The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, August 09, 1873, Image 5

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LOO AL". DAY, AUGTST 9, 1873. Yotft Cor T. V. Aud wir? next Wednesday. PERSONALS? Aa this issue of tho News will bo b4fi-|ft<i with the corner stone of the Fair ifciikiing of the Agricultural Society of Orangeburg County, wo desire to bury a tew items of n great muny men with it. Tho News may bo disem tombed within a century sod those to come may know, without reading histo ry, something of those of to-day. Wc will commence at tho dopot, und promise not less than two uor more thau ten linos to any person. Mr. T.'O. Dawson is our depot agont. He is affable and polite, slay Orungo burg always have such an agctt. Mr. T. A. Jeffords, keeps on tho corn er near the Railroad. Ho is delicately built, but possessed of decision of oha racter. Messrs. T. C. andJ.S. Albei gotti are with him, b?<th jolly good fel lows. Hon. Thos. W. Glover lives next. His name forms a part of the history of tho State. N. Austin B*i?n is an adopted citizen Of whom we are truly proud, lie was Mayor of this city for'years. Mortimer Glover?-sou of Judge Thos. .W. Glover?is one of the first members of tho bar. W. N. Scovill is a partner of Bull, Scovill & Pike* and a valuable aud in dependent citisoo. 1'atrick Doyle is a son of New York, and a better man never lived. John English, a partner of Doyle, knows tho song, "Wearing ot the Green," and is a youtig man of much promise. ? . Mrs. M. A. Tread well, rolio of the Inte W. R. TteadWell, is a lady who has long been, and is now engaged in the hotel business. Her fuuiily is among wvjr oldest; C Dv Kortjohn is ab entcrprisiug young German merchant, aud prospering daily. GjBorjjtS\ Williams, nativo, merchant. Hmi many frio'nda. J; 0- darthey, saddler and harn s tuaker. Charlestouiau. Good Otlisou. fjr M Girardoau, recently from Char leston. Fih'niU'.rc i)UMiie.-s. T D Wolfe, grocery and dry goods, native born; A good Xwllow and a good bitized-. William Willcoek, tin warei Has hiadc ttioney. Alderman aud a "Kan tick,*' A 1 citison. Mib Mattlej milliner; Prospering. George S Shirer, groceries and liquors. Kvsl'ybody knowa him. A general favorite. ^ A j Ftscher> Liquors &ck> making money. Vote A t?lar, Groceries. Vose from Charleston, talaf "to the manner born.-' A popular flrju. Mo better iu the town. Moseloy & Crook, Groceries &o., Recently started, but already deep iu the hearts of their customers. W M Bain, Saloon & Billiards; also dealer in horses. From the Tar heel State. J A Hamilton, Groceries, Dry goods and editor of tho Oraugeburg Times. J H Fowles, from Beaufort. Cashier ?| the Citizens Saving Bank. E, Ezekiel, jeweller. Adopted citi son. Energetic go-ahead man. W S Tongue, from Laureus. Fore man in TVnies' Office. Strong tetnpc ranee man. W A Edwards, native of Columbia. Foreman Obanoehurg News. Worthy Patriarch of Orangebirg Division No 24 Sons of Temperance, j W P Sponccr, printer in News' Of fice. Andrew Rodmond, better known as ?Riley." Our Djbvil. The Orangeburg Time*, a Democratic newspaper. J A Hamilton, editor; J H Fowlea, looaleditor; Kirk-Robinson, business manager. Andrew F Browning, nativo ofChar lestoo, Trial Justice. . Dr A C Pukes. A young man of much promisa. Doing well. J \V Patrick & Co. Dry goods and shoes. Good business raun, in a good business. The OiuNQEnufta New?, speaks for itself. W S Williams, native, our popular postmaster. Q A Ncuffor, German., rynen Deu t'tch sprechen.. Clerk in post office. I) Lout*, dry goo<Js, Ape. Oldest mer chant iu town. Popular and prosper' ous, Goo U Coruolson, adopted citizen. Docs about the best business in town. T Kohu k Uro. More Germans. Dry goods kc Live business men, who have their reward in ibis world. Dr E J Oliveros, adopted oitisen, with fine opportunities for poisoning every citizen of the County. Prefers however tu du them all good?