3, l>tt. V. R. TA-BL'R Tho n>nny. fricuus of this goutleiran WiM be glad to loam that ho had opened an .eQtae at Lewisville, and, will iienfco fbrtb devote himself to tlto prnitioc of Iiis profession, t/ ' _t_^.^.^ i_ ^ .|\VHan enterprising go ahead tneruhaut as ahy one cun ?ee by hisadvertisoincnts. Tbb good old MMVbj "quick sale* and tun all profits," is the . t? ? . ....??. / : auspices of the llnptitd. dunuuiinatiou. We learn that the lu v. .Messrs. Durham and Nortis are tube its editors. Success uttend the new enterprise ! UOX. ?. li. ul/Jorr ? Will accept our ilni|iks lor ft gejicr ous supply ol*valuable public diu-uniont*. If our Congressman lives until read through the Ninth Census his name will never appear in the tuurtqafy statistics. Jlb'ROXKl'S Jil S \Vill soon be running again, Mr. J, A. William!?, our well-known con oil painter bns bad ? lively "brush" with the 'bus, wbiel? ijuwr rejuicos in all the colors ol the rain bow. Merouey truly a'tnan or petie?,'? bavins a busa? for nr. IUI***.,. Itmi*. The late t? uipnr;ijy uiitor returns h s ih;iik8 to Messrs St it a pss & &rftKKT lor souiq ''substantial apeMnieiis of the llice and Gtiat bent and "muml at their Mills and hopes tl|oy will reuuive. general patroia^j' of nur luwij an I 'country people, Thei* rice is fr|?fll to any in . the 'market ami tho llr'mt is an os ??dh nt Kombination of the us fui au 1 hc.iuril'uF. Various grtidi s aud luoderate prices. ALI/ITuMAf.? A convention of all the Cotfnty Audi I? rs in tbi? S tale, i-. to lh: hold ili Col Ulli Ida, uu ihe IKih ir. iiuiu, tor (he j ar pi sc or ci nshlet 1% the ttssbi-fcuictit ul ^nttqcrly in ibe Stute \-i|iu!!/ing :t, and lltaktng npplieittiOU of the tax Act i: tile unil'oi in than it lloW !s The belief Ik, that real property, in many instances, Vs assessed beyond \VSi market Va'.Ou, the * iwlul standard nMf:. taxable worth. %??b-//)& - . t Was anything but a lively one, ln*t': Monday. Tf.c attendance w.v,s small aid Vo we're the trobubly. - *^~>%m*+*tK?? I JIUOK A X O \ -1 Ti '?i:n - The Khintt boy a* turned "out day bo rote yr;iterd?y. nV capital stylo. They n ie a "sntpe Jet o( foUnAvaua a pener thing. 'Av. few of them who are not handsome hnvrj a tine, pleasant way about them whi.'h is peculiarly captiva ting?pat ticuhirly those who wear specs. As we reinnrk.al on a previous, occa sion,?wc-^-aro?an?Elliott ? buy ! ^.^..li* Wc tee beg wirli No ft, near sighted. tu & i' os tm a s rr.usuir? Mr. W. ]<), Wiiliains has boen ap ywinf*id I'o^VaauiftJp ut this place, rice Mr. Rl DeMari. U is d.uc t<> Mv. De Mars .to. sa,y t! ni be.??a-s p^jgooj blficor. It is also due Mr. Mlia*Hs to say that wu bavo uo doli It he will do bis whole duty in this very important position Won't you pVaft'el Ictus have a letter lox 'rL lit 'a.wu/.ntS^l^osli^ster ? A ud pieusc btir up those Coluinl>ia?,Boople, as Ibcrc is a dritl of conij'lafijt ?Ih-ktt the mails from that'quarter ? ?????*? or/: Oil! ml '.- if ait ?>-)?;? The local of ?r tilauicr i 1 M mm Ii IB LB SOCIETV? The second auuual meeting of County Bible .Society wus hold h t Suu- ' day evening in the Fresbyteriau f hurch. After the usual exercises,' ij which a good deal of interest ?Tue manifested, there Wim a ballotitig for officers, which resulted Ut the le flec.iie'Md the follow irig iteiii loine'i ; President. Rby. F. At't,t). igt Virt President* ? Mm** UtjV. a. !?: NbJtUio. ? %. j ? . Tai 3*'*.-? ?ua T f!?W?. V SecretttM uini 'iWaxurcr. K HK KuUlVSllN Executive ('otitniittce. Dr. Thomas A. Klliott. MollTtMK.lt t5hOVK.lt. T. ii. W. 1'UJ.UtOJANN. J.