The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, July 05, 1873, Image 4

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Tk? Wmm Cholera) Mixture, More than forty years ago, when it tu found that prevention for the Alia tto cholera was cast ir than eure, th e learned doctors of both hemispheres drew up a proscription, which was pub lished (for working people) in The New York Sun, And took the name of "Tho Sun Cholera Mixture." Our contem porary never lents its name to a better "VYe have seen it iu constant use for nearly two score years, aud found it to be the best remedy for looseness of the bowels evrr yet devised. It is to be oomftRcnded for several reasons. It is not to be mixed with liquor and there fore will not be used as an alcoholic beverage. Its ingredients are well known among all the common poople, and it will have no prejudice to combat, each of the materials is in equal proper tton to the others, and it may, therefore be compounded without professional skill; and as the dose is so very small it may be carried in a tioy phial in the waistooat pocket, and bo always at hand. It is ) Tincl opii, Cnpaici, Rhci co., Menth pip , Camphor. Mix the nbove in equal parts : dose, ten to thirty drops. In plain terms, take.equnl parts tincture of opium, red pepper, rhubard, poppermiut, and cam phor, and. mix them for use. In ca6c of diarrhoea take a dose of ten to twenty drops in three or four teaspoonfuls of water. No one who has this by him aud takes it in time will ever have the cholera. We commend it to our West ern iriends, sod hope that the receipt will be widely published, Kvon when no cholera ^anticipated it is an excel lent remedy for ordinary summer com plaint. -?????>? - -- ??? A 81awson cler "yraan announces tho msrrisge feo at $5; children half price "Develop your minerals," is the California style of asking a person to pay his debts. A servant girl ia Missouri has bnen sirainning four gallons of crj>b apple jelly through an $18 veil. A man named Tease wont to s*e s lady named Cross, and teased her intil she consented to be Cross no more. A woman in Meridon, Conn., was arrested lately fsr forcing her fivo year old son to drink him?elf drunk. Ji jMglllltlo xnsnman in EngTan?l being bound over to keep the peace on all British subjects remarked "the Lord help the first foreigner I meet!" Such is the force of habit. A reporter writes a love story, iu which the hero "clasped the prepossessing girl to his bosom, and spoke substantially as fel lows." A young lady who Lately gave an or der to her milliner for a bonnet, said ; ''Yen are to make it plain, but at the same time smart, as I sit in a oonspioi ous plaoe in church." Light-headed people will bepUased to lesrn that the heaviest brain on re cord was recently found in thsakull of a London bricklayer, who eould neither read nor write. Its weight is said to be ?7 ounsas. Barnum has a man in hhemp'oy who never told a lie. Remarkable as it may appear, he used to be a reportor on a Western paper. It is essential to note in this connection that thi paper was exceedingly short-lived. An Irishman, fresh from the old country, found a tree full of green per simmous, and climbing to the top helped himself le the fruit. A passer by over heard him say; "Be the powers, I'm the lad thai can knoek tho sock off the man what poured vinegar on these plums." It is not so generally knew* as it ought to be, that stale loaf broad5 may be made noarly as nice as freshly baked by dipping the loaf in clean cold water and warming through in a bake oven. Muoh bread might be saved that is thrown away, if this were more general ly pratioed than it is. Dr. Anderson, of Edinburgh, has pro?ed, by aetual analysis, that the last gill of milk drawn from (he udder of a cow contains sixteoi? times the quantity of,-cream incident to the first one, the separation of the cream from