SATURDAY, JA 24, 1874. . Th? Bflftd ftf^atjr^puiiaiasioacra hare- boW^a^^ork. making out. their new list for 1874. Mr. A Steel a well known horse deal or has just arriy'ediu town with 40 head of stock. Horib miyeW-will-do well to call on him at Saiu's stables. We wonder why our City Fathers havo not comme,uced?*brk QQ^hat New Street. We hope they have not let it blip their memory entirely. l^^^/^a^?^ked on all sides when will that New Street be opened, and can only refer our friends to tlie City Papa's for in format inn. r? \ ? in ?i in?,i i. James P. Mays Esq., Coroner, has appointed P. M. Jearal, James J Mitchell and \V. R. Browne Esq., ^tepafcy-Goronorsv---?i Wo notice that our friend James A W:l|ia,;as,'-. are .erecting two neat little cot:" i ,ui his lot on Market Street . ( ! o ahead 'friend' Jahica. If-,. Tax..payera havo .only nine more day 'to "pay' their tax -in Don't wait until Ab7tai:diu<: ,!the' liijjlt tnx -s. Rut our people don't 'intend to- let the above lilTe ite u deter sthehi !V?>-n improving our Town. Also on -on .Amelia ijireet Mr. L. Ransdalc has Jjast completed a ne;:t store and is now' tifCsiVi'to supply the people with gr..eerie ; kinks from *.aid n-iW sto. e. 'Oue of ilie men who has s oj.1 tru s-t "'To fi.e "Hepiiblvcnn party, and who his '? trevjeivod less from the part/, and .wh i . \liaH taken the least moiifsy TVo u th s 'County or'.fcthte than aubody che. is ,7oe .oJjwa.rk^u/?,.,^Vb.1m 'ti" Jury Commissioner -of this County. Ilo has been a thoro t^h - '.going fcturdj. Republican throughout and mething else. He is in favor of lovv ?taxation and of honesty and probity in -everything, die deserves the thanks ;and goodwill of the community at lurg e, ?=and we bclive fehut ?he has them. -He ?deserves them, at any rate. MM IP. iFRT AFTER -locals eor the ?2YWFS? Icrehuutfl, .grocers, citizens, buy all 11 ji !? ? . .jrough rice you can, for from the n2 bills that ornament the wayside trees, it is evident that we may soon lar the pulsation of our central town nnachiuery. 8 Middling.1? per bushel. 1.1" per bushfef. TprdliWhomitMay Concern All PERSONS INDERTEU lo Mq in any manner, will moire prompt payment by the 1st1 March next. AflfcV that time all claims will be placed in the hands of o lawyer for Collection,; I ' ' j janta-;'td; ? T. C. ANDREWS. ii.l Kinnes ti* be luxil by buying yolir ^ardtui Seeils and Oniou Mots from *i..I-128teKIEfc, o-ii who ircilH all Iiis Seeds from l|ic (( U urnUd firai of I>. JLau rireth ?fc Son. K. up?Mcmtoci'H of Girauges will lie ritiniiiietl at ] . .U At Sheriff's Bales. orangci-hik; cor m y ? '?'?? * . i I f: I l.N ChMMON I'lfKAS. GEORGE BOL5V,ER vs.',l'UA.\'f::.S L. T?TE, JOHN Ii. .1'. " A'IT., et at. Ry, viriuo of the.judgment ami ordern In this fictron, 1 ivi'l s? h-.-a I . tk i l mortgage o( premises' jmrc.h-.ised. (to secure errd portion of purchase (Ahufcy,hftd tft'pay fur papers, and reeordin?. The above phin lUiioti will ho sold iii i iircels. irni? n plr.t of same can be -.coli at tIto Sheriffs Office, al Orangeburg, S, C, A I.St) WILLIAM C. COCRTNliV -t al? \t. MARY FRANCES T?TE, CATHARINE 11. T?TE, et al. Ry virtue ?of the /lodgment and orders in this action. 1 will sell at Oi-angebiirg Court House, on the first Monday in Kuburarj m xt, duriog leg d'liuuis of sale, at public auction. All that plantation or tract of land, con taining 2o'.?7 acres, more or less, situate 1 in this 'County, lately known as the K.