The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, November 29, 1873, Image 7

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3L? OAl. SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1873. Divine Service to-morrow in the Epis eopal Meeting Uouse. No Bishop, though, we nre sorry to sny. ing the "List of the Loyal" the Wonder arises uHow the denoe was the old State ever got out of the Union, anyhow !" Dr, A. C. Dukes has just received a assortment of pocket cutlery end i, all of standard make. Also a fine atoek of drugs, medicines &a, J. W. Patriok & Co, have a lot of la dies fine trunks, shoes, gaiters,&c, which they offer very low for cash. Now is the time to get bargains. Then ia bat one handsome lawyer at the Orangebvrg bar. And we hasten to add thfi be does not edit a newspaper. , Neither done be-Bat we won't say any more. A meeting of the depositors of the eJiengnbafg branch of the Citiiena Savins; Bank is called for to day at 12 M at the Elliott Hook & Ladder HaB. It is important that all interested should attend. No wonder that South Carolina casts sseb a heavy Republican vote now-a day*, w^enr sncfi a tremendous "loyal element'-' existed within her borders : ?van aVating Ute hottest days of the late **?aja> ->>..-. kwar. Lawyer X. of our bar has a dry way of hie own. Those who know him will > "'S ymaaautj iu?w no muz, a icw anya ?K? MTthU?j *Te b\it two classrs of poop le have not ^ot beeu emancipated? >ho lawyers *od the M^docs." Theft 'Were some rough customer* ^??^efc ^sophrycea of the 0 reut Eastern Cirous. It bives us plea sure the Ttwsfurcr, wan a marked excepline to the rule. Ife is one ?1 the m ?1 eenrtoeus , nVeatant and aft.ble ?emie men wethave had to deal with for a Ion14 tame. ,?urea?*s to him in all bis travels. Oof friend Frank at Mailer's id Staad tailed us into Iii-t st >re tb > ot'j sr day and presented t > our view one of the finest asitort to eats ef groceries we base) aeeo in k> ae time, incln ia. ?^sjngna sausage, dried tongue, b :ef and ---well it* no use, we saw so much fJanUehar* weyeaanot think of all that esme to our vit:w, but simply say, guand 0*0 for yourae'f. Oln Friday-?fteruoou at 5 o'clock the subject of this .notice was released l>y death from Ida suffering. Dr. O'Cain was a citizen whose merits were hid from public view, and only to the intimate friend, or the long acqtiain tanec were they discovered. Courteous and affable, honest and kind, he won a large circle of true friends. In the word of a neighbor "His was the pure gold, the dross of pretense was sifted out" "Peace to his ashes." Mr. J. Belton 6. Betterson is one of the most persevering and enterprising of oar younger citizens. He has just shewn conclusively that he knows how so bnild a good building, and how to it, too,?even though tin cups and like domestic jewelry are the only fjpjfdena bestowed upon him in ihn 4Ml%htls games with ring snd lane.: Nevertheless we must say that the rear oad of fm siew store is an unhandy, out of-the-way, lop-sided plsce for the Post raMav Jacob Carroll, a well known and nonnlar merchant, lie! of pneumonia, as his residence near Fort Motte, 00 the 17th instand, iq the fqrty-Qrat year of his age. Mr. Carrel! bad been a resi de** of this County for more than twenty years, during the last eight ef wbjch he bad been engaged in merchan dising at Fort Motte, ftjs genia) man nets, bis olose attentiqn to busiuesj, and other amiable and atoeliq a qmlitis., had made for hjui many warm friends fill learn oi liin destb with un Spd sincere regret, lie loft a "willow and vwft sups to whom we etieud oar sines rest sympathy, ? Uf ?pe?,. s?, ? Do a,ot ma in d?ht to tbe shoemaker^ It h)> to ha. w*M\l to say your sole is your own, [communicated.] Grahams November 26, 1873. Editor Newt : As I was going over to Grahams thia morning I came in contact with the accompanying victim perched in the top of a tree. I dismounted and loeated myself about twenty feet from the root oi the tree and held him in dreadful durance, until a colored man oould go about two miles back sod bring me a gun. Upon his return 2 killad him (the Cat,) and send him to "Riley" ae "A Gift" with a few rythmioal lines on a piece of paste-board. ?