Alleen. BY AUGUSTUS H. KN?WI.TON. T. When first I saw Alle on 'twas summer time, Sweet summer lime: She laughed, and threw a rosebud in my faoo. Forbear ! said 1? Ah ! why, love, why ? . Said she, with sin;pie grace? I'm sure you love sweet roses! Red roses in sweet summer time! \hcn hist I saw. Aileen 'twas wintertime, I Cold winter timo: I, and laid a white rose on her brow. Cold! cold!-said 1? Sweet love, good bye ! ? -.o You cannot play with roses now !? . I Alas! nor feel my kisses now! ? Kor^hoar my moaning!? My sad heart, moaning in the winter timo ! A. i . Lvamig Post. ?1^/ T-? _ Look out for cold days that stop up the head and stay wid you nil widdcr, end bake you feol berry uncubfordohlc. In Oshkosh a man has had to go to prifcon for two years lor merely killing his wife. * -re* ?> ' ? An Atlanta man wants the thief who stole his well bucket and rope to come hacjj; and get tho well, as it is of no us* now. Money is the fools' wisdom, the knaves, reputation, the poor man's deBiro, the covetous man's ambition ami tie idol of all. j Dr. i tJ. F. \v. Audi? ws, an old editor and ' publisher, has commence;! the pub- j lication of a Universalist magazine at I Atlanta, Georgia, called the Jfcitshtyer of vi' Coi i nant. When your pocket book gets empty. I and cvorjbody knows; it, you can put . nil your friends in it and it won't '?bulge out" wcrth a cent. The inventor of bricks of ice cretin is now applying his massive intellect to the I manufacture of backs of mi!!; punch, ?which will be so put up as t > be con .*cn icnt for carrying iu the hat. A hing Sing convict has lallen heir (o ' ?40,000. This will enable him to ply ' his vocation on a grander scale as n \ railroad director or couiothiug of tint I I Eort. Df.ak Coffee?We arc threatened wiih a tas on coflec, and consequently a rise in the price thereof. What would Deine use of ''cheap sugar" with dear coflec? That would l>e the "tail wag | ging the dog." "Well, neighbor, what is tho most Ov a. * ?? ' Chrittiun news this morning ?" said a to a friend. "1 have just bought a barrel of flour for a poor wo man.'! 'Just like you! Who is it you have made happy with your charity this time?" "My wife:" The kitchen range in a house at Turn's river, Is'ew Jersey, the oti or morning roiuse,d to burn the coal in spite of all efforts. bTuully on caioful investiga tion a family of hornets wero discovered within two feet of tho fire chamber, busily engaged in plastering the draft, holo with clay. Moke Murders.?Information has been received at (he exocutive office of two murders, recently committed?one in Newbcrry county, and tho other in Marlboro county. On the 2 Ith of De cember last, Jasper Henderson was shot and instantlj' killed by James If. Kit chens, in Newbcrry county. And on the 3d day of January, Stephen I'.ito was shot by William Chavis, in Marlbo ro county. Both murderers have fled I'rof. Blanchard, of Whcaton Oulle^c, 111., is ciushing out Freo Masonry. In one of his lectures against the order, he says, "tho institution is irroligious and immoral, and that no good man ever fias been or ever can be a Freo M ason " Wo'have often gone over a choice lot ol .eight or ten thousand Masons and pick ed out two or thrco whom wo thought wero good-men ; but of course they wore regular put throats und horso theives .compared to the pure, sinless Blanchard. Josh Billings paints this faithful pic tore of an editor; "An editor is a mile being whozo buzihess iz to navigate a nuzu