iL Q C A L. SATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1873. FOR LBWk One diffej of Lewisfij Charleston, (i that the General waa ?CjaJUI The Greet Eastern Cireu? advertises "Gods and Goddesses, iu Original cos eJfKta adUm *v TT* v,isv? Jml) turne*. u j Original costume !?cold weather 1? won't dodP'}i ?;?. Messrs Kuhn Sc Uro., hare put down their prices to Suit the present panic. | These gentlemen aro fully up. to the times in ' every thing. Their Urge advertisement in toother column speaks fond. i baa ,TJ }i\ I .(?'' - i an .1 I ' - When the members of the other fair cemVhUtces wore troubled about delud ing anything/they "tossed ?p" fur it. The tasting committee foaml it hoecss i *yto "toss down" before coining to any conclusion whatever. SOME IVIIA T Ii EU A Ii KA Ii I. E~ It appears from the conversation of disnppointcd exhibitors that tho host articles at the fair were those to which no premiums wero awarded. Well, tot homines, &c.?"the varieties of hominy aro rarious as those of corn." - -??. i a " -:? T. B. Bpyd Esq., has just .^ono and done it. "What! Why apeoed one of the finest, assortment of shoos ever offered here, and is not afraid to let the people know it, through the columns of this Journal. _ VGo for hi?ai"?or, rather, for his boots and shoes. A lady from Beaufort contributed to 4M?' ?our fair a bottle of hotae-grewu olives. KJno of the "tasting com mitte"* found ?that "them pickled bullaces," as he Styled them, were,.when taken in doses of a round dozen or more, decidedly ?c'altful ated to prodace a roaigaatinn from 'that highly popular and self sacrifici ng ?commit tec. ???sasaa* ? - JU.I. KXTKRV1USS~. 0ur friend 'Augustus Fischer , has ? tr m MjS ft ss 1 . v fitted u.n ihe store recently occupied by the Enterprise f?aloon and opened a fall stock of family Groceries, fruits &o. TPbft Salodti has boen moved to the rear' ?of tl>e Grocery store and ie arranged in the -best style, with a choice lot of the and with Dr. Butler at ?dy to serve the public Bye-opener^ at the shortest ^ ^stYd^KA^Pc^nsirvertflSHm'Ut in this issue. The Sank has removed from in front ofHheJK*** XMSecto Bctteraoa's new 'building. Hi ley Is oonseq neatly diseoo ? solate. Visions of longer flit before his eyes at he site looking at 'the place where so muck money once had a habitation, lie says that life his ao ^ager any ploaBure Jor bun, aud^.that he never foltv^iraself quite so milch of a "devil" as at present. Peace, trouble! soul!?take philosophy to chy weary bo som, uneasy Uiley !?-for not the -only s I ?*H*iS K 4- ' one art thou whose heart strings hare been wrung by musing upon what, "might be" $h|e,~1qpkieg) upon that which "used to was." Be no longer riled, Ol Rilsy. A young mother, babe in arms, stood on the Railroad* platform, awaiting the train which was to carry her and her little one to their husband aud futhor in the "up -eoantry." The mother was beautiful to gaze ?poo. Plp? /$\ni (iealthy,looking . ?aa/tlto yehng darling. The door of tho Station bouse opened, and a gust.ef fetid, foul ?