v HE ORANGEBURG NEWS il GUSTUS 15. KXOWI/rOX, EDITOR. , * , GEORGE BOLIVER, r'lKANCIAL *M> BUSINESS MaKAOER. - 'fHcial Paper of the State and of Orangeburg County. r THE ORANGE BURG NE WS HAS ?1 LARGER CIRCULATION THAN NY OTHER PAPER IN THE CO UN ??=*= TURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1873. \y in the namo of common senso ? - some of the weak-headed, mali .. Democratic newspapers that are fi crying "Oh, Caroliua, vale at once bid good bye to Carolina plain Euglish and leave for some *o else ?. They would bo happier ?out' the State, aud the State would *ter uiT Without them. ? Time* says, in reference to tho it ion, "Who that looks on, and ;6 tressed with tho degradation of itc man, must be lost to the least >f honor or decency." which the Times means, that white degrado themselves by associating rally with colored men. unk God, there is at least one depth ?gradation to which neither the white colored members of aoy Republican vcntioQ bavc. as yet desoeuded, and ? I is, the Domination of a caudid-ito, her colored or wbitc, who iu honor decency, iu every thing manly and .ous, was not at least the equal of writer in the Times. The Nomination. \ftcr a short, but bharp and decisive tpaign, Judge T. C. Andrews was uinftted for the vacaut Senntorshtp Wednesday on tho first ballot, .-ivjug forty five out of the sixty-eight is .ca.st, the rcmnining twenty three ^ujucfttvided between feur other oandi s of whom the strongest. 91 r. F. R \lrilJiy, received but fourteen votes, i ho < ppc5ition to Judge Andrews was < 11 organized and was conducted spir dly. ami in earnest. No point which Iii possibly be made against him was 'Joked. Tho issue of color was roly raised and vigorously urged by oW?Aenf?, beta outside and inside e ^'oDTCation.- Bat in vain. His cord us a Republican was without one : lot. < His services to the Pi rty were uo well known. He bad been triod i penifdry and bad never.been found ? -.ting. The poor colored man bad i often experienced his kindness to him iu the eventful hour. And so . e won ou his merits, aud on nothing Of tbc forty five votes in his favor -eight were cast by colored men. never was a more vigorous- oppo . to any straight Republican, in tWis - aud tberc never was a more is victory. congratulate Judge Andrews ily. We believe be will do honor ic County, to tbe party and to the - .. Ho is a Republican aud ho will if ) it thai Republicans have their Ho ia a property holder aud tuko care-that there bo an eud taxesi. tie it an honest man will see to* it thai all men< bnvo so fur., at leasd, ae shall- be itrthc t: the next/ Senator from- Osaegc [COMMUNICATED.] tninecnee? of Orangebarg Forty Year* Ago. hoVi v , BY AM1CALOBAH. r s': t't ? >. .rti ? 4ty years ngo a small collection ol " , standing near the banks of the 'o, und Rurrouudod on all sides by v unbroken forest of pine and oak ?nd, was then known as Orange villngc. Small and modest indeed s when compareed with the present , i and enterprising Tow* of the same . Some fifteen or twenty privat? nee? ; about two hundred inhubi ; one or two publio buildings ; u dozen stores; two churches, and togothor wit h an occasional black and cobbler shop, completed the otal of Ordngoburg village, tyfg tho oldest resident? of those ere Mr. Wiuningharo, the Clerk . ?. Court and Ordinary, as both of ' Ticcs were combined in one at that , i minauel Pooaer, the sheriff, Jacob ubaker, tax collector, Seaglcr, kept I ha toll-gate out by the bridge . tho Kdisto, Sam. P. Jone?, Sanders r ?nd Jno M. Felder ? In those days Orsngeburg, as well as now, ha({ her merchants, solid, wholo fouled, persevering, practical luon, who, by tho "swoat of thoir brow," labored to build up thoir trade in the place. The most prominent among tbeso were Sylvester Beach, Sanders Glover, Willliam rooser, John Tyler and "Billy Murrow." Their stores were mostly after the order of little country stores iu general, dry goods, groceries, Hold implements, country produce, fruit* of the town and of the garden placed pro miscuously together with more regard to their effect in attracting custom, than to noatness and order. Then too there in the doorway stood the proprietor him hitnsclf, with coat oft and shirt sleeve* rolled up. rcat'y to bigual out his friends coming in from the country urouttd and ever ou the alert to 6triko a goo 1 bargain. One of the most thorough go ahead, wide awake of these buaiuesa men was Sylvester Beach. A few years before be had come front New England, and halt ing at last in tho little Village of Orangeburg, thoro started out as a peddler of tiiukets, clocks and other wares. IIo had a qucr, old fashioned carryall, with an muck tit, solemn-faced hurnc attached, and with those, in all kinds of Weather, he might be seen driving .