paper. JIo Writes oditoriak, grinds out poetry, fnsorts dcths aud weddings, sorts out innnoskrips, keep? a waste basket, blows wp the 'devil,' steals matter, lim other people''' battles, soils biz paper for a dollar and fifty cents a year, takes white beans and sass for pay when ho kau git it razes a largo family, works nineteen hours out ov every twenty-four; knows no Sunday, gits dammed hi everybody, And once in a whih whipt bi sumbody. Jives pd?r, die? middle age 1, and often broken hearted, loivos no money, iz ro ty.rdedfora life ov toil with a short but free obituary puff in the uusepapcra Kx changes please copy " The Southorn Claims Commission to which it is proposed to refer a 11 claims ' pending before tho quartermitator-geue i ral and the war dcpartm.uit, has hour be [ fore it claims to the amount ol 322,000, 000. The average amount thus lar awarded by this commission is obou: thii teeil per centum of the sums claimed 1..-i.V. year only 8000,000 ?vre allowed in cases in which $5,000,000 were claimed. The tern of the commission was extended by the last Congress for four years. THE ORANtiEBURG NEWS ATCXI'STIJS It. KXOWLTOX, E DITO K. OEORGi: KOMVKlt. Financial Axn . Brsixrss Maxart.ii. Official I*?i>cr of Iii? State an<3 or Oraiigoliurg County. #6?- 77/A.' OR A NO Kit URG NEWS HAS A LARGER CIRCULATION THAN ANY OTHER PAPER JN TUE COUN tv. -?a SATUKDAT*, JAN. 17, 1871 No act of the Governor has .i ? ;? commend d itself to us, the Ropubli cans who elected him, than his extension of the time for the payment of taxes wit Ik ut penalty. .^??iiie Things for <3se IifgitiS-.i lurc to E>o. 'Ihr Legislature ?hould pn.*s an act providing for an amendment of tho Constitution in regard to the Homestead. There should be a reason hie homcstca 1 < xetuptiou, but as tin! law now stands it vTt.rkj a hardship to the very class it was designed i.o protect. In uino ca?cs uul oi" ten i!' the land hoidjr refuses to pay his lubji'u'i'j and takes refuge behind 'he ilouustcad, tho laborers. ::.vt:L go without (.licit \\~xl carne \ wages For this an 1 many other reasons the pre cut lau is eminently unjust and should be alterod Thu''Act for the protection ol laborers" >\i law ?'? pi!:iijh bi-n tot so dt i ??_'. A II this shoal 1 Im changed. Cnu'cr lh-se two htwi?the Home -trad lav and the !..w which is called, in BtirctiRm evidently, tho ??Law for the pro'c tin ctf laborers,*' the lab irer has no protection iflittn-.-r. ' Hri can neither get jay for bi? labor nor punish the . utp lover win d ran L. It'll). Tie Legislature is i le ted by the people an1 paid l>y the people. Let it i t > n 'c go to work an I s^elf it cinno' be Somctb ng to I.c'/t the people. [ Piom iho itrooklyn Argus | Wavl, in;:;i'.tu i'ori'or-tp >;itl mi;.'. f'otwitht landing his idoas of the hu man race belong i.oa ported of remote ant quity, .dr. Stephens is always a geiiileiuun. That is what his Southern compatriot, Mr. Harris, of Virginia. \ with all his vaunCng. is u t. \\ iine. Irs .-I;, le of debate : .'V r. 1 arris?'1 here is not a wh'te man on tho floor on the other side of the floiisc who can look me in the face and say that the Colored man was orcnlcd by God to be the equal of the while man. Mr. Hausier (colored member from South Carolina) ? I can do so Mr. Harris?-1 am r peaking to white men. not to you. The colored member ventures another lcmark. Mr. Harris?Oh. sit down! I am -peaking to white men ? 