~ara*jh fiery -nttnospbere blew like a simoom upon that fair young babe. The infant stiffened in convulsions and died iu two ? and a bslf seeonde; the mother in two ^seconds more was a -raving maaiao ! Alas and ab J woe ! and a well a-day ~the little' one has gone to the "up country," but it is a very high-up country ioteed, and it went via one of Riggs' patent hermetically sealed coffins ? Dr. WI?Ur??lWtta Cherry Bmlsm. . ?This Balsamic compound has beoomo n bone fixture. Let sli who suffer, and have In rain attempted to oure their . eoftghs, solde, bronchial or pulmonary N eomplatnts, make ose of this nnequaled remedy. It can be relied open, the mass of testimony that has been published since iu, introduction being ample proof THE GREAT EASTERN MENAGERIE? \ This comprehensive and elaborate establishment?pronounced oao of the greatest combinations Of caravan, mu seum, hiptiodrome, aquarium and circns on the road?with all its colossal and wondrous proportions, will visit our Town on Thursday the 21at of Novem ber. Tlift Agcbt informs ug that the") Great Eastern does not divide itself into two or three Bhows, but will com? here in full lor The Louisville Commercial of March 12th says: "(JltllAT Kastmin M knaukki K AND Circus?Opknino Pkrfor.mancks.? This colossal exhibition, tbo nr. plus ultra of arcniu and zoological excellen cies, opened on the corner of East Chest nut street to a very Quo audience in point of numbers aud respejtabiiity, and at ni^ht there was a perfect jam ef breathing humanity, thousands being turned away, unable to gain admission on account of the crowded state of the immense pavilions. The procession in the forenoon of yesterday through the principal avenUe? of tbo city is conceded the most imposing and gorgeous evor made here. The whole was enlivened with excellent music from the several bunds. Of the exhibition itself, too much iu just comaicndatiou cannot be paid. The night performance was un fortunately marred by the severe wind and disaster which so suddenly tormi nuted the exhibition, but the aftcrunon entertainment wns smooth, most agree ablo and instructive, i he animal collec tion is much tbu largest ever seen here, embracing thirty odd denn of living 8pccimcmi fro'u the old and new world. With the circus tbo audience were delighted, and manifested their npproba tion by warm and repeated The equestrianism in especially unex 1 celled. 'J he acrobatic and gymnastic exercises were wonderful, and elicited mush remark from the enthusiastic visitors." A married woman, named Catherine McGowan, died in Augusta, Monday evening, from the effects of intempor ancc.' . The times must be sadly out of joint when it is announced that ?'the New Haven Clock Works can run uuly eight hours a day." "How does that In ?k, eh ?" said a hi.. fi.?ted Wall street man to a friend, hold inu upjone of his brawny hands. ??That," said the friend, 'lo des. as though you'd goae short on soap." '?Have the jury agreed?" asked the sheriff, as he met a court attache o i tlu stairs with a Urge pitcher in bis bauds. "Yes, sir ; they agreed to have a gallou of beer, aud scut me out for it." A prominent bookselling firm im New Orleans received, the other day, an order ?for hooks from a country Customer, among which appeared the f.d.owing : "2 cop Lou *5>Vtc/, 2 cop .l)ou (^uixitito and 2 cop Teuerseu. The proprietor of a young Indies' academy in Illinois has utterly ruined his business by causing to be inserted in a large dumber of papers a picture of the building, with" .two girls ou the balcony with last year's hats on their hcids. ?'I say ; printer, do you take M.ihrat tan money T**f* "No." \ . "What's the reason? ain't it good Vt "Yaa." ' Why don't you take it, then ?" ?'Can "t get it." Golcmbia, ? C, Dee. 20th, 1870. 