*. Yoers, W. A. EASTKRLIN. "A GIFT FOR "RILEY." raoM W. A. EA8TRRLIN. I'll give thee not a charming hat, Nor necktie more in fashion, I'll give thee something nioe to eat, More ferocious than civil: I'll give tbce ah! my old vertebrate, I'll giro, I'll give tbce to the "Dkvil." [ron tiik uBANnsnunu kiwi.] The Factor*? Lies. A factor to a farmer said Come trust me for jour dailj bread, I'll crown your table with a feast At which a king might sit as guest. Your daughters and your sons shall wear The finest silk or cassimere, With colors of the richest dye That with the tyrian purple vie. All things shall come and go at ease, With naught to mar, nor to d;?p?case. A plenteous feast shall ever reign As when the fatted ealf was slnin. Nor shall you sigh for aid in rain If you will give a Factor'? Litn. The farmer listened to each word And pondered wtll what he had heard, Felt thankful for the proffered, And thus unto himself be said : "I like the counsel of friend B. Iiis ofTcr suits me to a T. !!;; fertiiii?i n "'nu ll are cucnp Will make mo in ahundance reap. Tu bit? fr re sec js io his store, My cup I dare-say will run o'er, I'll borrow money of him too. And pay it wheu the lien comes due." His fanoy saw no cloud in sight. The mau forsook bis reason quite. No article was deemed too high That on a credit he could buy, -*" price bis thirst for trade could dash Unless iUe (actor whispered ''cash," At h ng<h Hie lien was u<?r run, The lacior then . "?n,J]?n1t hecun; The smile that once his features graced Dy stern dtaaennor was replaced: A coldtics-, now between ihcm grew Wbcse feie&dsbip oast iOwraed warm and true. And vrheti (be duy m* reckoniug^caine That eumily remained the siime The farmer cnine with deep regret. His cotton tailed to pay his debt. An execution seizwd ai* grain. And still (he factor held the lien: Next went his silver and his gold. Hi- house* and bis land were ?ol l. And be who nee h*d means :<? Nou' l-inguislicd on a b gg.-ra fare. And here the bitter fruit is seen Of living by a Factor'? Lint. The iartner never had been told ?That all that glitters is not got I" Nor thought the prospect once so fair Would prove, alaa! a hidden snare. My inconsiderate friends, come view The picture I have tainted true. Mark well the silly farmer a plan. His weakness and bis folly scan. Learn wisdom from the fall he fell And let the factors go to h-II. ?A. r. W. ElXSTO FoBK. Save your Doctor's Bill.?When Dr. Wistars Dalsam of Wild Cherry will CORK coughs, colds, bleeding at the lungs, and arrest the fell destroyer, Con sumption, it does more than most physicians can do. The use of a single bottle, costing one dollar, will satisfy the incredulous that they need look no further for the required aid. Colombia, 8. C, Dee. 20th, 1870. 7b the Editor Ormngeburg Newt : Sin?I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting of the Board of Officers, cre ated by an Act entitled "An Act to Regulate the Publication of all Legal and Publio Notices," the following resolution was adop ted : Resolved, That the " 0 R A N G E B ? 7* Q N E W 8" is hereby designated as ?'.,e OFFI CIAL PAPER for the Publication of all Legal Notices and Officio', Advertisements of the County Ofiicers in the County of Orange burg. Rospeetfulty, fto. f. L. CARDOZO, See. of State and Chairman Board. Per W. R. JONES. COMMERCIAL. HARKET BEPORTS. Orrios or raa Obanokbubo News, NoAomher. 