-and does it. Mrs Ohlendorf}', Gorman. Milliner. Much rospooted and doing well. James Jones, tailor. Ono of our old est and most respected citizens. Thomas W Albersrotti, Charlestonian, Baker and confectionery. JDoiug a good business. - Philip Rieh, Dry goods Ac , German. Doing well. J P Hnrley general merchant ko.t nntive. Old *tund-by. Joseph Lark ins, harness maker, one of the first and strongest Republicans in the County. L Ransdale, contractor, adopted citi zen. Another good man H Riggs, Carriage factory and Saw Mill; from Connecticut. A go-ahcad public spirited nud successful man. S H Clark, northern man, blucksuiith. Retired from business. W A Mcroney, general merchant. "Tar heeler." On the square iu every thing. Runs a first rute hotel. M Rich, German, clothing and dry goods. Doing a good business. Jackson k Th:rn, groceries. Among tho'bcst.of our colored citizens. Charles Green, caterer. Gives close attention to his business. J Wallace Cannon, groceries and liquors. Another "Tarheeler/' Young and enterprising merchant! Joseph McNatnara, adopted citizen, dry goode &c. Prospering. M Albreoht, German, boot and shoe maker. Every body likes "Mat." F W If Hrigituann, G:rman. Odr Mayor. A jelly good foliow. Highly respected. John Adden, Gcfrnati, Groceries &e. A quiet) good citison. T \V Cartmilli fVem the Emerald Isle. Dry goods etc-. Doing Well. W T nightfdntj a Georgian^ groceries kc. One of our inpai enterprising citi zens. Jaraei! Cannon, native. Retired from business. P vi Cannon, Gunsmilh, dative. Irt geuious mcchaui^. . Rull, Scoville & Pike, merch ant. All adopted oitiseo? A leading add thoroughly relidblo firm. Have made money. D W Robinson, Tailor. A quiet good oitlzeu, respcetod by ever/ cue. Ii Rich, German. Merchant. I P Thompson, adopted oitisen, j evrel ler. Doing well. Paul Moutsol; German, bak<r, knowd how to ''raise" things. Good oitisen. Oscar Cbampy, groceries, adopted citizen, of tho oourteous old Kreuch SohooK Cbampy Brotners, groceries aud liquors young and go ahead. J YY H Dukes, Hotel. One of the old citizen-.!, native ef this eounty. Dr T A Elliott, an able and beloved physician. One of the best men the Lord over made. Those who have most suffered, best know him. Dr. A S Salloy, a physician, excelled by none in the County. Dr. M G Salley, a young physician of muoh promise. The "worthy son of a "worthy sire." Dr. T B Legare, from Charleston. Recently settled here. R II Ahlrieh, Carolininn. Shingle factory. Joseph Straus, German. Machinist and mill wright. Rioe and Grist mill. Adopted oitizon. Z M Wolfe k Mitchell, House Paint era. John Lucas, Charlestouian, builder and contractor. Joseph Browor, k Alexander. Paint ers. R M Smith, Georgian: Contractor and builder. Col. J C Edwards, native. Brick yard. P Doyle k Co. Carriage factory le. The following is a list of the lawyers now practicing in Orangeburg: T W GHovor, W M HuteoD, W F Hateon, W J DoTrcville, J Folder Meyers, Jas F Izlar, S/fuiuol Dibble, Mortimer