LO O A. Li SATURDAY, JAN. 3, 1874. Dr.J3utIcr,Vt;tho. Enterprise Saloon haSj as ho.always has, a Hoc stock of cigar* on baud?-dainty nud delicious. .? im Btm i - Mo?sra. j tfrantvs Briggmaun &> Co. ?wish' nil tiloir friends ?nd patrons a ^rt^^f^^^fif^another column. fI??V>?^Wr% on thorn nt bnce. ,? Citij ? ? Joel Lark in, Esq., our most worthy Jury Commissioner, attended at tho re tent drawing of jurors and discharged his duties in his usual excellent and in comparable stylo. Th?rO; will bo a public Installation of tho officers.of division No.. 24, S. of T . in the basomcut' of Ihd Prcsbyterinu Church on Monday evening next at 7 . o'clock. The public are invited to attend. - man .-.-cnai - Mrs. Moroney, tho accomplished and excellent hostess ot Meroney's hotel will please accept our thanks for several f dainties whicn accompauied the "eoui plimenta of the feason" day before yes terday. Court sits next week. There is not much Session.'-, business to bo done, nud the lawyers have bo" arranged matters that most of the Common Pleas cases will go over to the May Terra. One week will probably suffice for all that is tf O*) ' ? to be done. ^J^4^A^is^err?r,thor enterprise gro cery nuan, will please accept our thanks for a bag of prepared ham. It was the |ie?4 wo ever tried. \V**s com ueud our friend to the public as a first class grocer. He huB some more of the same, besides . the many articles that I hi? housekeeper cannot d? withunt. C:ill ou friend F. aiid you wi'l be made happy. It Jwiyjjti'g ;'bfC? ruui-red says the Vnum ifyrnM that ilere has been h poncineiit of the time at wliieh the will attach tu State and county t is well to advise the taxpayer.. not thii case, and lhat the . i.. s the last day for payiu^ ?hout the penalty. CITIZKXS S.iriXUS /SAX A'? Wo hope that every nun of our ciri sens, who lias claims against this Rank, will attend the meeting of Depositors of pOrangeburg' Branch, whicli his bean called at .11; A. ou .Monday, tho 12th inst. It is of the utmost tmpnr. tsiuro to ' 'depositors that they should attend in person, and be prepaled to piovj their elaitus. rZfiSOXAL? linn. T. . C Andrews Senator from this* ?Malcolm I. Browiiiug Keq., one of the attaches of the Union Herald?both well known citizens of Orangeburg, are visiting their old home for a few days. Mr., Browniug will act as Solicitor pro tern at the coining term of Court, Mr. Butt/.' othor duties .detaining him in Charleston. The following is the names of the Grand and Petit Jurors to sesvc for tho year'74: Grand Jury?C F Bozard, Geo Govan John W Davis, A J Hartzog, Abram Danttler, Riohord Livingston, Ned Gaines, Wyatt Jefferson, J?e jfrrown, J * D Way, Lovi Bowman, Willis Holman, J C Bozard, John P Garick, R E Clark, ?3f?ft? forest, J C Hurley J W Gh-aton. Petit Jury?John Johnson, D. W. Hungerpillef, Joo Hart, T. P. Wolfe, J live* at Buffalo, N. Y., tried to "founder" his mother-in-law by dnnoiug a polka with her uutil she warmed up aud tlieu giv ing her all the iced lemonade she could drink. John Church told a Kcntuckian tho othci day that Daniel Iloune was only a "one horse whiskey distiller;" iustcad of a great hunter, uud tho family of Mr. Church cau socu ro his effects by writing to the Coroner of Maysvillo. "If some of our druggists," says an Illinois paper, "would fill a bottle 'Vith bed-bug poison, place it. in the back room and label it "old rye," there would bo so many inquests iu tho n?xt tweuty four hours that all tho japcrs would have to issue supplements." Whereas, our Pastor; Rev. I. D. Durham has resigned tho Pastoral care of our Church : And Whereas, we arc desirous of expressing the estimation in which he is held by us, be it, Resolved, That wo regard him as an able; zealous advocate ami expounder of Bible traths; and that, dtiring his Ministry among us, the Lord has groat ley blcs.'ed his 1 ibors to our Church. /testified, That, we regret tho necessity which occasioned the resignation of liro. I. I). Durham, aud we most cheerfully and cnrdially recommend him to any Church ns an earnest Minister, and faithful defender of the "faith once delivered to the Saints," Resnhrd, That our prayers and best, wishes n'ten l our beloved pis or for his spiritual and temporal wolf ro, and his success as a Minister. Rrfn'vcd^ That theso ptjicanding be published, and that a copy of tho same be furnished our Beloved Brother. W. A. KD W A \\ OS, B. WI1 LIAMSON, J. A. Z Kl Cr LRR, ? Q.W. WILSON, Committee Ornngeburg Baptist Church, ? Orangeburg C. H., S. C, December 21, 1873. Columbia, S. C, Doc. 20tli, 1870. 