28th 1878 COTTON?-Sales-during the week 435 bales. We quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,... 12(4 Low Middling.I8,Q middling...14(a? UoiruH Rica.m$1.(K> per oushel Cohn,,.$ 85 per bushel. t;ow 1'sas.,.,. 75 per buaael. ? txusas. 1.10 per bushel. - ' Sil.laaaaasaanw DU. C. R. TAB ICR. LEWI8VILLB, B.C., (8T, MATTHEWS P. O.,) tuaeft 1S78 u OE YES! OH YES!! OH YES!!! OH WHAT! WHY J. W. PATRICK & CO. Are offering their LARGE and ATTRACTIVE Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladies BOOTS and SHOES, Yerj TRUNKS, Kid Glores SARATOGAS Cheap! V ALICES, FANCY GOODS, &c, &c. AT PANIC PRICES " All persons INDEBTED to mc by Liens, Store Account or Note," Bjs?*" will please come forward AT ONCE and settle uP."?Jg New Goods AT PANIC PRICES! D. LOUIS IS SELLING His ENTIRE STOCK of NEW GOODS AT COST! GOODS AT PANIC PRICES AT C. D. KOATJOHK'3 Any person needing or wanting Kspplj t!iass3a!~?* ?U&ttr? ftECSo??Kii?S Uf 'LIFE, would do w?oi >o cuii on the undersigned before purchasing olsewbere. THE GROCKEY DEPAHTMENT Is COMPLETE, aud the SCARCITY of MONEY La? induced me 10 Mll LOW DOWN for CASH. LIQ XJ O R S TWENTY to TWENTY-FIVE per CENT eon bo SAVED by buying from me. which tbe l'auic has b? ought donn so LOW thai a Good Article can oc bud fjr RECTIFIED prices. tine 15 SEGALS A]NrD TOBACCOS ?Y of MONEY. I have a LARGE QU .OW DOWN for CASH. C. D. KORTJOHN. ^_nfl..ence.'bvtbe PC?FCITYof M??NEY. 1 have a LA KG E QUANTITY on HA I), and will d spose of them LOW DOWN for CASH. Call and convince yourselves. ENTERPRISE GROCERY STORE ! -BY AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agt. HAVE OPENED nn the corner opposite BULL, SCOVILL A PIKE FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE .?.,.. Whe'-? he "HI t?P EVERYTHING in the above line. CHOICE FRUITS always on hnnd THE ENTERPRISE SALOON FINEST BRANDS. <e:Xk5"onM^y ou'b'^ ^^Vvlu^ ^ ?* P/T?*A? * ?RICES to suit thePTe%on? te??u articles, and selling I hem a. AUGUSTUS FISCHER. THOMAS CARTMILL Hss just returned fron? the North, end having purchased a L VRGE nsl VARIED assortment of S f*3 o * 00 > r 3 ? ? Q & g o a o ? o > 2 o r ? w 5 oo er ? o I S a 2 , * S 2 * s ? 2. <! 2 W 55 o O He invites every ouo In INSPECT his . STOCK AND PRICES n before purchasing elsewhere. ^ RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. (\ oct 4 1873 52 AT W. T. M?LLER S OLD STAND. We are pleased to announce to the oitisena of Orangeburg and vicinity that we hare opened a FIRST CLASH GROCERY STORE Where we will always be prepared to supply our customera with ?Torything in our line, such as Coffee, Sucar, Bacon, Floor. Tea, Candies, Crackess. Candles, Mo. lasses, Crist, Meal, Fruits, Nuts, Ac. which will be sold CHEAP for CASH. Id addition to the Groceries, we hare also on hand, a full and ooaaplete rlo S of j the choicest Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars To be found in Orangeburg. Give us a call at M oiler's Old Stand, 11 'Round the Corner." FH^lISTTZ B?iaGjSlAlSrN <fc CO. oct 18 1873 o IN" PRICES! TKohn & Bro 0 Great Offering of Bargains Aud EXCEELENT OPPORTUNITIES for purchasing FALL and WINTE-t GOODS at ESPECIALLY LOW PRICES. DRl^iSS GOODS Our entiro Stock of Dil ESS <i.)L)I>S will be o Tere I nt LF.<S THAN PANIC PRICES. Dom cstic and Housekeeping Goods Will be found at least 25 PER CENT loner than farmer l'rioc*. ROOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS Will 1?? sold WITHOUT RESERVE to SUIT THE TIMES GENTS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING In great Variety at about One-half Former Prices! Our Customer* ?re earnestly rcqnoste 1 to INSPECT oar GOODS wheilter with a view of pnrclin-iiig or otherwise, tu notice the sweeping RUDLCTIQN. of PulCRS an U ? nt nil goods. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. New Store BETWEEN DR. OLIYRROS* AND MRS. OLDESDORFFS. GEO. H. CORNELSON Is receiving now, constantly addi tions to his Stock of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, etc., and offers the same at prices to suit the times. BAGGING and TIES always on hand. I also continue to buy COTTON, BICE and all COUNTRY Produce at the HIGHEST Market PRICE. Please call in and see for yourselves. . GEO. H. CORNELSON'S. E. J. OIIVEROS, I>EAIi?B IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, NON%EXPti6siVB LAMPS, GARDEN SEEDS, Ac, Ac, r? ??? ai^iwA '.' PRESCRITIONS prepared with ACCUR1 ACV and FIDELITY, foj whioU purposu a full and complete assortment of PURS CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS will be oonstantiy on hand. | A Long experience?* *u0?ea*f?l 'business career of more than eight years in Orange burg. a good knowledge of the DRUG MARKET at home and abroad, will-attfoii a sufficient guarantee that' ail goods sold or dispensed at my establishment will be GENUINE and RELIABLE. Appreciating the success wkloh in the past has attended my efforts, I have de termined to ap*re no pains louttrlt* oob tinnnco of the patronage so liberally bcatow *d. ' ->dT E. J. OLEVEROS M. D. No 100 R?ssel Sii-?el Orangeburg. MONEY CANNOT BUY It! For Slfrtit Is PrtecleaalX BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL TO, ? PRESERVE IT. If you value your Fyctight uso these Pcr f?ct Lenses, Ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles, Melted together, and derive their nace "Diamond" on account of their Hard ness and Brilliancy. They will lust many ye*rs witiorrt change, and nre wifrrfrnted superior to ail others in use. Manufactured by the Spencer Optica. Manufacturing Co., New York. CAUTION.?None Genuiog iuiIvss stnmp with our trade mark. For Sale by Responsible Agents through out the Union. ... ... t/lii ? nnvo. jan 20?ly Orangeburg, 8**C ed Fever and Ague, - from which mankind suffer over a large part of the globe, is the consequence of a diseased action la the system, induced by the poisonous rolaam ?** vegetable decay. This exhalation is evolved W the action of soW he-vt on wet soil, and xisss wh? the watery vapor from it. While the ran Is below the horjon this vapor lingers near the earth's sur face, and the virus is taken with it through that lunrjs into the blood. There it acts as an imUUing poison on the internal viscera and excreting organ* of the body. The liver becomes torpid and faxls t*> secrete not only this virus, but also the bile fron? the blood. Both the virus and the bile accuranUOr In the circulation, and produce violent Sewitlta ?cnal disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, aad tho stomach sympathize with the lira, aad bee****) disordered also. Finally, tho instinct of our or ganism, as if in an attempt to expel the noxiowa fawsioa, concentrates the whole blood of the body* in the internal oxeretories to force them to cast it , oat. The blood leaves the surface, and rushes tat the central organs with congestive violence. Thk* IstheCsnzx. But in this effort it (ails. Then. tihf) Fava* follows, in which the blood leaves the oen tral organ* and rushes to the sorfaoe, as if ka another effort to expel the irritating poison through, that other great excretory?the skin. In take also ii fails, and the system abandons tho ait?n?? exhausted, and waits for tho recovery of strengt?, to repeat the hopeless effort another day. The**) are the fits or paroxysms of Fever am? ?Ahmt*. Such constitutional disordir will of course under* ?sine the health if it is not removed. Wo have labored to find, aad have MukJ **J antidote, !