Tru A roaly modc^JP^d bicnturiuiis per Bon will never make pretentious of any kind. His manner and expressions trill always have a tendency to under.nte Iiis real ability, not because bo will pre tend to be loss cnpablc than be really is, but so many men h;i?c become preten tious in their nmnncrs und expre.-si-ms, he fears he may be considered as eucli We are in consequence, too apt to consider the extent and capacity o'' those whom we meet a H.tie below the standard indicated by their acts and expressions. Therefore, true merit is Scldjfla^aj&ijJy^yjKccii ted, and its cu^yat?! Sjnever greatly encouaged IK^m^ Cfjurfafy, pretence is almost always successful. Ho who is proton tious affect the iuterest of society in n similar manner as the swindler. He induces men to doubt tho capacity of Others, and often to roiuse aid and employment, becauso they mcasuro the merits of all by those of the pretentious fop and conceited ignoramus. Many uu hones?/ and skilful man, and many a valuable improvement, has been refused support and adoption because the pre. tentious swindler has previously misl d the people and imposed upon th un ootrngeously. Prcteutions of every kin 1 are the true indications of a weak mind or a would be swindler. SJ V.. \L_ :'. ' y Trmlo between Churches. A curious transaction was rcccn' y consummated in Charleston, S. C. Tho Baptists of that city owned a flue church edifico worth ?00,000, but bein- hard up offered it to the Methodists for ?2 - 000. Tho Methodists eagerly g:nl?b I nt the opportunity. Subsequently the Baptists repented of their hasty offer, j und wanted to withdraw it, but th Methodists refused, threatened damages nnd compelled n transfer of the pr >per ty. Thereupon the Bapfi ts trot i.i ? dignaut, and'the::- ::r:;::::, the (-h ::;?;?/.? , m?mm& 4Yn?l?,.f'U()tu 1 ^ 1'c detr.ils, adds: j '?flW^sja?W^U ;vl.ieh wo li-ivc ?imply to say that to purchase for ?20 000 what was worth $#0,000 was unfaii ; t-> force the bargain when the losers wished to recede wus unkind ; and to grab in this way X(U|u .^poe dcuomiuaii >.i fui another wjfc^chri.sti inl i,. , , dists, how%pjj#f kBaeifaAtMt in a differ j cnt light. Bishop Haven, doscribiu the transaction, faye: 'Didn't th. hn^rey band shout for j y '! They h.i-i prayoa^nnd tasted and went. **" % . . , j j^.?n!U nnd went." We fancy that the public s-y mp it by will ;_o with the lhifflist children of lig t, who vjere euchred by tho Methodist children of this world in a ?::iine whie'i the; fthc Baptists) did no* nn.lo-^t _ Chicago Tribune, "Fate of 1 ho Aposlhs Matthew isHlupposcd to have suffe ul martyrdom, or was sluiu in tho city o Ethiopia Mark was dragged through th> streets of Alexandria, in Egypt, till lit expired. Luke was hanged to un olive tree in Greece. John wus put in a boiliug ctuldro > nt Rome, but escaped death., lie died n i natural death in Bplfsus, in As:i. James the Great was beheaded in Je- ' tlamrs the Loss was thrown from a pinnneHei and beaten to death. Philip was beheaded. frartof?ffithew was skinned alive. AodWiaAyjia crucified, and pounded while dying. Thomas was run ihi-nu-h with lancel v*-jO t " ; d ath. Paul was b headed by the tyrant Ne roauV?ooi?. sjiffsi j ' n iif ? ? ?A^Tothed'^t minister out West was isWJ?rfwtn'JtjiVe; ie \ by a inombe'r of his circuit* Tjmf^'fud coruisjed of enko made a^fAI>)d^ap"iuenl. When tbe elder opctnd^lttckifi'ico, be noticed some feilh ers >tti it. ('Tjl cecms to mc, sister," said ho, "that your J^Y^r^*6 ^e:,thcr'nK out" ?'TlrtW,"Mltevhostess repli-d, ' I told my husband tho other day th it be inu-u either get a over for t!io meal band or remove the hen roost." A young Indy in Fond du, wb'le out walking with her lover, was utt ;tkcd by a snvape dog, who seized her by the break ?Wd tor* it from her b ?ly . The lover fuintcd with horror at the s:g!it. but tho young lady, muuh mortified, wena'lfcr Uio dog with n pieket, rflmr.rk iog that "That 'ere cost one dollar und e> hull, and wa'nt made for no do ; to it?w^rp.M - .asniii i ??1 ? 