\s. II FowLkb. Frki>. 8. 1>i iMu.i'. John A. ZEiuj-En. The singing hy the choir Was particu larly good. via Ff,/A' im ntitsirr? The iimual examination exerciser, were held at the Chiftifl University last Wednesday, Classes were examined in Latin, Algibra and various other Studie?, with result* whifdi tlrtifst have been highly gratifying to Professor Webster ami bis able assistants, and which de monstrated eleuily thai. With elf Hal ad rniitag'vs, the m'ticf of a colored person js Jini mm whit inferior to that of n j white por.-on in Its capacity to receive and profit by education. [li Some of the more technical parts of Ktf-lish Grammar and mathematics a dogfuO of pfofiency was displayed which would have been csi diiablu h> the pupil* of any junior sehwol in the country. Addresses wete delivered by Hishop Huven snd l")r, lfust of Massachusetts j Ann-tig the visitors we ifdtietd .lodge Wii'iphTj li.m: .1. K. Jil'soii, .M I. !*?11'*.v01iij; ! s-p, Senator Maxwell of Marlboro, iix Llcprcsenti-rn llyaa, . L Humbert F?j , and odors. II?S nnO d.-e.d.dlv -i.ire.r .Iftriug tl e l.-.-f tnr.M. w. cU:, th?ndev. ?-hli.iog ?8 ;i}id lain prcdoinTimtin^. In fait, our j little 0|H c ?i Imidly shi p now a days j tiiiii.-s it thumb iS gieat pUnst Am smi as the. weather clears, lyhiUi it dues, i tut in ti \- HiK-. lor ah hour to* so, she v. ai.es Up and stalls a small slbrm un her oV.u }>'-c not. Somr-tiiji.-is wk Iiis s -a*. In the evenin i tho Kepirhlie. ins celebrated their victory, by a general speechilicatiqu, whereat. Messrs D. 15. .laiiii-on, Mah-olm f. rfwWntng, J. Felder Weyers, J. L. Jamison, Joseph hark in, Ilouuci Jacobson, t\ II. KnowU toir, and peril ips stituM spoke to the -rent Hulistb*nT?o'*r of thctnst Ivrv if not id others, add 11|0||, lit ? go. id fellows, all went quietly home to bed. A JoKK.?The head eliirk in a grooc j fi; st.?Ve beb? ttin Htute Utilise, think in- It': WOW-d t|l!;p 't> d on the gr mud thnt their parents, being slaves, were incapable of making a marriage cuntr.ict and thfit the unriiage ant cunbcqut-iitly yoitj, rtij.J the children w.:rc illcgitimatj. Judge Head maintained that the mar riage of t-laVes was valid at cumin in law, an 1 th^t jjlieir oll'spring must bo 'considered legitimate, whether b irn in .slavery or ninoo emancipation, r <-....i.^ ... ? i i A preaehef who ro de to ntccling with hfis cari be'oro hia horse preached from a text as announced by him, " And the cock wept thrice, sod JYter weit out and crowed bitterly " MARK KT RIIPOKIS. OrrtCR or tiik OuASoim nu Nstrs, June, Tih COTTON?Sales during ihc weak It) bales. We quote ; Ordinary.,.lOJjS) Low Middling.|/i @ ""iddling.l\(.f, Ifoirnj? Kick.Sl.'.? p'r .ui-liel 'foil n .... . s I .il I wit lia-iu-l. : . ." 1 i ? . " , :? I'isoi:*'*. 1 10 per hu-Iu-l. NOT! CK OFFICE ( ? i; ? - ,w s !.--<, ;AflB|HRkANe.i.i.i oc'ntv.'S. C v'*? May 4lb, IHT.t. I"o?>? ".id I.e revived f.-r II. fli.r tfjftugQ over "Pud Swamp'* hrh>w KnotIS Mill, until the Oth day ot dune next. Pro. posnls must *!nt?? lh?? Linrmnt of bid and tin names f>f sqrines ntfered. Coayaot to be entered Into ia. wilting, bof..ro cftm aonciag the work. Hy order of Board-. GBO. BOLIVKlt, Clerk Hoard County 1'unvaii^ siouei s. May 17th :il [ From the Ncwbcrry (S. C.) Herald of March 12, 187.'