the milk taking plaoe in pert in the udder, par ticularly in oases where the annual suf fcred to aland at rest for somo t?:oe be fore milking* Some weeks ago, ahorse named Dixie was sold in Kentnoky for one thousand dollars. He had been used and known up to that time- only as a saddle horse having only been handled by a trainer for about two weeks previously. The pres ent owner of Dixie has dselined an offer of ten thousand dollars fur him, avd fnfhsrmore declares that twenty five thousand dollars would be no.induoemeot for the young prodigy. Dixie ean al ready trot hie mile in 2 2ft, is young, and has only boon under train'ng for about five or sit weeks. r.- ?-*=--u'l j?mm > A moat touching itory comes to u* in a Western exchange, concerning a lady in Kentucky, who wa a stricken with a sudden failing of the optic norre and was told that she oould not retain her sight more than a few days at meet, and wan Hah a to be totally deprived of it at nay moment. She returned to her home, ?juielly mado such arrangements as would occur to any one about to com mencc so dark a journey of life, ami then had her two cbildron, nttirc?J?n their brightest costumes, brought before her; and so, with their little facet lifted to hers, and tears gather tug for tho great misfortune they hardly realized, tlio li^ht faded out of the mother s eye*. THE?RANGEBURG NEWS ai kjimi s it. kxowi/ton, editoh. CrSKOHCrlft If 01,1 VKK, PlHASflAS a*t? ItrsiKFSS MafauVS. Official Puper of the Male and of OraMBebttr* Canal*? tSrTIIU OR A NO RR URO XU WS HAS A LARGER CIRCULATION 17/A X A AT OTHER PAPER /X THE COUN TY. -?8 SATURDAY, JULY 5,1873. J ant ice Before Oeneranily. Suppo.-e the General Assembly Wot n tn pans an hot giving to Morton, Bliss <fc Co., out sad out, Twenty Million 1 of dot lam, but declaring that tho?-? gentlemen h^d rendered no consideration therefor, and that the act was pasnsd merely to test tho power of 'be Iiegiril.ttiire and the deposition of the Supreme Conrt of ihis State. Would the Supreme Conrt order a mandamus to compel the payment of the twenty millions 1 Most decidedly. No ! Suppose again that the Legislators, for the same purpose, were to give, to thrsc gentlemen twenty millions of dol lars in Bonds. Is th-ire any law on earth by wbLh the payment of those bonds could be enforced 7 Not in the wide world. The Legislature may pro vide for paying the debit, of the Slate, but it has oo constitutional authority to give awoy the money of the citizen. Now if the I?*>g??.lnt?ro <*ould n-?? 3?-"? twenty ufimcusll UM" no right to gi^e seven millions Aud if the Legislature cannot give it, clearly the Supreme Court canuot. And yet this is, iu effect, precisely what Morton, Bliss & Co. ask the Supreme Cour" to do. Over seven millions of -dollars in bonds are admit ted to be fraudulent?to bare been issu-d and received w'tboul eoo i 1 *ra ? tion. And yet the Supreme Coorl in asked to compel the Comptroller General to pay the interest on them precisely as if the State had received dollar for doll it of th:ii full fa-ie ralue ! Can the Fuprrme Court perpetrate, indirectly, an enormity which the Leg islature, even if it h..d the will, has no power to commit 7 We await anxiously the decision of the law-giving brauch of (he gevern merit. Death of Ntnnior Jamlnon State Senator James L. Jamison, of Orangeburg, s?ya the Columbia Union Herald, departed this life on the 2d in Haut, at ten minutes after eleven o'clock For some time the deceased has been swffcring from a lingering illness, and a few days ago his malady took an un favorable turn, be)oud the skill of his physician. Jam** L. Jamison wsw a tf.Tt?ncfr and energetic Republican and ? prominent Lader of tho party in the county of Orvngeburg. lie was a member of the Legislsture of 1870 and '7*2, and took a prominent part in all matters of pwWio interest that came before that body. He rose