Ill) AY, JUNE 14, 1 The French Theatre in New York sold for $100,000.--- Exx-hange. Thn proposed Gortuan theatre to be built it) i\ew Y'ork city will co?t $500, 000? Ex. Consequently, German must be just five times ns difficult as French. It is said that there is not a citizen of Maine Worth a million of dollars.?Ex. A strict regard for veracity compels us, regretfully, to say the same of Orangeburg. Sandwich Inlanders huvo sent over two thousand dollars tu the dutawute iu Franoe.?Ex. Having no old clothes they were obliged tosend the cash. Marriod women in Pennsylvania have the exclusive right to their individual r-arningn.?Ex. The law would bo more humane to ghe the unmarried women a right to their individual yearnings. " ' k ~~. . . Queen Victoria's butter commands th ? highest price iu the JLoudou market.? Ex. We were disposed to doubt this until we remembered that her Majesty's babies era all weaned. Aurora, 111., is to have a Fourth of July speech from Hen Buttel.?Ex. Hope it won't prove an "Aurora Bore"?&c, or A?roaring Bore, or 'anything, similar. Wo should think any State would be ?'1HU after hearing Bat?. . The Rev. Dr. Beard, of Manchester, Is engaged on "An Autobiography of Satan," which will ho published in the Autumn.?JSJc. /As the devil's history began, so sui/frld it^r?peft* end, .h the Fall, ^ ? The Board of Trial of.the Mais ach it setts Medical Society has foand the two i hysicjnns cha'rgid With, practi.siu* ?homoeopathy.' guilty of unbecoming con 'duct, and recommends* their eXipulsiou Sioiu the ^Society.?*&V. ' M'tfeYeVipon the interesting question :nrises : If physicians who give medicine , -no small quac '.ies are guilty of "unbe Voniiug conduct," how mich raodieiae ? Vnusl a doctor giv'o to bb ttins /e/n-ocAe ' *in "Iiis profctalou"? And what depths of ignominy are Veserved for thoso physicians who are fortunate (or unforfti'hrfre) enough t? Marc vfTth .no med ici A e itt al 1 ? --?- ,M ?,--- - ? -- ; ?j/oxr. a. j. raxsier? '? *Hes 'our chunks for a copy of the Ninth ^Census and other valuable light summer ? -reading. ?irox. tr. pattersox? Will presse iWcopft ?nr thanks for a 'cHpy of Senator irtVgh'A's lipeeoh on the electitfu of Senator Culdwell - '-Tihi-mss'.V. ? ill -V-"-* church item? Service in the Episcopal Church to morrow and regularly thereafter on the '.Id and 5th Sunday of each mouth. Ho fcerVice on a 5th Sunday when the mouth is too iWtfco hold one. JUUGE COOKS- I' The Hon. Thompson II. Cooke, Judge 'of the Eighth Circuit, was in Towu .yesterday. The Judge has been doing Mime brave work in the up oouutry lately, for which he has deserved and received the almost universal commenda tion of the press. ?mnuiiiisiiiiiri.ooiii iiiBstt^ssgfsaMW'iiiiiwiiiisi m lj>xcea8ed? Mn Samuel Clerk the wife of an old ?eithten of this place, and a sister of Mrs. ID. Louts and Mrs. J. P. Harlcy, diod early last Wcnesday morniug after a lhmg and painful illness. Hor nuuio 'trous relatives and friends have our sin cere condolence in their boreavemont. . wiwpanir.^MSiii ?iiiMianiiMsiiMssaiiaiiinia iimwiiiiw M?TTSN? Mr. Wesley ^nell was severely bitten last Wednesday, by a snake whose spe cies was not ascertained. Mr. Hindi was almost completely paralysed by the -effects of *ho virus. Dr. Dukes was call tUi who succeeded is relieving the auf icrer. . tjie new strebt? We have conversed with a number of the loadta^ tax payers and Hud >hat the proposition for opening a now street to connect the Five Chop Road with Siarket Street meets with general appro fcitios, .'k j . Let the ?Council attend to rue matter on??-? Sam Edwards met with a serious loss in n novel and astonishing way last Week. While plowing in the Lebanon soctioo the gruund suddenly gave way and tho horse and p'ow disappeared from view. Mr. Edwards being a man of nerve, took a sensible view ot the cose, came to Abbeville and sent a dispateh to the Emperor of Chima to offer a reward und have the tenm taken care of until' he calls lor it. iic will start for China when he hears from the Emperor.? AbbtviUe Medium. At the session of the Grayd Lodge A. F. M., of New York, hold Wedues*. dny, Grand Master Fox stated that non intercourse with the Grand Orient of France and the Gr*, rid Lodge of Ham burg Still continued, but amic iblo rela tion exist with all other grand lodges in the world. An edict of the Grand Lodge of Canada, cutting communication with the Graud Lodge of Vermont, and au edict of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, cutting from communication the Grand Lodge of Canada, were received. Patrons of llusbandry have increased iu Kansas .within the last yflar IrOm GOO Co 6,000. COMMERCIAL. ill A KK KT REPORTS. Orrios or tiik Oaxsnsaoan Hkitx, ?.Time, l?th l$7i COTTON"-Sal.