mm 4?.y .< ???litr** .1*1 TWO ?C^AKS IMCR ANNUM. > sutM ant *[ 7. *U 0>>Hu?r.A #4l (l*r> ft, tttttt <:<>!> A "NTiD OUR COUNTRY. SATURDAY G, JULY 26, 1873. -{ ALWANS IN APNANCK. NUMER 26 THE ORANGEBURG NEWS PUBLISHED AT 0 R A^TSTGrEB XT K.O Erory Saturday Morning. nr tu? ORANGEBURG NEWS COMPANY ? TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. OaeCepy for ene year. $2.00 ?? Six Months. 1.00 Any one sending TKN DOLLARS, for n L'lnh of New S0 *? " 2d " . 1.00 A Square conr ists of 10 linos Brevier or one inch of Advertising space. Administrator's Notices, .00 Notices of Dismissal ?f Guardians, Ad ministrators, Executors, &c.$0 00 Contract Advertisements Inserted upon the ?nost liberal terms. ?io:? MARRIAGE and' FUNERAL NOTICES, wot exceeding one Square, inserted without ?karge. ?*o:? ter- Terms Cash in dvanee. -"?t TRI A I* .11 STICK. OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted te him. mar ?fl?U Browning & Browning, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ?RAXfiK?!'Rf? C\ II., So. t?. Malcolm I. BhowxiKU. A. F. BnowMtao. nov 4 AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, nHAxnuni?tG, a. c. Aaly 8 tf . TRIAL JUSTICE, Residence In Fork of Edlsto, ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED will be promptly and earelully attended to. jalyZS. ly DR. % BERWICK LEG ARE, SURGEON DENTIST, sjirnduatc Baltimore College Dental Btirgery. ?FFICE.MARKET-ST. OVER STORE OF I'" J. A. HAMILTON, METALLIC CASES. THE ?NDER8IGNED HAS ON HAND ?11 of the various Sizes of the above Cases, which can be furnished immediately on ap Also manufactures WOOD COFFINS as UBBUtl, aud at the shortest ootiee. Apply to II. RIGOS, mar 5?6m Carriage Manufacturer. tT. r. Bsopib. tt. It. H H. C HurxjiNs. BRODIE & CO. COTION FACTORS aho ?COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, f CHARESTON, S. C. rbiberal Advances made en Consignment. Raraa to Andrew Simonds, Esq., Pros t Qst NattonaAans, Charleston, 8. C. way 21 , wee tf WASHINGTON HOUSE Mrs. % W. Stratton, GERVAIS & ASSEMBLY STREETS COLUMBIA, 8. 0. c -*s?uient to the Greenville and Charleston " K-i., '***^ Mdlhe Business portion of ?L t'itV of Transient j^WXa, PolU,fl E ** jtv. ? , ' swaSaa-~ JT_?r\ ?** : **V?**Hff*jat ?afdh?Ma>i . ??f*>*w mrrmn /i*ar:*?r' ..^,i^J AN ACT to Amend an Act- Entitl ed "An Act to Grant, Renew and Amend the Chvrters of Certain Towns and Vili.aoeb . THEREIN Mentioned." lie it enacted by tho Sonnte and House of KeL .^icntativos of the Sta'e of South Carolin; now met nod sitting in General Assembly, mid by the authority of tho same, That Section 2 of an Act entitled "An Act to grant, reuew and amend tho churtcrs of certain towns and villages therein moutioned," be, u?d tho same is hereby, amended by striking out, on the 5th lino, the words "ou tho 4th Monday in March, 1871/' and insert- tho words "on the fourth Monday of April, 1873." Approved January 29, 1873. AN ACT Kequiring a from | County Commissioners, Bif?be Entering upon tue Duties of Their Office. lie it enacted by the Senat? aud House of Representatives of tho State of South Carolina, now met and Hitting in Gonerul Assembly, aud by the author ity of tho Baute, Thut the County Com missioners shall, before euteriug upon the duties- of their office, be, and they are hereby, required to give n bond for tho use use of their respectivo Counties, in the penal sum of two thousaud dollars each, with three good und sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Clerk of Court of their respective Ceuutics, conditioned upon the faithful and im partial performance of their office ; Pro vided^ That the Commissioners of Charleston County shall furnish a bond, hereinbefore provided, irt the sum of ten thousaud dollars each ; and the County Coministrtoners of tho Counties of Beaufort, Burnwell and Ricblaud .-hall furnish a bond of five thousaud dollars each, as" hereinbefore provided : riocided, furl/ter, That this / i shall not bo in force uutil ou aud niter the neat general -election of Co'uuty Com miasivRcrs. SEC. 2. That all Acts or juris of Aets inconsistent with this Aet, are hereby repealed. Approved January 20, 1873. AN ACT to Repeal Sections Five, Six and Seven, of Chapter elghty-threk of tue general Statutes ofSotii Carolina. Section 1. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprcsentativcs-of the State of South Carolina, now tcot and sitting in Genernl Assembly, and by be authority of tho same, That Suction five, Soction six and Section seven, of Chapter eighty-three, of theGeueral Statutes of South Carolina, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved Januury 29, 1873. AN ACT to Fix the Time for t"e Holding of the Circuit Courts in Certain Counties herein mentioned. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gcncrral Assembly, and by the authority of the sann, That from and after the passngo of this Act, tho Circuit Courts in the Sixth Circuit shall be held as follow* : 1. The Court of General Sessions, at Chester, for the County of Chester, on the first Monday of January, nnd on the third Monday of March and Sep tember ; and tho Court of Common Pleas, at Chester, for the County of Chester, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January, and on the first Wednesday after the third Monday io March and September. 2. The Court of Gcuoral Sessions, at Yorkville, for jthc County of York, on the secoud Monday of January, uud on the first Monday of April and October ; and the Court ol Common Pleas, at Torkrille, for the County of York, on the first Wednesday after the second Monday of January, and on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of April and October. 3. The Court of General Sossions, at Lancaster, for tho County of Lancaster, on the third Monday of January, April and October : and the Court of Common Plans, at Lancaster, for the Ctunty of Lancasto, on the first Wednesday after the third Mouday ol January, April and October. 4. The Court of General Sessions, at \Yinu8boro, for tho County of Fairfield, on the fourth Monday of'January, and on the first Monday of May and Novem ber ; and the Court of Common Pleas, at Winnsboro, for the County of Fair field, on the first Wednesday after the fourth Monday of January, and ou the first Wednesday after the first Monday of May nud November. . Skc. 2. In tho Second Circuit, the Court of General Sessions at At ken, for the County of Aiken, the first Mouday of January, May aud September; nud the Court of Common Picas, at Aiken, for the County of Aiken, on the first Wednesday after the sccoud Mouday of January, May and September. Sec. 3. In tho Third Circuit, the Court of General Sessions shall be held at Kingstrec, for the County of Williams burg, on the first Monday after the fourth Mouday of January, May and October; ?und tho Court of Common PIcub shall be hold ut Kingstrec, for the County of Williunisburg, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday after the fourth Monday of Ja:.uary, May uud October. ? 2. The Court of General sessions, at Couwayboro, for tho County of Ilorry, on tho first Monday after the fourth Monday of February, Juno and October; and the Court of Coramou Pleas, nt Conwnyboro, for the County of Hnrry, on tho first Wednesday after the fourth Mouday of February, Juno and October Skc. 4. The Ciicuit Courts in tl^e Seventh Circuit shall be held at follows: 1 The Court of General Sessions, at Ncwbcrry, for the County of Nowborry, on ? the third Monday of January, May and November; and the Court of Com mon Pleas, at Ncwbcrry, for tho Cbuuty of Ncwbcrry, on the. first Wuducadny after the third Monday oi 'January, .May and November. 2. The Court of General Sessions, at LaurcusvttTe, for the County of Lauren*, ou tho third Monday of February and June, and the first Monday after tho fourth Monda'y in November ? and the 30'trt of common Pl?ns, at Luiiem ville, for the County of Laurens, on the first Wednesday uftcr the third Monday of February and June, and eu the fii>t Wednesday after the first Mouday after the fourth Monday in Novembor. 3 The court of General Sessions, si j Unionville, for the county of Union, on the third Mondoy of March. uud September; aud the court of oommon Pleas, ut Unionville, for the County of Union, on the first Wednesday sfter the third Mouday of March, June and September. 