1 am sneaking to gent lemon, tint to you. 1 give this simply as a specimen o, the gentleman's manner. The law of con pet fittion was beautifully illustrated yesterday in the reply to Alexander H. Stephens on the Civil Mights bill by H< n. Knbirt li. Kilintoi S ?utli Caroli na. 1 have no person il partiality for my colored brother. I prefer my white brother decidedly, therefore accept this UBtimony as due to justice. I he most conclusive argument possible in favor of the Civil Rights Hill iva.s the presence and words of this colored man in the llali of national legislation. 'Jo won flOtll tho n.i st prejudicial foe of his race the rcluetant praise of having delivered oue of the niost conclusive arguments, and one of the most eloquent oration*) heard in the llou-e of Kcprescntativos far years. In ooQcluaion roferring to ' the story of Bona and Hath hu stiid that lor over two centuries his people had gleaned ni tn0 Holds of their kins men, and when, like Huth, they found favor in their?yos. thoy would ho most grateful, and would repeat tho prayer of Huth: "Entreat mo not to leave theo or to return from following after thoe, . for whithersoever thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest I will Im Ige ; thy people shall he my people, and thy God shall ho my God Where thou diost I will die, and there will I bo buried." At these Words round after round of applause burst from both floor and gal lery, which even tho patient speaker was powerless CO silence. To night tlili gentlemen is to bo Bcroaded ac his reddenee in I street. In tho tale of races llobert TL Flliott is a significant fact. Neither brown nor yellow, ho is dcciilcdly a black man. Alert and muscular in motion, ho has a largo animal base to his brain, and immense perceptive faculties. Ho lacks the beastly mouth aud flattened nose of tho neophyte of his race. Like all intellec tual men ho has strong features. His eyes especially, are remarkably keen aud intelligent. Graduated from a Kuro jean university, the possessor of a hand some fortune, educated and rich, young, talented and black?tho highest poss ibility of his race is already consumma ted in himself. M An V CI EM M Kit A M ES. 5>osuld be prognostics are announcing that the Legislature will not extend the ti no wo feel confident that tiny well. No sot ol men are so lost to ..11 sense of h mor and so regardless of th? interest* of their constituents as t> allow such afraTulT' As the law now stands, the Kxi cutiv ? officers arc not responsible for tills bin; aud cannot do 'anything to relieve th people. The Legislature is alone rc p >u sible. Thoy should have acte 1 in regar 1 to this before their adjournment, but a? they did not thoy ought to have met sooner in this mouth to arrange it. Wc would therefore advise every who cannot pay his tax 'by the 15th iirt., to wait until tho meeting of :hj General Assembly, as th y will b ; forced by public sentiment to arrange ih's mat ter so as to allow considerable time for the payment of the taxes. If the tax is not paid by the loth inst , no one can lose by waiting an 1 we arc confi.lint that they will Le relieved of the penalty. At any rate wo that the Legisla ture is responsible for this and they should bo made to shoulder it. If thay act prnperly and extend the time for a month or two, there is no one more willing to uncord to ihem the credit, due such considerate .