?'-.. Who enyB dor tings vns cggslra vine? f'Vrom Shnrmany, ubon der Rhine"? Uud 8heats me den dimes oubt of nine? Dor drummer. o dell? how shenps dor goots vas bought; Mooch less as vot I gould imbort, 'But IctB dein go as ho vns "short?" Der drummer. ? i u ??? . . Who varrant all der goots to Buit Dor guosomero ubon his route, Und von dcy gomes doy vajj no goot? Dor drummer. Who gomes aroudtvenl boon eudt, Drinks oup mine bier, and oats mine kraut. Und kiss Kulrina in dor mout'? Der Drummer. Who, ven ho* gomes again dis vay, Vill hear vot Pfoiffor has to say, Uhd mit a plack eye goeB avay? Dor drummer. The Vagabond Sage. ' An old man of very active physiog nomy, answering to tho nawo of -Jacob Wilmpt, was brought to tho Police Court His clothes looked as though they might have been bought second hand in his youthful prime, for they had Buffered more from rubs of the world than the proprietor hitnseif. " >\ hat business V* "None; I'm a traveller." "A vagabond, perhaps V* "You are not far wrong. Travelers and vagabonds are about the same thing The difference is that tho latter travel without money and the former without brains?'* "Where havoj[ojk4rarfod?-' -'llT-OYdrtfto Continent." * "For what purpose?" "Observat ion." "What have you observed?" * "A little to commend, much to cen Euro and a greot deal to laugh at." ?'Huniph! what do you oommeud?" "A handsome woman that will stay at home, an eloquent preacher who will preach short sermons, a good writer that will not write too much, and a fool that has senso enough to hold his tongue." 'iWbatdo you censure?" "A man that marries a girl for her fine clothing, a youth who studies medi cine while he has the use of his hands, and tho people who will elect a drunkard to offico," '?What do ?0u laugh at?" "I laugh at a man who expects po sition to oommund that respect which personal qualifications and qualities do not merit." Ho was dismissed. Don't Begin. A few years ago I saw a pert little boy washing tobacco leaves, and I asked him? 'What are they good for ?' Ho replied, 'Oh. they're good to mako cigars of" 'But aro cigars good for anything when they are made?' ; 'I don't know; I like 'era pretty well.' What a pity a boy of fourteen should like cigars 1 Tobacco has its uses, * since nothing was made in vain, but I don't thank smoking or ohowing aro its legitimate uses. Much can be said against theso habits; vory little in thoir favor. Thoy waste time. Thoy annoy others. Thoy waste money. They injure the health. They scent the clothinf. They make the breath foul. They oorrupt tho atmosphoro. Are not theso reasons enough againut using tobacco? And tho worst of it is they all are true. Few thoughtful, can did persons, though thoy may themselves bo victims of the habit, will dony ono of thom. Dr. Franklin said ho uever met Aman that, used tobacco who advised him to follow his example "Uno doth breed a habit in a man." Bad habits are easily formed, "But when you vrould strip them, ?Tis being flayed alive." Therefore, boys, don't learn to smoke Don't learn to like the usolcss indul 1 gencc. Keep your lips clean. 'Keerj yourselves free. JJcver begin! SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD Charleston, S. C. Decombor 14, 1872. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY DECEMBER 14, the Passenger Train on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows t j FOR COLUMBIA. Lcnve Chorlcston.9.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.-6.20 P. M. TOR A I'df .HTA. Lcnvo Charleston.9.30 A. M. Arrive at Augueta.6.20 P. M. FOR CHABLBSTON. Leave Columbia.0.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.46 P. M Lcavo August a.9.00 A. M. Arrive at Chariest on.4.46 A. M. COLUMBIA NIOHT BXrRRSS?8BXDATS BXCKPT BP. Leave Charleston.7.80 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.80 A. M. Leave Columbia.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.46 A. M. AOOCSTA NIOHT BXTRBSR-SUNDATS BXCRPTRP Leave Charleston.8.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.7.85 A. M. Lcavo Augusta.6.16 P. M Arrive at Charleston.5.60 A. M. BVMMKKV JLI.B TB AIR. Leave Snmmcrvillo at.7.25 A. M. Arrive at. Charleston at.8.40 A. M. Leave Charleston at.3.35 P. M. Arrive at Summorvillc at.4.50 P. M. CAMOF.N BRAKCU. Leave Cnmden.7.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.56 A. M. Leave Columbia.2.10 P. M. Arrive at Cauidcn. 