-,vcr tho country round about bargaining for the sale of hin wares.' lie was sharp, quick wilted, persevering, reaily to drive a trade, and a* tuty be supposed, sit ceeded well. A few yours of hard work, and iud-'stry, self-denial, and Sylvester bad saved euough to start out iu the store-keeping business. Pur chasing a "good lock out" in one corner of Orangeburg, ha settled down as a lesident merchant. Here hi* t <-m trka bio business tact did not desfcrt him, and as the years rolled on be soon came to be rccogniz sd as ans nl' the wealthiest .nid ir.Obt influential men in (he place At all hours of the day the gotiflout in ly, and obliging proprietor tni^ht he iouuu at his et ore, ready to wait upiti i Uia cut timers-, among whom he waft n -rent favorite; Of Sander.? Glover, the gcuittlwiiole auuled, jovial gentleman, whom eveij body knew h-.tt to like, any one living in Orangeburg iu those days can tell. Sunders was full of his joke*, and not only ever ready to have them at other It/Iks' expense, but b ire it qtrte amiably aui good bmuorcdiy when ??tin: tabies were turned" upmi hiu/aeff. Oucr of the most ptoitlioc?) traits ol*4u8 rharae tor was his lu.bit of.snoring. ludced tome lire gone an far :s to ?tstCTt llrrit he was the greatest moter iu tho plaee, and a wind miii was nothing to be eum pared ui;h hint. Numerous wero the jokes ::t 1 is expense that this gave rise to. One of these we remember to have heard. By ,so:no chance a number of the glass iu tho windows of his. sleeping apartment became cracked, whieh some waggUh young fellows observing, went and reported it over the Village lha; Sau der?' snoring had deveb^rrj itself t" tiiK-Hf an alarming extent tut to shutter the glass iu his windows. This, San dors hearing, he roc ived it with the utmost sung froid, declaring that if he cracked tho glass he guessed he could bn) more, und vent on rB-Ofing as hard us ever. Just -e**-*bc corn ef Biiou Mr. IT.it f-y's store is* now, there stood one fc?rpt by "Biljy Murrow. Like Sanders G lover. ' Billy" too, was a v.hole, soulcd, genial man, bravo, iaaptfleivo and gclver otis to a I unit. "N^n?e krew hia> Jni* to love him, none 'named him but to prniec/' JCo ''false balnucc" was ever ess a It ou* by his hand ?> indeed he would sooner have robbed himself before dealing unjustly with another. lie was "Billy Murrow" to everybody. Kvea1 the little children, from hearing their fathers repeat the name so often, hud grown familiar with it. No one acarco ly ever thought of mistering hitu "31 r ,Muno#n was a> sound- hid ear had not grown accustomed tkr. j, 'JJhe princ'vpul1 products of Orangeburg in tfhose day was butter, ehickone p.mr eggs. These would be brought into market irr queer-looking, little' vehicles* called carts qnite in vogue at that time, 'ae Buggies and'the-letter style of wag ons were tfheu- totally* unknown1. The*o carts consisted of btj iH shaped plunk body upon two shafts, the litter being held up by a strip, of leather, or "buck band" as it was called., sowed in a loop at each cud and which worked up into an uncouth little saddle placed in the center of the horse's back. Upon this the "old man" rode and guided "the critter," w-bile tho "old oinan," in white fly-bonnet and hugo cheek aprou, sat within the curt to look alter the things, and "see as none got busted." In some eases a littlo black jug would find it's way between (be coop of chicken-i and .basket ef eggs, wVioh eluding the vigilant eyo oi the "old owmou," would bo taken into one of tho littlo doggeries/ \>hieb stood in the village, thcro to bo filled, and returned u gain when 'the old *tmun irtm't a loofcin." Reaching the village, their butter, eggs, etos would be takenTtto tbo stores and there trad ed off for "nr/fou atuff'' spun ;, which grew more briHinnt with time, dssnppoint the hopes I and ex-pnc tat ions of his young inuuho >d . ("TO ITU CONTfNClUV.