jaui',jj|y."uL'jj|-uiiJWi Hi O C .A. ~L?. SATURDAY, DKC. 0, 1873. ScMTCttiscttie?t of J. S. Albcrgotti, tfiRrrniHrfj ih\^-?jft -MM- ft *? -Th6'?Loytti o'it?zeh?''ur? dis can/.iiig their recent wurm attachment to the Uniteft 8tfMB,?&# gco'of ally. : ^ -w ihiur-ifcHi'i'."'"^' ' Henry B. Jp^p8cja;iEB,qi; j hab: our thanks for a copy oiVtho ^Report of the ?Secretary of Stato to*.* : General .Assembly at its present Session. A* recent act of the 'Legislature c?ts ] down the lawyers' ousts1: ay? fully. We arc inclinod to think, though, that the result will be good, all round-' /Now is .your chan^c^o litigate at half price. ?r&fcTTTT**' -V-Mw--? ( At Dr. Duke's dt ug stpre tho "little oues" will find friend $ her rod Kleves is ready, iu his usual accommodating ?irfcyto, to supply them with toys, oauiies ri^^raT-Ind"'mosl reasonable prices. Sec advertisement. Mess re Frantz ?riggiuann & Co., hava everything usually found iu a first -class grocery store. _'IPhey have just received a fresh. iJf^df'.UytjtLVH, fLobs'ors. Potted Hum, Chicken and Turkey; also a lot of .t'ohqlcc Hams, Smotod Boiti ?wbidh they performed ^their duties with irefureiiuo to thn Kl Uiutt's fevont Parade and Festival. tjej ouergotie and enterprising friends iMesMs Strau.s iV Street iuhouj us lb a, 'they furnish task -and .pine wood'at ^82.50 .por cord delivered, and for 83 2o 'ipT euvd'W.ill saw it any length desired, ?dulivejvd Wc advise every one to call ?on the above gentlcmoii at :their mill, Uiud-havc thnir -ordere 'filled. They als ? Ihn-vc -a >filh} --supply of eiean rice, meal, :and grirft, tit '0i>itQi?ty)n prices, with a ilull supply of cuff and horse food ou ihaud'chcnp. - ?.? ? - f you want n pane of glass go to Dr. r-b? go :to Dr. Olivcrna The Doctor is one of Orangoburg'a institu - tions. What wc should do withotft him, heaven* only '-knows. His goods are of ?d'tic ber inuoh of tho Rail Road as )ieo between Branch villo and Charles ton^ ty'$#flr?.under tjhe escort of oqr px^ibqtflrwfl^^^ o| foe ffiost euterprjsing n\ill qwnors and( most ex col lent ctUzcns of that part of \bh country, to'whoin we are under pro f?jptl ^Igflt-ions for warm aqd ho<\rt leit courtesies aud attoutious which will be long iu passiug from our memory A walk through the principal streets, orGeorge'^ Station surprised u.s. Thero wore large, commodious"} cheerful, Iiotw liRc houseB--rpi;?spor??8 and thrifty looking stores-^-a larger. ,und better furnished school house than any that Orangeborg cnu ])oaat of?and a general air of cantcut, of happiness aud well doing. We had the p'easuro of mcot^ ing thoro our young frie?d and able brother-lawyer Mr. E. Mikell Carroll, formerly lbf ' Urartchville, who has dcscrVcdly become n leading citizen in his 'now home. Wo also, with much pleasure, made tho acquaintance of Mr. Utscy, an euterprisitig, go ahead and prominent merchant of the "Station.'' Hut "tho best of frionds must part ;" train rime came at last and with friend Carroll and Dr. (Sre-set, the well-known physician of Hrnuuhvillo, we bade our host Bryant good uight and .sailed k at the vii'tim, they found a man standing by the 'Orpso trying to sell lightning rods to the oi-.yd. MiwfriM ? - * mi n i - Tlie latest dodge of a Boston till-Up per was to buy a half gallon of molas ses at a grocery, get the grocer to pour It in bis hat for want of a jtigi and then clap the hat with its contents on the grocer's head, while the buyer ran ofi" witb the contents of tlie money drawer. C0I.u.mt11a, S. C, Deo. 20th, 1870. To the Editor Ornngeburi) Xcim .