-s dtirtog the week io bales. We quote: Ordinary../...v..v.tOKf) Low Middling.'.w.l? (g> I ^Middling...v..l?("OFFIC!IC8:~Mkmphw Tenn., and Atlanta, Ga. -:o. Memphis Office.?T. A. Nelson, President. A Woodruff, Vice-Prcsidcnt. Benjamin May, Secretary, Atlanta Office.?John 11. Gordon, President, A. II. Colquitt, Viee-Presi-' dent. J. A. Morris Secretary. P.LACK & WARIUKG, Cenerol Agents, Columbia, Routh Carolina. J. A. Hamilton, Resident Agent, Orangeburg, South Carolina. ASSKTS Jtvnimrv let, 1873 ANNUAL INCOME ? - 8403 4,483,1*7 Sl,000,000. ORANGEBURG BRANCH OF .SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT. Dr. W. F. Barton, John A. Humiltnn, Thad. C. Amlre\y8, Paul S. Felder, James Stokes, Ii. R. Beck with, TBU8TKES: Robert Copes, Dr. W. W. Wannamaker, W. J. DeTreville, Thomas Zimmerman, John Im Moorer, Henry Moorer. Juntes F. I/.lar. K. R?ssel Ziin merman, George Boliver, James Van Tassel, Samuel Dibble, Executive Committee. Dr. W. F. Barton, Chairman, John A. Hamilton, Secretary, Pa?l 8. Fel?er, J AMI'S F. IzLAK, George Boliver, This Company issues policies on nil approved plans and pays losses promptly. For further information, apply to JOHN A. HAMILTON, Resident Agent, Orangeburg, So. C. June 12, 1873 17 3m _JL ? _ -_V ' In Hrdieinet, Qualify is of the Firtl Impor tance" E. J. OLIVEROS, M. D, DEAL?R I.\ DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, NON*KXPLOSlVE LAM TS, GARDEN SEEDS, &c, &o., PRESCltlTIONS prepared with ACCUR ACV and FIDELITY^ foi which purpose e full and complete assortment of I'URE CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS will be constantly on hand-. Long e&periencc?-a successful basinets career of mere than eight yea** in Orauge hurg. a go?d knowledge ef the DECli MARKET at home and abroad, will nfLird a suflreienl gunrnttfeC that all goods Mold or dispensed nl my establishment w" GENUINE and KRLJ ? Ap,.rfOla^K ,we MitfCc3S *hkh in ,h? past lias attended Iny efforts, I hnve dc lennincd to apare no pains to merit a eon tinuTic* of the patronage so KVirelly bestow ed. fc. J. OLEVEMOS M. D. No. 100 Kussel Street Orangcbttrg. Spring Arrivals AT (lent reduction in prices of Spring Gcoda butigh? in the btrt ten day. IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST AND Cheapest ready-made Spring Clothing, go 10 McNAMAKA S. IF VOU WANT LADIES ANDCHtLD ren's Shoes of the best qonlity und ul low prices, go to .Me NAM1ARA S. IF You WAST LX01E8DRBSSOOOD8 Cheup and Stylish, go to McNAMARA'S. IF YOU WANT G ENTKEM EN'S CASSI meres. I'loths, Tweeds. Meltona, Drab' d'ele, Summer drilla nnd cottonudes, etc., all of the liest quality, und the largest Slock in town, und at low prices, too. goto McNAMARA'S. IF YOU WANT GOOD SUGAR, 8 I.KS For $1, go to McNAMARA'S. IF YOU WANT GOOD BROWN HOMES pun one wide, at 12A cents, go to "McNAMARA'S. IF YOU R'ANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR fash, go to McNAMARA'S. Being thankful (or the liberal patronage bestowed on tue in the past, I respectfully aolicit a continuance of the oante. J MeNAMANA. Appril 2.'?, 1873 ly. NOTICE. In accordance with an ACT of the Gene ral Assembly paascd oa the 20th February 1873, all pereoas HOLDING CLAIMS against the County of Orangeburg prior to the first day of November A. D. 1872, will present the same to George Boliver, Esq., Clerk of the Court of said County, for Reg istration, on or before the first day of Octo ber, A. D. 1873, and all Glafma not Regia lered within said time will no be paid. E. T. R. 3MOAKE, Chairman Board County Commissioners. GEORGE BOLIVER, Clerk. may 8 If NOTICE TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES, A Convention of the newly appointed Vrtiatees of eooh ef the several School Dis tricts of this County will he held at the ?Court House en the first Monday in June next, and at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of considering matters. AH Trustees are in vited to be present, F. R. MoKlNLAY, County School Commissioners, Orangeburg S. C. tuny 17th lia J. FELDER METERS, TRI A.Ii JT U KT IC JE. ? OFFICE COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. mar 29?tf DR. A. C. DUKES' CRANGEBURG, S. C, lMT.AI.kR IN DRUGS, medicines, Paints, AND OILS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES AND PBRFUMEY. PURE WIN ES and LIQUORS for Medicinal A full hue of TOBACCO sad 8EGARS. Partners and Physicians from the Country will find our Slock of Mcdiciue* Complete, Warranted Genuine and of Ike Rest Quality. Lot of FRESH GARDEN 8KEDS. jail It e tf Do You Want NEW GOODS! # GO TO BRIGGMANNS. IF TOU WANT CHEAP GOODS GO TO BRIGGMATSN'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND Any and Everything. nov 2 tf ? ..??