to commanding influence among bis constituents, sod in the last election was nominated ami elected State Senator by a very handsome roaj-erMiy. During the last Legislature he began* te* make his msrk it* the deliberations* of (he Senate and gave preniiee of a tfseforl career, lie wns universally liked hy a)) who knew him, and his leas will be seriously felt among the people of Or angeburg. May he rest in p??a?e. The "cholera men" of the Chicago newspapera publish eheerfui bulletins producing a most salutary effect in the agricultural districts of Illinois. Thty have already been the mtana of saving thousand** of water melon patehos from destruction, [CoMUUMICATKD.J Oranqeburu, 9. O.i July lit, 1873. Editor Orangebunj Nc\t>? : As Orangeburg ia not without aer aim ia the way of gambling and drink ing liquor, 1 deairo to inform those who are opposed to such vile traits of infamy that there is a law to protect the inno cent from being caught or taken in by gambling land sharks or hosrtloss and remorseless vendors of alcoholic poisons. Chap. LXXIX.Sco. 2, of the Statues at Large, says of gaming tables. &c. : ' Any persoa or persons who shall sot up, keep, or use, any gaming table com monly called A. B. C. or K. O , or any gaming table known or distinguished by aoy other letters, or by any figures, or roley poley table to play at rouge and noir, or aoy faro bank of the like kind, or of any other kiud for the purpose of gaming, (except the games of billiards, bowls, ehess, draughts, and baokgaui mon,) upon being convicted thersof, upon indictment, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and not less than two hundred dollars." Sec. 16 of the same chapter, speaks as follows of the duties of certain of ficers : ?? Each Sheriff, Depaty Sheriff, Coron er and their deputio*, and every Trisl Justice and all Constables, shall, b'fore they be qualified to set in their and each of their respective offices, in addition to their respootire oaths ot office take an oath to enforce and, to the extent of their power rod ability, cany into effect this chapter, and, in all oases, to bring to justice violations of the same when cter such violations shall come within their view nnd knowledge." So much for gamblers and the duty of Sheriffs, Beauties, Coronets and Trial Jttstices. Now as to tavern licenses. Let as set how much the Town Council hare regarded the law of the land iu regard to granting licenses. Cfctp. LXXX, Sec. 2 of said Act' says: "Jlo person shJf be licensed to keep a tavern, hut such as shall be recom mended hy at least six respectable free holders of the neighborhood where said tavern is proposed to be kept, who shall certify that the person ae recommended by tbeur it of good refute for honesty sad sobriety, ard is known to the per sons reeommending to have at least twe WsnjgEtsjgi \i"f "-mirt hf r Ytiryrt* than are required for the family of the said applicant, and is well provided with house-room, stabling aud provender." See. 13 ot the tame Act gives the penalty : "Any person who shall violate the license law of this State, as te the sal* of spirituous liquors, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined iu a sum not has tha i treble the amount of the prioe of a license prescribed, and, at the time ot the commission of the offense, existing for the local jurisdiction wherein such offense is committed, and shall be im prisoned at the discretion of tho Court." The 16tb Station is for the protection tf the worshippers of Hod : "No persoa or persons shall hereafter retail, sell of otherwise dispose of, any spirituous or other intoxicating liquors, within ear mile of any church, meeting boose, or other place set apart for the Worship of Almighty God, on the day or days of Worship, under.'