}: OBITUARY, Departed ibis life, in- this County, July 2bth, 1>878, Mr. C. L. BOCHKfT, in tho 44th year of bin age. Th? subject of this notice" was born in Sinnier FHstrlct-, S. C, but removed to this County in 1 >i?r ^nd JMi.i Out lu :f?i-? ofiir-p. NOTICE?At tbe injitation of the Board of Director! of tho Orangeburg Agricultur al and Mechanical Association, and by virtue of a Dispensation from M.-. WV. Grand Master R. . 8. Bruns, I will proceed to lay the Corner 8tone of the Fair Building at Orangeburg on Saturday the 9th day of August next, according to ancient Masonic nsage. it Tho- following regulations are promul gated for the guidanoe of the craft. 1. Bro. W. V. Izlar will act as Marshal of ceremonies. 2. All amliatod Mister Masons in good standing who deaire to participate in the ocromouicB will assemble in Regalia at the Masonic Hull in Orangeburg, at 10 o'clock A. M. tf. The procession will leave Masonic Hall at 11 o'clock precisely, and the exercises at the Fair Orounds will begin at 12 o'clock M. ?1. An uddrcss will be dolivorcd on the occasion by Past Master Bro. Thomas W. GloYcr. 6. I urn invited to exhjud to all participat ing Brethren an invitation to the Plo-Nic of the Orangeburg Agricultural Sooicty, at the grove ir* ft on! cJ ihe residence ef Capt. J. V. Rawo, immediately after the exer cises aro completed and the Lodge cloaes. M i:s F. IZLAR, LD -. D.\ 0.-. M. . oth Masonic Diat. Eureka Chapter, No. 13, It. A. M. The REGULAR CONVOCATION of the above CHAPTER will be bed on Friday, August Hth 1H73, at o'clock P. M. By order of M. K. II. P. TUBODORR KUHN, aug 2?tf Sccretnry NOTICE. The Firm of WTATT^ CROSSWSM, has dissolved. All debts due the firm must he paid, und all claims against the firm must be presented,to J. h. RAST, Trial Justice, august 1 -487.1. Ht NOTICK. STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA. To the Commissioners of Klevtiotr* for Orangeburg Comity. )\'l?rm? Hem. Jsmc'sL Jamison who at the General Election' he! I in October 1?72 firr the Kleclion district Oa^Ornngehurp County to serve tor the term of?ntr years, has since sa i?? such ra?r a writ of election shall btflssued by the Presi dent of the Senate for.the purpose of filling the \acanc\ ilmr. occasioned for 11?o remain der of the term for which the member so i . amV.vj Now therefor? ; <).. ?nV , by the various Beta of Manager.* frr Mn>se placs; and the counting of the votes cast and the declaration ot the result of the election to be in accordance with tbe provision of Sec tions 2 and :> of Act of (be- Gcncfltl AosrSthly rntithl "an act to amend ?n eel entitled, un iu't providing for the fiefrer;il Elections and the nnkrAier of conduct inj? the same" approved March VJth, 1J-72 (page 18-1 A. A, 1872-7.1.) This writ together with M <,e?t?frci> copy of your return of the election held under it huve belore tbe Senate at its next mce'ling after the election. Witness the /ignasuro of the Hon. R. Ho well (rie.ives President of the Senate at Columbia (his 20th- day of July A. D. 1S7:1. R. II. HOVYEI.LUl.EAVlCS, President of Senate. Vitt si: J. WOODRUFF, Cle^k of Senate. july 26 187.1 "t OIVFJCIAI,. Office of C'Onimfooncra ofEIerr tioii. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Oranges! ho Cot stv Obankhibo K. C. July 26th, 187?. >k>lice I* heveley given to the vet era of OrangetWg Couto'ty thu( iff pursuance of an. act of the General Assembly approved March 1, lr-70, entitled "?r Vet providing for the general election nnd the manner of conduct ing tho sumo amended by an* aet approved March 12, l>x7-2, an election will bo held in the County of Orangeburg at tho nsrml Polling precincts meationed below on WedS nesday, the loth day of August, for the fol lowing Stnte Legislative office, to wit: One Senator to serve fotf the' remainder of the term for which the said Hon. Jamison was elected, to ? it : All bnr-rooins ami driiiMng- saloons shall be closed on the day of election, and any per bou who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on the day of election, shall be guil(y of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shnll bo fined in a rrora not lesa than one hundred dollars, or be imprironed not less than one month, nor more than six months. The managers of Election at each Precin ct will be furnished with a box which shall be publicly opened and inspected, to