-eti.m, than we are j but <^if they should so oppress the pjoplc as to compel the n to p ly the penalty when thoy could got noohatujj to p iy the tax we must say thoy will i deserve to meet tho stoniest rebuke and ! punishment at the hands of their con st it tu ots H it we d i not fear this, and. h n v, we say )">' your taxes before the i?th i-' you can, if not wait until lifter the Legislature in ;e s and at least let them take the rosp.iosibility of siyin^ whether they will relieve you or not ? Amlerjuii C'oiixcrvut >r. ?&rutnl Murder. On Mon lay tho 29th tilt , Mr. (i. A. Praxler, an old man who live I live and a half uiilos above George's Station, near Or.tngoburg line, shot dead by unknown parties. At D.55 P. M. Trial Jnstico Harper was notified of the murder and proceed ed at oucu to the spot uoco npaiiicd by Dr. P. L. Mooror. At daylight Tues day the inquest was begun, but theafl'iir had been so adroitly mnn-igod that tho jury were unable to couio to a verdict aud adjourned from day to day, hofding a session as late as Tuesday lust. From the invostigati in, the foil iwing facts and eonelusion have been arrived at. It is supposed that murderers know ing that Mr. Praxler kept two savage dogs, went to the potato patoh about lift ecu paces from tho houso opposite u window to which they hoped their vie tint wo ild bo attracted by tho.'dog.s. Mr . Piaxlor went instead to the end uf the pi i/.ia and was probably lea'Ullg over to shoot with his pistol when ho was sll it. A tnau living not far from tho house ?I mac im 1 wiring iIio noise, went 10 sec what the maRtcr was, hut upon seeing the body of MoT. Pruxlor, iled and called hplp. Mr. Krlixlor wusj found lying on his back dca|?. lie received nine buck shot iu the! breast and chest, aud two iu the left arm! all ranging down. 'Ilhe house had b-?en ransacked, four st;:|j*s at tho top of tho stairs were torn Ith an axo, and n general search s for money supposed to be secreted le house. clothing however is known to be miss iogjexcept a pistol This was probably takeln from the murdered man, ns the holstler and bolt were found lying on a tabloliu the house. The body was not dUtutfhcd ami it pocket book was found in ihm pocket containing $7,50, all the Mr. Praxlcr is supposed to have out him. he potato patch were found tho ol two persona. The print of a uceling, probably for steadier aim iscovcred. Several parties were d on suspicion, but discharged lamination, no facts being found ant their retention. Praxlcr was an inoffensive, peacor^Jble citizen between sixty five and seventy years of ago Tho affair has cuuscdyhc greatest excitement and eve ry efforft will bo mad- to discover th? murders as. moot had In} track: man was am up to war Mr. Hi (ten Miss by a Mad Dog Applied. Mad Stone Henry Mary J. Graves, daughter of Graves, Esq., from Lay ton, uuuty, passed through our town ycstcrdtift', accompanied by her brother, intake Ahe boat for her home in Lv-sex, having tust returned from lUehmoud, \ a , wl^cre. the sought relief Iroui pain, having jAccu bitten I.) a mad dog on the CtliV inst. .She Ibuud a mad stone in the possession of a Mrs. llix, on Kifth street, Nat tit's ? tone i ad been applied to over JJflt) per sons, proving entirely successful in every c.'i-e, no person ever exper dicing any trouble afterwards from th ? bite.? Frulcricksoin-ff /lerofil, Dec. SA. it :i]Oitis::i. Ann l'.li'/.a Vo i:ig, unictecnth wife f the much married Mormon prophrt, aud now iu ?catch of divorce and alimony, has advanced ns far Lastwud as St. Louis on a lecturing excursion, her ox haust)cs3 subject being the m'ijs of M.?r monism, or of