.he penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered by action or indictment, in any Court having juris diction thereof, the money to he applied lo the Ose of the Cerwnty in which suoh act shall be committed : l*rovidtd never thelett, That this Seotion sha'l not be Considered to into fire with or affect the rights of persons who may reside within one mile of such place of worship, and who may bs licensed to retail such liquors according to law, so aa to pre vent their ntailing at their owo houses " The foregoing extracts free* the gambling and liquor law of the State will show that our legislators have made ampVs provisions for the protection of tho community from two of the most faarfal evils known te humanity. The law is perfect ; let the Sons oi Tempe rance act; it is their duty. One vigo rous prosecution carried on by them against the violators of the liquor law will do more good than forty meetbigs of their Division. If they are really in earnest in their noble work, let them demonstrate it ; come down lo practical work and rid the community at once of the alcoholic monster. I don't befisvc in half doing anything. I If the Sons of Temperance are enemies to whiskey, they will find s strong ally in the Isw to make them the conquerors of their euemy. LOOKER ON. Pickgoekets do not enjoy life in Cali fornia. An old "bull whacker" felt a strange hand in his poeket there recent fy, and palling eat his penknife, with a blade that weighed a pound, cut off the man's hand at the wrist, and threw it after him, with the advice to "put h iu whiskey where it would keep." 31*? 1 iaoloru in Orangeburg. [?HCl At DltfAtO? to tbk I'ftlON-MKRA r.?. ] Obanqkbubo, July 1. The o*i? reported as cholera in Oraageburg turns out not to be cholera. The nun ia doing well aod thU morning ?te a hearty break fait. Th? health of Orangeburg ia good. F. H. W. BsfGOMABB, Mayor. Boiled nice.* [??bO'al mhj-atcii to thr tsroN-siaALp,] Oranofiu'ro, July 1. There is no cholera iu thin town. A colored man ate some hulf hoi led rioo and oeld oabbage, which caascd hin te hare tho oolio. The patient is all right X. i_ Postal Regulations, IB fOBCB OB ABD a FT r ft july 1st, 1873. 1. Franking privilege abolished. 2. Poatuattefi supplied with official ?tamps. 3. Official stamp* must not bo used except for official business. 4. Stamps of ?one department can not be used for correspondence of another. 6. No matter, can pass through the mails free. 6. Postage mnst bo collected on news papers where delivered. 7. Exchanges net free. Publishers mnst pay postage on each eaahauge received. 8. Postal cards uncalled for are not sent to tho dead Tetter office. 9. Postal cards oaanot he used a second time. 10. Ordinary card* can be transmit ted through the mails by affixing a one cent stamp, provided tho entire *a4*s?ge is printed. The address may be written. FOWTAOK. Letter?.?Three ecnts for esch half ounce or fraotion thereof. Drop Letter*.?Where delivered r*y camera, two eents for each hall ounce or fraction thereof. At other offices, one j cent for each h.ilf onnee or fraction | thereof Printed Matter?Ooc cefrf for eich two ounces or fraotion thereof. Se. ds, bulbs, cuttingi, roots*, neron*, one Cent for each half ounce or Tract ton thereof* ?tttchond?e.-?Two cents for each two otrneos or fraction thereof, limbed to twedvo ounces. When any oj the abj*f matter ia wii&T"*0?? "n|'.'lidl sZ+eotm its destination. doublo rates should be charged and oolUetcd.? Pottn?ire Gas'tt*. A Duel if? the Death. New Orleans, Tuaaday, July L A cpeoial dispatch to the New Orleans 7\nir* dated at Montgomery Station, Mississippi, via Hay St. Louie, states that a dud was fo <ght t*?ar Montgom cry Station this morning between ex Judge Win II. Cooley and Colonel R. B. Khett, Jr., editor of the Picayune, in which the former wa? killed at the aaooud fire. The parties arrived at the grounds on the ssmc train at ten o'clock this morning. Colonel Bhctt was ac companied by Mr. Charles Roman and