> A Valuable Invention AN FNTIItELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. OXLY FIVE DOLLARS. WITH Till KKW Patent Batten Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. A MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. Complete in all its parts, uses the Straight Eye Pointed Needle, Self Threading, direct, upright Positive Motion, New Tension, Self Feed and Cloth Gulder. .Operates by Wheel and on a Table. Light Running,'Smooth and noiselesa like all good high prieed machines. Has patent chock to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses I he thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastie Leek SHtofa (finest and atrongeet stitch known ;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do all kinds of work, fine and eoarso, from Cambric te hoary Cloth or Leather, and uses all descriptions of thread. The best mechanical talent in Aaerioa and Europe, has been devoted to improving and simplifying our Machines, combining only that which is practicable, and dis pensing with all complicated surroundings generally found in other machines. Special terms and extra inducements to male and female agent a, storekeepers, etc., who will eotabtiok ogonoles through tire country and keep ear new meohines on ex hibition and aale. County rights given to smart agents free. Agent'* oeraplete outfits furnished without any extra charge. Samplea of sewing, descriptive circulars containing torsaa, l eetisaealnJa, engravings, fte.. sent free Address, BROOKS SEWfVQ MACHINE CO., No. 132'.? Broadway, Now York. feb 8 I }j THEODORE KOHtt & BROTHER, n consequence of, and notwithstanding th? general depression in trade, and the stringency of available cash funds, in order to faoiliute sales will offer for Cash, WITHOUT REGARD to PROFITS and WITHOUT RESERVE, UNUSUAL and 8PECIAL BARGAINS in their various Departments. I'urcbusers are invited to Call to be sonvlnccd of tho above facts. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. W. T. M?LLER, Is offering his ENTIRE STOCK of Groceries, Liquors, Boots, Shoes And ail other in Store at COST! All in want of BARGAINS will do well lo call just 'ROUND THE CORNER may 24 ? 00 Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS 4 OCULISTS, hartford, conn. Bare, with a view to meet the increasing demand for their CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES APPOINTED E. EZEKIEL, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WABD, AO, SIGN OF THE BIG WA TOIL OrmigrLttrg, S. C. ? As their Solo Agent for this Pt-*#. i nenc ot . _ oljU bv any for their STRENGTHENING quali ties, producing a CLEAR and DISTfNO -oif)M ^ in the Natural Healthy SIGHT. They are the ouly Spectaclea that PRESERVE aV ..... ASSIST the SIO?T ? And are the Cheapest bccatfse the Best, always lasting Many Years wiu,tut change being neeeaaary. CAUTION.?E. EZEKIEL, Sign of BIG WATCH, Orangeburg, 8. C, Agent for Orangchurg. S. C. We employ no Peddlers. may 17 00 DOES Evcrbody in this Town aud County .know of the GOOD TIIINGS in the Grocer* and Provision Liuc to be found at Oi D. KORTJOHN'S Popular Store. If not the announcement will be of more importance to House keepers and Farmers than the news of CAUBY'S Death. Quality Genuine, Stock Complete and Fresh, Prices CHEAP and UNIFORM And general satisfaction guaranteed. My LIQUORS and WINKS nre PIT To please the taste of every class of Customers, from men like the fastens aud fastidious CAPTAIN JACK To the humblest Householder of tho laud. . Flours, Suggra, Teat, Coffee, Bas?, Lard, SegaTs, Tobacco, Fine CognaeJBrandy and Pure Whiskey for Medicinal purposes. All to bo had for the asking at C. D. KORTJOHFS At FUNDERBURK'S OLD STAND, may 17 00 J. W. PATRICK & CO. (SUCCESSOR TO) t. g. vinck. Hespert full v rail the attention of the Public to their NRW ADDITION of ftftttM GOODS just reoeived and for sale at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Onr sleek iiesfatj ia part of LFNos, JAPANESE. GRENADINES, OIL COL'B PEBCALE8 POLKA DOTS, LAW*?, CROCHET NAINSOOKS. PLAIN AND CHECK CAMBRIC, WHITE AND COLORED ORGANDIES. 1 ?? ?? stnsR. +* *? 4? PIQUE. ? notions, I3 ati A-SOTLtS, ?fcC. LATEST STYLES SPRING CLOTHING ASD GENT8 FUftfflSfftlXO GOODS.] We have brought to this Market the CELEBRATED ST AW SHIRT whien -we guarantee to FIT and WEAR belter thaa any other kind. Moaoaroa tnkon and made to order. Hawing for a long time seen the necessity of introducing a FIRST CLASS and SHOT, in this Market, will make this Department a SPECI ALTY, whore en* ee> found any kind ef Beets and Shoes desired, from Use nicest Philadelphia hand n>e