.) Nr.wagaaT, S. O., March 8, 1873. mess us cut yj^tiittgTiisiis. It in with plefcstftT th*t tvo commend your Farmer Ccjoking Stove t? the genoTul public. They are ah absolute household necessity at this time, especially when so much of domes tic duty and muiuigemeiit depends more or less upbn our w'ives and daughters. The Stove is t\s simple and beautiful a caustruo tion as it i3 rupid and reliable in its work. In u word, it is us licar perfect as it can be. John P. Kiuurd, ? J. K. (3. Nance, J. l\ S. Drown, %lsaue Herbert, C. McCracken, A. Longshore, .lohn Abrains,-- D. 1*. Hawkins, W. F. Mi iia, I O, 1*. Harris, Jas. Legier. di? Worts, C. M. WiUiH?tf, # - JX F/drifliu, II. Suber. M. Longshore. T. J. Neri, Mrs. A. Holding, L. Dicket, J. I*. Williams, 11. W. Suber] J. M. 11. Hutf, D. S. Holle, J. W. Hilliam, J. D. Kpps. J. F. (Ixtier, J. W. Kbandos, M. UeOdor, Samuel Abrain*, M. C. Lonshoto, M. L. Young, ,'. C. Btewnrt, J. B.Johnsin, W. L. Waters, II. Ilemliqcks, W, M. Iviumd, I.. vi SliiW?irtt you permission to use our names as you see proper in com mendation of your Farmer Cooking Stove, for we regard it ns being altogether I he lo-st co..king t*'ove in use. It is nil that is desii ib!e in a Stove, lor it is simple in coiisi t uetion. has no dampers or flues to burn out. ami Ijiikcfi quiek und beautifully. We bespeak f*r you a li hereI patronage fruiii our neighbors' and friends, believing we do i Iint none who purchase one of these stoves "ill ever regrcal it. but will consider it a nreprise in tlu-se doys, when gop,<| rooks ure io hard to get. Vcmr enter prise UftitUi siooc.ss, an'd we hope you will attain it. J W.I If dan,' John Jenes, J 1? Noel, It p Neid, S Tplbevt, %s McCain, .Limes Ilarurs, J U Itrftt, I* Tucker, .)uh* llnguii, W Wutkin, .1 It I'ruitl, .) j-; Sell, Henry lb wie, A Hall, U |t I'm.v ie. ? .'l|... Vance, T \' Flllitl, Ii 1' llaun.ih, II ?' 1%'v. rs, C Jones, it; W ,N.-b..lM, H Ii t'ook, J C Hall, st <) Vom,-. J Jordan. M freeman W Wieklitte, J Criawcll, V Sharp. J M IMiiitl, A J Weed, W A lliill, A J f'liuksirtilci, T O Hill, Hun ltiley, .las. Thomcsoiii Al'-w me, I A F.v.-r. J T Cheat ham. II Taylor, I IT ltiley. II M Printe, M L Ashley, W Fooshcc, S \\ Hrookt, N Acker. " ;ll 15 Havenport, J SShirlev. W|ii. Mijgjm, .J.IA.k./, JM. Jar tin ti. .1 i' Kin slu-r, W 0 t"rumor tl I' I'm-nil, .1 1> A-lam-. W F, Anderson, \V M Wojfn, .1 f? P?o?h'ei< \ It Vneketi, W Whbb-y, U V 4ek. r. II .) f,pting, 1' A Ti bble. STAT ? OF Stit'TU v'APttibHN S, AniiKVjti.fi Courtly, January 14, I87;?, I. L. L?. Pp*/ie, Clerk, of the Court of t on.n Plena and General St? -ions, for i utility and S'ta e afonauid. do hereby1 ceriil thai t nut personally ncqiiuinic I w itli lite rit.i.v* signers, and t.-ik ? plea*Yirc in savin-.' Ihul they ate severulli honorable geiilleuiyii, ar.d are men of credit .-ittd un doubted vi-.r:u?iy. I will add that MoHir* Culver II rot Inj rs have sold several hundred of I heir Fa riser Cooking Stovws in this county, mi I. ko far as I have heard, ill.,, give liuivetsul satisfaction. L. D. IeFVIK. npril I't || Spring Arrivals AT M'NkM?RA'S (teat reduction in prices oi Spring Ucush bimghl in the Itsl ti-n day. IF IdU WANT TO OUT TH BUKST \Sl) Cheapest read/y-iiindv Spring ("lothing, go to .Mi N A.MAIt.VS. IF Yt)C WANT L^DIKS A^l? AllI I.D ren's Shoes of the best quality ami at low prices, {jo to Mi NAM AUAS. F YOU WANT LA DI KS UHBSS GOODS Cheap an I Sivlisl;, cjo to McN'VM M'av, IF YOU WANT ' prices. t0,,. Lr.i in Mt'NAMAll VS. F YOU want C.OOD SCO A It. * l.KS For >l. go lo. m. nam VUA'S. I F Vor WANT OOOD ItltOWN HOMKS pt|it one wide, at I-', coals, go.to "McNamaUaS. Cash, ^o tu m. nam a11 as. Heilig ileinkl'ul for the ISberaTpatronage bestowed on me in the past, 1 respect fully solicit a coiilinnancc of the same, J M.NAMANA. A p| ril 2A, l87o }y. NOTICE. Iji odobrdaneo with an VCT o1' the flone ral Assembly parsed ort the SOthT^cr'Atur ?