Dr. J. Pick son Brnos. Judge Coc ley was attended by Colonel Geo. W. Carter and Major McRae. The weapons used were double barrelled shot gum, one barrel of which was loaded with a single ball. The distance was forty yards. I'upon the arrival 'of the party at thr. place seloctcd for the duel, the grrund was promptly measured off, the positions selected, and tho parties placed. At the first fire Colonel IJheft's sho* rhaitged high, and Judge Cooley's to the right. Judge Cooley delivered, his fire first. Neither of the parties was hit, and a second exchange of shots was arranged. At the second fire both principals fired simultaneously, and Cooley fell mortally wounded, the shot entering bra left side, and apparently passing through his heart. Ho expired! in six minutes, with out apparent suffering. Before dying he said to Dr. Holliday, who was at tending him, "1 am shot through the breast.' This was the only Otter an ce of tbc dying man. The gentlemen en i gaged in the affair, as soon as the duel had terminsted, exchanged the usual I courtesies and separated with the ex pressier? of mutual respect and consider ation. The duel grew out of an article which [appeared in the Picayune last woek, and which drew from Judge Cooley a very abusive and insulting oard, pub lished in the New Orleans firmes of the 27th uit Colonel Khett is a South Carolinian, and has been for some time editor of the Picayune. Judge Cooley was the counsel in the Hawkins libel suit against the Picayune, in whioh a verdict of $18,000 damages war rend ersd. Colonel Khett wss not touched in the exchange of shots. LaTBR pabtioulabs. Nr.w Ormk'NB, July 1. The evening Herald haft the follow ing particulars of the duel: "For sevcr ul (Uv? p*ct thin community ha* beea nur Ii excited by tho apprehensions of a duel between Colouol II. 1). Rhett, Jr., the editor ot the i'icajune, and Judge Win. If. Cooley, tbe leading counsel in the caae of Hawkins vs. the Picayune. On Friday Colooel Rhett sent a peremp tory challenge to Judge Cooley, which was accepted. Tbe mooting, howorcr, Was agreed to be postpouud until Tues day on account of Judge Cooley's en gagement* to argue the rule for a new trial before Judge Hawkins, which came up yesterday. During the course of the argument Judge Cooler, in op posiug the motion for a contiuuaucc, remarked that if tho case went on until > Wedueeday he might not be alive to argue it. And so it sadly turned out. Tho parties left in the Mobile train at 8 o'clock this morning, srriviug at Montgomery Station about 10 o'clock, whero tho pnrty gtrt off. Montgomery Station where the duel occurred is a wild sandy looking place, some four or live miles thin hide of Hay St. I.ouis, whero the road passes through a wood of tail ptnes, behind which is ;in open field. Near by and ou the lino of the railroad is a small cottage occupied by a family, but, with this exception, there ate no residents ocnrur than throe quar ters of a mile. This difficulty is ono of tho sad results of the iniquitous Haw kins suit against the Picayune, of which Colonel Illicit in the editor. In his speech for the prosccu'.iou Judgo Cooley made reflections upon thai paper which called forth the editorial iu the next isene of tbe I'icayuuo piououncing them fnlse. Judge Cooley then nddrosseu a communication to the editor oalliog for explanations, which not being accorded, ho fallowed it up by publishing a card assailing Colouol Khett. A ohallmige promptly followed, aud the result is new belofe onr readers. This is not the first duel in which Judge Coole yhai been conoerned. Some years before the w r he Bjwt Dr. Kaufman, one of his parish ioncrs, upon the field of honor, and after an exohsnge of shot*, an amicable ad jostraent of the difficulty was ma le, and thereafter the parties became warn friends. Tho body wai brought to the city this evening, and was left at the Lriraaberg Hospital. Tho Itfnctal will take place to morrow." A n application ol powder**:! b'uetng wili imttawtly ?el>e*/e tbs sting o-t an in' sect. HYMENEAL. ?