6.55 P. M. Day and Night Trains connect, at Augusts, with Macon and Augusta Rail Road, Central Rail Road and Georgia Rail Road. This is tho quickest and most direct route, and as comfortable and cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St- Louis, and all other points West and Northwest. Columbia Night Train oonneots with Grcciivillo and Columbia Railroad, and Day and Night Trains coancct with Charlotte Road. Through Tiekets on sale, via this route to all points North. Camdcn Train connects at Kingvitie daily (except Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and Tuns through to Columbia. A. Ti. TYLER, Viee-President. S. B. Bickens, General Ticket Agent, For Sale. The HOUSF. and LOT on Russell Street, in Ornngcburg, formerly owned by V. Pit - than. For particulars inquire at the Drug Store of E. J. OLIVEROS. JUST OPENED AT Dr. Oliyeros' Drug Store SEEDLESS RAISINS, v ^ CITRON, CURRAN'S> and > FANCY CANDIES .AiSfrn'hrrge^collection of-of TtfYS. Also a superior lot. of COLOONS and TOIL LET ARTICLES. Also n fine lot of SEGA RS. Also a fine lot of CUTLERY. Also a Lsrgo and well Selected Stnok of DRUUS and MEDICINES, to which Articles, for RELIABILITY and CORRECTNESS, the Public's attention is directed. All are respectfully invited to call at the Drug Store of DR. OLIVEROS. Bricks! Bricks! BRICKS!!! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Informs tho public that he is now pro pared to furnish RR ICRS in any quantity. All orders will meet piompt attention. .!. C. EDWARDS, june 5 1873 tf NEWpTtENT." DR. PATRICK'S COTTON PRESS The undesigned Agent for Orangaburg County begs leave to call the attention of COTTON PLANTERS to tho Bxme, an* would ndviso every one in need of a COT TON PRESS to purchase a patent at onoe. Fer CHEAPNESS, SIMPLICITY, and POWER, it has no equal. Any ono desirous of seeing the "medns ipcrandi" of said Press, can do so by calling at tho Store ef J. W. Patrick A Co., Russel Street Orangeburg C. II., S. C, where a model can be seen, or address Capt. Jeff STOKES Gen l Agent Midway S. C. J. W. PATRICK, Agt. Orang?bnrg County S. <S. july'26 1873 READ! READ!! ORANGEBURG ACADEMY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Will open at the now FAIR BUILDING on THURSDAY the first day of Januarynext. TERMS PER MONTH. English.$3.00 English \t i t,h ?lassics - $4.00 Munio Extra. JAMES S. HEYWARD, Prinoipal. deo 27 1873 tf Drs. D. W. Barton & Thos. Legare. Having united themselves in the practice of MEDICINE under the name of BARTON & LEO ARE. Offers their professional services to the Town of Orangeburg and surrounding C?untry. Ofiiee hour? from 8 to 9} A. M. and 7 to 9J at night. Office Market Street two doors below J. H. Hamilton's Storo. deo 27 1873 U?? to ft2<? PER DAY! Agent* tj)0 WANTED! All classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare momenta, or all the time, than at anything else.. Particulars free. Address GJ STINSON tr.'CO., sept V ?1? Porilmd, Maine. Nice Lot of NEW STYLES FANCY PRINTS and other GOODS Just Received at THOMAS CARTM ILL'S.* A HAPPY NEW YEAE! In wishing the publica HAPPY NEW YEAR, wo thank tbem for tbo LIBERAL PATRONAQE bestowed on us, and bopo to merit a continuauce of the same, assuring them that wo are determined to keep, as in the past a FIRST CLASS STORE. With the ushering out of the Old Year, we have closed out our STOCK, and ilh our New Year's Qreetlng, greet our patrons ojitu an outiroiy New and as W well Selected a Stock of GTOCERIES, LIQUORS, &c. As can be found anywhere. Givo us a oall at W. T. Mullor's Old Stand, and examine our Stock and Price, all of which will defy competition. FRANTZ 33RIGGMANN & CO. N. B.?HIGHEST CASH PRICES given for ?U Country Produce. sratt0* Steam is Up when THE WHISTLE BLOWS! STRAUS & STREET ARE THE MEN TO RUN IT. WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTH and DELIVERED at $3 26 per CORB, and la TWO FT LENGTH, $2 60 per Cord delivered. Always on band CLEAN RICE and FRESH GROUND GRIST and MEAL. We still pay the HIGHEST MABKET PRICE CASH, for ROUGH RICK, CORN aid PEAS. Satisfaction guaranteed. oet 4 00 Groceries, LIQUORS And SEGA.ES In GREAT VARIETIES and REDUCED TRICES AT C. D. KORTJOHN'S, OH YES! OH YES!! OH YES!!! OH WHAT! WHY J. W. PATRICK & CO. Are offering their LARGE and ATTRACTIVE Stook of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladt? BOOTS and SHOES, Very TRUNKS, Kid Gloves SARATOGAS Cheap! VALIOK8, FANCY GOODS, &c, &c. AT PANIC FEICES TIIE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION, which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of ?\? ?