7V? the Editor Qranyebitrp Nttcs : Sin?I have the honor to inform you that nt a meeting of the Hoard of Officers, cre ated by nn Act entitled "An Act to Regulate the Publication ef r.ll Legal and Public Noticos," the following resolution was adop ted i Retired, That tho "ORANGEBURG N K W S is hereby designated as tho OFFI CIAL PAPER for the Publication of all Legal Notices and Official Advertisements of the County Officers in the County of Ornnge burg. Respectfully, &e. F. L. CARDOZO, Sec. of State and Chuirman Hoard. Per W. R. JONES. COMMERCIAL. MARKET REPORTS. Offick or tub OnANfiKntino Nkws, January, 2d 1874. COTTON?Sales during tho week 185 bales. Wo quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,... 10 12jnr) Low Middling.1<4@ Middling.13 ^ (?d ^rtfl ,ie#ed$i,J T> JaJai ?uaetfr v,*?* ; sw 3:< Jie.o neu ecr7uJio?l8 otnea 1X*5j*' To be Found'nv OKaVg^^^? .X^S S^-GOODS DELIVERED. ?' v /. j tu^ \a.-ii *rir?A. < e*:tr-iM.!;o V) lovrt ein etaw edw a;it?a*' OH YES! OH YESILMMBI j. w. OH WHAT! tvhy * V**'1 aid jimi; Ladies Kid Gloves -* ' tLJL* U ./ 1 ] /a. J * . . ..^.' i'jitMS') t>t?r?J } T ? . . v ?,, i* eviuA L?'ii ibiP ifMR^ taJ &?a both".ai *flo ?d Are offering tbeir LARGE aud ATTR^jgp^togk^^ ^ w^ CLOTHING/ 'J?I * ascot* BOOTS and SHQESfaltetfet? ?U-'. THUN i^fita?Q^'w?s?s i , Ltw*ii?t*? fcfiat SARATOGAS C ft ft ft**.., V ALICES, *W ? FANCY GOODS, &o., &d. : ' : fji?? *a 1 4j?74 >'?:? e'vria^ oUan?tteal i ,i*r?' b Iii iiv^co is W.'?Vta>?rtt ? goi^s^ -r<>^? ^reoiUhl.?AV'- ! v?t)nfl-?tt tits'si ea-'f* f*v? adi ??? aaiaiu ?s ?aw^^rr^^Taa?^^^ ;?; **(??&?rL sad 4? 4< THE WHISTLE STRAUS & STREET ARE THE MEN TO BOS IT. WOOD SAW-ED ANY LENGTH nud DELIVERED at $3 26 par COR?, aud la ^ FT LENGT11, $5i 50 per Cord delivered. Always on band CLEAN RICE and FRESH GROUND GRIST-ikftfc^Wttb "We atill pay tho . ; ?wfuas#:? tl$ HIG EC EST MAEKET FHICB CASH, for ROUGH RICE, CORN and PEAS. 1 a ?;*?? fcf^i t1^1 P*Mi??v^ a*?r*?^a^|'^^r^{. i> .iiof fki.adtMW ?vir^4?*Mim . { st ' dilw - .f^t ? .uir.O'? j ^iv^lair cli foffoeati ?H 'mti^ .bvw a sro ,^v< ni ^iwji^ni .. j _ Misoftq a rfsiw aiirVr"' i .jpi^h ,v > Satisfaction guaranteed, oct 4 j n) vp(j 8aii{ji'.^*J bov; v^d fe**!-?^!? ,'lcf>% *dJ fll .lsf?t>^ ; 7?m etil fU, &aa la ? rf.lTO.w rfo>^ fcfd ? 'io'VW^ flfd< fi?> ?*>.!'?* i?SSkB And SEGAES . 6.. .. : :r,lx s?:sa.5vb,jtoi c. r>. KORTJouisr??. a <:, . J.*t.-?B (U ;!3tt{??l iLi?V*W'Jhrt^SJ icil ? I irlx**1 jtarvwif d^<>W (IV 1< '?""I f ill mUU i (?oi&'* v? >.ib?^fja iiBuaw ?id ? ^m^t t?0(j fc*d #adi t-> THE PEOi^ a a 'iol ?t 824 Throughout tho State aro acqodinled with the reputation ot my HOTJSL. ''.v'-'i, - GOOD MEALS and Comfortabla Lodgings aro what all my customer*, transient and pqrnfanOOT -9 1? ? *'*d etil . boa?#M[mt :?n -, ;>:? -> '?id is iutsflBfliOiJ^orcn e4J ^d-t Of. Tbc Famo Fatisf?ction is cSpreJWCd ?? t^t%T BARGAINS to bo obtained in my Stote. With fiue and completo assortment of GRQCERIRS. * a stock of DRY- GOODS, unrivalled for aa lencp in the Market of Orangeburg. I can, propriety, aid iatfii CALE My friends to remember; j .v.oTAtTOK? Tines are hard, very hard, and money hard to me a ealljwill uovcr disputo the assertion that to be had in Orangeburg are obtainable at my St I will keep ^Iso, during tho winter^ a aupj HOGS for s?lo at rcatonablo prices. The fact is if yo* wa*4ft Bargain oi any sort, you cannot get it unless you octl8-tf ? 1rYVAr~