-:-J Mat* ?tan?On the 17fh ef >9|afea&a_.t .? the Residente of Mis. M.S. Ucnnctt. by the Her. .lohn S. Hayd?n. Mr. BARTON BAI It, to Miss .H'ldA BOJvXBTT. All ol this Couniy. OBITUARY, Diso?On tlie l!*?rd of .lune lH7:t. ul Or .ngobiirg. KO.s.\ AUGUSTA iutntit daugh ter of James J. t'ani on. an'I Mary V. Cannon, nged nine nvonrb* and twenty-three days. Just a little life : just abrief prat Me and a few caresses; ^u.?t long enough to endear its little sell to jta parents an I friends, an I the voice is bushed, the hands aro folded and tho still cold form announces 'hat the change of l)eath has passed upon the loved one. ??Suffer little children to come Unto raj," were the words of the Saviour of mon. lie loves HUM children ; and in JIis boeetar the little lamb is nestling rt>w. Tis better ao. What is life! fts grand aapiratious, its successes ana honors are but the tinsel crowm of a May day pageant that will fade even when at the hrigatest. HiH the child is in Heaven. "Of such is the Kingdom cf Heaven." Vi;th the Cherubim the baby lisps its prnises at the throws. The angels are tun ing now its lipa to caaunt the arrtheina of joy and love. Hefter ihn?, better thus ! *fitred from the cere, tho tenrv the stains, the temptations, of earth, irr its in fant innocerfce in is recalled to its sphere in Heaven. Wipo those tears ami cease those soba ! Tis better thus. Tes : thru an tied ere guift had pewer To stain thy cherub soul and form. Closed is the soft ephemeral flower. Thai never felt a storm Tbe sunbeam's smile, the Zephyr's breath All tlrat it knew?from birth to death-. Thou wert so like ? fori? of light ; Thai Heavea* benignly called itaree h-ewia; Kr? yet tbe world could ?breath one blight. O'er thy eweel innocence: Ana thou'that brighter home to bliss Art passed with all thy loveliness. DH. C, H, TAJIK It. LEWIHVILLE, R. C, (ST. MATTHEWS 1?. O .) 1 jone ft 1873 tf Strsiyed S?r Hl-nloit? Known as the Irish Setter exhibited at the last County Fair by Mr. T. O. Vinco. Strayed er Stelen a Setter dog with white and Orange Spots. A anitable rewwrd will be paid for bis recovery. DR. P. A. DANTZLF.R. frrasgeburg S. C. July 6 IK7S It For Sale. One 40 Horse power Engine and flaw Mill complete and in good repair, including Belting. The above ENGINE and MILL are warranted. Apply to J08EPH STRATA, june 5 a 1078 tf Bricks! Bricks!! BRICKS! t! fpHC VNOCRaiCNRO RF.BPECTJULLT I Informs the puttie that he is now pre Sared te furnish BRICKS in any quantity 11 orders will meet prompt attention .T C EI>WARr?R hmr <" 1?7,H tf INSTATE NOTICsB.?AII Per j loni hiring demands against thy Es tate of the Ule John H. Milh-ms, deceased, arc requested to the fame, properly attested, to ih* undersigned, and all per sons indebted to Mid Estate are requested to tnuke immediate payment to R. BENSON TAKKANT, Qualified Administrator, 1*. <). Grahams T. <>., S. Ca. juue 28 Im Ail in in ist rntors Xotlce.??Per sons having claims against Ike Estate of L. 11.iv ne Culler lata of Orangeburg Countj, dec?a..d, are required to present sworn statemanta thereof, and those iudeb tcd to tbv same will make pjymerlt to. J. W. CULLER, Admini?trator. Orangeburg June 21 1873 at WHAT PLEASES THE LADIES! A WHEELER k WILSON SEWING MA CH INK. Thrj ran hr had by culling at Mrs. Oblcn derff ? Millererj Kstabliahment, J. T. SIMMONS. Canvassing Agent, june 28?3m Orangeburg, S. C. NOTICE N it ice is hereby given thai front on and after TUESDAY, the FIRST i'ay of .illy. lK7:t, to WEDNESDAY the 2ifch HAY or AUGUST, this Office will be OPEN to re ceive the RETURNS or REAL and PER SONAL PROPERTY of this County. Tax payers are requested to* have a Correct List of the different Classes of Lands as follows : Number of \crc* of Planting hand. Number at' Acres of Meadow and Pn ture. Number of Acre? et Weod Land. And Number of Buildings. Each Tract of Land musl bv returned sepnrate in the Township where it lies, and at the same lime they will make their Return of I'er.