4. The court ?f General Sessiouu, at Spartanburg, for the county of Spartnn burg, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and July, and j ou the third Mouday in October; aud the court of common Pleas, at Spartau ?burg, for the county of Spartanbnrg, on the first Wednesday after the first Mon day after the fourth Monday in March und July, and on the first Wednesday after the third Monday in October. Sec. 5. That ull writs, summons, recognisances and other processes, of whatever kink, .eturnuUe to the courts of General Sessions and common lMcns, in the Counties above named, be, and the same arc hereby, made returnable t? the courts Jield in pursuance of the pro visions of ibis Act, in the same manner us if they had been issued or taken in rcforeuco thereto. Skc. (i. That all ActB or parts of* Acts inconsistent with this Act, or repugnant thereto, be, aud the same are hereby, repealed. OFFICE SECRETARY OF STATE, Columbia, s. c, February 4, 1573. The foregoing Act having been pre scnted to the Governor of this State for his approval, and not having baeu upproved or returned by him to thai bauch of the Genera! Assembly iu which it originated, within the time prescribed by the constitution, has become a law without his approval (Signed) H. K. HAYNE, Secretary of State. '? Ybeu a feller makes his arm around bis gal, und she was liken dot pooty well, dhen don vas Shkribture, on akound it was msken habinesa oome on spm* waist blaces,ain't it?" Manufacturing 1? AuruhIu. .Jj^flSL '1, Already the advantages to bo reaped bj the city from the enlargement of the ennal are becoming inaoiteat. For Borac time past rumors of the formation of a large company, having .? in view the utilization of a portion of the vast water power to be created by the enlargement, have beeil in circulation. Lbs* evening we obtained from an authoritative source the following particulars iu rogard to the mattor. ? About the middlo of March last Mr. J. J. Gregg, a well known citizen of this place, long proicinontly connected with cuttou manufacturing interests, met in Jioaton uu English capitalist, whom ho induced to come out to this eity for the purpose of investigating a projected laud scheme connected with manufacturing 'as a basis. The capital ist, after reaching the city and looking into the mutter, was so well satisfied that he proposed that if a company with a* capital Ol 8100,000 were formed he would take stocx to the amount of 832, 000, calculating to use a portion of the capital in laying out streets and con strutting sewers. No difficulty was experienced in forming the company, several of the prominout citizens of Augusta making up the required amount ubovo the 832,000. The capitalist re turned to Eugland, and, as an evidence that he meant business, immediately re mitted thirty two th >UI and dollars ti the company in Augusta. The company at once went to work to purchaso land near the city aud contiguous to the eftnt?!, and. now owns a very large tract adj dning or in the vicinity of the c mal. The compauy has pretty nearly comple ted its purchases. The English capitalist reforrod to, as inducement for citizens here to join in a manufacturing enterprise to be establish ed on the Augusta canal, stated that he would bead a subscription list in Eng. land with ?11 000 (855,000) to organ ize a company for the purpose of build ing on said canal a factory of 25,000 spindles, aud use hja ia&uen<*o to get up a company with a capital of 81,000,000 with that view. Mr J. J. Tregg will leave for ISnghtn 1 this in truing to per fect the scheme in conceit with the ?-?u pitalisr.. He is sauguioe of success as he has received groat Quouurgehiont from (.rouiincut English capitalists li the scheme is perfected, as w? trust ani believe it will bo. a great impetus will be given to tho manufacturing interests of Augusta, and a largo addition ma le to her material wealth and prosperity.? Atir/ustti Chronicle and Sentinel Fudkins Makes A Tratlc. Fudgkins thought himself a sharp mau. He was good at a trade, and his conscience whs uot npt tu staud in his way when, bo was working for himself. He happened one day at Whitney's Auction Kootn, and Haw a wlanut side board whiih pleased hi in. He had promised his wife that sho should have one. This would not only answer every purpose, but it wus really an elegant affair, and every way as good us new. He asked Whitney the price of it. '1 think that is sold, Mr. Fudgkius. Or at least, a party has the of if"* '?Thou it is uot really s4 mny*\? hem sstttsj Nsrv??i aV* t s^* ' *j ??-!-;xen> x M**. n+u