71? Ihr Editor Orangr.bwg Xeics : Sia?I have the honor to inform you that at a meeting ef the Hoard of Officers, cre sted by an Act entitled "An Act to Regulato the Publication of all Legal and Public Notices," the following resolution was adop ted I Retired, That the " O R A N C, E B U Fl G N E VT 8" is hereby designated as the OFFI CIAL PAPER for the Publication of all Legal Notices and official Advertisement* of the Ceunty Officers in the County of Oi unge burg. Respectfully, kc. F. L. CARDO'/.O, Sec. of Stuto and Chairman Hoard. Per W. R, JONES. COMMERCIAL. HARKET REPORTS. Omen or run Oranobbudo Nkws, NoAomber, 7th 1873 COTTON?Sales during tho week 180 bales. W* quote: Ordinary, to Good Ordinary,...10<^ Low Middling.I 1 Middling.1240? ROVOH Kick.-$1.25 per oiishcl Cohn.L.$1.00 per bushul. Cow Pias. 1.00 per bushol. Pindbus. 1.10 per bushel. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT one month from date 1 will file my final account with tho Honorable Aug. B. Knowl ton, Judge of Probate for Orangeburg Coun ty, aa Administrator ef the Estate of A. V. Kennedy dco'd, and ask far Letters of Dis missal. J. T. C. KENNERLY, Administrator. OQt 18 ABB J. Wallace Gannon, has JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUP PLY OF Family Groceries ALSO LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, . AND . i CANNED GOODS, CANDIES, KREITS, &c. All of tho ubove goods nre offered at PRICES lo suit the prcsuut. tight times, oct 25 1B73 DR. THOMAS LEGARE, I.ATK rks1ih:.\T FHYMCIAJf TO Till ROPER AM) CITY HOSPITAL OF CHARLESTON, Offen? his PROFESSIONAL SBRvHCES to the eantimiirity of Orangeburg and to tlie Public n. large. Office hours from 8 te ? A. M., 1 to 2, and 7 to 'J at night. Office, Market Rtreot, over .More of Jno. A. Hamilton. aug 16 8in WHAT PLEASES TUE LADIES ' . A WHEELER it WILSON SEWING MA CHINE. Tlisj- can be hud by calling nt Mrs. Olden doifl'e MilUrcrjr Establishment, J. T. SIMMONS, fmivasmig Agent, June 2S?3m Orangeburg, 8. C. THE CHEAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand? ftrcl preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds ol testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is oflercd to the public, sanctioned by (lieexperience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Inllucnza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleauscs the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rnF.i'AttEn nv BETH W. FOWLE 4 80N8, Boston, Vui? And aold by Druggist* and Dealers generally. oct 18 ly NE W PATENT^ DR. PATRICK'S COTTON PRESS Tho undersigned Ag?nt fer Orangeburg County begs leave tn call the attention of COTTON PLANTERS to tho same, and would advise every one in nood of a COT TON PRESS to purchase n patent at once. For CHEAPNESS, SfltfpLIClTY, nud, it has no oiptal. Any one desirous of nccing the "medua operandi"' of ?nid Pre**, can do so hy calling at the Store ef J. W? Patrick ^ Co., Kussel Street Orangoburg C. II., S. C, wbero a model can be soon, or add res? Capt. .led STOKES Gen l Agent Midway S. C. .1. W. PATRICK, Agt. Orangeburg County S. C. July 2G lc7;; tf E. J. OLIVEROS, M. D. ?LALEK IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, KQN-KXPLOSIVE lamps, Garden seeds, &c., &*., PR esc R IT IONS preparod with ACCUK1 act end FIDELITY, foi which pt rposo n full and complete assortment of IT RE CHBMICALS and GENUINE DRUG8 will be constantly en hand. Long experience?