-onal Property, Moneys and Credits. Tiix-payera are urgently requested to be PROMPT in MAKING their RETURNS a-. the Law requires me to add a Penalty of .r>0 per cent, to the Real and Personal Pro perty of Delinquent.*, which in EVERY INSTANCE \\ ILL BE DONE. .7as. Van TASSEL, C*?, Auditor. June 28 St The State of South Carolina, QKAXGKISUKG COUNTY/. In tio. Court <?p Probate. Py AUGUSTUS B. KNOW ETON, Esq., Judge of Pinbaie in said County. ? WHEREAS. C.rnrgc Bolivar. Clerk, hnllr applied to ine for Leiter"? M Administration mi the Estate nl William C. Cofcr, late ol t >rnngchiirg Pwinty, drceuaeti. These are thorclore t?? cite nml ndmonUh all and singular the Kindred and Creditor of ihr K.iid deceased, m he and appear be fore me al a Court of Probate for the said t'oimiy, to he bohlen at Orangcbarg on the Ulli dav of duly, 1873, at Ki o'clock A. M. to ?loiw eatise if any, wiry the said Ad nietrnljon should not l>c granted. CoiirLthh, -Mthday l\^ne%TSf^. and in iheninciy-ssvcul i? year of American ludependesiee. A TO. It. KNOWLTON, [L.8 1 Jndgc of Probate o. C. june 28 2t Sheriff's Sales. By rirl'ie of Sundry V.jeditions to me di rected. 1 will *??',! trtthe highes' bidder, at Orangehiirg t:. II.. on the FIRST M??N. HAY in July next. FOR CASH, all the Right, Tide and Interest of the Defend ants in the following Properly, *ix: All that certain lot and 'mildings thereon silttate and being in the Town of l.rwisville, Oi angehe "g County, on the V\ rstern side of Sitftli *"jii ..Iiiin Ita'lroad. bounded North by lands now or lately of the South Carolina Railroad Company, separated by n line 141 feel Ifng. ?nd cm the East by a line 8*2 feet long, running parallel to the main tract of flic said Kai Jsi-nd LX) feet from centre of mid tract, arrd cm the ?outh by a line 181 feel long separating if from Io< now or late ly of said Railroad Company, occupied by Station Muster, und on the Weit by a line 82 feet long separating it from lands now or lately of said Railroad Company. One other tract of land in s?M County, containing PS acres more less, bounded by latida of K. .1. Ruycfc, tVm. Sptgner and W. It. Wise. Levied on as the property of Win weld Clark at i be ?trit of Belcher, Park & t o., and ethers. ALSO One Horpe, Levied on as the property of L. K. Myers at the suit of ft. K Oark. Sheriff s Offee. > e. I. CAIN, Orangebiir-j C. H. S. C, [ 8. 0. C. June 20th, 1871. ) junc 21 td Sale Under Mortgage. Ry vfriiire of a certain Mortgage, and under th? direction of the Mortgager*. I will sell' at Orangeburg, 8. C, Fa front of the Sheriff! Office, on Monday, the ?ibday of July. 1873. at 12 a cloe?, M. One sfirmll Ray Stallion, the property of the late W. B. Matheny, sold under Mortgage made and txreni-ed by bim to Messrs..Wroton and Steadtswa, W, II. JOINER, Agent of Mortgagea. June 21 1871 .It THE STATE OF SOUTH CARO LINA, COP NT Y OF ORANGKBURO. Is the Common Pleas. The Stale? Ex Relatione j Rill The Solicitor of the 8- uth- It? Perpetuate cm Circuit. j Testitnony. Kr parf 1 Application to prove A. Thomas, j Lost Deed. Application on oath having been made hy E A. Thomas to pro?? the past Existence, Losa and Contents of a Deed dated the 1(1 Jan., 1860, from this applicant ta Wm. Frederick. It is ordered-? That all persans having like or opposite interest in said Wed, whether residents in this Statt or but of ?t ; ar,d whodeaireta do so shall appear and c-ro/s examine the evi danoe proiluotd.; and introduce evidence in reply bet?re me. at my Ottoe at OraagehAVg aa the 20th day of Soptemho? next. GEA R0LIVE It. Jane Hthk 18fd, Referee, jane 21 &m Stable Manure. A FINE LOT. For Sal* Cheap