Mormon polygamy. I'roin (he bri.f rc;:ort given of tho St Louis lecture, .die evidently speaks as one having authority. She is "smart." she is in camcst, she knows whereof she speaks, Mid she rakos tho polygamous ?aints of Utah fore an 1 aft She de scribes from experience the heart burn I ings, the strife, the deceptions, the un sjeakabc misery and degradation of Mormon polygamy. She denounces it us without one redeeming feature and as utterly diabolical and repulsive. She rejohes in her emancipation from this loathsome system of bond ago, and is in a fairway to turn it to a good account. It is said that she is on her way to Washington to illuminate the darkness of the Mormon system, or many wives before the benighted lawmakers of Congress, A funny suit against an editor has been decided in tho Circuit Court at Waukosha, Wisconsin. The Fays, pro prh tors of the La Belle Hons.' at Oe iionmwoo, brought tin action before n Justice to rod vor 81)7,0-1 for meals and cigars furnished A shitty D. lltirger, editor of the Oeouomowoe Tiinca. [lar ger set up a counter claim of$l(50 for "pulling" tho La Belle flotiss. JuJg niunt was loudcrod for the plaintiff and Mr I larger appoaled to u jury Tho case excited much interest, I larger be ing well liked, and having a solemn, earliest manner of making very witty remarks, lie testified thit Fay would s-y to him: "Ilarger, I've got a nice dinner to-day?coin" iu." ''No, 1 thank you, I'm going home." Kay would pre rail on him t?> si iy, and after dinner tho following colloquy: "Kvorything in there nil right, Llnrgorr"' Kvory thing excellent," "Desert all right i" l?IOx cclleiit." " all right V "De lieions, Mr. Kiy " "Very well, ro n ? n her thii in your paper next week." In return ror dinners and cigars, II arger sa\s he told a great many lies?od it n i nlly?worth more than a thousah I d ii lars. Ho would noicr havo presented a bill f-ir lias ha?! not Fay fallen out iyitti hi in and wanted pay fir tho dinners, [larger pjeadcd Iiis own cane, uu 1 the jury found n verdict for, which threw thti costs upon tho hotel keepers A recent newspaper article says :? '.'There can l e no doubt that greenbacks arc conductors id" contagious diseases, and that persons liao llittg tha n are extremely liable to take sueh diseases, especially sin ill pox." This uodoubt is true?and we now lmvc a startling re volution to make- \Y?j know tit it it will not be believed We are a ware that people will say that it is iuerediblo, and yot it is a lac' thai we can lay our hand ou a man who is Willing t> lake thousands of greenbacks every day, and stuff them into his pockets, an 1 walk n round with death fron .vuill p ix st i r ing him in the face as i e m < >\n inca of his maddeucJ folly It is d llic it to be lieve such a d -sp r i! % au I reckless person really exists, an 1 yet we kit >w a man who don't cure how many of these poisonous greenbacks are secreted in his clothes, and wh > can have uiilli ns hurled at him without the quiver of a muscle. Doubters can be convinced by calling at this oflicc with u greenback for the purpose of experimentation. Large denominations aro preferred by this extraordinary man. The Tadlet relates a story ol* a priest w ho had a coughing congregation, and who cured them thus Nu sooner had he censed to.speak than tiugular to relate one cough a'.ier another died out until soon there was absolute silence in the church. Whereupon the father said something to the following e lice I : ?'