'JrJfewt wus a very tender hour ted uitin near Pittehurg, who being t.dd that his wife had leftV tnVhousc an hour b fore v?as drowned and her body w ?s f m td n mile or vd below, said: "She must have flot&d down quite lively 1' D .BgJ^cM ISOTST ATT?KN'KV AT LAW. "Will pru. tio o in the Courts uf ORANG E ?Ulla and HAHN WILL. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. Feb 22d lly THE OLD ESTABLISHED q-'fcjual {QmuncjS (qoIIcoo of america* THE fffiyant* SftteMvi SO UTHERN O) - rtfz No. 8 N. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Orfffinlzrrt aivl Verwed ttuftrilyU PrrpnHvf yjvu na and t ft id die w/yed e// j TO BZCOlti: TBOBOCOa Practica! Mccotmtants OVER $500 YOL'XG M. Z*\ rn?v tiik SOL'Tlil.KXSTATES hare GRADUATED ,,t /*/* L\*r/rirf/iny, mud are now filling Responsible ami l.ucrntixt Positions in the Leading; BANKS AM> BUSINESS HOUSES of the Canntry. THERE ARE NO VACATIONS. Students can enter at any time. Speiitt Indh'tduiil Instruction ami success guaran teed. Sendf.,\ uments and splendid Speci mens of Penmanship, fittt lose two Postage Stamps. Address all CohtntknrcAtiont to IT. II. Prrx't. S&thern Business Collegt, BALTIMORE, MD. Fever and Ague, from which mankind suffer over a large part of the globe, in tlic consequence of a diseased action in the ?vstem, induced by the poisonous miasm of vegetable decay. Tili? exhalation is evolved by the action of soW heat on ?rt Boil, and rises with the watery vapor from it. While the sun is below tho hor>in this vapor lingers near the earth's sur face, nnd the virus is taken with it through the lungs into the blood. There it tcts as an irritating poison on the internal viscera and excreting organs of the body. The liver becomes torpid nnd fails to secrete not onlv this wins, but also the bile from the felpod, Both the virus sv.d the bile accumulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitu tional disorder. The spieen, the kidneys, and the Motu ich sympathize with the*-liver, axd, become disordered also. Finally, tho in-!inet of our or ganism, p.-; if in an nttempt to expel the noxious ? ..fiwi m. .--nnceutratc? the wholobfood q| the body in the internal excretonc-j w> mrcw mian i? ??*t it out. The Wood leaves the surftre, and rushes ti. th*> central G7g.-.;.r, with congestive violence. This is the ClllLL. nut In this effort it fails. Thi n Uiu F'bvkr follows, in which the blood leaves the ccn BWtheTcfformwipcittu lamm ty?^ uinor great excretory ? the skin. In this also it fails, und tlic system ubandons the attempt exhausted, and waits for the recovery 0? strength to repeat the bo pel use otTirt another day. These are the fits or paroxysms of Favnu" and Aouk. Such constitutional disorder will of course under mine the health if it is MOt removed We have labored to find, and have found, an antidote, Ayer's Ague Cure, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather does what is of more service to those sub ject to this infection. If taken ia season it expels it from the System as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who use it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to the dir.ouse. Consequently it not only cures, hut protects from, the (r-cat variety of affections which arc induced by this malignant influence, such as Remittent Fever. Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache, Bilious Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh. Asthma, Palpita tions, Painful Affections of the Spleen, Hysterics, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affections'of the Stomach and Bowels, nil of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume more or less the intermittent type. This ?' Aoi'B Cure" removes the cause of these derangements, und cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excre torics to expel the virus from the system ; and these organs by degrees becorpc habited to do this their office of their own accord; II ence arises what we term aeclimatation. Time may accomplish the same end, tint often life is not long enough, or ia sacrificed in the attempt, while this " AOUB Cwrb" docs it ut once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole class of iliseasf s which are caused by the miasmatic infection, than nny other which has been discovered; and it has still another important advantage to the public, which is, that it is cheap as well us p.ood. rRETARED nr DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Trice One Dollar per Bottle. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a rcnnini for the cure of every variety of Throat nnd Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for Iis to recount tho evidence of" its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, wc need not do more than assure tho people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, nnd that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. AyerJ? Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A PURGATIVE MEDICINE. Foil CoBTIVENKSS For the CritH of Dyspepsia ; F'on Javndicb ; | Ci For tub Curb or lantawBTlON; For Headache; For the Cthk op Dybbsiery; For a Fort Stomach" ; For the Curb op Ehysipelas; For tub Piles ; For the Cure op scrofula ; For all Scrofulous Complaint* ; For the Curb op Rheumatism ; For Diseases of the Skin; For the Cube op X,ivrr Co?flalkt; For Dropsy ; Fob the Curb op Tetter, Tumors and Salt HnBTJM ; For Worms; Fon the Cure of Gout; F'or a Dinner Pn.t.; Fob thb Curb or Nburaloia; For Purifying tub Blood. They arc sugar-coated, ro that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and being purely vegetable, no harm can ariso from their use to any quantity. Price 26 cents per Box; Five boxoa for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, nave lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of than. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the abova complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The siek want the best aid there is for Urem, and they should have it. 2 . All our Remedies are for sale by ?E0. H. CORNELSON Is receiving now, constantly addi tions to his Stock of DRY" GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, etc., and offers the same at prices to suit the times. BAGGING and Tl|3S always on hand. I also contini^ to buy COTTON, RICE and all (lOUNTRY Produce at the HIGHES? Market PRICE. Please call in ltd see for yourselves. GEO. II. CORNEBSDN'S. THE PEOPLE Throughout the State rtro ncqu.iinltd with the l< putntinu ol my llOTiL. GOOD MKA1.8 end Con.fortn Lod Sings arc what all my eustomrs, transient aixl pcrmauont 5RAG Of The Fr.iJtQ Fntiefuctiou is expressed 1' A li( < A I NS lohe obtni.I m mv Store le |s to the With a tin-a,nl complete ess ? r ui1.t of 1? HOOK 1/1 KS. and ? ptock ..? PHY tiOS/tinrivulicd ibr excel lence in the Murkct ol' Uniiigeburg. i/cau, witr 8 ' "('ALL UPO'i My friends to romcmbcr MERONEY'S S Tin cs sri; haul very html, ai.d money h'ird to re only. .1 .w.t'1 keep nlnu. duini^ ihu winter, a supply of llOKSKS and SUGAES OF ALL G1A1I S! 1 VOSE k 1ZLAR 2 Wholes ale arid Retail 11/) * v;, y! lU SSELL STREET, ej ^ Arc in w olo ring a very cboi v and w ii > Icctod ntnck <*f 3 FANCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES \ d 6saf 8AT1SFACTIOX O?AKAXTEKI) a co ~ Cioode Deliver* d. < v< >st2 .V [2tAR. SMOKE AM) 1)15 Y SALT BACON. nn just ri:ci:im:d And now opening', at maras A full assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of every descrip tion, at prices to suit the times. A full stock of choice Groceries now on hand. j. McNamara. Sept l't, is?:; :sr> ip _.