-tatc latuls of the late Alexander H Tale, de c??i?er lately of J H P Tille, Peter W Avinger Mit; tieorge Thomrson, mid Kslntc of Vance Thompson, anil by Stinteo Rivjtr (oscpting" a certain tract, eouiuluiiip tin dwelling anil 2?U acres, marked 1 A" 7:!.i The said pianist ion nili be f*pj?j if) parcel;, mid a plat of thosa.can l?e Keen al tin Sheriff's office, Orangeburg,, S ('. Terms.:?One-hull r:. n, nnd the balance ?en a credit -of twelve luonlhrf, ecurad by Itomls id' purchasers and mortgage of premises purchased, with covenant i'ur re sii'.e on breach of condition of land, and purchaserr to pay for papers and recording. .1 P M A YS, ICorouer, Acting Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Ornngoburg S C, January Oth 1874. jan 10 1871 td I71 STATK of John 2lf. Irifcfc.r *j All persons having demands agnihai the Estate of .1011N M 1R1CK; deceased, are rcqitcslcddo present their respective Claims, properly attested, to the undersigned, -or they will lie debarred pay inch t. Notice is hereby given i<> till 'conccihed, that on the 30th 'day of December, A 1>. 187H, the undersigned will file their Final Accounts us Executors of die Will of the said .lohn M. frick, and will apply 10 t.h?< Probate Judge of Orangeburg County; For their final discharge. W. it. MACK, JOHN A. M II Alt'. LRR, Qiialillcd Uxeculors. Orangeburg Co., S. C, Nov. 27, lS7o. nov 2tt It If you have More Land than you can PAY TANKS on, Kogister [| for sale tit the LAND OFFICH of AUG. IL KNOWLTON. SOIJTl I CATiOLTNA: OI|ANGERUUC; COUNTY. rN TllK tOUUfiS Pl.kas, William C. Hauelapd Johi) K.llatiu plaintiffs against George Roliver, as administratnr, uf the Malaie of William I - Cuter, de ceased, .lohn .). Jackson, Mary A Weeks, wife of II. Weeks, Anna Color, Sarah Kriy, wife of Jacob Friy, Martha Weath enlie, wife of James W- Weathersbie, Thomas L. Cofer and M. K. Cofer, defend ants : I opy Summons for Relief (Complaint not serve id) TO TI1E defendants Thomas L. Cofer and M. K. Color : \rou arc hereby summoned and required to . answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the Faid County, and to serve a Copy of your answer on the unbscri liers, at their Office at Orangeburg Ceurt hottse So. Ca. within twenty days after the service of this sumiuous on you exclusive of the day of service, and If-you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforeatid, the plain tills will apply to the Court for the Re lief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Orangeburg October 21st 1S73. ? DETrevillc & Whale/ Plalli'tifhV Attorneys To Thomas L. Cofer and M. K. Cofer, de fendants above named: Take noticoThat'tile sumlubns Vmd Com plaint, herein, were filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common I'leal for Or angeburg County; nl Orangeburg .S'outh Car olina on the 21st (lav uf October 187.1. D2TREYTLI.E A; W'HALKY Plaintills Ajiorneys Obetocr 22st 1873. 88-61 If you have Lchb Luutl Ihtru you want, BUY MORE at the EAND OFFICE of AUG. R. KNOWLTON. A CARD. Inasmuch as fcko PENALTY for tho NON PAYMENT of TAXES accrues on ond from the 15th day of January, 1874 and not on tlie 21st day of February, as heretofore ad vertiscd, I regret to say that I am COM PELLED to WITHDRAW my NOTICE that 1 would attend at Ccrtaiu places to rccclfi^j Til a os. rM 0FF10H OF L4OUNt^?tRKiW?flEHtJ Oil.vnou^L^ Cot'stv, ? ( Orangeborg, s'. C7,iWd. 2o[h^lk7o. | In accordance with Scciion_10 of *?4An Act to RAISE SUiMM.rJ:3^fo|)t^Fi?C^l;| Year Coiiiincncing November 1st, 1873, and to Alter and Amend the Law in Relation to tli#Colbction of Taxes." Notice is^hcrcVy g'lvep ftql ^^hlc'oSnriffi tie opened lor tlie receiptpf, Taxes on and: aller. 'Satin day'.: the 10 lb; ?h|y of January. IKf>iiiier Cent, will lie milled to all unpaid Taxes of tliut d:iie. Taxes will be received in Gold or Silver Coin. U. S. Currency. Nntionnl Rank Note." and Certificates of Indebtedness, authorized by the General Assembly, and issued to the Republican Printing Company pursuant to I lie Act approve I Noycniber l'J, lbTo. S"e the above card. The rate percctitum will be ni< follows.. For general Stale purposes, VI mills on a dollar. For County purposes, 3 mills on a dollar. For past Indebtedness of county 3 mills on a dollar. J.ocal Scho-J Tax, Dittrict No. 1.?Vnnces, 1 mill on a dollnr. wi /.oral School Tux, District No. 