> 1ST?, all persons l|OLDIK7.', will prevent ihr fame io (l.oj-pr HoliVor, Ksq., ( |or]f ol 'the Com4 Of siid CouiUy, lor IUix. istration, on or before the first day of o.*to her, A. D. IK'ft, and all i laiins nol R.0gis toreil nit It in said time will not bo paid. K. t. It. SMOAKK*, Chaii n an Uoani County Commissioners, GKOWiK lioLIVKU, ?crkj mny 8 I f In Medi?n'i, Quality Is of the Firtt Impvr lance." E. J. OLIVEROS, M. D., VIUL?R IN DRUO&, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, NON-EXPLOSIVE LAM PS, GARDEN SEEDS, &c, &c, PRESCRITIONS prepared with ACCUR ACY and FIDELITY, foi which purpose a full und complete assortment of PUKE CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS Will be (?nnstjitdN r.il itftn.'. Lor./ experience?a successful business caree? uf mere tUat| eight yon^s in Orange burg, a I.I kilodVlfidge ef tho DRUG MARKET ut bonte and abroad, will ?flurd a sufficient gitnrunteo that nil floods sold or dispensed at my establishment will be 0ENU1NE and KELIABLE. Appreciating the success which in the past has attended my efforts, 1 have de Icrinined to spare no pains to merit a eon timiqcc of the patronage so liberally bestow ed. E. .1. 0 LEV EROS M. D. No 100 Hnngel Street Oratigeburg mi. A. C, DUKES' (JUANU E.DUHG, S. C, u?AtiM? In DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. , , AND OILS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, URUSHBS AND PERFUMEY, PURE WINES ami LIQUORS for Medicinal uses. DYE-WOODS and DYE-STUFFS generally. A full line of TOBACCO and SRQARS* Farmers and Physicians from the Country will find our Stuek of Medicines Complete, Warranted L'eunino and of the R?*st Quality. Lot of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. jan 1 I c tf Do Yon Want NEW GOODS! GO TO BRIGQMANN'S. IL? V?? WANT CHEA? GOODS DU IG(WI ANN'S Any and Everything. All persons who desire Pictures taken, will please come forward at once, as I will close my business at this place by the 15th May. C. D. BLTJME, AirnsT. mar 22 fit.' '2o ft ejpO A Valuable IiiV?miIIqiiS)0 AN FNT 1 RELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE, ?'tfl.\ FIVE DOLLARS. Wlta tui: m:w Patent IttiHon Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN COXBfTRi'CriON, TME MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN USE. V MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. Complete in all its parts, uses the Straight Bye Pointed Needle, Sell Threading, direct, upright Positive Million, New Tension, 8cM F.I and Cloth Gti'idev. Operates by Wheel und or. a 't able. I i^'it Punning, Smooth and noiseless like all good high priced machines. llaV patent check to prevent the tvheel being inrned :'ie wrong way. Uses the thread - direct from the ?pool. Makes the Elastic Leek Stitch (t?test und strongoel -tiiel; k vow it ;) firm, durable, clnso and rap. I. \\ ill do nil kinds of work, tine and . ?.I . from Cambric te heavy Cloth or Leather, and u?ei all dttycrlrftidos of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Europe, hi* been devoted to improving nnd si in pi i Tying our Machines, coinhLdhg only tliit which h practicable, and* Us pensing with all complicated surroundings geiicjhilly I(?und iu other machines. Special term?