___ RICE AND GRIST MILL! jM A liK kt SKMMar/r. STRAUS & STREET. Having made VAST 1MPKOVKMENTS In their MILL, bre now prepared to BOUND KH.'E for tlio Public nt Inrga ut tho rate ol 32 et? per biiihcl. Always ou band VULKAN hick a..d kKe.SII HUOTJND grist and .MEAL We attll pay the hig] n :srr mabk kt jmmck i'ASH, for ROUGH RIG'?, CORN and PEAS. S^atififsoti' ii guaranteed. ooi 1 00 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD Charleston, S. C. Decoraber 14, 1872. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY DECEMBER 1 1. the Passenger Tinin on the South Carolina Railroad will run us follows . FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Chorleston.'.> 30 A. M. At rive at Columbia.?.'JO P. M. FOR AtJUISTA. Leave Charleston.0.30 A. M. Arrive ut Augusta.6.20 p. M. Foil nilARLKSTON. Leave Columbia.0.00 I?. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.46 1'. M Leave Augusta.9.00 A. M. Arrive iii Charleston.4.4*> A. M. COLT Mil IA MR KT EXPRESS? 8C.NDAYS EXOBTT FU. Leave Chnrleaton.7."0 P. M. Arrive nt Columbia..6.30 A. M. Lcifc Columbia.;.;!(/ r. M. Arrive at Chnrleaton.I A~> A. M. AUGUST A NtOHT KXPRRSS?SUNDAYS EXOBPTBD Leave Charleston.HMO P. M. Arrive at Augusta.7..'15 A. M. Leave Augusta.t;.l."> p. M Arrive ni ok>.i..t.. - -.. ? BUMMRRVILLB TRAIN. Leave Suiinncrvillc ut.7.2? A. M. Arrive at Charleston ut.8.4<> A. M. Leave Charleston ?t.3.88 P. M. Vrrive ut Summerville at._.. t.?UP. M. CAM den IIRANCn. Leave Cam Inn.7 "20 A. M. Arrive ut Columbia.11.56 A. M. Leave Columbia.2.10 P. M. Arrive at Cnmdcii. ti.?-*> 1'. M. Day and Night Train? connect at Augusta, with Mncoii anl Augusta Rail It nnd, Central Kail ttoml nml Georgia Kail Road. This is the quickest and must direct route, nnd ns comfortable and cheap as any oilier route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and nil other j oints West and Northwest. i oliitubiii Night Train connects with Greenville and Columbia Railroad, ?n 1 Day nnd Night Trains connect with Charlotte Itnnd. Through Tickets on sale, via this route to all points North. Catuden Train connects at KingviUe daily (except Sundays) with uny Pasaetiger Train, m i run* through to Columbia. A L. TYLER. Vice-President. S. l>. Picken?, Ocueral Ticket Agent. v5?) A Valuable InvcntioiiS?) AN F NT I RELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. <,\i.\ FIVE DOLLARS. with in? m.w VnivvA Ilwlton Holt? Worker. TUK MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN TltE MT DURABLE AM? KCONOMI GAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COM MX BD STRENGTH AM) BEAUTY. i - nil it* part?. uses the Straight ' Eye Pointed Needle, Self Tut caditig, ilircci, upright Positive Moii'in, New Tension. Sell l-'ecd and Chii it Tattle. Light Illuming, Smooth mi.I noiseless like all goo1 hi;jli priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. l"*c? 1 lie thread direct from the ?poot. Milken the Elastic l.cck Stitch (finest mid strongect -inch known;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will f work, fine and comae, from Cambric te heavy Cloth or Leather, ant] uses i'H descriptions of thread TUe best mechanical talent in AtheHsa nil I Europe, has been devotod to improving ami simplifying our Machines, combining 1 :i y that which is practicaMc, and dis pensing with all complicated surroundings generally round in oilier machine*. Spcciul t< rnu and extra indnce-nenti ft mule and female agents, storekeepers, fcc., I wlio will establish agencies through the eonntrj and keep our now machines on ex hihilioli und sale. Count! rights given to siiiurt n.miM free. Agent's complete outfits furnished without any OXtra charge. Samples ol sewing, descriptive circulars contu niug terms, testimonials, engraving*. ko., s.