'J.?Poplar, 4 mills on a dollar.' /.oral School Tax, District No. 3,?l'inc Grove, I mill on u dollar. Local School Tax, District A'o. 4.?Amelia 3 mills on a dollar. Local , School Tax, histrict No. fi.?Provi di noe, 1 .} mill on a dollai Local School Tax, Jlistrict'A'o. 0.?Goodbye 8 mills on a dollar. Local School Tax, District Xo. 7 ?Lyons ! 3 mills on the dollar. I-ucal School Tax, District. No: 8,?Cow Catitlc, 3 mills on iv dollar. Local School Tax, District No '.).??Middle 1 mill on a dollar. Local School Tax, District Na. 10.?Orange "J mills on a dollar. Local Sdiool Tax, District, No.,-J 1.?Caw Caw, 11 nulls on ft dollar Local School Tax, District No. I'l.?ttrshch ville, 1 mill on a dollar. Local School Tax, ]>i*lrkl No. 13.?New Hope, '2 mills on a dollar. J.i-c> I School Tax, JJir'rict No. 14.?Eliza belli, 2 mills on a dollar Local Sc host Zjtf^JP^Tv e:r Local Schom^^St^9^lt:iet No. Hi.?-LVNjiu, 2 mills on u dollar. Local School Tax,, District No. I i.?7,ion, 3 mills on a dollar. / oc d So'iooi Tu, District Nc. -18.?Willow* mins on the dolbi e. Locai School TVx, District Xo. l'J.? Lrbor ly, 1 mill on a dollar. Local School Tax, District No. '20.?Good hui?, I mill on n dollar. Inn til .icha%ma\ DisirictXo. 21.,?Hebron, .1 mill on it dollar. Local Sc/rvol Tax, District No. 22.?Rc-ckoy Grove, 1 mill on a dollar. Tax payers must call forlhcTak on each piece of properly in the townships where it lice 2 L. BUMRERT, County Treasurer, dec 27 ? 1*73 tf No. l?^^:<1;?io, NOTICE. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR, OltANQBDUlta CofXTT, Orangoburg, 8? C, Nov. 1st, 177?. To all irhom it van/ Concern : Pursuant to Title 3, chap. 13, Revised Statutes S. C. Section 58 requires: Sr.c 58. If any person, com pan ? or cor poration k*liu 11 commence any business in any County of this State after tho first dny ot September in any -year, the cupttal or property employed in shall not been previously listed for taxation in said County, and shall not within thirty days thereafter make.aituh report to tlie Auditor of anid County fts is roAt't.'() of ih s best grailcs. All in need uf the abjvo goods will be dealt with right by calling on AUGUSTUS FISOHER, Agt. |J. 8. ALBEpGMSOTTI, T~ llti'?VL IUJSSELL-STKET AND K.UL ROAD AVENUE, Has in STORE and ARRIVING DAILY a .I'ine Stock of Goods .-.uitable for the time*, consisting of 500 i,hs. cj.-i03c35 assorted CAN DI E?J *i t <>- ;> RAISON?, ALMONDS. NUTS, F!<..<. CITRON, CURRENTS APPLES, ORAN"}LK, LEMONS, RA NA N AS, ?ATES, kc. Also GROCERIES, LOW DOWN, und uinong other tilings n choice lot of P I Ci J Y A M S. dec *J0 TS78 HAPPY AND A BP We arc "Soiling for Christmas Presents 1000 DRESS PATERNS Of PLAIN and KANM3V GOODS from 91.23 per dross upwards. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS WM HQ U - The GREATEST BARGAINS in SHAWLS c?r "fared in this Town. Every Shawl in our Stojk will be sold at a price no: exceeding b\) c to the dollar of the uiarkot vuluo prior to tho financial crises. ji Jf you wajit rh|r VERYj^EST : Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes at MODERATE PRICES, call and see, and judge for yourself, if wc do not keep the T^'TfljRT1 nt the LOWEST I'RIOES, of any iu Ora'ugeburg. It will "pay those wishing (o purchase, to make a Special Visit of Examina tion through our LARGE and EXTENSIVE STOCK before purchasing, as wo havo a great many Choice Goods on Exhibition at very Low 1'rices. t ' THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. nbV store, Xron?n the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of< Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, ob easily digested anil assimilated ?with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, ami cures "a thousand ills,"simply by Toning up,Invigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, seat cliing out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. Th is is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy ith ? curing Dyspepsia, IAvcr Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea , D oils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors? Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating 4n a bad statc.of the blood, or ac companied by debility or alow state of the system. ISelng free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are jicrmancnt, infu sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con* stitutlon. ? Thousands havchcen changed by the use of this remedy, from ?weak, sickly, suffering crea* tares, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invali ds can not reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. Sec that each bottle has PERU? VIAN SYRUP blown in tho glass* Panipl?cts Free. v SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, IVo. SO Harrison Av., It out on, Bold hv LUiucoihts oeheralLt, oet 18 ly t^)0 A Valuable InvciitioiK AN FNTIRELY NEW \ Sewjug Machme! FOR DOMESTIC USE. bxLY five ?oUslars. with Tin; nkIT Patent Billion Hol? Worker. 'THE MOST SIM VIA". AND COMPACT IN CONST RUCTION. TilE MOST DURABLE! AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTHv AND BEAUTY. Complete in nil its parts, uses (he Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self Threading, direct, upright Positive Motion, Now Tension, Self Feed ami Ch'th Uiuder. Operates by Wheel and on a Table. Light Running, Smooth and noiseless' like all good high priced machines. Hop patent chock to prevcut tho wheel being turned tbo wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Lcck Stitch (finest and strougcet stitch known;! firtn, durable, close and rapt 1. Will do all kindjs of work, tine and coarse, from Cambric to heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses all descriptions, of thread The b'esi mechanical talent in America and Europe, has been devoted to improving and simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dis pensing with all oomplicatcd surroundings generally found in other machines. Special terms ami extra inducements to male and Icmale agents, storekeepers, &c, who will establish ugencies through the countty and keep our new machiuos on ex hibition and sale. County rights given to smart agents freo. Agent's complete outfits fillnitfhud without any. extra charge. Samples of sewing, descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, Sc., s?it free Address, PROCltS SEWING MACHINE CO., No. 11)21) Broadway, New York. fob b ly At Private Sale. rpiIE PLANTATION forming a part of J_ the Estate of the late Col. Keitt, and known as the DA it BT PLACE. The tract consists of about 600 acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Rich, Red, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. Thcso are -the Einest Lands in the District, and were valued at $'J0 per aero in 1860. Would be sold for one-half tha* ,>rice now. One fourth cash, the remnir or in three instal ments bearing interest from date and so? cured by mortgage of tho same. This is a splendid chance for aneryno do siring to secure Rich Lands, fine Wator Pow er, excellent Cattle Uaugo and a Refined Neighborhood. Apply to Mrs. L. M. KEITT, Or J U EE ITT, Esc-. jan 0 DR. C. lt. TAB Ell. LEWISY1I.LE, S. C... ? (ST. MATTHEWS P. O.,) june? 1873 tf _1 iO_? _ If you luiTe no land, go Boy ns much as you want on EASY TERMS at the LAND OFFICK of AUG. R. KNOWLT?Nx nov 15 tf tfK ?.o $2? PER ?AYJ Agents tD-j WANTED! All cesses, of, working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for Uslh their spare moments, or all the time, than a*.anything, else. Particulars fre?. Address , * ? ' ' Gj STINSON '& CO.,