* and ojira inducements to male and tfmalr agents, ctore keepers. Ate., who wRl r. ;.ihlisi' agencies through the country and keep our now machines on ex hibition and Kale. County rights given to smart apints free. Agent's complete outfits furnished without any extra charge. Samples of sowing* descriptive circulars containing terms, testimonials, engravings, .He., aenl tr.-e $ Address, BROOKS SEWING MACHINE i 0 , No. EU.' Broadway, New York.. {Ob H ly THEODORE KOH1T & BROTHER, ii consequence of, and notwithstanding tho general depression in trade, and tue stringency of available crash funds, in order to facilitate sales wilt offer for Cash. WITHOUT REGARD to PROFITS and WITHOUT RESERVE, UNUSUAL and SPECIAL 11 ARC A INS in their various Departments. Purchasers arc invited to CillI la lrj eonviiicrf of (he above facts. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. W. T. MULLEN Is offering Iiis KNt IKE STOCK or Groceries, Liquor^ Boots, Shoes And ail other in Store nt C O S T! All in want of BARGAINS will do well lo call just ROUND THE CORNER may 24 00 Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS 4 iOQyUSTSj IIARTi^OltD, CONN. Have, with a view to meet the increasing demand for thcif PKIIFKCTEO SPECTACLES APPOINTED HEALER IN WAtCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARD, 40., A/tfJV OP flit' BIG HATCH, Omnrfebunj, S. C. ^ As their Sole Agent for this Place. These SPECTACLES are UNEQUALLED by any for their STRENGTHENING quali ties, producing a CLEAR shd DISTINCT VISION, as irt the Natural Healthy SIGHT, liny arc the only Spectnoles that PRESERVE as well ns ASSIST the SIGHT! And are (tic Cheapen! because the Rest, always lasting Many Years withi ut change being necessary. ( U'fioN.?pt. jtJZKKIKt/, Sign of RIO WATCH, Orangcburgi 8. C, Agent for Orangeburg, S. C. gHiT* We eaiploy no Pcddlei*. n.'ay IT 00 , t^wasBM j!?>." ? ? ... i?hi i ?? i i s*?ES&smmm^ae!mwBa^ DOES KveiVmdy in this Town and County know ol the GOOD THINGS irt the Grocery and Provision Line tu be fouud at C. D. KORTJOHN'S Popular Store. If nut the announcement will be of tnnrc importance to Ileus? keepers aud Farmers than the news of CAOTY'S Death. Quality Genuine, Stock Complete and Fresh,"Prices CIIB.VP ittd UNIFORM And general sartafyetion guaranteed. , My tlQL'0118 a?4 \VlNl# gro PIT To please the taste of every Class of Customers, from men like tho famous and fastidious CAPTAIN JAC& To the humblest Householder of the laud. , Flours, Sugar*. Toa?, Coffee,'BacoifV Lard, Scgnrs. Tobacco. Fine Cognac^Brandj and Pure Whiskey for Medioin.il purposes. AH to he lud fur the asking at C, D. KORl'JOHU'S At FCNPKRMJRK'S OLD STAND, may 17 00 J. AV. PATRICK & CO, (SUCCESSOR TO) t. a. virsrcji?. Respectfully Call the attention of the Public to Hicir NEW ADDITION of SPRINQ GOODS just received and for sale at EXCEEDINGLY1 LOW PRICES. Our stock poniists in part of LEX OS, JAPANESE. QRV.NAD1NES, oil. COL'S PERCALES POLKA DOTS, LAWN4, CROCHET NAINSOOKS, PLAIN AND CIIECJC CAMUIUC, WHITE AND COL01IED ORGANDIES. ; ?* M SWISA. M plOJJU. motions, l^Vli^SOtiS, <&C. LATEST STYLKS SI'KVNG CLOTHING AND. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS.J We hjve U-rught lo this Market the ( KLKRRATED ST ill Sil IRT which we guarantee to I IT and WEAR better than any ether kind. Measures takes aa t made lo order. Having for a long time seen the necessity of introducing a FJRST CLASS ROOT and MIOi; in this Market, fcill make this Department a SPECIAL f /, where can be found any kind of Roots and Shoes desired, from the nicest Philadelphia hand m?de to the more common grades. Call and inspect oar stock before yoa puroha** ?ni see if w* can please you. J. W. PATRICK & CO aptl 20 ?