-nt free Address, LIUO 'KS SEWING MACHINE 1 e DAUBY PLACE. The tract consist! of about COO acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Bich, Bed, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. These arc the Finest Lands in the District, and were valued at $2U per acre in ISiiti. Would tie -old for one-hall Iba' , rice now. One fourth caBh, the remaii sr in three inntal ments hearing interest from dato uud se cured by mortgage ol tho same. Tins is a spleudld chance f/>r aneyae de .-i 1 inn '" secure Bich Lands, fine Water Pew? er, excellent Cattle Hange and u Refined Neighborhood. Apply to Urs. L. M. KE1TT. Or J ti Ki llT, Esq. jan t* fhr 10 #?0 PK II 1V4V! AkoiiIh $0 WAMKDI All classes ot uorkiug people, of liilier sex, young or old, make more money at work for US 111 their sparc momenta, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars fro-. Address Oj SI INSON ft CO., sept -lo Porti iml, Maine. i /.?in i ?lk DRY GOOD AND (^ROUERLES, HAVE ?BEAT PLEASURE in submitting the following lUt of GOODS to their patrons nnd tho public, and while thanking them fur past confidence #e liberally bestowed, offer renewed assurance that every effort will bo made to ataet their wauls with the very best of goods at lowest oash prioj*. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, LI ATS, C A P3 aud CLOTHING, STAPLE GROCERIES, such m FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, RACON, 11A M S, M A(J K E R E L, LA RD &e. FANCY (JKOCERIKS, SUCH AS NUTS. RAISINS, JELLIES, SAUCES, SPICKS, PICKLES, MUS TARD, Ac, CANNED TIS!!, FRUIT, and VK?K TA ML US, in every variety, TINWARB, nnd CROCK E RY, A FU LL LI N E AL W \ v? n v 11 i vn MOSELEY & CROOir (OPPOSITE TDK CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK.) june 28 28 Ijr DUKES' HOTEL. RUSSELL-STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C. The Subscriber take" great pleasure in announcing to hin FRIENDS and tho OOlff. MUNITY that he has OPF.NPPa FIRST-CLASS HOTF.L. at the Large R.-stdaaaa reeeat lv occupied by Mr. Hane Wannamaker. ComfurtaMe Accommodations, a Beaateeas) Table and Courtcua Attention are Guaranteed, jan IS Z. \\\ IT. D?KBS. EECrlTLAE DAILY ^AES. ANOTHER Til A IN JUST ,N AND FILLED \TJTM AND CUSTUiUMtS SUOITI^G -IT BULL, SC0V1L Tti ?>?*? a rT tiiabwiA ?T ft. D alaal Making Selection from their Extmor Unary Lirgc rtitl Varied *Stoak ?J'*' t n'i n**wj ?? ? I 'Cir"; *ci?e*U GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Their assortment, with owusLiut additions, is UNSURPASSED T.oth ns to STYLES and QUALITIES. Their facilities in drawing supplies from desirable Markets FOR THE CASH ?1 *: J/? -St it.? sdT Enable them to make the best possi'b'e RATES, which is tinued from its ORGANIZATION? .;-???? ,c SJ ! i-uwl f .bw*fl .^d-.d. s i.%a4 w.4t 1842, Giving an experience of 30 years in Business. Economy nnd Enterprise together wttb the Energy anfl centlcmanly depart ment of all their Assistants, are always fouud at tho OLD ESTABLISH ?ja HOUSE of BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE^-r way 25 c U \ e*j ?. .*???' ? varfrroji if .im\Ax t>: tvoej vine ?i ?(?' t,V WOtn.T) iNFOTM THE TMTRLIC THAT ff? IS STILT. CARRYING ON'thr rilS ris*e MaktM in all it* various branches nnd will Mnnufasjlnre er ROnaiy a#{fl| Sliortest Notice, all Carriages, Reggies or Wagons. And am also prepared with , i i r - >'to H ^"?MtA **?a* t*ba