, No woman ever dresses low, says an exehnngc, from a nigh motive. No lady goes to tee opera, (continues the cosmopolitan), to halls or dinucr parties with her bosom bnrc lor the purpose ol pleasing her husband or her tifliuuovd lover ! Neither does she denude bor *n^s^TcaTraair>h?^TOr>i*?iig w^-ulie-f* Let us treat this thlirate selijcci .readily, c'enless that tli<*r<- i ? n-ili :o- <> ' -'-V'^.u.dV, as tbef,., woman wl.o truly IoVch her.busband e\cr desins to exhibit hor charms "sa cred, swtet and j iceious" many e^o hut bis. And yet what do we see, in rath r wWtdo wc ,,o! see, in the shape oT nak ed arms, bboulders, buoks and bosoms, 'nk'.tfvcrJ{ ^^'^y /PlI,-.l'"c> ?U'un y^if, [) Seal, cd 'Wie Hot soi it ty i* continually rcuiinueu oT life sarcasm of Dr. Franklin, nearly one hundred yen?*."*go, Ubo, when p;t>cul at one id theRe githeviugil ol* nndnased hwig!t>h women, when asked iflo Ii *d overseen anything like it rbcfori?, bliis-liinjilj r plied, ' not. td.RC 1 W Wi lUo.d. Ii..: ^^^c nec? iioTm.wTfntll in ml f'aet mhV existence ol' this fuhhiouablu scandal Let ..us fali iKe aL the re.I <>.' tin- innum a', custeni of "low drc. fcing." 'i'lie luotivu, us \vc have Paid, was i.ol i good out ; there fore,., it mu^t he a had et.e. We have heard men wie? constou tlujyii selves vuHiHtituHur* at these exhibitionsi>l feu.ale nudity, deolure thai tiny lik to roe it, Lot would not 1j1 -v_ u .-ue then ' own' wives half'iin' ed in i n'-'.??." No man who properly prizos hi.i vvif< cvei did; or ever will, like t-j fee his h 11< i litilr cxties!r;g hoi' naked best in j.-dd und grace of motion. Some arc soft and voluptuous, ami others pre<-i>e. >tr?\iiig, and brilliant. Tho form i f the hami often expresses the capabilit (fin ol til person to whom it belongs. Tho strong palm, conical fuigcr.it *"d mi,all thumb indicate in woman indolence, lauoy and feeling. 'J he square., hands bei ing to the intellectual and ambitious, and tlo se who lovo iuiluenc.il and rulu. Thesui.vli ; nl't, almost ueahlesss hands, hut i?j ay. mid with knettcd lingers, are brilliant and ?witty. Fiiigura dolieuUly hijio??- i ai the ends, love domestic lii'o. Tue sau 1 thumb a ud bti gci?, bioadeuing at tie ends, desire activity und a pr aelielo knowledge of the world. Thero uTe smooth and knotted lingers; to the fiVM LtC? the sucotul it .s ni ??N '" ?? ' vitli pointed lingers obey iuaptfutiuu, uud worship tho b...?..:;.?. in painting, poetry, romance, and nai i.. . Thero are soft hands more capable oi tenderness than of lovo, and "delieate leal hands atid sympathy of touch an 1 made to minister to pain and griclj" h ud hands that know not tenderness, but are not The ?tk?? day the teacher spelled u t 1 r a c e,' and asked theyoiiu^ ioiu'uitceJk?^.H? gave it up ? his tufl&i i v the wold man t< al.cn asked if 'VYluit did your farther t>ay this iu r - ing beforecatiii^ftt^afssWrt?*?*'^A Tb^i bo^l^ouj^t, a^^uie^a^d Ijmd lPa ra:dTTl)-^b tht rottcu.1 D^auu tyiat ES, they ?iv To prevent calico from fading wl i!e washing, hrfusb llfred ji aui:. Fever and Ague, (Von which mruVkind suffer orvt a la rue nap* of the globe, is the consequence ?>f a diseased action in tlic system, induced l>y t]ic poisonous miasm of vegetable? decay. This exhalation is evolved by the aHjpt* of Solur h< st on w? t soil, and .-tses with the u itery vripnr from if. While the sun Is helow tlii- lioiiifon this vapor linizois near tin- earth's sur foecj and the vlta-i k> taken with it through the lun - - into the blood, 'flu-re it at Is ns nn irritating poison Oil the internal \ iscora and excreting organs of the body. The liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only this vims, but also the hilc from the blood. Both tin; virus and the bile art simulate in the circulation, and produce violent constitu tional disorder. The s|dcen, the kidneys, and the Btomnch sympathize with the liver, and become disordered also. 1'ius.lly, the instinct of our or ganism, as if iu du attempt to expel the noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the b?dy in tin- internal cxvretorica to force them to east it out. The blood lenvos the suriitee, and rushes to the central organs with congestive violence. This is the ('in r.i.. Hut in this clfort it fails. Then the FkvbU follows, in which the blood leaves the CCtl *trul organs und BUhog to the surface, us if in nuoihor elloit tt>e\pcl the irritntire.; poison through that other Hreat excictory? tbe shin. In this n)*o it fails, and the system abandons the attempt exhausted, and waits far tllO recovery of Strength to repeat the hopeless clforl another day. These are tin- tits oi paroxysms of Fbvbb and Aoub. booh constitntioiuil disorder will of course under mine the health if it is not rein ivcd. AVe have labored to lind, atid have found, an antidote, Ayer's Ague Cure, which neutralises this malarious poison in the bio 11, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. As it should, so it docs cuifC this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it doe* mote, or rather does what i - of more Bcrviec to those sut? ioct to this infection. If taken in season it expels tt from t'.u system ns it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who uno it free from its attacks; keeps the system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but protects from, tho great variety of n lied ions which uro induced by this inili ;nnit iuflucncc, such us Remittent feeveri Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical lied Idehe, or lliliuus Headache, liihoua Pci i . N uralgia, Rheumatism, Oout, Uliiidncss, Toothache, Raraehc, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpita tions, Puiiifiil Atreftions of the Spleen, Hysterics, Colic, For.ily.-is, and Painful Alfitctionu of the Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this can.e, will he found to assume more or less the intermittent type. This "Aoub Curb" removes the cause of these derangements, and cures the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the excrc torics to CXpcl the virus frOni the system: and these on;sns Ky degrees 1? conic habited to do this their olRcc of their own oceord. Hence arises what we term acclinintittion. Time may accomplish the Baute end, hut ofu-u life is nut long ouo|igh, or is eaorificcd in the at ten ipt, while this ?? Ahm. ( u kb " does it nt once, nud with safety. Vic have great reason to believe this is a surer ss well as safer rcnicdv for the whole class of diseases which uro caused by the miasmatic infection, than any other which has been discovered; ami it has still another important advantage to the public, whic h i.-, that it is cheap us well as good. riisrAUED mr DK. J. Q* AYEE & CO. LOWELL, MASS. l'HKT. ONI: i) i i LI. a R l-EU BoTTLB. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the eure of ? every varietv of l'hto.tt and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for uk to lecount the evidence oMtw virtues, wherever it lias been cm 'ployed: As It has lon? been in constant use throughout this section, wc n< cd not do more than assure tho people its quality is Kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it niay he relied oil to du for thek relief ?.i it hnn ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB ALL THE PURPOSES OF A PURGATIVE MEDICINE. Fon Custiyeness; Fou Tin: Cube or UvsrursiA; Fob j aim-ii k ; Foil TBK Cl Kl. or iNUlUESTlONj l'oll 11 CAl>A['ItB ; Fon tub Cubb or Dysrntbby; Fob a FoUi. Stoma? it ; Fob thh Cube of Biiysieblas ; l'on TUR I*tt.r,s; Fob the Ci uk op Scnoin,t; Fob .mi Si khi i tots Complaints ; Fob Tim Cimib <>r Kut.t matism; Fob Diseases of tue Skin; Fou tit; Cube oj Livr.u Complaint*; Ton DllOrSY ; Fob the Cube oi- Tbtteb, Tt mobs and Salt Kiikim ; FOB \Voi:ms ; Fou Tin: Ciuk or GotTj Fob a Dinneb Pill ; Fob tub ('i ik. in Ni.i haloia ; Fou Plum vino tub Blood. Tnoy are sugar-coated, so tli.it the most son?i tire can'take- them plensimtlV/aiid Uiiic; purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. Prico 