* Sin?I have the honor .to inform you that at a meeting of tho Board of Officers, cre ated Ly on Act entitled -vAn Art to Regulate the Publication of nil Legal and Public Notices," the following resolution was adop. 'Resolved, That the "OR A N 0 E B URO N K W S" is hereby designated ns Ilm OFFI CIAL PA PK It for the Publication of all Legal Notices nnd Official Advertisements of the ( ouuty (Jflicers in tho County of Orange burg. Respectfully, kc. F. L. CARDQ See. of Slato and Chairman Board. Per W. H. JONES. COMMBROIAL M A K K KT It E PO UTS. OvncK or tub Ouakukiuiuo Nkws, December, 6th 187H COTTON?Sales during tho week G1? bales. Wo quote: Ordinary, to (Jood Ordinary,... 10 12(g) Low Middling.,.IBA? Middling. Rounii Rice.$1.00 per oushcl Cohn.$ 80 tier bushel. Cow Pkas. 7? per bushel. Pindkus,1,10 por bushel. MONEY CANNOT 11VY IT I For SlRlit in l?rlccIc*M I! BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. MASK If you vtiluo your Eyesight uso these Per fect Lenses, Oround from Minute Crystal Pebbles, Melted together, and derive their nflino "Diamond" on account of their Hard ness and Brilliancy. They will laHt many ycnis without change, und are warranted ulterior to all others in use. Manufactured by the Spencer Opiioa Manufacturing Co., New York. CAUTION.?Nono Genuing unless stamp Vil \vith our trlido mark. [?'or Salo by Responsible Agents through out Ihn Union. E. J. OL1VEROS, . jan 20?ly Orangeburg, S. C. WHAT PLEASES THE JjADIES .v..- '\' ' ? A ,. ? - ' AOWiA&L&n A Wilson' sistfiiiG MA ; J i9i ICH1NE. ' ' They, cnn be bad by calling nt Mr8. ;0Wen dorll'6 Millercry Establishments ? 3. T. SIMMONS, Canvassing Agent, June 28?:jm Orangcburg, S. C. DK~ THOMAS LEGARE, RESIDENT' FjnrrsiciAN y. c?? .ftW. Know I ton, Judge of Probate fur Oraijgoourg Cmmly, n-nd itsk for Letters of Dismissal ns Guardian of 'Alice V. llib'y. O. B. RILF.Y, Guardian. ndV'3 1 ;n Bricks! Bricks BRICICS!!! rpilF. PN DE KS IG N El> HRSPEO W?ULY I Informs fbo public that hois now pre pared; tu furnish EHICMS in any qunutily. All orders will meet piompt attention. J. 0. E6\VAK1)S. junc ? ]>t;; tf J. Wallace Cannon, HAS JUST ifECKiyED A FEESII SUP PLY OP Family Groceries ALSO LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CANNED GOODS, CANDIES; FRUITS, Sec. m All of the abovo goods arc offered at PRICES to suit the present tight times, oct 20 1873 NEW PATENT." DR. PATRICK'S COTTON PRESS The undorriignod Agent for Orangcburg County begs lcavo to eall the attention of COTTON PLANTERS to tho same, aud would advise every one in nood of a COT TON PRESS to purchnso n patent at once. For CHEAPNESS, SIMPLICITY, and POWER, it has uo equal. Any one desirous of seeing tho "modus operandi" of said Press, can do so by calling at. tbe Stove of J. \Y. Patriok & Co., Kussel Street Orangcburg C. II., S. C, whoro a model can bo seen, or address Capt. Je ff STOIt.ES Gcn'l AgenL Midway 8, C. J. W. PATRICK, Agl. Orangobyrg County 8. C. july.2C 1873 tf - ?--? iu i^Bufe* to ttic'{PUBLIC, in ALL CANDOR and TRUTH, that we hav? now of OkofFyLtBST and->;q*t complete STOCK of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS To 1>? f??nuyit^*'-T?fA- or olscwhcre. SVe liave just received aud will continue* to keep a full stock consisting in part as follows : > ,j.,h .bolognas, ?