see that it is empty iftid secure, and then lock ed, just as before the opening of the Polls, by two or more dosimcrested parties, and the keys returned to the mannagers, and shall m t be opened during the Election At ?In- close of the Election the Managers aud Clerk shall immediately proceed publicly to open tbe ballot bos and count the Ballots therein, and continue such count count without adjournment .or interruption until the samo is completed, and make inch state ment of the result thereof, and sign the. same as nature of the.Election shall require, if in counting two or more like ballots ehoul be found folded together compactly, only one shall be counted nnd tbe others destroyed, but if they bear different names, the same shall be destroyed und not counted. If more hnllots should bo found on opening the box than there arc namos en the poll-list, all the ballots shall be returned to,the box, nnd thoroughly mfxedHogether, and one of the Managers or the Clerk ?hall without seeing the ballots, draw therefrom nnd im mediately destroy as many ballots as thore are in excess of the number of nameiSsn the poll Hat Within three dn\i thereafter the Chair muu or one of the managers to be designa ted in writing hy the Hoard, shall deliver to the Commissioners of Klrction the polldltt, the boxes containing the ballots, and writ ten statement of the result of the Election in hi* precinct. The Polls shall be opened at 6 o'clock in the forenoon and closed at o o'cloclc in the afternoon, on the said day of Election, and shall be kept open during these hours without intermission or adjourn ment, and the Managers aball administer to each person offering to vote, an oath that they are qualified to vote at this Kleetiou according to the Constitution of this State, and that they have not voted during thia Election. In compliance with the above, the Polls tvilt be opened at the following plaecs and the following persons are heieby appointed Managers or Election. Aviugcrs'?Pat on Norrie, Jauuary Mc Necl, 1). Richardson. Lewisvillc-? Dr. C. R. Tabcr, P. M. Gene ral, James Pcaroc. Jamison's?L. R. Beckwith, Paul Uovan, J. Colter. Zeigtet'fl?D. IT. HPdcbrand, Codfrey Murph, Israel McOowan. Forte Motte?o. D. Goodwyn, J. G. Dun can, Jake Muarf. Urown'K ?J. D. Jones, John Phillips, Frank Jamison. Foglc's?D. B. Foglc, John Wannamakcr, Adtuii B. Flood. Hears or Four Hole's?W. S. Barton, W, H. Logan, Andrew 8. Aycra. Elliott's?P. M. Heuser, Daman Knight, ?hike Dupont. ( fub House?T. K. Kclkr, A. C. Williams, F. O. Williams. Washington Seminary??Hugo Sheridan, Kolin Moss, Billiard Hiinton. Bookharts?Barman Rush, Wm. T'atilling, Abram Mingo. Cedar Grcvc?S. T. Izlar, Allen Brown, June Antley. Griffin's?Frederick Dantzlcr, Dr. Voght, Solomon Felder. Knotts'?Jos. K. Knotts, Ittifus Whetstone Joe Rush. Orangeburg?M. Albrccht, Peter Walker, Win. N. Mount, Easterling's?C. C. McMillan, John Mitch ell. E. Forrest. Cortcttsvillc?O. J. Odom. Robert Wash ington, Felder. Felder'??A. P. Connor, Rev. Tho*. Phil? Iip?, Henry Phillips. Hrnnehville?F. W. Fairy, W. H. Reedish, Edw ird Green. ? Howe's Hump?T. F. Barton, Vandy Bow man, James Mclvin. Glenton's ? Hnrnctt Livingston, Levin Ar goc, Nero Bloom. GEO. BOLIVEH, Chairman CNra. Election, jttly 'Jfi lit Patent. j > DR. PATRICK'S COTTON PRESS The tindcr/igned Agent for Orangeburg t onntv beg" leave to call the attention of COTTON PLANTERS to the eame. and would a'f vise every one in need of a COT TON PRESS to purchase a patent at once. For CHEAPNESS, SIMPLICITY, and POWER, it has no e?;ual. Any orte desirom of seeing the "modus operandi" of said Press, can do so by calling at the Store ofJ. W. Patrick & Co . Russell Street ttr.ingehnrg t*. iL, S. C. where a mo-lel enn he seen, or ad?Irtrs?t.Capt. Jeff >;TOKES Gen'l Agent Midway S. C. J. W. PATRICK. A:;l. OYangcbnrg t'nmnty S. ('. juty If, 1S7.-? * ff ltV:i \#y nport jsrtl airy particular injunctions as to' your fii?e of conduct, as your past and present, sfarrding as a staunch and reliable M*f>nMican, is to my mind sufficent guaran ty of your future course. Please accept this as the evidence of your authority, and helivc me to be. Truly Years. R. B ELLIOTT, Pres't Executive Com. tJ. B. Ys Stale of S. C. jttly 19th IST* Si J. Wallace Cannon, IS HAPPY TO STATE TO* HfS FfclfcNDS and castoerrers fhmt r.