-,1 r.;? rnRFARKD BT ? SETH W. FOWLE & B0N8, Boston, Uus., And sold by Druggists ond Dealers geacralty. oct 18 ly r*jp5 A Vnitt??l?le lBiYentionf$)5 AN ENTIRELY NEW Sowing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. ONLY FtVE DOLLARS. WITH TI1K NFW Patent Button Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. Complete in all its parts, uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self Threading, direct, upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates by Wheel and on a Table. Light Running, Smooth und noiseless like all good high priced machines. Has patent chock to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses I ho thread direct from tho spool. Makes the Elastic Lcck Stitch (finest and strengtet Btitch known ;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and coarse, from Uamhrlo tc heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descriptions of thread The best mechanical talent in Amerioa and Europe, has been devoted te improving and simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dis pensing with all complicated surroundings generally found in other machines. Special terms and cxtfa inducements to male and female agents, storekeepers, kc. who will establish agencies through th country and keep our new machines on ex hibition and sale. County rights givon to um art agents free. Agent's complete outfit furnishod without any extra charge Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings &c, sent free. Address. BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO., No. 1329 Broadway, New York, feb 8 ly MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! For Siglit is Priceless!! BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If you valuo your Fyesightuse these Por fect Lenses, Ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles, Melted together, and derive thei namo "Diamond" on account of their Hard ncss and Brilliancy. Thoy will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all others in use. Manufactured by tho 8ponccr Optica Manufacturing Co., New York. CAUTION.?None Genuing unless stam ed with our trade mark. For Sale by Responsible Agents through out the Union. E. J. OLIVEROS, jan 20?-ly Orangoburg, S. C. The Undersigned has opened an OFFICE for the SALE of LAND. Persons ha ring REAL ESTATE tc dis pose of will do well to register tho same for sale. LARGE FARMS subdivided and sold in either LARGE or SMALL parcels. GOOD FARMS for sale at from $2 to $5 por acre, en easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Orangehurg C. II., 8. C. net LI f ?ST" AU porscns INDEBTED to mo by Liens, Stow Accouat or Not?,?SB * ?fe?r will please come forward AT ONCE and settle up.""?8 Ne w Goods AT PANK! PRICES! D. LOUIS IS SELLING His ENTIRE STOCK of NEW GOODS AT COST! if.. McNamara's A full assortment of FALL ancj WINTER GOODS, of every descrig tion, at prices to suit the times. A full stock of choice Groceries, now on hand. ? J. McITamara. Sept. 27, 1873 35 lp % GEO. H. CORNELSON Is receiving now, constantly addi tions to his Stock of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, etc., and offers the same at prices to suit the times. BAGGING and TIES always on hand. I also continue to buy COTTON, RICE and all COUNTRY Produce at the HIGHEST Market PRICE. Please call in and see for yourselves. GEO. H. CORNELSON'S. DRY GOOD AND GROCERIES, HAVE GREAT PLEASURE in submitting the following list of GOODS to their patrons and the public, aud while thanking them for past confidence so liberally bestowed, offer roncwed assurance that every effort will be made to Meet thoir wants with tho very best of goods at lowest cash prices. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS " and CLOTHING, STAPLE GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, HAMS, MACKEREL, LARD &c. FANCY GROCERIES, SUCH AS NUTS, RAISINS, JELLIES, SAUCES, SPICES, PICKLES, MUS TARD, &c.,. CANNED FISH, FRUIT, and VEGE TABLES, in every variety, TINWARE, and CROCKERY, A FULL LINE AL WAYS ON HAND. MOSELEY, CROOK & COPES, (OPPOSITE THE CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK.) june 28 jane 28 2j DUKES' HOTEL. RUSSELL-STREET, ORANGEBURG, 8. C. The SubsorIber takes great ple.ntmro in announcing to his FRIENDS and the ?COM MUNITY that he has OPENED a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, at the Lares Rcsid.nqe reosat ly occupied by Mr. Hane Wanuawaker. Comfortable Accomtsodatlehs, a" Bttt&tte** Table and Courteus Attentien ar. Guaranteed. i--t* . Jan 18?3m J. W. W.