Glover, Julius W Glover, Malcolm I Browning, T B Whaley, A F Browning, John L. Humbert, Augustas B Knowlton. E I Cain, native, sheriff. C B Glover, native, deputy sheriff. George Boliver, Gormno, Clerk ef Court, Augustus B Knowltoq, Judge of Pro? bat?. Jamas P Maya, Obloan, Trial Justice. Thad C Andrews, adopted oitisen County Treasurer. Jatues Van Tassel, adopted citison. County Auditor. Frank McK inlay, native. School Commissioner. K T It Suioako, John Robinson, Alexander Brown, County Cotntnission ers. Town Council?F H W Briggmnnn, Mayor; Aldermen, K J Oliveros, Wm Willcoek, Ooorge Hohverj Abrani Mar tin. E J Olivaros, Clerk. Jatnca J Cannon, Town Matshall Episcopai Church?Nathaniel B Ful ler, pastor. Presbyteriau Church?J D A Browu, pastor. Methodist Churoh?F Auld, pastor. Hugh A C Wulker, presiding elder. Baptist Church?I)r I D Durham, pastor. Lutheran Church?O A Hough, pas tor. Vole for T. C Andrew* next. Wednesday* See Rortjohij's new advortiaoment. s? The cottou of Mr. Baxter, on Mr Wolfe's place, is hoautilul. Branchville Items too late for this issue. Will keep until next week. The bill of lumber aawod by Mr. H Biggs forKohn & Pro. is ua fine as any we have ever seen. A fine milch cow bclongiug to W. Aj Mcroney, Ksq.. foil dead in tho street near the residenoe of Mr. Raosdale on Tuesday last. The weeds and grass in the Court II ouso Sq?ure afford a comfortable bid ing place for snukes. Whose duty ia it to haVo them c ut down 7 Vote Tor T. C An drewK next" Wednesday? We learn that Mr. Moroncy has made arrangements to keep, during the Fall aud Winter, a supply of fine hogs, (suoh ua ho had lust year) for sale. We learn that our enterprising young friend Mr.Helton Bettcrson has purchas ed a valuable lot opposite Court House Square on which ho designs erecting a huud.?omc building. RoWc's Pump is growing rapidly. Some of our most sterling citizens reside in nnd around her borders, and wc . prcdiet that tho next Legislature will give her the power to olect au Intendant and Wurdens. Vote for T. C? Andrews uexl Wednesday. Tho City Council are having a ditoh dug along side Amelia Street which will bo a great bcnefiV to that portion of Orangeburg. Go ahead gentlemen, lot your ending be attended with as much praise as greeted your induction into office. Mr. C- W. Oal dwell requests us to state, and we do state with pleasure , that he did not join the "Allies," as we mistakenly announood in our last issue. Mr. Caldwoll desires us further to say that he will now, and always, support the regular nominee of the Straight Repub lican party. The exeseisss aooompatnying tho laying of the Corner Stone of the Fair Building of the Agricultural Soeiaty, will take placo at tho Fair Grounds to day at 12 o'clook. The Masons will assemble for their preparatory exercises at 10 a m, at the Masonic Hall. Vote for T. C. Andrews next Wednesday. -pi ->? !? j L. R. Beckwith, Esq., has handed us specimens of the cotton worms and oo ooens found on his and Mr. Charles Culler's farn.s The appearanee of the enemy at this early day has created a great deal of alarm among our cotton planting friends. We hope sinoerely that their fears may not be realized. BASE BALL.? ? A game of Base Ball was played on Monday aflorooon. Wo learn from one who knows, that tho second nine beat tho first, four runs The first making eighteen While the second made twenty-two. v There is some talk of a club from Charleston challcgiug the Orange Club. Look