-e has just returned from Charleston, after having purchased a large stock of, Fresh Groceries WHICH HE WILL SELL AT VEftT LOW prices for cash. Also on hand a full stock or LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, . t Cominou Plena for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscri ber at Orungehurg C. H., South Carolina within tweuty days after the service of thia summons, exclusive of the day ef service. If you fail to answer this complaint within the time herein specified, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. AUG. B. KNOW ETON, Plffa. Atty. Orangeburg, C. H7, 8. C. To Pauline >larcu^, the defendant above named. Teko notice that the summons and complaint herein were filed in the office of the Clerk of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of Orangeburg County aforesaid ou the 25th day of July, 187$. AUO. B. KNOWLTOM, I'lffi \tf>, iuW 20 187,1 if Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of Sundry Executions Lj me di - rected, I will sell tot Im highes? bidder, at Orangeburg C. iL, on tbe Ft RUT MON DAY In August next. FOR CASH, all tbe Right, Titlo and Interest of the Defend ants in the following Property, viz : All that tract of land in Orangeburg Conn* ty, containing 185 acres more or less, bonnded by lands of Samuel T. I star, James F. IsUfi M. F. Antley and J. J. Antley, Levied on as the property of Abraham Ant ley at the suit of D. Louis, ALSO 1. One tr,act of land in said County con taining 10B1 acres more or less, swamp laud, bounded by lands of A tram K. Shuler, George Shuler, Sam'l R. Slum--, Frederick Cam and Joshua II nil". 2. One tract containing 1031 acres more or less, swamp land, bounded by lande of W. Ilutto, J. R. Moorer, Joseph Howell, Sam'l R. Shalcr and the Charleston and Ornngcburg County line. 8. And one other tract containing 1031 acres more or less, swamp land, bounded by lands of Sands of Sam'l R. Shuler, Joseph L. Shuler, A- Ruth's grunt, Joseph Howell and Abrain E. 'Shuler, Levied on as the property of Charles S Bull at tho suit of Win. M. Boid & Co., und others. ALSO. At the risk of former purchasers, a lot of merchandize. Levied on as the property of Win field Clark, at the suit of Peak, Opdyke & Co.. and others, Sheriff's Offce. ) E. I. CAIN, Orangeburg C. II. 8. C, [ 8. O. C July 19th, 1873. J july 19 td THE STATE OF SOUTH CARO LINA, COUNTY OF .OHANOKMJllO. In the Common Pleas. The State?Ex Relation? ) Rill The Solicitor of the Si nth- Vto Perpetuate cru Circuit. j Testimony. Er parte \ Application to prove E At Thomas. / Lost Deed. Application on oath having been made by E. A. Thomas to prove the past Existence, Loss and Contents of a Deed dated the l?i Jan., 1850, from this applicant to Win. Frederiok. It is ordered? That all persons having like or opposite interest in said Deed, whether residents in this Slate or out of it: and who desire to do so, shall appeal and crose examine the evi dence produced ; and introduce evidence in reply before aic, at My Ofltce at OraOgebnrg on the 20th day of September next. GEO. BO LIVER, June 14th, 1873. Referee, juuc 21 &m NOTICE Notice is hereby given that fronr on and after Tl'ESDA Y, the FIRST DAY of JULY, 1878. t?? WEDNESDAY the 20th DAY of AUGUST, this Office will be OPEN to re ceive the RETURNS ot REAL, and PER SONAL PKOPERTT of fbrsCounfy. Tax payers are requested to have r. C&Treet List of the different Classes of Lands *a fultoWs f Number of Veres ??f flauring Land. Number of^Vcr^s^ef Meadow and Pas ture. Number of Acres rf Wand Land. And Number of Building?. Each Tract of Land must h? retnrned separate in the Township wlrefe it lierf, attd ?t the same time they Wit nvakr ft?eV Return of Personal Property, Moneys and Credits. Tax-phyets are urgently re'qneale?f to be PROMT / in MAKING their RETURNS Sfs the Law requires me to add a Penalty of 50 r f e lietoa! uses. ? . DYE-WOOD? sfrrd* * 1! c tf i Do Yon Want NEW GOODS! GO* TO BRIGGMANNS. If rot' tr.\xT CHEAP GOODS 60 TO WtfEKE tOU'LL FIND Any and Everything. noT 1 it Jp5 A t?irti*ble Inwe&aiim$5 an PNTIREI/T ?EW Sewing Machine! FOR W/MESf ?mart agents free. Agent's complete *nt??? furnithed without any extra ehaego. Samples of sewing, ?descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonial*, engravings. &c.. senl free Address. BROOKS SEWING MACHIK? CO., No. Pit??) Hr?*