<aA AyBrt Ague Chore, .? which neutralises this malarious poison fa Uk? blood, and stimulate* the liver to expel MNh t*V!> body. A* it should, so it does core tiii* afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather does what is of more service to Utas* sab? r feet to this Infection. If taken in season it expeke t from the system a* it is absorbed, and thus harp* those who use it free from its attacks; keeps Ok* ??stem In health althongk the Asisa*** Consequently it not only cures, bat protect* free*, the great variety or affections which arc liiMfcll by this maUgnant influence, sack as RensUteat, Fever. Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, Bihens Fevers, Neuralgia, Rl^.imati^m,' Goat,' Banda***V , Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, PslpMa tiont. Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hysterie*, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affections of flea Stomach ana Bowel*, all of which, when- arising; from this cause, will bo found to assume more or leas the intermittent type." This " Aar* Corb" removes tho cause of those dcxaagemvnU, and curat the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excre tories to expel the virus from the system; and these organs by degrees become habited to do that their office of their own accord. Hone* assse*'what we term aeclimaiaiion. Time may accomplish the> same cad. but often lifo is not knvg enough, or kt sacrificed in the attempt, while this " Aove Cwaa" does R at once, and with safety. ~\Vo have great reason to believ e this Is a surer e* waft as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which or* caused by the miasmatic infection, than arty other - whlehhas been discovered; and it has stillanother important advantage to the public, which is, that it if cheap a* well as good. J A t-rbpabd) bt i ? f r>r. j. c. ayer ? qo. LOWELL, MASS. Pbicb Oh* Dollar fee Bottlb. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ha* won for itself such a renown far the eure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, -that R Is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it ha* beert eta ployed. Aa it has long been in constant uaa throughout this section, we need not do more ths*s assure the people its quality is kept up to the beat R ever ha* been, and that it may be relied en ** do far their relief all it has ever Seen found, to-dov Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ft! All THE PURPOSES OF A PURGATIVE MEOiCMC Fob CosTiVRwass; ' Foa iH> Ci'itB of liTirmu; I Fob J u ndicb; Fob thr Curb or lRt>MB*rtcm; ! Fob Hbapachb; Fob thb Curb or DtSKWrxsTj ->i Fob a Foul Stomach ; Fob thb Cvrf. or Ertsifblas; Fob tub Pilbs; Fob thb Curb or ScRorm j Fob all Scrotvlofk CoWLItXra; Fob thb Cuub or Hhbvmaxish; Fob DtsvABB* or thb 8x? i Fob thb Ccb* or Livbb OewrbAOrr; Fob Daomi Forn thb Curb or Trttbb, Tthub* stbltW Rnai'M; ../f Fob Wobh*; Fob thb Ccb* or Goer j ; ? -y \ C Fob a Dinner Pill; Fob tu Cr hb or NafeHAxeu j Fob Pcamciwo thb Bj^oAj ^ p They are sugar-coated, so that the most itHjl tree eon take them pleooantly, and bOng pufaTy vegetable, no harm can arise from their us* la Mf quantity. trteeMeasts par mm\lU%\mmmmm*?-?*.* Ore**numbers of Clergymen, at**, and eminent aseac* to certify thei . tomodle*, bat our space: here will not p*sarffcfb*t taeertioa of them. The Agents below named far alih fBwHs aar AmmjuoaxMmuxaoU Will i*9f ? *r* given; wtth ab? roll immt^^ot A^mhvm iiasililaa. and the weotment mat sfcouM be fol lewp* so. utctr cure. ? ni. Bal*HB*3B*BB^r] Be Hot be put on* by nnprincipled dealera vdt*>; ether preperabon* ?her make mere pyoAt o*. TTeaais^ Atbb's, and take no other*. The tfok ***** the beet ?M therol* for them, and tl^ikesd< Iwvek. z * .. AU ?or Remedies ar? for sals by * * J^^ki