out Oraogeburgors t Vote fer i\ C, Andrews next Wednesday. ' at** e&J**y* ' * fr ? CoLUMtuA, S. C, Doc. 20th, 1870. Tv the Kditw O rang tinrg \cict ; Sir?I have the honor to Inform you that at a meeting of the Board of Officers, ore aled by an Act entitled 'An Act io Regulate the Publication of all Legal and Public Notices," the following resolution was adop ted i Itmolvtd, That the " 0 R A N G*E B U R G N K W S " N hereby designated as the OFFI 01A L PAP RR for 'thePublication of ?11 Legal Kotices anu OfRolal AQtvMsasVMstU of the County Officers in the County of Orange burg. Respectfully. &e. F. L. OARDO/.O, ?Tc. ?f Stato ami Chairman Board. Ter W. R. JONES. COMMERg|AL IIIRKI/I REPORT*'-. Orri?K or tub Oranoksobo Nkws, August, 9 k 1873 COTTON?Sales during tko week 40 bales. We quote: Ordinary........,.10,5)14$ Low Middling.*i.1 W.(\ Middling.11.1-'.) fat Rorou Rii'K.$1.40 per oushel Cons.$1.00 par buuh;l. Cow I'bas... 1.00 per bushel. Pl.NUKttS. 1.10 per bushel. The recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United State* have declared the HOMESTEAD ACTS -"of this Stnte un conititutiotiti!' as to debts contracted prev ious to 18<18. The last utncndmeiit to the Bankrupt law gives to the debter the -Hit exemption of real and personal p, ope / as was given to bin by the HOMESTEAD LAW. The only way that HOMESTEADS can be secured is by taking the benefit of the Bank rupt Act, Especial attention has been and will be devoted to this branch of the law by BROWNING A BROWNING, Attorneys at Law, Russell Street, Orangeburg S. C. may 24 3t Spring Arrivals AI* M'NAM.A.IIA.'S Geat reduction in prices of Spring Geods bought in the last ten day. IF YOU WANT 10 GET THI BE8T AND Cheapest ready-wade Spring Clothing, go to McNAMAR.VS. IF YOU WANT LADIES AND CIIILD rsn's Shoes or the best quality and at low prices, goto * McNAMARA'S. If YOU WANT LADIES DRESS GOODS Cheap ond Stylish, go to McNAMARA'8. IF YOU WANT GENTEEMEN S CAS8I mrros. Cloths, Tweeds, Meltons, Drab* d'ere, Summer drills and cottonades, etc., nil of the best quality, and the largest Stock in town, and at low prices, too. goto ItcNAMARA'S. IF YOU WANT GOOD SUGAR, 8 LR8 For $1, go to McNAMARA'S. IF YOU WANT GOOD BROWN II0ME8 pun ono wide, at 121 cents, go to MoNAMARA'8. IF YOU B'ANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR Cash, goto MoNAMARA'S. Being thankful for.the liberal patronage bestowed on me in the past, I respoctfully sclicit a contiunance of the sarao. , J McNAMANA. Appril 2?.1H73 ly. MRS. C. S. MAULE, RUSSELL STREET, Takes pleasure in announcing to her Cus tomers and the Public in general that she has opei<?d her SPRING STOCK consisting of the LATEST STYLES of MILLINERY GOODS. Thankful for pasi favors, she respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. ' A SPECIALTY?Dress Making, Cutting and Fitting Carried on as usual by Mrs. 1. S. CUM MINGS. Country Orders respectfully solicited and will meet with prompt uttention. apl 19 lm E FINEST As well as the cChoicest Stock of G ROC Kill ES, LIQUORS end SEG ARS are offered for sale bjrj C. D. KOHTJOEFS A flue l?t of P. 8. SIDES and SHOULDERS at a very LOW PRICK. Alae a fine lo*** AUG*^eVJA FU)?R, very CHEAP. Juat r.ceired a large STOCK of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, WINE, GIN, &c. Special attention in called to my atocV of COCNAC, CHEERY,'BLACKBERRY and PE.VOH BRANDIES, and HOLLAND GIN. Call and be conviueed. C. D. KORTJOHN. aug 9 c Why is it that MOSELEY & CROOK. Sell GOODS so CHEAP? Because they "Sell Exclusively for CASH." june i>8 june 28 ly Southern Life Insurance Company. :o: PRINCIPAL OFFICES:?Memphis Tknn., nnd Atlanta, Ga. -:o. Memphis Office.?T. A. Nelson, President. A Woodruff*, Vice-president Benjamin May, Secretary, Atlanta Office.?John B. Gordon, President^ A. H. Colquitt, Vice-Presi dent. J. A. Morris, Secretary. BLACK <fr. WARRING, General Agent.?