* aureessful business career ef mero than eight years in Oraage burg, a geod knowledge of the DRUG MARKET at koine and abroad, will afford a sufficient guarantee that all goods sold or dispensed at my establishment will bo GENUINE and RELIABLE. Appreciating the success whieh in the past has attended my efforts, 1 have de termined to spare no pains in merit a enn tinsnce of the patronage so liberally bestow ed. E. J. OLEVEROS M. D. No 100 Russel Street Orangeburg. A Towering Giant Among, its Pellows THE GREAT 12 CENTRE-POLE TENT AND 8100,000 CITAT;r^TsrC;T: SHOW WILL EX JII IUI AT ORANGrEBURQ-, FRIDAY NOV. 21st, 1873. THREE PERFORMANCES at WK*. RT..and 2*hna1 8 P. M. Doors open ono hour previous. a Tlt'KET \\ agon wjlj bp open ?n tho gj*oiw\d. AMMIHSIQ* s>l. Children nudvr 12 your* so cts. GREAT EASTERN MENAGERIE | MUSEUM, AVIARY, CIRCUS, RODMAN HIPPODROME AN D EGYPTIAN CAR \Y AN. Its njunncntalh n 'the pa-i winter makes it four tiniest larger than 1 yo >r. and then it was oont'rsfecU tho Mmhtoh M nt?? lou of t ;c r ? i J. O h,- :i nKTli m dill i *3 Ii ivo bc-'n rxp< n't its thirty-otto trau port tli"- uouah i*F Shows, loO ears, * pa>sengercoaVnoV, nn'l I engines are hroucht into requisition, nn?l tlie services of over iUlMj men and horses are necsssary tu the success of this unprecedented en/erprisc. A Grniiri Triple ?lentlflfcric. in < Separata TcuJts, combiuel with tlis ??LOSSAL MILS BUM, AVIVRY of TROPICAL BIRDS, and caravan OP ele phants. CAMELS, DROMEDARIES, ELKS, BUFFALOES, ete., etc Grand l>ouble Clirenn Performtme?) i?? Iv.A. M.v AN L N PARALLELED PAGEANT I'llOC I.SSlON OVLR TWO BI1LKH LOXO ! With emerald, crimson an I g<.M dens, throe Ipr.iss an ! reed Bands, grand St -am Piano, and a full [Martial Bend, as in tho Days of'7rt . Twtsrfty Wom<*ri\ an.) oao hundred horse men nn.l pages, mounted, and lullowed by tho t avahlade BALLOON ASCENSION will ho given 9&1~ All tho Railroad rui ntng i ito the Towu have boon arranged with tobring people at greatly reduced faro. CHARLES MV VLLS, AKont n\ ??." ?dl i'i-i+mW New Goodst; ?st:-?' ' ''**rt'-tWwa sVrw AT PANIC PRICES! ? r. ; ? ' I ids ? si ei?d ii?V D. LOUIS (S0tsf??A I f? try ^w i ? itinln bt>h*X. it ? -? His ENTIRE STOCK of NEW GOODS it* >ei erissff,?sf AT ? " **4 COST! i?l4 to s*&4ft| ??etf? aeq? a w*c? nsff > ??< ??t t?A ol 1?fcK*Y? s*sfV i?? .'astuj !*si RANTZ -1 ' 9JV K seoV'i -dUf^iW of feorf - - ? ?,?>??* ?B ? ? <*. le esdot eoosfl W. T. M?LLER'S OLD STAN&S? ?,<"*.A Ales, Wines, Liquors and SegaSL T<> be found in OrnngcbUfgl ? niac? Jk\ Giro un a coll at Muller's Old Stand. " 'Round the Corner." . j^joq^ A i^it^is^rz^jiToo^rAisrisr & cow* oct IS 1S73 ?>" l-?ci?Hfa ?WpA si i c r.i i^OCflM ??-? -.- - 1 -j-j-j-j^-X GEO. H. CORNELSOm HofoT^ mi mm* ? :?ih<;OflA Is receiving now, constantly tions to his Stock of BEY G00$8, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Saddles, Harness, CrocI Wood and Willow Ware, etc., offers the same at prices to suit ike times. BAGGING and TIES always on hand. I also continue to V3?ny COTTON, RICE and all COUNgK* Produce at the HIGHEST MalKet PRICE. Please call in and Sj&CJbr yourselves. _ GEO. H. CORNELS?^S'.* THOMAS lias just returned from the North, an 1 having purchased a ?L V A HIED assorttuont of go ft T-J > pa P C i* tntm a ? ? Q "** ? ? O > H P c -3 2 5- t^ W H re- S3 '?' -1 *? ? P S t> W o v< M S - W -M I ? ? 2 i30 S 5 ( do ^ ?d ? - . - s4t^?? He hmtes every ono to INSPECT his ' ??rj STOCK AND PRICES 1 .,? /sc v f^Mf before purchasing clscwltjrc. RUSSELL STREET, 0KA^GE1S^(^<5 0? oct 4 1373 I km