.My fr onds. 1 know that in this weather colds abuun 1, and therefore it is dilfi cult ft r you to refrain from c ughiug. Still it i.? impossible for me to pru-ich and y. u to counh at the same ti ue. j Let us conn . tli n to a mutual agree ment, sti that you may cough and i may j pi each with.nit dis'urbi.ig eiich other 1 will speak, say, for live or ten iniuutcs I at ii tune. When I raise uiy haulkor chic'', there Will h? an interval all iwe I j fur coughing. As soon as I let it fall, I j will resume uiy sermon, aud \ -u vm. silcucc." The plan tuccccdod adtnira I Lly. j A Kreuch periodical th" i sale ol* u: tificLi ey.:s in I'arts ;:tn iu'it;i j to i'>!) a week. Tho pri icipal nlne-j of I . ? 1 i sslc is a haudaome saloon, where the i nH'.U jiil 'v<. 'oji- ...? - \vi>t -.?.?-L...?? ton.eis wishing to l uv fi-st judge of the cffcci of the a: Ii. in] rye Ly placing it in the man's ouifdy socket. The i est made eyes commaiul a high price; bet poor I.Iks eau be fitted with roe nd hand eyes an what is c dl d "reasonable terms." The L inau 1 for artificial eyes is much greater than w nild commonly l e supposed, and largo uumlers are ex p lie I to India, -i i even to I he S itid lUcli Islands. -?- is - - ? k. January 1 Ith, 187 I. All persons Indebted to the old firm of MOSELEY & CUOOK, will make i nun ?di trie pay mi nt und till debts duo by said Arm will be' paid by the linn of MOSELK V, CUOOK \ COPES. * W. -I MOSELEY, W. K. CltOOK. HOPtl'liT COPK3. January l lib, 187 I. Special nt tent ion is called to our full variety of LAN* BUKT IIS ti WIDEN SEED.-', jan 17 1S71 :*t ecutor* Male. WAknock AND \\ IFE, vs. THE EXECU TOUS OF .1. A. FAULER. By leave of the t'ourt of Prohatc made in this Case we will sell lot* Cash at the Court llmise the following Notes belonging to Estate. 1. Note of W. t . Nun-is. for $-'7 ;hr>, ?J. m Same ?? " $10 Prof, Steele says : "One bottle ?f Kearn ey's Fluid Extract Buch'u is worth more thati all other Buchus comliined." Price, One Dollar per Dottle) o: .Six Hol lies for Five Dollars. I^ejiot 101 Dunne St.> Mi Y. A Physician in attcndiuioo to answer cer r< spondetiee and give a tvivo gratis. JJ?SS*"Scnd stamp for Pa.piph.let, fre ? o>u -TO TIIK Nervous & Debilitated of Horn sexes. So Cluirf/e /?/,? Aili!ice anil Ctnitnllafion. Dn. .1. !'>. Dmrr, graduate of Jo Person Medical College Philadelphia, author of several vnhisblo works, can be cor ulted on a!! diBcar?3 of the Be'xintl r?r Uriul ry Or: gnns, (which ho has made an o^pe'oinl study ) cither in male or fciiintb, no matter fiiuu what cause originating or of how long stand in^. A practice ?f 'hi yeiivj? enables, him to l real disease-* w-ith susie; *. Cures guaran teed. Charges reason able. Those at distance can forward letter describinc y:'e toma and cMc'r ir\ct .mo to pvepny jlojifigc .Send io: the ?uu e TO H PA LTD. r;ee ! 1 \< J. V.. IiVO' T M. D., Phj : ein i and s-"iti-.; 10. Diian S". , New Yyrk, inn 17 1171 0_j 5 ,,T\CE" cor NT v 6 F 0 K A NC ebtj lit 1. Is thk Common I'j.kas. Ki-l\trlt M iry Merchant, Adiu's John Maichant. Ry virtue of an order of the Circuit Coir', I .-eh -it public .oiler/. 