25 cents per Eox; Five- boxes Tor $1.00. Orrnt numbers r.f Clergymen, Pnp.il tans, States men, and eminent personages, h-"?i lent their names to ct rtifv the unparalleled use 'es* of these remedies, but our spare here will m ermit the insertion of them. The Agents below niuui d fur tdsk gratis our Ambbii an Almanac in which ihey nie given ; with also full descriptions of the above Complaints, und the troutlncllt that .should be fol lowed for their cute. Do not be put otf by Unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Avi.u's, ami labe no others. The sick wont the beat aid there is fur than, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by i? ?v II c 1 v 'c ?> //? re. THE OI n EST A Lit. OJ'' AMERICA. THE 'TFructwal jiccounUwts vvi.n V-~>00 )'cr.V(; men rn''A'. ??.t tht Country. , ? , t Jtir:h'#t.4fti A<> VACA Th KVS. : ttt.ttmU **n ttttrr '?/ tnryt:t4f ' S/r*/',i/ tti.fftii.fini/ .'/?>/;. tu >? ami ?/...# ffunr.it! fetd, St ii.f/uiniuni.ntioHi t.> if. It- H 11'I Kit, t'renh. Snut/irrn Huiinfii t'.///ff, >?;..,* .., .?/.'? nur .11 VOSE & IZLAR IIAv V. TIIK (jKKATKST ?SSORTMRNT OF Q R O C K R IE S And sellythem CIIKAPKR than any other House in Orangeburg. g&y'-Goods DKL] VlillKD at iny port Jon of the Town.' M K \ I - and (j LH ST AT M l LL PK IC . junu 21 DOES Kvcrbody in ?Iii-* Tor.*n and (bounty know ol tho GOOD THINGS in the Grocery und Provision Lim; to bo found at. ''. I?. KOKTJOIIN'S Popular Store. 11 not llio announcement will be of more importance to I louse keepert? uud Fanners than the uuws of CAUBY'S heath. Quality Genuine, Stock Couiplote and Fresh, Prices CG KAP and OTXFOHM A lid general satisfaction guaranteed. My i iqkoks and winds PIT To pli?:!<-.> ihr? taste nf every ohtsa of Customer.", from men like tho fatuous and fast idiotis CAPTAIN JACK T"o the humbles! Householder of Llio land Flours, Sugars, Teas. Coffee, Baron. Lard, Scgnrs, Tobacco, Fine CngmieJUrundy and Pure Whiskey for McJiciiia' purposes. All to he had fur the asking at C. D. KOETJOHFS At FUNDEKBURK'S OLD STAND. may 17 J. W. PATRICK & CO. (SUCCESSOR Tt>) r\\ a. vrxcR i:. (.ri'.llv call the attention < f ilia Piihlic In i !?. i r XKW ADDITION ofSPRIM'l litio|iS just received and lor s tie at KXCEEDi.N'ti LY IjOW PRICES. Our stock donsists n pai'l ?t ?. LDNlis JAPANESE. 0$BNADINES, (HI. COL'H PERCALES POLKA DOTS, LAWNS, (?ROf?llET NAINSOOKS, PL UN AND CHECK CAMIIRIi} Will it. AND COLORED ORli INDIES. ' SWISS. I'ltjUB. notion^ PAH A SO r,S? &C< :..vn:^r vj,i:j- spuing clothing and ueJnts pCrnisiIinu GOODS.J We. l.ixc l.i ? t^Lf it. tins Market the ('FXftlf lt4TI-:i> SitK SltlllT wliirli ???? ijuMrantce i?-? PIT and WEAR butter tliau au}' ollior kind. Measures i.ik-n and ?muh: to ?'? 'i'-r. IIu'iuk 'era long Ihne seen ibo n.^ ^ > i % of introducing a Fllts-T CLASS HOOT mill SllOl-i In this Market, will make tins Department n SPECIALTY, wlitfre dan be Riuud ahy kind of lt??.?im and Shoes dosir^d, I'roin tin* nicest Philadelphia band iri*dr to ido innre common grades, t'.ill and inspect our no..-.. Itcfore you purchase au I sc? if we can plcasta you. J. W. PATRICK & CO iprl 2G GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES * AT D. LOUIS' Now is the time to get BARGAINS. Call soon. SOUTH (AKOLINA lMlL!tAOI>. W'-tf :?r til ?fg V U :mv: ClIAKI.kston. 8. C. DcCUUlber 1 L, 1^72 ON AM) AFTER SI'ND.'.Y DECK^IUKH 14, tin* Passenger Trainno tho" $oulli Carolina Railroad will run i.a follows. roll Col.l.'UlU A. Leave Charleston.0i30 A. M. Arrive ut Columbia.6.20 I*. M. rOK augusta. Leave Charleston.0 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.20 P. M. roa '"Ii \ni.khton. Leave Columbia.9.00 I'. M. Vrrive at Charleston.4.45 I'. M Leave Augusta.'.um> A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.45 A. M. COLUMBIA MUHT BXPBESS-?SUN DATS EXCEPT I.onvp Charleston.7.30 I*. M. Arrive at Columbia.<>.:! A. M. Leave Augusta.Ii.I? P. M Atrive nt Charleston.6.60 A. M. BC.MMRBVIM.B THAI!*. Lcnve Summerville at.7.'.!?"