> Apples,! tongues; nuts, hams, candy, .smoked, reef* . . s pepper. sauce, tFJfcoUR, 7 f 1 ? horse radish. sugar, worcestershire sauce, ? tea. "english mustard, coffee, french mustard, soap, cijow chow, i starch,-, i oysters, sou A, ' .' ? lobsters, corn starch, - salmon, SA folia, mackerel. lyb, canned hams, canned chicken, canned turkey. And hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call and bo con vinced of lite truth of^the- above. :|BA^rrZ BETGGMANN . s.? highest market price given for ull country produce. OS YES! OH YES!! OH YES!!! on what : why J. W. ATRICK & CO. Are offering their LARGE and ATTRACTIVE Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladies ROOTS and SHOES, Very TRUNKS, Kid Gloves SARATOGAS C h e a i> ! V ALICES, FANCY GOODS, &o., &c. AT PANIC PRICES BSP* All persons INDEBTED to mc by Liens, Store Account or Note,-^?g fivx>"' will please come forward at ONCE and settle up.'XBu* KFew Goods AT PANIC PRICES! IS SELLING His ENTIRE STOCK of NEW GOODS GOODS AT PANIC PRICES AT C D. KORTJOHN'S Any poison needing or wanting to pnpply themselves with the NECESSARIES OF T.IFE, would du well 10 call on the undersigned before purchasing olsoiThcre. TIItL GROCERY DEPARTMENT Id COMPLETE,'and the SCARCITY of MONEY has induced me to sell LOW DOWN for CASH. -Li I Q XJ O R S TWENTY to TWENTY-FIVE per CENT enn be SAVED by buying from mo, which tho Pauio has brought down s-o LOW that a Good Avtielc can be had L>r RECTIFIED prices. SEGARS A INT O TOBACCOS ?V of MONEY. I have a LARGE QU ..OW DOWN for CASH. C. D. KORTJOHN. Aro also influenced by tlio SQABCITYof MONEY. I have a LARGE QUANTITY on HAND, and will dispose of them LOW DOWN for CASH. Call and convince yourselves. nov 15 ENTERPRISE GROCERY STORE ! -BY AUGUSTUS FISCHES, Agt. HAVE OPENED on the corner opposite BULL, SCOVILL Si PIKE a FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE Where he will keep EVERYTHING in the abovo line. CHOICE FRUITS always on hand THE ENTERPRISE SALOON Has bocn moved to tho rear of the ENTERPRISE GROCERY STORE, with a complcto outfit of LIQUORS of every gra'do, and TOBACCO and SEGARS of tho FINEST BRANDS. Thanking my friends for pnst favors. I h?pcto merit their continued PATRONAGE by keeping constantly on band,FRESH 8UPPL1E8 of the above articles, aud selling thoni at PRICES to suit the present hard tiinos. ? AUGUSTUS FISCUBR. A i i THOMAS lias just returned from the North, and having purchased a ft&ROft |?$ VAKIKD assortment of i 6 , 6 ?? E w fc3 s o W He invites every ono to INSPECT his - STOCK AND PRICES . .,. - - o? r ?.n-,ii!-Vl-.?ntfc ' before purohasing elsewhero. RUSSELL STREET, ORANOXBUBO, oct 4 1873 9ft ? . ? ? V.H//t \. Mi" . . IN" PRICE II Great Offering of Bargains m> aiio -^f/la??! o$ C?Jut'' v i /". A And EXCEELENT OPPORTUNITIES for purchasing FALL and W1NIBR COOfflStft '? . ? .?? ESPECIALLY LOW PRICES. DRESS GOODS Our entire ?tock of DRESS GOODS will be offered at LESS THAI PANIC PRICES. Dom es tic and Housekeeping :Goqji$?]j Will bo found at least 2o PER CENT lower than former Prices. .?> . P.OOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS Wilt bcd?ld WITHOUT RESERVE to SUIT THE TIMES . :.- <. :?:??. *' idJ V l-?d itiifp GENTS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING ' * ''. ' "' ... .. . vi .? ? .? . ft..?.Y:?'dV' In groat Variety at about One-half Former Prices I . i '' ? - ?:? k l , y.tfj^vfSl.1. , ' : ft GEO. H. CORNELSON l , . J| ..???3 ,? i ,VMl'l|li. .1->'-' ,-,-f Is receiving now, constantly addi tions to his Stock of DRY GOODS* Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware% etc., and offers the same at prices to suit tha times. BAGGING and TIES always on hand. I also continue, to buy COTTON, RICE and all COtJNTSY Produce at the HIGHEST Market PRICE.Please call in and see for yourselves. GEO. H. CORNELSON'a il