011 the tin' M011.!. v in February, 1874, iliiring the legal hour? -t - '!e. cerium CHOCKS VS AjCTIOS lieimi diij? Ii Hi? Instate of the litte JOHN m A Hi It ANT, deceased, to;- cash. A foli Ijsi ?f ti" sinne c/iii 5?.' i?een at niy otliea, an t will ou exhibited 0:1 t lie d.iy 1 f GEORGE LOLIYER- C. C. P. Clerk's oflico. jaii IS 1^71 .4 Executor's Sale. By virtue of the power vested tn me as Executor of ttie last Wilt and Testament *t Ann Berry, deceased, I will sell for the pur poses of paying the Debts anil Liabilities ot the said Teil 11Irix. at Orhngeluirg C. 11.. S. 0., "ii the first Monday in February next, Hie followidg P-t.1 P.statc of said deceased.: 1. All that tract or parrel of land situate in the County and State aforesaid contain ing one linn I red and sixty-five acres more or !e s, bounded i'ast bj Homestead tract of It U M iteiry, VYe.-t by Estate lands of Ann Berry, Nortli by Estate lands of Ann B?rry and South by lands of Emaiiucl Falrey A L.St) 2. All thai tract or parcel of land situate in the County and Slate aforesaid, contain^ ing one hundred acres more or less, bound ed West by Joseph Mo Albany, East by Es tate lauds of Ann Berry, North by Willi ?ru McAlhany and south by lauds of Kiuauuel Fairey. ALSO P>. All that trai t i>r parcel of land situate in the Couut.y and Siaie aforesaid contiiin g one hundred and twenty-five acres more or less, bounded North by lands id' vVilliain Crimes. West by land-; formerly of Palate Abrain Edwards, Past by Ii E Berry'and South by lands fonrfct ly of John Saioike. Terms?One-t"ird oasdi, balance 1st De cember next, secured by Bonds of purchas ers li?.uiintr interest froth day of sails, and mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to pay f< v papers uud recording. ? JOHN P. BERRY, Qualjlied I'x'or Ann Perry, deceased. Jan'y 1 I, 18*74 ?17?I riminiKli'hlor'g Motive.?.VII persons having any demands against fiie Estutc of Jacob Carroll, late of Fort Motte, deceased, will present the same for payment to W. J. PeTiovillo, Esq., Attorney at Law. in Orangcburg, or to the Subscriber. And tlioKe Indebted will make payment to MABY A. CAHKOLL. Administratrix, jnn 17 1^7t 4 Aiioliou Nnlc of ValutiblodLaud in OraiiKeburc County. There will be ollered for sale at Orange borg O. IP, 011 Monday 2 jth of January, all that valuable tract of band formerly the properly of J. E. L. Ainaker. With Ilm build ings and improvements thereon. Situate Lying and billig in Oratigoburg County Si ate of South Carolina on Saddlers Swamp, Containing Fifteen hundred and foriy-iwo fl?-121 acres more or less. Buttius; and Bounding North by lands of A . P. AiUalcor, East by lands of'j. I?. Kiitt, au.t .). VVj dantzlcv, formerly lands of Sirs' P.. Carson, South by bin ts of .1. P. Ililey, de. eased, and Estate of L. Sinoko, and West by landa of Dr. J. Smoke, Mrs. Staly, and, t'apt. Stack. Terms Cash, purehas^rs to pay for papers. jnji 16 lSi i ? -m-Lyij-uiif..;1?! * Iii i mtru Ifminiu of Juby Wt'okt: Jnu'r. ~j Notice is hereby given that on th?2')th day of .Tanunry, 1874,1 will Iii? ray final account as .Administrator of tbe Estate of the lute Jaby AVetks Juu'r., and will peti tion for my final discharge. P. M. CARSON, Administrator. Orangebiirg Co. 8. C, J'cccmbor 16, 187J. dec 20 ]873 lm ---:-i Sheriff's Sales. Oil A NC EBTJ UG COUN IY GEORGE BOHVERyb. FRANCES L.-TATE^ JOHN- Hrf.-gTATE.'er By virtue* of tbe^uflgmcnf and orders Itt this action. I will sell at ?rangeburg Court llout-e, . on tju> firetrMcjnday^n^F^nrarjr next, during )egal fit/dr*;of $ai? Oit'fpVjblJo auction. All that plantation or tract of land, con taining 8?0 acres, iii<)reory S R &" W A Mellichahip, Surveyors, and dated Decrtnsb-?r 11. 1873.) The suid planiiition ?ill l?e swjdin?parcel?