> A. M. Arrive nl Charleston nt.8.40 A. M. ' ciiv.- ? buries! on nt.51.86 P. M. Arrive ?t Summerville ui.LOOP. M. CAMDBti BBASCIf. Leave Cautdcn.7 20 A. M. Vrrive nt Columbia.11.AS A. M. Lenvu ?'oluuibin.2.10 P. M Irriv? at Cnmdcn. G.6S P. M. Dry anny and Night Trains connect with Charlotte It oad. Through Tickets on sale, via this route lo all point s Norf Ii Camdon Train connects at Kingville daily I except Sundays) wii h tmy Pussenger Tritiii, and runs through to Colutiibiiv. A L. TYLER, \ ice-President. S. It. I'n ki ss, General Ticket Agent. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c P. P. TO ALE, Manufacturer nnd Dealer, No. 20 I lay'"- Street and Uorlbcck's Whurl CUAllLKSJpN, S. C. f,-t>" This is |he Largest and most Com plete Factory or tin- kind in tiic Soulhern States, iitid all ni'liclcs ill ihis line call he furnished hy Mr. P. P. To a i. En) prices which defy competition, fo-y" A pamphlet '.*ith full and detailed list of ?11 si/cs of DoofS Sashes mid Uli ml*, and the prices of each, will he svnt free and post Paid, uii tipplicatiod to' ; i?. i\ ro vLi:, ClIAKI.KSTON, s. C. july IS wee MONKY CANNOT BUY IT! For Sijrhl i* PricelereM? BUT Til K DIAMOND SPECTACLES W I LI. PRESERVE IT. If Tdii mine your Pyesighi u?o these Per feet I.-uses. Ground from .Minute Crystal Pebbles, Molted together, nnd derive thuir inline **I>iamond" on uecunt of their Hard ness and Rrilliaiiey. They will last many years without change, anil are warranted superior to all others in. use. Manufactured by the Spencer Option'. Manufacturing ''o.. Nets York. CAUTION.- None Oenuing unless stamp ed with our trade mark. For Sale try Responsible Agents through out itic Union. K. J. OI.IVEROS, juti 20?ly Orangeburg, S. C. Citizens' Savings Bank OF SOI Til CAROLINA, OrniiKclMirj* H ranch* Will pay 7 PER CK N'T. INTEREST on 8PBC1 \L D K POS I TU nnd 0 PER CBN T. on SAViNOS DEPOSITS, Compounded Semi n nnually. I.oral Flilaifl'e ('oniiiiitflce. ih.n TWOS. W GLOVKR. Col. PAUL S fki.dku Capt. JNO. A. ii a:milton. ?IaB. ii. FOWLKS, Assistaut Cashier, mar 23 jan cly At Private Sale. rnilK PLANTATION forming a part of _L i he Estate of the late Col. Keitt, and known ns the DARKY place. The tract consists of about 000 acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Rich, Red, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of nil kinds. These are the Finest Lauds in the District, and were valued nt $'_'() pei acre in 1806. Would be sold for one-halt Ihn' ruico now. One fourth cash, the rcronir or in three instal ments bearing Interest from date and se cured by mortgage of tho same. This is a splondtd chance for auerynt de siring lo secure Rich Lands*, hue Water Pow er, excellent Cutllo Range and u Refined Neighborhood. Apply to Urs. l. M. keitt, Or j u keitt, Kb?i. jan 0 v>. ~ FILLED WITH DESIRABLE GOODS! AND CUSTOMERS SHOPPING AT BULL, SCOVILL k PIKE, Making Selection Tum tbcif Extraordinary Larger snd Varied Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Their assortment, with constant additions, is. UNSURPASSED Doth as to STYLES und QUALITIES. Their facilities in drawiug supplies from desirable Markets FOR THE CASH Enable them to make the host prmiMd RATKdl, which is the OLD* RTTIVEcobv linued from its ORGANISATION? 1842, diving an cxpnriencc of Hfl years in Business. Economy ami Enterprise, together with the Energy anvl crnfTerrfarrrly e?ep*rt> ment of all their Assistants, ate always found at the OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE of BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE. . ?..,? Ott ' WOULD INFOPM THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS STILL CAttKTTftf O? TfW ringe Making in all its various branches, and will Manufacture ct J^P*4" ** **? Shortest Notice, all Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And am also p*?n***? with NEW PRESS AND G :i TO GIN AND PACK COTTON SHOUT NOTICE, Cotton t.INM.D AT MY MILL haabfoufbt f-oio J ta, J oent mo a than that dinned <>n the common Gin?. *i?on