hy, Til AD C ANDREWS, june 7 ? t( //* Medicine*, Quality it of the Wirrt Impor tance." E. J. OLiTEROS, M. D., DEALER w% DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, (MLS, VARNISH, NON-EXPLOSIVE LAM I S, GARDEN SEEDS, 4c, *e., PRESCIUTIONS prepared with ACCUR ACV aud FIDELITY, foi which purpose * full and complete assortment of PURE CHEMICALS aud UENUINK DRUGS will be constantly oil hand. Long experience?a successful business career of mere tbau eight years in Orange burg, a good knowledge ef the DRUG MARKET at home and abroad, will afford % sufficient guarantee that all goods sold or dispensed at my establishment will be GENUINE and RELIABLE. Appreciating the success which in the past has attended my efforts, I have de termined to spare no paina to merit a con tinanee of the patronage so liberally bestow ed. E. J. OLEVEROS M. D. No. 100 1'ussel Street Orangeburg, DR. A. C. DUKES' CRAXli KBIT Uli, S. C, DBALBR IX DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. AND OlL8, riNU TOfLET SOAPS, ilRUSH ES AND PEnF-UMKT, PtffE WfSSS and LIQUORS for Medieiaa! DYE-WOODS and DYE-STUFFS generally. A frrtl Krre of TOft M'CO and SEGA RS. Farmers ami Physicians from tbe Country will frnd o?r Stock of Meiiieiues Complete, Warranted 'Jemrine'and of tire Bewt Quality. Lot of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. jna 1! ? tf Spring Arrival* AT feeM redaction in price* of SptWg Oe$?t? r*>trgJif in Oie last ten day. if to< want to get tiif. rest anrv -R e'lrrnpcKt ready-made Spring nothing, go to Ml N A.MAR AS. 1? Yof WANT LADIES VND<HIt.D' ren's Shoes of lira bcsl 'rualfty and at low price*, g? H> .\. CN A M A R A S. F *oc WANT LADIES dress GOODS' t'heap ntft Stylish. gr. ?n Mi N a M ah .'. S. . !F Tf ft * ?N f r, K N T K K M E N*S t A ft* I - nrefej?. C???hs. Tweed*. M--lton?. Drab* ??- ?-:n- ^^Wiewi< a. all of fbe !?.-? .,u ility. srvt the fxrgesi Siock in tesvn, a*i M h?w prkftS* fe>**. jo in If VOf* W*nt Gom/ 3f$*(iM\\,'* LR* Few $4, get tef ff??AMARA'S. IF YOC W ANT GnoD DROWN IIOMES j tin one Wide, at* 1-1 cents, goto McNAMARAS. If Ttnj r.iNT to rVtTY'rrfrr^p for raew.gwfe* McNA JfARA'S. Being fAtasArVti for tbe liberal patronage bestowed on nVe in tbs past. 1 respectfully selicit a cnutinnanca of the same. J M> N A MAN A. ApprffSevlSTa . ly. SjjO A VrtftraUIe Inventlen AN FNTIRELT NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC use. 05M mxy. DOLLARS. WIT? TRB V? Patent Button Hol? Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT II* CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTH' a?j> rr.AUTY. Complete in all its parts, uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle. Self Thrcadiug, direct, upright Posit ire Motion, New Tension. Self Feed and Cloth Guider. Operates by Wheel and on a Table. Light Running. Smooth and noiseless like all goed high prised machines. Has patent cheek to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic Leek Stitch (finest- ami atrengeet stitch known ;) firm, durable,, oleae aoeD rapid. Will do all kinds ef werk..tee an* ooarse, from Cambric te heavy.Cleth eis Leather, and u*rs a;j%d?u<jriptipns.?t thread. The best mechanical, tateniii*.America, and Europe, baa been darptod to .Improving and si o\pl ?S\ung our Mac hint*, combining, anly that which is prao?eable, and dis pensing with all complicated sorroaaiMaga generally found in ether maehinev Special trreas and extra inducements to waU and female agesta, stare keepers, eke.,, who will establish agencies through the country and keep our aew machines enes hlnitvon and sale. County rights gives to. smart agents tree. Agent's. 'comp; etc out fit a furnished without nay eatm charge. Samples nf sewing, descriptive eirealar? oorftaiaing terms, testimonial*, engraviags. to., sent free Address. BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO.. Ne. 1.129 Broadway, NewTwrk. Uh 8 *I