*, Columbia', South Carolina. J. A. Hamilton, Resident Agent, Orangeburg, South Carolina. ASSETS January 1st, 1878 ? ? 8,1534,483,07 ANNUAL INCOME.81,000,000. OXANGEBURC MUNCH OF SOUTH CAROLINA . DEPARTMENT. TEUSTEES: Dr. W. F. Barton, Robert Copc$, James F. Inlar. John A. Hamilton, Dr. W. W. Wannmnker, E. Russei Zimmerman, Thad C. Andrews, W. J. DcTreville, George Boliver, Paul S. Fflder, Thomas Zimmerman James Van Tassel, L. R. Bei^writh, ^ Henry Moorer, Samuel Dibble, f^QH k I , ?, . Executive Committee. Dr. W. F. Barton, Chairman, John A. Hamilton, Secretary, Pall S. Felder, James F. Izlar, Gkorke Boliver, This Company issues policies on all approved plans and pays losses promptly: For further information, ayply to _ JOHN A HAMILTON, Resident Aagent, Omngeburg, So. C. June 12, 1873 17 3m FROM THE CELEBRATED FIRM OF LANDRETH & CO. Of the following descriptions: FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, AMBER GLOBE, LARGE GLOBE, POMS 11 AN KAN GLOBE, YELLOW RUTA BAG A, ETC. To he had from E. EZEKIE L, SIGrlST OF THE BIG WATCH. MEMBERS of the AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be supplied witk Rut a Bags and all other Seeds as usual. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. -?* july 5 00 THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR ROU GH RICE, CORN AND PEAS AT The Mill OF STRAUS &, STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C, Where also RICE, CORN and Other GRAIN will be GROUND ?t the LOWEST MARKET RATES. june 21. ?* T Kohn & Bro CONTEMPLATE MOVING IN "THEIR New Store On or about the FIRS ? of SEPTEMBER. In the interim they will CL081 OUT thcu ENTIRE STOCK AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW FIGURES To save EXPENSE of Moving and Carriage. All persons interested in BARGAINS "ill take DUE NOTICE and govern themselves accordingly. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. IT IS NOW SETTLED THAT the "ENTERPRISE SALOON" conducted by J. HERMAN WAHLERS Is the ONLY PLACE in Orangcburg where anything like FANCY DRINKS, or COOLING and DELICIOUS BEVERAGES are prepared, and it is very certain. That Captain Jack and Ellen's Man Were they here, would wonder at Ihe delicious mode in which "fire-water" can be eon - coded. All the wonderful Summer diguises, such aa "CLARET-PUNCHES," "SHERRY-COBBLERS," "COCK-TAILS," 4*WHITS-LIONS," "MINT-JCLInS," "OIN-SLINUS," BRANDY-SMASHES," "LEMONADES a la baton," SODA-WATER avee tine tHoucfir," SKINS," TOD DIES," "CROWDr'RS" and "o?a j>j,irida" of ?STRAIGHTS," Are to be brought to Orangeburg, In fact are already here and HOURLY COMPOUNDED and HOURLY" ENJOYED by the hon rirant* and those who, jioss. .s the sariw owre and a little "iraeresrifAaJ." .Those who fancy the death of the Duke of Clnrenca and who would like To be Drowned in a Hogshead of Wine Can And the MATERIALS for this glorious suicide, but would doubtless be dissuaded irora such a purpose on stopping in At the Enterprise Saloon Kept ever OPBN and BRIGHT BY AUGUSTUS FISCHER, Agt. juna 21