/ and a jdat of the same can be seen at tbo Sheriff's olHcc, OnilTfrcourg, SC. Terms t?One-half, cash, ami ffio^bStaBbo on a credit of t.velve mouths, -?fecure'd by bonds of perehusers and mi>r?gago1-.>pfn premises purchased, with covenant tor re sale on breach of condition of land, and purchuseiv to pay for papers and reerrT drug; J 1' MAYS, ....... iCurrmcx, A,.,??? ul.-T:.f siheriffs OPicc Oi au.-rvtmrg SC.. .tf.tiua'r/ ' ? -,kt!*?W ?d i:xccatlor*s Notice oi3al<*. By or '- r i>f the Court of Vri.halv,, L.wiil sell at Fublic S .le. ...n the H'th dny of .Janu ary, inst.. at mo late Residence of K.cbard . Vagnli, die-a-eil. in 'nis loraugrburj-j County. !."! the 1'ei- t,ro^eV^.*f'\cefit l.'otion) bc'p-sCmr. i i the. E.-aat*,of sail dot..d. .roar:-ting'of ??f^sF1 t0 head""' 'V-.'.tr!"\'0.VlV!ishi oV?Sw mote ur )e.;y. 2,000 lbs of rudder more or W-sji, / Cotto.i Seid ?rarvett I ml es, one fine Sot of Mill RoJi:-*. one fine double h.-trrelietl Gin, 1 Eufgy - ttii; fi'i", lot of Poultry, Horn-c hild and.., Iii) c ha? '" i ?''tare y-,\ ??ot'?r art lolltoo teiiiom to m-Jatioa. i-- - a>a. JAMES A D?N't y.LKlt, Qnn'ilieU Executor v** cf .Richard M.".grill, deceased. -ZV jan lfr.h " T874 ' 2tf ?-r gf A T i??<- ! sut'Ti L QAliQBtS? ORAN?JSBUIIU COUNTY. ir," THE ' OMStON n.KAS, V ii! a;.i c. il.iia: 1 Jt.J tj K. Pane plnfriliH7? ag inst t.ieorge Eo.l.ivcr, n? atlnunisiralor, oi the '?>iatf oi Wiiiiuni SJYTptiler, de ceased, .lohn .1. Jackson, Mary A Weekx, wife oi II. Y?"t-cki., A'-na Cofer, ..Marah Friy, wife of.Jaeidi Friy, Martha "Weath er hie, wile of Jain6? \V* Woathenibie, Theinuts L. Cofev.^jid M. K.Cot'er, xUcfyud ants : as- 'n t opy Summon.'* for Relief (.Complaint not served) TO TU F. defendants Thomas. L. Cofer and M. K. C?fer: if fft) t
i' Sc, Ca. within twenty dayr. after the service of this suinmons on you exchisive of the day of servief, aiul if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaint ids will apply to the Courlffcr the Be lief demanded in the Complaint. Dated ",t Orangebiirg October 21 s\ 18Z3. ' OKTicvillc & AVhaloy PlaiutilTs': Attorricvs To Tiiomas L. Cofcr and M. K. Cofer, de fendants above named: Take notice That the summons and Com plaint, herein, were filed in the office of the Clerk of,thc.Coijrt of QoinjuoprJ^JefAfoxj Or angeburg County, at Orangeburg'-Smith Car olina on the 21st dav of October 1873. Di-TKlCYlLlxEei WUALfS^ rialntitn "Attorheys 1S73. . 38-?t . CHRISTMAS'" AT ? ijj^srj l>It.!,Ai,,Cfl?tl-l'tIlS?^ Who Ii um ju^t received a Large Supply oC w ell-atported ? ? \ 9 ' .?.' : f? * .\.*\ WM\ W TOYS, F1RB-?Y--?RKS,! BBIAB ROOT FIFES, CUTLERY. .,. , . , . _ STATlCr^lti^ " PER F ? M E ft Y7 FANCY CAN I) t ITS, ( HlllM'MAS PP.ESENTS, &c. ..^ - ? ? 1 "*-wm A. Complelc Stock of ?RUOS and MKDIC1NES, Will, a,'W^^^i^^^t^tK toe numerous to mention. Call soon and^barfi6inS?: J?. hAll At .Frivai?> Sjale^ riAHE ^LaMTf?A'flrmlAH^^ J. the Estate of the lalo Col. Keitt, and. known as the DABBY PL-'ACE. Tho tract oonsists of nbout ("GO acres, one half well Timb-jrod, the romainder Rich, 'Bed,> Lbab?, adapted to Crops of all kinds. These, are the Finest Lands ja? the District, and led at $20 per acre in 18l!l>. Would were valued at !r<20 per be sold for. one-halt tl fourth cash, tlie renmif be sold for. one-Jiall tl^-( ^rioojiiow.?/ One air or In tilrcc instal ments bearing interest from ...dato and ae... cured by mortgage of the satrir?. This is a splendid chance for anoryno de fdridg td s^iYc-lttclrtWftlsm^WliT-Sr Fbrr-^ I i . Mrs. lt. M. KElTt^ ^v Or x .1 U KEITT, l. j. jan ?