LOCAL. U.RDAY?. OOT. 11, 1878. that a New Street is to be opened soon. Why not at one* T Base ball-ism and another ?ism car ^County. non is doing a (food busi The Fair BnMding is searing comple tion. A /arsen ,Sde a at merchant, and ws predict a career for *eW"&^/mrmcr equally as brilliant. W. M. Sain is having the lumber and trash clo ?red from the ground* where the old Soap Factory used to stand. Bill ia an energotio fellow. All the lager beer drinkers called on Frank Briggmann a few moments alter a keg lu *ap]>cd. Why is this thus f PW&t&g?ntfkecp good lager? a proixrxtcxT? A. F. Browning Keq^, has ween ap pointed Lieutenant Coionel of Ute Tarnt. W] obprsi that Mrs. Meroney the tasty lnd\waoTd hostess, of Meroney's popular hotel, has received a handsome and ?elegant carriage from Columbia. W. A. Meroney arrived home from ISaktesore during tho last week. A ltdjV *I^Y per oushel Corn.$1.00 per bushel. Cow Pkas. 1.00 per bushel. PiNWF.as....,. 1.10 per bushel. Do You Want NEW GOODS! GO TO BRIGGMANNS. IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS GO TO BRIGG3?UNN'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND Any and Everything. smv 2 tf At Private Sale. THE PLANTATION fsrmlng a part of tbs EsUte of the bite Col. Kelt!, nnd known as the DARBY PLACE. The tract consists of about 600 acres, one half weJl Timbered, the remainder Kick, Hod, Loam ?Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. These are the Finest Lands in the District, nnd wer* valued at $20 per aero in 1866. Would be rold for one.half tha' ,trice now. One fourth cash, tke remair er iu three instal ments bearing interest from date and as cured by mortgage of tho same. This is a splendid chnnce for aneryne de> siring to secure Rich Lands, fino Wator Pow er, excellent Cattio Range and a Itefiued Neighborhood. Apply to Urs- L. M. KK1TT. Or J large and varied stock, we are now pre par td to one* in ducements to all Who are desirous of purchasing FIRST-CLASS GOODS. IN CONNECTION WITH OUR STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND CHOTHINO, W? cull attention of the Public, and specially TKlQ LADIES, to ?"r 8tork ?f WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY tie,, LADIES' AND QKNTS' KID GLOVES, BEST MAKE, GENTS' FUBNISHINO GOCHS. Hi member we. keep the CELEBRATED &TAR SHIRT, vai,k;f.s, TRUNKS, SARTOGAS, SATCHELS, Ac. When you come to Orangebarg don't forget to call und look through our stock of Cloths Cassiniers, Jeans, Flannels, Domestic* and Dress Goods, which we are offering at reduced prices. , J. W. PATRICK * CO? , March 20, 1873 28 ly KosseU ?treet, Orangeborg, 8. C. THOMAS CARTMUL lias just returned from the North, sad having purchase 1 a LARGE nad VARIED assortment of B ES *S o* 2 CO C5 W ? I 1 * 1 O 3 i m i a f ? i S S B 2 5 td S 3* M g - 1 5 * * ? a oo ? 9 *L ft. w o He invites every ono to INSPECT kis STOCK AND PRICES before purchasing elsewhere. RUSSELL STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C oct 4 1873 &2 SUGARS OF ALL GRADES ! 1 TOSE & KLAR SS I Wholesale and Retail Grocers, g aS RUSSELL STREET. 2 ^ Arc now offering a very choice and well ?clect?;! ?lock of j I FANCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES I As H JteiT SATISFACTION GUABANTEED -%? S Goods Delivered. p < vose & izlar. SMOKE AND DRY SALT BACON. RICE AND GRIST MILL! market srreet. STEAUS & STREET. Having made VAST IMPROVEMENTS in their MILL, are now prepared to POUND RICE for the Public at large at the rate of 31 cts per bushel or nee sixth toll. Always on hand CLEAN RICE and FRESH GROUND QRIST and MEAL Wc still pay tho highest market i^rick In CASH, for ROUGH RICE, CORN and PKA8, Satisfaction guaranteed, oct ?* &0 THE LARGEST And most extensive stock: oh* PURE LIQUORS EVER OFFERED TV VI? O A T u dT VFXY OilJUaCj in Orangeburg, is now waiting inspection AT C. D. KORTJOHFS Well-known stand; Consisting of all grades and all prices, from the common Rec tified to "Old Pur?." I invite speeial attention to my "N. C. Sweet Mask Whis key," and "Imperial Cabinet," that for purity and oheapness havssNEVER BEEN EXCELLED. The constant domand, and daily increasing Grocery and Segar Trade Not only compels me to bny cheap and compete with other astronauts, hut keep continually on hand a largo stock; suoh as will ?nable my patrons and to make the vory choicest selections. I ASK BUT A TRIAL. c. d. kortjohk. aug 9 New Store we are ready! TKohn&Bro Are now displaying the LARGEST BEST SELECTED and CHEAPEST STOCK of dry goods, clothing, boots & mom ever offered in this TOWN! AH we ask is a call to COIT/QISX you of th? above FACTS. New Store. THEODORE KOHW & BROTEBS. ? -- -? ..U..' 1 JUST RECEIVED And now opening, at McNamara's. A Ml assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS, of every descrif? lion, at prices to snit the times. A full stock of choice Groceries? now on hand. . J. McUamara. Sept. 27, 1873 35 If MOSELY & CROOK. DRY GOOD AND GROCER HAVE GREAT PLEASURE in submitting the following list of to their pntrons and the public, and while thanking then for past ooaL^ liberally bestowed, offer renewed assmrance that every effort will be evade to ? their waste with the very beet of goods at lowest cash prices. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS and CLOTHING, STAPLE GROCERIES, mseh at * FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, HAMS, MACKEREL, LARD Ac. FANCY (JROCERIES, SUCH AS NUTS, RAISINS, JELLIES, SAUCES, SPICES, PICKLES, MUS TARD, Ac., CANNED FI8H, FRUIT, sad VEGE TABLES, in arerj variety, TIN WARB? and CROCKERY, A FULL LINE AL WAYS ON HAND. MOSELEY & CROOK, (OPPOSITE THE CITIZENS' SAVINGS HANK.) juas 28 june 38 1 . lw